tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera October 16, 2018 12:00am-1:01am +03
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the lust for libya on a. hello i'm barbara sarah this is the al-jazeera news hour live from london coming up in the next sixty minutes turkish investigators finally enter the saudi consulate in istanbul a source tells are just there they found evidence that missing journalist jamal khashoggi was killed inside the embassy. road. this is president trump offers his own theory of what happened to jamal
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khashoggi after a phone call with the saudi king. the biggest rebel group in syria province ignores the deadline to withdraw its fighters from a planned demilitarized zone flash floods in france killing at least ten people after storms dropped several months of rain in just a few hours. and i'm paul reese and all with all the day's sport england surprise spain in severe with a three two victory in the u.a.e. for nations league it sprains first competitive defeat at home in fifteen years. hello thank you for joining us a source from the turkish attorney general's office says told al jazeera they found evidence missing saudi journalist was murdered inside the saudi embassy turkish investigators are currently inside saudi arabia's consulate in istanbul looking for
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clues to his disappearance thirteen days ago they entered the building almost five hours ago now after finally being allowed in by saudi authorities in a major breach of normal diplomatic principals earlier a saudi team entered the compound in what's being billed a joint investigation also a team of cleaners were seen arriving at the building. well demolishor g. was last seen entering the consulate on october the second to obtain documents that would allow him to marry his turkish fiance the us president has sent the secretary of state might pompei out to saudi arabia to speak the king solomon about the disappearance of the government insider turned critic although trump also says the saudi king told him that he had no knowledge of what may have happened to the journalists meanwhile ford j.p. morgan blackstone and black rock are the latest companies to pull out of a major investment forum nicknamed davos in the desert which the saudis are meant
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to be hosting next week well let's bring in jim now who is outside the saudi consulate in istanbul you got news from the turkish attorney general's office about the results the initial results of their investigation that was about one two hours ago roughly remind the sig zakk what they are saying now. well what we have been told by the service tony general's office barbara is that after a couple of hours of the investigators the turkish investigators finally being allowed into the saudi consulate they managed to uncover evidence albeit evidence that there was a clear attempt to either tamper with or even get rid of that supports their conclusion that they had spoken off based on other evidence that they had already managed to secure early on in this. crisis let's call it that for want of
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a better word that support so they had been able to uncover evidence that supports that's conclusion that jamal khashoggi was killed so it was just a few hours after the turkish investigators enter the consulate that the attorney general's office said that the team was able to find evidence that would push for push the idea that the amount of casualties was killed obviously as you mentioned it was thirteen days after the one missing that the saudi authorities finally allowed for that starks to enter the consulate it has been a demand a request by the turkish authorities from the very beginning to be allowed entrance here they've also been also asking the saudis to allow them to enter the consul general home which is a few hundred meters away from here they still haven't it's not clear whether they've been given approval to enter there or not. this latest development barbara obviously it is maybe a breakthrough in the sense that it is a circus official that is willing to be named namely the prosecutor or attorney general's office however one of the things that
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a lot of people are still waiting for is obviously to know what is the nature of the evidence number one and two more imports in particular for the friends and family. trees where is his body if he was murdered does the saarc scream where is the body because obviously that closure that one would need in terms of burying in the respect for the dead is something that is missing and it's very easy to be missing when we're looking at the whole. geopolitics of everything and everything but ultimately as we try and remember that this is a human story of somebody who went to missing once and has been missing since aside from that as you mentioned and we heard there barbara we had been hearing from donald trump earlier on and there have been saudi media now you laugh which is an online saudi media porthole is now reporting that there are investigations taking place inside saudi arabia that will be calling for the questioning of saudi nationals there is this the beginning of the unfolding of this narrative that trump was talking about about rogue elements will they try and maybe throw some
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scapegoats under the bus obviously we're not quite sure but what we do know for fact to recap is that the attorney general's office here inside has told us his team has found evidence that supports the idea that he was killed in the consulate behind us. with the latest from the saudi consulate in istanbul jamal for the moment thank you well charles stratford has also been outside the saudi consulate in istanbul all day and watched the investigators go in almost two weeks showed she was last seen entering the saudi consulate in istanbul the investigative team arrives but only one part of it. saudi investigators appeared in the late afternoon alone and without the fish counterparts. around an hour and a half later the world's media will pushed back from the barricades by to police
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the turkish investigators arrived wearing white rules they were hustled into the alleged crime scene presumably the saudis cleaned everything weird. chlorine or who knows what i would i would look at the drain pipes and i look at all of the belongings of the members of the staff who come in the commode. world leaders want. and the ramifications of the results of this investigation have potentially serious implications for relations between saudi arabia and the world charles strafford al jazeera stumble. earlier president trump has suggested that quote rogue killers may be responsible for the alleged murder or killing of. helen fisher reports now from washington. leaving for florida president trump reveals the school can to the saudi king in a twenty minute call to go to saudi denial that anything to do with the
