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tv   Exit  Al Jazeera  November 15, 2018 3:00pm-4:01pm +03

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it was established that a sketch of the contract that was. drafted based on the descriptions given by the person who handed him the remains. the. person who am personated the victim got rid of the clothes in the dustbin. the security cameras was tampered with in the consulate building and this was done by and dividual the per cent provided logistic support. that was also a step is that the commander of that task. with the negotiators and hose operative provided the folds told the chief intelligence to the afaik that the victim left the consulate building alive
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as the negotiations with him has faded while turkey's foreign minister responded to the saudi announcement that you can. transcend i don't find some of the remarks made convincing such a spying. they are saying that the person was killed because he resisted being taken back to his country but as we have said before this was a premeditated murder and also as we know. the remains of the person was cut to pieces and the prosecutor has mentioned this we already knew this. but the dismemberment of the body wasn't a spontaneous event so certain individuals and devices were brought here to this country in advance. with a view as to how the dismemberments and the murder would be carried out so it had
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been planned in advance. and the fifteen people who came to turkey should be tried in accordance with turkish load because according to the vienna convention the turkish law is a political in this case even if the murder took place in the saudi consulates in istanbul and let's go over to istanbul and speak to anderson men so i suppose not a surprise to many andrew that the turkish foreign minister. responding to the saudi prosecutor statement saying it's on satisfactory. no surprise whatsoever very thing his tones were quite mild i think you can expect an acceleration in the rhetoric from took a sure politicians in response so this narrative this new narrative comes from saudi arabia on the events leading to a come out death now eleven people have been indicted just to recap out of those
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eleven five days ago to be recommended or the prosecution will call for the execution now that is a quantum leap compared to what we're hearing earlier but in terms of details on the investigation there is very little there is a mention of drugs being used and possible cause of death now the turks say that is absolutely not the case there was a strangulation about was put over his head that the audiotapes will prove this there is a whole range of of challenges from the turks already and also this issue of what happened to now there is an acceptance thems saudi arabia that he was dismembered and the five men involved in that all of whom are not being named are being accused of a capital crime a death sentence would could result in that situation those five people of being thing good completely in terms of what the saudis are doing now but over the above
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all of this inquiry of where the body might be the big question is who ordered this operation point one they say it was the fall but deputy head of intelligence that is not being treated seriously and quite possibly other states as well will you that i should states by that it's not clear but the situation now is is mohamed bin solomon the crown prince responsible that's the key question this will this dialogue from the saudis really puts more questions up there instead. all right thank you for that. just to remind you that saudi arabia has held a press conference in murder it's accused people of being behind it five are to get the death penalty that's according to the prosecutor general's office turkey saying. saudi arabia has said is unsatisfactory that's it for now thanks for
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joining us. on the story at the top of. when i was twelve i saw a film in school about christiane that after the war. the film was supposed to
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scare us away from drugs instead it showed me a world i had never seen before. the music the atmosphere was fascinating and all i wanted was to be like her cheating herin in a bad nightclub. anything dark and dangerous attracted me. when i was sixteen i joined the far right. yeah yeah. yeah yeah. yeah. yeah and it was. all there. you know.
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i've kept the propaganda for more than twenty years. and my family's just moved to a new place and i have to get rid of famous i don't need. it's embarrassing to look. it's hard to understand now what was so appealing about it. but when i was a teenager the propaganda of us very important. the music the films be watched it was like a drug. i remember hard to not symbols fall so for bitten my heart started beating foster.
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for many years i kept my pasta secret but every time violent extremism is mentioned when a terror attack happens it also speaks. what if i had stayed in the movement. i don't remember what's gave me the courage to leave the museum and. i just remember it was very difficult. i want to meet other former
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extremists and find out both made them change. thanks it. was. i remember reading about the. leader. when i was still in the movement. when i left the movement ingo was an inspiration to me if he could do it i could do it. but. it has taken months to get to meeting with ingo and i have to promise not to share any information about his current life. the young
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nazi hunter attracts the media attention. they called him the future of. a german filmmaker winfried born knowing it started making a documentary about ingo. it was the beginning of her life changing process. the filmmaker followed around for about a year questioning everything. else on this fall this is on top because about the way i love your life nothing could come from a top. level. concomitant. he hated me. if only hated me and the first six months we were shooting here still hated me i mean because i was standing for something you totally disagree with and i was disgusted by everything i said.
