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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  November 22, 2018 6:00am-6:34am +03

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de but isn't it the case that the surplus that has arisen and has had for pushed down the oil prices is actually because some of the major producers kind of misjudged the market for oil and as a result of that we've ended up with a surplus which has almost automatically pushed those prices done and also of course opec and i suspect and i suspect you know are referring to. the shell oil. well we're producing feed at here and. i don't think that the opec misjudged i think what happened here and again going back to the fact that the trade. global growth is coming down and what the market has had. was the fact that the sanctions in iran would have meant that. there was
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no exports at all instead. the trumpet ministrations softened its position by giving eight countries waivers and the two biggest importers the iranian oil. china and india and so as a result of that when that news hit the market that's when. the price began to collapse and and then of course you know we had. a lot of job logging by by the president self prices down but the reality is that. iran is still exporting oil and is exporting it to the two major countries that bite from that always interesting to get your point of view in things like this peter king jennifer thank you very much indeed for your time. the european commission has taken the first steps towards imposing financial sanctions on its
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allay for its refusal to revise its twenty nine thousand budget the e.u. is concerned rooms borrow and spend plans could trigger another debt crisis and create a domino effect in the eurozone but deputy prime minister mario selvi says he won't back down on slieve reports. rome may be the eternal city but it's looking like someone needs to give it some attention the social as well as physical fabric of italy has been unraveling for years with high unemployment and the persistently stagnant economy. rather than pointing to the endemic corruption italy has always suffered the populist coalition government to squarely blames austerity imposed by the european union on its problems but their vows to break hardline spending rules from brussels has led inevitably to an all out confrontation with the european commission which has said it will impose sanctions and fines honestly if it doesn't change its budgets strace the situation in italy is of common concern euro area
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countries are in the same team and should be playing by the same rules the response to all that from opponents of austerity would be look what happened to greece which eventually agreed to european demands and suffered years of economic hardship from which is still barely recovering the most important politician in italy the hard rights interior minister matteo salvini said he was ready for a fight. the letter from brussels has arrived i was expecting one from santa claus as well we will respond politely as we always did but i will not back down the obvious political risk for the european commission in trying to beat italy into submission is it is a political tool for people like salvini who will say it only proves how undemocratic european institutions are asserting solving rights will be a key thing for populists not just in italy but across the continent before european elections next may if the european commission doesn't get its way by then
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the european parliament could look very different if he looks determined to change the direction of europe's economic strategy the consequences could be destabilizing lawrence li al jazeera brussels the race to replace anglo american as leader john. christian democratic union is gathering pace now party members are getting the chance to question the three people standing for the post and debate whether the new leader should stick with markos policies or set a new course dominic cain reports from. one of these three will become the next christian democrat leader but to do so they must first convince their party one is close to angle americal and seen by some as her natural successor for her competence in government are the watchwords my listeners and if you like yourself. i bring my personal outlook and previous experience as
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a federal minister and prime minister of stand if the question is about character and that's why i am the right candidate for you to elect by me then there is the young pretender who believes the party should move further right and reengage with voters lost during merkel's time in office ya. yes the turnout in the general election was up but our vote dropped last people's trust voters sent us a message that things weren't going how they should like for example or diesel they're asking themselves will they be able to drive their cars in the cities or not finally there is anger americans former rival a man who left politics after being sidelined by her nearly ten years ago he's returned now to say the party needs reinvigoration our. funding for and we will only achieve it if we stay firmly anchored in the political center ground don't turn left or right but we must win back those we've lost in the last few
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years this will only work if we were a christian democratic union that welcomes people whatever their background but which is clearly identifiable with western christian and jewish values. the first one is about giving the members the chance to see these three candidates up close and personal and for them to work out which one they think can save their party forward and win the next general election just mine is it isn't distinguished by my feeling is if it defied it every scary impressed i feel a mess but the nicads come over so also very interesting. from the three candidates i prefer a speech now that's because i'm very happy that you come back into. politics and he was the most impressive funny. they all get the chance to cast their votes in december dominic came al-jazeera.
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prisoners in the syrian city of hama on hunger strike eleven political detainees have been told they'll be executed for taking part in peaceful demonstrations in twenty eleven and a horde of reports. from inside hamas central prison an appeal for help detainees and now to an open ended hunger strike more than a week ago to protest against the verdicts by a syrian court eleven and mates the latest to be handed death sentences for taking part in peaceful protests in two thousand and eleven the beginning of the uprising that led to the war now in its eighth year. we speak your conscience we appeal to your humanity and our pain and eleven eight hour suffering we have been imprisoned for years we are exhausted we have the right to live human rights groups say the verdicts are unjust the international committee of the red cross has been denied access to the prisons where detainees don't have lawyers serious counter
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terrorism law has also been criticized for criminalizing almost all peaceful opposition activity many. political protesters and political dissidents who were basically picked up by the syrian security services or detained at checkpoints and taken into these detention facilities without any form of due process. those held inside hama prison retained control of much of the facility after a mutiny in two thousand and sixteen they have phones and internet access but despite managing to draw attention to their plight the international community remains silent. tens of thousands have disappeared others are being tried in military field courts or counterterrorism courts where proceedings on up to international standards little action has been taken there's also the silence of the u.n. refuses to discuss the oil. the family say the case of at least eighty thousand
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detainees and the forcibly disappeared needs to be dealt with in any post conflict settlement a few months ago and after years of silence hundreds of families learned their missing relatives have been registered that they fear the government may be trying to cover up crimes against humanity human rights groups estimate that between five thousand and thirteen thousand people have been executed in prison and a further eight hundred thousand have died in other prisons after being tortured and because of poor conditions since two thousand and eleven but said no one has been singled out by amnesty international as nothing more than a human slaughterhouse.
