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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  October 17, 2018 9:00pm-10:01pm +03

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egypt morocco guantanamo bay alaska and ukraine for five years in. the hospital when the highly highly highly actually laughed at the what deeds in the alarmists oma been out there who have been upset that. some about in my room had been mostly subtle but. it's looking at akira libby's information about so-called weapons of mass destruction is widely thought to have been used by the u.s. as evidence of saddam hussein's possession of w m d's in iraq one less thing you pointed out that you were warned of believed by the egyptian president mubarak i believe what barak told you tommy tommy franks that saddam had biological weapons they were ready yeah but everybody thought they had the international community has clearly demonstrated that it is fed up why is it that a process which has been going on for twelve years trying to disarm iraq from its
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weapons of mass destruction this report by libyan intelligence the external security organization or. shows details of a meeting with the cia. as it plans to invade saddam hussein's iraq in two thousand and three the u.s. needed to prepare public opinion for the attack getting libya on govt is key to that strategy. but the iraq war went badly for the western allies. no evidence of dangerous weapons was found and the lack of a post-war strategy plunged the country into calles. gadhafi then seized the moment in a dramatic bedouin gratiot to himself with the west and have sanctions on libya lifted he claimed to have wm deeds and offered to surrender them.
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with. desperate to put a positive spin on their mission to destroy weapons in the middle east the u.s. and u.k. led the way in rehabilitating gadhafi almost overnight. libya was no longer. part of the axis of evil. in return a lucrative oil and gas deal was signed and it was then that the cia and m i six began increasing their rendition of libyan dissidents to the gadhafi regime jubilation a vehicle that out of. one hundred for a valuable of the home. but it's now thought the relationship between the head of the e.s.o. . and western intelligence went back much earlier than the aftermath of the two thousand and three invasion of iraq repression between the two states gathered pace
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after nine eleven. british intelligence held a meeting with music you said in the week after nine eleven and the following november november two thousand a while british and libyan intelligence officers held a summit over several days at a hotel as an airport in europe and the german austrian intelligence officers also present and there was a growing agreement at that point that the libyans could be quite useful to the west being useful to the west was what gadhafi was aiming for and the west fell for it but at a price. rendition. this twenty twelve human rights watch report delivers into enemy hands details the process and several cases including that in atsic and libya. that there is an agreement reached that the british and the libyans would start recruiting agents jointly. from
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the libyan agents who would would help and spy on al-qaeda. the rehabilitation of gadhafi took place under british prime minister tony blair and when gordon brown to go over from blair in june two thousand and seven the friendly momentum continues and. the london based human rights organization reprieve has closely monitored rendition for many years. lawyer corey krieger specialized in cases involving libya. you remember and the deal in the desert in two thousand and four is that daffy says oh well i'm joining the community of nations everybody was right you know the war on i've looked at iraq and you know i don't want to go that way and all the rest of it said this president has given to him but the reality is of course what happened after that the sanctions were lifted
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british petroleum and other companies were able to come in and start doing business to the tune of millions in fact billions of dollars i'll just zero made requests to interview tony blair in twenty four team but his office said he was not available. the producers also asked to interview former british foreign minister jack straw who was responsible for british intelligence six the time of the rendition but his office said he didn't have time. neither was therefore able to shed light on when dishan cases like that of. shaken libby was returned in two to maybe in custody and. you know we met him two weeks before he supposedly kit committed suicide in his cell. and when that happened we raised concerns about the circumstances surrounding his death. we were concerned that it was not actually a suicide libby was allowed
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a single visit from his family in april two thousand and nine while in libyan detention this video shows him opponent lee comfortable and his family had no reason to suspect he might soon take his own life. if you just didn't get them to him and he doesn't mean. we're going to logic up a nickel when the limit open is only about the. idea that week. no mr darrow this will be. another what in the. world but what the what that the the man. from love i'm somewhat of a shift how would
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a number economy so the cold war the war when we had a war early was a lot. a lot of about was over susan was either that or can you some in the future hold what are their beliefs and some a signal that. the u.s. is said to have hundred over it no sheikh our liberty to the libyan external security organization in afghanistan. under the smell of somebody in the libyan government bursting with them a ship in libya most of them to keep in may two thousand and nine libby was found dead in his prison cell only two days after that gadhafi was fourth son want to seem acting as libyan national security adviser met u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton in washington d.c. we deeply value the relationship between the united states and libya
