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tv   newsgrid  Al Jazeera  October 18, 2018 6:00pm-7:01pm +03

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isolation within this bloc he presented them with no new ideas to break the current deadlock so there wasn't much to discuss e.u. leaders are running out of patience with britain just as britain is running out of time they've called off a planned emergency summit in november judging that insufficient progress has been made to expect a deal by then it looks that's still we do have a lot of discussions and i'll try not to approve mental disturbance there what you keep honest and it's sad and difficult for european side to negotiate with their person who has no full support of the position they know she's politically weak at home the reason may has bowed to different factions in her government and parliament rejecting the e use plan for a backstop or insurance policy against a future hard boarder on the island of ireland. they insist it's non-negotiable and there's more and more talk about all of this ending in no deal disruptions of
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borders tariffs on trade british passport holders requiring visas and work permits on the continent. there is one new idea doing the rounds the a use potential willingness to extend the so-called transition period after britain leaves the e.u. allowing a full three trade talks to take place before that. of the backstop applies it might soften some opposition to the backstop hardly imaginative thinking at this stage but possibly all they've got the prime minister and others stressed that a deal is ninety percent. but on the problem of ireland they're still miles apart jonah brussels will get a weather update. to the polls. will lead to a brighter future. in a few minutes.
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well you probably aware that there's been some pretty heavy rain recently in sumatra satellite picture picks up the white top class which is pretty big thunderstorms really and the last twenty four hours not so much in sumatra setting it's true through singapore running through northern borneo otherwise the showers are pretty well scattered but they're going to return at the moment the emphasis is sort of circulation here which catches sort of rock to some degree the southern part of vietnam possibly cambodia and parts of central tartan but of late rain here very few showers in the beach and it is not like many further south but see the way he does catch them and for the time being it looks like sumatra the whole island is dodged a dry area so exactly the rain is little fallen off it should be for this time of
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year but it's creeping south in places and yes sulu a.z. is one of those places jumping sas was traded you know it's been an active spring and it continues in the same vein that's one little trough going offshore which means showers they redevelop and they're just coming up here as a sun comes out so if the queens and new south wales use for rain is possibility the next trough is rings with a bike which means was ahead of it then temperatures tend to drop eighteen adelaide but the bonuses you get shows in the areas currently dry. you don't know where public service stops and private interest begins what's at stake is the very essence of democracy we have never had a president so brazenly treating the oval office as an opportunity. follows the money investigating with a dummy trump is profiting from the presidency and asking what the cost will be for
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democracy the usa and the president's profits on al-jazeera. again the top stories on al-jazeera the turkish investigators looking for evidence linked to the disappearance of the journalist jamal khashoggi have completed searching two saudi diplomatic buildings in istanbul turkey sources have told around zero that important samples have been found. meanwhile in the u.s. democrats are putting pressure on the president over his response to the case donald trump has been reluctant to criticize the saudi leadership despite mounting evidence linking riyadh to disappearance. and european leaders are meeting for
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a second day in brussels the e.u. is calling on britain's prime minister to provide suggestions to allow stall breaks it talks to progress because he asians of deadlocked over the future of the irish border plans for a special briggs it summit in november have been postponed. a mass has distanced itself from the rocket attack which hit southern israel on wednesday the group says the attack from gaza was an irresponsible attempt to undermine egyptian efforts to broker a new long term truce with israel israeli military responded by hitting twenty sites killing at least one palestinian al-jazeera sorry force that reports from gaza. well a quiet night here in gaza defying the expectations of some who might have expected a secondary israeli military response to the rocket fire that took place in the small hours of wednesday morning one rocket reaching the town of best shaver some
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forty kilometers away from the gaza strip. and really damaging that house the mother and three children inside escaping on her the other rockets falling into the sea southwest of tel aviv israeli security cabinet led by the prime minister benjamin netanyahu meeting until two thirty am this morning as they discussed their next move there are suggestions that the israeli army doesn't want to escalate things into a full scale military conflict indeed there are reports here that hamas which is denying responsibility for these rocket attacks sent a message with egyptian negotiators who left gaza on wednesday for the israelis saying again that they denied responsibility that they were investigating who was responsible and also that they didn't want a military escalation towards full scale war either that leaves open the question who was responsible. has in the past pointed toward salafist groups linked to the islamic state there are also people pointing out the fact that fatah the rival palestinian faction has its own military brigade here as well but the israelis say
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that the only people who have this kind of medium range rocket weaponry are hamas and islamic jihad that either such an attack was done without leadership knowledge or done within the leadership knowledge to express its frustration at the lack of progress on a truce while still being able to deny it for now the calculations continue people in bhutan a casting their ballots in a run off parliamentary election more than four hundred thousand registered voters are electing forty seven members to the national assembly royalist and center left parties are facing each other in the ralph barker reports from power. has a country of rich cultural and historical importance and was until early two thousand and eight a monarchy that's until ironically the previous king ordered it be changed to democracy and that change has largely been wholeheartedly in enthusiastically embraced although i think it's fair to say there's a degree of nostalgia about the old ways of doing things and brace enthusiastically perhaps largely out of respect ironically too for the monarchy itself there are
