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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 1, 2018 9:00pm-10:01pm +03

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to to control. for that and some sort of are for of some of them for after a shopper i would forget that keep. and know in the homeland your so. if you are are going to show or if your skull is on the whole feel about burst out of the other get up on your liver so that. it will be a phase or certainty about on top and not have here. you're here a little more for your commute i'm. here for. you not the nozzle on the a c. other. that i was a man called the other let me up now like a faster walk home with you was enormous yet it would also like the thought of a pot or short but we have. the louder. than others. in one nine hundred seventeen the allies made significant military gains on several
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fronts. the british pushed into iraq and general edmund allonby led the forces that ultimately ousted the ottomans from palestine. but alan peace continued to advance towards the must has caused the french serious alarm he had expected to have complete control of the levant under the terms of the psychs pekoe agreement. with mana done. on his own the accompanying manipulation underlain be in a less. meter. with money so small is only a key desire may only sheep or live says song there aren't under topa me yet i called to say the minister says that cos they speak oh keep it may send and you have a rule. allonby
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and the hushed mights took the syrian capital on the thirtieth of september one thousand nine hundred eighteen and within a week prince faisal been insisting had announced establishment of an arab constitutional government in damascus. when i was young i was a young me if that's next week or next because i'm howard with you just see a photo of a bar i'm with you will see a look at an ass oh my job i do comedy could go off on your own for. the first world war ended in stages with the ottomans agreeing to an armistice on the thirtieth of october and germany on the eleventh of november one thousand eight hundred. allied troops entered istanbul and the time appeared right to implement the strikes pekoe agreement. but the british appear to be having second
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thoughts as they sought to claim a larger share of ottoman arab territory in the region. the british prime minister david lloyd george met his french counterpart george came on seoul in london on the fourth of december one thousand nine hundred so all. over. the office said. the sacrifices are great. for us right now the sacrifice of all perhaps than any office as your joint empire is no more but that was due to your sacrifices mr prime minister and for those we are most grateful you will take some tea weakness. no we will have to settle our claims of the air peace talks we have
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fought a little over those claims you would like perhaps that we modify ours we have our own most you shall have it. and that's something else i'll a start. you shall have that two. front seat that you read to you from before us you know i love them on the whole no i'm on the news of lot of them as i like going to be done but a funny thing about the most solemn oath and mecarbil going on sort of sad aftermath i luckily for us in for our luck for most of them and i was to be had in just a while there and most nights because in fact. the signs of the psychs pekoe agreements being superseded began to emerge at the start of the peace negotiations in paris in january one thousand nine hundred. the
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victorious allies were about to impose harsh conditions on the bank west and the british and french to decide which of the conflicting promises they had made during the war would be implemented. a don't smoke marlowe. views then they negotiates your own plex i think there would be about there are all of this and i bet your best on the that a comedian emetic with a casual source. they are fed the day some does that sound is really does not sound. rick. sanford. said been a benefit and seen. been know by it and has a more of her own money a cannon and. that head of. there
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was that out it a one year. one . in april one thousand nine hundred twenty four main allies britain france italy and japan met at the san remo conference they created three entities mesopotamia syria and palestine. the french forced faith out of damascus and to complete control of syria britain took mesopotamia and palestine including jerusalem which had been under international administration under the terms of. so really it's a river we should be talking about if we want to say what is the modern middle east look like and the striking thing is this if britain had been concerned to preserve
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relations with france right through this to go she asian right through this process they failed because the french looked at sites because they looked to the baptists and they realized that they got much less than they had been promised by the british insight fico we overlook these things but in a sense i think that states fico reflects a failure of trying to negotiate a happy resolution of british and french territorial ambitions in the middle east britain came up with war and the french never forgave them. france had insisted on mosul in the negotiations but at san remo they conceded it to britain despite the fact that it was known to be rich in oil. in the coup of turpin command of us was the car for several ships on the libya and the most old saw is own glare present that turkish but for the i'm company. don't.
