tv Who Killed Robert Kennedy Al Jazeera November 15, 2018 4:00am-4:58am +03
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documentary on al-jazeera. you're watching all of their arms the whole robin top stories are british prime minister treason may when the backing of a cabinet for a draft breaks a deal struck with the european union may says it's a decisive step towards a final deal the agreement will go both to e.u. and u.k. parliaments for approval i firmly believe that the draft withdrawal agreement was the best that could be negotiated and it was for the cabinet to decide whether to move on in the talks the choices before us were difficult particularly in relation to the northern backstop but the collective decision of cabinet was that the
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government should agree the draft withdrawal agreement and the outlined political declaration this is a decisive step which enables us to move on and finalize the deal in the days ahead . these decisions were not taken lightly but i believe it is a situation that is firmly in the national interest pro-government forces and you have been have polls from offensive against the rebel held city of the data. which is throwing its weight around the un like talks to end the conflict but it is the main entry point for eight. days a law when the fighting in the port city of today there but so far it seems like a unilateral ceasefire with the fighters go home farming the polls in fighting say that both sides are keeping to their positions but quickly added that they were willing to continue fighting if need be on the streets of the day that the u.a.e.
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is state the minister for foreign affairs and we're going to ghosh told journalists that his government supports a ceasefire in the data and out of town to peace talks for parties in the conflict in yemen saudi government also as part of a goodwill gesture before the start of peace talks agreed to lift up to fifty injured who will fight is probably to amman now we're also seeing some sort of consensus between western powers including the united states britain france and even russia to try and stop the war in the yemen some sort of a cease fire that would lead to talks this time in sweden after the failure of the last round but was supposed to take place in geneva switzerland which failed because the whole thing is. everyone understands too well what is the option to the vital services of the portal for they could do to an already daya humanitarian
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situation which led the united nations secretary general and tony good terrorists to warm the ports activities should not be disrupted whatsoever because it's a lifeline for up to fourteen million yemenis who need aid to survive. israel's defense minister has resigned from office after his government accepted a ceasefire in the gaza strip. calling for early elections he says his party will quit and even netanyahu is ruling coalition leaving it with just one seat majority in the knesset. pinup us. as far as the security interest is concerned we first of all had to finish the issue of the cipher the issue of the size of texas presidents over everything else and the weakness we have shown obviously projects on to other fronts as well were i to stand off as i wouldn't be able to look southern residents in the eye. the u.n. security council has voted to lift sanctions against ever tray or an arms embargo
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if s. it freeze and a travel ban were imposed in two thousand and nine amid claims that eritrea supported al shabaab fighters in somalia the u.n. vote follows a full range of relations between every train and its neighbors after years of conflict in june ethiopia and eritrea signed a peace deal while relations with djibouti have also improved prosecutors in the us trial of your congressmen the drug lord known as el chapo have asked the judge to throw out the defense's opening statement because ms voice of also accused mexican presidents of taking bribes from traffickers is allegedly the head of the siller cartel was the main supplier of illegal drugs into the united states those weather headlines about with more news in half an hour here on al-jazeera we continue with al-jazeera world to stay with us.
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charest her husband was arrested at the scene of the crime in what the los angeles police department the l.a.p.d. thought was an open and shut case. which i. and to prove that there was a travesty of justice in one thousand sixty nine if search and trial were trying to prove that there was no way that he could have shot the senator let alone killed a senator. my main job right now is putting the truth together that's her hand and not sure robert can a second gunman that. if
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you look at him he came to america in the late fifty's as a child as a refugee from palestine. he had quite a tough life growing up and then suddenly he's in the spotlight as the assassin the robert kennedy without remember anything that happened that night. kennedy had authorized the selling of bombers to israel and that incensed him because he was from palestine and he felt the palestinians were getting a bad rap that's what his lawyers argued in the trial that he was so upset at that that he kind of snapped and went into a self-induced trance and and killed kennedy in
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a you know moment of rage. i believe that's her hand was a gentle person he had never done a violent thing in this life. when he saw kennedy speak at an earlier event he said it kennedy looked like a saint to him and. it's like this was a man whose politics really lined up with certain hands so it is a weird break for him to suddenly turn out to want to kill the guy who really is more sympathetic to his cause than any other politician on the american scene sirhan sirhan had no criminal record before robert kennedy's assassination. he
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wasn't involved in any political activity and the palestinian cause had no real traction in the us at the time despite the nine hundred sixty seven war i would think in terms of a case like this properly looking into it and properly looking at a guy who's still in prison and lee harvey oswald obviously was killed two days after the j.f.k. assassination james earl ray the alleged killer of martin luther king he died in the late ninety's so crn is still with us why not investigate his case properly and while there's still time and we can do some something about it. in twenty seventeen u.s. president donald trump ordered the release of all documents relating to the assassination of john f. kennedy robert kennedy's older brother in one thousand nine hundred sixty three these files had remained classified since one thousand nine hundred sixty four. should anybody know that. harvey oswald was arrested in dallas but was shot dead two days later live on t.v.