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we have many opportunities to deepen and broaden our cooperation and i'm very much looking forward to. building on this relationship so mr minister welcome so much here. with the way. for that certainly not to be our when he comes to know what was it's and what can be can you move can look at a fascinating. last of a year. it's difficult and we can state in that. human rights watch said even shake our libby die because of torture and ask for an investigation but he was no libyan held in to his death so the photographs are very disturbing when reportedly committed suicide in may be in prison and we question whether that was really a suicide and photographs reveal things that make it seem as though you know it might not have legitimately been
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a suicide. gadhafi never allowed any form of opposition within libya. a prominent dissident group was the libyan islamic fighting group the l i f g who gadhafi accused of having links to al qaida. give you. the. yeah gladly will help. that gadhafi is jails had an appalling reputation for mistreatment and torture particularly of political prisoners this mobile phone video purports to have been shot in abu salim prison in tripoli. human rights watch and amnesty international have both reported hundreds of deaths in abu salim although the figures have never been independently verified or human remains
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found if western intelligence services knowingly colluded in the torture of libyan dissidents in this way they certainly have a case towards. the western agenda was to establish a connection between saddam hussein and al qaeda whereas gadhafi wanted to link libyan dissident groups to al qaida. or station. illiteracy in the search then i saw. the new relationship with gadhafi spread and there are allegations that he illegally funded a nicolas sarkozy's two thousand and seven french presidential campaign sarkozy has been charged with illegal campaign financing he denies the charges and the case is yet to reach the french courts gadaffi was welcomed across europe a far cry from his eighty's image as quote the mad dog of the middle east.
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but there was there was out there was this was a call ma a living yeah i said mother thought that but at the same time opponents of gadhafi like our door hakim the high and sami al side of the libya islamic fighting group l i f g were arrested and rendered by british intelligence m i six to gadhafi is external security organization we are going to just turn up our. supply and. by then. they are a must for the total loss so yeah by then what are. they or feel they can to say you know balad. i mean if you have see if you her hair. well it myself and i'm also on it in my new mom you know.
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there are limits over to there was you know but if i knew. that and i was at one and i'm any. couple. fema pot about coke or. you know. it if you see. about rendition had the lid blown off it when in the wake of the libyan revolution and twenty eleven correspondence was phoned the pointed to western collusion. in two thousand and eleven after tripoli was liberated some human rights activists and some revolutionaries found an incredible cache of documents in what appeared to be the abandoned office of then the head of libya's security services and in those documents for the first time ever we saw evidence showing that there was a joint plot in two thousand and four to kidnap. him and his pregnant wife as well as the libyan man sami all saudi his wife and his four
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children from exile in southeast asia and rendered them in other words kidnapped them and send them back to that to us and we can see them and can. and bob ross how. zosia to you. see and walk out of the morgue for the through little time. zones have to confront are going to turn humanity killing the cia took them separated them and held them for several days at a black site that's a secret prison near the bangkok airport both of them were chained to the wall separately mistreated was beaten hooded all the rest of it and then they were put on a infamous cia rendition plane one of these planes that the cia flew people around the world to be tortured on to have to be. in in her country about it.
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if you're. going to knock out the money. out of. the women if you. well it's no. good i believe in any. case of abdel hakim bahaji and his wife goes back to two thousand and four the couple were planning to seek asylum in the u.k. but they were persuaded by the british to travel to london via bangkok. there they were arrested and tortured before being rendered to libyan intelligence headed by mussa hussein back. man and. partly out of the need to know if i was. an elysium illicitly or you can imagine how i want to manipulate have you know
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either candidate my bell hodges fellow dissident sami most of our society also says he was rendered to the libyans by the british on the grounds that he was somehow connected to the group responsible for nine eleven al qaida. to offer to my. dad. and i are in our son and we're here and i lament i mean i'm. well i'm not but and then you know either can i come in and. work at the enemy living in a kind of under. fear or. yellow moon in. the alamo and. now feel i went to.