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know if. it is a. front more territory in the south along this is the old become the iraq syria bambrick it got more it got twenty five percent of any oil that would be produced from mosul even though that was going to be developed as a british concern. on the international stage the league of nations now created a series of mandates it placed some new arab territories under the supervision of the british and french a kind of occupation in disguise that secret vender the lash of that s.s. if they did that's no good if you need. a limb on the us so if you need to first. pass. the. ten
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mil in the course say since it didn't do ten. that there. in the b.b. says that that costs a lot from sas man that they encourage the figure of course a year of burning. the british and the french did overcome their differences in their carve up of the middle east and agreed on concrete borders in december one nine hundred twenty. a joint french british committee was set up to deal with the matter. with her do it. learn what philosophy or and as a book for and see what in the is going to i'm sure i don't often. see my bad adored in korea or korea the month we were cattle have been.
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as well as dividing up the region into three new entities and implementing the mandate system britain and france further split the territories they now controlled . the french divided syria into five states including greater lebanon. general staff and funds the i was offered to go because year for fugitive known as money be active my mouth uk. foreign min. so if you were there it would be much for your. son our own you have now coming out of four. syria was divided into the streets of damascus aleppo the alawite state and mount
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druze. lebannon would become a republic six years later. he did know that the dollars may well at the cost to move ok i know that they are them physically for going out of friends and us and they would be different and you have. very well and there's the. british colonial office organize the cairo conference in one nine hundred twenty one hosted by the new colonial secretary winston churchill it drew one other important line within the british area of influence separating the land east of the river jordan from palestine. churchill came to this brief without any preexisting ideas on the future of the middle east he was in a sense moving as quickly as events were to try and put in place and then
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administer to structures that could prove effective in securing britain's interests at least cost to the exchequer i mean there had been some. proposals which simply from the zionist organization which were pushing for a palestine being defined in much more extensive terms to include the east bank of the jordan as well but in the end jordan and palestine and it up being under the same british mandate as you know at the end of the first world war and then we simply had an ordering council that has stopped. if you like it's first main in one nine hundred twenty eight. when the house she might spilled in their bid to establish an independent arab kingdom the cairo conference created trans-jordan wish to read her scenes elder son the law as a mere. iraq was created in mesopotamia with christine's younger son face some as king. had been
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a commander in the arab revolt and was the deposed king of syria. if you look at their odds territorial definitions the day they were zones and visits in psych speak that cuts across it. but the actual bamber is to be drawn i suppose for iraq after sykes pico the first wall would have been shortly after iraq to be created in one nine hundred twenty was the younger french convention of december one thousand and twenty. in istanbul capital of the former ottoman empire . a turk successfully resisted foreign attempts to define the turkish speaking lands he led to turkish war of independence and repelled the greeks italians french and armenians. to church uniting the country and didn't you turkish republic was proclaimed in october nineteen twenty three make.
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a. pretty cheek. say on these that sob and cease. all the any god. does not sound concept that if else. it really bob doesn't that doesn't measure or get a good day was it doesn't that. the syrian revolution in one nine hundred thirty six finally brought about a french accent and unified the country. by the end of one thousand nine hundred forty six iraq lebanon jordan and syria had all gained independence. british and french forces left but now there are sometimes differing views as to
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whether the borders the two powers true we see the root cause of the problem in the arab world has experienced since. it's very hard to blame. regional problems in the twentieth century on the ways in which the borders were drawn the the most you can say if there is a original set to speak oh it's that those borders were drawn without consulting the people who have to live with them and for never securing the buy in of those directly involved the borders with themselves to prove unstable have a calm do well i don't mean some trick with a mission estate there i mean there would be a common you've been a form of. welcome a whole let me of a hundred. come if i'm lucky how well. a company in here much of what. if i did the u.s.