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seven hundred fifty thousand people in the country half a million eligible voters and many of them are voting in polling stations like this up and down the country some in very very remote areas indeed and there are two parties on the ballot paper the d.p.t. and the d n t the d.p.t. were the first party of power the first party to form a government after the transition to democracy in two thousand and eight the d.n.c. have never played a role in government before and hoping to shake up the political landscape here in the country there isn't much politically between the two parties but the center of all political life here ideologically and bhutan is the pursuit of happiness as opposed to measuring the success of the nation through g.d.p. they measure it through gross national happiness that could roughly be translated as good governance and finding a balance between economic and industrial growth with the protection and love the abundant environment here in the country it's one of the few nations in the world
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where sixty five percent of all the land here in trying to the constitution needs to be forest is the only country to be carbon negative these are some of the issues at the forefront of people's minds as they cast their votes. the ruling coalition and ivory coast has maintained its majority after municipal elections on saturday three people were killed and many injured in violence began on voting day and continued in the days after nicolas hoch reports from. who did you vote for it is an uncomfortable question if you want to answer especially in public where opinions don't just divide but can get you killed three dead many more injured saturday's municipal election brought the country to a standstill even among friends conversations on politics turned to arguments i. was i'm not interested why should i pay what have politicians brought to me nothing
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no gifts not a better life they are full of empty promises more jobs more hospitals peace and reconciliation promises made by winning candidate jack in the downtown abbey jam. this victory is your victory it's really your victory is the victory the people of the past. thirteen year a lion's between and whose party the p.c.i. and the ruling party broke down just before the elections really party may have won most city council seats but it is a bitter victory let's just talk about the political situation is worrisome with the implosion of the ruling coalition political discourse has become venomous old friends are new enemies and this is worrying for the ivory coast in the run up to the official results police fired tear gas on party supporters and a few cities a curfew was in place to contain the violence symbol additions accuse those that have won in this municipal election offering money for votes kickbacks and gifts to
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local election officials and so some candidates are refusing to concede defeat it is the return of a lack of trust in the political process that once fueled the civil war here in ivory coast that so many now here fear. in the last sixteen years more than three thousand people died in two civil wars over contested presidential elections among the dead is i was best friend khadija she was eight years old when she was raped and killed. like most ivorians she did not go out to vote elections are too dangerous. because hawke. afghanistan is set to hold a general election on saturday the government is trying to encourage as many people as possible to cost ballots but with almost two thirds of the population unable to read or write campaigning is no simple task. reports from kabul. there are two
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thousand five hundred candidates running in this year's election and they are fighting of just two hundred forty nine seats here in kabul there are a country candidates which means that if you are an ass on saturday morning you will have to look through the streets list of candidates to try to find that one person you want to vote for which makes it very difficult another problem is a literacy here in afghanistan that is thirty one percent literacy which means two of every three people cannot read and write therefore if you shop to voters and you cannot read your candidate's name how do you get election commission has come up with the system every candidate get a symbol it will be a normal fancy symbol see. you see. how much they have papers and it has been dispersed in the last me system to every candidate let me take some examples here you have one person who has to balance down here a man with a three thirty six and over here
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a man went to school only two thousand five hundred. headed across this country have been assigned as a boy from pulses to find the. protests in haiti have turned violent with thousands of people accusing the government of stealing money ations want to know how billions of dollars from the venezuelan sponsored oil assistance program we used to fund was supposed to provide social care and improve public services i do jocasta reports. police imported prince fired live ammunition at unarmed protesters wednesday as thousands spilled onto the streets in the capital and across the country the demonstrators accuse the ruling party of corruption and ignoring the needs of its people you know pay day we're living in a country where there's no health care there's no good schools for our children and the farmers are banding with no support from the government and in the same country
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you have a couple of people who stole over three billion dollars. haitians are demanding an investigation into what happened to some three point eight billion dollars from a venezuelan oil agreement the money from the petro caribbean fund was supposed to be for social development and public works yet even levin years after the fund was started forty thousand haitians still live in displacement camps and millions of people have no running water. water is life for us and without it we cannot live we don't even have enough water for toilets protesters accuse politicians and administrators of embezzling the money the protest campaign started on twitter two months ago with the hash tags petrol karim a challenge and where is the petrol karim a money banners and sort of people coming together and sort of again from very different walks of life from different political backgrounds from different socioeconomic backgrounds haiti's president juvenal moyes is himself implicated in