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disappearance of jamal khashoggi you guys both think the king of saudi arabia organized the knowledge of what took place with regard to you guys you shared. your day rate here it is. five years that he firmly denied theme i've heard thank you joe you say. you were we did we get on a plane go to saudi arabia faced with such a denial the president floated a theory of what may have happened at the saudi consulate another to push by some so the media which sounded to me like maybe you should have been a row hillary oh no you were going to try getting to the bottom of a very serious it is not acceptable as of a number of politicians on both sides have criticized the president's position former democratic vice presidential candidate tim kaine tweeted president trump's response to jamal khashoggi his disappearance reveals a man more willing to trust authoritarian leaders than reliable intelligence when
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middle east analyst says the president is performing a difficult balancing act blaming it on another element such as some sort of quote unquote rogue element would enable the saudi leadership to avoid being held accountable if the public is going to buy this or not is another question when it comes to the future the seems to be more questions than answers the saudis are still pressing ahead with a large investment conference in the kingdom later this month even though a growing number of high profile figures are boycotting the event after richard branson and the head of paper announced they were out last week now the head of j.p. morgan chase bank top international finance figure jamie dimon and the chairman of the ford motor company bill ford say they won't be growing. u.s. secretary of state might bump you is known as way to saudi arabia what he asks and what he's told me will dictate what america does next. washington.
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well meanwhile a planned celebration of saudi national day in washington d.c. on thursday has been canceled after the latest developments over shuggie let's get more now from john hendren who joins us live now john the saudis for years have been a real p.r. exercise in the west especially in the united states so what a big deal for them really to cancel the saudi national day celebrations but i suppose considering the atmosphere now in washington it just wouldn't have been that the thing it just would have looked so bad for them to have a major celebration this upcoming thursday that was the day they were planning on doing this at a time when everybody is talking about the disappearance of this u.s. resident journalist in istanbul at the saudi consulate and of course these stories that he was murdered there and of course today you just heard jamal child's story saying that. the evidence suggests according to the turks that there was
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a murder that happened there and now you've gone president trump you're raising the prospect after talking to king so much that perhaps there were rogue elements rogue killers that took part in this that is not going over well on capitol hill particularly with the president's office mission chris van hollen is a congressman a senior congressman from the state of maryland and a democrat and he tweets president trump suggestion that because show us elaborately planned murder in the saudi's own consulate was orchestrated by rogue killers defines reality orders must have come from the top you're right the u.s. must not be complicit in an effort to cover up this heinous crime and he's just one of many people on capitol hill. twenty two senators of both parties signed a letter asking the trumpet ministration to investigate this and to look into who was responsible and possible sanctions the u.s. could levy president trump has been very very clear that he doesn't want one of those sanctions to be an arms deal that he values at one hundred ten billion
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dollars other people value it at considerably less but this puts trump in a difficult position he's had business ties with saudi arabia before becoming president and he is perhaps the closest president with the saudi regime since the united states has recognized saudi arabia in one thousand thirty three trump certainly looks at himself that way and he has been very much read isn't to be quickly critical in this case you heard him there say we'll see what happens he went on to say that the king denies all knowledge of what happened there firmly denies that. events the case it's it would be unusual for something of this magnitude to be done without approval from the crown prince mohammed bin someone also it would they'd have to explain how fifteen people got into that consulate raible to perform this act this gruesome act undetected get out apparently carrying
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the body that they used a bone saw that they had carried with them to cut up that is according to leaks from turkish officials there are a lot of questions that would need to be answered and they're not just being asked in istanbul or in riyadh they are being asked here in washington d.c. we're number of people on capitol hill want to get to the bottom of this they do absolutely and i guess the one thing they could do when they do get to the bottom of it if they're not happy with what they find is sanctions in saudi arabia where would that lead the administration we know that president trump is obviously incredibly reluctant to do it but how much pressure would he be under from congress for example. well a number of these members of congress are up for reelection in november and many of them face very tight races and his republican allies are especially under pressure because in the first by election after after a presidential election that president's party almost universally tends to lose
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seats so these people are under pressure here this was a u.s. resident a step below a u.s. citizen nevertheless he was a resident and a journalist at a very prominent newspaper the washington post and there are going to be people from his area of the country that are going to be speaking up met is a number of members of congress are going to continue to press this and there are people that have been suspicious as saudi arabia on capitol hill for quite some time and this is going to give them reason to question saudi arabia further. john hendren with the latest from washington d.c. john as always thank you and now we're joined in the studio by al-jazeera senior political analyst marwan that bashar i mean certainly do you get the sense that president trump was trying to brush this on the carpet and now it's not really going to be possible anymore we're also getting these lines coming out of u.s. media saying that the saudis might be coming out saying that it was an interrogation gone wrong effectively saying it was manslaughter not murder i mean will that become do you think in the coming hours and days
