tv Up Front 2018 Ep 19 Al Jazeera October 28, 2018 7:33am-8:01am +03
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for the old who lives on. the planet your job you young the magician was your mother she got more the family in need of a cousin come in some of them a bt it was one of the places that you would help me because the house near juanita's will choose where he lives so it had to be session she pointed me to the guy because i was almost your cock of the point as you shall know that beneath the sea this is the place of the jews even if you live in the valleys hold the water
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was muddy with joseph the sun will be in sydney and she into your soul never. to welcome what you want when you see a young girl with. something and others will help one body who watches the god that know what this is all of them all he was who she is that were me. and i am giving you back to the cosmos is all he has you know she was low you not get what he got back to the dunes when you know monkey for. a long. well i made. you. well. we're. you know what. i think one problem. i'm
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a fool when i tell you why. i had yellow eyes thank you five i've got to know that maybe because this special place she slipped out of the question that i did when i got out was legal easy to play this is where she. was. so hot so how do you eat i feel sick i don't think you would. be more dense you are just such was exactly one week i was going to sleep on the. tunnel and enjoy this upwards or downwards a bit you'll get no details and once you got that straight. you have only gone way i didn't mention being on the bloody monkey on believe me the time this was easy going to do when you might go along. killing in the long. run you don't even living on ice but you eat. the white man even comes enough idea to going
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while you're looking on the obvious why does a blue dot in my month long as you are young. and if you can that bumble bangle why has he been going on the dumont was around when i want to go to bed and almost like to give. her. the meds in the same county i mention. life since i started looking for signs of well my vision. he has
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a home so he is to be fit. finds a man who is sincere and i'm going to. make good on this trip ok i didn't say that he heard in your mind this you will marry. me. or mr decoys she would know by listening hey guys you need to be one they don't need new neil gaiman's you look like what it's all about you do believe it will be a key field goal to. to you will. be a question it's a very funny unclear. to you to change the. way. it's always on you are not the kind who are you being i know you are not the most cynical about the recommendation that. you. learn from it can.
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be any good and to be nothing to you you have you know so now i feel i have put this on the heart. you know you got to see me to. boston and you better than that a fun fun i'm going to a few yeah you were enough. to want to. throw more money or shoot me. when you know so you know about the bells. somehow now you know i wouldn't be able but i will keep you.
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or he paid for the home or they move. the goal here to. the will or that all intent is i'll go through uncle donny i'm. sorry if you think the poor guys he took value are you that can then are paid to abandon the home. you see on. the go all you would. well this month. and one. and. then claiming to. be funny oh. boy. we will need some wisdom.
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on that all going to write oh gosh i'm completely right oh my god how can i find it and i think we haven't yet but i'm hoping that. i'm going on. here and keep telling the little guy to. help out at home and the mom how would people taking. her and how young not how part. of the home a little go then and you were going to. look. down on things and if you're. going to do internet be here. last
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night jani and me or you if you're looking for a good one. if you love one you know i'm going to treat it. with you how i'm going to. get him a ball in my back i keep it all ready to hold. on one of them was another one you don't want to go and live ones the ones you want to make your one. ok how do we know how why you know look he's young he's young and eighteen months you days to. come out. because the obama or the other that is the use of this how the other way and the soldier poor no one likes what you have not what you're going into it was a wise move on to what we should you say you. were going so what you who is them a good job was in the menu so any money i'm going to yeltsin's are wonders of the sit down when you're. analyzing the vehicle you know
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you're leaving until that i mean do people feel anything good coming out of. this was well being as well you know you john people man the walk down by how was i how about i did some quick. dance with older people do not want i'm a bunny as well when the going to come on your own. and you know my week the whole when i once known a real jew with guns or money. i want to know about you know my. well above also i did issue that you know i showed the when you and others about your time. because of the job florio puts down sutra with those who back up those is a sentiment call a good you know they're going to be. decent
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even though my one big lead on this is the only other option is yellow police someone let me go to the side balancing the ballot in the by the holy temple not. even do you very well but i tell you my dad it was like a band on what they see me even going on. oh my backup window that gets in the boat and my kids live on the gun i got my life. i mean not good time waiting you know what do ya big old studio. what got out without a doubt that was your job i'm. going to my home on the field but i can't completely give up on him i did the cut he does some i got my money going to come by my uncle that was that bone in my momma i become i don't come i don't believe. that any night. well you don't see the ones that don't think. you'll see me and most issues
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with that it sounds good so i'm sleeping tonight and not because i need to get my balls you know anyone to play if you gotta be having the not been i mean you got me if the boy did it but you know how to cook she said i mean if you kind of am tough . sheening nabila not easy enough that's a noble god that would i need to see if i got a top woman big that conflict could climb a little is each out kinda made and then you didn't why no muslim a nobody told god be out without being you you need told no it was it was out wot don't know what t. no deal. that in the. know
