tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera November 22, 2018 9:00pm-10:01pm +03
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i'm not. he seemed to happen a lot. and . you know frankly us and. my old. me go by that on best mean you know how best is welcome in the basin. so by you know not in life. we don't like many of those you know of the humbug i walked on by. but. i will be held responsible body by held responsible. to meet.
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me face to face through the. i think we should just go. where we are faster to treat the name as it isn't if you meant. for all we're fighting for used for them to do what is right that's all. you can just go to the human beings like animals. it's been six days since our homes were destroyed it plugged in port moresby yet there is deafening silence and lack of support by authorities now there are high health and safety risks among the dispose residents who are now living under canvas
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is an intense with the homes used to be on the day of the demolition of houses germany says claims about one hundred heavily armed police officers came to the park site the top section of pago hill is being developed into a world class to his attraction by pago he will development company ok here we eventually have focused on the major hotels about eight countries the power lines a major cultural center. and never been part of the olympics a woman alone and i have not ever tried to play male polish and fight corruption. is too much grain politics is too much compromise not comfortable with the whole of things happening around you and you're going to decide what you have been there for and which is when there will have to walk away and say and then when i can.
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help when you get is in the grip of a constitutional crisis with said michael somare and peter o'neill both claiming to be the country's legitimate later. again carol kidu condemned the behavior of the leaders in deep is suitable power. as a great danger and it's a trail powers in a country such as ours. by going and taking the leadership of the opposition it gave me a legitimate voice thank you mr speaker in twenty twelve dame carol kidu will retire from politics after three terms as the only woman in the country's parliament you are trying to retire at the next election and if you like and serve better outside than inside time will tell but only member but trust in the parliament and maybe that's what. she's been all all but. and. you know without her i don't think i can see a live. in thing in that very chair you know. at the forefront and.
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on the alter the vision for our behavior was to create an i can i can not be promoted pop and he has invited destination for tourists fresh and nice to see light irony being transferred from an inside to do this you get the feel great sense of responsibility to be a good corporate citizen but totally committed to ensuring that the informal sackless. treated as integral part of the project we need to make sure you work to get. to them and means a group of people you know getting together and living in one group it's. a place
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to lead. a community was still peaceful. we have our church you know. we have was school there we have a lawyer nor that committee. but others have said no so what are those i know so these are people these are not he's an elder and this is their home this is the village international i. really am but i was down on the mat thank you left that fact alone. i was using dogs. at st download physical. we're not lawyers before festival we put out is on the internet and that's always the case as much as possible. and that's where we start
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having the national community coming in to help us in terms of investigation. going down to portland when you state. that. we have no grounds to fight for. what we have standing what you don't. know they become it's such easy to demolition excess. but this isn't about the park he'll demolition on facebook. my background was researching issues around conflict to morrow. there's something about how you feel that would provide a pos why into a systemic form of criminality that was a road lost in teens you.
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think i just was case. here how you make. it. right i'm meeting with a range of really good people hiya and hopefully they'll give me some more ideas about how to take this up my office always standing that your lawyer should get in contact with me when he begins to compile the facts that. your field. yes it is a good cocoa ok joe lovely lovely speaking with you and thank you joy i really made my day by you know you know you all you know. i
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felt the need to go out and visit the community. the fault lines of the struggle was still very much. higher you go in there. i believe you just go your house yesterday yes. so you had to leave and in a tent to basically you yeah. i just want to make sure that this is the evidence of what happened to us and those you you are your kids and i'm how do you have some
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husbands or you know this is just some emotions and i'm their relations and friends . so what's in your case far in terms of documents and not. so i'll just have a free and just get a sense of what you have and what is needed. it seems like a lot of the documentation you currently have relates specifically to the. eviction order so what i can probably be much more useful in i just need a mission i think i can give you is not give you as much of anything as i can possibly give you and if you don't think there's nothing tell me that's what i do i find i mean ition and then i give to people who know how to fire in the court of law years surely other you know. i don't live in the evidence
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nothing show. and just put the interest of the people who i am known to buy them time you know for them to learn for the. i want going on three thousand affidavits. wait for the last report on how the company. did this thing to get us from as possible so that we can start combining the. in subsequent weeks after i met showed i did begin to find these fragments of
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information firstly thirteen point one hectares of tums on the illegal portion business portion one five nine seven that land was a national park according to the public accounts committee it was an area of great natural beauty and that it should be reserved from development but what actually happened was a ninety nine you business lease was issued to parkville development company. in this league the range is reduced from two hundred fifty thousand a year down to fifty thousand team. felt that this was the tip of an iceberg of illegal black market in state leases.