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because of a need to traditionally sort of him and she sort of the little want to live within your own home and find certain kinds of force that the church had was pushing and make you know it's all. some version. just for fun all those notions. or little. celestial from our salutes a loser who just you know what they must have done please doesn't mean that i didn't view this question did the same not enough reason to prominent. in the moment when i have as a given that the also false because if not then it was done to confronted at the time. and the journalists and i feel that journalists need it cited on the. on the disk it must be exact time of day as i fought the know what they did at that office and had to fight me stuff. to you when you can you know and. also also to kind of run from your mother. so much grief. but also one of. the only one child haven emma that someone can use it to. it's something huge one
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found amongst my guns but not as often we don't have a month some time out us this must come just when the own feet get full of its cuts then that's in my spirit and i'm looking for that soon so how many is a woman to. form on and off she does the top loosen as. the government did some of us but i know it's the scots notion and bunch thought often took it from uniforms that time in the no touch none. that i took just found it so i can not in the mouse for abandon this one i'm just like death in the united states fidel what it that's in it a lot in this kind of you can must it's a given since then you guys sing bunch just that i and aunt cities are not the top five finishes that it's a kind of a new thing i do this in a blend them. the thousands i want to go with us the dismissed in this but we have
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had to vanish too that i do ya do this is some of it but you can fit him out for your metaphor about me to god cup a mug of i type in the skin that i wasn't just a moment we flushed and i was the i've listed for three fun for me said mr. stocks out its banks would watch out for us and on the soft i'd say that if we wanted most i think we should also start something and i'm going to be bold and go down once the police have fun and diet and i can be a buzz about human perspective in the moment. money from you know what i'm going to disempowerment mannish best i believe a fire in the fuel blitz you could plead for because oct from the sea in a on the in the definition does a book but if i mean the book poem to become but in the end people would show you the best book in the d. movie she looked under six but did this as it is a bit old i think bush but it's going to. be the. yes i think that the model.
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ingo started an exit program in germany to help people leave the far right and. it's nearly twenty five years since he left the movement i wonder how long it took him to get over it and make peace with himself. it's very obvious every day is a struggle. i think it's not enough though just a little long time most of. it's not johnson i was hoping for. with my past want me for the rest of my life. i still feel ashamed that i spent almost two years of my life in a writing group. how could i believe that we were superior. how could i
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beat up other women. i wanted to hurt people anyway i can't. keep down i wonder if there's something evil in me. was. there meant to be admired to germany or nothing. they were taller more violent and better organized than in scandinavia. mandela was the leader of a paramilitary neo nazi group his nickname was the pistol. yes left the movement and his living in hiding.
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and grew up in east germany. when he was thirteen he joined the neo nazi group. just boarded by those on board and all the stores. i shopped in. the truth doesn't squish dishes and. pots but it's all of your. money man was convicted of extortion assault and arson. he was still a convinced near nazi. but in prison something ferry unexpected happened. at the kissed went. on to
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dolphin. dolphin. decision. and. went. on to talk. bitter feeling of comment on school is. just what seemed. at the to and. i mentioned if i was. contacted next to germany and got help to leave the movement in two thousand and six. it helped me much it's time to talk to you just so it's a given that has the scene and it's been dusty imbecile hits he have a defect mfi as is. assault a fetish albus. or. dusty most shits feel a lot of us would fall under feudal von vaults will move on fine.
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i was bullied in school. and i remember feeling invisible. i scaped into books on television. and i was fascinated with true crime stories like the jack-o. and watching punks and skinheads fight on t.v. . what. kinds of outsiders to track to me. one moment i wanted to be not so the next moment i wanted to be an anti-fascist. i thought nobody liked me. and when someone said the new nazis were a bunch of losers i thought maybe that's where i belong.