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the corruption scandal as he commemorated the death of haiti's founding father wednesday the sound of protesters could be heard throughout the event under mounting public pressure when he says he supports an independent investigation. we have a big protest all over the country a big protest a request of the government. gives us an explanation as to how the money from petro curry day was spent. with business is shuttered and schools closed around the country haitians say this protest is unlike those that have gripped the country in the past they say this time the people are more united they say this time the government will be held accountable heidi joe castro al-jazeera. an international cricketer has confessed to his role in a match fixing scandal in england six years after being banned from playing that ice canaria pakistan's most successful test match spin bowler decided to come clean
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after a recent al-jazeera investigation david harrison has our exclusive report from london . clint bolick done his canaria played over sixty test matches and took nearly three hundred wickets in international matches for pakistan. but in two thousand and twelve his career came to a sudden and he was banned for life by english cricket's governing body for match fixing canary was found guilty of encouraging a team mate of essex county cricket club to underperform during a match in two thousand and nine and with bringing the game into disrepute for six years canary has protested his innocence two appeals were rejected but now in an exclusive interview with al-jazeera is investigative unit canaria has finally confessed his guilt right donnish. and i think that i want it to be open to charges brought against me by england and wales cricket board in. her
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become a force strong you know make that decision because you cannot live your life reply in areas said that the imminent death of his father was initially a reason for not admitting his guilt and headed toward getting worse and worse and worse and i didn't have the courage to of to face and i will go canaria introduces as sixteen date nerving westfield to an infamous engine much fixit in a nightclub westfield was jailed for four months and banned from cricket for five years for accepting around eight thousand dollars he admitted allowing opposition batsman to score runs when he was bowling i want to apologize to. fix a marriage mark fixed or get my i figured and i first started to park a foreign canaria says the band has had
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a devastating effect on his life. i wonder if i stick it to car or park or barn and that time when i was achieving good money i lost my friend effect which i used to get and everything and then everything i lost everything he is now pleading with cricket's governing bodies to lift his ban and didn't return he pledged to help young players i want to teach young people young cricketer there are people who will do temptation for you but you have to be strong go to it right dedication right there going to work shortcut and making money in a shark that it really endemic that i am in today. david harrison al-jazeera london . watch the full report cricket match fixing the files on al-jazeera a twenty hundred hours g.m.t. this sunday.
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it is good to have you with us hello adrian finnegan here in doha the top stories this hour turkish investigators looking for evidence linked to the disappearance of the saudi journalist jamal khashoggi have completed searches of two saudi diplomatic buildings in istanbul turkey sources told down to zero that important samples were found during that twelve hour search of the consulate and the consul general's home chel stratford reports from istanbul. will certainly speak dos sources in the prosecution team we understand that there was a lot of focus on this investigation at the consul's home around the garden area we understand that there may well have been some sort of takes down in that area behind the home and also a lot of focus in the gallery and a vehicle in that gavroche that we're told it's believed moved from the cold sheila tate down to the consul general so on the day that because she is alleged to have been killed. we also spoke to the prosecutors
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a source in the in the prosecutor's office in the last couple of hours that coming out with some new information all of this source telling us that now there is a lot of focus on the recording or recording that the it was was leaked to the turkish media earlier this week believe this recording is around eleven minutes long our source telling us that this recording seems to suggest that because shows he may well have been attacked as he entered the embassy in the u.s. democrats putting pressure on the president over his response to the whole case donald trump has been reluctant to criticize the saudi leadership despite mounting evidence linking riyadh to show she's disappearance. european leaders are meeting for a second day in brussels the e.u. is calling on the british prime minister to provide suggestions to allow stalled briggs it talks to progress to go see a sions of deadlocked over the future of the irish border people in bhutan
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accosting that ballots in a runoff parliamentary election more than four hundred thousand registered voters are electing forty seven members to the national assembly peter will be here with an easy for you a little over twenty five minutes right off the fault lines next. millions of people across india miss out on medical care but a hospital train is delivering doctors and hope to those most in need. when one use boards indios lifeline express. an al-jazeera. when the powerful can get away with that. because they have the money and the connections to rig the system. but then people lose confidence in our law. and confidence in their future. political of both failure
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is devoted to surrender our government to public corruption grafts slowly isn't that premises survive to come our constitution. you know the fact that they've broken the law they're pretty clear about it but how do you like prove it how do you like sure people like it actually matters. in the two years since donald trump was voted into the oval office artist robin bell has focused on the movement ending the kinds of misdeeds it can be hard to see in. my contract with the american voter begins with the pledge to end government corruption. trump the cellphone from billionaire railed against corruption on the campaign trail. one of the things i've tried to tell my friends is that not to get cynical because like that's his strength. as president trump has mixed private
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business and public duties in unprecedented ways yet giving rise to allegations that he's using the highest office in the land to enrich himself and his family the logic is basically like everything's cool so if everything is crap the maze will pick the most crow first of. all right. we are going to washington d.c. . we are going to frame the swamp. in this episode of faultlines we check into one of the swamps finest venues to examine the charges the trump is profiting from the presidency. and violating the constitution of the united states. i. our investigation begins just a few blocks from the white house of the trumpeter national hotel in washington.
