tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera October 30, 2018 9:00pm-10:01pm +03
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we inherited which it is our duty to transmit unshorn to our children. and what the rights mean here are they were the right to own a slavery and i was taught and still get we were not defending slavery we were just defending our us now from the northern aggression the rest why. next we visit the statue of our common ancestor it's very painful to remember the legacy evidence right where the great man made it was second cousin or property. so is painful it's painful just now cham is not perfect right now a queen i would i would take him day on the defense of slavery was not. something to be honored. gary flowers is a local radio host and custodian of black history in richmond he wants to show me a statue that he fought to get
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a wrecked in in twenty seventeen so this is mrs maggie cleaned out walker. born to an insulated mother maggie walker was the first black woman to charter a bank in the united states the st luke penny savings bank statues say to the community and say to the world this is someone whose fault to put on a on a literal pedestal that is a woman to be honored and that is a woman to be memorialized so that's what is so disheartening and despicable about the confederate statue because they fought for slavery sedition. secession and racial segregation and so those are not honorable virtues for which to fight nor are they are american there is no other country on the planet that honors and statuary the losers of a civil war itself and my ancestors who were burned beaten brutalized
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raped by a confederate and confederate thinkers that is a constant symbol to me the confederate statues that we have now honoring a dishonorable man and a dishonorable cause and a dishonorable confederacy. statues mean something. but. there are others in richmond who are adamant the statue should remain the organization sons of confederate veterans has spent tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees to prevent the removal of statues in charlottesville and elsewhere. now mr morehead has to gain and anger more headbanging to meet him yes or welcome to richmond and hollywood cemetery a matter told him a relative of robert e. lee absolutely with the beard with the reddish beard you look more like you have stuart but that's excellent let's take a look at a few things here greg. these are the dead from gettysburg
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we visit the confederate section of the cemetery with the graves of around two thousand soldiers who died in gettysburg a battle lost by robert e. lee in one thousand nine hundred sixty three it was arguably the turning point in the war. heavy casualties. around fifty thousand soldiers from both sides died in that battle there are a lot of people that feel that those statues need to come down when you look at these monuments just on a pure abstract be they're beautiful works of art. beautiful works of art and then you've got the military brilliance of robert e. lee which is still studied by military theorists today the passion for this issue we is the sins of confederate ancestors they're our family
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we review the fact that we feel in our opinion they fought for a noble cause. to overthrow it overbearing federal government would you want anybody to talk badly about your family just the notion of family you know brings up a lot of emotions in me but at the same time if there is a member of one's family that is doing something that you don't agree with you have a responsibility for them sure and we're responsible for the legacy of our ancestors as far as telling the truth as we see it robert e. lee didn't say i'm going to fight for slavery no what he said is i cannot term us a word against virginia so that tells you that the war was not about slavery there are some things we're not going to agree on i appreciate your time and giving us your point of view absolutely. andrew's view that the civil war wasn't primarily
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fought to preserve slavery has been debunked by the vast majority of scholars. i'm curious to find out why so many millions of virginians still believe that a lot of mr annan and. christy coleman is an expert on the american civil war and heads the museum in richmond specially devoted to the subject so christy here we are one hundred fifty years after the civil war it seems like a lot of the history and perspectives are still unsettled why is it still such a hot button to day. i think. part of the reason is that we've spent one hundred fifty years lying to each other about what this war was about. we spent one hundred fifty years lying and trying to reinforce the law and the truth is and it daughters of the confederacy and their historian of the organization a woman by the name mildred rutherford makes it her business to frame the narrative
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that must be in every school or textbook and if it's not there she tells the me. you must reject it from your home and you must reject it from your school. and that's exactly what they do so if you wonder why america has such a debate view about this as it was crafted that way the way i see it is that robert e. lee fought for slavery and that's what the civil war was about but. along the way and now i have heard an alternate opinion the reality is men women and children were bought and sold from their families by lee ok at arlington. and in many other properties that he owned he comes from a family that for generations has bought and sold human beings this way but i'm convinced that the weight of his choices. the death
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tolls and the casualties being so high i think weighed on his soul and i think that that is why he was so in his last years was so adamant. to tell others don't put up statues don't relive this let's just. let's just be you have the intensity that i see in his images with in your eyes a real ick ick i think that might be a family trait it's probably just beard maybe it's a beard i get up. to. see what people think i look like he's got. my own view is that the statue should be removed because it glorifies a shameful cause the fight to preserve slavery. over seven hundred thousand
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soldiers died in the american civil war the equivalent of seven million today. i guess it gives me some small comfort to know that my ancestor also didn't want any monuments to this dark period in our history. it's time for me to face up to the sins of my ancestors. this church in peter's ville maryland was built by black people my ancestors and slaves. my grandmother used to bring me here as a child. i've come to see two of her friends i've known them since i was young lord have mercy or at worst may almighty god have mercy on us to get us out and we're going to everlasting life. clarice in a stellar both descendants of the people my family and slaves i want to know how they feel about that it's not something my family ever discussed.
