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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  October 18, 2018 11:00am-11:34am +03

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business conference continues to increase the head of the international monetary fund the leaders to join the growing boy court donald trump says he expects a food report by the end of the week an indication the americans are keen to get this incident of the huge drug between two allies behind them as quickly as forcible own fish or al-jazeera washington as we mentioned a bit earlier the washington post has published the last opinion piece written by jamal khashoggi just before his disappearance a column focuses on freedom of expression in the arab world the newspaper says it was submitted to them by channels translator and assistant a day after he was reported missing the post says it held off publishing the piece until now hoping to at the pace with. its get more now from mike hanna who joins us live from washington d.c. mike tell us more about this and this potentially final piece from jamal khashoggi . well it is as you say a peace looks at the lack of media freedom in the arab world he argues very
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strongly about the restrictions that have been imposed on journalists in many arab countries since the arab spring writing about the arab spring raised false hopes which would never really realized he says as world that the international community must be blamed for not responding to the abuse of journalists in countries like saudi arabia and egypt he continues as a result arab governments have been given free rein to continue silencing the media at an increasing rate it was a time when journalists believed the internet would liberate information from the censorship and control associated with print media but these governments whose very existence relies on the control of information have aggressively blocked the internet they've also a risk to local reporters and pressured as pressured advertisers to harm the revenue of specific publications so there we have
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a man writing about the role of some nations in silencing the media at an increasing rate will the tragic fact is that he may be one of those who's been silenced. mike president donald trump is facing some pressure from some members of congress to be very forceful with saudi arabia some of them expressing concern saying that he is not and as such the democrats in particular want to know more about donald trump's financial potential financial ties with saudi arabia what are they doing about this. well look the background to this is a bog post a bipartisan piece of legislation that was passed last week in terms of the mcguinn ski act now that calls of president trump to decide within one hundred twenty days what sanction should be imposed and whether ascension should indeed be imposed now in addition to this some democrat senators have written
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a letter to president trump asking him to reveal his full business dealings with saudi arabia for the past decade they insist that his decision making in terms of the magnitsky act may be flawed because of some business dealings that he may have so they are now demanding that he reveal any details they say in the letter that he has had a number of relationships with saudi businessmen selling them apartments even a yacht pointing out that in two thousand and fifteen president trump boasted about the number of apartments that he'd sold to saudi businessmen the point is though is that unlike the magnitsky act this is not legally enforceable so is likely to be brushed away by president trump who only this week tweeted that i have no business dealings in saudi arabia at all all right mike hanna live for us in washington d.c. mike thank you very much. he's a research fellow with the new america foundation and joins us via skype from
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denver colorado we appreciate your time very much so. in the past few days or i guess ten days or so donald trump has been and it seems right assent to be overly critical of saudi arabia pointing out repeatedly that they are an ally talking a lot about financial ties eccentrics are what do you see as the strongest ties in this this alliance between the u.s. and saudi arabia. well it's a very very deep alliance that united states has are starting to revere it's really built right now from the trunk perspective on containing and growing back iran has influence in the region as you know the saudis were very upset with the obama administration concerning the iran nuclear accord trump called it the worst jewish century he she put the united states out of the geo the saudis are very happy now the united states has to find a way of making up the. iran truces on the world markets if they're
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going to reimpose or say the sanctions and the saudis are and they're going to step up and bring to produce those barrels so that's number one thing and secondly is the the kind of terrorism cooperation is also very very important that's really the scenes that we would lose if there would be some type of major rupture in relations with the saudis but at what cost as we see the way things seem to be developing at what cost you can be an ally but that does not mean that you don't expect some sort of some code of conduct some sort of accountability from an ally. over two thousand people died on nine eleven fifteen of the nineteen hijackers were saudis their leader and do it sponsor the attack with the saudi united states saudi relations were not impaired by this i don't believe that with the death of one
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person no matter how gruesome that deaths wise that would change the calculus of the administration these are the saudis does that concern you and your point is well taken that there has not been any forceful criticism from the u.s. about the war in yemen that's fair and you're pointing a horrible as this is why is this necessarily going to be different fair enough but . does that concern you. i'm not in the human rights business i'm in the power see business and i look at those things from that kind of the business i'm not even if it even has a policy that if if if the crown prince actually did something like this just from a policy perspective the fact that he feels that he can do something like this and face a little consequences does that concern you. it's clear the crown prince mohammed bin solomon has been snipped in by
