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tv   Gaddafi Rendition The West  Al Jazeera  October 21, 2018 3:00pm-4:01pm +03

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secured ordinary civilians in benghazi and he was poised to come back and take benghazi he retaken a number of other towns including a stab year in the east where he hadn't gone ahead and done a wholesale massacre the international community could not just stand by and see gadhafi willing to kill thousands and thousands and thousands of demonstrators. at the end of february two thousand and eleven a group of military officers and government ministers had defected from the regime and set up a national transitional council the n.t.s.c. headed by the former justice minister most of the jury years of mutual in the military and hollowing out political structures had left little loyalty among elements of the gadhafi regime by early march however the deficit forces had shored up their control of tripoli and look to head east during claimed benghazi. the n.t.s.c. working with the arab league an organization longer at odds with libya and its
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leader urged the u.n. security council to stop gadhafi from killing his own people on mass. but claims of impending genocide of regime soldiers ordered to rape civilian women it will where far from proven. don't tell me about the stories about gadhafi killing his own be able the mumbai argument of fish law all the district in jubilee the loser for less famous as a woman the use of adolescence as a as a matter as a woman that's completely false western n.g.o.s went in and found out that none of this was was true. but it was reported at the time and it was reported by al jazeera al or a beer b.b.c. new york times washington post c.n.n. since all the t.v. networks in the west are seen many dead bodies of libyans shot in the streets and the government protesters have told al-jazeera what they call
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a massacre on saturday and that's how the body of evidence at the time seemed overwhelming because you had not just one until the intelligence community was saying you had what all of our allies were saying you had what the regional partners were saying you had what we were reading in the newspaper every day from press from journalists on the ground. truth was not the first casualty of the war in libya but it was now a feast li contest to deselect. british prime minister david cameron and french president nicolas sarkozy led the charge for direct action against the gadhafi regime they pushed for a un security council resolution authorizing a no fly zone over libya to be overseen by nato but military intervention would be impossible without the u.s. backing it going to do a nato intervention without the support of great states and at the time the
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secretary of state was hillary clinton and clearly she is building a political career for the souls when she want to take position in the world stage . it i clinton was in paris and there she actually she met several for. instance. there was a video conference between perry new york and washington d.c. and that basic only eat out you know convinced i guess the president to do to take decision she went to barack obama told them ok now gadhafi has tanks going towards benghazi if he goes the the revolutionaries their blood will be on your white shirt . and like barack obama the leaders of britain and france had needed no convincing to call for a nato intervention against gadhafi while david cameron may have looked at both his fledgling credentials as an international statesman for president sarkozy the drive
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to get rid of gadhafi seemed both political and personal. because def you regime reportedly bankrolled so cozy a successful two thousand and seven presidential campaign. that same year libya signed the multi-billion euro arms agreement that if their feet would later fail to honor he also proposed the idea of a pan african currency no longer backed by the french treasury another challenge to france's influence in africa. on march seventeenth two thousand and eleven the u.n. security council led by france the u.k. and the u.s. pushed through resolution one nine seven three. giving legal authority to enforce a no fly zone over the deficit libya this resolution demands an immediate cease fire. and
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a complete end to violence and attacks against civilians. and . they adopted a resolution that said that amongst other things there would be an arms embargo there would be a no fly zone and all necessary measures could be used to protect civilians in libya. no occupying ground force. it was a no fly zone it was more properly and called a no drive zone because it was able to hit targets on the ground. nato intervention was decisive in tipping the balance of power back in favor of the rebels and also of course the training of rebel forces by foreign security intelligence agencies enabled those rebels to me even to the west and eventually to topple gadhafi and to take control of tripoli it led to not only. in fact the civil war the
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militarization of the uprising and the rise of the armed militias or not that was done through supply of weapons through cata in you can operation with intelligence services and the west in the wintertime have to weigh the fact that there was a weapons in monaco. there's a lot of a lot of help from the emirates from qatar who came to to the help of the libyan people. that limited the suffering of the people who limited the number of casualties that took place in there qatar at the beginning was very popular and supporting the uprising but then the united arab emirates and saudi arabia and egypt supported the national coalition turkey became involved with support of misrata and so you find that the regional arab countries and the european. countries are involved in the libyan civil war it was an opportunity for the world