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when i was sixteen i switched sides betrayed the left wing and joined the far right movement. it's hard to find women who want to talk about their experience in the far right movement. i wonder if it's somehow considered more shameful for a woman. to suddenly i find angela who surprisingly open the bottle cost. i was involved in the violent far right for almost eight years. we'll believed that as white people we were better than everyone else we truly believe that the. there is a conspiracy that exists against the white race from the time i woke up in the morning till the time i went to bed at night it was all about what am i doing to
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protect myself and sure that you know were not wiped out. it was a very fear driven life. if you're just joining us about. the curse of the federal building in the city. the way. my immediate first thoughts were he's like me you know i wonder do i know him is he somebody you know i've i've come across and i started to wonder to myself is this what i'm willing to do. there was a daycare center in the building there was one image that has always particularly stuck with me all of these years and it's the image of a fireman carrying a baby and you can't tell if it's alive or dead covered in soot was.
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when they realized that i was trying to withdraw they sent some some subtle messages about. what was not going to be permitted to happen and. that those messages included walking outside one morning and finding the front of my building covered with bullet holes. so instead of walking away i became an even better racist and a better skinhead to try to prove myself. i went to prison for my part in an armed robbery it was a hate crime. there were women
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in the prison from around the world different ethnicities different religions and instead of being shown anger and hatred from all of them there were some specifically some women of color who treated me with kindness and compassion when i never would have treated them the same way there was a really big article in the newspapers about my case and one of the women found the article found the paper early in the morning with the article in it and hid it so the other women wouldn't see it and this was a woman of color who had no reason to protect me they re humanized to me. and they helped me to see that i was a human being with potential for the first time i feel like i've met
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someone who understands i want to ask you something. do you think it's i me want them to come through me yes given the right circumstances yes. i'm so convinced and i feel like something bust inside me. like i left go of something. the far right movement wasn't what i had expected. most of the time we sat around waiting for something to happen. everybody was paranoid and spreading rumors about who might be a mustard agent or a police informant. nobody trusted me.
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i had no one to talk to. i felt stuck in a movement full of hate and i saw no future. for us when i called professor to libya to go a specialist in far right extremism. i had seen him on t.v. . he talked about this in a different way. not like the police the social workers that. i called him and asked if we could meet. today two would have been to go is the director of center for extremism resides at the university of us love. to. have articles for part of it or who dare to think that i've been there is to go into. so we learn something and i want to. skip this critique to get to that i love. to get
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i. did put some in the press but i was so. in the line at the bar for gifts. like you. know if i'm. remembering to do that. it's on so many. if any. have been there for. that. what do you. do on a bill that social to that. talk to did he sort of them. he said they did now or doesn't or. by. some book or other solid otoh there are enough to speak to your thought on orders or i can't believe i'm going to get the anything from you or. myself to say you get
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the best spendings make. what they did he'd given me then they admit they were going to say she had different demands list or or two could not talk a little bit all told the. post this key detail of a school. able so she enjoyed it and i'm good and that's a video or beat me up on those that you have the kids can stop the next day but. just. that the media or some. expected my mom has talked to t. talk or perfect three star makes it and i go all disputes and some of them some of it there she admits that he comes to money. so there are social door to the teeth but it's to me. there's a been. six
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months after i met i called a friend and asked for help to leave the movement and while all my comrades were away for a nazi gig in sweden i moved all my belongings into. a friend from the radical left wing movement. i first met cute when i was fifteen at the anti fascist protest in loon. she had every reason to hate to be when i switch sides and join the far right movement. but still when i needed help to leave i called. his grandmother thanks and i think that. i think. there's something not so fresh. in that since they want to add.
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to what that's what. i was curious and i tell my last. post on alt. it's the call about our dog and there's all that thing every year to maybe have it out there everything is not that by the whole doesn't it is all that i'm on this call to think about. it give us our thoughts back and. when his critter called to take the lives of also he would i saw you all to or might. travel often. by tranquil waters and purple forests near broad long. looks of falling. in cities.