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and with a coffee for the north money i would have a bag that. had been my we don't want us that is if i can equate that as a skunk and more all the wrong mon. you don't want it no more him than stay at the. lead and you're so it that i don't look also at the island. was there the scene so been at war cerny and well i know that it's because he had lost it. in part two we'll ask whether the superpowers of the twenty first century have ignored lessons in the week looks like speak home and start to create more division in boundaries in the middle east than ever before.
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i remember the first time i walked into the newsroom and it felt like being in the general assembly of the united nations because it was so many nationalities. just different places but it's what gives this gives us the ability to identify the. other side of the world but we can understand what it's like to have a different perspective and i think that is a strength for al jazeera. it was since i was a little boy in india my dream was to me what you would trumps so five years ago i decided i was finally queen to do it one man's quest to realize a lifelong ambition the story. of my one. going behind the lens that's gone from saying brings his personal story to life. al-jazeera correspondent my own private bollywood. the.
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we should all be in doha with your top stories from al-jazeera riot police in paris a firing tear gas at so-called yellow vest protesters who are rallying for a third week against a fuel tax officers are also using water cannon to break up the crowds gathering on one of the city's most prestigious shopping street stated chaytor has more now from
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paris they do not like the what they see is the autocratic style of president emanuel micron's determined to carry through with these reforms they are allowed to shout we've been hearing here is that they want to reside macro resign now whether he's hearing that the g. twenty in argentina we don't know but certainly seventy percent of the french public or more support in yellow vests rebellion and president micron's ratings have now dropped to below thirty percent that's a wide political cause i'm opening up is the second and final day of the g. twenty summit in argentina the u.s. and chinese presidents are due to discuss the trade war between the world's two biggest economies they're trying to find common ground to end the rift that seemed tariffs imposed by both sides the forty first president of the united states george h.w. bush has died at the age of ninety four he was president at the time of the first gulf war in one thousand nine hundred one and also the fall of communism in the old
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u.s.s.r. and eastern europe president trump said through his essential authenticity disarming wits and unwavering commitment to faith family and country president bush inspired generations of his fellow americans to public service to be in his words a thousand points of light illuminates the greatness hope and opportunity of america to the world. the wall street journal says the saudi crown prince sent eleven messages to his closest adviser in the hours before and after the murder of jamal khashoggi the newspaper says it's scene of the highly classified cia assessment including alleged comments from the crown prince that seemed to foreshadow the operation mohammed bin solomons top a tiny oversold the team the killed. the former bosnian military commander not so rich has been acquitted of war crimes at the defense of the perceived town of srebrenica and was accused of killing three prisoners he was hailed
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a hero by bosnian muslims but denounced by many ethnics in the region those are your headlines the news continues here on al-jazeera after lines in the sand season of. the league of nations mandate for palestine came into effect in september nineteenth twentieth three. it stated that the allied powers had agreed that the mandate to be responsible for establishing quote and national home for the jewish people. briefed on. what had a sissy only a birdie. min as you know for your new year climate there will be a local what on your would be for as the. from manhattan must learn the skill
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regalia would be. just some them feely would be for the scene we're. going to a little beautiful as the men. men or rope minerals your mother cause. i think that sign is diplomacy it was brilliant and in a way manipulating. british feel and enticing to take. feelings at the same time because this fantasy of presenting the jews in america as the key to whether or not america would participant in the war and by presenting exaggerating the power of the jews worldwide. in the coming years palestinians would fight several campaigns from demanding independence from britain to trying to stem the tide of jewish immigration to
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palestine. the movement culminated in the revolt of one nine hundred thirty six which took the form of strikes and armed resistance. data from a lot of build up to such a lateen man assured. of the brittany would lit on a. warm her cool miata be yeah i love it as the i'm bad i should've. won taco medical out of the philistine. list i'm not officially who beautiful steam of the comes in a word called him a lot of another can because that i mean the seine out of it i will be able to turn into my man will of the eye then out a look at our blog of the run and how to. where in all get double of your reply me you must feel about the idea of morganatic so you know me and the british