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that led me to investigate courtroom one thousand nine seven. the major discovery there was the ph d. didn't have title to the land on the on the for sure that wasn't part of one five nine seven. learned on which their homes and stood we should been demolished at gunpoint was outside police the police had no right to harass intimidate or demolish any properties there. that demolition exercise warrants illegitimate in every sense in every form. i have a winning case we are not part of the skin and he said. i provide
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evidence and facts i'm talking about empirical facts empirical evidence. and the truth. as. well or my well there are zero or zero zero zero meat. loaf. on me. and he. as soon as i walked into the courthouse. everything was all in my favor. i did not panic the. care. because they did that. from the top of the mountain right to the sea front it's all by the ocean one five nine seven.
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this is the journey you've been looking forward to the one you've been dreaming about. that will take you to those you love to faraway places new faces old friends on a new adventure far from the ordinary in extraordinary comfort come with us in award winning style because this is the journey you've been dreaming about where boarding now. investigating a murder by the indonesian military in one thousand nine hundred ninety nine al-jazeera correspondent step vasant takes us on a personal journey back to east timor recalling memories which impacted deeply on her chosen career the life and the lives of others now aneli two decades later she goes face to face with those responsible trail of murder indonesia's bloody retreat
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on al-jazeera well if we cannot have palestina my government was suddenly not allowed britain to control french palestine would be an outrage but then we need to find another solution before we come to blows over a century ago britain and france made the secret deal that changed the shape of the middle east and so. now we can draw a map. sikes pekoe lines in the sand on just the. hello again i'm martin douras in doha with the top stories here al-jazeera anchor has called for the suspects in jamal khashoggi his murder to be tried in turkey
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both the e.u. and turkey are calling for those responsible for his death to be held accountable amid growing calls for an independent international investigation. for some reason some countries of displayed a tendency to cover it up because of individual interests this is a matter which still carries many questions that have not been answered yet it's important their answers are provided the shocking murder premeditated murder one that cannot be condoned cannot be accepted by anyone has to be investigated fully and facts must be revealed and the matter of the order whoever the murderer was ordered by is something that needs to come to light the board of japanese car firm this son has voted to sack carlos gomez chairman following his shock arrest this week goes being charged with financial misconduct he was detained after an internal investigation revealed he was using company money and under reporting his salary
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for years ago and is also running as chairman and chief executive in yemen fighting is continuing in the port city of her data despite u.s. defense secretary james mattis saying the saudi u.a.e. coalition has ceased its offensive and the u.n. special envoy to yemen has met with the rebel leaders in the capital sana'a martin griffiths is expected to travel to the data later the port is crucial for food and aid supplies. the wife of a u.k. citizen handed a life sentence for spying by a court in the u.a.e. says the british government has put its relationship with its ally the head of his wealth or the family of matthew hedges says there are contradictions between the official statement from the u.a.e. prosecutor general and what actually happened they also accuse the gulf state of presenting fabricated evidence european council president donald tusk says a future relationship deal with britain after bret's it has been agreed in
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principle british prime minister to resume is expected to make a statement on bret's in the parliament in the coming hours all right up to date now those are the latest headlines from us here at al-jazeera time for us now to go back to what this. used an icelandic australian he's a venture capitalist i suppose who makes. a lot of money through spend to leave projects he began he used commercial curry in ninety ninety two he went from being a liquid factory. jeans importer export. iran to papa new guinea
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as a publisher you know. tangent gentle sort of leap from one's unconnected industry to another. he's been involved in a hugely controversial publishing deal only changing government then sets out his iron company which handles deceased states. the first red flag was clearly raised by the government. from becoming an agency. and i found ten illegal contracts in my nomes over to trace the money from the states to states.
