tv Changemakers Al Jazeera October 23, 2018 12:32pm-1:01pm +03
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attention to this client in turkey will follow up this case because it's a spiritual case human a case and the world is quiet tend to stay in this case up to the moment the evidence. that has been brutally killed and this brutality. will harm and hurt the human conscience. in a severe way. you know members let me tell you that the saudi authorities have taken an important step. confirming the cry in the killing and now we are asking saudi authorities to work hard to reveal the names of those in the involved from bottle.
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to stealing because everyone has to be known to be involved in such a client this client has been planned and we have evidence that confirm that these crime has been planned according to the information that we have there are also questions that is in every mind. why those fifteen people gathered in istanbul and on the day where they have committed the crime we need an answer to this question. and. why. have the came to istanbul but according to instructions given to them by whom we need to know. why they have all put in the consulate for an investigation and start an interim geisha
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a lot on the day on the accident of the killing but days later why are these contradictory statements about the killing about the case where is the body of such oj no one knows until now. there is a claim that the body of captured he has been given to a local person. who is that local person. i am because. sooner than b.b.c. . no one is talking about this local person there just said. our local person and someone has said that much it is a local person you need to reveal the name of this local person we need to know
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this no one is allowed to think that this case will come to an end without answering all these questions. some available information in the hands of the security and intelligence people here stressed that i'm confident that this case has been planned for and all these matters will be put into consideration and they will be put in mind all the way through. any attempts to actually use these so that the kids repeat when or intelligence people if they are named this will be good for us and for the
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international community our conscience the only conscience will be ok when these matters are revealed i don't question the credibility after all of the custodian of the two holy mosques management abdel-aziz an undoubted lay here will do whatever it takes a comprehensive investigation that takes time and and investigation by an independent team that will work within justice if there is a crime there must be perpetrators and we need to know those who are involved in any come trade who have taken part in this crime. and this is what has to be done according to the islamic sharia and the
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enter national lows and the laws of the kingdom of saudi arabia we are one to do what ever it takes with a in the low. everyone. the custodian of the two holly mosques salamander been abdulaziz to do what it takes because the crime has taken place in istanbul and we need to know. i propose to fire. a suit against those people the people who have taken part in this crime in his time well this is just my proposal and.
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everything has taken place here in istanbul so we have to do something the brothers and sisters and you know the topic i want to talk to you about in our agenda today . which is. the pardon. president is picked up. as you know. turkey. on the fifteenth of july has seen a coup d'etat and the new era has a started in every domain including politics. and undoubtedly there is a sort of political cooperation. that is. very vital in combating terrorism. through this corporation.
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we have reached a fruitful agreement within the parliament. and they. on the sixteenth of april the referendum and the elections. that have taken place after that the people. has been always there. and. there are some pivotal matters like this tablet cement of the public of a. republic there are other things that. all politicians have to follow in reality the ruling of the justice and development k. and all the political party is have their own viewpoints but. we care. a real on everything but when it comes to the pardon it's
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a decision that has to be through the supreme court. we try to express these points in the very constructive way and method. we defend our future parlous is. massively. but we will never accept any humiliation. we will never accept anyone to be humiliated you. we cannot tolerate any humiliation in our country when they spoke about pardoning the president. have. my oldest to carry on the investigation about this and
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there is. where i say that this matter will hurt the conscience of people. try to say that i'm not. very optimistic towards these samples and these models. all to the state the come. grimes again is the country of the state but crimes against the people against individuals cannot be pardoned. that we've been listening to the turkish president reject. addressing anything in the palm and i'm crying he was giving detailed accounts and his speech to his policy of the events surrounding jamal khashoggi music killing three weeks ago in
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the saudi arabian consulate in istanbul he details some of the investigations findings he said he is working hard to pressure the saudis to reveal everyone who was involved in that killing one said he has evidence to confirm that this was a crime that was planned as cross over to jamal been assisting him from istanbul is outside actually that saudi consulate building in istanbul jamal we were promised by that he would reveal the naked truth we didn't quite have that it way. no you can call that a big climatic. to say the least i mean what one did century all he did was wrapped up in one speech the different bits of information that were leaked out or released over the span of the past three weeks so rather than have them all on the road and he collated them all in terms of telling us about some for mission
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that's already had been divulged to the press albeit at least this time it is on the floor it's you know of the presidency maybe that gives it's more weight when he talks about the fifteen man hit squad when he talks about the fact that this was preplanned he says that i think is one of the most important thing we can actually come out of this briefing let's quote it that's with three very important things i think from the president's perspective number one that he made it very clear as far as he is concerned that his country is concerned that this was a preplanned attempt to murder jamal khashoggi not to kidnap him this wasn't something that was wrong he said this was preplanned and this he gave the evidence that he felt in the sense that she had gone to the embassy many days before the consulate for that many days before that fateful tuesday and then during that time there was agents who were flown in just scout how different places he'd spoken about you know those are two forestation areas where it was believed possibly that