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. what. would you. know. that wasn't uncommon i see none of that. you. guys are going to get it elsewhere how many are good and good or poor and i'll go and look at. our leaders. and see in fact that. there's no doubt that. what you're there isn't clear without the city being was is will what i'm told was awful that's why i like to see what isn't true without instancing what is it that is aids kids houses has found out not as you possibly can face onstott silly all
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hail i shout out of that to find the saw her horse's back her hair he did a singing. sound sudan is one of the last places on earth to harbor guinea worm disease a gruesome affliction that has affected millions of us interests to stand out in the world as the only country we didn't almost all the cases we go off it is a huge response when it is no vaccine and no cure could this disease be on the verge of extinction we know where the problems we know what need to be done if it doesn't what the things lifelines how to slay a dragon on al-jazeera. eighty percent of the visually impaired could be cured
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without access to treatment. where there is a will there is a way from a state of the art tossed metal covering over seventy seven countries. but if this patient be since today every role and in pakistan one learns passion provides flea treatment for over one million patients and yet the cure revisited which is iraq she's the head of for generation. sins of family and the bearer of forty years of suffering fools a heart or a hinge a refugee in her ninety's has fled persecution in me and mark three separate times in her life first in one thousand seventy then one nine hundred ninety one and finally in two thousand and seventeen. when the war the vetoes they kidnapped as they detained does. ghoul and her family span almost a century in age bonded through blood and displacement they now all live in
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a single hut located in the world's largest refugee kenya in many ways what's happened to this particular extended family really mirrors what's happened to so many other rohinton who face decades of repression and abuse the ranger aren't just the world's largest group of stateless people they're also among the world's most persecuted minorities. this is al jazeera. i'm richelle carey this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next sixty minutes. this was an anti-semitic act i've gotten and killed at least eleven people during a baby naming ceremony at a u.s. and a god. who sent to those people to turkey that's
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a question that needs to be answered by the saudi officials president demanding answers the saudi says it will prosecute suspects in the killing of jamal khashoggi . a leader of trying to take the united stand on ending the war in syria but major differences remain. and fireball at a football stadium the helicopter belonging to an english clubs tie billionaire owner crashes into the car park. a suspected gunman facing hate crime charges after a mass shooting at a baby naming ceremony and the u.s. forty six year old robert bowers has been arrested for the attack at the tree of life synagogue in the city of pittsburgh at least eleven people have been killed if convicted he could face the death penalty we will go live to the u.s. in a moment first this report from john and. the sound of the weaponry
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of warfare rang out in a pittsburgh synagogue. and i really got out of the car as i certainly did and the guy was like saying in a con i want to now as a shooting into something outside police armed with semiautomatic rifles like the one used by the gunman responded warning the residents of this largely jewish neighborhood it is imperative that the neighbors in the community surrounding the tree of life synagogue stay in their houses and shelter in place do not come out of your home right now it is not safe as worshippers gathered on saturday witnesses say the gunman fired indiscriminately some saying he shouted all jews must die this is shocking these are our friends these are our neighbors and when this list of victims comes out it's going to be people that we know after gunning down worshipers and wounding four police officers police say the gunman armed with an a r fifteen style assault rifle and multiple handgun was himself shot several times
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it's a very horrific crime scene it's one of the worst that i've seen and i've been on some plane crashes it's very bad the latest mass shooting in the united states has drawn sympathetic responses from world leaders around the globe the f.b.i. is investigating it as a hate crime president donald trump says that's exactly what it looks like. happened today are. learning a lot about the deficit like you. wouldn't believe. will be going really or trump called for stiffer death penalty laws in the united states and less than two weeks before congressional midterm elections raise the politically sensitive question of whether the victims could have done more to protect themselves if there was an armed guard inside the temple they would have been able to stop him maybe there would have been nobody killed except for him frankly one prospect the president rejected limiting access to the weapons of
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warfare on american streets john hendren al jazeera washington. joins us live now with more from washington d.c. so kindly what's the latest. oh well of course that death toll now at eleven victims six injured and among those four of the police officers that responded donald trump has continued to speak out about this most recently calling this an evil attack and an assault on all of us he then went on to in his rally and ellen ojt to say that the all americans must vanquish the forces of hate and seek their destruction even suggesting that the death penalty should be brought back for crimes such as this if this suspect in this case is found guilty of those crimes we should point out that the pennsylvania governor governor wolf has also talked about this publicly noting that this is not just an evil act against jews and those of
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jewish faith but it is an evil act against people of all faiths my heart breaks for the members of the jewish community. today all of pennsylvania mourns with you. similar to some has absolutely no place in our commonwealth any attack on one community of faith in pennsylvania is an attack against every community benefit in pennsylvania and i want the jewish community across the commonwealth and across the country to know that we stand in support of you as we together mourning this senseless violence. and we should point out that more is becoming clear about this gunman that we believe is in his late forty's that while he didn't have a prior criminal record that police are aware of he certainly had a strong presence on social media in fact not only did he shout before the shooting