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i feel uncomfortable about bringing up the subject of enslavement i don't want to upset them. cleary some i'm wondering if you could tell me about the picture on this book here this is my mom. madeline. and i'm claire is this. and she was the nurse of this little girl and moans mother used to work for the least so your mom's mother was born in slave by the movie family yes. otello how'd say he was a slave my great grandfather of the leap property i feel kind of strange about that someone or in how how you feel about that i just live in the present time and i know that i can go anywhere i want to go and do anything i want to do
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and i don't have to bow down to nobody see that that's me in this present time and that's where i am what i wanted to do was go on you know a journey that where i figure out what i can do to make sure that you know we don't start slipping backwards you should just try to make sure that you treat people right don't don't harbor thinking about what your great great grandfather did so i don't have no hard feelings with you but i'm proud that you want to do something. but make sure you do something you don't know what you're going to do. it if you win the lottery you can give me a couple. i could do that. could of the met.
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i hope we go into something. to help you and in your endeavor if you really had it i hope i have because i think you've got a wonderful family. i feel humbled that a sterling priest don't hold any grudge against my ancestors for what there isn't are but i want to honor their call to action. i need to know how much closer we are to racial equality than in my great grandfather's day. baltimore the largest city in maryland is just one hour away. it has a population of three million with a high proportion for black. in two thousand and fifteen there were street protests in baltimore. triggered by the death of
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a twenty five year old black man. freddie gray spine was severed while in police custody no officer was ever convicted. i meet up with kwame rose a young political activists who hit the headlines during the protest that's right. kwame was filmed in a well known t.v. host for failing to report the underlying race related issues fueling the honor asked i want you and fox news to get out of baltimore city because tonight you're warning about the book or to uphold the story of the black right where you. think things are better are they getting better we have a white supremacist in office now may be just as bad as robert e. lee was and donald trump promotes and preys on the races ideologies that exist inside of american society you know we black people built this car. from on our hands our blood sweat tears and we haven't got one ounce of compensation reparation or even acknowledgement of the contribution we did what is it that i should know
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about baltimore what people should know about baltimore is that we are majority black population. sixty three percent black most of our elected officials are black . but yet the disparity between income between white families and black families is still one of the highest in america this is fells point it's a very white neighborhood. kwame wants to show me that even after racial segregation officially ended baltimore is still divided into rich white and poor black areas. ate here. you know drink here. actually that restaurant right there during opening day of the baseball season. i was actually called a nigger there. i come here knowing that me being here is. kind of a disruption to like the everyday whiteness i love doing that i love making people uncomfortable with my presence. you see the way the police patrol certain blocks of
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this neighborhood as a way to protect and you go up a couple blocks up the street the police are there to enforce yeah you can you tell the difference you can tell the difference because the police here this is a space where drunken why people are allowed to have a good tom be drunk and it's written off up the street standing on a corner the police are there you know come out and disperse a crowd. it's calm right and there's nothing wrong with that the fact that this city is sixty three percent black and the amount of people represented in certain communities like this aren't right here. i'll take you to a part of baltimore. is pretty great grew up. he wants across the slightest sensually you'll be able to tell the difference from where we just came from. you notice all the vacant businesses vacant homes. there are over thirty thousand vacant homes in baltimore the majority concentrated in black neighborhoods. the inequality in
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wealthier stock three times more black people than white live below the poverty line and blacks are four times more likely to be unemployed. this is america. richest nation in the world right. this is going more homes this is where freddie great lived. so this is a neighborhood. flooded with poverty and adequate public housing lack of opportunity and jobs for pretty much of your born in this community you're stuck here. most kids that grew up in poverty in baltimore city don't have the chance to leave within five blocks of their. where they were born to really five what's the situation with the police and you can be someone like philander castille who had a weapon that was legally purchased and still killed even though he followed all the rules you can be afraid of gray who ran away as so many examples of black
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people who did nothing wrong but just were killed because they like ice cube said their skin was this and in the united states black people are three times more likely than whites to be killed by the police. how do we make sure these people in your homes have the same access to quality of life that the people fells point. will it seems to me like before we can fix anything we have to acknowledge the truth of the situation more than acknowledgement there has to be some type of compensation is of which surely the greatest nation on earth when the people who made the greatest contribution should have access to a quality of life for those who are oppressed and slave this. summer. i've never really taken the idea of reparations seriously before but meeting with kwame has made me reconsider. i need to learn more about the inequalities that black people continue to experience i'm ready to face more uncomfortable truths.
