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tv   Up Front 2018 Ep 19  Al Jazeera  October 27, 2018 5:32pm-6:01pm +03

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both or not all chose to honor that day in brasilia he didn't just have political activists as his victims he also ordered and oversaw the torture of news reporters are year both so not zero does not mince his words but brazilian journalists who want to watch them. were discussing other media stories that are on our radar this week with one of our reproducers johannah joe a moscow paper known for pushing the journalistic boundaries in russia says that one of its reporters has been threatened what's the story at novi is yet well last week a funeral wreath was sent to the newspaper's office followed the next day by a basket with a severed head in it a touch were a couple of notes one of which read to novaya gazeta us t.v. editor greetings to you and corrupt cough another note said traitor to his country now the journalist being referred to in that note was dennis corrupt what kind of
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work has been doing well you recently wrote an article on yevgeny a russian businessman indicted in washington for allegedly interfering in the two thousand and sixteen presidential election and he reported that goshen has ties to president putin go way back or straight to the killing of an opposition blogger couric of base that story on interviews he says he did with one of former security aides west since disappeared and it's not surprising the newspaper takes threats against its journalist as real over the last eighteen years five of its reporters have been murdered ok moving on now to the murder of the saudi journalist jamal khashoggi last week we looked at how some prominent news forces in the western media have been called out for their pro saudi writing some news outlets starting to change their tune a little but the kingdom still has plenty of supporters on the airwaves who and where are they well richard for years pundits in the anglo-american media have talked up saudi arabia as a bastion of stability in the middle. which is debatable to say the least but
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following to show she's killing most news outlets in the west have been more critical of crown prince mohammed bin solomon in particular and the u.s. saudi relationship in general and now the same cannot be said of fox news two weeks after his first went missing a fox news anchor said this this was a real disappointing because this was our last hope of any stability in the middle east to fight back on the terrorists from iran do you walk away from that when you know that this was our you know we needed that partnership with the saudis to fight the terrorists in iran still not entirely on surprising given that we're talking about fox news but what about saudi arabia's allies in the gulf are they any better or have they been any better at scrutinizing their powerful neighbor poster shops or not at all and turning into coverage in gulf countries such as behind in the united arab emirates journalists seem anything but willing to criticize the king and this is what some of them had to say. wanted. he
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mckenna to thehotel that he did them a tabby had minute to look weird to her with the minimal who within that you see it in you the money and you was to freddie lyle and they did out of the will then they you well i'm. sure i'm in the room looked at the law to be at the saudi official. so i see what is there any for a dollar mean that all of your listeners are you ok that was you know the letter the amount of the film the. get together and then. you want me to assess that it is the crowd what the media you know what but i but men would have nobody and i need one and what those three reports have in common well they all use the s word stability which seems to matter more to those channels and governments that own in the life of a journalist ok thanks joe. in more than a decade of producing the listening post we have often examined the ways in which the news media have grown into essential components of political debates take the
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u.k. for example where jeremy corbett leads the biggest political party in terms of membership in western europe his supporters say the corporate media primarily in the print sector are out to smear him plain and simple since his left wing policies are a threat to the establishment that they represent it's a contention his critics reject outright amidst all the mudslinging corben has willingly waded into the fray with some proposals that should he ever come to power would change the rules of the media game in britain the listening posts flow phillips now on the debate around jeremy corben his ideas for altering publicly owned broadcasting siphoning money from some tech giants and directing it to the b.b.c. and curbing the power of media conglomerates. they shouted coward and even the soft end but why do you think you and trump have. a lot
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of it i don't disagree with why and that's why the evidence british politicians are rarely given an easy ride by the media and that's for good reason but for jeremy cobain the ride has been particularly rough so your future as labor leader is absolutely intact you know considered for a moment whether you as leader damaging the rise of b.b.c.'s reporting. in twenty fifteen koeppen this elected leader of britain's opposition party the labor party and in the three years since much of the british news coverage has often ridiculed caricature demonized him and his policies. his thing about the media representations and misrepresentations of jeremy corbyn is that they're not particularly consistent so one minute he's dangerous terrorist sympathizer. the other hand he's portrayed as ineffectual as a pacifist you know vegetarian leafy you know ever heard before. where the
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result of negative coverage or not corban has long held ideas about the media how to rethink how to restructure it our media in many cases is failing now this isn't just the view of someone who has had shall we say interesting relationship with the media particularly over the last three years. a few months back corbin was invited to speak at one of the british media's key industry events the edinburgh television festival and he used that platform to launch his vision for the future of journalism on the national public broadcaster the b.b.c. had a few ideas on how it's funded and how it should be governed currently the broadcasters board members are appointed in part by the government and the rest selected by b.b.c. senior management wants to make this more democratic he said that the public taxes pay for the broadcaster as well as b.b.c.
