tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera December 2, 2018 2:00pm-2:33pm +03
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the institution president cannot stop talking. separate. the misinformation from the. price of b.b.c.'s reporting from the listening. justifies that security forces are attacked shops pillaged public or private buildings set on fire. considers imposing a state of from urgency after rising fuel costs triggered the worst rioting in years. you want to just zero life from a headquarters and. also ahead a trade truce the u.s. and china agreed to hold back on new tariffs for ninety days to give time for
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negotiations. murder overshadows the saudi crown prince's diplomatic engagement opposition groups denounced mohamad been cited man's visit to mauritania. top of the agenda the future of our world as negotiators from two hundred countries meet in poland. hello the french government is considering imposing a state of emergency following a third weekend of nationwide protests over rising fuel prices on saturday thousands of demonstrators wearing yellow vests rallied in the capital some of the crowd turned violent torching cars and vandalizing the arc de triomphe more than four hundred people were arrested and at least one hundred thirty injured well they're demanding the resignation of president emanuel and mccall who is now raced back from. the g.
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twenty summit to hold an emergency meeting with his cabinet he went straight to the center of the city to assess the damage earlier he condemned the violence sort of commands because of unlike the commission of the three meters we know cause justifies that security forces are attacked shops pillaged public or private buildings set on fire pedestrians or journalists threatened or that the uk the. those guilty of this violence do not want change nor improvement they want chaos they betrayed the cause they purport to be serving in employing they will be identified and held responsible for their actions or anger over mccall's policies has spilled into french overseas territories especially the indian ocean island of rain the young demonstrators there are angry with the lack of jobs as well as the rising costs of living david chaytor joining us from paris covering the protests for us so lots for my colleague to deal with as he chairs or attends that emergency cabinet meeting what do we expect there. to be live of what we've just
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seen as a marker on leaving the arc of the tree and he's going to walk about on the. people he was greeted with cheers and boos he was trying to talk to the police and commend them for the action they took last night but as you can see behind me of all the things that happened in the os no attacks the attacks on the police the attacks on the shops in the songs that we say it is the building behind me the the monument behind me the arc de triomphe and the graffiti that was pasted over it that is perhaps the the biggest defense as far as the administration is concerned you can still see some of it saying they seem to they've removed before president michael something they said to me still not draw which of course means not call resign now we must distinguish between the violence that we saw and the bottle. of the yellow
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vests rebellion they made the boy peacefully demonstrated on the seans elisei but there was a handful of those. left wing and right wing and a case groups who started putting not graffiti on the op to fail they started smashing up the entrance to the trails i was right there next them my store and exactly what was happening but at the same time the attorney will flame which burns that was surrounded by yellow jackets the yellow yellow vests they were determined to make sure of the holy of holies as it were underneath the up the trail was protected from all the vandalism that was going on around them so as you said there's going to be a meeting an emergency meeting of the cabinet present from the interior minister and the prime minister will discuss what measures they take now it has been said that they might agree impose a state of emergency but the truth is that the emergencies really but there are the
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ministration more than seventy five percent of the public before we saw those scenes last night supported the aims of the yellow vests rebellion they are saying a sense the that the reforms and the price hikes in diesel and fuel the president pushing through it fully evenly on the shoulders of the poorest people the people in the country who need transport they need transport to get around and do their job is also the and the people in the poorest suburbs those price hikes are affected the most and really i leave as little as there is database or what is there a media ration of these measures so what is their strategy going forward and do we expect more protests today. i think the strategy is already clear we've heard from various ministers that their door is open they will listen to the movement the best rebellion they will listen to their concerns.