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inside the synagogue that all jews must die but he also in fact said that he believes that any group that helped immigrants should in fact be targeted this is something that he also put in some of his statements as well that we should point out that there are americans in strong force coming out against such statements in public vigils not only in pittsburgh but also in front of the white house and around the country standing up against these types of acts all right campbell how can i press from washington kimberly thank you can graze a lecture at the university of new haven in a retired f.b.i. special agent who worked on the unabomber case he joins us via skype from new haven connecticut and we appreciate your time in that report kimberly referenced some of what some of the remarks of president donald trump had made you know denouncing this saying it was evil but he's also at a rally tonight used the word globalist repeatedly which is
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a dog whistle an anti-semitic term he made a joke about having a bad hair day what would you like to hear a u.s. president say in a time like this. like you were in politics so i really you know i would you know what are you do have opinions about. this crime. really want to move the ball oh ok fair enough president this you wouldn't believe that things like this still happen but the anti-defamation league says that hate crimes against jews are a fifty seven percent what do you think is contributing to that. so you know. who can say exactly what is causing this increase in hate crimes against jews is that just here in the united states or around the world i don't know but in this particular case the shooter in this one particular instance telegraphed ahead of time on social media what it was intending to do and then he went in and carried it
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out so you know this is a horrific at that ok i've got to push a little bit more on trying to get your thoughts though because not only this this week this happened there was also a man who tried to get into an african-american church couldn't get and went to a grocery store and deliberately shot two black people and then of course this is also the week that pipe bombs were sent to twelve very prominent democrats is there something going on and so i agree that there have been a number of high profile events this week i don't know if there is any type of correlation between those events that would have to be something that would have to be looked at number three and i know i understood i don't guess that mean in an investigative sense that those things are connected that's not really what i mean i just mean overall do you see something at play so again and in this particular case this event was a hate crime and as a hate crime it was driven by
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a person that was filled with hate by looking at his social media he has a history of being anti-semitic so you have to look at each event in its in its entirety but just by itself you cannot meet the events of means of having bombs sent to a number of high profile democrats to this shooting in the synagogue it's it's just not a link ok thank you very much for joining us we appreciate it. the german chancellor says she and the french president are considering a common european union position on selling arms to saudi arabia following the murder of journalist jamal khashoggi but the saudi foreign minister has just missed what he described as hysteria and the media over the killing and rejected calls to extradite the suspects joins us live from istanbul so the idea that turkey would
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get to deal with the suspects allan saudi arabia is obviously pushing back against this saying that they would actually be tried in saudi arabia were what's it play here what is the likelihood that they would ever actually be extradited it seems highly unlikely but it's not a demand that the turks are going to drop very soon they continue to say that if there was to be a trial here in turkey it would be done in front of international observers to ensure fair play and they want to make sure that those responsible for the killing of jamal khashoggi are brought to justice that the turks have been looking for international support and they got it to international conferences on saturday one right here in istanbul we had from the leader of germany and the president of france both of them were seeing that they're in favor of a coordinated approach when the investigations are complete and someone points to
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who was responsible for ordering the death of jamal khashoggi. we came to talk syria but the jamal khashoggi case was never far from the surface as the four european leaders gathered after their istanbul meeting turkey's president again demanded those responsible for his killing should face trial in his country. this crime took place in istanbul if saudi arabia is not going to put these people on trial the turkish judiciary can do that here in istanbul and through our ministry of justice jamal khashoggi disappeared after visiting the saudi consulate in istanbul earlier this month initially the saudis denied he'd left the building but under growing international pressure the admitted they had killed the writer and u.s. president in what they described as a fight gone wrong european leaders insist so the reviewer faces a coordinated sanctions campaign when the results of all the investigations are known and there. once we know who is behind the stage and what the links are we
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will strive to have a joint european reaction to show we act from a common basis of values it plays on it. for me things a clear firstly some of the facts have been established we must fully investigate a nation with these facts and who's responsible sanctions must be taken on this basis and these sanctions must be coherent and complete and be extremely concrete and proportional it would depend on the facts to say i established in the sanctions will be taken at a european level as we usually do so that there is true coordination the chief saudi prosecutor will arrive in istanbul in the coming hours it's lying for the turkish authorities the case against this country being held there in connection with the killing these also expected to pressure to extradite them here to turkey where the offense took place earlier so these foreign minister ruled out any extradition.
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