tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera December 9, 2018 12:00am-1:01am +03
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first time directly linking the president to financial crimes allegedly committed during the two thousand and sixteen white house campaign separately robert muller stane which is investigating alleged russian interference in that campaign saying that moscow contacted donald trump's then personal lawyer michael cohen as far back as two thousand and fifteen miller's team also says trump's former campaign manager paul mann afford violated the plea deal by lying to them on five different matters including his contacts with the russian associate but the white house doesn't appear to be worried saying none of this reveals anything new or is damaging to donald trump shepparton see breaks it down for us from washington d.c. . shortly after the release of some of the prosecution documents the u.s. president expressed his lack of concern totally clears the president he wrote thank you it's not clear exactly what he was referring to but some believe the contents of the latest memos should provide some cause for concern for donald trump michael
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cohen was trump's long time lawyer and fix up he's pled guilty to tax evasion and campaign finance violations and it's this latter charge that now directly implicates the president in its filing prosecutors in new york say code made to hush money payments to women in contravention of campaign finance law that filing says asco has now admitted with respect to both payments he acted in coordination with and at the direction of individual one individual one is assumed to be donald trump so prosecutors are directly implicating the president in the crime the special counsel's moment about cohen confirmed what was already in the public domain about failed attempts to build a trump tower in moscow that continued even as trump was on the campaign trail expounding about his proposed russian foreign policy however there are two new areas which might be of concern to trump firstly miller writes current provided the special counsel's office with useful information concerning certain discreet russia related matters core to its investigation that he obtained by virtue of his regular contact with company executives during the campaign and cohen provided relevant and
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useful information concerning his contacts with persons connected to the white house during the twenty seventeen twenty eighteen time period. it's unclear what information miller is referring to during the campaign but it's striking cohen is also discussing trump's first year in office with the special prosecutor. miller has also submitted a document about former trump campaign manager paul manifold he was convicted of illegal lobbying for the ukrainian government as well as financial fraud the special prosecutor says manifold broke a plea agreement reached to provide information in return for like his sentence this involves a redacted name miller says while negotiating the agreement manifold provided information about redaction that was pertinent to an investigation in another district however after signing the plea agreement manifold told the government a different and exculpatory version of the events in addition miller says manifold lied about context he had with the trumpet ministration off that he had reached
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that plea agreement the former director of the f.b.i. happened to be in capitol hill for a closed door questioning on friday he praised the special counsel's investigation but gave a reminder that a lot of questions remain the most important occasion of that is you don't know anything about it except twenty five something court and that's what makes it so don't trump has now been implicated directly in campaign finance violations but it's not clear what these latest findings have to do with the russian collusion investigation if anything however taken in conjunction with this heavily redacted document that was filed earlier this week in conjunction with the investigation into a former security advisor michael flynn there's plenty of speculation she hammered hansie out jazeera washington scott lucas is a professor of political science and international studies at the university of birmingham he says trump will be caught in a constitutional crisis bigger than watergate if he fires special counsel robert mueller. well we are on two paths right now and one of those piles
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will culminate the combination of the federal prosecutions and of robert muller's investigation as to when miller will bring his full legal case with political implications against trump i think that will probably be in the spring the second path is whether donald trump can get rid of robert mueller before that point a curse the problem for trump now it is not only the weight of evidence is piling up but his new attorney general pointed yesterday william barr he's the one that has the authority to fire more and i think william barr is regarded in washington as more of a straight shooter on the legal front and will be unlikely to carry out a trump order to stop more if donald trump insisted on getting rid of robert moore to try to shut down the evidence and the charges you would be in a constitutional crisis even greater than in one nine hundred seventy three when richard nixon used an attorney general to fire the special prosecutor archibald cox to try to shut down watergate but of course the lesson from out of here richard
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nixon could shut down the watergate a congressional investigation followed and nixon was forced to resign and i suspect the same powerful which donald trump if he does try to fire will and let may be a good sign for the suffering of people and yet many countries two warring sides are still meeting holding a third day of talks in sweden there had been some breakthroughs between delegations from the government and the who think he's there at the site has suggested a transitional government may be the answer to ending the war and it should include all of the evidence political parties. so. the political solution from our point of view should be a new transitional period that has a time frame and must have a consensual executive power including the presidency and the government and must work on certain pillars like security and military operations ensuring full control over the yemeni state and solving the unsolved problems because there was no
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political solution in the past but an adviser to yemen's president told al the serious are earlier that it all inclusive transitional government would not solve the problem. this is not the issue given to has our problem is the military coup that took place in two thousand and fourteen. if you meant i think that i was. through aggression took over our country i thought of. let's say the hardys out of bed where you don't much care less is not going to solve the moment on the contrary of what. there will be the on going fighting over . a lot of. which has hijacked the state so my last question to you do you have any hopes that these talks will bring about some breakthrough how to. do. that on the.