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employees should be the ones who choose the board. he has this view that the politicised. it would be a good idea to have some form of elected officials at the top of the organization is one of those things the. theory that if you create a system whereby some sort of executive board of elected the next step to having elections is. because of a plaything for political parties so. this is. actually holding elections to determine who has a say in how to operate is the very thing that would make it highly politicized. and when it comes to diversity called for full transparency about who works at the broadcaster not just in terms of ethnicity but in terms of class too. so here's the thing about england only seven percent of u.k. schoolchildren greater part of
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a school and yet if you have this private school background you want more likely to get top jobs in the media look at the qur'an fell tragedy that happened in twenty seventeen presidents. have been trying to reach out to media saying look we are being left in unsafe accommodation and well that is going to take tragedy of tragedy to get people to listen. these are the people who are shut our of news rooms and they're also the same people who might be plugged into our stories into communities that more privileged people just can't reach that's a grave failing of the media establishment. corbin's rise to prominence comes as a surprise to many but his appeal a left leaning socialist politics and yes to century resonates when it comes to current debates on the rise of unregulated tech giants the public realm doesn't
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have to sit back and watch as a few mega tech corporations hoovered up digital rights assets and ultimately our money the u.k. media its broadcasters and its newspapers are suffering as big tech sucks the life and money out of them so like many others coburn is calling for them to be reined in taxed more but he's gone further he says the proceeds from that tax should fund public broadcasting as well as cash strapped investigative journalism and local media. the suggestion that. tech giants and so-called platform and opportunities should make a financial contribution to subsidize news in the public interest is actually not a tall radical. it's been a longstanding precedent in media policymaking that there are some aspects of the media that are not profitable that are not even necessarily
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commercially viable but are absolutely essential. to the public interest and. reinforcing. democracy the british media is dominated by a handful of powerful conglomerates just three companies control seventy one percent of the national newspaper market to. what that list is report murdoch's news u.k. housed in the building right behind me news u.k. owns the sun britain's biggest selling paper as well as the sun on sunday the times and the sunday times it also used to own the news of the world but that paper was shut down after revelations that journalists there had been hacking the phone of murdered schoolgirl million dollars. that scandal led to a two part leveson inquiry the first part called for a state backed press regulator that all newspapers would have to sign up to face
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the consequences the conservative government rejected it. the second part would have got at the relationship between newspapers and the police in march of this year the government abandoned coogan wants to recall leveson to hold the media to account for past crimes and to push the future regulation. of the. strong ground for cauldron of labor. that's a broad time called the making on campuses but i think it also plays to the notion that there has been a closeness between the conservative party in particular and the media barons which suggest because it is something very much to push against given that he sees himself as the most amount of people jeremy call. that push back has become an increasingly sisyphean task for his speech came at the height of
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a story that had been hitting the headlines this week in week out accusations of anti semitism within the labor party often targeting the leader himself. perceived action which is. just. this month a study produced by the media reform coalition took a close look at some two hundred fifty articles in broadcast news clips covering the anti. semitism story more than ninety of them were found to be either misleading or inaccurate. what we have seen across the national press and largely acted in broad calls is something that i think is truly on a student and that's not so much in the kind of critical stalls that they've taken towards course the policy platforms that he represents but just in what we know from research with that we've produced there's been a systematic subversion of basic journalistic news for.