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crush this revolt the zionists weren't strong enough at the time they didn't have the military capability. the british brutally put down the arab revolt and it's arguable and i would argue that palestine wasn't lost the nine hundred forty seven forty eight it was lost in the late one nine hundred thirty s. when britain would put down so far only the arab revolt and destroyed all palestinian military capability. the british mandate in palestine and did on the fourteenth of may one nine hundred forty eight as it ended david ben-gurion declared the establishment of a jewish state to be known as israel. the same day the armies of five arab states moved into the former british mandate the one nine hundred forty eight arab israeli war lasted almost
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a year the first of several subsequent major border conflicts. is really settlements beyond its recognized borders have also continued israel's expansion. and a total from the going to. those. who do this really. matter but war mum look at the cyrillic very clear let it wash woman out of your own be a lot of talk now a lot of them. any hossam heather said are fairly young but the amount of rain began but. how ticket has been amended as though he were. going to go on huckabee don't need your dirty history been learned yet i'm a little mature and so you know what has a nother martyr the leaning on has been so and blew all how did not a lot of them worked on my liver like if i had a star supply. the
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balance of power has remained in its wheels favor in one nine hundred sixty seven it expanded its borders in the six day war to include the west bank the gaza strip the sinai peninsula and the golan heights usually only comes meat illicit meat elf was told in a sort of really you would be. feed there till the. used one of them talked about. a serial sunni muslim women were how the kernel cause. is to turn up at my you know if it doesn't have the flu or be able could such a critical cause medical bill bugs. and john minimize the hail a comma bill is full of the new year but the fool could well with the early obama and then most of my billion dollar. to be workers of you were one lemme tell you that one at the end all of it was then you were the israeli you are those people in
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israel today like president rivlin who call for a bi national state they ask they insist. on. civil rights for the palestinians human rights for the palestinians equality for the palestinians in terms of economic social and cultural issues etc but not political that is this will remain the state where jews would have the upper hand politically speaking and that by national state would be open to jewish integration but not the palestinian integration i mean what kind of a state is going to be it is going to be as i say the south african state without the south african solution. like palestine iraq has also been affected by the legacy looks like speak oh. in two
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thousand and three a u.s. led coalition declared war on iraq believing it to possess weapons of mass destruction and aiming to oust president saddam hussein. however the coalition didn't tar the clear recovery plan for a post saddam iraq and secretary and ethnic arrest seriously destabilize the country. to. the invasion of. intermingle sure so he lived in the same areas that were. in fact in the early years of. iraq insists that never there were two groups. but the sledgehammer smashed this is. or should know did manage to
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instigate a conflict once a conflict starts there's a predictable cycle of violence that explodes i come i think primarily. with three main objectives. the first is to support the administrator ambassador. jerry brahma. in what he is doing in this transitional period for iraq if you look at the history of modern iraq since two thousand and three you might say that no leader has come through who's been able to settle iraq and govern with the consent of enough of the majority to bring iraq to a stable condition and to political security and of the have the ladder up by the head of. the head what i ate dairy but emma you fall for him. and that
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he had less in the. well is the hob i know you had a clean limit movie about the gun when it accept your naively. the call my letters i was when it said she i was and for. all i hear and he certainly was me she has the will i have a new letter i want to go wild back then have definite allotment of men that. you are rude. to model for hardage that he doesn't every kid can attest to that even with philly. he elim. the door after he. been home just what i me. when the. bottom are cut where the. bottom share. a took.
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the. iraqi resistance to the u.s. occupation increased as to tarry in killings the country fell deeper into chaos causing some americans to call for the division of iraq it was almost as though they hadn't studied the lessons of the post periods. so fail. no. obama valid. but tool a them with a by the. by the valley so for timely i started seen at the start of. the stuff out at the. cli as a b. o. . that. here was that
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area. sunni leaders in iraq began to warn against the intervention of neighboring shiite iran into internal affairs of their country. they feared a sectarian war which would lead the country into a spiral of violence and arguably make division the only option. when you're confused. why the in the kind of you're on my idea of the iraq war here and i know why i what damon. and. orders a million but i thought he has such an ear when brady are. here why they leave the house. if it's not part of fear. ab initio.
