tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera October 29, 2018 10:00pm-10:34pm +03
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we will send in divers to find the position of the black box hopefully we can get the black box under the flight wreckage the plane was a boeing seven three seven eight a new model introduced into service only last year it was delivered to lyon in august and had completed eight hundred flight hours there are a few areas where. this marks seventy seven was going to maintaining flight level and so on but considering boeing's track record and this new generation of we have got it didn't look like any mechanical failure or something around those lines . indonesia relies heavily on ad transport to connect all its islands but its aviation safety record is patchy in two thousand and fourteen and asia crash killed more than one hundred sixty people ryanair is one of indonesia's youngest and largest airlines it was removed from the european union's safety blacklist in june two thousand and sixteen florence louis al-jazeera. oh and he is live for us from
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the airport in jakarta so wayne what more are we hearing right now about the search and rescue efforts. well the search and rescue effort they are saying will continue around the clock it will go twenty four hours a day with heard that from various government agencies and indeed from the indonesian president joko widodo who visited this site here at jakarta airport in the last couple of hours meeting with relatives of people who were on board that lion air flight so he too reiterating that this search will not stop they have around thirty divers on sides the priority well they have several of them really of course they are looking for the people who were on that flight the search and rescue personnel saying that they don't expect to find any survivors because they have already found some body parts in that area that is priority number one
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priority number two is finding the actual body of the aircraft they have not done that yet either they have found some debris which they are taking to the shore about thirty five kilometers from that site in the java sea to continue that process of identification and then as mentioned in florence's reports they also need to find the doctor recorder and the cockpit voice recorder as well and to help them with that they are flying in three experts from singapore with specialist equipment to assist in that search for those two recorders those specialist from singapore will arrive here in jakarta on monday evening and they will go straight to the crash size and as far as the investigation itself what are they focusing on this point. well we've had very few details really throughout the course of monday where more than twelve hours now after that flight took off on monday morning lasting only
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a few minutes before it crashed into the java sea and really with me managed to find out very little since then about what actually happened in the final moments before it crashed we heard from the transportation minister he said that the time frame was really only two to three minutes after it took off before that request came from the pilots to turn the plane around and then it was about ten minutes after that that they lost contact with the playing but he gave no details about what the problem was that led to that request that was ultimately granted from the pilot to turn the plane around or he didn't give any details about what might have been discussed or what information may have been passed on from the pilot in that ten minute period between talking between himself of course and the control tower here in jakarta other than to say that they lost contact some ten minutes after that request was made so very few details at the moment there will be some focus to
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has them on that falls that we found out through the lyon a chief executive that was found on this very plane on its preceding fly through at least before it's proceeding flight which was from bali to jakarta on sunday night they found the fault they managed to fix it and made that flight perfectly safely it landed in jakarta on sunday night the lion a chief executive said saying that there was no problem with the plane it was fit to make that flight and the flight on monday morning if there was any problem it wouldn't have been able to takeoff from bali to g caught or on sunday night but he didn't say what the fault was so no doubt they will be a lot more questions about that as all right for the moment when hey live for us in jakarta. plenty more ahead in this news hour with the deepening constitutional crisis in sri lanka polarizing figure takes over as prime minister plus. he will not be broken religious communities in pittsburgh remember the victims of
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saturday's synagogue shooting and call on the president to do more. and later in sport lest the city fans pay tribute to their owner and four others killed in a helicopter crash outside the stadium that's coming up with peter. so that's still ahead but first former army captain j.m. has promised to take brazil in a radically new direction after winning a bitterly fought presidential runoff despite offending many with remarks considered in the sergeant a racist and homophobic also not a tapped into voter anger over corruption crime and economic problems to race about reports from rio de janeiro. until a few months ago. chances of making it to the presidency were slim now he supporters call him the meth and knife attack last month and the general
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disenchantment with the political class have propelled him to the presidency georgia that we are. finally we will put our beloved brazil above all else this government will be one of constitution democracy and freedom the says a pledge not of a posse it's not the vain empty words of a man but it's a promise to god for you to move make us a great nation what happened today in the polling places was not the victory of the party but rather the celebration of a country. also natalie's a former army paratrooper and an admirer of brazil's military dictatorship he said good criminal is a dead criminal and has promised to clean the country of what he calls the red communist threat he supporters say he's the man brazil needs. the poor people he's very simple by. everybody. hundreds of people have gathered outside your. apartment they're chanting. and
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celebrating they say they want order and progress something that's written in the brazilian flag but there are many who fear that. the threat to democracy. told us he celebrates every election in brazil because he was banned from voting for twenty seven years during brazil's military rule. i cherish every election because it's our way of expressing l. selves and this election is more important than ever because of what's at stake and what's at stake. this is the first defeat of the workers' party in sixteen years when former president won the presidency. what we saw was an awakening of people as to what was at play in the selection precipice being put to the test we had twenty sixty one president dilma was being a beached we had the un for a present of president the failure to follow the u.n.