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and they wanted a dialogue but that dialogue didn't start well on friday it was present call as argentina they did have one representative who went in to see edward felipe the prime minister but he left after only ten minutes because he wanted the conversation between them on live stream to all the people in the social media who denies it this rebellion so it's very hard for the government to try and separate out the measures between the two main peaceful get the best rebels and the anik case who did so much damage over the course of that demonstration yesterday which i saw up close in the first time so we'll have to wait and see i think a state of emergency is something perhaps it will be too excessive because the real emergency is the fact that seventy five percent of people supporting the best rebellion and under thirty percent supporting president mocker on that was the main message apart from the violence that we saw all the main message was not from
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resign that's his emergency all right david thank you. now donald trump has agreed to delay increasing trade tariffs on chinese imports at least for the next ninety days the u.s. and chinese presidents met at the g. twenty summit on saturday and said they'll use the time to rest try to resolve their differences the u.s. was planning to boost tariffs on two hundred billion dollars worth of chinese goods from next year china has agreed to buy what's the scribed is a very substantial amounts of american farm energy and industrial goods are china correspondent adrian brown has more reaction from beijing. well the governments of both china and the united states are putting a positive spin on the outcome of these talks but this is not a deal it is a truce a temporary cease fire because the white house is still warning that if after the ninety day period there is still no agreement between china and the united states on their many trade issues then the united states will impose tariffs on two
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hundred billion dollars worth of chinese goods that's on top of terrorists that already apply to two hundred fifty billion dollars worth of chinese goods now the chinese foreign minister wang ye has says that he hopes there could be more exchanges and visits between the two sides just before the talks president xi jinping said he was very happy to be meeting president donald trump and the best option for china and the united states was cooperation but there remains a fundamental areas of disagreement between these two sides especially in the area of force technology transfer and the fact that the united states says that u.s. companies that want to do business here in china have to enter into fifty fifty joint venture arrangements and then hand over their know how the united states is saying that has to stop there is one area though i think where president xi jinping is unlikely to yield and that concerns his industrial policy known as made in china
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twenty twenty five this is his aim to make china a world leader in technologies of the future things like artificial intelligence and robotics but the united states is saying that china will do this by heavily subsidizing the companies involved and it says that has to stop president xi jinping has maintained that it won't and the see a new man has more from want to sire is where that meeting took place. the leaders of the world's most powerful economies and emerging economies were able to actually sign an agreement at the end of the g twenty meeting here in when a site is which in of itself is considered a major accomplishment it's really a sign of the times going into this meeting very few people thought that that was going to be possible but in the end they did find common ground on some key issues for example all the leaders believe that it's necessary to look into reforming the w t o or the world trade organization which they believe is no longer really meeting its purpose or its mandate there was language on women's rights on labor
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reforms of a whole array of other issues in which they did see eye to eye on the very thorny issue of climate change they reached a kind of compromise remember last year president donald trump stormed out of the out of the g. twenty meeting in hamburg saying that he was not willing to sign any kind of agreement in which climate change was described as irreversible this time nineteen of the leaders said that they would do that that they would continue to support the paris climate agreement and donald trump had a paragraph of his own or rather the united states had a paragraph of its own in which it said that it did not agree with that and it underscored the fact that it had withdrawn from the paris agreement in the end also there was the leadership of argentina's president. who desperately needed some good news especially considering this country's a staunch or very very severe economic crisis unlike also hamburg last year
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everything went peacefully there were protests out on the streets but not a tear gas canister was shot and that is certainly good news for ticket really after a meeting of leaders who still after all this do not see eye to eye security is tight in mauritania ahead of the arrival of the saudi arabian crown prince the opposition is denouncing sunday's visits an arc shot same high. had been said man has damaged the interests of muslims worldwide it's urging its supporters to condemn the murder of the saudi journalist. the crown prince also faced protests during his visit to tunisia last week. as this update from the mauritanian capital and watch all this. the mauritanian authorities welcomed what they call a very very important guest and they look at saudi arabia as a strategy a light but in another way there are many voices that
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we lot welcome mohamed and they call him that he is not a very important guest for him and he is not welcome to visit mauritania the my ten year forum of democracy and unity which is the representative of. the opposition the body of the opposition published a press release yesterday and let me quote for you what they said so this visit is not welcome because of the positions of mohammed and samantha which harmed the very top interest of arabs and muslims through coordination with the united states to liquidate the palestinian cause and. attacks on human rights and freedom of expression so i heard on al-jazeera iran it defends its missile program after the