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abdel hakim bell high and sami al saadi were released from prison in libya in twenty ten and twenty eleven respectively. convinced of u.k. . involvement in their rendition in twenty twelve they decided to sue the british government in the civil court for handing them over to the libyans to be imprisoned tortured. the british government is worried about apologizing because they feel that if they do that there's a risk that former security service people who were involved in this to me prosecuted and might go to jail. capturing a moment in time. snapshots of other lives. other stories . providing a glimpse into someone else's wild. inspiring documentaries from impassioned filmmakers. with nice
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documentaries to open your eyes on al-jazeera. the latest news as it breaks the turkish security officials said that they were treating crush of his disappearance as a murder investigation. with detailed coverage the area here was the preschool people thought it would be a safe place to run to for the ground beneath them turned to mud and swallowed them up from around the world the local government has been trying to clean up the relafen the more humane the more dangerous to the cards to those who live around it . if you are in beijing looking out the pacific ocean you'd see american warships when myth was that somehow time as aiming to replace america and go around the world while the chinese are not that stupid these guys want to dominate a huge chunk of the planet this sounds like
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a preparation for our first president george washington said if you want peace prepare for war the coming war on china part one on a jazzy. al-jazeera where every. the top stories on al-jazeera turkey. zero working for prince mohammed bin laden the operation against jamal is. pictured here with a red box around him. the latest from ankara. this is the word that he led the operation
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which means he coordinated every step of this operation which was conducted against journalists fellow. actually according to the investigation reports the turkish police and the prosecutors have chased his phone calls and what's what's up because this man in the red box that you have shown is known to be is actually the person who rented the private jet which brought fifteen members of the squad team to its stumble on the day off tomorrow is this appearance also we have learned from the turkish authorities that he made nine hundred phone calls to saudi arabia on this day since the time here arrived in istanbul until the time they left back to riyadh in the day they left istanbul in the late afternoon and four of these nineteen phone calls were actually done to the secretary of the crown prince mohammed bin
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sound money the police is a technical teams of the security is also investigating the cause but of course they haven't reached to any content as these are into and encrypted and also because the phone line was a roaming cell the line they have assured that four of these nineteen calls to saudi arabia we're done to crown prince mohamed sahnoun special secretary also a new development in the case is that there is another suspect in the file in the investigation file the sources told us that this man the other suspect has been in charge of informing cell do authorities about every move. since the time he arrived from you not that states on the until the time he stepped in the consulate building and disappeared. the russian president vladimir putin is holding emergency meetings after a blast at a college in crimea russia's anti terror agency says the student attackers set off an explosion that killed at least eighteen people the blast was caused by
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a bomb packed with metal objects detonated in the building's cafeteria those are your top stories. in may twenty eighth a libyan politician and his wife received a full apology from the british government for having been rendered handed over by and i said to the gadhafi regime where they were imprisoned and tortured.
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they were just two of hundreds of gadhafi his opponents who were picked up abroad and handed over in a collusion between western intelligence and military beginning at a time when gadhafi was supposed to be an enemy of the west. and fellow dissidents samuelsson sues the british government in twenty twelve they were represented by human rights lawyers in london interviewed here in twenty fifty where the case was still going on well the key documents that we saw where what appeared to be facts is an correspondence between. the what appeared to be from m i six to the libyan authorities notifying them of the presence of the king about how to his wife fatima at that time in malaysia well the government has sent very blank defenses so far basically saying. tonight the
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events even those events that is supported by the documentation and what they have instead done is try to get the case struck out of course by saying that because the allegations involve the u.s. and other states in libya malaysia. that it would be the cause here don't have jurisdiction to deal with it that it would be wrong because he possibly criticized the actions of other states at first the u.k. government basically said you can't hear these cases at all here in britain because it will harm our relationship with the united states the americans will be terribly upset about it and so forth about it in fear of the hoist or. why then not going. to hear if you have a magna x. amount i said i want a little bit about going to fees and. going to where and. she
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mostly has only to work on my washing. and the help of a bar band family mother to have usually normally seven cars over to my. mother when i only have. one of the thousands of papers found after the revolution in twenty eleven was this one marked top secret it refers to libya u.s. cooperation and to a list of names of so-called traitors which was given to the americans. at all food men in. america and what i think isn't as you are. seeing well it's only willingly mr money. and. little to put on. someone bad then.
