tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera November 15, 2018 2:00pm-2:34pm +03
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we're saying that the blue wave hand or rival in fact the democrats have won control of congress they have scored major victories in a number of states and they have a rooted trumps base in the suburbs he's vulnerable and there are people in on both sides who are pushing for example who are the u.s. to end its support for the yemen war and their very hard words being spoken or for lindsey graham to call the crown prince unreliable unstable this is unprecedented never ever as an american politician and a senior politician and that spoken so publicly and in such a harsh way about a member of the saudi willing family so can donald trump ride this out i'm not sure that he can given his vulnerability and of course he's also you know killing he's still king the man is sulking sitting in the white house and sulking he didn't he didn't turn up and in trance he cited rain and then sort of build on are american
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veterans in the first world war he is he is golmaal itself will support for my home been some on damage him further that's the that's the thing he's got to weigh up and yes moments i'm on is useful in in terms of iraq and the peace plan and managing the price of oil but to how much longer can even a thought of mine heading south ride this out as his position in jeopardy even though the the spokesman for the prosecutor just a few moments ago quickly it pointed out rather he denied that some had been sandman had any knowledge of the order to bring back. to saudi arabia. i think the difficulty the hosts of face is that no one can emerges. as someone who could stand up to my online at this stage awkward bin abdulaziz who is one of the last remaining sons of. has fallen back to rehab presumably he was there
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to try and rein in the unruly behavior. we have through very little from him but well nothing actually of the other players such as well have been a supporter a minister of interior the former crown prince he's under house arrest. the son of the previous thing. is is. basically not not a player anymore so who is there that could actually stand up to mom and then it's online i suppose that's the that's the card he's got right now on the house and so does it also in a very perilous position because again it's unprecedented that that that a ruling family would err it's no longer be so publicly which is what mountains on did when he when he rounded up those senior members of the ruling family back in november of last year that put them in the risk of going to tell him basically extorted money from the men and completely humiliated them this again was
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unprecedented there are cracks appearing and the question is can house us out find some way to curb the powers of my comments i want to keep him in play but find a way to prevent your comparing out much of this is a reckless dangerous activities which imperils them all and the spokesman also did say that the mission of the team was to persuade z. to return to the kingdom but we've heard from the turks that this was a premeditated murder and in fact the saudi arabians themselves the attorney general said that himself after he had left turkey saying that this was a premeditated murder so it doesn't seem like there's the story is changing and the saudi arabia is going back to the story line of it being some sort of botched operation. yeah i mean the credibility this audience is completely sure that this is not how can you initiate change the view that no he left the consulate or as he
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left wanted you know to me to go to to sit down and say they couldn't answer that question then moved on to this rogue operative scenario then they said well it's premeditated now they're going back to the old operative scenario and people look at that and say come on this just doesn't hold water you're not coming up with anything that's in any way believable and what that says it all points back to momma been some honest this tenet really that is set in to find some way to to keep him out of the frame and no one outside of saudi arabia is going to buy that and the people in saudi arabia who don't buy they're too afraid to say anything. so it was they were at this kind of still mates into asia now but i think it's a very fever i'll time a particularly poor mahomet's of mine and i was assad and donald trump and i would say binyamin netanyahu are keys to whether or not he survives a strong prince because netanyahu wants to keep them play as well or marilee
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because of this of this peace deal but also because of iraq but both those politicians many stowed away up the damage that hang on to mom and some it will cost them politically and grabs me exam hard decisions all right for the time being we thank you very much for joining us from london. and just recapping the breaking news we're covering here on al-jazeera saudi arabia's public prosecution has announced the findings of its investigation into the murder of journalist. a spokesman for the top prosecutor says eleven people have been charged five of them facing the death penalty over the killing of the journalist. drugged and dismembered inside the saudi consulate in istanbul on october the second the spokesman said the mission of the team was to persuade her to return to the kingdom willingly or by force he also said investigations continue into the whereabouts of his remains. that the person who ordered this crime was
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a risk that with another part of total five the body after his death was dismembered and transported outside the consulate building those five people took the remains out the person who delivered the body to the contractor was a single person let's get reaction from ankara speak to us about glue has there been reaction from the turkish government and will this all be enough to satisfy turkey which has been demanding an international investigation. well statement by the turkish foreign minister is expected to in the following hours a he's expected to comment on this latest news from saudi side but of course what is important on the on the turkish side is the latest statement given by the foreign minister of chile show last night last night for the first time turned top turkish officials made a call to the international community to launch an investigation until yesterday
