tv River Of Hope Al Jazeera October 24, 2018 9:00am-10:00am +03
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in britain the daily telegraph defense editor kong kauffman has written a couple of articles echoing the saudi line about the show she's disappearance one political commentator took kaufman's writing apart not just this piece but other articles too accusing him of churning out saudi propaganda coffman deleted his twitter account soon after and neither he nor his paper have responded to the allegations a lot of fallout continues from the case let's move to me and more now though because three senior journalists have been arrested there who are they and what else do we know about the case so these journalists are from the eleven media group editor in chief sure lynn along with managing editor nine men and chief reporter for why when now they were all arrested following a story that they were doing scrutinizing the funding of a transport project in yangon city the journalists were charged by the regional government using a colonial era law they said that the report could cause fear or alarm to the
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public and the rest of these men and indeed the practice of using years old laws to charge them is part of a growing passing that we've been seeing in me i'm just last month to burmese john that's working for what is why lone unsure so who began serving seven year jail terms for violating the official secrets act which dates back to nine hundred twenty three that ruling it's really important to remember it was handed down despite one of the government's own police offices telling the judge that the journalists had been the victims of a setup thank you. after two consecutive terms in power and another landslide election victory this past april there seems to be little that can threaten the rule of viktor orban in hungary but that doesn't mean the project to consolidate his power in the media has in any way eased off in the eighty years since or bands for their party swept to victory in twenty ten numerous media outlets have been shut down or seen drastic changes in their editorial line often
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after changes in ownership which is why our lawn bells rang last month when orban allies closed in on index dot h.-u. the last remaining outlet read and respected on both sides of the political divide in hungary so far so familiar you might say but hungary watchers are now observing the or banned media model gain a foothold in other european countries like russia donia and slovenia on the back of investments that some say seek to promote the hung garion prime minister is pan-european agenda the listening posts will young reports. by two thousand and eighteen. a landslide election victory gives one kerry and prime minister viktor orban the majority he needs to change country's constitution and the confidence to accuse media criticize him with being fake news ministers
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going to the thing i want indexed over there i feel he is going to be a bit of index in the context of it in the index is read by about one million people daily where the prime minister calls one of the largest and most important independent news outlets a fake news factory it means he considers these one million people to be stupid in . less than four months after all brands like ization in september a member of the prime minister's ruling coalition took a few. fifty percent stake in the company that controls indexes advertising revenues. index journalists such as editor in chief got border crossing are on high alert. because of political additionally the most important question is how the ownership change will affect our independence we set up an independent barometer on a separate web domain from index if we feel that someone is influencing our work then we will change the barometer from independent to either risk free press event
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where you know women themselves it is right for indexes there to be very very there by the situation index was established back in line in ninety nine so it has grown up especially together with online media in hungary its sort of thing buys is online journalism quality online journalism and very soon as the government proxies appear near these media outlets. it can move very quickly. in a change in its coverage or it can also essentially be shut down as it happened with vietnam. was one of hungary's last major left leaning newspapers when in two thousand and sixteen it was purchased and quickly shot down by investors linked with more brands for days party. since then more changes in ownership have been followed by more closures as well as notable shifts in editorial wind my garden and not build up my dear members at one of hungary's most
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prestigious daily newspapers shut down immediately after the election nancy that idea was also shut down then had to balance a conservative weekly which had been critical of the government was also closed. this summer a new investor both here the hungary's most watched cable news channel on the day the new owners arrived a popular evening talk show was replaced by a lift or bad speech the intention. something new or there's a clear to everyone at all at this hour but the majority already go used to be a competitor of index and it used to be independent by now it has been completely degraded and has become a propaganda mouthpiece for the government all the tabloids cater for even more particular needs demands they do not function as media but rather as subsidiaries of the ministry of information directly executing government orders. one of those
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tabloids is ripostes just one of a host of relatively minor outlets that serve the bottom end of the hungary and media market. low information high on sensation and what news these outlets actually cover is dominated by outrage against the e.u. against migrants and against political opponents. after two thousand and fifteen many new outlets appeared out of thin air it's actually pushed this something that you would probably characterize as this tabloid journalism it's a comic out version of him for america. it has been spreading conspiracy theories or by essentially imported something from another country and now he is exporting its to other countries in the balkans. in recent months hungary and investors linked to or buy and businesses close to him have effectively been subsidizing