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resolution we will forward with courage to take. this country democracy is of value above all of us. has vowed to appoint former members of the military in cabinet and that he run the country with an iron fist analysts believe his election which presents a challenge to the brazilians the capacity to defend themselves against a. democrat. way of doing things and what we've seen i think from the t.s.a. you the electoral courts and some of the other instances makes me worry that perhaps not will so now who will take office in january its job than will be to fulfill his promise to kick start brazil's economy and end the crime wave that has already left thousands of people dead. it is how will and defeat out religion in iraq. our german chancellor angela merkel has announced she is stepping down as
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leader of her ruling christian democratic union party mother says she will stay on as chancellor until the next election but won't run in three years' time our party will meet next month to work out who will succeed her as chair both major parties in germany's governing coalition suffered heavy losses in recent regional elections a matthew quarter up is a biography of the chancellor who wrote the book angela merkel europe's most influential leader he now joins us from london thanks very much for being with us with us so why is angular merkel resigning from this post and why now. she's resigning mainly because it's becoming almost on tenable for her to stay on she had to do something and this is the next card she can play she was she appointed a new secretary general of policy in january when things were getting halting up a bit and they had the election result in bavaria
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a couple of weeks ago and more catastrophic leave perhaps for the election defeat and hasn't been in over the weekend and they suffered so massive losses so i think she's stepping down from her post as. policy chairman before she's pushed frankly she's had to climb in votes in her party she is still relatively popular in the country as a whole it's about almost fifty percent right to support her policies and support her and in some ways it's a bit of a paradox because the green party that did really well in those renaud collections is a party that's defended the immigration policies but internally in the c.d.u. party she needed to do something and this is the things she's and done but it's not going to be easy i think the title of my book as the europe's most influential leader might have to be changed and so what where does this leave. angela merkel standing as not only as germany's leader but as as europe's leader.
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well it's going to be difficult to be europe's leader effectively if you're a lame duck when shoes announce that you're going to step down other members of the cabinet will be less loyal to you they don't really rely on you for patronage they will have to look at or they'll be looking increasingly at who might succeed and therefore her influence over her cabinet to appoint and sack people will be less strong we've seen that with other leaders who all either in the last term of office in america or in the united kingdom when tony blair said he would step down but also previously when we had. david cameron in this country who also said he was going to step down that means that people are less likely to frankly suck up to us and be nice to you because they know that they don't really need to do that for four forwarding that career in politics so i think it would make her less
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influential in other but on the other hand she needed to do something and i think the the big question is whether she will be able to stay on until twenty twenty one and also who might succeed already a number of people have said their interest in the position. who is the current secretary general who's a favorite favorite to take over from who's a southern catholic woman from from germany in spawn who is one of the fiercest critics who is the health minister and then a previous spokesman that she outmaneuvered way back in two thousand and five with get out of politics and who's now that he wants to come back so it's going to be very interesting in germany but the most important thing is that many of the people who want to succeed her on the right of german politics and in order to govern in germany you need to appeal to the center and what is going to be interesting is to see if anybody can literally take over from and be in
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a position that can actually cooperate with the free democrats the green party and the social democrats which we need to do in order to form a government in germany. good to speak with you matthew quarter joining us there from london. uk asriel lanka's dismissed oil minister has been granted bail after his arrest police say junior around a security guard opened fire on a crowd of presidential loyalists killing one person meanwhile the new prime minister has assumed duties after his sudden appointment triggered a political crisis rajapaksa is replacing the will come a single day but he has refused to leave the official residence become a single believes he still has a parliamentary majority they cannot prove that because parliament's been suspended . and we know fernandez joins us live now from colombo so you know the sacto prime minister has spoken again what's he said.