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to get rid of a menace it's called gadhafi. it's a call incident in. a moment of history whereby the a spirit of some of the libyans met with with three interests of western powerful countries and the country was literally tied up and sea legs and trolling for the ninth floor for a bunch of terrorists and gangsters waiting outside. rebel forces made up of militias divided along grecian own territorial and ideological lines also contained criminal elements and those seeking their own gain but this point there are differences the rebels who are gaining the upper hand. in the east coast this of anti imperialist national hero. took pride of place as flex of independent
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libya not seen since that. time of can get trees where waged by jubilant crowds. by the end of august two thousand and eleven rebel forces would take tripoli libya's capital city and regime stronghold without defeat resistance many had anticipated less than three weeks later the n.t.s.c. was recognized by the un as libya's leader tim its governing go thirteen with tripoli lost get their feet retreated to his hometown of sirte but it too was now close to falling. the rebellion was closing again. and for gadhafi time was running out. when the fears of a chord messages to his family he said there will go down in history as a hero. there will never leave my country and i left and i never left my country i never gave up. october twentieth two thousand and eleven nato aircraft attack
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a convoy of armored vehicles leaving cert. rebel fighters on the ground receive intelligence that a person of interest may be among those fleeing moments later. get their feet is found hiding in a drain pipe. khadafi fled and then the rebels chased him down. and tortured him. and murdered him. for some the final words of libya's brother leader moments before being killed showed a broken man three and confused for others those words were of a desperate man clinging to delusion. until the last moment to you know he looks like he doesn't believe that what he was doing was wrong i mean. this why say what do they do to your record you destroy
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their life so you destroy the future of those people they have no future whatsoever . he symbolize a something to those who like him and those who dislike him or hate him those who picked up arms against him and those who will be the bombers to defend and he soon there because in some kind of fear for them you know. the world was happy and though. i had the discussion at night with friends and i thought them will look you know the violence that happened with them might be the first chapter of a book that we're going to go through. if you live by the sword you die by the sword. retribution was meted out to those who fought for get that. some were killed. some paraded through the streets.
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others taken away their fates unknown. a gruesome and put in of to improve to leave and his supporters but then and that may not have been inevitable there were a series of negotiations right at the beginning right in that period when the u.n. security council authorized intervention and nato countries started the bombing and when the u.s. state department heard about this they said you need to stop those negotiations and one of the x. u.s. ex military officers who was engaged in those negotiations he said and he's quoted in the newspaper saying this if you were really serious about trying to protect civilians in. and the violence wouldn't you give forty eight hours to see if they're serious about potentially agreeing to a cease fire why would we pull the plug rather than give them
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a chance to see if they're interested in peace. the fairy idea was to make as many people as possible believe that we that he's evil and once you believe he's an evil you don't accept the idea of talking to if there's a way to build and this one of the things that at least for me gilles least for so the bushies says the americans certainly got that we came we saw died. when gadhafi sent his danks to benghazi to benghazi and still the you know there is no united nations resolution i ask a cousin of mine who was a dissident military man a card on know and he was a benghazi i told him we're going to have his sending his tanks what you're going to do. because we had french officers and benghazi including the generals so i do
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think the french will lead their people die they took the arab league all the way to new york and the decision to bomb. libya was taken within a month it took them more than a year in bosnia and kosovo rwanda so i think they are i think i need to respond here why did get deaf is sent a column of sixty kilometers of armed tanks and heavy equipment to benghazi on the nineteenth of march she was not where you think it was it happens and i just have they're not good it's not oh sorry you know a column to my sister to bring it back he was not going to celebrate with the benghazi people they're not going to live as if it was not let's get a look at you know i just witnessed this point he was not going there to give out gifts or strings on what's going there to destroy to take a city back or kill whoever stole your god is a question is i want to us or the club stuck or was this exaggerated by the media including you know just here and did did gadhafi really commit mass of course but i
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think i think i want to go back the west did not do anything during the tunisian revolution they did not good do anything huge option revolution clearly they are fed up with gadhafi and here's an opportunity for the deaf it to be removed and the libyan people are coming out and we are now used to the seventy kilometers of tanks and military if it wasn't going to attack been lousy the know that gadhafi and of course leaders know that gadhafi is going to slaughter the libyans because he doesn't care what was in it for the west that's the question tell you what's in it the price. what what was and it is the price libya has a lot of resources gadhafi had a lot of cash a lot of investments libya has forty banks abroad that runs a sub banks of about two hundred banks including in new york and wall street but at that stage he had very good relationships with the west and he me made the big deals like the deal in the desert with tony blair and b.p.