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to be in your brain in. one ear. and was cobble something really really sickly a. bit on the card well a bit on the hardest libya obviously. one of. the where they had a yemeni right. lisa lee. in the sleeve. she has a mini holy they were parted with. and. i had to see the thirty. i want to lift the lid. was. one of the most significant finds in tripoli was a letter written by so mark allen then head of counterintelligence at m i six in march two thousand and four to the head of the libyan p.s.o.
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. it says quote i congratulate you on the safe arrival of. meaning. this was the least we could do for you and for libya to demonstrate the remarkable relationship we have built over the years i am so glad that the british security services the cia and the libyan kidnapped children between the ages of six twelve and send them to get back. anonymous it's you know what. there was no more and no one. what they needed was shit. the civil cases. and. run side by side but also accepted an offer of compensation by the british government bell hollows however
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wanted a full apology from the government the former foreign secretary and former head of counterintelligence at mit six the british government settled that case in december two thousand and twelve for two point two million pounds in the short and the how mean. you. see out of the. way and. so i think that we know really what the truth is here and that the british government knows that it has a case to answer. both to accept such a settlement because he wants an apology he's made it clear that he wants he was a bit of goodwill to apologise what was going to have and also what was done to his wife mr bahamas for his part he's offered to drive his case and walk away from a civil court case for just three pounds one from some our calendar one from jack straw and one from the government and an apology and that's the real problem the
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british government is worried about apologising because they feel that if they do that there's a risk that former security service people who were involved in this kidnapping might be prosecuted and might go to jail and one of the even who won and yet to be finance we have reacted to iran. and if you believe this we are going to america all of the. kabul. if this were mainly. we learned. what followed when you're. really where we are to that i'm here or in the here. if it is proved that british officials did torture anyone whether in the ek or parole board or involved complicit in their torch head they need to account to criminal law in the case i'm actually pretty confident that the supreme court of britain is going to say that of
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course torture victims have to have their day in court but the reality is the government will always stick to the law it's an incredibly embarrassing case what case could be more embarrassing than british security services kidnapping pregnant ladies and sending them back to dictators like it afy it doesn't get any worse for them while the british government settled with something else saudi the us government appears so far to have ignored the whole rendition issue even though papers discovered in twenty eleven point clearly two very involvement according to human rights watch documents show that the cia kidnapped khaled i'm sorry if i'm most of our marketing and rendered them to the libyans the men say they were detained and interrogated in afghanistan for over a year. the documents that were free found in the libyan intelligence ministry were very troubling they showed a level of cooperation between the united states the united kingdom and the cia in
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their rendition of a number unlawful rendition of a number of individuals who were enemies of gadhafi back to libya it shows a deep level of collusion between the u.s. and the u.k. and libya it rendering individuals into gadhafi as hands at a time when we knew that gadhafi was mistreating abusing detainees in custody you saw our team. just leave. a live europe about film about if you will. not work as human a shark never used you know i would and which oh wow karma. and they were so how much you until i did mean in the middle of nash i was and he mark and there are blocking my other than the men on clue gave them a kind of monopoly of us over that they can the men were only about what i'm in a muslim. or by the way the. the the commander of the united states
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believes and promotes itself as a country that believes in the rule of law and abides by its international legal obligations but we know for a fact that the u.s. has not done so in many cases especially with regards to its detention practices. just in from the. year or say that them. there's a move for. a couple to hit. with their behavior comes ashore can you made it more difficult for the bush administration to carry out its program of torture they continued to do so but in a different kind of way. and since. the president obama took office he did ban the use of enhanced interrogation techniques and actually has called the practices that occurred during the cia torture program torture the u.s.