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de sac prime minister run a vicar missing heard responding to the address to the nation by president might be by the city center yesterday basically coming out very defensive defending what his government had done since it came to power coalition government essentially listing out the achievements particularly on the human rights front media freedoms bringing in basically new norms witness protection burrs the right to information bill amending the constitution to curb the powers of the executive presidency listing out all those sort of badges of honor or he's achievement at the same time expressing regret about the sort of allegations made by presidents in the same saying that he was telling stories that even a child wouldn't believe so. things becoming quite personal now if you listen to the torrent of the allegations and counter allegations that are being treated as
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part of this political crisis here in sri lanka and all the meantime the citizenry of this country is watching almost bemused wondering what the future holds for them as them and the world minister. on bail what's what's happening there and how is that connected with all of this. how he heard the petroleum minister basically had visited was visiting his office at the petroleum sort of headquarters now what happened was with the swearing in of the rajapakse on friday. the trade unions in many state institutions started reacting so those loyal to the prime minister behind the rajapaksa and his party started literally getting a very sort of. kind of jubilant old boss but within that was also a kind of
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a we've won again sort of scenario and there were beginnings of sort of you know take back or a little bit of jostling against percy of supporters of the previous government when the former minister of petroleum went to his office he found a very raucous group of supporters of the new prime minister who found him served and surrounded there are different versions of the story depending on whom you talk to but basically the minister was security open fire and sadly two people who were injured subsequently succumb to their injuries now initially his security guard that opened fire was arrested but unions were not having it be said they were launching an indefinite strike until such time that promise when that was arrested we saw that arrest made he was produced before a magistrate and the latest that is that arjun around of them there has been given
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bail while the security guard who actually opened fire was also arrested has been remanded so that's the situation as we see it. the new prime minister assuming office formally at the official prime minister's office in colombo as i'm you know for now and as life force there in colombo thanks peter. all right some breaking news to tell you about now we're getting reports of an explosion into news years capital tunis police have cordoned off an area around have be bored avenue in the center of the city that is one of the main streets in the center of tunis reports on tunis yes they radio say a woman has blown herself up we'll bring you more information on that as we get it . five a weather now is every ten with news of storms hitting southern europe yeah that's right has missy's a really nasty weather through the course of the weekend and this still ongoing very heavy rain heavy snows some snow events have been snowed up has been that bad
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and damaging winds you look at the satellite picture you can see this huge swirl of cloud across that western side of the mediterranean extending across a good part of italy across the alpine regions we have seen some very heavy snow takes to be near for example fifteen centimeters of snow here in the past twenty four hours the further north it's been a lot heavier some processing fifty to seventy centimeters of snow this is a switzerland and some really nasty conditions a heavy rain as well that comes with the floods and the landslides really nasty conditions and that really wet windy weather and the wintry weather that stays in the forecast through the remainder of monday coming on into tuesday just around the alpine regions lots of rain still pushing up there either side of the a to the attic further north the wettest weather well that more will make its way out of italy across the alps and notching up towards the east side of france western parts of germany into the low countries they stagger in the southeast of england also
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seeing some really nasty rains and very heavy downpours for the heavy downpours returning towards that western side of the med as we go through wednesday we could see some flooding into eastern parts of spain by the middle of the week as i'm. thanks ivan still ahead on al jazeera human rights defenders gather in paris we'll look at what they hope to achieve. also stopping illegal fishing we go on patrol with sierra leone's navy as it battles a two hundred million dollar problem and later in sports scathing report into australian cricket board tampering scandal peter we'll have the details later in the program. getting to the heart of the matter the three big challenges facing humankind in the twenty first century they are nuclear war climate change and technological destruction facing realities whatever it is they have to fear is not in me it is in
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the people of your kind here their story on talk to al-jazeera. volcano kill way erupted explosively last thing boiling clouds of steam and ash and rock high into the atmosphere scientists say it's not unusual for corruptions to stop and start up again later as for killer way it has been spilling lava continually for more than thirty years native hawaiian spiritual beliefs say eruptions reflect the moods of the goddess pale a. us is native hawaiians to the family is always nice to us whether she takes our home or not we accept this type of event.