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i don't think it was staged joe was aware of what he was actually fighting against . for instance idea is a dream is that i work in the say it's a paper dream that we're not even sure it's kind of it's just too much he hasn't developed such things and his lifestyle. is. so minute talks are going to blow them. i'm not there be. let me toss them by side i'm called but i want them to. and i want one by more law but i'm not negotiate. company.
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for how best value reset the lemieux me. give you a sense of what you gen one zero recently maligned let me. go by name don't you buy the ones i like the ones i what i once i mean one site you build the most going to put more. money to go to ground zero so you are asking too much. so be it. someone has to stand up and make sure the government recognizes this you and wolf. international laws governing down long human beings. who play your best opera you people are. people you become come come. play or your money become a casino. this is where you guys belong. my believe.
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the company actually approached me. trying to think when it is. twenty end of two thousand and thirteen just by chance so so the company c.e.o. on the plane they said would you consider helping with the relocation exercise i said no. it was to have been bought out and wait until we see what happens. but i decided to start working on because of the national court decision people were hoping a company would actually build houses and things but there's no obligation to tell them really the company is not obliged to anything you are living on the land that the court has now said he longs to them and i'm not going to question the court decision it belongs to. what the what has been done so far is more than has been
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a poppin again in government published press release. bad. the government felt it was more than appropriate. in these next home a fifty fifty in this developed state where now fifty sixty partners in this project. now studies financial interest in st john's songs and i had just as much reason to teach our songs as a company and yet i want the company they had the means of violence to do that.
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if they find they are just by the head of the company that. led to his idea that is the government of the. so that's the real issue that's what a bill is a no profile i just don't want to let it illicit. in terms of a lot of stuff. and it just. so i'm trying to do so. i don't really want to expose myself. to listen a little. to have that. or can you say i say to him. well your now political dissident. you are challenging a state project and you are
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a threat to your government and they. want to do you harm they can very well lead to be killed. so my advice to him was he should seek asylum. that would be only way of guaranteeing you safety but of course joe won't seek asylum because it will just continue the struggle. has the police harassment. we're. going to see was a significant threat. to the community has to be very. certain . that we are free. all. right. let's let's get this case.
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over two hundred paga hill residents were relocated to six mile lisa in a means to free up space for developer paga hill ltd taking initiative the company went out of its way to purchase land at six while to accommodate those affected by the development c.e.o. goodman do fredrickson has gone through challenging times to get to the present day what has been achieved their cargo communities are proof that harmonious resettlement can be achieved in publishing in the head of united nations trivedi gave his vote of confidence to the company for human rights approach the first time . a national corporation like this supports the resettlement of communities it is the first time it has happened in pop when you get in my experience dame carol kidu was forgiving clarifying she was simply standing up for
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the settlers from a human rights perspective maine a long journey i had journey and it is a time to celebrate. you have come a long way with a company that has shown that it. is that means the idea one community. one day i am a little be nice one time all of the company because i get money the nice. i'll pay more ten thousand and the same. money and wait wait. wait they just come in and he said we'll give you this much she smiled. faintly occasions are these. just to be followed. this is six my every hour. development companies want to relocate us
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you feel like he didn't. because. it's not perfect but i think it's been a genuine attempt by the company to do a really something that's useful and perhaps they're being too ambitious. quite frankly and in the company here he is being even over ambitious of about what they want to achieve for the people who've been moved. because you know this is. a stage where you can end up creating a dependency. mentality. in your company and. you see you.