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a key point here them claiming that yes he did die but it wasn't intentional yes and actually there are now reports from the middle east's that. the authorities in saudi arabia are recalling the members of the of the two teams that were sent to istanbul for questioning. so you know the packaging continues the authorities now wants to see each and every one apparently of the team to see what went behind the killing the murder the deaths of. is this part of more of the same packaging it seems no one is buying the so the let's call it america now story of rogue elements that the people on top did not know what was going on in the bottom and that those who were sent they stumbled somehow ended up with a corpse and by the way what ever happened to the corpse we don't know now but
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we we we've been in this profession for a long time and one of the least surprising things for me is that politicians lie. but the politicians do most of their time they lie but petitions lie for the national interest of the country they not they lie for national security they lie presumably for the will being of the people of the societies of their countries and so so forth but they don't lie to cover up a crime done by a politician they don't lie in order to cover up a crime against one of their own citizens so that's what the problem here the problem here is no longer just that we have apparently saudis lying about what exactly happened in istanbul what we have is a cover up over a of a of a crime that has created such noise around the world that businessmen from around the world are boycotting a conference or for business in saudi arabia that politicians are raising hello
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that leaders from european american and other countries around the world are asking for answers that the media and not just in the united states but also in europe and elsewhere are also asking for answers so really it's becoming an international disaster for the saudis absolutely where do you think it leads and i mean i guess where does it lead mohamed bin some money because from what you're saying it doesn't seem credible that he wouldn't have known that that whatever happened in the consulate that was going to happen now that is vision twenty thirty plan seems in tatters if that conference that's going to happen next week is anything to go by with all the boycotts going on is he vulnerable in his position of you know the heir apparent and arguably the de facto leader of saudi arabia is this position vulnerable now well let's just put it this way the next canada that's going to criticize saudi arabia for its human rights it's not going to be boycotted by madness of one. the next story not by the rest of the world or ignored by the way
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to actually work for that matter but certainly the saudi crown prince of saudi regime is not going to have any more any of that clout and with that arrogance and of that recklessness that we've seen over the last three years under the leadership of the young inexperienced crown prince mohammed and so much but look i mean what do you expect when you have an underqualified overconfident young man of thirty two years old that becomes the leader not only of his country but the effective leader of its military and launches a war over its diplomacy and launches a number of diplomatic the buckles including with its neighbors in charge of it if it's economy and none of it is working out in charge of its oil to privatizing put it on wall street that does not work work either and then in fact in charge of its intelligence and ends up with the assassination of one of all its own citizens at the consulate so this man young man has taken control of all the facets of life in
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saudi arabia and apparently has screwed up big time the question is will he pay the price for it or not we will have to see is this a lie when the sheriff thank you. well i guess a try to answer that question is even mcinerney again with us the executive director of the project on middle east the mock recy joining us from washington d.c. as says so what do you think do you think the mohamed bin someone will pay a price for what has certainly been the mismanagement it seems of at the very least an interrogation of no more. i think he will pay some price but there's a wide range of possibilities as to exactly what that price will be and how severe it will be and certainly the goal of the saudi government seems to be to minimize that to deflect blame it appears that both the turkish government and the us administration are seem likely to want to go along with that or or that they're inclined to go along with that but i think the general public will likely not
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accept that view and as some of your previous guests have mentioned i think many here in the u.s. congress including many leading senators from both parties are very skeptical and we've seen reactions you know throughout the day today confirming that skepticism very few people here in washington are believing the story that this was some kind of rogue agents i mean i think everyone generally believed that this kind of operation involving you know as many as fifteen agents coming from riyadh. to take care of jamal khashoggi and tragically to kill him would not have taken place could not have taken place without the knowledge of mohamed when some on an almost certainly without being actually ordered by muhammad's been someone in addition there's been reports. that u.s. intelligence officials were aware that mohamed been some on directly was involved in trying to lure general from the united states back to saudi arabia to be
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imprisoned previously so i think that this cover story that we're being fed today is not likely to hold despite. negotiations behind closed doors to have key governments including the top administration believe it most of the rest of us simply will not i believe that this week you were actually meant to speak with a panel in title general has showed you mohammad been summoned and the future of us says saudi relations so just to get a deal what you'll be saying when it comes to was he really such a threat to mohamed bin salon and the saudi thought. he's considering that you know they're embroiled in a war in yemen which is incredibly unpopular and you know bringing devastating pictures of of human rights abuses and you know and famine and everything else on the screens of televisions around the world and a lot of other accusations of human rights abuses in the country what was it a bunch of do you think that threatened the saudis so much. well
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part of mohamed approach since he became crown prince in june of last year was to absolutely not allow any dissenting voices within the kingdom of saudi arabia he's been more brutal in his crackdown on the dissenting voices that then his predecessors and the kingdom has become even more politically close over the past year plus than it was before and even before it was a one of the you know ten or twelve most politically close countries in the world but but. someone has really doubled down on that approach and what he saw as your mom. first saw him as you know arguably the most prominent saudi critic of the crown prince himself and i think part of this was personal is mohammed when someone was not willing he wanted to send a signal that such criticism of himself and his his rule would not be tolerated and this was not only about eliminating from all but also about sending a signal to any other potential dissenting saudi voices not only within the kingdom