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if inscribed in the wild west previously where the average person couldn't touch and tell if a post had been said on height or in some why does this updated nafta have the kind of support that it needs for we bring you the stories that are shaping the economic world we live in counting the cost on al-jazeera. our jews iraq and. where ever you are. getting to the heart of the matter the three big challenges facing human prine in
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the twenty first century and they are look real war climate change and technological disruption facing realities whatever it is they have to fear is not in me it is in the people of uganda hear their story on and talk to al-jazeera. your child has their arms the whole rumble in doha these are all top news stories turkey's president says the game is being played over the murder of journalists come out because show she to protect someone or the ones commons come or saudi arabia's top prosecutor met turkish officials for a second time and sources tell all jazeera that he handed over the testimonies of eighteen suspects the saudis sided refused to do so in the first round of talks on
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monday there are still disagreements over where suspects should be tried. just a straight line can prime minister runner and we have ever single addressed protesters outside the official residence he's refusing to leave his supporters are demanding parliament be reconvened president and made to appeal a service center with a place to work and i'm a singer with former president mahinda rajapaksa and suspended parliament for two weeks so he can gain support after meeting after meeting in bangladesh the minimal government has agreed to begin repatriating rangar effigies by the middle of next month rights groups say their return to rakhine state must be voluntary and dignified around three quarters of a million fled the military crackdown last year. indonesia's government has ordered that all boeing seven three seven max planes be inspected the following monday's fatal crash divers are scouring the ocean floor for the flight recorders from the passenger plane that plummeted into the sea with one hundred eighty nine people on
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board so far they recovered human remains i'm blogging is off the coast of java island the line a boeing seven thirty seven three seven went into service any months ago the pilot radioed air traffic control asking to turn back before the jet went down. into misery at least twenty people have been wounded after a suicide bomber blew herself up in the capital tunis fifteen policemen are amongst the injured the country has been under a state of emergency since twenty fifteen when dozens of people were killed in a series of isolette tax a japanese steel company has been ordered to compensate for south koreans for their forced labor during world war two south korea's supreme court ruled that nippon steel must pay each plaintive eighty seven thousand dollars the company has called the ruling regrettable japan occupied south korea from one hundred ten to nine hundred forty five and is accused of never fully apologizing or paying reparations
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to south koreans were forced to work without pay that was the news back later. in baltimore maryland black people are three times more likely than white to be living in poverty. i want to know what that means for the people living. rick fontayne works for the city he grew up in a public housing project and has been helping disadvantaged youths in baltimore for over ten years. housing projects is primarily black ok out of you know thousands of people who maybe like ten white people that live in the projects. it's no resources you have a city you have a saw story it. someone you know they call you know. i support my house this jay i've missed
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a tough one of mr rich toughest soldiers. somebody's kid squeegee and if they earn money that way but a lot of kids on they sell bottled waters and bottled drinks for a dollar i mean on the bottom yes thank you thank you. he with the legal hassles are right and you know i'm only women sometimes i just pull kids off corners i mentor them i help them get. rick takes me to the parking lot where de'monte howard a youth he mentored was shot dead just two months before. a lot of the drugs and activity happens right here and it's this parking lot and this is where unfortunately a lot of the homicides are robberies to please you c.r.p. diesel baby that was the a monster his nickname his mother was struggling as a single mom three children by herself and he did the fastest thing to help her and that was get involved in drugs for a year he was just good enough to help his mom and some guys from another neighborhood came here to rob them and ended up killing
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a really good kid though man always is trying to do better we got him. in wilberforce college and the day we were supposed to present him with his certificate to go to college he was he was murdered right here really sorry to hear . this as the president. was a boss we've been a man i miss my home boy it's good to be just out of. what would you like for this community all these kids take them out trips and sprays more stuff that's all you know right here so. it was all of. those. were. a lot of problems and body these kids feel like they're forced to do that to survive they're not doing it to be driving a mercedes in bentleys and things like that they're doing it because if i don't do this. people in these neighborhoods are not asking for anything but opportunity the