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again you're watching i do see a reminder of our top stories this report say there's been an explosion into new capital tunis police of. an area around. the center of the city. radio say a woman has blown herself up more details on that as we get it. sources have told al-jazeera the turkish prosecutor's office was unsatisfied with this meeting with saudi officials over the murder of jamal khashoggi saudi arabia's top prosecutor had been expected to provide testimonies from the eight hundred suspects being held in the kingdom but did not he says the saudi prosecutor did admit the murder was premeditated. officials leading the search and rescue operation after the crash of
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a passenger plane off indonesia say they're not expecting to find survivors one hundred ninety nine people were on board the lion airplane which lost contact with air traffic controllers minutes after takeoff. a members of the jewish community in pittsburgh have called on donald trump to condemn white nationalism after saturday's synagogue into the open letter says the president won't be welcome in the city unless he stops targeting minorities eleven people were killed when suspected in the suspected gunman burst into the building and opened fire our white house correspondent kimberly how could joins me now live from washington d.c. so kimberly what is the latest there on the aftermath of this shooting. right well there is a letter that is been issued an open letter by a liberal progressive jewish group that is stirring up some controversy it accuses the president of not fully condemning the massacre that occurred in pittsburgh and
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to be clear the president did come out very strongly in condemnation of the act but in this letter which is signed by twelve people but which claims to represent tens of thousands of liberal jewish people across the united states they accuse the president of emboldening a white nationalist movement through his words and policies and they say he's not welcome in pittsburgh until he fully condemns white nationalism and we should point out the president did point did condemn hate he has condemned the white nationalist movement in charlottesville but in two thousand and seventeen following a march there but given the fact that he said there was violence on both sides many people believe that he did not do it with enough moral clarity and to be fair the president well he did sort of do to flee condemn the actions in pittsburgh he very quickly pivoted back to the campaign mode given the fact that we have an election eight days away he also was even tweeting on saturday night about baseball and most
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recently condemning the media for a lot of the outrage that it is anger that exists in the united states many people feel that this is a bit of a tone deaf nature of the president and feel that he needs to come out more forcefully and with some continuity and how would you characterize the the atmosphere in in the u.s. right now because this shooting of course comes off to the the pipe bombs the possible arms that were sent to various opponents. of president trump and the person behind that has been arrested now and this of course coming just a few days before the midterm elections. right i think it is already driving people to the polls we know there have already been seventeen million who have voted in early voting in the united states and we're still actually eight days away the election is november sixth the tuesday what this essentially has done is
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it has deep into intensified many of the people's positions who are opposed to donald trump they remain so and those that are in support of him remain so i think there's some frustration though on the part of the president even among republicans privately who wish the president would be more of a drip president especially in times of crisis for example the president was on twitter attacking a man by the name of tom styer who is a vocal trump critic but he was also a recipient of one of those pipe bomb packages that were terrified in the united states late last week so many people feel that the president doesn't always know how to calibrate his response he doesn't always know how to calibrate his attacks and that at a time when the nation has just been through a scare where numbers of democratic prominent leaders were targeted by pipe bombs and now this massacre of jewish people it is synagogue as they were worshipping on the sabbath in pittsburgh many people feel that the president needs to do more now
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having said that the president is planning to go to pittsburgh despite the fact that there is this letter asking him not to do so already there are members of kut not members of congress but rather members of his administration on the ground working out the logistics with local law enforcement and a member of his administration the deputy attorney general rod rosenstein will be speaking publicly today at sixteen thirty g.m.t. at a law enforcement roundtable to talk about how to improve the identification of hate and also the reporting of hate so certainly there are things that are being done by this administration but his critics say it's not enough. kimberly how can live in washington thank you hundreds of russians are remembering people who. during the era of soviet leader joseph stalin relatives activists and others wrote out the names of the victims at a ceremony in moscow but a step by some reports the commemorations also touch on rights violations in today's russia. i mean. one moment they're