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but but this was going to show saudis around the world that they were not free to speak that they wouldn't be safe anywhere not even you know abroad in istanbul not even going to pick up some routine paperwork from the consulate so so i think this was the thinking was to just not allow any dissent whatsoever and send a potential signal to to other journalists or or dissenting voices see even mcinerney from the project on middle east democracy thank you. just to bring you a new new line that we actually heard from our one bashar was speaking to us a little earlier and that is that saudi media are reporting saudi authorities say they will interview anyone who was mentioned in turkish media as suspects and has shown case that will be interesting to see how that develops meanwhile earlier we spoke to david hurst the editor of the middle east he says the narrative put out by saudi arabia is now proving to be false. well i mean i think it's confirming what
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we originally wrote that jim our insert was ushered into the consul general office with the consul general that two men entered the room he was dragged out they used foul language there was screaming heard afterwards and then a silence we think he's injected by a lethal substance what's happening is that the saudi story is crumbling. and is crumbling very very quickly. and now there's an intensity of the fire wall around mohammed consult and the king and say this was a rogue operational this was an interrogation gone wrong the idea that an interrogation on wrong really doesn't hold water why is this so called interrogation techniques trini quickly according to the audiotapes and in fact the whole operation was over within two hours of jamal stepping in and that is there's
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two hour gap between him stepping into the consul and the first convoy of cars leaving and the second point is go back to who these fifteen people were none of them were professional interrogators they were special forces they were special guards and there was a man as we all know was an expert in counting up bodies and this is not the team that you send to interrogate or even kidnap someone. david hearst with his views on the. developments will of course keep on following that story for you throughout the coming hours and days here on al-jazeera now though let's have a look at day's other news from the middle east the largest armed group in syria's rebel held province is yet to withdraw its fighters from the region this by the monday deadline set by turkey and russia but high at thirty eight hours sharm or
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h.t.s. has signaled it will comply with the live agreement which was signed last month it establishes a demilitarized there ia around. was supposed to be cleared of heavy weapons by toba tents and rebel fighters by monday in the heart of reports from neighboring lebanon. a de villota rise zone is being created around syria's it live province a twenty kilometer deep strip of territory is now free of heavy weapons by october fifteenth it should have also been free of fighters considered terrorists by the international community the so-called radical groups didn't pull back but hours before the deadline. the largest military alliance that controls much of the buffer area and the rest of the province signaled that it will comply in its statement. said it appreciated efforts by those inside and outside which is believed to be a reference to turkey to prevent an invasion and wide scale killing it also made
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reference to the foreign fighters saying we won't forget to the group maybe trying to keep unity and prevent betrayal among its ranks that is why an explicit acceptance of the deal would worsen divisions or rejection would risk a military confrontation with turkey which has said it is ready to use force against those who do not comply. quietly met the deadline to withdraw heavy weapons from his own last week it's not the first time the group has shown pragmatism the buffer zone deal does not call for a surrender. reconciliation with the syrian government it created a new front line that protects regime strongholds and russian military assets that many syrians of the rebel controlled province remain skeptical. of one million more in that you know i don't know what are they move the heavy weapons back sometime kilometers or so but i don't support this it just makes it easier for the regime and russia to advance into a loop you cannot trust the regime and russia. this is all
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a game the aim is to cause division among rebel ranks that will lead to infighting that way it becomes easier for the regime to take the area everyone is lying to us . the syrian government has repeatedly said it will eventually return to state control but russia and turkey have so far been the decision makers the sponsors need each other in the post-war phase i think it's the interests of both parties so this is why i believe that this agreement will hold for the time being and the turks will be giving more time in order to try to. the whole complexity of this situation inside for the next few weeks and months a few days ago that it could accept a brief delay if it meant the spirit of the agreement was still apparelled the deadline was missed but syria's main power brokers committed to keeping the deal alive. beirut. this is the
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time for could come heads to provide. britain's prime minister says a breaks a deal is still achievable despite the latest talks of a break. italian luxury cars sparking calls for a general strike. and then sports. players is accused of obstructing an anti corruption investigation. hello lesley has not gone away having across portugal ne spain she sat where he sat last night have a sudden france pumping in yet more moisture into an already active zone of rain so sentiment is in three as a result well fatal flooding frankly this is just one view of the amount of water
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that came down in some places reported the level lifted seven meters in quite a sharp valley of course but that's the amount of rain you're funneling out no wonder it caused damage and indeed death now the risk hasn't gone away but it's likely to drift study says next day or so we're looking at sardinia corsica maybe northeastern spain and southern france the potential for more flooding downpours and after that it's slowly dies away most of mainland europe is enjoying quiet with one quite warm weather is to run the twenty mockingbird in vienna a woman still down towards turkey and even in paris or twenty four the london has indeed cooled down so the activity in the western med and surprise he will find and throw off shelves in algeria given them the nature of this area they could be pretty nasty too pretty big with flash flooding a possibility as mountains but certainly it looks wet in north now dearie and then tunisia for the next two days.