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and so never went to trial. sirhan sirhan was arrested at the scene of robert kennedy's shooting and sentenced to death in april one thousand nine hundred sixty nine commuted to life imprisonment three years later. but since the nine hundred seventy s. commentators in eyewitnesses have called for a new investigation and in twenty twelve the senator's son robert kennedy jr wrote to the attorney general asking for new evidence to be considered in the case. al-jazeera has now examined the different theories about the assassination and the reasons behind calls for a new investigation into the conviction of her han nearly fifty years ago.
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quite right a lot of evidence was destroyed a lot of evidence was scandalous arendal. in the case that they in any murder of face to destroy evidence the way they. are and. you know i can't speak for the l.a.p.d. and why. you know they didn't do a better job investigating the case why they destroyed some evidence i don't know. all the evidence was destroyed after the trial but they had a legal obligation to save the evidence because sir hand was going to file an appeal his attorneys work so that evidence under the law should have been preserved
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for the next for the appeal. and according to the l.a. police department they just didn't have the space to store it. several commentators and witnesses have said the l.a.p.d. has lost or he'd evidence or that there was a second gunman. books have been written and different conspiracy theories examined . documents have gone missing and people have toyed taking their evidence with them . and says iraq has gone back to the events of the fifth of june nine hundred sixty eight and you heard from eyewitnesses and from journalists who've looked into the case for ten years. it's also examined audio and visual evidence which may not have been given enough credence at the time. it's not possible to return to the actual scene of the crime. the ambassador hotel was demolished in two
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thousand and six and the robert f. kennedy community schools opened on the site in twenty ten. the schools and memorials now stand near where robert kennedy was assassinated on the evening of the fifth of june one thousand nine hundred sixty. eight just won the primary election to be the california democratic party's nomination for a u.s. president. there was a last minute decision to take a back route out from the main hall through a small kitchen where he was shocked. by saucer hand prior to the center coming down. when i first saw him i thought it was another dishwasher.
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that person. didn't seem unusual to me. he didn't appear out of the ordinary he was just star making small talk with me asking me how long do you think this speech is going to last is it almost over and i just said i don't know. right thanks to all of you and i was on to chicago and he finished his speech i could hear the applause and then i saw him and his entourage began walking toward me. the first time i saw a certain hand as we entered the room. where there was a tray stacker here. which was sixty eight inches above the ground search hand was
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on a very tall person so he was standing on top of that there were a bunch of trays but he could still stand on it. so he could see above everybody and could see as the center was progressing. bob was moving on at that point so i was about six feet behind. the senator would have been to my left and i would have been almost parallel to him. walking toward the cooling the room. i was nailing probably about two steps ahead of senator kennedy at that time. i was standing literally within three feet of this senator carl was pulling senator kennedy. i believe by his left hand which made it awkward for the senator because he was shaking with his right hand and curl was grabbing his left pulling him this way vincent di
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pietro was very near to kennedy when he was shot but his testimony differs from the other eyewitnesses so bob was shaking hands and after after he came in i followed him and he started shaking hands with his super as and and. and. romero was a hotel worker in the crush of people around kennedy as he moved through the kitchen i was able to shake his hand they need to go out of a step forward to go step by step and i have. and i saw certain hand with the gun in his hand coming up around karl you for and as he came up he was his hand was outstretched top. outstretched. eye witnesses say that sirhan raised his right
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hand holding an eye for johnson today twenty two caliber revolver pointed at kennedy they say serhiy on fire two shots. when i heard the first pop shot which i believe was a shot the first i thought was a firecracker i turned toward my left at that point i saw her hands her hand immediately to my left no one between he and myself holding a gun shooting into the crowd the crowd of people shooting into the direction where i last seen senator kennedy. carl euchre is a terrific witness he was their closest of anybody he said sir hand came the gun was close to his face hand got two shots off and he grabbed him and put the hand on
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steam table inserted and continued to fire the gun. first it was bang bang and then and then i looked back over there and there were there were a commotion going on. i'm not. and never heard the other there's a recession. and that's when witnesses told the place we heard two shots a pause and then a flurry of shots and that's pretty much what i heard too. and either johnson kid at twenty two can hold up to eight bullets so after firing the first two shots sirhan had six left.