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if you don't want is a genuine about peace we are genuine about peace. joins us now from member north of stockholm so hosam clearly they still seem to be exceptionally far apart but they are at least speaking similarly and cordially and it is day three so i guess the bar is pretty low but this is all good. well. it is a classic negotiation tactic both parties are entrenched warning that if their demands are not met talks might might fail now we have two different things happening at the same time which is the government saying that we need some confidence building measures first of all prisoners swap deal cease fire agreement we want the whole thing is to pull out from the. whole data port which they control which is a vital life line for the food imports into the earth is on the other hand say that
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it's a political conflict that has to be sort of political means and therefore they are suggesting the idea of a national unity government for an end in term period that would pave the way for drafting a new constitution and the election the government is saying this is just a pure tactic by the who are these to further undermine the legitimacy of president of doubleness or has it and it's going to be the road not necessarily all of the united nations' top envoy martin griffiths to try of to narrow the differences between the earth is on one hand and the government on the other hand the aim is to try to have all the parties plus the international community put more pressure on everyone to make some concessions right now hossam what is going to be different this time though there have been talks before there has been pressure before we know that about one hundred people and day are being killed in yemen what is going to be different this time. what is different this time richelle is that the
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international outcry which was really muted at the beginning of the war in two thousand and fifteen is now picking up putting more pressure on saudi arabia and the united arab emirates to stop the strikes. and give diplomacy a chance this is number one number two talking about more than fourteen million yemenis on the brink of famine two million children suffering severe monitors and the expectations are really high and people are waiting to see their own representatives come back from still call and say you know what we have some very good news for you food is going to be delivered what is will come to an end one day and all the parties were set aside their differences if that does not happen it will just backfire and lead to more anger and among the yemenis and this explains why everyone understands that if talks failed in the past still call could be one of the rare opportunities for everyone to settle those differences
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otherwise it's just going to be water again in her day there inside on the ask us of the capital. of the us goes of the city of ties is just to going to be war everywhere ok. thank you so much for that update we appreciate it. in japan it is a question of age and identity as the parliament passes a measure to accept more foreign workers the contentious legislation passed at four in the morning that will allow about three hundred forty five thousand workers into the country in the first five years the measure is designed to counter japan's shrinking aging workforce opposition members try to block it some fearing the loss of japan's cultural character the law goes into effect next april so different population is aging faster than any other in the world more than one and four people are age sixty five years and above and the situation is expected to continue by the year twenty sixty five the un estimates japan's population will drop by an
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additional twenty eight million people analysts here it's beginning to hold back growth with its economy expected to shrink by twenty five percent over the next forty years let's bring in michael paine in tokyo via skype in the president he's the president rather of the. news agency we appreciate your time very much so why is immigration so controversial in japan. well obviously japan has a fairly unique history of being a country that for hundreds of years was cut off from the rest of the world and when it did open up in the one nine hundred centuries to some amount of. interaction with the rest of the world it it never did have any major waves of immigration from outside so you know where if you contrast it with say a country like the united states which was built on immigration this is
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a country that was built very much not on immigration at least not in the modern period and so if you want look at historical roots that would be where you would look so it's something like this can you see it and being a success in japan that's clearly been very controversial and very heated debate can something like this work well interestingly enough the debate isn't necessarily along the lines you'd expect because the government itself is the conservative right wing government and the opposition is the more liberal open to other cultures opposition and so where the opposition parties have been attacking the government is not so much that they're against the idea of having immigrants but they're saying if we're going to have immigrants we need to have a system which deals with it more comprehensively and make sure that you know these people just are brought in as cheap labor and exploited if they're going to be
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guests in our country if they're going to be here we need to make sure that the overall system and infrastructure is built to handle it and they're attacking the government for not really being willing to acknowledge that this is immigration and not simply a labor policy so is that a fair critique is that something that the government has been open to perhaps tweaking the plan as they go along. well yes the prime minister all throughout debate would not admit even linguistically that this was an immigration bill and japan has a so-called technical inturn system which has been widely criticized including by the un so i think the opposition criticism is valid but at the same time the government insists that this particular new visa system in this new new system will not have the same problems as the old one but that remains to be seen you know it's
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interesting often unfortunately when the issue of immigration comes up and a lot of countries and it seems that crime is brought into the discussion. in a way sort of demonizing emigrants saying that they will bring crime to the country and this seems to have been a bit of a strain in this debate as well in my right. to some extent again the interesting situation meaning is that the opposition parties are are the left in the liberals but within the. prime minister abbott is own sort of coalition of political supporters that's where you'll find the sort of the more right wing and nativist forces so what's actually happened here is that while he has very much pleased his big business allies which is one part of his coalition he's also angered part of his sort of nationalist right wing base so but because it is his own base we haven't seen it so much openly in the streets but it the tensions are
