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tv   Chinas Spying Eyes  Al Jazeera  November 17, 2018 6:33am-7:01am +03

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keep it here one o one east is next. it is murder when you throw a fire bomb into someone's home and nice she. actually you know. now is significant in that in significant ideologically that is significant even as a crime gag very significant by dictating big government in the fucked up policy of those shall not kill the radicalized youth series on al-jazeera . in china big brother is meeting big data advanced surveillance technology set up to watch everyone's every move what people say do and even think is monitored and more ranking people as good citizens or back to be rewarded or
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punished. and steve check out on this episode a one on one east we investigate how china is implementing the most sophisticated system of social control in history. china's cities are already flush with cameras around two hundred million of them. what's changing is they're getting smarter. china is positioning itself to lead the world in artificial intelligence. surveillance technology is a key proving ground. facial recognition body scanning. and geo tracking
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matched with your personal data and online behavior will power the social credit system leaving no dark corner to hide in. at the world intelligence congress intangible big brother's new toys are on shot. several of the exhibit is here including tech giant ali baba and now working with the state to write the algorithms that will calculate your social credit score they've already got the know how and they use a doctor from their financial credit system alli passé manager of alli petain jing is chong. here you tell you about tonight you caught up a simple enough good even if you don't you should wait a way to. go through but if you don't know how right you are in the us you will know when they say can do you know we are just young souls into these in case i
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don't see you tonight. sounds dramatic but it's the party line. pilot programs for a national social credit system are already on the way by twenty twenty the official outlined boasts it will allow the trustworthy to run freely under heaven while making it hard for the discredited to take a single step. but there are two more to that question it's an all fact i'm trying to say that answer or point to jennifer johnson ha. while. so soon you'll hear the actual
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truth. it's in the whole. fact that allison that i. heard from him is a. friend dan dan is going places very much the modern chinese woman. she's a marketing professional diligent and prosperous and sees clear skies in her digital future. don't read them tell all my thoughts and now. i want to. tell you for. now the advantage of. a model citizen jan will write highly on social credit. every action will be tracked and judged fined by her. her and on whether or not are
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all those. make us out. to make. sure that we choke on chains and. don't dance criminal academic and medical records will fade into school as well as state security assessments. the shopping habits will be another measure. this school could even change in real time depending on what she puts in a trolley. by a lot of alcohol suggests dependence lose a couple of points. buy a pack of nappies again if you suggest responsibility.
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later on mortgage payments or your tax return lose a lot more. not that dan dan would risk that she keeps a close saw on her financial rating vajra mobile payment app so this is sesame credit so what's the score that you have to say seventy three seven hundred seventy three was the maximum you can get i think it's eight hundred you got a pretty good score oh i am i think of doing while not the best but yeah. top seven simple answer is what kind of access or what kind of privileges does that give you this is the like for rent cars i don't have to pay a deposit so you don't have to close it or you know and this is also for a hotel. no deposit for renting a hardass. china's
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middle class is on the rise. like dan dan they're mostly young urban and used to living much of their lives online and on devices. that. now think you're. going to buy things are much bigger just. like there's. you know the telephone or bill kristol your filter for this way to work at home if you know you told the person you know we'll. cut you off. your choice because the problem not only will you know it's your. so you want your dream. but your house sure you don't see it just about how you recall. the function.
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of hundreds of drugs so in order. to to your that want to. consider. dice and ultimately partner with will also affect your social credit. then then married for love but she also chose the right husband john shouting score is likely to be even higher than her shouting is a civil servant with the justice department's a loyal car drove the party of the two doll that was it off of the forty she is in those legally were shields she owned the woman doesn't leave worry emily rian. these young fools will fly a hole for. money off with their well we're sure sounds she will send us all the only one and go to hell means
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a lot when mean first year may need about our kids with a you're going to go without a father you walk funny as a woman and don't was a new issue or. are. inclined to listen to one of the two from the margins of the. timer. twenty two what are your child's teacher pushes you drop to the. trench in the evening few hundred feet. first. i've come to chiang ching city a high tech metropolis in central china where the jailing river meets. the yangtze
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i'm here to meet one of the ten million people who've seen the dark side of the social credit system investigative journalist leo. with his street smart hands on approach who has exposed high level corruption and solved murder cases abandoned by the police in many countries he'd be celebrated not in china where there are no tone from our time d.m. back. online continue until it has something to trenton and. you don't see. q. and ascii galatea danger national un should draw on r.g.p. would have and what it would have been careful to could have actually one. in twenty fifteen who lost a defamation case after you accused an official objects store. it was made to
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publish an apology and pay a fine but when the court demanded an additional fee who refused then in twenty seven saying he found himself suddenly locked out of society under a pilot social credit scheme he'd been blacklisted as dishonest. how in the gulf one. would would hand him or her one go and found them in then who maintains he has fully met the terms of use twenty fifth day in case he believes he's blacklisting is political but he has no way of challenging it. i doubt that. and or troll the bin now in the machine on the. how many of our bad.
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these poor social credit rating has shut down these travel options and confined him to effect of house arrest in chong change. the sense of the girl so you are twitching up to israel think our women out here are free to push in organs lisa or. if you should i. show woman to. the downs to the end of her and what is it how do you change it then go to her as the back for waging b five relief i sense the cause of it since the chunk your seeds of the whole nature. whose social media accounts have also been closed before his arrest he had nearly two million followers it's where he published much of his journalism or.
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you know able. handle meola. very good to be from the us you know how he has to get to hashmi or. who scrapes by writing for an online publication is investigative reports are on hold. it's not his first run in with censorship in august twenty third saying he was detained without trial after exposing a senior party members links with the legal prostitution this is a ray creation based on whose accounts it us where they saw each other about a year. earlier. so what international body. over the course of a year he was interrogated more than seventy times. now compare her.
