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tv   My Father My Mother  Al Jazeera  October 28, 2018 1:32am-2:01am +03

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joyce respect only in this case this structure will be effective will build the operational will be able to prepare and to conduct the reform which is needed to situational reform which is needed to which would strengthen the strengthen the the the state of syria and its society and to work on the formation of a committee will be serious about our one meticulous one as should be done in a quality way russia as a guarantor of the. process will take part actively in it despite of the fact that the level of syria has decreased considerably support and to ask to liquidate all the radical elements which have accumulated there one should not allow. that the gases to go this experience continue their criminal activity create in our countries some sleeping cell source some hire some people or carry out propaganda of their ideology of discontent with mr. we formed our european
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colleagues about the process of the implementation of russian turkish agreements on the glebe where see you that the creation of the democrat zone. and the zone of days collation into leap is a temporary measure we hope that it turkish party in the near future will each become policeman of the betrayal of the opposition without a democrat zone or the heavy artillery we just see that our turkish badness. do everything possible to ensure it in the event where the radical elements will enter the this elisa lucian of this task will carry out the provocation is this is russia or reserves the right. to support. actions of the syrian government to liquidate this hotbed of the terrorist threat much attention has been paid today to the issues of offering human terran assistance to the population in syria to help to the return of the refugees to
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a country russia does a lot in this direction but so that too radical improve the situation in the country to remove these acute social problems to restore the economy collective joint efforts are required of the whole world community the positive experience of joint. is in place in july there was a russian french operation conducted on the delivery of humanitarian assistance to eastern ghouta today we spoke a lot about it we had to the conclusion that we should expand the this notion of the humanitarian assistance but we should also imply that delivery of the medical equipment of the met since. the infrastructure and water supply were proposed to the partners to propose to support or the convocation of international conference we understand what is a session with where they stand the problems but if we don't work together we want
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to achieve better results seriously to have been created conditions to place up to one and hundred million people and we could guarantee guarantees of syria the government of syria gave give guarantees for those who want to return to their colleagues. today we had very separate meetings with the president of turkey where the chancellor of germany. we have also had to speak with a french representative our will show our gratitude for this productive for negotiations and finally lack to mr demister or for the work carried out in this direction it was a very complex very meticulous work. highly professional work which requires considerable efforts on the part of the participants of this process so thank you very much mr de mistura for your work let me. lay the turkish people on the coming
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national holiday on the day of the turkish republic the day there were ninety five hears of the formation of the turkish republic i sincerely correctly the president and the turkish people i wish them well where and good luck . thank you mr president thank you. put in chance america represents thank you president reagan for the wellcome here in stumble to bring forward this important subject. a to start. my statements with a word of solidarity. towards the.
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u.s. and the shooting that has just happened outside a synagogue in pittsburgh and i would like to express our sadness and our support towards the american people we are witnessing how important it is to bring together the defeat the different formats that exist in the syrian conflict the president has just spoken about it there is the dust in our group on the other hand then there is a small group and we have tried several months ago or for that us for months to find a way forward together here we had a suggestion for a convergence here between the different groups to help the work of the united nations that this what with her decided last may in petersburg and our meeting there was another step here and in our coordination here together with the other
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members of the us and our group but also the united states and our european partners and arab partners of the small group to bring this forward the priority for us in syria is to fight against terrorism this is an ongoing fight in the territory and we must certainly not lose sight of our objective that this is our first military and political objective in syria against terrorist group things who carry out a very severe deadly. assaults and. the integral it c. of the operations respect the rights to humanitarian rights so this is at the how to of our discussion and the situation in it lip and on this point we've been very clear that a military offensive. would have
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a very inacceptable security and humanitarian consequences the security in the region and in turkey and in europe are at stake there is a risk that terrorists would be disbursed that would be a great more great locks of terrorists and to placements of people in this offensive russia and turkey have an agreement negotiated which must be implemented. we have reaffirmed to volunteer the we're here to have a sustainable solution here in the it liberation we're very vigilant to all together. these commitments are carried out and that this ceasefire should be stable we are also. prepared to underline our efforts here to support the turkish president but also in terms of humanitarian effort in the region and want