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it's housed in the old post office as storage building on by the u.s. government. there sure is could do is welcome to trump d.c. i wish an enjoyable stay with us as for us. back in two thousand and twelve the trump organization want to competitive bid to lease the old post office from the government's general services agency. barely two weeks before the two thousand and sixteen election had reopened as a hotel expenses. the washington operation is just one of the dozens of luxury hotels condos resorts and golf courses that bear the trump brand from las vegas to vancouver manila to the bud. before it launched critics of the hotel project would be too expensive to prove profitable but what
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most didn't anticipate was of the owner would win the white house. or in the of uncle suite at the trump international hotel it's named for the president's daughter it cost a thousand four hundred sixty five dollars to stay here and that's on the less expensive side of the luxury suites. but like so many visitors to the hotel whether politicians tourists or journalists like us the only reason we decided to come here is because it's owned by the president of the united states when he was elected trump owns more than five hundred companies mostly under the umbrella of the trump organization and the president elect of the united states of america donald trump and a controversial decision trump refused to divest from his company instead he put them into a trust these papers are just some of the many documents that i've signed turning over complete and total control to my sons i spent thirty years of my life tracking the man because i thought he was culturally significant i did not expect him to
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become politically significant investigative journalist david cay johnston has long reported on the ups and downs of trump's business ventures you know with donald trump said he was giving up ready to businesses and putting you into a trust i literally erupted in laughter donald trump doesn't run any businesses thumb trump is not a competent businessman he leaves it up to other people. and furthermore the trust that set up this sons of said they tell dad about what's going on in the business to avoid the possibility of conflicts of interest previous u.s. presidents put their financial assets into a blind trust to ensure they would know how their wealth was handled those who owned businesses sold them jimmy carter had to sell his two bit business after putting it in a trust and nobody for a minute thought that his little peanut warehouse in rural georgia was going to have any influence on government policy can donald trump actually take profits out
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he can reach and withdraw money at any time whether or not he's done so we don't know but this is not anything at all like a blind trust this is like what you expect to see in a family business posing as a country. person. but after donald trump was sworn in at the capital his motorcade went to the white he had the presidential limousine known as the beast stop. he stopped right in front of the trump international tell he was sending a very clear signal you want to do business with my been tracing he will pay tribute to me and bingo that hotel suddenly was full of business. zach everson is a freelance journalist who's created a whole new be out of covering the trumpeting national hotel and the people who patronize it on your twitter feed you've kind of highlighted a lot of what's happening on social media with alltel so what are some of the kind
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of ones that stand out this is a picture i found on instagram of russia's ambassador to the united states and he was posing with the founder of a russian nail art chain and she she attacked him i mean it's got the instagram account r us the m d usa and the caption said in english thank you to our russian ambassador russian flag in the usa american flag for a warm welcome in washington d.c. maine's governor page's band here rudy giuliani is here a lot so this was a guy instrumental classic pete and you know guy's night with a couple of his friends and america's mayor. has tag saturdays are for the boys trumps financial disclosure forms in the kid that the hotel brought in more than forty million dollars in two thousand and seventeen according to federal documents reported by the washington post they'll tell made a remarkable profit in the first four months of that year the hotel expected to lose about two million dollars and instead it made two million dollars so that's
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a four million dollars swing. it has one of the highest room rates in d.c. it's been reported but one of the lowest occupancy rates and that to me says that they have a set market of people are going to come here and they don't need to necessarily push their dreams competitively so would you say donald trump and family are profiting from the presidency. through the hotel corridor yeah and part of the reason they're making good money is because trump is president i think that's why a lot of people do come here. since the hotel opened the president has visited at least ten times and there are streams of evidence the trump family members administration officials republican politicians and lobbyists all make appearances . the federal election commission filings show that republican candidates committees and powerful donor groups have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars at trying to see. foreign governments including malaysia saudi arabia and romania have also made a showing kuwait has celebrated its national day at the hotel two years running. in