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or sin. so for you what do you do if you are. what. have you killed to g.-d. i have made here all of that is. what. you. when i said dang it i ship bellows i want to get them all what has it all when under the boom it so will hold. what amounts to so little if you don't want to see the old boys yes what's that for a man to feel being a billet i don't like you to bury it so it was that they were i'm all in the woman has haven't yet it all how me to democracy that all how muted to feel in their will to see that it all the moccasin the part that i'm about and those they let me have this to us so that the horde. the kurds managed to achieve autonomy in the kurdistan region of iraq in two thousand and five. their political leadership is now pushing for a referendum on independence which could mean drawing new borders within iraq.
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and it is true that the rocky kurds are quite happy. where they are in their own. enclave as it were but the united states continues to look for iraq which is integrity and not divided into three truckie it. and them too right i. mean. that we've been. our by do what. werman how. and. of that can. be looked at how the. model. but sex pukekohe say a coon. becoming. the threat of division has also emerged in modern syria. the syrian revolution began in march twenty seventh
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the government of president bashar assad responded by a fierce war against all opposition with far reaching consequences. it represents a major challenge facing the international community and twenty sixteen. the situation in syria was exacerbated by the intervention of both russia and iran and their support for the assad government against the rebels. who are dealing with as many i mean about of the. iranian people and you have to do muslims sure you have the serial killer you. were mad at the fact the strategy said look if our north. korea you know well i mean death for analysis and no he in your. new fools.
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that then buttons pushed the one of them going to come to you of them or is another in the holocaust and that would have dr lee the young male that in gone an associate will be in class and me according to imagine if that east would have me out by this and you know and there was a somewhat m.b.e. how good it is to what i'm being on as a citizen because if you're in iraq when he just really macone what will be able to record it you know all that he had already said was that suja. was out of a taxi. and the u.n. stopped publishing the death toll in syria in twenty fourteen and the numbers are now thought to be much higher than official figures. when russia answered the conflict on the side of the assad government in september twenty fifth team it began bombing opposition held areas and has become a major player in the ongoing crisis. arose he added we don't know whom and shows
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a scrubs. carbonell and how for that any and the who. so he had had. enough. food and. raise. the you know what the doctor. had the journey. the sharia the leo how to live. a russian intervention which is to guard russian interests in their own just our own ally that russian intervention makes russia or stay closed so has to be brought into the talking that
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needs to proceed as does iran with his father as a proxy in syria and as does the european interest in the form of the flow of refugees from syria into europe the interest of the europeans in the stable near east to middle east and america in that row also of global stability with a particular interest on top of that in the security of israel. the international community is still trying to bring the parties together to find a solution to the syrian crisis but we don't want to divide the state dividing the country this part of the debates way whenever it's up to the syrians. now on the question of whether the country will be dissolved in order divided or not. seems to me that it is already divided in a very real way with the elements in the christians and the other is occupying
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a certain amount of territory and the sunni majority occupying the others and i am . not very hopeful in syria would be a. he put back together again how the books were in them. but the us now know if enough sort of walked the heart of. the methadone is still a. man. of the city and about in the way we use in the above are let's shoot the mission and know. that the whole rule will look at being the only he. has asserted that only in the distant men. in the ballot had compass and i could feel. the conflict in syria has become increasingly sectarian it has caused internal displacement of hundreds of thousands of people and the international exodus of