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we're. i have almost my entire professional life to the devotion and five against corruption and what i've heard is that we need champions we need also to shine the light on those shampoos and this award bridges the gap that existed in this. nominate your own version here on shine the light on what they do and do it not shine a light on your hero with your moment for the international pacer war two thousand and eighteen for more information go to isa war dot com.
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hello welcome back here's a reminder of the top stories on al-jazeera a source from the turkish attorney general's office has told al jazeera they found evidence that missing saudi journalist. was murdered inside the saudi consulate u.s. president donald trump says he's spoken to the saudi king king celeron flatly denied knowing anything about what happened to a show. and u.s. secretary of state mike pompei was on his way to saudi arabia to discuss the king the case with king salmond he is also expected to visit turkey.
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israeli forces have showed that a palestinian man who they say tried to stab one of their soldiers it happened near the legal israeli settlement close to the palestinian city of some feet in the occupied west bank the israeli army says none of its soldiers sustained injuries in the attack the palestinian man is believed to be a resident of bedia the home village of a woman who died on friday after rocks were thrown at her car by israeli settlers meanwhile israeli forces a fire tear gas and rubber bullets into a school in the occupied west bank dozens of students and school officials at al so we have school needed medical treatment after inhaling tear gas and being hit by tear gas canisters they were attempting to stop the school's closure which was ordered by the israeli army now the army accuses students of throwing stones at people on nearby of roads. yemen's president who hired the
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has sacked his prime minister amid been a will for face an investigation over the country's economic crisis the yemeni currency has plummeted in recent months sending thousands of people out protesting in the streets food and fuel prices have skyrocketed due to the ongoing. well save the children says mental health support is urgently needed in yemen to avert lifelong psychological damage to a generation of children a three year old child in yemen has lived with air strikes and other forms of conflict all of his or her life seventy nine percent of children the charity spoke to who live in the capital sanaa showed signs of serious psychological consequences from the escalating conflict they included bedwetting nightmares hypervigilance grief the pression and aggression and feeling withdrawn but the country only has forty psychiatrists that's approximately one for every seven hundred thousand
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people and there's a widespread social stigma around mental health too well the war in yemen is also making it difficult for children to get an education at least two million don't go to school but those who are able to are prepared to do whatever it takes to stay there as part of our series on the challenges facing children in war zones bernard smith reports now from nearby djibouti. these children shouldn't be anywhere near what's left of their school clambering over the rubble on the ceilings on the walls the could give way to any minute. but the concentration in their faces shows how much they want to try to learn since twenty fifteen the school in ties in southwestern yemen has been hit by airstrikes artillery and gunfire. our schools have been destroyed because of these barbaric groups who came from the silence of history and corrupted or learned what brought them here and what do they want look at our school this is their mark they did not come distributing books or supporting
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students or to praise teachers they came with destruction with slogans of that those people. and. the school is stuck in the middle of a relentless battle for territory between rebels and the saudi u.a.e. led coalition that backs the yemeni government has asked way mad that the education is the basis to rebuild the state knowledge is light and ignorance is darkness we want to tell the government and private and affiliated parties that we are tired of promises and progress nation we want to go back to work not words we want to turn our values into action and into reality if there are no classes to go to the boys according to the united nations children's fund risk being recruited as child soldiers. almost half yemen's girls if not in school. in the school got hit we studied at home some of our teachers were killed and some
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students our friends also died it angered us and it saddened us our school was big so now it's just destroyed the playground has been turned into a battleground. two million children will be out of school this year in yemen that's according to unicef and another four million primary school children risk losing access to education because seventy percent of the teachers haven't been paid in the last two years and they're being forced to find work elsewhere bernard smith al-jazeera djibouti. and if the war was in bad enough for the people of yemen now the governor of myra province in eastern yemen has asked the saudi u.a.e. coalition to help airlift people to safety after flooding caused by cycle left around fifty families stranded on rooftops government offices and schools were forced to close in the city of high def and bridges were washed away and of also been several power outages. at least ten people have died and thousands more have
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been evacuated after flesh flash flooding in southwest france over like the province of o. there was hit with the equivalent of three month's worth of rain in just a few hours the pasha butler has more. flood water gushed through towns and villages sweeping up cars and nearly everything in its path roads crumbled and homes were submerged three month's worth of rain fell in five hours in southwestern france on sunday night causing the old river to burst its banks residents were left in shock but the much of it was terrifying because all of our neighbors were in the same situation i called the pastor as it happened so fast that by the time they responded there's a way that came towards our door almost the others of an image at two in the morning we could hear heavy rain i tried to switch on the light but it didn't work when i got out of bed i stepped into water when i opened the kitchen door i found