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june the philippines embassy hosted an independence day celebration the ambassador explained his choice of venue to filipino news agency having it in a hotel that happens to have his name is and but that's hardly the end all and be all but it's a it's a state it's a statement that we have a good relationship with this president. whatever the intent of events like this have raised criticism that foreign governments are patronizing the hotel to curry favor with the president. in the penn state party was held as the philippines lobbied for free trade agreement with the united states philippines president rodrigo to territory had proposed the two countries explore a bilateral deal when he met with president trump at the end of two thousand and seventeen so was it reasonable for critics to see a connection i would see it as a cut and dried transactional thing after two years in afghanistan as a reporter and then as an advisor to the us military sarah chayes writes about
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corruption and its casualties around the world it's not like in the on follow is the use of trump hotel and then you get in return a piece of public policy that's how the u.s. bribery statute is now being construed by the supreme court but that's not how they stop work this stuff works. because you do your network partner a favor they are in your debt they do you a favor and it goes back and forth like this you don't have to spell it out trump's business history in countries like the philippines is hard to separate from his current duties as president an ad from two thousand and twelve shows how trump's name is emblazoned on the sky rise in manila represented a great opportunity. to defer the its developer. is the philippines trade envoy to the united states. philippine envoy is double headed private public the president united states is double had
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a private public that means every interaction between the two you don't know where public service stops and private interest begins. although the trump organization vowed not to pursue new foreign ventures while trump is in office. there's wide overlap between his business interests and the international relationships he must navigate as president. a chinese government owned bank runs a twentieth floor of trump tower in new york city at a trump property adjacent to the un saudi arabia and india own apartments. the new unit there is this year. from post foreign dignitaries at mar-a lago his private club where membership rates doubled after his election his companies have been granted approval for trademarks in china even as the president negotiated trade policy with its leader so far i have got nothing absolutely nothing but the potential conflicts of interest are many and they've raised charges that trump is
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violating the us constitution and the new. charges are laid out in several lawsuits one of which is now focused on the trumpeted national we decided last year because it was a violation of this country's oldest anti-corruption law and that is the emoluments clauses both foreign and domestic. we would like a federal court to order the present united states to cease violating the emoluments clauses and that would i think mean at the present nine states would be ordered to divest in a clear and transparent way from his businesses. seen as the attorney general of the district of columbia the democrat and with his counterpart in the state of maryland he's suing the president and frankly we saw it as our obligation particularly given the fact that in the case of the district of columbia is violating the law five blocks down the street how do you prove that the president being influenced by people patronizing his hotel how do you prove corruption it's
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a great question and that is why the founding fathers made a very clear rule and that is that the president or a federal office holder should not receive anything of value from foreign countries or even domestic states if trump divested from his businesses do you think he would behave any differently well i it's very important that the law doesn't require proof of actual influence on the part of president trump it's enough that he's receiving these perks from foreign governments and from the domestic states what's at stake here with the lawsuit the very essence of democracy having an elected president united states whose obligation it is to represent the interest of all americans in the country not to be sidetracked diverted or have another powerful interest the power of money. the justice department is defending the president and
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has argued for the case to be dismissed. they say the term emolument refers to profits trump and receiver only in his role as president not in private market transactions. but in july a u.s. district judge rejected this argument allowing the case to move forward. it was the first time a federal court has interpreted the moment's clauses in his opinion the judge cited the research of constitutional law scholar john. so we tried to find every available english language dictionary definition of them all human that exists and during the time frame that we studied about a couple hundred year period we found forty forty this is the earliest one and it defines them all human as simply profit or gain. some as profit governed by labor and cost so this is the kind of definition that the president's lawyers have
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seized upon and said look this is a little bit different because it says profit gotten by labor and cost maybe we can read something into that as a kind of a restriction. mcconnell found that most definitions of the molly meant from the era of the constitution was written support an interpretation that includes the kinds of profits the president is making it is otoh i would add another thing about the text of the form all humans cause it's an mistake about how sweeping and comprehensive the founders and the founding generation understood this clause to be no person holding any office of profit or trust shell accept any. present emolument office or title of any kind whatever from any. king prince or foreign state and so one of the biggest problems for the president is that the text of the constitution is on its face so sweeping in its prohibition of the
