tv A Fathers Protest Al Jazeera November 12, 2018 6:32am-7:01am +03
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so i think it was. actually sent we have about sixty. some or some one of them is a. permanent figure. i think of it was a. man so then. there are the is as always of a why do confrontation between israel and hamas and of course whenever this happens it is always the people the civilians that the bad the greatest cost how might how must now respond. policy of such an order how must you know that there is no what's called common.
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partition rule which includes all the policy that the military of all their actions are basing their will decide are think it. must. be. because. of the hope. from the public at the from the. whole for what extent but. the ritual. for such crime forces. ok well thank you for sharing your thoughts and views with ghazi hamad that joining
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us from southern gaza. we can now speak to. some more on this story and just some reports coming in that these ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu is cutting short his visit to paris he is returning home tonight jus to events in gaza what. might we get a reaction and official reaction on this from these writings quite soon. well i mean they would you know you'd expect they would have to say something at some point relatively soon given the fact that this news this very significant news is now out there that there is this military operation going on inside gaza they have said what really is the bare minimum so far in terms of concerning some of the details of it. but what we're hearing more really is from the gaza side from the hamas side i've just been speaking to our producer there inside gaza and he says
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that as far as the brigades concerned the military wing of hamas this was an intrusion somes three kilometers inside gaza territory so that would put it very differently from what we see relatively regularly from these reviews here at least with some frequency it's not an everyday occurrence that they will sometimes make a limited incursion inside the border fence to repair some of the border fence that might have been damaged in the weekly protests or try to set up a struction is to create a large exclusion zone well that's not what hamas is saying happened this time they say that israeli special forces were involved in an operation to try to target and kill a senior military commander three kilometers inside gaza territory and that's a major firefight has broken out as a result so this is a huge rupture in what we've been seeing in recent days in terms of the. work
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that's been going on tool some kind of truce to you we've seen a country money coming in in the shape of of cash in suitcases floor sort of salaries to be paid to try to calm the situation and we've heard benjamin netanyahu himself saying in paris that he that israel is in favor of of the coming and of this is. situational stability in the area and certain distance a place now really does go against the kind of pattern of events that would be seen as certainly over the last week and in the long run that just to put this into perspective for us apart from the talks that took place to facilitate millions of dollars of aid money to go into this trip to alleviate the effects of the blockade and pay salaries and so forth apart from that what are the
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negotiations have been taking place to try and reach a settlement on a broad on a ceasefire. i will egypt has been taking the lead on that it has been the main internal heat of italy the israelis and hamas and it is being exerting a great deal of political capital a great deal of pressure on hamas to in particular to try to get this sorted out of the egyptian delegations that we've been seeing i've been in gaza. quite a lot in the last couple of weeks and we've been seeing egyptian intelligence delegation come in repeatedly to speak to a hamas to speak leading in speaking to israeli officials on the other side speaking to the palestinian authority in ramallah and young five west bank as well and there's been a lot of work being undertaken by the egyptians to try to bridge the gap
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between the israelis and hamas and try to work towards a longer term truce a truce deal and there been indications that without any such truce being officially and now it's the things were progressing in the way that all sides apparently were interested in them doing so both in terms of the money coming in from the cancer research u.n. involvement as well that the united nations through its special representative not enough has been instrumental in that and in terms of some kind of arrangement being undertaken between israel and us through egypt as well that be licks of a potential deal being spoken of. dozens being of allison's from gaza being allowed to work inside israel in due course of the israelis were very quick to scotch that be happening any time soon there being so of basically and