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myself up to my waist in water. with many roads inaccessible emergency workers used boats to reach people who were stranded others had to be woods to safety thousands of people have been evacuated local officials have closed schools and advise people not to travel for answers prime minister visited the area of the. first of all we have to deal with the emergency and the continued search and rescue operations dozens of towns don't have drinking water or electricity right now but services have already started to help though up to eight and a half thousand homes that have no electricity this morning now over just five and a half thousand and i congratulate them. experts say it's the worst flooding in order in a century and the danger may not be over the river could continue to rise and cause more damage in a region where so many people have already been affected natasha butler al jazeera paris. britain's prime minister. says she believes
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a break said the a list still within reach terrorism a was addressing parliament after sunday's negotiations broke up yet again without agreement over the border between ireland and northern ireland john a whole has more now from central london. where you have a deal by by wednesday prime minister i expect to get to meet tomorrow brings the british prime minister to resign may find herself fighting for a break deal on multiple fronts this was her message to parliament on monday so much of these negotiations are necessarily technical but the reason this all matters is because it affects the future of our country it affects jobs and livelihoods in every community it is about what kind of country we are and about our faith in our democracy of course it is frustrating that almost all of the remaining points of disagreement are focused on how we manage a scenario which both sides hope should never come to pass and which if it does will only be temporary we cannot let this disagreement derail the prospects of
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a good deal and leave us with a no deal outcome that no one wants on sunday talks with the e.u. had seemed close to agreement on the terms of britain's exit but largely over attempts to avoid a hard border on the island of ireland they collapsed mrs may's plan to keep the whole u.k. inside the e.u. customs union for the duration of talks on a future trade deal met opposition from probe ministers and factions in her own party who complain it would limit britain's ability to strike trade deals outside the e.u. . the e.u. meanwhile insists the u.k. on its earlier commitment to keep the territory of northern ireland inside the single market as a backstop should trade talks fail. to resume a's unionist partners in northern ireland responded by threatening to withdraw their support for her minority government. it was always going to be a difficult week for to resume
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a in the brig. government but it's become much harder hard to see how she could achieve any sort of unity within her own cabinet with senior ministers said to be considering their positions over the laces disposals hard to see how she can achieve much atoll with e.u. leaders in brussels on wednesday night and hard to see frankly how any meaningful deal can emerge at all in present circumstances between the u.k. and the e.u. . and there's increasing talk of a no deal scenario britain crashing out of the e.u. with nothing but will trade organization rules to govern future relations time to panic body if you will is worried. your patients ok be patient not yet according to the e use chief breaks it negotiate or perhaps all is not lost join a whole al-jazeera london. doctors in the u.k. will be encouraged to prescribe patients social activities to tackle loneliness
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instead of prescribing pills they'll be able to refer a lonely people to activities including cookery classes walking clubs and art groups it's part of a new strategy that will also see postal workers check in on isolated people during their rounds about two hundred thousand older people in britain haven't had a conversation with a friend or relative in more than a months well joining me now is a livia feel from the british red cross and she helps the british government devise strategies to deal with loneliness including i know that you helped out with this one i mean it's interesting you know kind of treating loneliness like a disease and what do you think the impact to what do you hope the impact is going to be of doctors prescribing cookery classes or things like that so late in learning this isn't a disease it's a natural human feeling when you feel lonely or ways often for a long time that can have serious negative effects on your health and wellbeing so we know that loneliness long term loneliness is as a bad for you as obesity and diabetes it puts you at just as great
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a risk of mortality it's linked to an increased risk of alzheimer's and full stroke you name it so it in that lens it is a public health issue that doctors do need to respond but i guess you think that someone who feels lonely would naturally just seek out a know whether it be cookery but like you know some hobbies something that they're interested in other people walking clubs there's a lot of that stuff around in the u.k. so why do you. i think it's useful for the for the doctor to prescribe it city we know that one in five people g.p. appointments are actually people who have known clinical need so something's going wrong and a lot of those people are lonely and isolated they don't need a doctor but they do need some sort of social activity now there's lots of reasons why someone might need that extra support to access those activities if people sometimes there are practical barriers they can access a mobility aid to leave the house but other times it's more emotional they actually have been lonely for so long they can no longer connect with other people you know