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receipt of for pneumonia so if the term argument is so key why is it so obscure why is this the first time the courts have taken it up we have never had a president who is so brazenly is treating the oval office in the presidency as an opportunity to make money at least that's the appearance. to dispel concerns that the president could be influenced by foreign money the trump organization has written a check to the u.s. treasury for the profits they say they made from foreign governments in two thousand and seventeen about one hundred fifty one thousand dollars but president trump has refused to make his tax returns public and without them it's impossible to know whether he's profiting from his office or not with the republican controlled congress unwilling to force him to disclose them the perception persists it's shocking we have norms against corruption but we also have norms against appearance of corruption and the idea is look we're going to be over inclusive here we don't even want to get near the area where we think
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a government official might be exploiting his or her office for private gain so appearance of corruption is a very important. it's easy to see trump is unprecedented a break from the past but since the one nine hundred eighty s. growing sums of money a flooded politics shipping many american sense that the entire system is corrupt. trump capitalized on the feeling to get to power as he reminded republican politicians last spring but they had this expression drain the swamp. and i hated it and i thought it was so hokey i said that is the hokies give me a break i'm embarrassed. that i was in florida with twenty five thousand people going wild. and they said we will drain the swamp the place went crazy in washington someone running for office often takes campaign contributions from the
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pharmaceutical lobby or the gun lobby which are funded by manufacturers of those products they very often support legislation to support those corporations how is that not in the heart of corruption why is the president doing something different it's a fair question and part of my answer would be that may well be corruption to personally think that there's quite a lot of corruption in our political system right now at every level and so it's an important issue to address the difference however in this as it bears on these lawsuits is that that's not a constitutional violation we will drain the swamp. and every time i said it i got the biggest applause and after four or five times i said boy that was a great expression i love. of days i would call him yes unprecedented at least in living memory but not an aberration in the sense that he's just completely isolated out there in the middle of nowhere i would call him something closer to an up. of
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a trend that's been developing in developing and developing and he's just kind of brought it out of the closet the department of justice has asked the judge to freeze proceedings as they appeal his decision to hear the moment's lawsuit in the end the case may be decided by a higher court but the attorney general of d.c. is pressing forward we want to know exactly where the money is coming. that's going into the trump hotel we want to know for example how many foreign governments have paid for rooms dinners parking and other items of sale at the hotel we also need to establish of course that the present united states himself has received those moneys will be also seeking the president's tax returns ultimately i think that that question's going to be answered by judge trump's polarizing presidency maybe helping his d.c. hotel thrive but elsewhere it's taking a toll on his financial disclosure reports provide clues
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a number of his properties so the revenue fall in two thousand and seventeen at a hotel in soho his name has been removed from the building management deals in toronto and panama have also collapsed those are all indicated the fact that there are a lot of people who don't like donald trump so to the extent that he's able to promote his businesses and make money off them he's going to do that but it's not going to work as a strategy everywhere. if the democrats prevail in the embers mid-term elections and take back congress they'll be able to investigate whether the president is profiting from his office trump has been holding rallies across the country to support republican candidates and has come here to west virginia. it's a state trump won in two thousand and sixteen and his supporters far number his critics they don't care about his conflicts of interest. i think people in general feel more competent in him and so businesses around all that picked up
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because they feel right what about trump himself he hasn't divested from his business some people accuse him of profiting from the presidency what do you say to those critics i mean if i hear the businessman but he also understands what the issues of the. you know when you spoke to at this rally seemed worried by the possibility that the president's business can. things may well have put them on a collision course with the constitution. of the room i mean this law rights trump and i am so proud to introduce myself as the daughter in law of alberta president donald j. h. out of the was right there haters in hollywood despite the obstructionist democrats despite the fake news media was no tribe is draining the swamp in washington d.c. ladies and gentlemen of the lib a lot of people voted for
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a wrecking ball they voted for someone who would blow up the system in fact in the guise of voting for any corruption canaday what you got was a pretty extreme candidate and that happens all the time when people vote you know when they go to extremes. he has developed a cult of people who really believe that he is their savior he's not he is there in the me he has no regard for anyone else including his own family but he has persuaded a whole lot of people who feel powerless voiceless and have been damaged by the policies that began with ronald reagan in one thousand and one. indeed the charges that the president of the united states is profiting from his office even if proven in a court of law seems unlikely to go down as the most scandalous legacy of trump's presidency we've eliminated a record number of job killing regulations and republicans have passed the biggest