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same playing field that the rest of america gets i don't. this is. what you need to see how you don so this is this is james to lose that if. you know i always see how you know you know the little thing that we're doing and how you know they've everybody feel so safe passage because they beat us to streams and now here i am i one of them. i'm so sorry for your loss thank you so much thank you after the shooting. there were three hundred forty three homicides in baltimore and twenty seventeen more than ninety percent of these people were black. chan wallace is a baltimore photographer who uses her craft to combat racial stereotyping so i use
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photography as a form of activism my black lives matter and this what we are this is what we are outside of the gaze of whiteness. this guy right here i see black men all the time but i see how the world continues to perpetuate that these moments moments like this don't happen sometimes i photograph a black man and by the time i have the photograph printed and ready to give it to them they've. now. i went back to go give them a copy but you don't. weave and doors so much pain and have these moments where we didn't have anybody and it's how you know but a lot of people tell me about those moments when i take their photograph and talk about our trauma and talk about the injustice. what can i do what can white people do to kind of shift the way that they think or i think that for white people it starts with just simply caring about black people and envisioning more
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equal society allies i don't think that an ally job is to go in and dictate and tell people what to do and give directions this is listen and take notes. she has arranged a photo shoot in the area of baltimore where she grew up. she photographs her brother does many cousin quoting in front of. two generations and we still live on the street. does many quoting have served time in prison one in three black men in the u.s. it's a felony conviction. that. i was forced to come out of this trying to provide a way from. where we were forced into this we don't have. the right to tell you. the forces
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on the street basically nobody ever heard of is there. i'm not even the press. which is the arc of bring my son up is community my family my whole family stuck in this community when you look back across the generations the advantages that white people have put in position for themselves and all black people in the end the disadvantage as i might be was mommy just because you're white you should never bet up turned to me. i don't think so but that's just like him and then thank a ball is far from his father it always was this event are so full of black person pieces very. true i do something about a child that we just want to force for some are the put the spotlight on us and give us a little bit of hope and then but i was determined what we will do with the help we don't weigh it out to some over so. to speak out there's a surprise that we portrayed him as as if he who would but we're not we so scarred
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that we don't even want to speak out because we're afraid of the next person. you guys are going to take this with me you know trying to spread the message. i mean i came here to listen and to learn you know and it seems like such a small thing. just to hear these stories. this is. because he he he got emotional and even my brother got emotional because they have people listening you know people really fight it down matter we don't really talk about it because it happens so much it's not news is not new. quality and no he didn't want to say that stuff for a long time he got kids he got a family you know and they all live in poverty it is the as still living in poverty
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is this is not the dream for us. i later discovered that the continuing existence of the rich white neighborhoods and poor black neighborhoods in baltimore is not accidental but a legacy of decades of deliberate racial discrimination. in the mid one nine hundred thirty s. the u.s. government was encouraging people to buy their own homes by offering federal loans however most black people were systematically refused mortgages. in addition government and financial institutions true up maps disqualifying some areas for subsidies readline zones usually defined as neighborhoods where black people live. this deliberate denial of equal opportunities for black people to buy real estate is a major reason for the wealth gap between blacks and whites that exist today. my efforts to educate myself in america's hidden history lead me to two academics who
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have spent years researching the racial wealth gap in america and the reasons for it hello i'm james. good nature person what does that inequality look like in the aftermath of the civil war blacks may have all the less than one person of the american wealth. what's particularly striking and disturbing about that figure is that if we look at the comparable measure to the it's about two percent so we have a wealth position for black americans today that in a relative is not very different from what it was at the end of slavery is there an unpaid debt that is still to to black people in america yes the estimates can run as high as seventeen trillion dollars there was an opportunity to reverse the consequences of slavery instead formerly enslaved folks never received the forty