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thank you very much the countdown to the twenty twenty two world cup is officially on football's biggest tournament will kick off in qatar in exactly four years time it's been moved from a traditional june july window to november and december to avoid extreme heat qatar will be the first country in the middle east to host the world cup and fever
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president gianni infantino believes the region is already benefiting. when you think about all the debate discussions on human rights on workers' welfare well without the world cup these debates are not of happened and the improvements which have happened would not have happened either so the world cup has already had before even it starts a great social impact and this would be a great legacy not only for qatar but for the whole region our sports correspondent andy richardson was at an event in doha to mark the four year countdown earlier and there's more on what will make out as world cup unique. well in four years' time some of the world's best footballers will be kicking off a game with slightly more significance than this little kick about it was interesting talking to the fans at the world cup in russia just how many were still unaware the world cup was moving from its traditional june july window and into
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this november december slots when cats are bid for the world cup and won it in c thousand and ten they were bidding for a summer world cup and the eight stadiums that we use for that solomon will have air cooling technology whether or not that will be necessary this time of year is a different matter but what is definitely the case is that for the hundreds of thousands of fans will be coming to cats are the experience will be that bit more pleasurable for coming during these cooler months and of course it will cause considerable disruption for many domestic leagues already this world cup will be the shortest since nineteen seventy eight twenty eight days as opposed to the thirty two days we saw in russia to try and minimize the disruption to some of the domestic leagues but it's inevitable that leagues will have to start sooner and finish a little bit late so what the organizers are hoping is that one of the compensations will be that often when international coaches get their players for a tournament it's at the end of a long season and the players are exhausted that will not be the case for
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assortment starting in november now one of the ongoing uncertainties about preparations at this point is just how many countries will be taking officially is getting ready for a thirty two team world cup just like the one we saw in russia fee for president giani infancy no still pushing the idea that maybe forty eight countries could be involved it's very much his idea he's up for reelection as president next year and you know that by inviting more countries to a world cup it is a popular vote winner now officially being diplomatic in france at the big plants about the idea there is a feasibility study under way we will get closure on the issue next march when faith makes a final. decision on just how many things will be at this world cup in twenty twentieth's or. in other football news the republic of ireland have parted ways with manager martin o'neill and he's assistant roy keane o'neill and former manchester united midfielder keen to charge a violent day in twenty thirty nine guided them to the last sixteen of the euros
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two years ago but ireland haven't won a competitive match under the pay in twenty eighty seven time grand slam tennis champion venus williams has settled her lawsuit over a fatal car crash she was involved in last year a seventy eight year old man who was a passenger in the car that collided with williams died thirteen days after the accident which took place near williams's home in florida no charges were brought against her all the other driver the terms of the settlement have not been disclosed six time n.b.a. champion michael jordan has returned to his hometown to meet victims of hurricane florence in september jordan donated two million dollars to the american red cross and a hurricane response fund the former chicago bulls star handed out thanksgiving dinners and donated basketball shoes at a boys and girls club where he once played in wilmington south carolina but this is my home you know and sometimes just want to touch people or give money all day long . term you would struggle to get them on the strength of your argument amount of
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work or could do you manage a situation see where you are can partner with certain people super to still things that we could improve the conditions german. takes a lot to me. but i think i just want to be in the united to the process. because you know it's going to take a long time for this thing gets back to. wherever we are contributor now with. tiger woods and phil mickelson are preparing for they head to head golf match in las vegas on friday that the former world number ones have been rivals for more than twenty years and will play a first of its kind match with the win it taking home nine million dollars in prize money skeptics have criticized the golfers for putting the match on pay per view television and also for failing to use their money to which mickelson responded by raising the stakes at the news conference. the challenges are coming directly out of our pockets ok and i feel like the first hole is a great hole for me and i i believe in fact i'm willing to risk
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a hundred thousand and says i birdie the first hole. so so that's how good i feel heading into this match. you don't have to take it you know i have known it all but i'm the first out. so you think you can make bergen the first hole i know i'm going to make very first on double. did you see how i baited him like that. australia have beaten india by four runs in the foods t twenty international rain interrupted the home side in the seventeenth over of the innings eventually the match was reduced to seventeen overs each the australians posted one hundred fifty eight for four but due to the sport's complicated reign rules the indians were actually asked to school one hundred seventy four to win and so despite actually out scoring the home team india last freestyle skiing is certainly something not for the faint hearted but even the most
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experienced skiers might be intimidated by this two professional freestyle skiers on a quite extraordinary run jumping over roads on italy's highest mountain pass benedict marcus started at an altitude of more than two thousand seven hundred meters the organizers say it is the first time multiple roads have been crossed in a single freestyle slope run and that's all the sport for months from now we'll have another update for you again later on the stars it is here and a couple of minutes sunday about this and five.
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across europe immigration is high on the agenda and in hungary it's presented as a pressing issue we didn't have immigrants at all zero in the race but this is the one political topic anybody and everybody is discussing the far right is preparing for battle and their opponents or anyone who is different. prejudiced some tried in on great on al-jazeera. because we're not event as we see it. rights being violated. and freedom of being stripped away. on a seven year anniversary of the best wishes of the whites that stand out. like this .


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