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and sundry sayings. in the military. as the song. icons landmarks valleys and sky it's. made pleasant glow. talking to you. it's the places you've trained off and literally. when you live for adventure. and discover hidden charms when you're warm inside when it's warm on the outside because movements make memories faraway places closer in the face. going places together with cattle i always. this is a really fabulous news from one of the best i've ever worked in there is a unique sense of bonding where everybody teams in but something i feel every time
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i get on the chair every time i interview someone we're often working around the clock to make sure that we bring events as i currently as possible to the viewer that's what people expect of us and that's what i think we really do well. this is al jazeera with a check on your world headlines saudi arabia as public prosecution has announced the findings of its investigation into the murder of journalist. a spokesman for the top prosecutor says eleven people have been charged five of them facing the death penalty over the killing of the journalist. was drugged and dismembered inside the saudi consulate in istanbul on october the second the spokesman said the
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mission of the team was to persuade you to return to the kingdom willingly or by forests he also said investigations continue into the whereabouts of his remains. the main reason was to convince the victim to return home to the kingdom three teams or three branch tame the just six intelligence negotiations in the morning of the fact the negotiating members found out it was not possible to convince them and that's why they resorted to force and he was killed well turkey's foreign minister responded to the saudi announcement saying some of the statements made by the chief prosecutor's office were on satisfying as you. just don't find some of the remarks made convincing satisfying. they are saying that the person was killed because he resisted being taken back to his country but as we have said before this was
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a premeditated murder and also as we know. the remains of the person was cut to pieces and the prosecutor has mentioned this we already knew this. but the dismemberment of the body wasn't a spontaneous event but certain individuals and devices were brought here to this country in advance. with a view as to how the dismemberments and the murder would be carried out so it had been planned in advance. and the fifteen people who came to turkey should be tried in accordance with turkish load because according to the vienna convention. the turkish law is a political in this case even if the murder took place in the saudi consulates in istanbul well i have much more on the story coming up at the top of the hour right here on al-jazeera but for now it's back to witness.
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but here's the good of all the world to take the lives of all so we would all. saw you all to or might felt like you like to say out there was never really just complain i was there for me as i am i would. stay or at least say leave a focused. and you get a free out but i am not a fact that might give us a real to. do all the. blue
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your moves that are you forever more that's. what alicia though. at argos kimonos are going to give us. a little. for two thousand and two looks like i go to the toilet have a of that. and the look to that is i thought you had a group hug to grab well after the locked it up and what you think though i. do a bunch of just after something in thing mr jordan just. the last guy i managed to see if i ask. one of us thank you but. no one is a. jew i had crossed about half in the lonely yes and in the time of all this came and. i wonder what would have happened if i didn't have anyone to call. what if they hadn't helped me.
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how far would i have gone. to be here. i'm backing john many things i'm not going well for money while. his girlfriend has left him and the new houses know where he lives. is chickamauga oestreich and. the c.c.c. of loans and. flip the switch on pink on them.
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by the thousands of them to get by to talk to us mothers and my little to this mythical desert my little son tossing off he's caught me when y'all i had to split them all he picked us to me to she don't see albus just us on this money cause soul i wish. we don't forget it was just was she done i just wish i can only reach. right now. since it's a come. into law from a few money for me i'll. listen to fall into is all essential for it's all. you wouldn't i'm still going on. a field
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office in the shop. there's nothing born. of me getting into normal in a whole short are no more often bull has nothing to force and exist i just sit in the last you know i'm up markets and come past one on some as in a point or and. one on my head cause. how many total heist sets i knew out i am one out of style one to five. and z. is all for mr best advice and does is done through source finished last in learning as this is. the same version i was a history of. mental toys and if i thought they are so little so doesn't
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seem futile. so sometimes torture goes on from. the. default you don't you couldn't your daughter of mormon on demand at stanford of harvested version of pleasure was she not was. mine i start soon as i enjoyed each of you what five. wouldn't shop there it's you who don't feel the comfort of god does your judged a friend is. just in manhood and some often. some content you'll talk to words doesn't do you feel to cry from.
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does of hall. and. it does consultants who joined. the whiskey just can't it's written. a. book it's getting up. and. it's a big field. and . a patient. doesn't. mention. the. reverse side he. might have talked.