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acres and a mule that they were promised if that type of land reform it actually taken place it would have completely altered the trajectory of wealth inequality by race in the united states we got the destruction of black communities that had developed some measure of prosperity through white massacres that took place from the period of about eight hundred eighty through about nineteen forty. the midwestern community of greenwood in tulsa oklahoma was the most affluent black community in america with over three hundred black owned businesses known as black wall street. in main one nine hundred twenty one the whole thirty five block neighborhood was obliterated by a white mob triggered by a false rumor that a black man had raped a white girl homes businesses schools and churches were burned and by and over one hundred people died. while a massacre after another in a sort of rolled across the country all of these riots where thousands of black
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people were killed if you study history you see that this is been a continuous. a continuous assault on black people yeah we we think there is a giant. and we think it needs to be met because i think it is a just response to america's history my family's. you know status and wealth as has been has benefited from from their choice to enslave people the total number is staggering of whites who owned at least one black body you know it would have at least half at least half of the population white population i actually met recently the descent descendants of one of the people my family enslaved and found out that i had actually known this this woman
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a style that is ninety years old now and most of my life is her full name. her name is. sorry i'm blanking on her last name stella. telling you know that she's many years your senior and yet you refer to her by her first name right. there it is right there i mean i don't mean any disrespect. check. well apparently no one else in your family has referred to her by any other in the affair that were direct about yeah yeah yeah no you're absolutely right i think it probably made both of us uncomfortable you know free for you to call me out there. maybe even have it out maybe not to put it that i had to do this.
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i had no idea that the wealth gap between whites and blacks is still so huge today . sandy and kirsten have convinced me that the case for reparations is overwhelming . i wonder if more white americans would agree with me if they knew how much of their wealth advantage is stalling and honor and. i mean houston texas to meet a group of people whose views i'd like to understand black separatist i'm. not there to pick up on the awful thing that the new black panther party has been described as a fairly racist organization whose leaders have encouraged violence against whites and police. yakin in binya one of its former leaders is now chairman of a new organization the people's new black panther party that claims to disavow hatred. is that right here. you you should not just
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know one thing by gum i grew up in virginia so yeah yeah i've shot counts of the right yeah ok i don't own any myself right really and you know and a gun for genuity one. for the panthers are planning a patrol in the southwest of the city where there have been some recent shootings you read a road map. we don't like the police come to town i would neighborhoods patrol and i would neighborhoods and so we should give an example of how we can be self determining. the polies out here killing our you know people on the home and we were patrolling our own neighborhoods we wouldn't have these situations occur so. we have a message of separation we don't want to continue to live with white america hating boyd hasn't worked out we've tried everything we've worked we've served we. you know for equal rights and we continue to be in the same situation all right so this
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is the group fritz and i. know you both but. you know then a thing is going on without people who will want to call the police on one another and stuff like that when we deal with young boys these days in the household was single mothers and things like that you have a number yeah yeah yeah right number down so that's what we do and i have a couple. but nothing new to tell i do think is the lowest but it seems like that when you come out here people are pretty interested in what you tell you we come out in the community and people see us it excites them and of course you go to police now yeah yeah we got a call oh yes we are just there would always help but they never thought oh we told within our legal rights we're not doing that we have peace and a right to have a good day all right all right. we're going to do a quick safety check. take this is open carry state laws don't have in a felonies on your record or anything like that it's ok for you to open. there's legal . the huey p.