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a rash of hubris and that he's over x. the bounds of what is acceptable by international community. we would probably we rolled back rolled if you would have made getting him out of the current prince pollution but i don't see anything larger than something happening with the parents and the sixteen people who are responsible due to the united states relationship which started regular just. from a policy perspective to our viewers here in peter don't bury all right our faith we had a little bit of a connection problem there but i hope our viewers heard her final word thank you very much for your time thanks for having me. and these are live pictures right now and front of the consulate there seems to be . some sort of a some sort of happening going on there. again this is out
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side the consulate and is. this in a safe figure out more about what's happening there we will let you know. claymore head of the news hour including the british prime minister makes her case before european union leaders trying to convince them to reach a deal. and they say to movement has its first big latin in of all it's a journalist turned politician and the richest contract in sports history has been fine we'll have that story later in the program. the man united nations task of helping bring peace to syria has announced he's leaving his posts special envoy stephan thomas storable step down the end of november a seventy one role says he's moving on personal reasons or diplomatic editor james face reports when he took the job over four years ago stefan de mistura described
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it as almost mission impossible now off to seven years of war with over twelve million people displaced from their homes in syria and over huff a million killed he told the security council he was stepping down with a peace deal far from sight let me old to give you some heads up if i may i would myself be moving on as of the last week of november mr de mistura tried everything from local truces to meetings of key international players in twenty sixteen he managed to get syrian government representatives to geneva to meet with a delegation for the first time represented many of the opposition elements including key fighting groups this promising opportunity stop to be its tracks by military action during the talks by syria and its russian ally if therefore they
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can. to bring him dirty for them dirty or didn't know they know the fate of the haven't they basically formed your top. i am not referring to all military activities. it was russian air power and iranian forces on the ground that change the balance of power the russians then began to pushing talks first in a starter then in sochi as a rival to mr de mistura as geneva process in over four years at press conferences and in interviews they seem to one thing that was your mantra there is no military solution and yet in that time we've seen starvation used as a weapon we've seen repression including torture we've seen aerial bombardment including barrel bombs we've seen the repeated use of chemical weapons the syrian government clearly didn't believe you and it now controls most of the country so it
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did have a military solution to it. you see i work for the u.n. and i've been working for the end now forty eight years in twenty two borth or mission conflict area i have learnt one thing and i know defectors in a few very strong elective what matters if winning the peace mr de mistura isn't finishing quite yet he's making a last trip to damascus next week to persuade the syrian government to accept a finalize list for a constitutional committee they've been dragging their heels on that for nine months it's unlikely his decision to quit will give him any more leverage james zero of the united nations european union leaders have rolled out a special some an accident november because they say not enough progress has been made towards a deal earlier on wednesday british prime minister theresa may address that they say she offered no new ideas to break the current deadlock china whole reports from
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brussels. the hopes of doing a break deal with this summit long gone british prime minister to resign may's positive tone on a rival weren't of impressed many here in brussels or. we've seen is that we've sold most of the issues in withdrawal agreements there are still there is still the question of the northern irish backstop but i believe everybody around the table wants to get a deal done by working intensively and closely we can achieve that deal i believe a deal is it will now is the time to make it happen. may spend less than half an hour addressing her fellow leaders on the status of exit talks before they went into dinner without a further sign of the u.k.'s growing isolation within this bloc he presented them with no new ideas to break the current deadlock so there wasn't much to discuss e.u. leaders are running out of patience with britain just as britain is running out of time they've called off a planned emergency summit in november judging that insufficient progress has been
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made to expect a deal by then it looks that still we do have a lot of discussions and i'll try not to prove man told this stance what you want stood up and said it difficult for european side to negotiate with their person who has no all full support of the position they know she's politically weak at home the reason may has bowed to different factions in her government and parliament rejecting the e use plan for a backstop or insurance policy against a future hard boarder on the island of ireland they insist it's non-negotiable and there's more and more talk about all of this ending in no deal disruptions of borders tariffs on trade british passport holders requiring visas and work permits on the continent. there is one new idea doing the rounds the a use potential willingness to extend the so-called transition period after britain leaves the e.u. allowing