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and shell and all but he was that's why polls be coming back that's why why would they want to get rio he was reluctant especially the french the french they promised them a ten billion euro or more hour more and if you do it militarily and it didn't do a thing sarkozy was frustrated the british were for us in american didn't care but there was a kind of a lot we are on the clintons that made miss clinton mrs clinton lead the way that the united states entered in this war but it was not the interest of the united states government it was the interest of some lobbies in the united states they think that if the united states have some action there would be more interest for those lobbies was talking about international intervention because even the un resolution well didn't talk what kind of about changing the regime did it or like oh it's about protecting course the civilians i was one of those throughout the revolution who come out and meet international media almost every day what we were
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telling western politicians and others and other politicians and the media that look good death is very brutal he's not going alley he hasn't left is not mubarak he's not given a power he's going to stick it out and kill as many people as possible to prevent his downside we used to say do you want another rwanda massacre in north africa is that what you want because will the international community conscious carry that remember what happened in rwanda the world turned a blind eye a million people would be killed and the international community responded yes but that it wasn't there more and it was. motor's duty there was libya was a member of the united nation i don't think naturally we had to do anything. arguments for and against the legitimacy of nato intervention were being drowned out as the mission to protect civilians crept into regime change.
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when the going gets tough many bangkok slum dwellers are forced to borrow. she may be kinder than your average money lender. she may have more patience. but make no mistake. she means business. granny loan shark part of the viewfinder asia series on al-jazeera. we understand the differences and the similarities of cultures across the wound. so no matter where you call home al-jazeera will bring you the news and current of things that matter to. al-jazeera. the cricket world isn't in our bad match fixing i mean you have to think why would you give me
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a god guess then we didn't bring the media in there i get a big big fan base. al-jazeera is investigative unit reveals explosive new ad documentary confirms the bible now is a very hard profile figure in match fixing and international cricket so you can go . al-jazeera investigation cricket match fixing the files. you know again i'm fully battle with the headlines on al-jazeera present donald trump has told the washington post that called obviously there's been deception and they have been lies regarding the killing of saudi. the saudi government says a genocide during a fistfight inside its consulate in istanbul the washington post also says cia officers have heard the audio recording that turkey says proves how he died
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meanwhile new zealand has joined france germany the european union and the un in calling for a credible transparent and in-depth investigation into death the german foreign minister says they shouldn't be any. before a complete inquiry. vote counting has begun in afghanistan's first parliamentary elections in a is there were a number of attacks on polling stations that left at least seventeen civilians dead and more than seventy wounded because of the violence and technical issues in some provinces voting has been extended this sunday for more than four hundred polling places u.s. president donald trump says he will abandon a landmark nuclear weapons treaty with russia he accuses moscow of violating the decades old pact which bans the two countries from having a wide range of nuclear and conventional weapons. we're not going to let them violate a nuclear agreement and go out of your weapon and we're not allowed to we're the
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ones that have stayed in the agreement and we've done it with russia is not an orchard way to do agreements so we're going to terminate it we were going to. israeli media says the demolition of the palestinian village of qana has been postponed to allow for negotiations that palestinian leaders have rejected those with poor saying they can't be trusted it's been more than two weeks since israel's deadline for the one hundred eighty bedouin residents to leave their homes israel wants to demolish the village in the occupied west bank to make way for more illegal settlements. and twenty two miners are trapped in a coal mine in china after part of a mining tunnel was destroyed in eastern shandong province more than three hundred people were working inside at the time most of them have been evacuated hundreds of people are killed each year in china's mine industry. those are the
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headlines on al-jazeera pente more news on our website at al-jazeera dot com the big picture continues next. november on al-jazeera radicalized you a new hard hitting series comes face to face with the hatred and violence of militant groups that attract young people around the world on november fifth the u.s. will impose additional sanctions on iran targeting the oil factor we'll look at the impact that may have when migrant lives are in danger and see who should come to their aid people in power investigates the united states is getting ready for the u.s. midterm elections on november sixth join us for live coverage and analysis and listening post continues to examine global media coverage and look behind the headlines november on al-jazeera. we.