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u.s. accuses it of violating un resolutions passed. mexico's new president is sworn in promising a deep and radical change for the country. because i'm really uncertain whether making its way across the korean peninsula into japan over the next couple days at the moment as you can see in the satellite picture not too much showing up in this next area cloud rolling across the yellow sea that will make its way into north korea into south korea eventually they'll push across the sea of japan so that's the picture from on. nice and snow there on the naval flank more than flank just pushing up towards of lot of all stock he downpours coming across south korea and indeed across q shoot to southern parts of honshu that will make its way further east which as we go through tuesday warm rain for tokyo tebbit
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just still getting up to around twenty one degrees celsius the rain will set in by the end of the day you can follow that line of platen right across shanghai into central parts of china to the south is fine and dry it will remain that way at least for the next couple of days temperatures in hong kong getting up to around twenty eight degrees celsius a lot of dry weather will settle weather to ensue luzon northern parts of the philippines set fair for the time being but central and southern areas seeing those big downpours continuing to rumble away pushing right across into malaysia also showers there were way down into indonesia as well as some hefty ones making their way across java to cut it with a top temperature of twenty nine degrees celsius. the story of one of the most successful p.r. campaigns in the us. study after study chemistry perspective american
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media coverage part of this can you get through your thick head is hamas a terrorist organization the only thing that you're going to say is what we want and if you don't say it we're not to let you speak it would be very hard for ordinary americans to know that they're being deceived the occupation of the american mind on al-jazeera. hello again the top stories on al-jazeera the french president of money has arrived in paris for an emergency cabinet meeting following nationwide protests against rising fuel prices be headed to the city's main avenue the seans an easy to assess the damage from saturday's violence donald trump has agreed to delay increasing
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trade tariffs on chinese imports at least for the next ninety days the u.s. and chinese presidents met at the g. twenty summit on saturday and said they'll use the time to try to resolve their differences the saudi crown prince is expected in mauritania on sunday the opposition there is denouncing his visit to the lock shots saying how much damage the interests of the muslims worldwide it's urging supporters to condemn the murder of journalist. and it's been two months since she was killed in the saudi consulate in istanbul tony berkley looks back at how the murder investigation has unfolded so far and the continuing fight for justice by. family and friends. these days they keep a part found in front of the entrance to the saudi consulate in istanbul to stop prying eyes for the last eight weeks saudi arabia has been unable to stop the world from knowing what happened inside this building on october the second despite the
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saudi lies and deception the planning and intent family and friends are determined on bringing the man who gave the order for jamal khashoggi murder to justice the fight for justice for the cheese continue and to continue of course at the end until. everybody will be satisfied that justice and now i am ready for it very fortunately now the problem the issue is ensuring intonation sure it's an it's a university sure now the saudis say five an amen part of the fifty man so-called hit squad are facing the death penalty in saudi arabia for the murder six others a charge with related offenses although western intelligence agencies believe all the evidence circumstantial and otherwise points to the saudi crown prince mohammed bin salman as the architect of the killing some diplomats believe he has got away with it. executing five. people who are.
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killed. also to what they have done and the other. seven or a six remaining six there will be most for religion and they will close the case turkey and the rest of the world is shocked by the barbarity of the murder president recep tayyip erdogan and turkey's government has leaked details of audio recordings from inside the consulate before joining and after the killing investigators revealed phone calls made to riyadh with one of the hit squad saying tell the boss the deed is done without stating his name the turks have made it obvious. the boss is mohammed bin sound man but turkey's options are limited by a lack of saudi cooperation and a lack of will from the international community the saudis are using the vienna convention on diplomatic immunity is as reasons not to hand over the suspects to
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turkey no nor state give her own citizen to another state for foreign investigations so the issue here is is this going to think it's so different. mr gibson we'll come to an end in turkey but don't you should make this issue to international level because the mission the in this to gauge and. will be a day and that is the only way this case can be investigated fairly and openly but turkey's government mindful of its situation regarding human rights and treatment of some of its own citizens is reluctant to call for a u.n. investigation and western governments seem disinterested as could be seen at the g twenty summit in argentina some politicians have short memories and forgiving natures when it comes to trade deals it now seems likely that the real culprit behind this crime is going to get away with it and that the murder of your market shortly will become a paragraph in history in a bloody region and that's