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momentum being able to be built up whereby calm would be met with commonly a homicide would be met with. a loosening of restrictions and more opportunities for investments coming loons of gaza and certainly the story that we've been seeing in the last couple weeks with an interest in the supplies suddenly resurrected sue the kind of thing that we saw a couple of years ago people were getting even up to sixteen hours a day religiously that is transport was it the people inside gaza would be seen so not the entire salaries but fifty sixty percent salaries being paid to civil servants working under the hamas leadership isn't gaza that will serve a huge change from the open sea that so many been experiencing which of course feeds into the instability as well and so this military operation which the israelis are concerned they are undertaking to take place and through to lead to
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the kind of exchange of fire that we've been seeing the kind of. numbers of fatalities that we've been seeing this really does put all of that very much in the balance now and once again as we have throughout the last few months that we've been getting to these points where there's been sort of essential real military escalation and uncontrollable militia escalation each time in the last few months we've seen those side step back from the bridge but this is next exceedingly dangerous moment that we're at now yes and they're always fair of perhaps there being a broader confrontation and. rhetoric on the international stage about what needs to happen to break this endless cycle of violence and escalation that that takes place every few years we have been having conversations and recent months when you've been covering the recent tensions in the protests on the gaza israel front
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harry and perhaps one of the things that emerge on the speaking about that story was the fact that there is very little appetite within israel for a larger encourage an incursion are offensive in gaza but might that have changed. it's well it is hard to say at this point i mean i suppose that we will find out in the coming hours that there is a difference of opinion politically within israel the israeli defense minister avigdor lieberman has been making very loud public pronouncements in recent weeks about the need as far as he was concerned for a major military operation to to quell what he characterized his as the violence that he sees as coming from the palestinian side inside gaza from hamas after what we've seen in the last seven months of protests and this century
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kite salutes being flown into israeli territory and have been instances of rockets being launched as well and so the defense minister at least publicly has been making a great show of calling for a much tougher military response now benjamin netanyahu and it has to be said the israeli military as well the indications that we've been getting from them have been very different that they are concerned about the potential for a major military conflagration one without necessarily a real end objective in sight the potential for the losses on both sides and indeed international condemnation against israel and so up until this point at least it seems that those those arguments have been prevailing what exactly was the motivation to this military operation and to what extent is remain and hopes to
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contain it and make it a very. something which will not lead to what is going to continue we have to wait to get more information on map whether that's the case or whether there has been a major strategic shift as far as the israeli government is concerned which would go against everything that's been happening as i say in recent days and weeks we have to make find out. all right finale thank you very much harry fools that from west jerusalem. right well there is much more to everything we're covering right here is there a dot com for all the latest on our top stories breaking news and of course analysis that takes you behind the headlines but our top story this hour as you've been saying is news of. israeli special forces soldiers entering gaza the southern city of han eunice we understand that six palestinians have been killed they were targeting hamas leaders and more specifically they would
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targeting the senior commander of the. brigade nor baraka is reported to have been killed in these clashes we were speaking earlier to ghazi hamad to is inside gaza and he has said that this could well lead to an increase in tensions and violence in and around the strip and he confirmed that there had been hearing as strikes and that clashes had also taken place no official word yet from israeli officials on this but we know that benjamin netanyahu the israeli prime minister is in paris he's been there to mark the. of the end of world war one those commemorations taking place dozens of leaders from all around the world gathering there now he was receiving live updates of the operation in gaza whilst he was there but recent reports coming into us now saying that he has cut short his trip
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to paris and is returning home tonight to those events in gaza so the latest as it stands at the moment violence erupting there at least six palestinians killed by israeli forces in the gaza strip. and we understand that rockets are also fired it to israeli communities the latest as it stands at the moment but we will have. much more no news for you in just a couple of minutes time i'll see you very shortly stay with us.