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highly politicized sensationalist media in macedonia i'm slippin you're pushing m t migrant euro skeptic narratives with a large smattering of smears of opponents of the populist right much of the image of hungary under for days these investments seem to have little to do with profit making and everything to do with promoting a certain brand of politics at this early in the intervening media that is the right wing nationalist populist party the s.d.s. viktor orban personally campaigning for s.d.s. leader younis yang shot during the last election campaign. unless a ten year garion and media are has called for a boycott of a referendum on changing the country's official name to enable it to join the european union both and in slovenia and gave media disseminates far right populist messages meant for north africa and you know there's
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a muslim is committed to rid the brit it is not possible in slovenia for a company to invest so much in a loss making media house these media nova twenty four t.v. scandal and democrats are not really separate entities but a single media what is published by one will appear on the others democrats see as an entire segment dedicated to immigration and each example is worse than the last there will be attacks on political adversaries based on unverified information i see it all as one big political propaganda machine which feeds on hate discrimination and lies things that are typical of propaganda not journalism. propaganda in a real mess. the investments in both countries have been crucial partly because they arrived just after the parties here were the previous owners lost power and as a consequence also the resources to sustain these costly media operations such investments cannot be rationalized by market incentives without the secondary and
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many numerous media operations would have shut down at the base. i want to ask you colleagues today what the state of our union last month the european parliament voted to trigger a so-called rule of law a procedure against the hungary and government for its rolling back of civil liberties and human rights including freedom and to reality in the media the hungary and government has effectively silenced independent media a setback for bands european projects but with elections to the european parliament just months away media investments in countries like slovenia and methadone. could help keep your bronze european ambitions of mine. because it. is building relationships with other politicians in the central and eastern europe region in countries both inside and outside the e.u. on the one hand they provide know how to the media landscape how to set the public
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agenda how to run a propaganda media network on the other hand we see shopping to christians we know genuine business motivations as in hungary it is not lucrative to run a propaganda machine however it does pay off in politics as it sometimes often serves as a sort of early warning system when it comes to political developments because institutions or vicar here so political entrepreneurs come in and try to influence them they can be more successful. is simply finding his way through those vulnerabilities and i think it's something that could have in other countries as well if the media becomes this big. and finally a job in journalism isn't forever news rooms are cutting staff reporters get burned
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out and many other professions have better pay and better hours luckily though journalists have skills that can be useful in other lines of work writing researching interviewing and news readers have an additional skill set and all their style and clear precise delivery but doesn't guarantee us a future outside the studio this sketch by irish comedy trio for arms and hawg imagines life beyond the cameras it's a bit close to home for me but i hope you will enjoy it and we'll see you next time at the listening post so. good evening it's five minutes to six. well this is just an informal chat so you can relax it says in your resume you read the news for nine years between the years two thousand and five twenty fourteen i worked as a television news reader but i decided i needed a change change for the better the change for the best ok and then after you left
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news reading a word you were a little twenty fourteen with unemployment levels at record lows we found it hard to get work in other areas turning to hobbies i enjoy making opera and social gatherings with friends or look at my sports we go over to calm weather i can turn to sporting interests include throwing five aside soccer but asking to try to park is of course wishful thinking but in into the thanks god when you look at the stars it is hoped that work will commence in the spring or see what we can get lucky and good night. i was going to ask you to leave. survival for haiti's poorest depends on illegal charcoal production. but for park rangers sworn to protect the dominican forests it can have deadly consequences . witness discovers the hidden world where the stakes for the environment and those
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bin sandman's possible involvement in the murder of journalist jim alpha shoji in an interview with the wall street journal trump says the crown prince is running things in the kingdom so if anyone were to be involved it would be him his administration has revoked visas of twenty one saudi nationals nothing that they've done have just gone as though well it certainly has not been. spoken properly they did the wrong thing even thinking about the idea they certainly did a bad job of execution and they certainly did a bad job of talking about it or covering it up if you'd like to say but i would say it was a total fiasco a turkish president richard type one has described killing as brutal and premeditated murder one wants those behind the murder of to be extradited to face trial in turkey is also called for an independent investigation let's go live now