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newton gun club is the defense arm of the party there's a lot of different ways to fight racial injustice why do you think you know armed patrols this is is the way to go we had bustling black towns and we were very strong economically but what happened was we lacked a weapon and we're going to have to defend ourselves and this that's the bottom line self-defense what role do you think white people have been. in working towards more equality a lot of people who are afraid to say this a word reparations is a bad word is going to be associated with things like welfare and government handouts and stuff like that is not a government handout i think reparations as well overdue let's go ahead and move out. a few weeks ago materials call for compensation may have surprised me but i'm starting to notice a pattern amongst a diverse range of activists softly softly but no let
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up but. as a white person i'm way out of my comfort zone but. i don't agree with their separatist message in armed patrols but i don't feel any hatred from black to throw don't look too strong so just to be clear those those views hate against whites and tyson anti-semitism you don't identify with that no not at all with a different organization with different leadership with not a hate group we don't hate anybody our way actions show we don't hate anybody so how do you feel about that how do you want to live separate do you think will i totally out of my own will you think we can all get along. i hope that we can get along you know especially if white people are going to come around to the idea of reparations and and you know trying to make a more fair and equal society because if this doesn't change at some point it's not . and be pretty it's going good bad to
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a point where we begin to some point to race wars when we end up breaking out and just the point i was going to get to now is give me hope because nothing is changing and hopefully you see that i'm coming from a good place and i just want what's best for my children and my grandchildren that's common after me well look i'm and i think there's a couple things that we don't agree on but i think upstart understand where you're coming from or how we both learned some things always try to take things away from a conversation. that broke. not far from houston is where the last american slaves were finally freed in eight hundred sixty five. it's depressing to realize that after one hundred fifty years some black people feel so let down that they think separation is their only option . making a difference seems almost impossible. but i'm determined to do something. a they need to. want to get us here and they have made this thing you think
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coming the need invites me to the national gathering of coming to the table where this year's theme is reparations. is. over the next two days i attend several discussions on what white people can do to help. these range from scholarship funds for african-americans. to tips on how to talk to other white people about racial inequality. the conference gives me a lot of good ideas to take away. if there's someone from the coming to the table gathering that i want to meet again. i need to apologize for something thoughtless i said earlier i meet up with stephen at a historic house in harrisonburg virginia stevens trying to raise the funds to save it of the hands that constructed his hall or hands the will formally held in
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bondage. we were talking and you said you know that's what it's like being a black man in virginia and i said i could imagine. and mediately felt pretty foolish for saying that and i don't think you could even imagine what it's like to be a black man in the state of virginia i have to be mindful of every single thing that i say every single place that i go every single thing that i do my body language my you know your mannerisms my tone arm i mean you know it's it's not lost upon me that i have never experienced what it truly means to be free black people in the united states of america or anywhere near free. when you consider. that with one for small. that with one. violation of the fragility of the feelings of white people are very lives could be
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taken away from us and ended in an instant what else can you know a white person like me did i want you to see. on that despite the best efforts of your ancestors. despite. on the most cunning in conniving and destructive of plots implants that were devised by your ancestors my ancestors overcame what i'm saying as i'm hoping that you can recognize then that we are equal. because there was a time not that long ago but where your people didn't see mine that way i think it's up to people such as yourself and myself us together to try to do whatever is necessary to make sure we don't perpetuate these lies. absolutely cannot agree more .
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could you follow us please. on the last night of the national gathering don't need to ask me to join her at the james river in richmond to walk the same trail as her enslaved ancestors. lived in the south of the. us to. feel like the folk lore society are staging a reenactment specially for coming to the table dolly by. africans captured traded dragged from their motherland. and the odor after now i'm ten weeks at sea so i felt fit this concealed cargo disembarked only at night to the crack of the whip in the shadows and same.
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thing. ha. ha's shows. both what should. you. know matthew. know now let's go. now. for over an hour i walked the same dirt path that hundreds of thousands of the slave driver cans were forced to follow. as i think about the magnitude of their suffering and sacrifice i feel a deep in sense of shame and sorrow that their descendants have never received a formal apology or a penny in compensation from the u.s. government.
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so that was really intense. it was absolutely humbling. and i just kept thinking about everything that had been taken away from the people that arrived on the shores. and how there's no way that that could ever be given back to them. i decided to join the fight for reparations. not just because of my ancestors. but because morally it's the right thing to do. all of us must take responsibility for repaying the vast debt owed to black people so that future generations can finally have an equal share of the opportunities and wealth of this nation it works. a journey of personal discovery more american here and then more air and b.s. algis there is a near average of mara highlights the struggles and resourcefulness of one native
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alaskan people trying to preserve their way of life. is one of the smoker doesn't know if oh so well in. your minds from here you can. al-jazeera correspondent we are still here. hello there's now a good regular splashes showers across the amazon basin trust most to brazil to be honest a daily event as the temperatures rise and humidity is there the showers fall and is more conventional but periodic but actually quite useful right now through chile
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and northern argentina as the cloud suggestion is there in the forecast or not so much on the chilean side of the andes rather more on the ashington side as you can see the closed doesn't always produce showers in the full cost but the hint is there and certainly seems more likely to be on the east side of brazil than further west and dance through years ago in southern brazil we see the familiar pattern of green repeating itself now there are a few showers around the caribbean now in central america in general was in decent amount in honduras in panama recently that's where the brighter white topped clouds are so that's confirmation really from the shower for the view in the full cost point of view it's much the same story panama or further south where the concentration is but there are showers elsewhere on the trade wind which means it's going to be the eastern side of the peninsula the yucatan for example down through honduras once more that's true for the next two days for the u.s. itself and counter the two active depressions areas of low pressure are encounter which means that's where most of the weather is was mostly right not snow.