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need to intervention in libya had helped the rebels overthrow and kilcullen mom. libya was now up for grabs is the leadership of france. that took the united arab league to new york and convinced everybody to do and everybody came in for the price and that's what we see up till now the libyan people the libyan people whatever their pains were whatever the operation was used against them they were a marginal factor and what happened in libya what happened i was still happens in libya and this because the nature of libya this is not today this is seventeenth century this is ten century this is the time of the greeks when they came and the romans the turks libya is a low potential country but with the arab interest in this arab countries what was the interest the egyptian was confused and they were not in a position they could do anything and libya the who led it was copper and then the
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gulf countries you know and they wanted to get rid of gadhafi every libya is developed on the mediterranean shore two hundred fifty kilometers from europe you know both sides well the gulf would be second hand in the area you're saying they. deliberately wanted instability they felt that the only country that has the same potential was not in the gulf council is libya it's out of control you know i'm not ruling out the country's interest in libya but we need to put it into perspective. gaddafi was already doing business with french british italian and american companies their rights were always preserved by gadhafi and you know this very well so partly i think partly yes economic interest is always there but i
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think for an international alliance of forty five countries to support the u.n. resolution one thousand nine hundred three to go into libya and protect civilians and many many new norway took part norway's sent airplanes and fighters and took part so many countries took part in this alliance that cannot be explained you really by economic interests let's massacres messick as a happening all over the world yes and we don't see the need to intervening to protect civilians in other countries and then let's let's let's not forget that what happened and this is those eight months twenty seven thousand five hundred sorties with sixty thousand bombs and missiles on libya the destruction of libya and turning it from a state sovereign state into a territory that we see today it is the action of the international community that has to come back and try to help us reinstate the state.
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immediately after the fall of the gadhafi regime libya was under the stewardship of the national transitional council but in reality it was a torn patchwork of competing militias and there was with weapons. under pressure from western powers the n.t. see it through parliamentary elections in july two thousand and twelve one by an outwardly liberal coalition the national forces alliance. the second biggest party to presented in the new parliament was the justice and construction party the political arm of the muslim brotherhood in libya. the m.d.c. was to give way to the gnc the general national congress which would be based in tripoli and given a mandate to govern for eighteen months before the election of a new government. but as libya moved to democratic rule moves were being made that
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would give the militias even greater power number one was the fateful decision by the transitional authorities to grant a state salary to anyone who had fought during the revolution so what we saw happen was a mushrooming of armed groups so the revolutionary big gates became even bigger and more powerful if i am a young person who will become part of these military formations and he is making fifty percent more than a teacher has been teacher for thirty five years the only job opportunity is to be commission member libya became consumed by political and economic turf battles this is my money this is my territory this is my activity not yours and all those different groups whose contesting interests were suppressed or kadafi got a chance the so. my turn now the other crucial event was
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a decision by mustapha band leader of the national transitional council to concede to armed federalists and federalist being those who are seeking some form of autonomy for eastern libya they have become blockading a key road in central libya he capitulated to their demands and what was important about that was it was the first time in post gadhafi libya where the lesson was learned that force or the threat of force will give you political leverage with cummings is that the militias become much more powerful than the government so really there are many ways under the mercy of these of these militias. there was no deal is a fusion of libya so that they when gadhafi goes you find these are students in place for example. six. and the other thing was there was the militias of gadhafi and his children desire to protect them and these are the ones
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who they fought against the security yes the look of the bushes scuse me yes scuse me the. fifth of june while i was an opponent to gadhafi i went to his jail i was beaten on my legs on my hands by his people but let me let me be objective here the the libyan army in two thousand and eleven resisted for eight months three against twenty three thousand sorties is that in june fifth nine hundred sixty seven use only three thousand sorties so come on we're talking here to me when he said it wasn't a result of this was the point you hear them they just because we're talking about we can why everybody what we didn't like the institutions of gadhafi we're like him being picked out dictator what is this to them but we cannot say that libya has not institutions i would say or i didn't like the institutions or i can ask you i know you were talking about the it's officially bad but it was not this is it evolution
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this is not does not have a leadership it does not have a plan for what you do afterwards you have this vacuum that isn't in place. and then here what happens that definitely opened of all his weapon arsenals so he spread out all the weapons in the hands of the people you get out seventy thousand criminals they're out of jail and they are mr rice this is the problem now these militias they've got used to money and salaries and power and influence and they grew and grew and they must from their numbers at the beginning in two thousand and eleven there were about twenty thousand twenty five thousand of them present now at both now we have about a quarter of a million because every young man who was unemployed the best way a quickest way to get money is to go and join a militia militia life became very attractive. libya was a. by militias with conflicting interests. violence as political currency was
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carried out with impunity in sit down by two thousand and twelve the u.s. ambassador to libya chris stevens was killed during an alleged attack by the al qaeda affiliated and sort of sherry our group on an american consulate facility in benghazi the kidnappings and the sesa nations where now commonplace in the spring two thousand and thirteen violence really and implied was used to force through mulish solution that would favor some factions and weaken others. it was very much a sense in libya of victor's justice and one of the manifestations of this an issue this mindset was the drafting and passage in two thousand and thirteen of what is known in libya as the political isolation law and this was basically a hollowing out of expertise within key institutions of the state with.