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use a federal issue. over a fight and recess that i'm going back. over five without breaking. a deal though is there any. estella fight. in. the morning or the dog. but going on something you know possibly knocks him so once you month winning in the end you surveillance in this lion place new you know you see the problem here. you've got house you've got family or pick me i'm old man you want to go to school you go walk and this is home. this is what we're fighting for. you got to go back if you doesn't tell me no one
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will have. you if i go here our life my awesome human being you must have a place most in down obviously like you see below i'm like yes even our populace only mustered in the simplest course that is you know put to me this is the bottom line we've got no fight go to dawson give up five thousand give him a ten thousand you know. life no man sin down no money. we have to get through the fear he just might get me i'm a human being. so known i must find me so i'm called do or die.
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but i'm. going to get out of it all. that's why they came and would do it. they came then they do it. they kicked in joe's way. and they were pointing guns at him and auditing him to come out of the. house. and i stood somewhere here. the policemen got up and got a very big stick and frank it was trying to hit the community residents here anybody that comes close at their job is just gone and you can you know. you know we're so mad at them and we told them you want me you want irish do you want i rest of us you want to do you need to all of us and we only came together in.
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that little to do while i go to school and you know we go to the to do and it was a kind of the. honor that he would not going to be goes out of any of them and have been because he is one of us not that's that he would have. you know i met your. regular guy mark duggan my god you know me come on up i went to meet up i'm going to come in go. out of my
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and. he's. looked awful by the hall and him on. the stage as well not off. by did leave no need not. or would be gone by then we'd know or begin it now or bought a merry begin any or by you imagine i've been prevented as a member of the u. by demon a mob scene i'm missing now groaned as the other me got him mama got him big mama got him in the here.
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and both sides of the whole game became so unwilling to listen and compromise and and if people feel it's been just a stand well you know progress doesn't stop and whether one likes the progress or not it goes ahead in every country and that sets what's happening there may be discontinuous that he lives on for the small people like me in one for the. leaders. and then to use willows and then. in another question i don't really know how i can answer that in a way that is you know it doesn't that is the way it happened is the way it. into. i would have done it differently we'll get there he probably had just picked if i'd
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known what was that happened i probably would have caught him as i would have if it happens all over the city all the time to me. will be thanking the men of the court again. when they stand for what is faith in the world they believe in you can obesity move me. people might see that against good news i'm scared by the tools as well as then i've been fined for what is right. i mean if i could live if i don't believe who is going to do it. if i start thinking negatively. definite for me so what i'm doing knows i have to think positive i have to be brave and i have to
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from the waves of the south. to the contours of the east. is turned into a lively spring throughout south america but the massive cloud still there of the middle brazil the lot to show because it's true bolivian up to is accurate oh and there's always this developing in northern argentina so that's what's currently having quite a big space after your guy paraguayan the southeast of brazil that'll be filled in of course for the main rain reaches down to rio and sao paolo and they've been significant showers up in the andes from really the the north of bolivia all the woods and they're still there in the forecast as for northern argentina been a class a rain but this is now filled in the potential for rain from down through your core and across the border into northern argentina north of the constant of
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course by contrast it's becoming quite a fairly frequent showers and that's trying to get the massive cloud is from nicaragua or south as for costa rica down to panama and in some parts of colombia this is where it should be based on the air this is where it is there's some occasional showers in the greater antilles and in jamaica the u.s. it's undergoing possibly the coldest thanksgiving i'm living memory certainly for want to places colder by along with it should be this grayness here in the cloud is where the cold since daytime highs on don't very high. the weather sponsored by cats peace. day one of a new era in television news. leadership and this encampment that we're in today it didn't exist three weeks ago now there's at least twenty thousand or hinder refugees who live here. i got to commend you all i'm hearing is good journalism
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business first of all that has resigned. after all a lot of cover ups. love ones some form of closure we saw the syrian army flag. in the city as well as posters of syrian president bashar mccormack. hundred meters away from us we're on the frontline but. at the bottom half of our. this is al jazeera.