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the perfect formula for authoritarianism here let me ask you straight up is the two state solution now the lights are on and there's no way up front. this is al jazeera. alone welcome to the al-jazeera news our arms the whole robin in doha coming up in the next sixty minutes saudi arabia hands over suspects testimonies in the jamal khashoggi murder turkey makes accusations of game playing also.
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want to bury the body of their beloved jamal a plea from. world leaders to put more pressure on the arab kingdom. also are going nowhere sri lanka's ousted prime minister brownlee supporters outside the official residence that he's refusing to leave. will look at the threat facing a unique australian creature as a global report sounds the alarm about life. and i'm going to go your sport we'll see what's next for real madrid after they sacked their coach could take me just three months into the job. welcome to the news our turkey's president says a game is being played over the murder of journalist jamal khashoggi to protect someone. or ones comments come as saudi arabia's top prosecutor met turkish officials for the second time and sources tell us that he handed over the
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testimonies of eighteen suspects the saudi side had refused to do so in the first round of talks on monday and there are still disagreements over where the suspects should be tried let's get straight over to alan fischer who is live for us in istanbul and an island president really keeping up the pressure on the saudis to reveal who ordered the killing. he absolutely is that something that the turks particularly want to know they have an idea maybe not showing in public but the newer the good they seem to know where the chain of command finally ends it's been an interesting couple of hours here in istanbul as you see the chief prosecutor from saudi arabia met his counterpart in istanbul on monday there's no doubt there was tension between both sides particularly with the turks they believe that saudi arabia has promised an open and transparent investigation but when they were asked to provide some vital information it was not forthcoming and then we had the president saying that he believed that saudi arabia
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was playing games all of this as the chief prosecutor then made the journey right here to the consulate where the writer jamal khashoggi was killed. arriving at the scene of the crime so he really is top prosecutor on his second day in istanbul came to the consulate who jamal khashoggi was killed earlier. went in for a second day of talks with a leading prosecutor in istanbul. the two met on monday but both sides left unhappy at the level of detail each other was providing to ongoing investigations the saudis wanted any audio and video recordings that were made in the building behind me at the time of jamal khashoggi is murder the tox refused an exchange they requested the statements of the eighteen people come they being held in saudi arabia in connection with jamal khashoggi is murder to be handed over and then the saudis said no but after consulting with senior officials in the saudi government
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overnight they returned to a second we think on tuesday and handed the documents over. speaking in ankara turkey president said the saudis were doing what they could to protect senior figures linked to the killing. although. it is obvious that these eighteen people are involved in this killing you have to shed light on this and you will secondly your foreign minister made a statement what was that we delivered the body to a local cooperator therefore both the saudi foreign minister and other officials should reveal this local cooperate or and the facts about these eighteen people let us know whoever this person is and we will find them the chief prosecutor spent more than ninety minutes in the consulate is no scene where the writer was killed but he faces continuing pressure here in turkey and internationally to reveal what was done with the body. so where are we with the ongoing investigation with the turks well there's a couple of things that they are following up the first thing is that the searching
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the sewers in and around the consul general's accommodation his house not far from here less than a five minute walk away from where i'm standing they put cameras down in there and they say they will analyze the findings the second thing that interests them is that in that house where the consul general normally stays there is a fireplace and they say there was a big fire there roughly about a month ago just a couple of days after just around the time when jamal khashoggi died and since then that room has been cleaned and cleaned spotlessly how clean is that room well investigators couldn't find a single fingerprint belonging to the consul general where they've taken swabs from inside the chimney that may give them some idea of what actually was burning there but clearly these two items don't look as if they're connected but what the turkish investigators are doing are trying to bill is trying to build a big picture over where to mark you should use body is that is the thing that really obsesses with the turks at the moment they want to know what happened are
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they looking for a body or are they looking for body parts who was the turkish cooperator the passenger that was given the job by the saudis of disposing the body was it an organization was a person was it is even someone who exists their view is that while the saudis can argue that the eighteen people who were involved in the killing of jamal khashoggi did so on what is essentially under international law so to territory the local cooperative committed a law here committed a breach of the law here in turkey and therefore should be interviewed and possibly charged and because of that they believe that they could also argue groans for the extradition of the eighteen currently held in saudi arabia the saudis have said that's not going to happen it's not going to stop the turks continued to call for it and keeping up international pressure for that extradition for the moment i will leave it there but if there are any updates elevation in istanbul. fiance says she