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when jeremy corbyn ran to become labour's leader he took at the biggest party membership surge in british history media across the country hadn't seen him coming they discounted dismissed him. and three years in the media are still grappling with how to deal with him and the revival of the socialist politics that he has inspired a politics which for korban must involve a radical overhaul a structural reform of the media itself. back to saudi arabia and the story the coverage of saudi issues in the u.s. news media the kid gloves with which the kingdom has been treated for so long seems to have shifted the reportedly premeditated murder of a journalist lured to a consulate under false pretenses has had that effect however some of the voices that constantly defended saudi arabia and were in the thrall of the new crown
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prince is alleged reforms are still out there notorious case in point thomas friedman of the new york times he was interviewed on c.n.n. this past week where he defended his previous columns out came the amateur media critics in the comments section and they dismantled friedman's lamentable track record of getting it wrong on the middle east better than we ever could believe it to them and we'll see you next time there at the listening. he will you chip away to call him and brand him the reform to take us through what was going through your mind on what you saw in him that embedded today. so let me start from the beginning for me christiane one of the reasons i want to be on your show today was in time to . and for me the story personally starts with nine eleven.
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and some people said you know what tom it's all of it's all it's all fake because look what he's doing in yemen where he's you know people that he's arresting here and my attitude was maybe there's clearly a downside here there's clearly an upside and i thought it was worth investing a little hope in the upside if we could curb the downside. if you were in beijing looking out the pacific ocean you'd see american warships when myth was that somehow time is aiming to replace america and going to run the world while the chinese are not that stupid these guys want to dominate a huge chunk of the planet this sounds like
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a preparation for war our first president george washington said if you want peace prepare for war the coming war on china. on a just zero. you stand the differences. and the similarities of cultures across the world. al-jazeera. the saudi foreign minister says the suspects in the jamal khashoggi killing will be prosecuted in saudi arabia.
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hello i'm adrian finighan this is our zero live from doha also coming up israel launches air strikes at dozens of targets in gaza after it says rockets were fired into southern israel. a standoff in sri lanka after a sudden political shake up that's pitting the president against the prime minister . after security concerns force voting to be delayed in afghanistan's kandahar province people left finally get a chance to cast a vote in parliamentary elections. that. saudi arabia. says that its will prosecute the suspects in the killing of jamal turkey had demanded the extradition of the eighteen men the journalist was killed in the saudi consulate in istanbul three weeks ago saudi arabia's foreign minister was speaking at a security forum in bahrain and described the response to her murder as hysterical
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we have saudi law enforcement people working with her turkish friends to uncover the facts this issue has become fairly hysterical i think people have assigned blame on saudi arabia was such certainty before the investigation is complete we have made it very clear that we are in going to have a full and transparent investigation of the results of which will be released we have made it very clear that those responsible will be held responsible and will be held to account and we have made it very clear that we will put in place mechanisms to ensure that this doesn't happen again live now to ankara that i was zero seven cost zero seven i will president one respond to the saudi foreign minister's comments. well that dream when this line dropped on the agencies the first thing that i did was to call turkey's foreign ministry to ask whether there will be an immediate response for that and they told me that it
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will be present at dawn who will be giving give respond to the statement and when dawn takes the stage in a couple of hours during a summits relate to do the diplomatic solution in syria and a stumble. don is expected to give actually a harsh response because since the beginning our don has been asking for a fair trial and also he has been asking for more cooperation the main topics that are gone complained about the cooperation the so-called cooperation between with saudi arabia was that these people he said if you can't make these people talk send them to turkey then we will put them on trial in turkey so turkey doesn't believe that it will be a fair and transparent trial in the south during arabia this is the first thing and turkey is after the name the name who put who gave the order to those eighteen people to comment. murder as long as these questions are not answered turkey
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seems to be very eager to follow that about of course the spite older leagues on international media all those pictures and for to just it's really ironic to see calling the situation as a media hysteria so many thanks david. over there in. the u.s. defense secretary says that threatens regional stability in the middle east when people can speak and be heard calling for peace and for respect for all the terrorist vestige of hatred and violence is not embrace. with our collective interest in peace and unwavering respect for human rights in mind the murder of jamal khashoggi in a diplomatic facility much concern us all greatly as u.s. secretary of state pompei o. she stated the united states does not tolerate that kind of ruthless action to silence mystica show good journalist through violence via the failure of