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the unknown toe in the wildlife so on a cell will last and either to have that innocent if you had a job or to khadafi you could hold no role in the libyan political government toward wiping out the technocrats wiping out the nonpolitical people wiping up a competent people as well as wiping anybody with any relationship to khadafi. it was a power grab. in february two thousand and fourteen without public consultation or parliamentary vote the gnc extended its electoral mandate for one more year it was a fateful move that led to an exiled military man to launch his own challenge for power. after a former libyan army officer once part of the coup that ousted can get reese in one nine hundred sixty nine had been abandoned into. after gadhafi has figured the war to seize did a tree in one thousand nine hundred six have to was rescued by the cia and given us
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citizenship and returned to libya at the start of the two thousand and eleven uprising. general have to now look to still revolt against the gnc but his appeal to overthrow the tripoli government failed so he regrouped in the east. wing to restore order to a new list but. it was. completely unsafe and but you guys you to go out every day hundreds of people were killed says in it. dana but he was he was younger at the time it was a complete chunk of between different accounts who are fighting for control after decided he was going to try and put an end to all of this with his operation dignity campaign he pulled with him reap some for tired military personnel. and then others he would come on board and join what he called his libyan national army but which actually in reality was at least collection of
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revolutionary groups the militias as well on the ground in the east. he started the so-called dignity war against ghazi against terrorists because in benghazi there was a sort of i was labeled by do you know the nation as a terrorist group but there are also other groups formed they're part of the revolution clearly they're nobody has labeled the most generous but they would all of them together and he start attacking them. he has explicitly anti islamist engender anti the muslim brotherhood remember. the mill. he says or. his rise or the start of this war in the east of libya triggered fears among some of those forces in the west of libya that he might be strong enough to take benghazi and eventually to mavin take over tripoli. powerful militias such as this in twenty brigades had common cause with after and the libyan
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national army the overthrow of the gnc in tripoli. this isn't any brigades move to seize tripoli airport a strategically important site but were counted by a collective of militias targeted by have to stop ration dignity. this collective called itself libya drawn and stood in support of the gnc. operation dignity labeled libya dawn as terrorists libya doing saw the leaders of operation dignity as anti revolutionary get the filo list. a new civil war was now being waged for control of libya running street battles shadowed by political infighting. the gnc has come to the end of history and following the elections in june two thousand and fourteen which were marred by widespread violence it was obliged to hand over power to the newly elected house of representatives to be based in benghazi shift in
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libya's government from west to east and shifting the balance of power from one blog to another. the government was to move to benghazi once it had been elected but it didn't move to benghazi instead a decision was taken to move to the eastern town of tal brook which in the view of afters opponents was basically putting the parliament in even more deeply and hafter its territory the elections were a real life full many of the islam. fool says some parties and the islamists could see that actually things were about to slip out of the hands of government refused to give up our old parliament the new parliament which is in the east in the wrong place and where in charge now in libya began a period of two governments. countries like that in this day u.a.e. like egypt maybe even countries like qatar and ted key countries like france they outside would one side against the other the general national congress and the
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people who are part of that group in tripoli and some of the most runs were supported at least politically and perhaps more by qatar and turkey and this government in the east of the house of representatives was supported at least politically and perhaps more by egypt and the emirates general hoft are went east received his commission from the house of representatives in the east and you had two competing governments neither of which had meaning for which in the city neither which could deliver services neither which had national institutions operating national in the technocratic institutions on which libya depended most national or corporation and the central bank of libya continue to function as they always have there was a pressure from the international community that you don't play with this internet that you don't play with the national oil company should keep them one the oil
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corporation continue to pump oil under the old contracts the money went to the central bank of libya the central bank would be a doled out to the poor you could have two groups fighting one another in the streets both paid for with salaries from the central bank and directed by neither government. or flow boosted gust. but libya was being blown up. the un whose decision to intervene in two thousand and eleven inadvertently led to the arming of militias look to broker a deal in december two thousand and fifteen to end the violence by creating a new government of national accord the g. and a but the tripoli based c.n.a. headed by prime minister faiza said raj was rejected by the have to back house of representatives and to go after would instead seek even greater power by taking
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control of libya's lifeline. oil it was clear that at some point he would try to control eastern oil infrastructure which he did at the moment that have to regain control of those eastern oil ports. it changed in terms of the way international actress viewed him when general half doris military advisor and family members came to me in november two thousand and sixteen shortly after the us elections they told me have to are intended to conquer the entire country of libya. fire all of the politicians and every element of the would be in political life run the country by military to create i said to myself where have i heard that before that sounds like more khadafi. i got a call from him from have to and he said you know can you talk to the americans.