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the turkish state rhetorical was this this happened in saudi territory which is the saudi plate but it was on turkish soil so the trial should be held in turkey a fair and transparent trial with a contribution of international n.g.o.s and international authorities and turkey should be backed up yesterday that until today we said we are working with the saudis you form the joint working group but so far what we have we have a witness that an international investigation has become a must so the statement from the saudi attorney came right after that one day after that we are seeing that the saudi rhetorical has changed as wall because while the saudi attorney spokesperson said that these people were sent to the saudi slate to extort to provide extradition. by force or the will it again now they are contradicting with their state ritual rick which was it was
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a premeditated murder and this premeditated murder was spoken out by the top saudi officials a couple of weeks ago so now we're seeing again solid officials are seem to be in panic and they are contradicting their own statements but from turkish side from ancora we're expecting huge reaction is mainly the first from foreign minister and maybe prisms add on will be speaking about that because he has been the defender of the scariest thing me and he has been stating that he is that he is. aside in this case so. and also a justice justice minister's statement is expected as well however i must state that for cherokee now everything has changed turkey is knots and willing to cope is actually has lost its hopes from a corporation so called cooperation with saudi arabia and turkey wants to care of this tell gen international level to international public opinion because turkey doesn't want to seem as if it turkey is personalizing or individualize in this case
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or localizing this case rather it's a problem for the whole of humanity because the journalist has been killed also it's a violation of international diplomacy which is a while lucian of the vienna convention a right and cinema the prosecution. spokesman person rather when he was speaking he said that saudi arabia has asked turkey to provide the kingdom with the evidence as well as voice recordings relating to the case and they're still waiting for turkey to oblige to their request according to them do we know what turkey's plans are and whether they will be sharing that with saudi arabia because they have shared it with other countries. yes actually a turkey made lists and other countries including saudi arabia are the tapes that. has been leaked to turkish media and the tape that was that was approved that jamal she was assaulted after he entered saudi cones late on october two and it was an
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eleven minute recording which showed he has been hit and it was a full of sound but we know that turkey didn't submits the tape to saudi arabia of course there are some other diplomatic reasons behind that which there are some technical issues but as far as i know as far as i have spoken to turkish officials the saudis side hasn't made some official requests for instance they have been what do we have been hearing from the turkish officials as does the saudis for secure who came to turkey more than a week ago he was he was actually trying to get to what turkey had in hand because there are separate investigations ongoing both in turkey and in saudi arabia there was a so-called call of ration among the attorneys but the evidence is were actually kept from each other mainly from saudi arabia and turkey was actually disturbed about this turkey was unhappy about the saudi attitude that because they haven't they haven't given any testimonies all those eighteen saudis suspects who have been
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tried who have it who have testified in saudi arabia that's why i can say that the exchange of material exchange of evidence between saudi arabia and turkey is a kind of critical issue because turkey didn't submit the tape recording to saudi arabia which is actually a right of turkey as well and for turkey what we've seen from october the second from when this murder actually happened and the weeks after that is that turkey has information to the press and me the evidence that that it has is there any reason to believe that turkey still holds evidence and we will be seeing more leaks. well of course it's impossible for for media to reach all details of the investigation foyle we are getting some information but from the first hand from the top turkish official who is present don we have heard in the we have heard
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recently that turkey has more evidence to be it to be presented to international law to international community at we don't know what they have extra but this is what the top turkish official search believing that this is all true turkey must have some more evidence of course turkey depended on media leaks out until now because there there was one problem which is international law actually tied up turkey's tense because this is the first merger in the diplomatic history happened in a diplomatic soil it is a contrary. ordering of murder in its own diplomatic territory this is first in its type actually and since everything happened between the residence and the saudi coast late in istanbul the thing and the things that the measures that turkey was able to take was the limits of even the search warrants the church has received to handle and solve the residence was limits that because turkey was
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a turkish prosecutor to investigation team has been banned from making a search in the well in the residence garden and we know that on the night of the search warrant three all of the rooms in the consulate residence were locked and turkish investigation to you. haven't been let in to check out what was inside so even the search search process was not was not actually proper according to law and. unfortunately let's say it's it's not the right word to use for me as a reporter but we are seeing that turkey is heads are tied by international law because as it happened in saudi soil turkey believes that. trials should be held in turkey but saudi arabia defense just just the opposite so what turkey has been trying to do for for the last couple of weeks is that to try to attract international international support as