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refugees on an unprecedented scale in the modern world. some think that a form of federation is the only solution. is a set of the young do insects the equal among them could only i should do i'll sit on that dual hazel's act and know and know that at this late jam a technology used to slip. it could be added to. their will to decay that we do close to being we shot at the mouth about it but the one with the so we are doing well i hope and i will if luck will fit only. if it did then. and i'm at that the let the head. than back not only more heidi was a part of i but if you did any. of that. because i can and i'm at the corner of the if you did really get that. the wow but had the
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lead in the flick of the. larry any other layers of any color then i was and the dollar. is about to condole a bill had. america. really. i think that. the controls the country might should better the interest of israel because he will be sort of the legitimized ruler. after such a civil war after such carnage the worst scenario is that this integration of the net of the of the country into uncontrollable fifth dumbs as it were so i think that one one syria complete with a regime that is not particularly illegitimate in the eyes of the international community is something that would suit i think the current role is of israel. the islamic state of iraq and the levant isis has also complicated the situation in
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syria and has proclaimed the creation of a state in parts of syria and iraq. while american planes were bombing i saw in syria the also enabled kurdish groups to take control of certain areas of northern syria in october twenty fifth teen and to claim a kurdish province there. this could be seen as encouraging the idea of a federal division of syria as well as causing alarm bells for neighboring countries. in syria they are trying to get some kind of control with the help of russia the united states and other iranian regime and account on like has been lost in the one on a defacto have been taught where internationally they may not be recognized but defacto they will operate all of that and continue to. create kinds of problems in
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the region. in mid twenty fifteen there were armed clashes in turkey between the government of friendship and the one and the p.k. case. the kurdish peachey key founded in one nine hundred seventy eight once a political entity of its own independent of one. in there has been a model put this on and on. just the middle fit into far the. tiny. intifada thing i had the home and there will. be a lot to quote of the. north. of us me a feeling med that is her with her knee and. be doing the n. . yet the how. hard on the show carney die young kuno and
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you'll have a higher than is better model of this arnie has it into father mother tongue language as a being or offer she language in schools. is a legitimate demand and it could be expressed in the critic society so i don't see any legitimate and logical. demand for any kind of autonomy even if it was theirs it is going to be pitch a case demands and we're not in place to all debate or no good shit that kind of autonomy with on the b. how for all shows or towards. the ultimate legacy of the strike speak or agreement was to establish the rights of outside powers and interests to intervene and influence the politics of the middle east. the sense of instability and constant conflict it has engendered seems even more complex to address now than
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it was one hundred years ago. from the neon lights of asia. to the city that never sleeps. well there was a thunderstorm in whereas ariz yesterday and there it is developing on the satellite picture most of the heavy rain has been across the border a long way away and significant share fifty two hundred kilometers per hour in brazil now that large extent down through rio as you can see on the chances are
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that during such a heavy rain running up the coast from europe wide as well but that tends to disappear in the full cost day after was to keep the concentration in brazil back towards believe year and peru and also the constant looks fairly dry and i both venezuela and colombia will see a few shots and all that many and even panama nicaragua and are free of well showers in the past as per satellite picture and in the forecast want to maybe nothing significant so it's we're going to the dry period if you like now so plenty clouds so a light showers possible but not to pick the heavy one now all that wind coming out of the gulf is moving north was into the u.s. and it's coming up here against what is of course stagnant cold air across the central plains states and the northeast so it's producing clades which as you know will eventually turn into snow twenty two verses seven as big distance while attempts to drop nasa result a massive snow across the plains. the weather sponsored by qatar at least.