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hello welcome to this al-jazeera news hour live from doha i'm latina denis coming up in the next sixty minutes the e.u. calls for accountability for those responsible for murdering saudi journalist. turkish media is reporting that the cia has phone recordings directly linking the saudi crown prince to. the u.n. envoy for yemen's expected to go to the port city of her data where the u.s. says the saudi coalition has stopped its offensive. and our piece of tennis with all the day's sport as robert cubits a makes his returns of formula one eight years after almost losing is on a crash betting more later in the program. the e.u. and turkey have made renewed calls for those responsible for the murders saudi journalists
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are to be held accountable ankara says it wants the suspects to be tried in turkey and that it will seek an independent international investigation if saudi arabia fails to cooperate and the turkish foreign minister criticize the trump administration's position on the case. for some reason some countries have displayed a tendency to cover it up because of individual interests this is a matter which still carries many questions that have not been answered yet it's important there are answers are provided the shocking murder premeditated murder one that cannot be condoned cannot be accepted by anyone has to be investigated fully and facts must be revealed and the matter of the order whoever the murderer was ordered by is something that needs to come to light. but these foreign policy chief called for a transparent and credible investigation we expect that
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accountability is in short which means that those responsible those really responsible for this terrible murder have to be taken accountable we expect in line with our principles and our values and our practices on judicial systems. a full investigation transparent. and fair to take place and there's a new line coming from a turkish newspaper newspaper is reporting that the cia has evidence linking the sound saudi crown prince to the actual killing of a column this road that mohammed built been sound man instructed his brother he's the ambassador to washington to quote silence jamal khashoggi as soon as possible we'll talk to kimberly halkett our white house correspondent in washington in just a little while thirst there let's go to istanbul and speak to our correspondent
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there mohammed well mohammed you're outside the saudi consul which of course where this atrocious act took place what is the latest what mall will be getting them from turkish media which they're claiming constitutes the smoking gun. yes martin this article today gives a lot of details about what the cia has still probably in that report the journalist said that he thinks that the cia has that revelation in their report but it has been suppressed by the government of the united states and the ask the government of the united states to declassify that report so that it can be seen by the wider public both in the united states and across the world he says that crown prince mohammed bin said man was intercepted by the cia before the met. in
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a discussion with his brother always the ambassador in washington and they were talking about the annoyance and the disturbance caused to their policies by jamal khashoggi and he was quoted. by the cia interception as saying to his brother we need to silence him as soon as possible and that's when. the circumstantial evidence shows that he when he came to the embassy in washington asking for those divorce papers he was sent to istanbul here to get them in turkey . as a part of the wider plot to send a hit squad to kill him here in turkey and that's why the turkish authorities are very angry that this unprecedented crime has been committed on turkey that turkey has been chosen for this crime to be committed and that both among the government circles and in the wider public there is need here and there is an urgency to ask the saudis to cooperate on this investigation and there is complaint today as we
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have seen by the foreign minister of turkey and saying that turkey has given everything that it has in terms of that cooperation to investigate what saudi arabia even though it declared that it is ready to give what it has that it ready to cooperate it has not cooperated and that the two countries are not on the same page but the saudis sent their own voice here and investigative teams only to get more information from the turkish side but not to give any information turkey has read the minds to saudi arabia that have not been answered one of them is to. to reveal who gave the order the second demand is to hand over the suspects to be tried in turkey because they committed the murder on the turkish soil and the third demand is to tell you the investigative teams here in turkey what happened to the body of g. and unless those three demands are answered by the saudis turkey thinks that there is a investigation he has reached an impasse in regards with regards to the cooperation with saudi arabia and that's why they are now under pressure to put this to court
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to ask for an international inquiry about this murder mohammad val live in istanbul thank you very much indeed let's go to kimberly now kimberly how could our white house correspondent in washington and i'm just one it's quite early in the morning where you are if there's been any kind of response to this claim by the columnist in who yet newspaper that there is a cia tape which actually has mohamed bin salmen talking to his brother the ambassador to washington saying the words silence. in this possible. there's been no reaction given the fact that this is an american thanksgiving holiday it's widely celebrated in the united states having said that donald trump is tweeting and in addition to tweeting out happy thanksgiving while not mentioning saudi arabia by name he certainly also defended the u.s.