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a reaction against saudi arabia to make them confess some more truth about the investigation file then. what has been leaked to international and turkish media so far we see that saudi arabia has almost similar details that have been leaked to the media until now all right to assume for the time being thank you and let's just listen to what the prosecution had to say a little over an hour ago to begin. to jodi i had to tell you and it was established through the investigation still under way that the role of the former advisor was limited to coordination by the deputy chief spine and the leader of the negotiating team who was also working with them he requested to meet with the team and the negotiating team in order to brief them on some relevant information based on the fact he was in the media demain he believed the victim was received by organizations and countries hostile to the kingdom of saudi arabia and it was very
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imperative to have i'm returned home the former advisor is banned from traveling and is under interrogation let's speak to billow once again he's a journalist and middle east analyst is joining us now live from london via skype is there something to be said about the timing of this press conference that was given by the prosecution. yes i think it has everything to be said about it. the fact is that pressure is building in the united states and the fact that very senior members of the republican party are calling obama been solomonic pointing the finger of blame at him directly. lindsey graham very senior senator very close to donald trump said that the moments online is unstable and unreliable so i think this is a response to the pressures that are coming from outside the white house because that's my dog trump is remaining supportive hasn't spoken directly about the
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situation we'll wait to see whether the response to this press conference of the saudis. coming together i think there as your as your previous commentators have said that there are many many unanswered questions and and contradictions that undercut really any attempt by the saudis to patch a narrative that keeps mountains on out of the frame i just don't think it's possible not. that i hold in the saudi system may provide a whitewash no one is going to see that as anything but a whitewash and that among us on that the murder of her mother shows she will always reside at his door he will never walk away from that and how does this then all reflect on how mad been sound mano what has position be in jeopardy obviously there have been allegations by some that he could have linked to he could have been
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linked to the how some see murder. well i think it's more than allegations i think all the evidence. although there is no smoking gun pointed directly to long advance of mine what his position is is seriously weakened there's no question about that he is he's facing international program there's an ongoing international conference now that he's the patron of. which which has many many people have chosen not to attend we saw that last month with the future in beslan an issue that many many leading people chose not to attend so and their investors now who will be considering do they want to continue with martin salam because he is the man who runs the public investment fund he has put huge amounts of money into various companies as one two three point one billion and it is put forty five billion into zot bank that's musser songs softening that's
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a song as the japanese industrialist very much engaged in artificial intelligence development schemes these are people who thus far have stood by and some are but again there is reputational damage for those companies who choose to remain with a man who was responsible for an of polling and brutal murder and you know if that if it does prove that your mother his body was destroyed again an appalling act that really undercuts any religious authority that the houses may claim to have up so i think there is a consistent and building pressure and i think he will be fighting hard not to try and stay in place and trump himself had said that he would be of forming a serious opinion this week about the case to what extent do you think that is something that trump is willing to do. well i think trump will want to keep want
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when someone plays i think that's important for him. for a number of reasons but i think you weigh it up i think you're too it's facing. to greet of the damage reputational damage although you would see him talking to i was a possible damage with with such a president but a bit of back knowledge if he sticks with marvin some r. and b. in the world outside of saudi arabia only says as it does that the. jim pesters young man is responsible for this brutal murder that's going to cause him certainly reputational damage within the united states where you know increasingly as a result of the midterms he is looking on the ball and he's responded in a very petulant and offensive way if you look at what he did with the california wildfires he still to go to california is tweets are actually damaging. for him his reputation among his base because he's showing up a petulant in
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a cruel story that is not in keeping with the office of the presidency so you know it may be that the political calculations will cause him to cut my arm and then someone addressed all right thank you for the time being and for more on the u.s. reaction let's we're going to really help that she's joining us from washington d.c. to see if there's an reaction at all to what they said or a brand new public prosecutor had to say about their investigation. no reaction because most americans are still asleep it's the middle of the night on the west coast and here on the east coast it's americans are just waking up to this news and that would include probably members of the administration as well but certainly there's no question that they have been pressing on this on capitol hill rather vigorously the latest that we're expecting is coming from the senator republican senator in the u.s.