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a full three years for trade talks to take place before that thorny issue of the backstop applies it might soften some opposition to the backstop hardly imaginative thinking at this stage but possibly all they've got the prime minister and others stressed that a deal is ninety percent dumb but on the problem of ireland they're still miles apart jonah al-jazeera brussels. at the summit ireland's prime minister lee of rock outlined his government's position on it arden's position you know is as it always has been ever since the referendum happened we want there to be a withdrawal agreement so the u.k. can leave the e.u. in order the fashion we want there to be a transition period so that businesses and citizens can prepare for any changes that may take place we want there to be at the protection of citizens' rights all across europe wants there to be a financial settlement i mean also need a legally binding guarantee that there will not be a hard border between northern ireland of the republic of ireland still add on
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al-jazeera i many internally displaced people in iraq don't want to go back to their homes even if i saw has been rooted out mixed reaction in canada as the country goes to where only one other country in the world has dared to go. and pakistan's batsman put them and firm control the second test against australia an opportunity to tell us what's for. wish the world innovation summit for health one community of two thousand health care experts in of ages and policy makers from one hundred countries. one experience sharing best practices and innovative ideas. one goal to hopefully a world through global collaboration. apply now to attend the twenty eighteen wish summit. the nice pink
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sky by the taj mahal. or as the sun sets in the city of angels. how i once again welcome to of a look at the international forecast weather staying reset fair now across a good part of china down toward the southwest we have got some rather lively showers there stretched on the way into work vietnam sinking a little further south as but you can see for much of china settled and sunny twenty six else is there in hong kong on thursday a tad warmer as we go through friday but a little wetter as we make away somewhat further west with showers continue there around good parts of vietnam down towards allows pushing up into cambodia as well heat of the day showers as one would expect the usual rash of showers there across much of southeast asia shouldn't be too bad for the philippines haven't said that the wet weather there it's a good part of malaysia want to see showers now starting to push their way down towards indonesia and as ever there will still be further lively showers there into
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thailand meanwhile into n.d. a little lively showers really affecting southern parts of the country kind of takhar pushing down towards carolina that will not do so under pressure to sing a little bit of wet weather for a time to further north there we go it's warm it's dry and it's sunny to be getting up to thirty five celsius there for kolkata thirty four in new delhi woman off in karate with a high of thirty six. the women sponsored by cats own race. millions of people across india miss out on medical care at a hospital train is delivering doctors and hope to build those most in need. when i want to use boards indians' lifeline express. to zero. zero. with everything.
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rushing out to syria let's recap the top stories for you turkish forensic experts were allowed to search the house a saudi arabia's consul general in istanbul two weeks after saudi journalist jamal khashoggi disappear told al jazeera more evidence has been found she went missing after he was last seen entering the saudi consulate the washington post has published the last opinion piece written by jamal khashoggi just before it's just parents the column focuses on freedom of expression in the arab world a newspaper says it was submitted to them by translator an assistant a day after he was reported missing. seven them
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a story the man the united nations tasked with helping bring peace to syria has announced he is leaving his post the seventy one year old u.n. special envoy says he will step down for personal reasons at the end of november he's been on the job for four years. protests in haiti have turned violent as anger grows over billions of dollars of missing funds ations want to know how money from a venezuelan sponsored oil assistance. the funds are to provide social care and improve public services castro reports. police imported prince fired live ammunition at unarmed protesters wednesday as thousands spilled onto the streets in the capital and across the country the demonstrators accuse the ruling party of corruption and ignoring the needs of its people you know pay day we're living in a country where there's no health care there's no good schools for our children and the farmers are banding with no support from the government and in the same country
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you have a couple of people who stole over three billion dollars. haitians are demanding an investigation into what happened to some three point eight billion dollars from a venezuelan oil agreement the money from the petrol fund was supposed to be for social development and public works yet either levin years after the fund was started forty thousand haitians still live in displacement camps and millions of people have no running water when the. water is life for us and without it we cannot live we don't even have enough water for toilets protesters accuse politicians and administrators of embezzling the money the protests campaign started on twitter two months ago with the hash tags petrol karim a challenge and where is the petrol karim a money banners and sort of people coming together and sort of again from very different walks of life from different political backgrounds from different socioeconomic backgrounds haiti's president juvenal moyse is himself implicated in