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definitely you know within his coalition and i think that i need to point out often that is it's quite often fear mongering when people are talking about crime and immigrants the numbers very rarely bear that out michael pam thank you so much for joining us we appreciate it thank you. this is the news grid and if they're with us on facebook live we have a story for you about a syrian village that's only from winning also ahead in the program listening to mars nasa sends back its first sound recordings of the red planet no less and then explain what it reveals about the solar system. hello there's less than one more day i think of rain in the northeast of iraq just crossing the border into iran that's been substantial has caused flooding from a bill north woods even further south in mosul but the size need to go on and then
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you should have at least a day of dryness because there's nothing much back up the coast of the east and that this bowl forming again the heavy rain that's falling recently in israel and lebanon is also dying down but it's coming back the picture from monday is once more of an eastern med storm running in but he says that throughout iran is cooling quite eleventh around twenty one and done in kuwait clearly it's warmer feticide there's a bit of a north sea breeze blowing still on sundays through qatar and down towards u.a.e. temperatures in the high twenty's not even the low thirty's and nice part that is even cooling down in western societies the breeze picks up a little bit of dust to present i think during monday in southern africa optically south africa the showers recently have been very noticeable in cross alluna tao the suit to swaziland now that sherry mass is still active come sunday and indeed monday and the dark top suggests potential for flash flooding as
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a whole lot moves only slowly eastwards. in countries like mine people have been killed too because we human united states have privatized the ultimate public function more this was a deal with saudi arabia things were done differently saudis and other arabs were victims of britons will be all to help of the past bombs due to low fuel rumsfeld was meeting saddam is an interesting. shadow coming soon. a notorious symbol of the u.s. war on terror one said to close guantanamo bay and its detainees go in no way we have identified as a priority is the construction of a nail high value detention center i'm afraid that we're setting the conditions to
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some of the stories that are trending on al-jazeera talk calm on the big story this week that we're leading with here are the ideal of us protests that continue in paris also number. to another few stories on everything that is happening wise with the president donald trump and his former personal attorney michael cohen and another story number four there also another important story about the yellow vests protests just a few there al jazeera dot com. take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world right now china has summoned canada's ambassador and is calling for the immediate release of a top executive at telecommunications giant wall way. chief financial officers accused of breaching u.s. sanctions on iran she is in custody ahead of a bail hearing on monday u.s. prosecutors want her extradited but china says she hasn't done anything wrong and
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iran's president is call us sanctions economic terrorism speaking at a conference on regional cooperation haasan rouhani warned western nations they face an influx of drugs smuggled smuggled from asia through iran because of a weekend iranian economy the renewed oil and financial sanctions come in force came into force rather a month ago after u.s. president pulled out of the two thousand and fifteen nuclear deal in may. i want moes who imposed sanctions that if iran's ability to fight drugs and terrorism are affected you will not be safe from a deluge of drugs asylum seekers bombs and terrorism. a new outbreak of cholera has killed at least five people infected hundreds in zimbabwe the last reports from darwin to strike by doctors as for the already struggling public health system. health workers this week the cholera outbreak in mt darwin started here they say
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a gold mine is used water from a nearby river that's believed to be contaminated petra statoil is says the area where he works is remote and the roads are bad that's why he said some people didn't get to hospital until it was too late. after i finished eating i started feeling strange i knew something was wrong but they kept on working in the mine thinking it wasn't serious when it became serious i came to a spittle test and confirmed that that caller. more than two hundred cases have been reported so far in the modeling area doctors and nurses are encouraging people to get treatment early the minute. may be fishing to rescind week before meeting in the city which is. the. early.
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it's almost a hundred percent. but a shortage of essential drugs and equipment in many public health centers makes it more difficult to deal with the disease some junior doctors are also on strike over pay and work conditions and nurses are threatening to do the same more than fifty people died from cholera in september that was in the capital harare this latest outbreak isn't contained our fears this disease could spread opposition leaders say zimbabwe's health sector has suffered and the years of corruption and mismanagement but government officials deny the allegations insisting sanctions imposed by the west and the economic crisis in the country are to blame. some of these miners planned to go back to work is the only job they can find they know there's a risk of reinfection but say they and their families need the money. dahlan is about. protest march in malaysia as capital has turned into a rally in support of the government after it decided not to society un convention
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on racism the largest ethnic group the melees were worried their convention could take away some of their privileges or reports from kuala lumpur. this rally was initially organized as a protest march to demonstrate against the government's decision to ratify a un convention to eliminate racial discrimination and the reason this backlash against this here in malaysia is because the majority race the malays who make up more than sixty percent of the population are concerned that this would be to a low tide that special privileges and threaten the position of islam as the main religion in this country the privileges granted to the malays and other indigenous groups give them advantages in a range of things from business to education to. affirmative action all of these were put in place decades ago because the malays even though they were the main group considered economically disadvantaged compactor the chinese and indians the other two main races in this country and the government mindful of the backlash
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reversed its pledge to ratify the convention but this rally is still going ahead people here tell us they want to send a message to the government that they will be checked anything that threatens the malays special privileges a point. that we've gone through and all that we now enjoy will be affected that is what we don't want the kind of this particular bill and there's already an agreement made long ago between the military and the chinese and it was in trying to into the constitution there's no need to change anything we already have human rights or equal rights in malaysia but this is also about politics this rally is organized by the two largest opposition groups in the country one is an islamist group the other is i'm not a party that had led to malaysia since independence for more than sixty years until its defeat in the general election in may well and it is a it's also intended as a reminder to show the government and the supporters that they are still relevant.