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has no doubt assadi responsibility for his murder is demanding the return of his remains shown a whole more from a memorial service in london this was a memorial event recalling in the words of the director of middle east monitor dr dowd of the values that jamal khashoggi stood for justice freedom of the press political accountability values that he said were universal resonating everywhere it was also an event but small perhaps the most public comment yet by her shrugged his fiance how did her doing these if only i knew that there were bloodthirsty evil people waiting inside the consulate from one to mao i would have done all i could to prevent him from entering. this or that it didn't see the child to be the only mongers and dignity in if only i knew that death squad was inside yet we never imagined such a level of barbarity cruelty and evil could be voting for jamal miss these describe
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her as a journalist and an intellectual whose words frightened unjust and greedy autocrats she called on the saudi or four of these to reveal the whereabouts of his remains to allow a dignified burial jim i live in doing all of the democracy even marginally this relationship that we see generally nationally and i thought well i should have listened to it and once again we think. they're all just in one c.a.v. you know there is he's body and then there was this powerful political appeal to world leaders taking particular aim at u.s. president donald trump whose invitation to visit the white house she has turned down i am however disappointed in the actions of the leadership in many countries particularly in the u.s. president trump. should president should help reveal the truth and ensure justice be served he should not pave the way for a cover up of my fiance's murder let's not let money taint our conscience and
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compromise our values. a mix of emotion and grief protest and politics recalling a man and a journalist killed apparently for speaking his mind jonah how al-jazeera central london the us is looking at whether to take action against saudi arabia under a law named after sergei magnitsky the anticorruption accountant who died in russian custody this legislation could be used to impose financial sanctions on individuals behind short g.'s death robert but shinseki has been tweeting a lot about this he served as the deputy assistant secretary of state for democracy human rights and labor under the former u.s. president barack obama and he says the u.s. government has interpreted magnitsky authority incredibly broadly this means that sanctions aren't limited to those that directly carried out the killing the government doesn't even need to prove that a senior official say mohammed bin samantha ordered the murder to sanction him and
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robert but shinseki is now a senior vice president for policy at human rights first and joins me now from new york good to have you with us live on al-jazeera so let's just begin with the pressure that the white house is now under to be seen to be acting against saudi now that it's sort of has now that it hasn't had that full report yet it has admitted that it was a saudi national or nationals that may have committed that murder. yes that's right and it's good to be with you there's significant both international pressure and in particular pressure coming from members of congress both republicans and democrats toward the trumpet ministration for the administration to act we saw from secretary pompei o last friday that the state department has already issued visa restrictions on many of the alleged perpetrators of the killing of jamal khashoggi and secretary pompei i mentioned that that investigation that was mentioned looking at global magnitsky sanctions is already
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underway but where does this then place the. of two thousand and sixteen because that's come into force under the timeline has not been set thanks to the senate foreign relations committee our international audience would be aware of that tact yes so what the act does is allows the administration to place both financial sanctions and travel related sanctions on anyone that it deems committed a violation of human rights or a significant act of corruption so in this case the global magnitsky act would allow the us government to place these financial in travel related sanctions on both the immediate perpetrators of the killing of jamal khashoggi and more senior officials within the saudi government if it deems them to have ordered the killing or to be associated with it even a unit of the saudi government that's been involved in acts of corruption or human rights violations in the past i mean does seem the this moment in time if you'll
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following the news broadcasts the public prosecutors from saudi in turkey can really have as many meetings as they warned the impasse remains as we know it but how important is it that the u.s. role in this in trying to sort of get some traction on the case is important with a lot of looking partisan. yeah well i think what you're seeing here in the united states is a real bipartisan since that saudi arabia has gone too far and that there need to be serious repercussions from the trump initiation so we're seeing the back and forth between the turks and the saudis now of course what the saudis come forward with in terms of evidence that's made public is going to weigh heavy on decisions being made by the u.s. government but i think there's still going to be a very strong since that the u.s. government needs to act if there's.
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