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it's a way to self preserve you know the more isolated you are the harder it is to connect they don't know where to go for help they don't know who to go for help they need a bit of you know encouragement and confidence building and is this something that mainly affects older people or is a more general no what we're seeing is that age is not the distinguishing factor so our research shows that over nine million adults of all ages feel always often lonely what places people most at risk life changes and transition significant ones anything from a bereavement developing a health condition the last mbit ity starting caring duties stopping caring duties moving to a new home all of these are associated with emotional and practical barriers so practical you've lost your mobility you can't access inability aid you literally can't get out the house to socialize and connect with other people but emotional life changes are associated with
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a sense of kind of identity crisis you know what's your role in life what's your purpose and when you don't know that about yourself you know it's hard to relate to yourself it's even harder to relate with other people and i guess those are the kinds of questions though that perhaps most of us have had when we were younger rather than older so how is the use affected here i'm obviously thinking of social media you know we have visions of teenagers just stuck in their bedroom on various social media networks what impact does that have if any has this. actual media isn't bad to tool but we do know when social media online contacts starts to replace face to face contact that can have a negative impact i know that the government is keen to explore these impacts and that's a set out partly in the strategy. but younger people are probably more likely to describe themselves as they make they're going through a lot of change and they haven't built up that resilience to know how to deal with that to potentially create new social support networks when they go to university or really understand to get to grips with those feelings of loneliness have as
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a lot of individual actions that people need to do as well as pages very grim when you mention university there how much is the break up of the extended family also at play here so breakdown of family definitely more the extent that some think you know that you would live near your cousins or aunties or warner brothers and sisters even as even as an adult so it is a factor that can trump contribute to some people but you know you can be in a crowded dream you can be surrounded by people and still be lonely it's about the quality of your relationships rather than the quantity livia field from the british red cross we're going to have to leave it there thinking q. opposition politicians in papa new guinea are calling for a nationwide strike in protest at the government buying luxury cars for a regional summit next month last week fourteen months there are two solutions each wore smaller than one hundred thousand dollars where airlifted from italy for the asia pacific economic cooperation forum now the government say they will sell the
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cars after the event but critics say the money would be better spent on recovery from a recent earthquake and the polio outbreak. in this news hour in sports paul is going to have all the. race to this year's world series. and. stephen hawking makes waves with its. own. business updates. going places together.
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sports news here. thank you barbara world cup semifinalists england have sprung a surprise on spain in the wife a nation's leader they want three two in severe a first competitive defeat for the spanish on home soil in fifteen years spain had beaten the english in london in the first round of games but to write home sterling strikes either side of marcus rush for its goal put the visitors three up at half time francesco. got the hosts back into the game but it was too little too late for spain well six other matches were also played on the night switzerland one to one in iceland while they were home wins for finland luxemburg as well as bosnia and herzegovina also a high scoring draw between stony and hungary a time olympic champion same bolt isn't too happy with australia's anti doping authority he's questioning why he's being drug tested when he's no longer a professional athlete the sprinter is trying to get a contract to play as
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a footballer with elite club the central coast mariners despite scoring two goals last week he's yet to announce a full time role with them for growth i retired from drug a few working to become a footballer but look at this. homo good a good joke this today oh i'm not even a provisional for what it seriously so are the leader you saw one i get a job to fit are the same for a club and two third yo are detour that i'm really really tough to get tested. queued kenya's two time olympic champion runner kip keino was due in court in nairobi on monday to answer charges of corruption but he didn't show and now must turn himself in by thursday or face arrest kaino is accused of being part of a group of seven officials that misappropriated more than half a million dollars the money was part of five million dollars given by the government to fund kenyan athletes at the rio olympics in two thousand and sixteen
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the seventy eight year old was one of four out of seven he didn't turn up to court . one of the great players of modern day cricket sunup jarrod syria has been charged under the world governing bodies anti corruption code the man whose aggressive batting won the one nine hundred ninety six world cup for sri lanka has been given fourteen days to answer the charges he's accused of refusing to cooperate with an anti corruption investigation and tampering with evidence while a selector for the national team jayasuriya hadn't yet commented on monday novak djokovic has replaced roger federer as the number two runs tennis player in the world extended his winning streak to eighteen matches as he won the shanghai masters on sunday if he wins the paris masters he'll be back at number one new york times tennis writer christopher clary told us the serbs struggles in twenty seventeen with just a blip. now the lawyer has to get is it i think it's actually stranger that he ever fell off was his purse because he's playing now in kind of