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and i did talk to the americans and i went back to mrs jones the british. ambassador and i think the fire was in her desk and she told me do you think a retired general with one make twenty one and thirty trucks can change things so i started communicating with john have their own good faith the only dispute that we had from the beginning that if it's war against terrorism that's fine but for the army to take over the country we don't want to repeat the fifty years we had before those are two different things you know khalifa haftar initiated a full open war in benghazi with militia groups like the seventeenth of february the brigade like our followers had a brigade and others these groups essentially were the revolutionaries who fought against gaddafi in two thousand and eleven letter and what they did they went into an alliance with internationally classified terrorist groups like and sort of sharia al qaida and later on in two thousand and fifteen that came in into benghazi
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as well to fight with them so now what we had we had khalifa haftar on one side leading the fight against a group of revolutionaries in an alliance with terrorist groups for me is a militia because you don't have any. legitimacy as an institution he is a retired general so he's like the people who they are on the other positions and of course in this he was supported by the egyptians or by emeritus they were supporting him with weapons going against the embargo. of the united nation of i mean that's that's kind of support is very public now isn't it's very clear that . egypt and the u.a.e. and saudi arabia will there is another point i would like to add why is he supporters from these countries want to add you know the general have to a movement in benghazi did not happen before. rosy's he came to power in egypt the
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egyptians wanted to guarantee there were some borders and they thought drawn to have to work and do the work that the egyptian western from command could do so they were very generous with him with ammunition with guns and then saudi arabia came hesitant but the emirates came with full power and now i think the emirates have even more. more say than the egyptians in the east our problem would have there is he still believes that the army should be in charge and he belongs to that old mentality the whole idea of the libyan revolution of two thousand and eleven is to get rid of that idea that the whole country is totally absorbed in one cult personality now fortunately and it's a great thing that in the whole west of libya you will never know in tripoli see a picture of any leader whatsoever you will not see people talking about
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individuals they talk about build exact state oh let's let's let's talk about tripoli instead of a cult one cult personality you know we have two governments would you feel it took us about a government in tripoli to it is indeed a government of national said rose yes who which militia supports this government and who supports it early in this this government came as a result of the libyan dialogue which took about a year and became from that the libyan political agreement which has been a defied by the security council and supported by the international community so solid government really wanted when it came in and to tripoli allowed the militias to take over if there is a government there who are running it but really there is i would not call it a government to be honest with you because again i mean they have no power. except they come right decisions i mean there is
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a huge number of cremation booklet missions yes they make them which they have statements and then the booklet missions there that's all they written in the told what they do the divisions in libya are not based on ethnic or religious or or sectarian factors the divisions are purely political purely based on disagreement on how to share power and wealth. libya's politicians were failing the libyan people and failing to deliver basic services such as food fuel and security. face to face talks between prime minister said raj and general have to ring up with in may two thousand and seventeen then again in paris a year later fell short of any roadmap to stability. most telling however was not what was discussed but where. as fighting continued in september two thousand and
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eighteen between rival militias seeking a share of libya's new libya's fate historically influenced by overseas powers once again looks to be resting foreign as well as libyan hands. france in particular seems to be leaning more heavily towards towards the the have to camp and to be giving their backing to have to mainly i think because they see in him a strong figure who can fight against terrorism he seems to be more of a force for stability the italians are the other really big player in libya on the other hand there most of their interests in libya really in the west of libya partly because that's where a lot of the main migration flows going into italy as their point of departure is western libya but also because of italy has strong when i answer on libyan gas libya's becoming a broke see a kind of war without a military that it was the emirates egypt and to
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a certain extent saudi arabia. and then turkey sudan and the cutter in the other side and both of these sides have their own international. controllers that they feel like i mean if do you know he wants to solve the problem in libya they can do a trickle to a list the outside countries will leave us alone. for some time and we levy has come to our senses to be able to agree to save our country maybe was not able to maybe unfortunately continue until we have no more weapons to fight each other. libya that we knew before is gone it's gone. all what we see in front of us the scene now is and then it's taking us toward disintegration nothing is bringing the country