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tax cuts and reform a little this was really a massive socialist redistribution program to take from the many and give to the already rich the estimates run that between sixty and eighty percent of the individual income tax savings will go to people in the top one percent that's basically. people make over six hundred thousand dollars a year and most of that will go to the one thousand american families who make over two million dollars. by slashing tax rates for corporations the republican tax plan is forecast to increase the national deficit by at least one trillion dollars in the next decade weakening access to health care and the social safety net that americans rely on in times of crisis. with the smart ones remember i say it all the time you hear the elite they're not only warily you're smarter than they are
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more money than they are have better jobs than they do. you know the elite so let them have the word elite you know the super elite that's what i always say i always hate when they say well the elite just started not to go to something i'm doing. is it well i have a lot more money than they do. i have. a much better education than that i'm smarter than they. i have many much more beautiful homes than they do. i have a better a part of it at the top of fifth avenue. why the hallow the elite tell me. the justice department declined to speak with phone lines for this report the white house and the trump organization did not respond to interview questions. critics
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warn that by blurring the line between public interest and personal gain the trump presidency risks eroding norms of democratic governance with consequences that of yet to be told as a lot of discussion now you know can it happen here and fascism arise here demagoguery of one kind or another rise here could we have a return to overtly racist exclusionary policies that we thought were long gone and can we return to an earlier era where politicians were over the corrupt they didn't even seem to think that it was a an embarrassing thing. and that's so very very close and. and together. we will make america wealthy again that's happened as happening a lot faster than the fake news ever said it could help. the
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. idea one that since guilty are let me let me fix that real quick for you. so why did you choose to write that given that trump has been convicted and. i think it's just a matter of time. until someone who's got all this power he's never admitted really is wrong. for that reason i think we're in a pickle. business updates. going places together.
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business updates. going places together.
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coming up in the next sixty minutes. in the case of the missing journalist. oil money. and in sports an international cricketer has confessed to his role in a spot fixing scandal in england following an all. most successful spin bowling test matches has decided to come clean.
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it's been more than two weeks since the journalist. walked into the saudi consulate in istanbul he didn't come out again during those two weeks of uncertainty we've been following the story closely the latest information we have is that turkish investigators looking for evidence linked to his disappearance have completed searching two saudi arabia's diplomatic buildings in full they spent more than twelve hours looking through both the consulate and the consul general's residence turkey's sources have told al-jazeera quotes important samples were found during the search. was last seen entering the consulate on october the second an eleven minute order recording from inside that building has been leaked to turkish media it suggests he was attacked as he entered the consulate investigators are now turning their attention to the fifteen member saudi hit squad who they suspect killed one of the men al-jazeera has learned is a bodyguard of the saudi crown prince mohammed bin salma live now charles stratford
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who's outside the saudi consulate building just get us right up to date charles what's the latest on where we are with the inquiry. but you say twelve hours of investigating boasts the consul's the consul general and back to the consulate again last night speaking to members of the prosecutor's team the small warning we understand that a lot of the focus of that investigation at the consul general's home was in that the goblin some of the outside areas to the rear of the building understand there may even have been some sort of excavation done during that investigation also being told that a lot of focus on a vehicle in the consul general's gara that we understand was seen to have moved or moved from the consulate to the consul general on the day that coup shows she disappeared this morning we spoke to another source in the chief prosecutor's
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office and the police and they are saying that there was some pills that were taken in the consul general's home last night that may well manage samples taken from the consulate now we don't know what that material is so no more information on that but certainly more evidence being dropped through drip just through to the media we were also told that. the investigators have a fingerprints form at least six of the fifty main suspects those suspects that we've been told came into turkey on those private jets on the day that he disappeared because shows he disappeared and left the same day those fingerprints including prints of the autopsy experts allow muhammad to keep. prosecutors sources also saying and this is very interesting that there seems to be increasing emphasis on trying to track down somebody they suspect may have been.