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singapore is being accused of expanding its coastline to illegally dredge satins of some of the islands off the coast of indonesia and literally vanished it's a big business smuggling sam when they go take the sand there in still in the sand is our parakeet you see this beautiful beach but behind it is something that's not so pleasant the tragedy is that people are just not aware and ecological investigation into a global emergency sand walls on al-jazeera. i've had this conviction that everyone has a deep reservoir of tunnel billeted and if you can give them the opportunity wonderful things start to happen sometimes the simplest seditions optimist and patrick. the main things that sets out zero apart from other news organizations is that a lot of our reporting is about real people what about ideas or politicians or what they may want to do but how policy and how events affect real people if they focus
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a. little more complicated opening up and if this is not an act of creation i'm going to walk. down like my family's status and wealth has benefited from their choice and so i have. some oversold stai risky to speak out as a surprise. this job isn't just about what's on a script or a piece of paper it's about what is happening right now. this is al-jazeera. welcome i'm peter w. watching the news hour live from our headquarters here in doha coming up in the next sixty minutes do you feel. the fires burning on one
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of europe's most upscale avenues as public anger against fuel price rises spills onto the streets of paris. the u.s. china trade war is set to take center stage as donald trump meets the chinese president xi jinping on the last day of the g. twenty. also this hour the former u.s. president george h.w. bush who launched the first gulf war has died at the age of ninety four. and i'm leah harding with this sport the search is underway. new host country for africa's biggest football tournament as cameroon is stripped of the rights to hold next year's. resigned months the rallying cry of hundreds of protesters in the french capital angry about rising fuel prices. the
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demonstrators wearing yellow vests paralyze the iconic show in the heart of paris close to the presidential palace emanuel is being accused of concerns about the high cost of living with disdain the president says taxis to combat pollution on necessary but those on the streets struggling to make ends meet correspondent david shades of joins us live now from paris so david nobody is backing down here. well inside the seans elisei where i'm speaking to you from there are about five thousand the yellow vest protests is the yellow vest rebellion what's been happening is there a few hundred outside underneath the. i've been battling with police now a lot of the tear gas has been coming in here there's been a few battles in the side streets but essentially the yellow vests rebellion is
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attempting to be a nonviolent protest it's essentially uniting much opinion across france which is against the tactics of president emanuel not and there's been some one hundred ten arrests so far the action is continuing outside the seans elisei and. the prime minister french prime minister has been trying to sum up the situation. producer method does indeed you can be so far we counted five thousand five hundred people protesting in paris they started at about seven am one hundred seven people have been arrested and a large number were violent they compromise the public's freedom of expression as i've said we welcome and are open to dialogue at any time with those concerned but first we must respect the law and well a menu macro has been dubbed the president of the rich by his opponent sunday over
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the last twelve months the price of the most commonly used fuel in france diesel has risen to its highest level since the early two thousand hydro carbon taxes on petrol and diesel went up this year both increases were part of a push for clean a cause and clean the fuel mr macro has already pledged to end sales of petrol and diesel vehicles by twenty forty as part of a plan to meet targets under the paris climate accord david how much of a problem is this for me because i mean historically french presidents are kind of gone to war with the unions but this isn't the unions this is ordinary people up and down the country getting together via social media. oh yes said the five thousand dollars. now actually. most of the way they have some t.v. crews on essentially what unites all this very. very rainbow of french and the yellow best value they're essentially all against what they see
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as the high minded autocratic manner with which president emmanuel macro is determined of course through his reform they're saying essentially these price hikes in the price of diesel particularly in the countryside affording on the shoulders of people who can least afford these price rises and. the poorest communities and the people who live outside paris where this is being held . most harshly and we've seen this scale of the protests here it's not going away this is gaining traction and if you look at the percentage of the public sympathy here for the yellow value it's it's something like seventy five percent and look at present backgrounds figures he's down below thirty percent but that is a big political castle and if he's not looking at what's happening here from the argentina g.