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to make bring a very strong pressure to bear here and i have also reminded that in this region we as in all the others. that no use of chemical weapons of any kind could ever be acceptable. a second subject to syria the president has mentioned it is the political pro says we must never forget that in syria we've got two wars basically one which we are all waging against the terrorists in the area and terrorist groups and a war all of a regime against the rebels those who are opposing it so that. this can only be solved long term if we find
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a political solution which. gives all syrians an opportunity to live in peace. and the. organization of an inclusive syria is absolutely essential to the regime. is regaining territory and which cannot guarantee the stability of syria. you know ten months after sort she the constitutional committee has still not taken up its work and. we when one tried to reaffirm. our preparedness that this is should be finalized and a meeting should take place. many things there are many things that do not depend on what on the four of us bought we must have this result to have an inclusive solution because we must allow the syrian people to decide their
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own future incredible conditions in which must be free and transparent under international supervision. we have not seen that there is an advance in that sense and we must bring together the concerned parties around the table under an international mechanism. and all the concerned parties and the constitutional committee are important steps where we have a convergent vision and we know what we what we owe to the syrian people to those who have lost their lives and those who had to flee their country to flee the current regime the second subject which we spoke about which
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is shown in our communique of just humanitarian aspect the president has provided us that we had a meeting with him but all in or it is quota. approach with russia. and. we had a partnership with nongovernmental. organizations who work with the population and we must bring this forward this joint approach with russia and turkey and also this is our will together with the german chancellor. in order to bring humanitarian access to the civilian population and stability and this indispensable that all politics is so in the area are. many can authorize humanitarian action and what the
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civil population requires we are taking part in we are under we are seeing decisions and developments which are not acceptable. the fourth point. which is indispensable is the question of the return of the refugees i would like to emphasize again the efforts that turkey is undertaking and jordan. and. for and put on have been. taking on a great number of responsibility together with others who have fled to europe and other parts of the world. but we must be clear there would be no real long term sustainable return of refugees if there is no political process is
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because these refugees had to flee because of the actions that were carried out by the regime we've seen since the beginning of the year that we have a new. refugees waves of refugees and. the fears of it lip development is that there will be more refuges and a greater inflicts and that would be inevitable. so we must were to she think conditions. of dignity and a voluntary return which is also a question of operational feasibility and our will and we have made a commitment here to help the return of those who want to return who can do so safely. and helping with humanitarian.
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measures to reinstall electricity to make it possible for them to have a safe return. and again i would like to thank you mr president everyone. for their work the work that has been done the work of other groups has been useful but i would also like to say that this is an ongoing commitment. and on this subject we must be humble. we are talking about several million of syrian men and women. and of the region surrounding them and what we have to school today as in previous months. puts a responsibility on us to be vigilant in the coming months so again i want to thank you very much for your welcome mr president.
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dear colleagues ladies and gentlemen first of all i would like to thank you for this invitation to istanbul herr i think we've had a very productive meeting even though we are approaching it from a different positions. and it's important that we've been able to craft a joint communique and this shows that there is a joint will to solve the problems we know that for us as we're sitting here we have to move from the so called asked on our group and to from the so-called small group that of course there are many more actors who are required for a europe sustainable solution of the syrian problem but i think we have been able to achieve results at the core this is about being able to
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put an end to two wars one against terrorism one the war of the regime against large parts of its own population and an overall solution cannot be achieved in military terms but ultimately only in a political way. the leadership of the united nations we have seen the humanitarian catastrophe in syria where must see that almost half of the population has been displaced either within the country or in turkey jordan in lebanon or european countries including germany and that is why there is a strong obligation to do everything possible that there are no further human humane catastrophes so important to turkey and russia on seventeenth of september agreed. to work towards a cease fire in it live and today we have undertaken to do everything possible to
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make this into a juror bull sustainable cease fire and we have achieved. progress in the demilitarization of the zone around it has been achieved we have made it clear that we will not tolerate the use of chemical weapons as has been the case in this dreadful war and we have focused on the political process which is no doubt important is necessary i would like to thank mr de mistura for his work to establish a constitutional committee there was. a decision in sochi in january but unfortunately such a committee has not met to date but this is important so that this political process at the end of which there must be elections free elections which are accessible to all syrians even those dispersed in the jasper so that this process