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to gemelli show yellin in stem bowl so jim out where are we now on this investigation. well it continues has some three weeks since she was murdered in the consulate the police investigates as you're still searching different areas obviously the main thing that sense of who did them so far has been the ability to locates the body or what's remains of the journalists body is there are reports that's obviously he was dismembered after being assassinated obviously the statements that came out there from the united states president particularly with regards to the. implications of a possible implications of the crown prince of saudi arabia have been said a man is seen possibly as a reaction to what's president tried to do and said when he was addressing his party members of the parliament in ankara saying that their investigations would go as high up in terms of the political ladder in saudi arabia as they need to be and
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everybody must be held accountable this comes as the cia director was also in psyche she was meant to be shown some of the evidence or all of the evidence that psychs say they have obviously there was also the belief that maybe she was coming to try and find a way out of what's has been a diplomatic standoff between riyadh and carolled be it's behind the scenes so this investigation still continues there is still a lot to be said in terms of how it's going to end considering the saudis have still not come together with regards to a final story as to what's happened to narrative shifts day in day out in the dark so yet to release all of the evidence that they have jim our thanks for that jim and show you have a nice example. other u.s. and russian presidents could meet in france next month over american plans to withdraw from a landmark nuclear weapons treaty donald trump and let him have putin will both attend a world war one commemoration event in paris on november eleventh russia says they
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will meet on the sidelines u.s. national security advisor john bolton helped talks with putin in moscow as. the united nations says millions more people in yemen are facing famine than previously thought the u.n. humanitarian chief has given the security council an update on the situation there mark says the three year conflict has left some fourteen million people on the brink of famine and completely reliant on aid in iraq at least six people have been killed in a bomb attack two soldiers were among those killed when a car exploded near a restaurant and crowded markets in the northern city of chaos several people are in critical condition it is still not clear who is behind the attack seven thousand people escaping poverty and violence in three central american
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countries are defined by continuing their march towards the u.s. border they're now heading north through mexico u.s. secretary of state mike pompei or says the caravan poses a danger and warned the migrants to turn back those are the headlines you're up to date right now it's lifelines the quest for global health. there are those who dream of possibilities of a world free of the ancient diseases that keep billions in poverty and for those who strive to make that dream a reality their quest is on the brink of the. fall
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the morning didn't you do what you do could be a year of you margaret that. i told one of my boy among all. our. new window has indicated we want our. meaning when we have a. home did you know. you've been with a. new normal mom was a moment i thought a. minute but then. well after dinner one of. you somebody i don't hold out come home or know. me i mean your home page and you've got a harmony one morning. this
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is the story of a deadly disease and an epidemic that shook the medical world it is also a story of a remark. a ball and novel experiment that might just hold to it. that . the lamsa river is the center of life but it has also been the source of a disaster. remember the better part of the american way on new building one of the first think
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of going to interview some of. the wounded on hard enough to get up. alice sun is a village health representative who helps control the disease called she still some bias is also known as. the health crisis started around one thousand eight hundred nine when alice son was just a boy. she still some says is a water borne disease that infects one in three children in sub-saharan africa and it is spreading up rivers faster than it can be controlled. in. the newcomer and when i doubt if you remove critical that we have a new q.b. are going to be like me definitely did a little more. good agreed goodness who knew well.
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what we're going to need you here need a young couple need to worry about the new york order. in one thousand eight hundred nine the strain of schistosomiasis that affects the blood suddenly surged around. lamsa village with no clear explanation but that was not the worst of the disaster. at the time dr idris a tele worked in a town called richards told upstream of lumps of village. you know premier league you. still the sort of. favor the mineral soccer and treat. in feeding retail your beauty got out of court still in captivity sharpen the ovarian get a call another one over said the federal forty don't call another pearl of it is
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still. there vera says a in the number on three when more are on top are all part of a book and it's across your. book shows the three. he's brought you what are your visions views are you law insisted. on early watch is city's so called we all know the polity of. what they saw was not the familiar bladder she's to some biases but a virulent intestinal strain never seen in senegal before within ten months over seventy percent of the population of rich toll was infected and it was spreading fast. visuality to grandmamma because of it my lot that is a model aunt is a vain. member laffey of. the
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lambs is a branch of the great river system called the senegal basin which stretches across four west african countries. up to three and a half million people live in the basin and depend on its rivers for their water. suddenly they were all at risk. for another purpose also two very devout shows moves in mumbai beauty school is experiment because i'm not a pi existed. they all sit there on the call buddha does all in on a this is all you have it will really show export off the world if you my lad all that you do and i am not. i love and.