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not just a name or forgotten victims of the brutal regime of fields of style in the one nine hundred thirty s. turned into people during this hour long ceremony every year more people are turning up to call out the names of the professions in the days of executions of the thousands killed in moscow right here in front of the former k.g.b. office the former secret service. the so-called return of the name ceremony nearly did not happen here this year moscow thought it initially didn't want to give organizers a permission because they said it would hamper reconstruction work but after a public outcry the event was allowed to go ahead. the life in the country today is that the political prisoners haven't disappeared they're here and you once appear and they don't get released immediately of course it is relevant today it is good that there is so many people one not indifferent and god willing no one will
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be standing in their way the human rights organization who is organizing this event has recently been branded a foreign agent by the authorities because it receives foreign funding it also has become increasingly under pressure at the same time monuments for your style and that sprung up around the country and a recent survey done last year shows that forty three percent of the people here in russia say is atrocities would justify. the main thing is for people to know what has happened and why has it happened there is a restriction of freedom of speech which we can see in the old days exclusion of political competition which we can also see a limitation of citizens' rights for freedom of gathering place where we can witness no. if people understand what it leads to in the past they will be more vigilant now. the more reason for those here today is to say they keep fighting for these events not only to remember those killed in the past but as a warning for what is happening today. or more now on one of our breaking news
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stories this hour reports of an explosion in tunisia's capital tunis these are the latest pictures coming into us now from the scene police have cordoned off an area around habib gave avenue in the center of the city reports on a radio say a woman blew herself up at least eight people have been injured that is the latest we're getting right now but we of course monitoring the situation and will have updates as they come in human rights activists are gathering in paris to talk about the challenges facing the grassroots movements around the world the u.n. recognize the role of human rights defenders twenty years ago it put the responsibility on states to protect them from risks in their work organizers of the summit say activists continue to face many challenges including harassment imprisonment and torture according to rights groups at least three thousand five
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hundred activists have been killed worldwide in the last two decades many were campaigning for land rights with most of the killings happening in latin america that number includes journalists at least eighty one were killed last year with many more sent to prison the tasha butler is live for a say in the paris tasha what do they hope to achieve from this gallery. well yeah i mean there's some a great ways to send a message to world leaders that they need to do more to protect their you so much trying to defend human rights and here at the summit there are more than one hundred fifty activists kept a nose lawyers and journalists some from a big international organizations but others just over a citizen see feel the duty to try and protect and defend human rights of others but of course when they do it they often do it at a great risk to that and life's many of them have to deal with living under threat at all times for governments all groups who are hostile to the sort of work that
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they are doing well joining me to talk about more with all this is blocky is with the international federation for human rights i care in paris. for joining us the killing of the saudi judge. kept in the saudi consulates intake is of course really thrown a spotlight on the work of human rights defenders and critics as it around the world is see with the touch of g.'s a situation a new and the latest developments in attacks that human rights defenders around the world today face and confront these are the silent soldiers to be seen souldiers around the world who are there to defend human rights values and principles to make sure that we have better societies but still defend the wellbeing of everyone against the interests of. a few either dictators or those who
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the economy governance in a specific sector or who are. on trend by bigotry your who develop ideas build the individuals against of the. trust of will. indeed defacing in a context where do you tax against human rights the founder being. global now. where we have organize a summit to actually. discuss some strategize together on how to fight back in this environment how can we make a stronger army of all these people soldiers and in terms of the soup to things the human rights defenders is saying that they are suffering as we're talking about threats we're talking about people really doing this sort of what the plots that the knives that race yes people for example i could mention but up at hutch meet up
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who's a human rights defender from tunisia she's been leading a commission in tunisia that is looking at how to reform the status of social status in the in the country how to give equal rights to women in terms of inheritance in tunisia which is a huge issue and a huge demand as well from women's groups but for the only in the context simple of growing reforms proposed for reform she's been under serious attacks you know whole of social network people asking her to be burned for to be killed and so she basically research lives in order to defend the wellbeing of women in tunisia ok antoine matlab thank you very much from the international federation of human rights this is a summit will to last three days and at the end as you've heard that new strategies will be formulated and you plan on ways to try me.
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