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parts of man's body were disposed of there so the first thing is that he says it's preplanned the second thing is was a very clear demand he said that the saudi narrative in the beginning they rejected anything to do with disappearance then they admitted and they said that the body was given to local collaborators he said he needs to know turkey needs to know who those local collaborators are so publicly here he's the monday and and saying that the responsibility for finding the body or what's remains of the judge's body is squarely on the saudi authorities and that's was a very important message coming from the president because not only does he want. to find out where the body is where the remains are to wrap up this case but also in the end of the day that would insinuate that there are criminal elements here that are willing to dispose of bodies that obviously from any law enforcing agency would want to be aware of their activities in that country and third or more importantly i would say probably this is the highlights of it where he said he
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believes as president that's all those eighteen suspects that saudi said they run that they rounded up must be extradited to turkey to face trials here in charge the obviously the saudi minister of justice a couple of days ago said that they would be facing saudi justice however let's say let's imagine that they will be facing justice in saudi arabia as defendants they probably would want to have justice served here in saudi because ultimately the penalty for killing in saudi arabia is the death penalty so for them to come to turkey might be better of them but then again if they are in saudi there is a lot of belief that maybe they would be given just a show trial a kangaroo one another real one early one sees that he wants them here and they will must face turkish the turkish justice system yeah very interesting indeed ok tamal for the moment thanks for joining us there from istanbul and crossover nuts and she's outside the parliament building with that speech was just made in ankara
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sent a very interesting that. didn't go that did he didn't release new information there's no smoking gun against the saudis contrary to what he was promising yesterday what do you think happened behind the scenes before his statement today. down speech can be can be criticised in some ways that you know he raised the bar to very top and his speech might be a bit conceived actually. as a soft speech but however there are very important lines that i believe it is important because he first mentioned that despite everything despite any vienna convention or other things turkey will be chasing after this case and turkey will not stop until the truth is uncovered through a fair investigation and each detail is revealed also one thing was very important
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he mentioned that this is a political crime this is very important he named it this is a political crime and if there are any other countries who are involved in this crime they should be they should be on the scene as well so since investigation is under rape i believe he has to take hits he didn't hesitate but he avoided saying that there are other countries but as a journalist i get the green light by president add on that the investigation has continued to go off there are some other third parties who who might have been involved in this in this murder case the political mordor case also he mentioned that turkey was criticized by some other countries and despite this this incident just killing happened inside the general consulate building it is still inside turkey borders and turkey will go off there that will chase after that and he said
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whoever gave the orders for this preplanned states more there it should be revered so. people were expecting him to give extraordinary details because his speech was actually a very. very strong one sunday. he preferred a milder speech today but again pointing out to new destinations and divest file ok sent him thanks very much for joining us there from let's go over to london now and bring in chris phillips he's a former head of the u.k. national counterterrorism security office and i asked imagine chris you were listening very closely and perhaps in a slightly different way to most of us you're probably listening out for any new details of this investigation did you pick up on anything. no not really i think laura that was really a strategic. political speech where he basically laid out all the things that we can
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a new already through leaks so or so you could say that is official is that in some respects and also the interesting aspect about you know the local people that may have been involved that they'd like to speak to of course but of course what we've made now what we need very much is the people that are involved to be interviewed by the investigators in probably in ankara and i don't think the saudis are going to want that to happen so we may actually come to a bit of a dead end with this with this inquiry but of course erdogan is going to keep this a law if the whole world is watching him today his parliament as we watch he's being what he is on the world stage so he's the big winner in all this as well that he's really made that clear as nice as we're going to keep on pressing until we reach a conclusion and find out the names of everybody involved as you just said he wants to interview he wants to put on trial these eighteen suspects i mean how many precious saudis to do that as. well i mean if you look at the longer term what's
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what's he likely to do is it likely to keep the pressure on to push to doing things that perhaps he would want them to do and then maybe at some stage in the future a little drop to the top to the side but if you want to do an investigation you have to find the body where the body are in may it may well have been transported back to saudi arabia of course probably most likely or parts of it another interesting point that somebody's been discussed today is the clothing so when this body double when i for a walk he was wearing his clothes now those clothes must have been taken off him before he was potentially killed perhaps and that's another line of investigation that these to be done where are those clothes we're just about go back to the body for a moment because i heard on said that he had evidence and he was told by a local that that is a claim that this boat the body of jamal khashoggi was given to a local person does that sound likely. well it's