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unlawfully rendered numerous individuals into libyan custody where they knew that they were going to be. they were going to be likely tortured and abused but in addition before they even did that they held several of them in cia detention and tortured them brutally themselves so yes it's a double standard and a double standard that the u.s. absolutely has to account for if it ever wants to put this dark chapter in its history behind it and the muslim of america. and the meticulous and. move them of the who are. human rights words or one of them to do with the what was al-jazeera asked the cia to comment on all of these allegations but they did not reply. there's evidence that it wasn't just british and american intelligence who colluded with the libyans canada may have
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also been involved most of a korea a canadian citizen of libyan descent says he was tracked kidnapped and rendered to libyan intelligence he says he was accused of having links with so-called international terrorism but that this has never been proved. it is melissa to move. can who work as hard. yanni it am i will marry him where i am and i'm worried. that i'm around. and read then and then i am and why you know if you can it. at least i'm going to need it then i must be good least i mean you made it a rule of law in this in answer to the. learned intimate on the ceiling. and if you cannot if you know it in karate for we can you read any of the mini acca that i haven't seen about them have. them. in correspondence between libyan
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intelligence and the canadians is a letter from the libyan saying thank you for the information about the arrest of the canadian citizen most of our mohammad korea otherwise known as father of the ally f.g. in the summer of two thousand and two we greatly value the information we have received and what it has about a bullet in the feet it was that. has the feel it's the end i couldn't bury them obama moment and at their word they set it off for quite a long time and well how would it not for the better the. well to any techie that would lend us any of. these and look around and do it for a limit of. what a sick if you get a. bucket how early senate thing senate in which you have a. law you are a fool and me
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a human. being. and a loony and they're going to cut come to be. while for me to. go to medical and democrat the influence of learning for that was not to learn of learn of learn with learn from them. but that journey. military for. female. and well how about maybe a malefactor lover according to korea the libyans had information on him but they could only have obtained through collusion with canadian or american intelligence this would again have been at a time when gadhafi was still considered an enemy of the west had in my room a million used to heal and you coolly she has a lot of t.v.'s. at women she has more how. can it
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be a little thought. about our count of the earth and if the. feel of the you to him fear of the weather may only you for what they know nothing and those that he and i could not as i wish well implement in a city and. all the free. food and stuff there for them to look i. had a gentleman and i and i met in a mess and. with a sheet of. said work and should be you can. see wolf i'll go get this document says that the americans wanted to know whether most of our mohamed korea had any information that might assist the nine eleven investigation. that mary. had there was a lot that o'mara and i had a little been going gerty you know and clean it up that any cathedral. where i
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do. the. work was done what the law and most of the content to be a man who what when where and when cher were in jail but then just but you know last. they look at the look at that well look the weather was a lot i don't know us but i. asked the canadian security intelligence service to comment on most of her clothes allegation they replied to say they do not comment publicly on specific cases but they are our exchanges with foreign agencies are always guided by a political law ministerial direction and are robust suite of internal policies all to ensure that c.s.i.s. is not complicit directly or indirectly in the mistreatment of any individual and
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that everything we do to keep canada's safe is consistent with canadian values al-jazeera came across another case that of abraham we see another libyan opponent of gadhafi this time in our land. he says he was detained for questioning by the irish authorities before the visit of george w. bush to arm in june two thousand and four this led to media stories saying he had links to al qaida. but the. death of them one by the time we don't have met. all. to him and that my heart. at that what i. have. learned the lesson what i'm what they. all
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want to doria what the congress should be on it most of what ork of it he said that he spoke of it. can feast officious can be in. how many or most or all of the diffusion i had thought that in a little cell phone coffee down a mini american. lundy. already there or here i mean there is a very different more stark oh so i'm fighting. all boosie is says that none of the charges against him in ireland was ever proved but that he was nevertheless put under house arrest and subject to travel restrictions. on some of their you know they had their valid. the queen it has serious here. and i bet i thought i