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a sad indictment not only of saudi arabia but also of the international community which is that by and watched i'm done nothing tony burke the al jazeera istanbul representatives from more than two hundred countries are grappling in poland for the cop twenty four summits and they're hoping to agree on policies to address climate change the paris agreement signed in twenty fifteen was supposed to hold average temperature increases to less than one and a half degree celsius but the u.s. has since withdrawn from the deal leading to concerns about its viability and the world has continued to experience more extreme weather events here is that clark. thousands of scientists politicians and leaders of industry meeting in poland for perhaps the most important climate conference there's ever been the challenge to unite on how to implement the peris agreement of two thousand and fifteen which aims to shift the world away from fossil fuels and to limit the rise in global
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temperatures to between one and a half degrees celsius and two degrees celsius that agreement is jus to come into force in less than two years time in twenty twenty but a report from the united nations shows that the world is completely off track heading instead towards three degrees celsius and that is twice the recommended rate of warming and as this year has proven time is on no one side. you know well currently one degree celsius warmer than pre-industrial times the fingerprints of climate change and its human impact becoming increasingly apparent. and not just in the developing world. the worst wildfires in california history last month led to multiple deaths and extraordinary destruction they had. demonic plants is the only way i can put it it's like our eyes are gone you know our lives everything we have is gone now more and bigger wildfires are predicted around the world as temperatures increase. right now in afghanistan drought is tightening its
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stranglehold thousands of families have lost everything there are reports of children being sold off to pay off debt or buy food. across the world drought will worsen with increasing famine as heat waves strengthen. the living seas have led to more ferocious hurrican cyclons forming over the world's oceans and when they hit land from florida to the philippines the effects are catastrophic especially as rising sea levels mean even more destructive storm surges. ice sheets are retreating ecosystems are under pressure. and all the while greenhouse gas emissions reach record levels at a time when scientists say they need to be radically reducing. these impacts. maybe increase as we go toward one hundred five degrees and further increase for two degrees so what one point five degrees allows us is to keep the rate of
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change at the novel that makes these intakes more manageable for society as this is devastation in the united states comes as a u.s. government report projects losses to the u.s. economy in future decades hundreds of billions of dollars every year one man disagrees i don't believe in hell no i don't believe it believe it or not the science says. this is no time for. failure to act means more disasters and the emergencies and their pollution that could cost the global economy as much as twenty one three million u.s. dollars by twenty fifty. since those euphoric scenes in paris three years ago there's been plenty of backsliding on national promises to reduce c o two emissions there is now a tremendous gap between what's required and what's being done and experts say that path leads to widespread poverty and global insecurity the gap these to close in
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poland over the next fortnight now the un report warns will pass a temperature rise of one of the half degrees celsius within twelve years unless countries slash their emissions by five times their planned amount and that will impact hundreds of millions of people in every continent on the globe exacerbating the risk of drought floods extreme heat and poverty those who know the silence they say the urgency of this climate conference in poland cannot be overstated israeli police say they have enough evidence to charge prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his wife with accepting bribes they were accused of fraud and breach of trust and dealings with israel's largest telecoms operator netanyahu denies any wrongdoing in this and other cases against him they include allegations of accepting gifts from billionaire friends iran isn't saying whether it's test fired a ballistic missile but they're ready a navy has launched what it says is
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a new type of radar evading destroyer the u.s. secretary of state my pompei it says the missile launch violates a u.n. security council resolution iran says its missile program doesn't breach international laws. has more from washington. in a release put out by secretary of state mike pompei oh iran has launched a ballistic missile and by a lation of a un security council ban now very little details were put out by the state department for example exactly when this alleged missile launch took place and exactly where however the state department is saying that it was a medium range ballistic missile capable of carrying multiple warheads with a range where it could reach parts of europe and all of the middle east according to the state department that would be in violation of u.n. security council ban two two three one which you bans iran from undertaking any activity related to
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a ballistic missiles designated to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons including launches using such ballistic missile technology and now according to the state department iran's ballistic missile testing is actually on the increase and the state department is asking iran to halt all ballistic missile tests immediately this is all part of washington's increased rhetoric in recent weeks against iran we've seen this over the past couple weeks and this is also part of a big reason why the united states has not punish saudi arabia more forcefully for its role role in the killing of jamal khashoggi and also the war in yemen is because washington is saying they need saudi arabia to counter what they call is the iran threat of course iran is saying they're not any threat at all but this is again is all part of the increased rhetoric we've seen out of