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and robot like pulling the trigger until he fired the other six shots but he had no control over the bullets went over us. after the shooting he was surrounded by about twenty people that were trying to kill him. and that's why i mean he was in custody by all these guys until the police arrived. back. in our custody now and we do not know who he is he had no identification even if it is a to make a statement of any kind he does speak and understand english. legality. is in our custody is a twenty just caliber. and i am a wreck and according to the ne p.d. report one bullet went through kennedy's coat without any trading his body it
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scratched old charades head as he stood right behind kennedy the police found that bullet at the crime scene i got shot not knowing i'd been shot i thought i was being electrocuted too as she was shaking when i went down and so i didn't see bob get shot got shot. actually he didn't do that boy. another bullet hit robert kennedy behind his right ear and that was the fatal shot. one more hit him under his right armpit and exited through the top of his shoulder that bullet allegedly hit the ceiling but the police never found it. and a fourth bullet also hit kennedy under his right armpit and settled in his spine and under his neck so that was four bullets serhiy one had four more remaining.
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a fifth bullet head ira goldstein in his left side and large there. and a sixth bullet hit irwin stall in his left leg. and a seventh bullet hit william weisel in the stomach and remained there. according to the police report the eighth and final bullet was fired at the ceiling bouncing back and hitting elizabeth evans in the head. the police found this book as well. first two bullets shooting of missing kennedy sure amy the one two and going westward two goldstein two shots one through his pant leg and want and two is but one and strolls leg one and two evans forehead
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that's seven bullets out of a shot revolver how could he have shot robert kennedy four times. on top of charades point evidence offered by two f.b.i. investigators william bailey and duwayne wilford needs taking into account. bailey and wolf are attended the crime scene as soon as the assassination took place. they discovered two more bullets that were not mentioned in the l.a.p.d. report. the next day william daley an f.b.i. agent at the scene is in front is on the front page of all the newspapers pointing to a door frame and in one thousand seven hundred sixty given a sworn statement that he saw two bullet holes in that door frame. if a second gun is not firing there cannot be any bullet holes in the wooden door frames so the police tape those door frames down and they bring them the police station to
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do that work on them to turns out there too many of these bullets represent too many bullets star hands gun holds it bullets more recent forensic analysis also supports the view that more bullets were fired at the scene than is her hand could have had in his gun but the l.a.p.d. does not appear to have taken that on board then in two thousand and five further evidence. kennedy's victory speech in the manhole of the hotel was recorded by a polish journalist studies laughed brzezinski. when kennedy's group took that back route out prison scheme followed them but inadvertently carried on recording. this distorted audio was recorded just outside the kitchen. the it's
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a very poor quality recording which meant for many years people didn't really analyze it properly so it was only when phil van praag came along and start analyzing in two thousand and five that you know he made a number of very interesting discoveries. the most important of which were there are thirteen shot sounds on the recording. and there were two instances of double shots which means two shots fired so close together they couldn't have come from the same gun. the only way that there was a second god been in a position behind get a word that the prosecution never proved that saran was behind kennedy or is able to shoot him point blank. thomas knew gucci was the chief medical examiner and coroner for los angeles county and performed the autopsy on robert kennedy he submitted a detailed report on the bullets that hit kennedy this is that report and the
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evidence he gave in court. gunshot number one direction right to left slightly back to front up or gunshot wound number two entry right accelerate region direction right to left back to front up or gunshot wound number three direction right to left back to front. the autopsy report is probably the most decisive evidence that certain am physically could not shock center they've got three shots into the center one shot went through the shoulder pad. all came from behind the center. a point range all shot from the right side an upward angle between thirty and thirty five degrees. which meant that the shooter was actually dealing down behind robert kennedy. when he was firing his gun. however none of the eyewitnesses said that sirhan was low
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down. furthermore thomas new gucci's report said that the muzzle of the gun that fired the shot that killed kennedy was a maximum of three inches or seven centimeters away from him. at how their burn rate. notes so your viewers understand what powder burns ranges it means the gun was pressed strongly up against either the body or in case of the fatal shot. yes and about an inch behind the ear karl euchre he said the saucer hand coming out came very close to him and that gun so had a gun and was two feet from kennedy not so had the two feet but sir handgun being