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can happen and we would like to express our engagements and that everybody is called upon to do what they can in order to make it possible for such a meeting of the constitutional committee before the end of the year in order to start this political pros says i think this is very important. to show that there is no military solution to start a conflict beyond that we also spoke about the free and secure or safe return of refugees but this is tied to preconditions and must be coordinated closely with you and committees like the un h.c.r. and there must be undertakings that there will be no persecution or arrests. this is human terry and basic preconditions have to be fulfilled it has to be
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a humanitarian infrastructure but the key to a durable peace and return of refugees will be a put in a political solution because syria must be a country that will once again be a home for all its people where so many people had to leave their country now this has been the first meeting in a new format but there has been the political they will given the urgency of the matter to come to a joint conclusion here and so i can say that i hope that the we have given a certain momentum to the political undertakings and that we will continue to do everything possible that it lip will be lead to a peaceful solution and not end in a further humanitarian catastrophe so thank you very much especially to host
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so although there are some. completed initial presentations. we are going to take no. question each let's start with the learn from from us. if you do. the mission of. the mask. this is very difficult in terms of the constitution. and the listed were so proposed
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so what is the approach my question is. especially for president putin. for this constitutional committee to meet before the end of the year thank you. if my name you know or the necessary means of conviction of preservation of the government of syria syria will be counterproductive so that this work is successful and should be done in school in their respective regime mode towards the legitimate government of syria republic everybody uses the expression syrian regime but incidentally in the resolution of the un security council itself the government of the syrian arab republic so take into this into consideration showing respect to the syrian legitimate authorities on the one hand but bearing in mind and then he
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says that the two launched the attack to dialogue with the opposition we always appeal syrian authorities to this constructive dialogue and reliance also on the declaration of today which we have agreed with the call colleagues today we hope that our till the end of this year. well while there are necessary conditions a place will be called in a tete and fully set up the constitutional committee and it will start its work i'd like to remind that precisely in such at the congress of the syrian people it was taken business it was taken on the complication of such a committee on its formation also after this we managed to agree with the opposition with the president our south so that so that to pass a better off format from the opposition of the government now. could
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agree on the part with the participation of public again ization and represents a different different social structures it's a complex work because every parties will try. to to field this people to to give their people but even if there is no trust to this structure it will not be able to work effectively of course we should carry out full copies because of the syrian government and the with our partners in iran because without the iraq you know it is a guarantee curator party of the peaceful traces of the cease fire of the creation of them to rise zones that iran this problem. cannot be effectively will not be effectively resolved.
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vision of a person there do i. have you to. around this summit have you all this is spoken. at all given information. about the work to make progress in the question of kill journalists. and how do you assess the declaration that these suspects will not be extradited and mrs merkel has reviews are supposed to spoken to mr mugg home about your differences in terms of differences in terms of exports to saudi arabia have you been able to put aside these differences and have you spoken to president about a german national who was sentenced here in istanbul yesterday because of. membership in a terrorist organization. first of all.
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they seized in relation to this season. we've discussed this matter you know during our bilateral. discussions and i provided the necessary information to each of them. a number of information provision had taken place already. during by later meetings i. entered into greater detail because i should say here in the presence of international members of the international media. national press. first of all there are eighteen people in custody the eighteen people who have been arrested. are the same people
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who attended our country. fifteen. what about nine plus six plus three that eighteen consists insisted. who sent those eighteen people to turkey is a question that needs to be answered by this so the authority is saudi so the operations . and other experts statement came from the. authorized shoals of the saudi arabian administration which was. stating that the body of the deceased had been handed over to a local collaborator in turkey the identity of the local collaborator. needs to be. weak. disclosed.
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they say the perpetrators will be. punished. in all ways possible the crime was committed in istanbul. what i'm saying is if the saudi authorities are not going to do what's necessary. we are ready to take responsibility and try these. people. in turkey and if we made this proposal to the saudi authorities through office filled channels in writing as well we will wait for an answer to that but. in addition to that saudi arabia we'll be sending their chief prosecutor to turkey tomorrow in the chief prosecutor and the chief prosecutor of his will have meetings. of course. i. do
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believe. there is ultimately that meeting is going to be extremely important. in addition our intelligence. services and our judiciary are. involved in a very. busy hurts. work continue very responsibly. very attentively. you know all the innovations of the german citizens in istanbul. as you know and. the court has passed sentence. and the. route to appeal is available. we will. have to.


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