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and her key. need to man up. and they can empower. who refused to confess and was eventually released. now he's trapped again the four walls of a cell replaced by social credit stragglers. tinchy sitting and one actually in my hand that i'm eighty one years of beyond god it. and i know the kind of him to go high on. the vision of what the odds are that it wasn't obama jesus and yet i know. what i want to say. as she once they get to think an uncle of the landing that. he found a horse in a seal or you should i think wish them all. and once he had won.
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i'm going to a place where the principles of social credits have been taken to brutal extremes the party doesn't want the world to know about its reporting on the situation is risky. to get there we must fly four thousand kilometers from beijing to the western edge of china chin jack nation's largest province and according to some the world's largest open prison. junk is the homeland of the week is turkey people of islamic faith. china's rulers have struggled to control the region and its people for two millenia . surveillance technology is the new weapon in their campaign.
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all systems. or not into the. second. it was a look at eight o'clock back among sistema little. old. tara here is a we get filmmaker and poet from the she and jang city of cashcard he can talk about the situation there because he managed to escape with his family to the u.s. where they've applied for political asylum. he made the decision to flee last year . called their cats sound out of a look at a saucepan too hot so i spoke about under kim's number so spunk nicky got us there
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and we got us to your. mind. so look. on the table a look tonight a lot of color but all sort of an. organ don't like to move on the lumbar and there's only so you could look again you can comment on the other because you know what i don't buy and this will long game but under. business we're going to. conduct. business hours. and pushing to busk star and get bottom up as it was not. to make pointed to it but when you can. turn it into condemned it doesn't give my music business or quality. presentable regard to our pocket i missed out of the bottle caught up. on the can. quite. young quite immersed stinger right wingers ask
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for. tarja and he's wife were being scanned by facial recognition software their faces match from all angles to enhance accuracy they were even forced to produce a range of facial expressions. consistent with her. initial look at a particular little sister in law. but a. couple that were developed. long. milimeter nia. here. but in georgia channeled. inside cash it's almost impossible to report independently government officials do their best to conceal any sign of the oppression to hugh describes look closer
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and the cracks appear the party approved vision of this city is a facade cashcard historic old town has been demolished and just one section rebuilt as a sort of we get theme park the chinese tourists. you can buy souvenirs try the local cuisine. and even see a shark. but this tension in the year. the locals can't speak with us. armed guards in cameras keep a watchful eye and chinese flags climb the rooftops even the diam of the mosque.
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so it's quite difficult to film here we've got about six mind is with this the whole time of it telling us what we can fill the time to sometimes they delayed now material but on top of that we've got about another eight to ten security guards that further restrict our movements what i can tell you from the car is that they're set up at a kind of grid like management system in every hundred meters or so you see a police station and then added with the normal amounts of c.c.t.v. cameras with facial recognition to really have a total control here. what is clearly set there is quite a brutal repressive crackdown going on here and technology is at the center of it. take on social credit is simple and ruthless. citizens here and not given a school instead they're divided into just three categories trustworthy average untrustworthy. if you're han chinese you're damed trustworthy and
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granted freedom of movement. but if you we got your average with restrictions imposed on travel and religious practices if you're a weak a mile who breaks those restrictions you'll marked as untrustworthy and detained in what the party calls education and training centers. talky how much has another name for them. sure it was like much of their night at target. but a. lot of an art of. conduct. i don't think you. should at once year term machine. and i think and the butcher was like a little band. not on the. can. you can walk
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we took it out on our. in august this year the u.n. announced it did seem credible reports there over a million we get a currently held without charging camp since she jan purely because of their ethnicity the chinese government rejects the claim insisting it's only detains convicted terrorists tie his personal experience tells a different story when she junger thirty's discovered he fled to america his brother and two brothers in law disappeared. which meant going to mass were. going to die. long just think what. a lot of smiles we're going to miss because.
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they can distil. us up. on all of them some of them in their. back in cianci journalist leo who worries for his family to his blacklisting on social credit has cast a shadow on those closest to hear. shots yan who. is an old journalist calling. you it's us or them watching it's a walk and meeting with them you came in. with your little devices they're little at you. in a chainsaw years and years and years and it's all going to. continue. so contingencies will centers on these and you don't. like to are
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here who is risking the welfare of his friends and family to alert the world to china's experiment in high tech social engineering he says people don't fully comprehend what's to come a digital totalitarian state where algorithms decide your fate and nothing can be questioned due to torture. but our. chances of a transfer want to be sure. treasure. hunt on campus remarks on question. on your shoulder should the.
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song without the. pads and given to show how it's in transit my. home on my lawn. down there you are trying. to draw my mind about how. now as you heard general washington can help. you get out that. china has a serious shortage of women and a lot of. one on one east meets those desperately seeking any way they can on al jazeera. it's a daunting climb to one of the holiest sites in bhutan tiger's nest ball astri
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seems to defy gravity every piece of the u.s. is expected to complete the pilgrimage to ensure peace and happiness what it became a democracy in two thousand and eight the time put happiness at the center of all political policy inspiring the un to pass a resolution urging other nations to follow betimes example but how do you measure it when the brits unease happiness is what we ensure it's if it is quantifiable but by simply turning its pursuit into policy time has done what no other country has. for many years i kept my pasta secrets. every time farnum to extremism is mentioned it. should i believe that we were superior. although we may want to if they really start a race war. would i have gone. looking in the mirror to confront the
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past x. eight a witness documentary on al-jazeera. the us media report the cia has concluded the saudi crown prince ordered the killing of jamal. and prayers help for the journalist and writer in front of an empty space where his coffin should lie. and we shall carry this is al jazeera life and also coming up. this is.


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