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thought i love so far at least all i need to have math that's my but there's. no exceptions. kind of telling me that i learned nothing to only have a. political year left over but it was said by really humane who look at it. and then nestle had they were afraid i think of any other stuff that doesn't fit and you make if i am a buffet i am a whole lot more could. it help or talk of. oh i hope a mythical overthrow of the new senate but very clearly has the blood on it by your help and not the offical military. al-jazeera asked the irish authorities to comment on mr albert see your statement the justice ministry replied to say that they do not comment on individual cases they went on to say that given the
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international threat from jihad this type of terrorism the authorities here work closely on an ongoing basis with their international counterparts in identifying and managing threats in this area. different vein there's a dish best served cold in the first years of. meanwhile back in the u.k. the wheels of justice had been turning in the case about the hakim. on the tenth of may twenty eighth there was a dramatic development. the head of the british government prime minister to resign may sent a letter of apology to bell harsh and his wife fatima and in the british parliament the senior lawyer the attorney general made an announcement. on behalf of her majesty's government i apologize reservedly we are profoundly sorry for the ordeal
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that you both suffered and wrote it in. the house had been waiting fourteen years for this moment so his response was direct you are the one good if only you. and i feel if you were to very her. be would be there was a t. and a woman would have funny if it is the fact that you had the visual. and their lawyers showed the prime minister's letter of apology to the assembled journalists . the u.k. lost its way when i got mixed up in the rendition of an innocent pregnant woman and then to get off a dissident but today i think it stood on the right side of history by recognizing its mistakes and by apologizing. it's important to note that although the british government apologized for rendering the baha jews to libya former foreign minister
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jack straw and former head of counter intelligence sadam i six so mark allen have not admitted personal responsibility or any wrongdoing in the case of bob. and fatima bush. furthermore in october twentieth the former head of libyan intelligence. publicly denied any complicity in the torture of political detainee or in one thousand nine hundred ninety six massacre at abu salim prison. al-jazeera spoke to corey cruder after the british government apology for me the most important moment when the british government apologized in may was the part of the prime minister's letter where he essentially says we believe you. abdullah came in five and i had to relive the absolute bottom the worst moments of their lives for six and a half years to fight this case. and we know how survivors of torture and abuse like theirs are often silenced and disbelieved so for the prime minister of the
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united kingdom to say in her apology we believe what you have said we believe that the cia and the libyans tortured you that for me it was the most powerful moment i don't think that the apology does totally close the rendition issue altogether for under the human fatuma it does it ends the chapter it ends the case they are satisfied that's the end of it but this isn't just a historical issue anymore is it so for example we know that gina has somebody who is at the very heart of the american torture and rendition program has been promoted to be director of the cia now and we also know that all around the world there are still security agencies with which the u.s. and the u.k. cooperate every day who torture prisoners so right now as we speak in yemen the united arab emirates is running black sites in which detainees are tortured and which rape is used as a technique of torture and these are people within the u.s. and the u.k. is in coalition and so i think that there's a real moral ethical and legal question for the security services in the u.s.
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and the u.k. about how closely they're going to fly to abusive security agencies and what the line in the sand is really going to be. the prime minister's apology may have restored the british government's reputation showing it was willing to try to write previous role. but how did not to be for the tenacity of human rights lawyers it may never have been achieved i'm the same cannot be said of m i six and the cia seven years on from the death of gadhafi it's worth remembering that not every opponent of the gadhafi regime and victim of unlawful rendition by western intelligence agencies has joined the say come. a portrait of one of the world's oldest cities seen through the eyes of those who
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know would best. see their thirty five to circular view al-jazeera world goes on the road with a palestinian cab driver living and working at the heart of one of the most hotly contested looking should. the taxi drivers guide to do research on all dizzy or. from long flowing on in winds to an enchanting desert breeze. hello again welcome back to international weather forecasts we're here across south america we are watching that convective activity along the amazon as you can see on
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the satellite as well as more rain down here across parts of brazil southern brazil and also argentina now some of these showers are going to be heavy at times and this boundary right here is going to cause some thunderstorms and maybe some gusty winds so from rio over here to asensio and temperatures into the high twenty's low thirty's over the next few days or we are going to be seeing some very heavy rain showers across the western coast of central america over the next few days the national hurricane center has a potential development area right around this area you can see the circulation right there so as we go towards thursday potentially we are looking at our next developing system heavy winds could be a tropical storm by this point so going to be watching for the potential of flooding across parts of guatemala over the next few days and speaking of flooding texas had been dealing with flooding over the last few days and that is going to continue as we go towards friday but i want to show you some new video that has come out of central texas and this is what they are dealing with with flash flood watches and warnings in effect right now with very heavy rain across much of the