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any one nation to adhere to international norms and the rule of law undermine regional stability at a time when it is needed most as president trump noted we're going to get to the bottom of it sri lanka's president has suspended parliament today off to suddenly second his prime minister president citizen of fayyad run away from saying on friday and replaced him with the former president mahinda rajapaksa one who will come sing earlier requested an emergency session of parliament to address the crisis the political turmoil follows the collapse of the governing coalition in serious mental finance his reports from colombo. it's all happening here. first thing in the morning we had the new prime minister mine the rajapaksa chairing a meeting of all the joint opposition parliamentarians now shortly after that we
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heard the former prime minister on a victim missing her basically calling for an emergency session of parliament we're told that he wrote to the speaker asking that parliament be convene for especially emergency session and speaking to the media he said that he would show the numbers the support he enjoys in parliament thereby legitimizing his role as the current prime minister he has said that the swearing in of my in the raja proxies unconstitutional and that it is illegal now within this even. has called for parliament to be essentially convened within that press conference literally as we sat down with the prime the former prime minister we heard news breaking that the president had suspended parliament now these things all not all green well for democratic process is the we a democracy is expected and seen to function the very fact that this entire sort of swearing in of my. blue now the fact that parliament has been
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suspended with no one really knowing what is to unfold in the coming days in the coming weeks does not auger well for the people themselves are wondering what to expect in fact they don't know quite frankly who their prime minister is israeli airstrikes have hit more than eighty locations in which the military says a link to hamas and islamic jihad the general security headquarters was among the targets that is really spokesman says the rocket fire was launched from gaza late on friday and continued to descend to the morning in the last islamic jihad has told us a zero that it's agreed to hold. talks with the gyptian. let's go live to gaza. sami abu salim is a journalist and member of the palestinian journalist syndicate he's in gaza studio good to have you with us saudis so hamas controls gaza and yet israel holds hamas
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responsible for anything that's fired over the border into southern israel even if that's islamic jihad what influence does hamas have over islamic jihad and what influence will it have had in this deal that's been done to stop rockets. i think it is an israeli kill. for international media because hammers. because of tori's of number one. the faction which controls gaza which means it is it is sponsible of everything what is happening in gaza exactly like twelve years ago when he controlled gaza at that time and at that time and how most used the short their handmade projectiles at israel. israel used to hit the. p.a. offices and the p.a. bodies despite their peer did not shoot and this is number one number two i
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think is there and focus on hamas because hamas is less if i buy lots of. organizations or even with a. terrorist organization that's why maybe the international media and the mention of it maybe would better stand me understand. that. me understand what is it is going to do against hamas they are going to do something against a terrorist organization not. is this an ongoing. and because hamas controls gaza which is which means that it is the one for everything so. one can see the israeli point of view hear the frustration in that if hamas is supposed to be in control of gaza and everything that goes on it goes why can't it rain in groups like islamic jihad and what does that mean for hamas as far as being
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studied negotiating. with israel to find peace when it when it comes to the feeling there are a understanding's between how mass is there going to hand and lift this or any other faction on the field but behind the scene there is some sensitivity because there isn't a. thought that the order strongly linked to iran. to but on another similar there is a branch review of how mess is strongly connected to iran what does that mean. as a political or military power in gaza or in palestine it is one of the arms of the of iran that's why maybe there is this this understanding between both of them sometimes for example when how mess comes closer toward truth with isabel which means that iran does not like that and that's why there is that we. may move
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and scaly because of this point to prevent any troops any peace and then ascending. or any other economists in the area this is number one number two. how mass is is trying to moes troops and stability even with understanding is with israel because they are going to because it is that way for them to ease or to end the israeli illegal siege on gaza and it may help it in conducting. a prisoner swap with israel like what happened in two thousand and four means a political three i'm for it seventy eighty locations ago were hit by israeli strikes overnight friday and again on saturday morning what's the situation in gaza now. now at this moment it is calm we can see it is come
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maybe less than one hour. i have testified and i have noticed and hear a lot of bombing in israel and the palestinian people live there the schools to avoid the bombing. that the bombing is in this few minutes near the schools have hit the places and even yesterday the close to a hospital the hospital has been damaged. at this moment the videos come is because we have just because it has been declared that there is a. cease fire between israel and there is that big and that is that he had said we are committed to is that make we are committed to the ceasefire as long as israel is committed but i expect that we will testify and the other is. next friday because according to their granddaughter on the other palestinian
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resistance factions they are saying that as long as long as israel is killing the palestinian protesters the parasail an unarmed protesters.


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