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of medicine kept. for the good old. position. by. it's. been done. by isn't on done. can touch some group. the. field it's a mother son it wouldn't pick it. up. sometimes i think about the kid i've happened if i had stayed and the movement had been
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better organized. the ideology wasn't important to me in the beginning but gradually i started believing what they told me. when i was sixteen i was willing to do anything to prove my loyalty. whatever they really had started a race war. how far would i have gone. overboard screw love you all so do says don't have your goals bushels of visuals map just soldier move through choosing your goals q. shows. us true for shows of what hotel sort of old. in one thousand nine hundred four an air france flight was hijacked by the armed islam
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a career with the intention to crush it over paris. cheering the attack they announced we are the soldiers of merit. three passengers were executed. david was a member of the armed islamic group and fully believed in jihad. oh yeah only pruett jew boy on the truma could do it here it is except. davies grew up with his catholic mother in a suburb outside leone. when he was fifteen he drops out of school and converted to islam.
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does not all. yugoslavia the cream is off on his c.v. . so nothing to move the two lawyer is your. vision of a bad army lash can over us kids of us and you decide that it. is your vote was one that was unique to combat and was not just to music more proud to call me by jihadists. so bless them all four percent supervision from wilson didn't know his role. at all in one used in of a bus or. and you have a follow move. to preserve what they'll do movie cecum suckers devean jihadist.
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astronauts to visit jihadist tonight with a movie of. the. day it was sent to a training camp in afghanistan run by al qaeda and became an active member of the armed islamic group. more costs them a top class out is a lot longer to hold on to. their border when virtual pull when a long pull down in a can differ but he pulled in a note doesn't. do but home i'm only using that as been. said to go up.
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to recruit your shorts take the extra noise beseech your proposal to us this recently shared that they're sure you know what to do god's will be obeyed most or you give him a month where your excuse really pressing need to shoot at you and more to save joplin mo told d.c. doing this to be of no exclusion yet between a hundred ways beyond your ex you just saw the main issues of how you're opening your mind if you accept your p.c. . hit the wall of what your body it's a couple down upon the floor. you know if it came out at all but could it. just say yes i. just said something to commiserate me would lose you mad. well you just said listen you don't want to guess you're losing your cool because let me
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start with this a bomb or twenty three. events users and also expose it to the question i want you deserve it. like you know me the police investigation led to dia rest of david's and other members of the on to slam a quick. donald trump really pretty sick we want is all misty deceive people whose only excuse is they're going to have a case for. mr david is resistant to them only playing the recent issue of paul's shake minute can be pretty civil to you even if you took all this can even between but just the stuff that's for sure you need to talk to it over. for vacation if a ten month i think on the commune the folks at the fees or my this big deal to get them or you would except for your just. don't fall for it to talk to the truth. is that in fact some.
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david was convicted to six years in prison for aiding the terrorists. but to be sued but want of course. that they could stay out my for me and of a preamp and body more museum useful so are most walls on the song please all. but let but these youth but the. room in india do leave a will surely surely the future is a feel of beautifully maternity clothes physically you get a feel. good age usually a couple you. the norse were blowing noir because in the name of. holes are. said to clean jed used six
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there he can see death could prove almost fell so if you. show a very skilled. single soldier and put up all secure. oil of asses. the boat is going to. david stopped believing in jobs when he was released after four and a half years in prison he was ready to start a new life. without friends or family to support him the reaction came when he realized how alone he was. in then on dickless will you know goes to.
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ask you is it legal to have where. you were going to go to congress so to please all. people dignity. don't tell you that because you've achieved so. over all of it to such. if it to city do we reproduce is hopeless so if you don't. to live in middle of us. is see limited to my features over level sixty six kid to tell me not. son paul to put it up to seventy two via a fifty five to put it up to it's a busboy no time or little i don't give a shit was it
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a cock up you know for bubble sake you can't tell just a different city dewey phone lol president of the many school support brazil. because of that it. is. so kimosabe out of brazil. to live in a tiny details or to do one but you are also going to keep doing x. . i've only is a touch of the departed not passing me a plane essential view you decide on the name of she deceived about spilled over was going missing six elmina sisko wouldn't jump to you. but you got to specifically. it was the best feeling. in the church of all says your best friend
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it. looked as firm septic bottle to chill to accept it. for two more than a stranger also left. and then he would you push he burgundies icky sit. don't use simple song. city do. or fabric designs if you do you really could be a lab secure. in all the just one that mitt was only just in yemen.