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the corruption scandal as he commemorated the death of haiti's founding father wednesday the sound of protesters could be heard throughout the event under mounting public pressure when he says he supports an independent investigation. we have a big protest all over the country a big protest a request of the government. gives us an explanation as to how the money from petro curry day was spent. with business is shuttered and schools closed around the country patients say this protest is unlike those that have gripped the country in the past but they say this time the people are more united they say this time the government will be held accountable heidi joe castro al jazeera a bomb blast and shootout at the college in crimea has killed nineteen students and teachers after the large explosion police say a student with the rifle started shooting his classmates and then committed suicide
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the kremlin initially suspected a terrorist attack in the eastern city of courage three days of mourning have been declared in crimea which russia annexed from ukraine four years ago. a suicide bomb attack in afghanistan has killed a parliamentary candidate the blast happened in the southern province of helmand at least ten candidates have now been killed in the run up to saturday's elections the taliban is warning people not to vote in this election a government minister in india has resigned after as many as twenty women accused him of sexual harassment and assault and are was the deputy foreign minister allegations against the sixty seven year old date back to his time still leading newspaper editor in the late one nine hundred eighty s. and ninety's he is suing the first female journalist to report him on twitter for defamation he's part of a long list of prominent men who've been named in what's being called india's need to movement and data shah is co-director of the center that's
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a women's rights organization in india she says this is the start of a wider movement for change. it's a huge indication for all of us fighting for women's rights but. i think it so it's sure that if many women come together we can actually really go change in the revolution in summary and to ask me to has been a kind of a process like that that you know it does allow for us to have. in the center of discussion and need to have been abroad in march me to india is just that it's been amazing that it's it's so many you have been quietly just accepting board at whim or what expedient they had and they don't have come out. because he started the defamation case that so many women came out and supported the woman who
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had actually said the first time and i think that's the thing that men kind of behave as if they don't remember are they didn't do or completely get into this denial mode and that you know just if you really it's women been meant to see that you're not going to now keep quiet and more hundreds of women have been barred from entering a hindu temple in south india despite a supreme court ruling for centuries the temple and kurla state banned women or girls older than ten because they were of mistreating age and considered and sure and yes top court said that in french on their right to worship general they could visit the temple starting on wednesday despite fact out of their protests or stop female tea parties from even getting near the temple there are government has begun closing camps for thousands of people displaced by years of war but a worker say security forces are forcibly returning civilians to unsafe areas and the predominately sunni unbar province monotone reports this is the calm
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point tonally displaced people in iraq's problems. at the height of the military operations against eisel in two thousand and fifteen it was home to seven thousand people. government officials have come to see it closed you know how i'm going to add an amount of time so i mean a hundred last hundred fifty or so families that remained here finally returned home we've closed it as part of a government program to resettle all i.d.p. camps. it's a program criticized by aid workers who say it's happening too quickly and it's still too dangerous. more than three million people had returned to their homes by the middle of the sea but more than two and a half million others are still displaced according to the international organization for migration. mohamed jealous the most one of those brave enough to go back home but his family house was destroyed in the war so mohammed is living in a tent some of his relatives are here to help him. walk out of our
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situation is desperate there's nothing to salvage from our home it's not a home anymore actually we urge the government to pay us the compensation it promised. others complained they have to live with the threats from booby traps unexploded bombs and other devices on the health risk posed by the decomposed bodies that lie on the land where their houses once stude the only valid to go about it was for a whole day earthmoving machines have been excavating the rubble in my compound and recovered dozens of bodies there were at least five to six bodies in each of several shallow holes we found here. the diverse titian poverty and lack of services in areas that are captured from my soul forced many to choose to stay in the comps for others it is in the comically buyable to be some have been able to set up shop all fruit stands a mix of markets making about fifty dollars