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senate rand paul we expect him to be taking some action no later than friday where not only republicans but also democrats will continue to press to punish saudi arabia and also to try and pull back u.s. support for the saudi led coalition in yemen one that we should note the united. nations has called a humanitarian disaster so what we know in terms of the movement that is set to take place potentially as early as friday is that rand paul has secured a floor vote in the u.s. senate under the nine hundred seventy six arms export control act to prevent a proposed weapons sale to bahrain under the rationale that it is a participant in the saudi led military campaign so well there is. certainly an effort to push the trumpet ministration to respond there is the feeling i capitol hill given the fact that we've just had these elections that
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there is a new congress coming in january that this is almost a potential kind of excuse to delay the working with congress and so we see the senators taking action independently on their own one thing we should note though is that in on tuesday the president did finally appoint an ambassador a u.s. ambassador to saudi arabia presumably to try and give the appearance that things are moving ahead in terms of potentially taking action against the highest levels of the saudi government or at least. starting to take action but that is again something that has to be confirmed by the senate so the wheels in terms of response are moving very slowly much more slowly than many on capitol hill would like including the very vocal senator senator lindsey graham who has in recent days continued to point the finger at the saudi crown prince mohammed bin solomon the feeling on capitol hill is that well there has been this action taken at the lower level no one on capitol hill seems to believe that that is where the responsibility
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lies they continue to bring up the name of the crown prince mohammed bin salomon lindsey graham recent days calling him an reliable and stable disaster in terms of what has happened no way this can be fixed with him still at the helm culling the shots so certainly this is something that the u.s. congress seems to be taking the lead on as the white house continues to kind of keep open the possibility that there are alternate explanations that there is an important strategic relationship between the united states and saudi arabia particularly when it comes to military sales if that's the thinking really and i was discussing this with my previous guest just the moments ago that there could be a lot of stake a lot at stake for the united states itself when it comes to any sort of potential or possible shake up in saudi arabia because saudi arabia is fulfilling the u.s. is foreign policy shall we say in the region. not only
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fulfilling but is the foundation you have to remember we've just had these very strict iran oil export sanctions that have been put in place just the day before the u.s. had its mid-term congressional election vote that is pivotal in terms of the u.s. saudi relationship because saudi arabia is the reason that the united states is able to do this in terms of. supply but the other thing is that this is really where the united states has invested its countering iran in so many realms throughout the middle east so there is that aspect to the relationship the other aspect is the arms sales you've got to remember donald trump is a jobs president he was elected to create jobs to maintain jobs to underscore the importance of the ordinary americans need for a job and this weapons program in the military industrial complex has been a jobs program in the united states for decades there's no question donald trump is
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not going to in any way put that at risk so when you see these sort of strategic and very quiet statements often coming out of the secretary of state might pump a zero or he keeps talking about the need for a very strong response and then finishes the end of the sentence but saying keep in mind we have this important strategic relationship i think that tells you what the white house is doing right now it is buying time we saw statement coming from the national security advisor john bolton in recent days where he seemed to put in doubt sort of that there was any sort of conclusive evidence coming from that audio tape that has been released that we know that the cia director gina housefull has listened to about the documents the death of. there is reporting that in fact that there is audio on therefore pointing to the fact that the job has been done and to let your boss know had been solomon but the national security adviser
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saying that there was not conclusive per. of that so they seem to continually be saying on the one hand there's a need for a strong response and on the other hand saying but keep in mind we must calibrate this because of doubt because of strategy because of the u.s. relationship with saudi arabia so in the absence of this very strong vigorous response much as we saw in the very early days from donald trump when he was pressed by reporters we see the u.s. congress moving ahead somewhat slowly but moving ahead trying to do what they feel the executive branch of the united states government is not doing and that is a more forceful response that would potentially hold the highest levels of the saudi government responsible for the death of jim all right kelly healthy for the time being thank you so recapping the breaking news we're covering here on al-jazeera sodhi arabia as public prosecution has announced the findings of its investigation into the murder of journalist. a spokesman for the top prosecutor