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a logical way compared to the way he was playing for two or three years you know heading into a slump so i mean this is what he can do so i think he's recovered from his you know mental issues i think frankly i think he just burned out on the guy was a lot of it i think it was hard to sustain the focus concentration that kind of dominance and he had the physical issues with his with his elbows obviously minimizing require a. surgical intervention earlier this year and let it go for a while so a combination of factors but really it was very shocking out there as me based on his count and one thousand and one he was going to pull off his first there he had won. four slams in a row on back to the two thousand and sixteen french open and that was when he was you know that was when you can be in minutes then it's really. one count of your grand slam and it's not at all out of the question you can do it again you've got to move on in the u.s. open is going into it was actually strongest tournaments at the grandstand which is yes but you know put on hard courts his rivals or you claim back from an yuri's or
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getting older or not yet fully developed like now then or it's very rare for some of the younger players on tour so i think we're going to be the big favorite if you see as well. baseball now and it's a very tight race to get to the world series the milwaukee brewers and los angeles dodgers will be on the field to break their deadlock very shortly on sunday the boston red sox levelled things up one one against the houston astros boston had lost game one at fenway park and it wasn't looking good in game two against the twenty seventeen champions meaghan gonzalez get this to run home run to put the astros forty two ahead. but the red sox turned it around thanks to jackie bradley jr he hit a three run double off the wall known as the green monster but put the sox into the lead and they went on to win seven to five so all square in five championships heading towards a place in the world series on october twenty third. that is or your sport for now we'll have more later back to you barbara in london thank you now the
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final writings of world famous physicist stephen hawking have been compiled in a book in brief answers to the big questions hawking looks at how the world began the rise of the superhuman and the threat of artificial intelligence that's when stansell was at the book's launch at the london science museum. how do we do it. where did we go is there anyone out there he has unraveled some of the greatest mysteries of the universe and in his final book stephen hawking takes on ideas larger than the universe itself brief answers to the big questions brings together some of his final writing before his death in march its launch was celebrated at the science museum in london where he received a fellowship on his seventieth birthday hawking in thrall of the world with his groundbreaking work on black holes and cosmology and in his final months he wrote how science and technology can both revolutionize and destroy our lives this is
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very much a book of predictions in it stephen hawking says that humans will soon colonize other planets that machines will overtake humans when it comes to intelligence and perhaps most controversial of all the two medic modification will lead to a dangerous brace of super humans. his children tim and lucy helped the book come to fruition and they say it was a chance for their father to such out his views and his own words and leave an engaging perspective for people in a rapidly changing world my father's ultimate goal in writing this book is to. give us a call to unity he was very very concerned that as a society has become more and more divided that we were finding more and more things to put between ourselves and other human beings and i think it's a reflection of his essential humanity and his belief in human beings that he wanted to put out this call to say look we are one planet we are one human race the
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challenges we face are global that the climate change all these other issues that you see here him reference we need to come together we need to cooperate i'm going to look probably despite his warnings over the calamity that things like climate change or unchecked artificial intelligence could bring he leaves the reader with a final message so remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. during that. sure. katherine stansell al-jazeera london. and you can find out much more on that story and everything else that we have been covering on the our web site let's look at him and of course you see there our top story we have been following this appearance since he did this appear thirteen days ago and then we've had that breaking news exclusive line given to us here at al-jazeera that the turkish investigation has gotten evidence that supports
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new developments in surgery i'm going to have it up when i'm in hiroshima japan to meet the surgeon pioneering new techniques in regenerating. a breakthrough medical trying to provide some much needed only to cystic fibrosis sufferers based on all of the evidence be how the virus is to be stopped hundreds fully committed to contact. the cure revisit its own al-jazeera. volcano kill away a rock that explosive lead law boiling clouds of steam and ash and rock high into the atmosphere scientists say it's not unusual for eruptions to stop and start up again later as for kill the way it has been spilling lava continually for more than thirty years they deploy and spiritual beliefs say eruptions reflect the mood of
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the goddess. us as native hawaiians to belize always nice to us whether she takes our home or not we accept this type of event. turkish investigators finally enter the saudi consulate in istanbul a source says they found evidence a missing journalist was killed inside the embassy it sounds exactly like the big road killers. this is president trump all for as is own sierra of what happened to jamal khashoggi after a phone call with the saudi king. hello there i'm barbara sorry this is al jazeera live.
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