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area very many of those rivers are flooded and we are going to see over the next few days more heavy rain across parts of central texas would tell us at eleven. the weather sponsored by cat time race. millions of people across india miss out on medical care but a hospital train is delivering doctors and hope to build those most in need. boards indians' lifeline express. zero. this is al-jazeera. hello and welcome i'm peter darby you're watching the news live from our headquarters here in doha coming up in the next sixty minutes turkish sources tell al-jazeera a bodyguard working for the saudi crown prince led the operation against journalists
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ashaji. turkish investigators are still waiting to enter the saudi consul general's residence in istanbul but a saudi team does go in. the u.s. secretary of state mike pompei or makes a quick stop in turkey is now on his way back home to report on his earlier visit to saudi arabia. one of the stories on the news hour an explosion at a school in crimea at least seventeen are dead russia says it's responding at the highest level. but. we begin this news hour with a major development in the disappearance of the saudi journalist jamal turkey's sources have told al-jazeera a bodyguard for the saudi crown prince led the operation against special he's
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believed to being killed inside the saudi consulate in istanbul mohammed bin selma is seen here with the person we're talking about my hero abdul aziz but treb the bodyguard had nineteen phone calls with saudi officials on october the second that's the day shoji went missing four of those calls were with bin solomon's private secretary the bodyguard all. rented a private jets in his own name the aircraft is reported to have flown a group of men to istanbul fifteen days ago we are right across this story in a moment we'll be talking to kimberly who's following developments for us out of washington we'll also bring in jamal sheil outside the saudi consulate in istanbul but first. joins us from the turkish capital ankara synonyms so more information just just unpack it for us what else do we know. yes peter this man that you have shown in the pictures. is set to be directly
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linked with the crown prince office just as opposed to the claims by the saudi saudi crown prince that he has no relation however in the prosecution in the prosecutor's investigation file this man is is named to be the core denature the lead leading figure off the whole operation actually. the severest of jamal khashoggi he is the leader of the team as recorded in the investigation file we know that he had to a strong contacts as he is strong contacts with the crown's office as you said also the phone calls show that but what we know is that he made all those phone calls with his saudi mobile line which is a roaming and that's why for the technical teams of turkish police and prosecutor it is it's going to take some time to figure out what kind of content or what kind
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of conversation he held with those people but when we look at the other fourteen members of the squad team we heard from the prosecutor's office that they either had no phone conversation with saudi arabia on that say during the time that they lender than a stumble and left the stumble or maybe just a few phone calls so now all eyes are on this man and because of his contacts because of his critical for capone conversation with the crown prince's private secretary just to be clear his name we're talking about the gentleman that's got the red lines around him he's now in the picture coming on a set of steps flanking the crown prince is on the right of that photograph and. we're seeing the crown prince in more western clothing but again the individual we're talking about there in the background clearly very close. a lot of the time to the crown prince there's no guilt by association in that of
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course but if you are so close to the in a circle in real that you can dial a phone number and it's picked up by the crown prince's personal secretary you're so close to that in a circle almost to be part of that in a circle well yes. when if you just take a look at normal human relations it is exactly how you described it how you describe it but of course it is very interesting that within a couple of hours of being in istanbul having nine hundred forty calls and four of them belonging to. the private secretary of the prince of course it raises question marks in the minds of the public prosecutor here here in turkey in istanbul but also we have learned that he has traveled extensively with the crown prince so we can say that he's a close security he's suspected to be
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a very close security guard to the crown prince so. no bias to tell about it he's directly linked with the crown prince sent him thanks very much that in pursuit of reporting live with the developing aspect of this on going story here on al-jazeera let's take it live now to. the consul general for us we've got eleven investigators have they gone into the building yet and if they have what are they doing. what does sure exactly what they're doing but yes some saudi investigators have been to the building behind me i'll get the cameraman maybe to zoom in a bit so if you see the cartoons are drawing close there that it's very difficult to figure out exactly what is happening obviously there was an expectation that they were going to answer the charges investigators that is on tuesday evening