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two feet and that was confirmed by edmund days in another of system right today who was right behind them at that point. so there were different i would use accounts of where's her hand was when he shot kennedy his distance from the senator the number of bullets fired and the coroner's report well you going to get she is wrong or the eyewitnesses that said it was two feet away or and yet more evidence emerged to cast doubt on the scene officer hands conviction and then bullets a swapped and then evidence was destroyed. i eat can't make up something like this . it is murder when you throw a fire bomb into someone's home and eat shit off ashes you know. not that it is significant in that insignificant ideologically that is significant even
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as a crime gangs that are very significant by dictating big government in the fucked up policy the dow's shalt not kill part of the radicalized series on al-jazeera. we have a news gathering team here that is second to their all over the world and they do a fantastic job when information is coming in very quickly all at once you've got to be able to react to all of the changes and al-jazeera we adapt to them. my job is is to break it all down and we help give you understand and make sense of it. history has called it the great in the final episode the two sides fight themselves to a standstill while britain and france conspire behind closed doors to produce a secret agreement that will shape the middle east for the century to calm the
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world war one through our eye on al-jazeera. your children their arms the whole robin in doha these are all top news stories british prime minister trees the mayor has won the backing of a cabinet for draft bricks that deal struck with the european union but he says it's a decisive step towards a final deal the agreement will go both to the e.u. and u.k. parliaments from prove all. i firmly believe that the draft withdrawal agreement was the best that could be negotiated and it was for the cabinet to decide whether to move on in the told us the choices before us were difficult particularly in relation to the northern ireland backstop the collective decision of cabinet was
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that the government should agree the draft withdrawal agreement and the outlined political declaration this is a decisive step which enables us to move on and finalize the deal in the days ahead . these decisions were not taken lightly but i believe it is a decision that is firmly in the national interest israel's defense minister has resigned from office to his government accepted a ceasefire in the gaza strip lieberman is now calling for early elections he says his party will quit and human netanyahu is ruling coalition leaving it with just one seat majority in the knesset pro-government forces in yemen pulls an offensive against the rebel held port city of the data the fighters attacked by the sodium rotty coalition which is throwing his weight behind another round of un led talks to end the conflict the data is the main entry point for most food and aid and the un security council has voted to lift sanctions against eritrea an arms
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embargo asset freeze and travel were imposed in two thousand and nine amid claims that eritrea supported al shabaab fighters in somalia the u.n. vote follows a thawing of relations between eritrea and its neighbors after years of conflict in june ethiopia and eritrea signed a peace deal or relations with djibouti have also improved. prosecutors in the u.s. try. the drug lord known as el chapo of us the judge to throw out the defense's opening statement because lawyers accuse mexican presidents of taking bribes from traffickers who is allegedly the head of the sinhala cartel was the main supplier of illegal drugs to the united states those were the headlines and back with al jazeera news are inhofe and we return now to al-jazeera world to stay with us.
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senator robert kennedy was fatally shot on the fifth of june one thousand nine hundred sixty eight after winning the california nomination to be the democratic candidate for president. at jordanian palestinian said hansard hahn was tried and jailed for his murder but since the nineteen seventies there have been calls for a new investigation based on differing eyewitness accounts the number of shots fired and distance of several hundred from kennedy when he fired. there seemed to be particular discrepancies between eyewitness vincent de pierre a steady money and the report of los angeles county medical examiner and coroner thomas new gucci the gun itself was maybe three or four inches from the head. but certainly was about three approximately three feet away i mean yeah i didn't measure them but it was an estimate but the court record a vincent de pierre is testimony sets i saw those two go off and after the second
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one i couldn't see because i had blood all over my face the police of a lot of witnesses it said sarhan was standing four five six feet in front of bobby kennedy and that didn't quite match up with what. we found well you than if you choose wrong or the eyewitnesses that said it was two feet away or. back. what. movie cameras captured scenes in the kitchen immediately after the assassination but arguably the most significant pictures were taken by an amateur photographer and kennedy follower there was a teenager scott in york in the pantry that night he had a thirty six millimeter camera. yeah roll film in there for thirty six exposures he was taking pictures. annie art took pictures before during and after the assassination.