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twenty talks it should be i think it's advisors will be advising him that he's got to start listing to this he must actually start a dialogue with the yellow then year they don't have any leaders there organize on the social media which is like an amoeba it's very hard for them to gain traction but they are all opposed to the way that he is trying to push serious reforms and putting the burden on the course for its members of from. very very strong pictures david as you're talking to us water cannon being deployed by the c.r.s. people tear gas being used as well vehicles on fire you mentioned emmanuel mccall at the g twenty in argentina for the demonstrators when he returns from south america will they accept anything less than a complete clyne done on his part. sorry we have
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a lot of communications i can hear you. and we're having problems there with talking to our correspondent david chase will try and get back to david if and when we can in the coming hour or so as the story continues to develop those live pictures coming to us out of the french capital across all the developments of course as they happen. world leaders preparing for day two of the g. twenty summit in argentina top of the agenda is the trade war between the u.s. and china donald trump is expected to meet china's xi jinping in the coming hours now in recent months they have imposed tariffs on each other's imports leading to concerns about the impact on the global economy our china correspondent brown has more now on what's at stake here. in beijing last november president donald trump appeared to be excited about a new friend and my feeling toward you is an incredibly warm one as we said there's great chemistry. and i think we're going to do tremendous things for both china and
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for the united states it was the last time trump met president xi jinping who won't be fooled again says one academic he didn't count on trump's volatility the fact that trump could be you know or love in roses one day in the next day we know launch a trade war. there's not much love now both sides are almost five months into a trade war and if there's no breakthrough at this weekend's g. twenty summit in one of saris the trumpet ministration is set to raise taxes or more chinese goods including i phones which are designed in california but manufactured in china american consumers are live in the get a hit because if you look at the products always with a great deal of the products like a lot of make in china so if the post paris some of the costs are likely to be higher but trump's threats could be just part of the negotiating strategy the souring relationship loomed large at a recent gathering of asia pacific leaders in papua new guinea and in
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a tough lee worded speech a few weeks earlier the u.s. vice president mike pence portrayed china as the new enemy there are so many points of friction between china and the united states that it's hard to keep count trade taiwan the south china sea dispute north korea and of course human rights and for that reason say some analysts it's possible that any deal done this weekend will be limited and short lived. china's leader has several things in his favor that trump doesn't she doesn't have to worry about elections in less than two years or a free press to hold him to account state media can pronounce it any way they want but trump needs to have something that he can show his base as they look we won this first trade war with china that means china has a lot of leeway because they don't really need to worry about what looks good but the optics are like the trade war is undoubtedly affecting china the shanghai stock
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market is among the worst performing indexes in the world right now publicly china's leaders are hopeful a deal can be done this weekend but it's also clear their expectations are not high adrian brown al-jazeera beijing. as a reason our correspondent to reason that they must be heading towards the final communique do we know what they're going to come up with. well most definitely or live i hear not only on the meeting between donald trump being also a meeting between mohamed bin salamander and loving me to putin where they will be discussing yemen. syria and the middle east in general but also this final communique that has generated so many divisions especially between the europeans and chinese and the united states let's not forget that donald trump is skeptical about global warming and this has temper situation what we do know right now is that the final communique if there is some type of an agreement regarding climate
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change and also to reform the world trade organization but apparently they're going to keep to their minimum the language referring to migration and refugees also trees are difficult to remember a g twenty or indeed the g seven see where the world was focusing in on the individual relationships between individual leaders we've seen those shots on twitter of donald trump watching blood in your putin greeting the crown prince of saudi arabia mohammed bin solomon we've also seen on twitter with that interesting little son boyd's emanuel saying to the crown prince you never listen to which the crown prince says listen from now on. yes most definitely and all eyes were on mohammed bin some months since he arrived here to win a fight if he was the first one to arrive and let's not forget that when he arrived there was a request made by human rights watch to argentinian judiciary to investigate him for war crimes for human rights violations and the killing of jamal khashoggi that
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investigation is ongoing however it's unlikely that any type of detention is going to happen because he's protected of immunity and in order to touch him and would have to go all the way to the supreme court but still or lies where on what type of a reception he would get what we have seen so far is that even though he didn't get a warm welcoming there was this big hand shake and high five with vladimir putin and also met with to resume from the united kingdom so most definitely all eyes were on him during this meeting and also a reminder that these g. twenty s. don't exist in a vacuum because you mentioned syriza made the she's reassuring the japanese premonitions look post brics it you can carry on trading with us and the rest of europe via the united kingdom you don't have to move your car plants to other parts of europe so a clear reminder for him that this is about jobs the g. twenty does translate into how many jobs in the world economy.


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