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the u.n. man in charge of middle east and north africa has refugee crisis warns that the end is still not incites the war doesn't arc like in cos or some other countries bottle the world does not act like that there ought to be a new order to make that contribution is above the shedding more equitable i mean i was talks to al-jazeera generation after generation men work under the merciless sun of northeastern state. in this slum there's no sewerage running water or other basic services sixty percent of the people here are not allowed was living in poverty their needs are so great and their pockets so empty that they are easy prey during election time for politicians they can come here and buy their votes for as little as ten dollars of course if i'm a politician and i give culture and education to the people i'm impairing them and if i'm impairing them they may not vote for me so that's why it's in their interest
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to keep things as they are. it's a vicious circle of inequality aggravated by a severe recession and government austerity that's left thirteen million brazilians unemployed and even if the next government can start the recovery process those living here at the bottom of the social ladder will be the last to benefit. on currency the cost us sanctions on iran are back as europe for us not to stephens ally. we'll look at how difficult it is to resist the financial bytes of the dollar plus china insists it's a call to be is opening up the latest of the trade war with the us currency of the cost on al-jazeera. hello a very well welcome to the program you're watching al-jazeera live from london i'm maryam namazie we continue with our breaking news story now out of gaza where
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a major operation is under way latest reports according to gaza's health ministry saying that several people have been killed the ministry says they were killed by israeli fire now there are also reports that israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has cut short his visit to french capital paris juju events currently unfolding in the strip well stephanie decker has been following this story for us joins us live now from occupied east jerusalem any more reaction or any further updates on the casualty toll or indeed on what's been taking place inside gaza stephanie. according to health officials inside gaza six six palestinians have been killed according to have mass they were all members of its military when the kasam brigade one of them nor baraka apparently a leader of the can some brigade according to a statement by him asked what they're saying is that the israeli special forces
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entered gaza is to kommunist this is in the south of the gaza strip according to a statement saying around three kilometers where they targeted this particular commander and the group according to our math was exposed which is when the gunfight in shoot now we have had a statement by the spokesperson of the israeli military saying that the israeli army carried out operated inside gaza that a gunfight ensued and that all soldiers are now back inside is your are you mentioned there the israeli prime minister he has cut short his trip in paris he will be returning to israel this evening the defense minister is meeting with security officials in tel aviv at security headquarters to discuss how to move forward from this it is a significant development it is an unexpected development mariam because there's been these intensive negotiations ongoing for months on end spearheaded by egypt
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also undertaken by the united nations to try and get a long lost in college would see some form of using of the humanitarian. crisis inside gaza and for the first time in the last couple of days we have seen concrete steps to that that fifteen million dollars given by to pay the salaries of civil servants also increase in power in the last week or so so these a concrete steps that were cheated by lengthy difficult negotiations for the situations i got so i think everyone is very surprised taken by surprise by this development whether it was an operation that israel hoped it can. kept quiet something went wrong why and this is how is it is that there's still a lot of questions that but certainly it is a very serious escalation we're going to have to wait and see how things are going to develop in the next coming hours and days what kind of decisions are going to be made and separately stephanie there was some perhaps
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a briefer spite for the people of gaza or in that tensions appeared to be easing particularly with the millions of dollars of aid money that was allowed to go into this trip was allowed to flow into the territory but also that has been some broader mediation effort led by egypt what can you what can you tell us about that. so that's our is i was just mentioning it that's been ongoing for months really though difficult negotiations we have seen escalations over the last couple of months with airstrikes with rockets that were always negotiated doubt by the egyptians and also by the united nations and the plan really is to alleviate the suffering of the people of gaza because the humanitarian situation has become unbearable for them it is never been this bad and even the political establishment inside israel has realized that something must be done the u.n. is pushing for new projects when it comes to you know sewage infrastructure water
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desalination plants things like that salaries people also under sanctions from the pence you know thora to the mullets a bass has undertaken sanctions which is withholding salaries of many of the civil servants so the situation has never been worse so a prospect of another conflict marriage for the people there would be devastating but people will tell you that they expect anything to happen when it comes to gaza the real situation remains that even when you do have talks that are inching towards some form of video things can go wrong and things can be verified this hour and things can escalate very quickly i think we're going to have to wait and see how much egypt can do if they can do anything to deescalate this situation at this point in time as it has done so in the past all right thank you for now stephanie decker in occupied east jerusalem that's go to mike hanna is live for us in washington and mike given that it's the weekend is that likely to be any reaction that you're in the u.s.