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how you know it's an awful discussion really you know but if we if we're to believe that the body was cut up then obviously bits of it can go one way and bits of it can go the other way and and of course you can you can get rid of body parts much easier than a whole body and you know it is horrible discussion to have but of course there's lots of ways of making things disappear acids and and animals and things can be used to do that so it's a horrendous thought but of course you do need to get rid of the evidence and if that's been done by local people that heard again would like to know they are interview them who arranged it when was it arranged how was it done those are all key questions for the investigators and what we've seen here is as has been explained by the president oh a preplanned murder there's no doubt about that and what we've got to see is the finish of this investigation but are we likely to say that i think not ok well
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christine it's a moment thanks very much for joining us there with your expertise from london let's turn now to abraham fiat he joins us here on settings fester of conflict resolution of the doha institute for graduate studies it was an interesting speech it was the speech we were quite expect saying is that why do you think pulled back from his promise of revealing all well i think you know the expectations were a bit higher because he has the expectations of his previous speech but nevertheless i think there are three takeaways of his speech that are very important and they are major one of the three takeaways are configuration planning and i can't ability yet on the confirmation you know this speech that he did have of the day i think he made it official that all the leaks that we had from the turkish media in the past now it's official it's confirmed and that we can use this as part of our understanding of the case and where this is going towards next. is
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you know the people and i think this is a huge and this is important because also this was this because. you know for the past three weeks with of this says. more of like a fist fighting that led to the. choke hold that they tried to silence has you know when he starts screaming so we are seeing now a major statement that actually negates the saudi story. that this was a result of a fistfight think that this is he in for size like he mentioned three or four times planning planning planning you know which is which sends a very strong message that this is not a result of the killers or as i was on the third of the important think actually that i mention which is accountability which is linked to the pre-planning with accountability he mentioned that from bottom to ceiling which means you know this
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investigation should be the highest level in the in the kingdom everyone should be responsible and he made that the link to a very closely adamant we will pursue this we will not stop we will reveal and we would have used the whole truth and that i think the strength of his pledge was talk about we'll come back to you in just a moment let's just turn our attention to the u.s. angle of this and donald trump's most recent comments on the killing describe it as a plot gone a ride that's a change in tone from his previous characterization when he called it a case full of deception and lies and a key concern for the president of course weapons sales to saudi arabia reports from washington d.c. . u.s. president donald trump hitting the campaign trail again he wants to talk about the upcoming election but. the questions keep coming back to this one what is the u.s. going to do after saudi arabia admitted to killing american resident and washington
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journalist jamal khashoggi. the president making news announcing u.s. investigators are on the case no very short. break but the people in turkey right now want a great. sunday right because they're coming back tonight tomorrow and i will not marry i am not satisfied with whatever but he continued to stress the most important thing to him investment from saudi arabia even though he has grossly inflated the actual amounts his son in law and senior adviser jared questioner is also talking he's staked much of his work in the middle east on his close relationship with the crown prince mohammed bin so man he says coup shows he's killing seems to be a terrible situation but stressed other factors are important as well once we have all the facts then will make an assessment but again i think that our administration has made a lot of gains in our fight against terrorism we have to deal with the long term ideology. of extremism and saudi arabia is
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a critical partner in that at the same time the trump administration sending messages of support with this meeting a picture tweeted out from the saudi foreign ministry of the u.s. treasury secretary steve minutia and meeting with the prince in the kingdom un day mixed messages and a sense of hesitation from the u.s. but the pressure is unrelenting this has stayed in the headlines and a member of the royal princes security team of saudi arabian officials changing their story about the fate of washington post journalist jamal khashoggi there are major developments also in the case i think is the longest the saudis continue to offer different explanations different stories as to what happened i think the story will continue to have a legs because there there is no concrete answers that we're getting a relationship that will be put to the test in a short amount of time the president promising answers soon but action is less certain pedicle hane al jazeera washington. and we've just been listening in this
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past president. addressing. parliament giving a detailed account of events surrounding the death of. a show three weeks ago in the saudis concert he said he was working hard to pressure the saudis to reveal all in bold and he has evidence to confirm this crime was planned also saying that he will not stop until the truth of. is covered opposing among other things to file a suit against the suspects that have identified in this case plenty more to be spoken about this case. to present putting it on the record that this happened on turkish soil in the.
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a two part series the big picture. who's to blame. for libya. this is al-jazeera. continuing coverage of turkey's revelations about the killing of the journalist jamal khashoggi put it all lou uniondale we have strong evidence that this was a premeditated murder the. president says the killing of jamal khashoggi was planned days in advance as he demands more from saudi arabia. we have people
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