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washington against iran in recent weeks an egyptian court has ordered high profile blogger and activist be released on probation he was detained six months ago to use the broadcasting false news to prominence for his criticism of the mubarak government in the early two thousand and his campaigns against the use of torture his role in the arab spring saw him interviewed by media across the worlds. the new president of mexico has been sworn in with promises of radical change to combat corruption poverty and the drugs gang war and to get rid of the usual presidential limousine and dress money well lopez obrador widely known as allo is the first left wing mexican president for more than seventy years from home and reports from mexico city. he sent the message even before his swearing in arriving in an old volkswagen jetta things were going to change at the third attempt under his money will look to the daughter became an excuse president the country's first leftist
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leader in decades. because. he got straight to the point thirty years of free trade policies and growing privatization were out. the new liberal policies have been a disaster a calamity for the country. and to clean up would begin to seem appealing expressing if you ask me to explain one phrase the plan of the gunman i'll say wipe out option and unity he says the money saved from cleaning up growth will furnish and social programs. it's easy to be is it those who will be waiting for the next guy whose main plaza. now we're going to be listening to the president that's the change i voted for and why i am here it's the first time in my forty six years that i've come to this type of event. is that indigenous leaders came to it after a ritual cleansing he gave the crowd what sounded more like
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a wish list to list speech this is fun for me so this is my promise for starters first class health system for free like in canada the scandinavian countries but many analysts say that for all the promises his plans remain threadbare and the sums just don't add up how do you put together on the line hand that of all the measures are going to cost a lot of money we are not going to raise taxes that's. like that but the government has announced and he says that everybody is going to everything is going to be paid off by corruption but corruption of cutting corruption it's not only a matter of political will it's a matter of constructing effective institutions and so far in the measures that he has announced there is no use to route the building in a surprise of the new government it's a common criticism to his supporters his word is enough to know there's a lot of hope mr lopez obrador won by a landslide but there's also
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a desperation for change more than forty percent of mexicans are poor the murder rate is the worst on record and people are tired of the seemingly never ending corruption. he makes just a bit of headway on those issues for many it could be a no don't hold with. an exclusive. hello again the headlines on al-jazeera french president has arrived in paris for an emergency cabinet meeting following nationwide protest against rising fuel prices he headed to the city's main avenue this wasn't easy to assess the damage from saturday's violence his government is considering declaring a state of emergency to commence the seven like the comes on the rigs we know cause justifies that security forces are attacked shops pillaged public or private buildings set on fire pedestrians or journalists threatened or that the uk the.
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those guilty of this violence do not want change nor improvement they want chaos they betrayed the cause they purport to be serving in employing they will be identified and held responsible for their actions donald trump has agreed to delay increasing trade tariffs on chinese imports at least for the next ninety days the u.s. and chinese presidents met at the g. twenty summit on saturday and said they'll use the time to try to resolve their differences. the saudi crown prince mohammed bin sandman has landed in mauritania for a short but potentially controversial visit he will be in the capital to walk short for just a few hours and is expected to be greeted by the president as a strategic ally but the opposition is denouncing the visits envoys from almost two hundred nations are gathering in poland for the cop twenty four summit they're hoping to agree on policies to address climate change to paris agreement signed in twenty fifteen was supposed to hold the average temperature increases to less than one of the have degrees celsius but the u.s.
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has since withdrawn from that deal israeli police say they have enough evidence to charge prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his wife with accepting bribes they're accused of fraud and breach of trust and dealings with israel's largest telecoms operator netanyahu denies any wrongdoing in this and other cases against him. iran isn't saying whether its test fired a ballistic missile but the iranian navy has launched what it says is a new type of radar evading destroyer the u.s. secretary of state says the missile launch violates a u.n. security council resolution iran says its missile program is defensive and not against international laws those are the latest headlines on al-jazeera inside story is coming up next to stay with us.
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the wall street journal says the saudi crown prince was in contact with the team that killed jamal khashoggi does the latest revelation make any difference as muhammad been soft on continues to enjoy support this is inside story. welcome to the program i'm richelle carey the cia has reportedly concluded the.
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