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from the state department. well there's been no reaction as yet from the state department obviously we would imagine the situation being monitored but no formal statement has come from state department at this particular stage there is a u.s. official in israel he was there on an unrelated matter brian hawk he's a special representative for iran he was there in israel for talks with his counterparts on the situation concerning iran but certainly this is something that may come as a bit of a shock to the trumpet ministration in recent days there has been a lot of movement in terms of what president trump says is his new peace initiative it's understood that this may be being made public and coming weeks back in september president trump after meeting with benjamin netanyahu said that he would have the plan ready for produce all between two to four months that would bring us
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to the beginning of december in addition the special representative for israel jason green green dot made a speech in london last week in which he said that the plan may be made public within the coming days but certainly events now in gaza made way of well throw a spoke in this particular we'll obviously ongoing recurring violence in gaza may have a massive impact on whatever diplomatic initiative the trumpet ministration may be coming up with and those efforts still underway in any shape or form i. yes indeed i mean president trump has made very clear that he is intent on plowing ahead with this this despite a complete repudiation by the palestinian leadership angered by the u.s. decision to move the consulate to jerusalem but it's far more than that the palestinian leader is very clearly believes that the trump administration is pro
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israel that the bias set that has exhibited in the palestinian view makes them incapable of being an independent arbiter any form of negotiation about the restoring off the long dormant peace process one must remember too that in recent weeks there has been action taken against palestinian diplomatic representation within d.c. the embassy has been closed down palestinian diplomats have been asked to leave their visas have been withdrawn and the visas of the family so certainly as far as the palestinian leadership is concerned the u.s. is incapable of operating as an independent in this whole matter but that is not phase the trump administration at all the so-called peace plan drawn up by jared krishna it is believed is still it on the table is still being considered and it does appear from every indication we are receiving that it will be made public within coming weeks whether what is happening in gaza impacts on that that remains
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to be seen but the complete repudiation by the palestinian leadership has not stopped the trumpet ministration from going ahead with the whole process so not certain whether the events in gaza would have an impact on president trump's timetable for introducing all making public his new peace initiative as he would put it and of course we know that officials in the ministration not least the president's on in or jaric. very much in unison with the israeli government that positions are one in the same can we expect any involvement from the state department or indeed any individuals that are in defusing tensions should they continue to develop. well once again the same problem that supposes to the palestinian leadership in ramallah obviously applies to god as well the u.s. quite simply is not seen as an impartial player in this whole affair seen as
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hopelessly embracing israel in the interests of israel not the interests of palestinians at all so any moves that the state department may wish to engage in terms of restoring some kind of calm is not likely to receive any. any. comfort at all from the palestinian side as you say very clearly the the u.s. has aligned itself very strongly with israel it's made this very clear it states it publicly that it is no secret that the trumpet ministration use israel as the most important interest in that region and the security of israel regarded as the dominant driver of what is now u.s. policy in that particular area so there is difficult to see in this type of scenario what kind of independent top up the to roll the u.s. can play in restoring any semblance of calm to gaza at all one must remember too
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that the u.s. was the driving force in shutting down the u.n. operations in gaza in limiting relief efforts in the region withdrawing funds from u.n. agencies that have been attempting to ease the humanitarian situation in gaza so very clearly the u.s. has not regarded in any form as an independent arbiter or a body that is able to take an independent point of view in terms of resolving the ongoing crisis in the area thank you very much mike hanna in washington joining us now on the line is sami abu salim a journalist based in gaza. could i ask you first of all if you have been seeing all hearing any kind of military activity within the strip. actually in prison at this moment i just defied the civil brink of even drawn in the sky right now and i have here today. just you have here
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bombs in the sky because. on. confronted some palestinian mortar which launched from gaza to launched at military in military is busted positioned around gaza. this is the last. right now. hamas security hamas military are imposing. so. stunning lots of them something like like checkpoints in the area. borders coming the area to make sure that there are no more is under cover units like that unit which has just assessing the. command that was and was
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