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back to unity and every day we are closer to this final. hello it's looking rather unsettled across a good part of the middle east at the moment would you believe there's a cloud also for a lot of the downpours as well for good measure a lot of clouds showing up on the satellite picture there just spinning out of syria into iraq around the eastern side of the med it shouldn't be too bad actually beirut twenty seven celsius going up to twenty two forgeries and you can see with the wet weather just falls into place baghdad could see some very heavy showers over the next day or so with the possibility of some localized flooding those showers eventually make their way down into kuwait east of that dry and sunny
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twenty celsius the full couple of thirty five in karate but you can see there is some clouds as you make their way back across the gulf are missing some really heavy rain here in kata during the past well the past six hours or so terrific amounts of rainfall actually we had over sixty millimeters of rain coming down in the space of just one hour and bear in mind for the annual average rainfall seventy seven millimeters of writing say has inevitably cause some flooding plenty of things like that out there i'm afraid hopefully not too bad as we go through the next couple of days but the rain never really too far away for amounts of there up towards the northeastern parts of saudi arabia down towards just southwest that flips to the other side of the by monday. bolshoi ballet's prima ballerina discusses the pain and sacrifice behind the tutu and the role of art in putin's russia the pain starts from the very beginning of
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the ballet school. our bodies are not physically prepared for what we have to do so . talks to all dizzy of millions of people across india miss out on medical care but a hospital train is delivering doctors and hope to those most in need. boards lifeline express. how does your. deception and lies donald trump cost down from saudi arabia's explanation about the death of journalist jamal social. pressure to from european leaders who say the story about a fistfight doesn't add our. one
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sam is a dan this is al jazeera live from also coming up afghanistan's elections go into a second day after violence and technical glitches. and israel says it's halting the demolition of a bedouin village in the occupied west bank that's drawn the world's attention. day after describing saudi arabia's explanation as credible dog is now pushing the kingdom for more answers about the death of journalist. speaking to the washington post the us president said obviously there's been deception and lies and he joins other world powers of question riyadh's belated explanation that he died during a bra and its stumble consulate earlier this month. as the latest from washington.
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since the story first broke the jamal khashoggi had disappeared u.s. president had been fairly consistent sending the message that he didn't want to punish saudi arabia severely if it in fact turned out that they were involved but we are seeing the first signs that that might be changing in a late night interview with the washington post president donald trump said about this quote obviously there's been deceptions and there's been wise he was asked if it's possible that the saudi crown prince mohammed bin solomon could be involved and to that he said nobody has told me he's responsible nobody has told me he's not responsible we haven't reached that point i haven't heard either way now this comes after days of relentless pounding from critics and people within his own party that are demanding that president trump do more. trying to campaign on the west coast u.s. president donald trump couldn't get away from the questions about jamal khashoggi
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is murder it was pretty much all reporters asked about as for the saudi explanation the president had this response well i'm not satisfied until we find the answer but it was a big first step it was a good first step but i want to get to the edge he says that could come by tuesday but he again insisted that what is most important to him the money that saudi arabia spends in the u.s. the amounts of been changing over time one hundred ten billion four hundred fifty billion gets four hundred fifty thousand jobs four hundred fifty billion dollars six hundred thousand jobs it's over a million jobs but experts say those numbers are simply not true not accurate not even close the administration of the white house is operating on this false narrative that saudi arabia that we're dependent saudi arabia that saudi arabia has arms purchases support american industry that they do that they we need them they don't need us that they could go someplace else that's not an accurate narrative and it isn't persuading saudis critics in congress. or in the press who are
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increasingly pointing the finger directly at the saudi crown prince mohammed bin saul mon the publisher of who should use former newspaper the washington post is accusing saudi arabia of trying to cover up his murder and the editorial board is urging people worldwide to shun saudi arabia intil the kingdom changes writing the first step in that process is determining the full truth about the coup shoji murder and holding its likely author mohammed bin solomon fully accountable for the vice president joe biden seemed to agree the rest of the world is watching the united states of america we have let the world and they're wondering where the hell are we what's become of us and now m.b.'s saudi arabia you lied no my lord he's making excuses by the way you know that all expression some people bring a gun to
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a knife right where you don't bring bomb saws to flights the anger shows no signs of abating this is the straw that broke the camel's back as far as the united states is concerned that these other incidents i think he's gotten a pass on. he's not going to get a pass on this. it seems the biggest question in washington now how big of a price could saudi have to pay. one more indication of the president's thinking could be changing is we haven't seen jared kushner his senior advisor and son in law anywhere near him during these days where the story has dominated the headlines question or obviously has a close relationship with mohammed bin psalm on according to aides in the washington post the president is quite annoyed with his son in laws says he feels blindsided by the whole thing. germany is describes saudi arabia as explanation as in adequate and may reconsider its weapons to the kingdom chancellor angela merkel