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saudi relationship much as we saw martine in that statement coming from the white house on tuesday donald trump underscoring in this tweet the long and historic commitment between the united states and saudi arabia one that he says is vital to american national security a point made by his us secretary of state might pump aoe in recent days more than on one occasion and then also referring to the points that the president has made repeatedly in the last seven weeks since the disappearance and that ultimately the knowledge of the murder of. that in fact there is in his view billions of dollars in purchases made by saudi arabia for weapons sales as well as providing jobs and oil now the president's numbers in regards to this have been inflated somewhat according to a center for international policy study. and as well the president has in many cases overstated the fact that these jobs may not all be located in the united states but in fact also in saudi arabia so the president hasn't spoken directly to
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this intelligence in the reports coming out of the turkish media but certainly the reports coming out of the turkish media are consistent with the leaks we've been hearing in washington in the last few days that in fact the cia and that gina haskell the cia director signaled that there was an interception that was made by u.s. intelligence and that it was conclusive in its determination that the crown prince mohammed bin salman did in fact ordered the killing. and also kimberly what is the status of this second demand coming from. the foreign relations committee for there to be a specific investigation into the role played by one the man and that is mohammed bin. the president as i understand it has to report back to that request within one hundred twenty days in order to abide by us lol. you're absolutely correct this is the trigger of the global magnitsky act it's an act put in place under barack
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obama and what it does essentially is it allows for kind of a deep dive into concerns about human rights and corruption and this is what has been triggered for a second time it was triggered last in august on the tenth again by the senior senators bipartisan effort a letter sent to the white house and it resulted ultimately in seventeen saudi nationals being sanctioned by the u.s. treasury department but what frustrated the members of congress who triggered that was the fact that none of the highest echelons of the saudi government were ever named in those sanctions in fact the only ones that were named were already in jail as pointed out by a senior republican senator rand paul from kentucky so this is the frustration that's why they've sent this back to the white house once again one hundred twenty days for the white house to specifically answer to what they have in terms of information in the role of the saudi crown prince with respect to the killing. it
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is a finer points to the previous request the congress is hoping that it will yield in further actions but what we have to note in all of this it does not compel the white house to put in place sanctions only to provide that report to congress so if it is not satisfactory expect that we will see further hearings on capitol hill not only at the senate level but also in the house of representatives as well as they try to get more information and embarrass and force this white house into taking further action kimberly thanks for the. live from washington. well as a director of the go study center at cathay university and he's here with me now on set it's quite easy isn't it to get snowed under by the vast amount of detail that's come out regarding this case we've been working through haven't we relentlessly through the seventy weeks now but there are three key demands which i think it's probably worth to concentrate on the one that those suspects are tried
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in turkey the second where is the body of the remains of jamal khashoggi and the third and patsy most crucial at really is who gave the order. as you see i think the time the white house made action to the cia reports i think the whole story has been changed and i do believe that the new chapter of the story has been opened and to me is it becomes very clear that there is a serious division within american politics now within the president the congress and the media is very it's becoming very clear there is a division which we did not see before with the international scene between europe within europe itself between the european countries and france and this tells you that the time is a playing an important role here we are going to thank giving and then a christmas and i think this time is and i think they play on the time to kill the story and to kill even the pressure from turkey on those demands because basically
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