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my man has to fight to me. he doesn't feel safe and things are not exactly going well but the day various. political divides on the hill he said well the newseum tends to stay at home a few midgets here. if you understand how it seemed. to make a lucia newman nice little segments to give him for by i found an old ticket is known as much. as does the us feel his stumps and some surveys and done fees munty to four knots when god lets them go to. full from the naacp when young was intensely shunned knob and visibility will. be switched on he does
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on weekends by the nazi off suboxone. on opposites was done are nothing but cause if you know you muslims used to be spaced of ubisoft out. jobber. crystal was eating moto i'm so. happy for these most just it. was just all to all for to get. a full on the obstinate style to docs comes gimli goes to show i am i'll prevents a bushel biggest game. of buds and we have a kill all season. is over. until i see define me and. doubt that you will. find a fossil for on the shops which.
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i remember traveling to a nazi concert in lower saxony in ninety five. i had been in the movement for a year and finally i was going to meet the germans. i don't remember any music. i just remembered being in a crowd with lots of skinheads. i'm trying to find the concert venue in no time. i remember i was so excited to be that. was when more than a thousand skin had started shouting nazi slogans chills went down my spine.
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it was not a game anymore. for the first time i started thinking about the consequences. what if these people came into power. this was the moment i knew i had to leave to movement. when i eventually find the venue it looks nothing like i remember it.
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the world has moved on and i'm ready to do the same. i have to live with my past and accept that not everything can be forgiven and forgotten. we have to believe in second chances. kid. didn't have been fined for what is right on the shores of padded dice progress for some concrete some even handle for others challenging his government and big
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business one man risked his life to save the community he cherishes these my life i have to be that someone. stand on. the opposition a witness documentary on which is the you know. three tranquil arabian can you. can free routines and if any should go on to let. the skies upright not nicely crossed all the parts of argentina but the rain is still in place we've got that a little further north across southeast and possibly still through paraguayan it
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stretches this way up across bolivia and on into peru where we have seen some extensive flooding some mudslides as well dozens of people have been displaced from their homes as a result of these heavy downpours still the northeast of lima the cloud the rain that will continue over the next couple days you can see that western weather still very much in place right the way up that western side of the amazon so heavy downpours i still say way down into southern and southeastern parts of brazil not a little further a switch as we go through friday but fight and dry once again as you can see it as for example highs here twenty one celsius fun in try to. parts of the caribbean but you see the majority of the showers and now making their way away from the leeward islands splashing across into the crisis for puerto rico for dominican. public we could see some cloud of rain here that's all drifting further west was on those easterly way to make our way up into the states because say we've got some rather
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lively weather making its way across the eastern side of the u.s. more clout in place with snow to the north. the weather sponsored by cattle and race. as migrants seek sanctuary on it shows the choose rescue over to tyrants. and the immigration government has allied with the libyan coast guard in an operation often at loggerheads with n.g.o.s trying to save lives. people in power is on board with both sides rescue at sea announces iraq. resort is one of nigeria's top tourist destinations but in the shadow of the mountain some nigerians continue an ancient tradition with child protection workers say condemns young girls to a life of slavery and sexual exploitation five year old miracle was married for money just a few weeks ago she'd only seen some missionaries who say she's pulled by the
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marriages happen i couldn't richard is a missionary all rescues girls the man goes to buy outrightly and no call can even be trucked to gil before she's born there what if it takes forty years if your man dies the brothers can still go to get their money wife. this is al jazeera. you're watching the news hour live from the headquarters and. coming up in the next sixty minutes saudi arabia admits a team sent to repatriate journalists killed him instead and there's no word on what happened to his remains but turkey is not satisfied the foreign minister said
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