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is demanding more information on the it's all this don't lie david. let's look at the world and think about why we took to the streets in one thousand nine hundred nine we took to the streets because we wanted freedom of opinion freedom of press freedom of religion that lost those freedoms cannot be taken for granted all over the world take a look around you talking about saudi arabia and those terrible events which still haven't been cleared up yet and where we of course demand an explanation. a senior saudi officials reportedly provided more details about what riyadh said happened in the consulate the official quoted by reuters news agency now says she'll do was inadvertently killed in a choke hold after resisting request to return to the kingdom let's go live to istanbul now outside the consulate we have andrew symonds is there for us so andrew another day another narrative about what happened to her shoji does this one take
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us through the details the latest details coming out from saudi officials and whether it addresses the unanswered questions andrew. well that is the big questions but let me take you through first of all that voices news reports it's quoting an anonymous not a source but an official from saudi arabia who showed a reporter testament is he said of some of the fifteen member team which turkey describes as a team and also showed internal intelligence documents which seek to explain perhaps why the story from the saudi arabia was changed so often well it's an excuse rather than a reason why it would see anyway reading through this let me take you straight to the text of this while it quotes. actually quotes
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extract from a document recording. a conversation allegedly but tween khashoggi and a man called. now we've seen many images of him being tracked by c.c.t.v. cameras all over ystem bowl here at the consulate at the airport in the move and pick hotel and other places to he according to the turks was the leader of the team that matches what's saudi arabia seems to be saying this is the conversation allegedly between the two men what are you going to do with me to show his report reported tosk do you intend to kidnap me metry replied yes we will drug you and kidnap you now according to the saudis what happened next was raised his voice and the team panicked now this is not a brawl so there's already
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a departure from the original account of events on the south early in the hours of saturday morning when the saudis made the announcement when she raised his voice the team. panicked they moved to restrain him placing him in a choke hold no mention of a brawl took issue officials have told the news agency which is the killers may have dumped his remains in a forest which is being investigated that has been discounted by some sources as being a viable place to find the body but basically what's happening with this narration as you call it is a follow up to try to explain things now the reporter involved did ask this official why is the chuck story changed so much from from the way it was originally when the assertion was made that because shoji had left the building and was somewhere they didn't know where but was missing but certainly not dead and well
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the explanation for that is this that that basically there was an internal confusion about what was going on and the wrong things were reported internally as a result there was a denial and then they realised what had happened they carried out their own internal investigation and said nothing now we're talking about seventeen days here of nothing so basically the leaks have been coming out from turkish the turkish investigators ever since now we're getting this sort of counter leak operation going on by saudi targeted evidently at certain journalists but this one official it's not clear whether he's the same official who was quoted on saturday morning in the early hours when he said that the body had been disposed off to a local cooperative that has been reasserted what that means is unclear it's been mistranslated as to
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a local contract as well so that is really the emphasis now with the turkish investigation to try to find the body or the remains of the body no mention of a bone saw here no mention of a fistfight far from it so does this. answer many questions no it really raises another question about the validity of what this official told reuters news agency something a lot of questions then to get through let's thank andrew stevens of can continue to talk about this though because we've got cell phone by a cat he's here on set and he's the director of the center for conflict and humanitarian studies at the doha institute so let me just bring up to speed with the latest details in case you're unaware of the just very recently come out now that the saudis are saying that basically went into the embassy a team was waiting there to try and convince him to return to saudi arabia. raises his voice the team panics and they end up with with in a chokehold and they overstep their bounds and ends up dead in the body apparently
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was disposed of by a local cooperator i think is the term they've used now even looking at that this seems this is all coming from a saudi an unnamed saudi source leaking this information to reuters news agency it looks like leak against leak going on does that the turks have got a different narrative going on through leaks from their sources and their investigative team and now we're getting the same sort of pattern with with saudi officials this still a huge gulf in the now the two narratives right i mean and a lot of questions if what the turkish investigative team is finding is is about to be announced and is accurate why would it take fifteen men to convince one person to return saudi arabia why would they bring a bones or if that's indeed true to a conversation why would they bring an autopsy expert will any of this clear up and present a credible version of events.


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