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the los angeles police. took his camera and film to their labs. they later returned pictures to any art but only those taken before and after the assassination. those n.r. took during the assassination we never turned what happened to those photos. why didn't the defense team bastin you never asked for the number of bullets found the angles they'd been shot from and yards disappearing photos all combined to cast reasonable doubt as to whether serhiy was the only gunman in their investigation the ne p.d. also reported that the type of bullets fired was compatible with sirhan scott. and then they say we can prove this because the bullet and and kennedy's shoulder
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matched the saran gun. and they were wrong about that but there are they were lying about that as well they say the bullet went into his head which is a fragment. tiny fragment nearly the whole bullet they say that matched the so handgun two we saw strike on that fragment. which is crazy because there are no stray ations on that fragment they can't prove it but that's what they did. before they get before the jury they even lied about that whole charade lisa pease and laurie dusek all cast doubt on the police findings because they couldn't match the bullets to serve handgun the bullets were switched so that a match could be made and the problem was they couldn't ease their hands gun to
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make matching bullets because certain gun had been given to the grand jury. and then bullets were swapped and then evidence was destroyed. i.e. can't make up something like this medical examiner thomas knew gucci was never asked to identify the bullets. he only has maintained that the fatal shot was fired at close range while most eyewitnesses setser han was further away. there is a suspicion of that was that was substituted. and that he would have revealed that . at first there was a movement to try to discredit new coochie and that he did say that he had done an incompetent. autopsy well that didn't work because negotiate refused to step down and in and said he would fight them in court once they realize they're going to have a fight with the karner they switch positions and now said oh well tom the gucci
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said that the bullets were fired from an inch away so it must be all the witnesses that were wrong so they they switch horses in the middle of the race you know they got rid of him and he was not going to play ball their way because he's an honest man. and he call things the way he saw them. and used very very upset with the whole my view all the way the proceedings when. the question remained as to the number of bullets fired at the scene but also as to why the l.a.p.d. didn't question anyone other than her hand as potential suspects. the police didn't follow any of the leads that that would point to a second gun no one has seen the second shoot we have no eyewitnesses for that how is that possible right there close space everybody there all these eyewitnesses that are so reliable when it comes to describing what syrian did suddenly fail to be reliable for the second shooter who was right there two inches away from him
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everyone missed that. thing eugene cesar was on the door he was on different doors but. right before the shooting he was on the the the door leading into the kitchen pantry area. he followed kennedy ended with us dot supposed to do it was against orders from from a person who. was supervising a guard for the for the for the hotel u.s. most stay away one as a security guard who was standing behind senator kennedy to his right which is where the shots came from and he did have his gun drawn that night and he also did own a twenty two caliber pistol with the same rifle in character a successor pan's gun. many researchers believe that the famed caesar shot kennedy he was certainly in the
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right position he was close enough so i don't think that he he shot the senator but i think he might have seen something he has been the traditional suspect i'm not convinced that he was the gunman but. it certainly is worth scrutiny. to other figures who are seen in or near the kitchen one michael wayne was initially detained but then released. he was later seen leaving the hotel with a girl wearing epoc at the truss. the other suspect is a tall or a dark skinned man who resembles her hand in some respects but was taller than he was who was seen in the pantry and then seen in the pantry with the gun and earlier it's been in the pantry and this search hand in this man we're looking at each other. that man was seen with a gun and there's at least one witness that said he saw that man shooting
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a kennedy from behind and that man was seen running from the pantry with the gun and then was seen running away with the girl the polka dot dress down the stairs and out through the parking. lot was the girl in the polka dot dress kennedy campaign. worker valerie schultz or elaine whose husband cleaned to have worked for the cia. you have sandy serrano who saw the polka dot dress girl and this guy coming down the stairways and the girl in the polka dot dress the same we shot it we shot him and serrano looks and she goes who did you shoot and she said we shot senator kennedy and runs off into the darkness of the back side of the hotel. these people knew kennedy had been shot before anyone around them had known kennedy had been shot. ok to put it out address the woman in