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exactly two weeks off the jamal khashoggi went missing however it seemed according to the turkish side at least of the narrative that the saudis remade the on the deal that they had made when they setup the joint investigation or investigation committee which would allow for them to answer another thing that the sharks claim the saudis did a u. turn on and i'll show you here one of the headlines in the turkish newspapers and it says you know why the rush of the cold so has left not is in reference to the saudi consul general a key suspect the key figure at least in this investigation according to the agreement that was between the turks and the saudis was that the turkish attorney general's office was going to be allowed to at least speak to their consul general however. in a surprise trip he decided to leave. choose they something that people are picking up on in the media here i did see the information obviously that since i'm gave you
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there particularly with regards to this key figure in its manhood it's also important to note that he was actually also cited for being so close to the crown prince's office he was posted to the saudi embassy in london he was actually there intelligence. there and it's something that would also obviously belzer at least alerts other foreign countries particularly western ones with regard to the use of their embassies and the people that are given diplomatic immunity there jamaal of the saudi investigators working in tend to me. in in parallel with turkish investigators because if they are that must be a very difficult operation because they'll be kind of second guessing what their opposite number from the other country is doing to make sure that they're doing their job properly and also you know we've seen multiple cleaning teams going into the buildings so what are they looking for anyway.
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well i mean it's important for us to try and maybe as much as possible to disseminate this spin from the facts right so the saudis on that have been very keen to maybe limits the fallouts all of this on the effect it will have on their diplomatic relations it appears that's why they announced this joint investigation committee but whilst they announced it's still insisted that there was an independent investigation that was being headed by the attorney general's office and it is that investigation that has been given most of the information like that exclusive break that we had a couple of days ago with regards to the evidence that they managed to uncover inside the consulate itself including traces of blood belonging to the fingerprints of several figures including the consul general in d.c. block all of that compound one that is limited to the access of only saudi officials and much more in terms of what i'm looking to get that is a very good question whether the sox already have enough evidence to prove it they
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claim they do with the old you will recordings that they've referenced than the details gruesome really details of what's happened to jamal khashoggi maybe they want to make it really unequivocal unequivocally. clear what's happened it seems at least that they've shared that much of that information with the u.s. i'm sure we're going to be hearing from kimberly from their part i understand from speaking to people who have been close to the politicians here in the starkey that the meetings today he focused on the turks expressing their concerns as it was put to me with regards to what is going on to the americans it appears that the americans are trying to build some sort of maybe protective ring around the crown prince mohammed bin some of the targets are so keen on not with regards to the evidence that proves his direct involvement i may be that is the sticking point is that currently exists between washington and saudi arabia and turkey. we have
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a developing line coming to us. as we're having a conversation right now jamal turkish media is being quoted as saying the consul general has been sanct full quotes violations we don't know do we want those violations might be but i guess it was only a matter of time before heads were beginning to roll here. well i mean it's a lot easier to roll the head of a consul general than it is the crown prince that's for sure but i mean looking at it when you look at the facts that we know with the pictures that we see the evidence that's been presented in terms of the head of the forensic unit the security forces or whether it's the personal bodyguards of crown prince mohammed bin saddam on or whether it says members of the special forces of saudi arabia the private jets that belong to
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a company with direct links to the royal courts in saudi arabia it's very difficult to see how it is the consul general in turkey not even the most senior diplomatic figure in psyche obviously he's doing it so the ambassador how he would be responsible for this and not somebody a lot higher up particularly considering the way in which saudi arabia is governed and ruled. it is important to note here peter that aside from obviously these details have come up there was some leaking allegedly that had come about with regards to. the saudi consul general himself saw or heard when it's happened that apparently there was a conversation that was had between him and these agents whereby he had also them not to conduct this specific operation inside his office at least so to speak again these are rumors or at least reports that are coming third hyland is not from our own sources.


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