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says eleven people have been charged five of them facing the death penalty over the killing of the journalist. was drugged dismembered inside the saudi consulate and also in istanbul on october the second the spokesman said the mission of the team was to persuade him to return to the kingdom willingly or by force he also said investigations continue into the whereabouts of his remains so a spokesman for the saudi public prosecutor says the head of the negotiating team sent to repatriate. ordered the killing. the. reason was to convince the victim to the kingdom. to the. teves order three branch t.v. logistic intelligence and negotiations and on the morning of the facts then he goes shaping members. found out that it was not possible
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to convince him and that's why that is all to to force and he was killed so how did you establish this particular facts especially that there are other leaks through the turkish media that. the assassination. carried their head. back to the kingdom my question is how did you establish this fact and what about the media reports that it was looking through interrogations it is established that the but the after being dismembered was handed out to a contractor in istanbul as to the media reports that they were carrying certain devices and tools it was not established through then target sions let's not go anderson he's joining us from istanbul so the spokesperson seemed to say that the
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main aim was to convince. you to return home implying that this wasn't premeditated and your which contradicts earlier statements. well that's right this is basically a return to the narration we were hearing from saudi arabia a month but now that this was really a botched operation it was a team that had been briefed at a lower level than the highest on suraj within the palace and had gone out to try to get a kushal ji and take him and bring him back to saudi arabia by force or otherwise and of course then a decision according to this narration was made once the team of got him to kill crush orgy so this is really really. not going to be accepted by the investigators whatsoever and it's certainly going to raise more questions than it
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is that's just take you through the highlights again twenty one individuals in saudi arabia are now under investigation according to the prosecution that figure has increased it was originally eighteen out of the twenty one eleven suspects are being indicted and will have to go to court then you break down from that figure five of those suspects are going to be recommended for the death sentence by the prosecution now who will give it according to the prosecution the person who will that it was the saudi deputy intelligence chief now that would be what siri according to the original text of what they were saying. in the first place the prosecution didn't disclose the name of any members of the team but the five members of the hit squad it it says are going to be
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recommended for the death penalty they all said by the prosecution to have cut up the body of kushal ji and the dismembered remains. we're taken away and passed on to a turkish collaborates and now that collaborator is supposed to have then gone somewhere else no one knows where the body is now furthermore there is a suggestion that drugs were used a possibly a cause of death but the turks have rebounded immediately sources have told al-jazeera that this narration is wrong completely that there was an order to kill has show g m that was given in riyadh ahead of the team flying out but the prosecutor the prosecutor says that mohamed bin salim on the crown prince is in no way implicated in any stage in this account whatsoever not speak to the turks about
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it and they think otherwise they think it goes much higher than the deputy intelligence chief and other officials within that department this was not a rogue operation went wrong it was a state sponsored murder in turkey on foreign soil within the consulates and two major major issues two questions that the turks had been pushing to get answers from the saudis on one who gave the order while you can and you could be sure that they would accept this account of events to where is the body now according to a prosecution source who told old al jazeera that the body had dissolved in acid and other chemicals in the consul general zz residence is that the case is the evidence of that it's unclear whether this full evidence that the body has been
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dissolved there is evidence apparently of acid traces and chemical traces within that residence and it was two weeks before the turkish investigation's got to actually search that building. on october the seventeenth they established that there would traces though they put samples through and so on and so forth but where is the body now could there be a a nother another story line to what happened to the body it is nonsense that the saudis are saying they still are investigating this and they're suggesting that they hand on a sketch of the turkish collaborator to the turkish investigators now the saudis originally talked about this collaborator then withdrew the account of events now it's back on the cards so just looking back at this it is really a. ration which will fit it would seem possibly the.
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