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a poke at address. and any other anomaly you want to find in any particular event of of epic proportions like this somebody famous a big political event like an assassination there are going to be lots of little anomalies that become pregnant with meaning because we're looking for something meaningful and you can always find something that sticks out that no one knows has any of it was that person the woman in the poke it out of who knows who knows the prep probably nothing. this woman spent the day with a local chemical sense man who was at the ambassador to save them chemicals for the hotel she was afraid and she was looking for help for somebody to help her get a passport. to get out of the country the next day she predicted the killing with accuracy she said they're going to take care of mr kennedy tonight at the winning
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reception. as a prediction hours before the new event occurred. at esperanza hearing in march twenty seventh sarah has her hands account of events was generally quite clear until the actual moment of the shooting. and i remember wanting to agree to get some coffee because i just to make sure that when i brought all that up although there's little chairs that i could so remember that were good yes element remember i want to get some coffee get out and shoot yes it will remember that i did it i remember being. being. tackled
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by people very very almost choked me to death. and fortunately here it was this is the way to live and write it i didn't see bobby kennedy then i didn't know what we responded because they had me on the table and i think that i came to or be cared began to to to to feel true to sense what was going on so i would use that when needed they were choking up you know and they would say don't kill it or something so you heard that you know i remember some some words like they're ok wishing they could happen i didn't i didn't i didn't want them. illegitimately did not remember those critical moments in twenty leavening sirhan sirhan defense team consulted hypnosis expert dr daniel p. brown to test the theory that he may have been hypnotize. i used to carry out the kennedy assassination. we had bob
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to brown from orange and over seventy hours with sir and he is one of the world's leading experts on a mind control and conditioning and that ron after all is all him with the service that is of the mind that he was clearly program. about ten five ten percent of the population is just naturally highly hypnotic they can enter trance states block out feelings and so he clearly was one of these people. sirhan sirhan defense team use the hypnosis theory as the basis of his final federal appeal in twenty thirty. but the court rejected
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the appeal with the judge calling the psychological test results quote of negligible weight he said they were intriguing but fell short of the quote demonstrating that her hand was subjected to mind control. one other detail of the sassy nation should not be overlooked the last minute decision to change the route taken by kennedy out of the main hall. he was asked to go to the press room through the back kitchen but who knew about the change of plan did sirhan. i don't know how how how anybody knew or that because of that you said. nobody knew what was the plan i was says change that the last minute. it's important to try to understand all the facts related to what you are going to
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try and is it was it just a coincidence that it would i think not. only because coincidences that lead to assassinations of this sort are or my view very first but. who made that decision and why. what explains her han's presence there. was there enough security was so hard working with another individual there were a lot of election parties that night i mean went to one of them at a different location and then you know one stop party was finished you know somebody there told them hey there's a big party that you want to do you want to check it out so he went down there to check it out. and then he went back to his car apparently he got his gun and he went back in search of coffee to out how was syrian able to get into the pantry
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with a gun that's an excellent question because there were two a scarves one at each end who are supposed to be making sure that only people who are credential with kenedy credentials were allowed into the kitchen so how did surveying get past them well you know the obvious answer is maybe he had helpers maybe there was somebody who took him and said he's with me maybe it was somebody with a p t one zero nine sirhan sirhan defense attorney was the los angeles criminal lawyer grant b cooper. the basis of the defense case that cooper argued was that her hind had committed the crime because he was mentally ill and that he had acted alone. cooper was criticised at the time for the way he dealt with her hands personal writings being used by the prosecution in court. that notebook should not have been allowed into evidence at the trial because it was taken from the house without
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a search warrant and the defense team never raised that issue they should have hired a private handwriting expert to look into that. there have been many obstacles in the way mainly his own defense counsel frankly early of early on grant cooper we agreed to all the projects before this is a scandal how this could be allowed to proceed. in a court of law is scott but it did was his lawyer told the talk to the jury right at the outset we're not going to try to prove his innocence we believe he's guilty this is the feds of relieved which is what we're here to try to save his life sirhan sirhan defense faced other problems. there have been suggestions that pressure was put on some eyewitnesses to change their stories as in the case of sandra serrano. this audio recording was released long after the trial along with