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feeding information back to the saudi authorities from the day that crucial g a writing to key around a year and a half ago was saying it's believed that that person. may well be a close associate possibly even a friend over here in turkey all this evidence certainly can only confirm that he's not officially being announced yet he's beginning to build up and as we've been saying in recent days the longer this investigation goes on the more leaks we're seeing to the international pressure in istanbul as far as your sources know that charles is this the forensic operation is it done and dusted now or do they go back in today or tomorrow perhaps. well our understanding is that certainly the investigations at the consulate that the consulate and the consul general is home are now complete but we weren't expecting a revisit to the consulate last night so it's difficult to say one hundred percent
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whether there will not be a revisit. certainly all sources are saying that there is this increasingly emphasis on looking at these suspects it's understood that they've all now left the country a source telling us today it's believed that none of them were carrying fake passports and a number of them would have been carrying diplomatic possibles of course giving them diplomatic immunity where this investigation goes now it's difficult to say there are put lots of rumors going around that the investigation might now be taken to areas outside of its stamboul the fact of the matter is certainly all the evidence will suggest and they have been noted leaks made to the press that nobody seems to have been found because he does not seem to have been found in this investigation certainly so far in either the consul's council general's home or the consulate itself so you can imagine they going through this evidence now with
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a fine tooth comb and the longer this goes on as they say the greater the pressure on saudi arabia and indeed turkey to complete and release the results of this joint investigative team operation charles thanks very much as. well leaders in the political and business worlds continue to back away from saudi arabia the dutch government pass in the last couple of hours council the saudi trade mission and the french finance minister is the latest to pull out of a forthcoming investment conference in riyadh meanwhile in the u.s. the democrats are putting pressure on donald trump over his response to the case they want him to disclose any business ties he may have with saudi arabia don't trump has been reluctant to criticize this. leadership despite mounting evidence linking riyadh to the disappearance of jamal khashoggi mr trump sent to secretary of state mike pompei or to get answers from mr pompei or said he got a strong commitment from the saudi leadership to a thorough and
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a timely investigation the washington post has published what it calls the last opinion piece written by jamal khashoggi the call and calls for greater freedom of expression across the arab world mike hanna reports now on this case causing problems for donald trump president trump will receive a personal report on the case in coming hours he's urged turkish authorities to hand over any audio and video recordings they may have we've asked for if it exists . the president has been reluctant to criticize saudi arabia or discuss any sanction that may be imposed dismissing allegations a saudi complicity as and i quote another case of guilty until proven innocent they are in our we have a very good allies in the middle east but if you look at saudi arabia you're an ally of the tremendous purchase of not only military equipment but of military and president trump is awaiting the report from the secretary of state who were sent to
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the region in the face of a growing political uproar mike pompei or spent time with senior saudi figures during a visit to riyadh and said they had denied any knowledge of the matter and had started a full investigation. he also met with the turkish president in ankara shaking hands for the camera but insisted it was too early to go into details about the journalist disappearance and i would start with any of the facts. that they didn't want to either in that they want to have the opportunity to complete this investigation in a throw away and more pressure from congress the house speaker paul ryan saying action must be taken we have laws for this we recently passed the magnitsky act which is a man who was killed in prison in the russian prison so we have sanction laws on the books in terms of this bipartisan action president trump is given one hundred twenty days to decide on what sanctions to impose a group of democrat senators have demanded that the trump family disclose any
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business ties that may have had with saudi arabia in the past decade but this is legally and enforceable and likely to be brushed aside by the president and a reminder of the man who's at the center of this ongoing crisis the washington post has published an opinion piece written by jamal khashoggi shortly before his disappearance in a t. criticizes the lack of international response to the abuse of journalists in countries like saudi arabia and egypt he writes these actions no longer carry the consequence of a backlash from the international community instead these actions may trigger condemnation quickly followed by silence as a result he continues arab governments have been given free rein to continue silencing the media at an increasing rate. ok let's look at the man at the center of all this jamal. the saudi journalist was once close to the inner circle of the
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saudi royal family here and his reputation as a reformist by pushing boundaries and questioning government policy in two thousand and three became media advisor to prince turki bin feisal the prince headed saudi arabia's intelligence service and later served as ambassador to the united states but last year went into exile in the u.s. after becoming concerned about the actions of the crown prince mohammed bin cell man he told al jazeera in march that he left the kingdom because he didn't want to be arrested let's bring in chris phillips from london formerly head of the u.k. national counterterrorism security office and a specialist on crime scene investigation chris welcome back so we understand they found the same kind of evidence in the to locations one of those locations is the consul general zz residence his home the other is the consulate building speculate for us what that might be is this d.n.a. . well certainly it indicates that the two buildings are linked and
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of course we don't know exactly what they found i mean we're we're getting leaks at the moment from the turkish government which really isn't good enough i wouldn't have thought but certainly if you've got the two buildings linked that means that the people that were in one were also in the other that means that you can quite safely say really the buildings are are part of the and and the body almost certainly moved to the second building i think the important thing here is that we look at the next stage and the next stage is really about a find in the body let's have a look at the body and i'm sure the turkish police want to look at the body see how it was killed i mean whether the toxins were used by the poisons we use whether it was a decapitation cutting up if you like and then also interview and this is the key one interview the people that were there at the saudis have got nothing to hide then really they should be given those people up for investigation and interview
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and i think that will be the key point are they going to give them up and take send them back to turkey or allow turkey turkish investigators or international investigation team to go to turkey to interview them.


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