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a month unable to put up with a lot of basic services when they have a ton of home many have been forced to go back to comes about all still open for them the fall of man desperate for sanctuary continues mohammad all jazeera. the results of municipal elections in our free coaster finally out days after a vote there left three people dead and many injured islands for after some of the results were disputed in protesters took to the streets in the northwestern region of several iowa. reports from abidjan. who did you vote for it is an uncomfortable question if you want to answer especially in public where opinions don't just divide but can get you killed three dead many more injured saturday's municipal election brought the country to a standstill even among friends conversations on politics turned to arguments it wasn't i'm not interested why should i pay what have politicians brought to me
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nothing no gifts not a better life now full of empty promises more jobs more hospitals peace and reconciliation promises made by winning candidate jack in the new mayor of downtown abbey chao. this victory is your victory it's really your victory is the victory the people of the plaza a thirteen year alliance between and whose party the p.c.i. and the ruling party broke down just before the elections really party may have won most city council seats but it is a bitter victory let's just put it to. the political situation is worrisome with the implosion of the ruling coalition political discourse has become venomous old friends are new enemies and this is worrying for the ivory coast in the run up to the official results police fired tear gas on party supporters and a few cities a curfew was in place to contain the violence symbol additions accuse those that have won in this municipal election offering money for votes kickbacks and gifts to
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local election officials and so some candidates are refusing to concede defeat it is the return of a lack of trust in the political process that once fueled the civil war here in ivory coast that so many now here fear. in the last sixteen years more than three thousand people died in two civil wars over contested presidential elections among the dead is i should joe's best friend khadija she was eight years old when she was raped and killed. like most ivorians she did not go out to vote elections are too dangerous. because hawke al-jazeera. and herons are heading to the polls early next year and their president has promised the vote will be free and fair ahmed to the horror also said the elections washer in a new era of peace and unity the ongoing threat from the armed groups rom makes it hard for some people to believe that promise by mohammed is jarius information
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minister he says boko haram missed and weakened considerably in the last three years that will be coming in twenty fifteen. an area where the south of lebanon was on the defensive. today we have freed the entire area of book ora book where i'm not only from the live chat eyelets and all they do not talk soft targets so if you look at where one twenty fifteen and where were you it's clear that we have dealt with boko haram you may recall that in twenty thirty twenty forty book what i am used to stroll into the nation's capital twins and wreak havoc all that is history today between twenty thirty and twenty forty the initials capital i witnessed horrendous attack from the koran including an attack on the united
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nations building and the initial police headquarters posts twenty fifteen there's been no such incident in any major city in nigeria. as one of the youngest democracies in the world and now bhutan is about to choose a new government and will it be the third election since two thousand and eight the economy and the environment are major concerns a parker reports and protons capital confirm. it is a rustic landscape of peaks and paddy fields a country seemingly at odds with the modern world. less than two generations ago bhutan had a subsistence economy now it's open to graduate from the un list of least developed countries to a developing one things are a little slower here more manageable than other places but there's globalization is this explosion of media is forces beyond our control and we're being in that
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pried open open prized. britain became a democracy in two thousand and eight under the orders of the previous king it's a change the country still getting used to throwing stations have been set up even the remotest corners of the country voters will choose from one of two far tease there's very little politically that separates them including their maims the d.p.t. the town's first ever ruling party and the d n t political newcomers it's really at the crossroads because we are a new party what we are offering people is that the must strengthen democracy and then i say. they must strengthen democracy we must strengthen the bridge between the people and the government they are looking at firstly raising the development gap then you're looking at income gap then it's gender gap then his generation gap and then we're also we also have a strong social agenda we believe in doing what is right not what is popular both
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parties also want to protect the driving force of peak times economy hydropower it accounts for a quarter of the country's national income most of which is sold as electricity to neighboring india i could on my growth lead for better health care and education if improved roads created more business opportunities in industry but there's also a fierce political debate on how best to balance this economic growth with protecting the environment group hands unique cultural heritage nature is the backbone of the economy but hydropower is also responsible for half of all external loans making time the second most indebted nation in asia after japan in proportion to population since it emerged from international isolation in the one nine hundred sixty s. the terms gone through seismic change markets in the capital are now flooded with food from india.


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