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other documents as late as nine hundred eighty eight. she just reported to police what she saw and yet they treated her like a criminal after weeks of bullying or finally she gave up and said i don't know what i saw i testified under oath and unlike the chair protest that i saw the puppet address she said now you never saw this for and he kept drilling it's my head that i was wrong that i didn't seen that i didn't see what i
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was off to the the light checked he turned it off. and you saying look he didn't see the girl in the polka dot dress. why he wanted me to greta that i do not know but i did see the girl with the program address which was valerie sheltie which i did identify in court. they were battering deep to change the story in a in face tape of hank earn and is doing these interrogation he himself is you putting words in my mouth pryor part of the problem with police investigations is they too are subject to cognitive biases they think we know who did it and we're only going to pursue this particular case we don't care about all this other stuff they narrow their focus down to like one person they think that did it and then you know so this goes in support of your case that well maybe they're ignoring you know somebody else that might have been relevant to the case
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yes that does happen you don't need to have everybody involved in it all you needed the one man that is controlling the investigation. because she decides who's going to be interviewed what's going to be buried what is going to be fabricated. and they did it. i sympathize with sam bashara saran that he took the rap. unfairly unjustly and does honestly on the bet on the part of the prosecution and that story has to be told we have a very strong case based upon not theory not conspiracies but based upon the prosecution's own hard evidence which they tried to destroy a lot of it but they some of it they didn't destroy and that's going to be useful.
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he should've been eligible for parole in one thousand nine hundred and he should be released he meets all the qualifications on the california brawl and we have a palestinian the sussan with all all that means to american voters and to the polyp politicians who would weigh in no. would weigh their decision making in terms of whether they really want to alienate the jewish voters in america or whatever by their support being seen to support a palestinian assassin i actually don't believe sir han understood the role he was playing i truly believe from years twenty five years of research that sir han had been hypnotized by others who wanted to use him as a pawn in their plot. it's just a question of not giving up once you get involved and you see injustice prevailing
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you still stay on until you try to do is much as you can and some point you may have to say that's it i can do no more and james earl ray died in prison sirhan sirhan is in prison and if we're not successful than he. will also die. sirhan sirhan was convicted on the seventeenth of april nine hundred sixty nine his death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment three years later. defense lawyers have been trying to get him a new trial since one thousand nine hundred ninety four but have so far failed her han has a parole hearing every five years. this was his fourteenth in march twenty seventh and parole was denied again in twenty sixteen or.
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the public outpouring of grief after robert kennedy's death was a sign that they had lost a principled politician as senator from new york who cared about poverty in the south and racial segregation everywhere. even if the case is reopened the exact truth of what happened over fifty years ago may now never been. born in palestine under british rule. educate in america. a controversial professor in new york. he realized that he was the voice. of the people al-jazeera while explores what made him an influential writer. and champion of the palestinian cause in the west and what's out of
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place. hello there no rain on its way towards california but elsewhere across north america it really is very wet or down to this area of cloud hair it's given us an awful lot of wet weather across some of the southern states and is now pushing its way north woods a lot of that will be turning to snow as we head through the next few days as it hits that cold air so along with the east coast do expect quite a bit as we head through thursday and friday behind it still even though it's sunny
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it's going to stay for all the fresh was chicago just getting to around six degrees another one the system will be working its way into the northwest and that will be bringing us a fair amount of snow to move further towards the south and there's that area of cloud also affecting us in parts of mexico that will be working its way steadily southwards as we had three thursday behind that it will feel good deal cooler than it has been for the east we've also got some very lively downpours here as well say particularly around parts of hispania that will be fairly wet at times during the day i think that will eventually begin to break up a little bit more as we head into friday now as we head down towards south america the rain here is being very very heavy across argentina but all of that ice pushing its way northward so for argentina that she will come with an has been twenty seven fairly pleasant day as always heavy showers that were around in rehab.
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it's build up the minute you name goes down you. know where they are. the real romantic you know it then you're going to say sang. already you know. anything like that when you know better than those nine years you don't you mean me. to remember you know you're going to be. poorer than them in my easy. to say we're. going to lose.
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