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that i. wanted to belittle you between you that i'm going to burn. burn really look up but at the moment i mean if you want to know more i'm done with you i'm going to definite. what had caused this outbreak. in one thousand nine hundred eighty six d.m. a dam was built across the cynical ready to boost agriculture in the river basin. it stopped the rivers flow near the sea and this was the start of the problem. locals remember that after the dam was completed she is just some ice is. no maneuver if you're not. he looked no don't.
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consider the impact of this one small dam on the population of the river above it it was absolutely devastating. in a matter of eighteen to twenty four months villages that had never had intestinal just as my sis went up to ninety percent prevalence ninety percent of every man woman and child in the village was infected. the down that was built to boost development the chilis stopped it for the rural poor. sisto causes stunted growth shows so causes low physical performance shows still makes you feel sick how do you expect
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development to be successful at ending poverty if the people are sick. there's something called the poverty trap and she says my sis is the biggest element in it it really boils down to education if you can finish school you're going to do pretty well in life if you have just as my says it's not likely that you'll finish school. functions or maybe. this will. improve. in some. prior to my thirties all of them blues. but imo. you should download probably what. investment. around them are forever. looking for a new one to one little gospel song ridiculous on the money but i want to sound.
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their performance to me. it's a chronic disease it does not kill people today it kills people later but consider this seventy five percent of the people in the senate go wherever grayson had sisters mises today you won't have economic development until that problem is under control it's already been proven it takes a very small effect at six level if you fix that problem you have a gigantic effect i mean you don't make development. the clue to how the damage caused this devastating outbreak lies in the complicated life cycle of she's still some isis like other parasites it is a marvel of evolution. it has survived over millions of years by lurking in rivers
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waiting for someone to enter the water. so what you see doodling around like a floating wiggle is the just assume itself this is exactly how they would be if you could see them in the water as the clutter around like that and then find the human bridges what they're looking for and burrow their way right into the skin without fluttering motion and. this is an act to love about to penetrate human skin. it's like a cycle of disaster those little arbor enter your body they lose their tail when they penetrate the skin and they travel through the bloodstream and lodge either in the liver or the blood or and reproduce they reference elves up together and start making eggs which is this pair is going to make around four hundred exhibit. some of the eggs get logged in the organ where they're stuck. and they rest of them
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get eliminated by the body in urine or stool. on contact with the river water the eggs hatch into microscopic luvvie that seek out fresh water snails in which to grow and multiply into thousands of human infecting organisms in the senate gold base and the dam slowed the water flow and created a vastly expanded habitat for snails. more snails meant a greater risk of infection and across the river basin and the snail population erupted. so a solution was required that did more than treat the symptoms it had to deal with snails. just downstream of lum saw a village is a water point choked with reeds and aquatic grass and ideal breeding ground for snails. no you left out of the argument before you will be allowed to refute. the
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people cobar india ferebee believe. your even if you believe will. i listen and a research team collects nails. a set of time to capture periods ensures accurate comparisons between weekly collections which important. we do two things we follow the humans and we follow sales because the humans get just zero from sales so every week we go to the water points of the villages and we can like snails we bring them back to the allowed and see if they're infected or not. is. all. we washed them in distilled water not tap water because the chlorine could kill them then we put each
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snail they can spread to stow wonderful light for half an hour and at that point we'll look at them in the microscope one by one and will be able to see the. larva infected snails. the intense light mimics the midday sun the time of day that snails shed the dead leashes to some minuses lobby. it also happens to be the time when people escape the baking heat to cool off in the river . we look to see which trails are shedding the larva because you can see them with a ling around in there so then we know what percent of the cells are infected. amadou is one of the children who raised his hand in the classroom. walk to work why
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is it illegal the legal bit but it's a little down settle down the good. girl you know make this a house. in the only good would openly gay put it in a huge meal when the song to sing won't blow does biggest. ask them all in the ending in. the next year. design bob's really good at analogous one. they did during middle aside the idea of little. money. i'm a do and his father work a small and not meant where they grow rice. the damn brought water for irrigation but these irrigation canals extend the reach of
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the disease. whatever is in deadly wound in the just one day i just did the lid a little good they will move goods they don't want to sound that it can really do if it can lead to blood just do going to die and you don't lie down. in an attempt to control the disease the world health organization recommends that every child in affected areas receive a free dose of the drug prezi quanto once a year. we. don't i'm not. going to want to. it's not the first time i do has had to take the drug he has lived with just to summarize this for some time and are going to be a vote of all the government i'm wondering defames on you name you know google it
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