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in a world first china has launched a rover to explore the far side of the moon the timer for a lunar probe mission blasted off on a rocket on saturday it's expected to land around the new year and carry out surveys of the untouched arraign state media say if the mission is successful it will help. to become a space superpower arliss chemist stay in space and or as a story that is a bit far away this space nerds like me can rejoice rachele the inside mission blasted off from california in may it traveled at ten thousand kilometers an hour towards mars and then landed there on november twenty sixth it's the first nasa mission to look deep inside of the red planet to study its crust mantle and core how does it do this it's taken instruments and placed them on the surface in order to collect data seismometers are measuring the seismic waves created by mars quakes to map out the interior and a nasa tweeted out some animations but the lander what's really cool is it sending
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back some really amazing photographs with its cameras along with the first sounds from the martian surface fiber ations which when raised a couple octaves can be heard for the first time by the human ear. they do sound like like you know where door or maybe you know the ocean kind of roaring in the background but it also has kind of an unworldly feel to it and you know when i sit by computer and play the sound through my my headphones and look at the images i can really imagine you're being are on a planet in some ways like the earth but in some way it's really alien and i think that's really cool so all of that and more for the cool price of eight hundred fifty million dollars totally worth it i think well you can follow their mission on twitter it's at nasa inside and let us know your thoughts you can get such using
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the hash tag jane is good certainly a bargain and very certain lengths all the democratic republic of congo is demanding belgium were turned artifacts stolen during its clonal days the play comes as belgium's africa museum reopens after a five year make over curators say the revamped museum tells a story of africa and its colonisation through african eyes and is more critical a belgian brutal rule of congo but it's a toss about the report some say as a go far enough. for more than a century this opulent museum outside brussels was a symbol of belgium's colonial past it was created by king leopold the second with wealth amassed from his kingdom's plunder of congo its exhibits portrayed africans as savage and primitive hundreds of congolese people were put on display in a human zoo but there is no mention of the fact that millions of people were enslaved or killed by their oppresses of them till twenty years ago belgium didn't
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have any critical reflector ryssdal on your past and nobody really questioned about how did google is really perceive it and if you talk to the release of the period i'm in they'll talk about your profession about the way they were treated and so when go to this visit this was a of their star reflecting well maybe the colonial system wasn't all that good at all king leopold presented belgium's colonise ation of congo as a humanitarian mission but that was far from the brutal reality congolese artist mam panny hopes his work will force people to reflect on history or the maasdam over priscilla posit it is thinking together about the past the present and making sure what happened never happens again and to end stereotypes and colonize the image of central africa with the. pierre kompany came to belgium as a refugee from congo in one thousand nine hundred seventy five he's now the country's first black mare he son vincent plays for belgium's national football
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team he says the museum could be a cultural bridge. from now it is museum would be a different color both congo and belgian would better understand the mistakes made in the future that awaits us. while those behind the reopening of this museum hope that it will help belgians confront their colonial past some critics say it's a missed opportunity that a greater gesture would have been to return some of the looted artworks and objects to congo so what is a these are not mere outworks for us they represent our ancestors so if my ancestors are enclosing the museum frozen in time then they are dead so i don't want to celebrate in this cemetery perhaps i would visit in the future if we start returning the works state museums across europe have come under increasing pressure from campaign is to return objects taken from africa they say it would address some past injustices but also force people in former colonial powers like belgium to
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know and confront the history for too long has been ignored natasha butler al-jazeera brussels belgium. so reported out this reported rather this is about more than just one you see and this is an issue that a lot of museums are grappling with to talk to a guest about that in a moment first let's go to andrew about this official reopening of this african museum its center rated a lot of a lot of comments it sure has rachelle in this debate it remains sensitive so the king philip king philip rather of belgium had been expected to appear at the renovated museums official reopening but he pulled out now there was speculation that he might use that events that appearance to offer an apology for belgium's colonial past so you have many people who are disappointed by his decision the belgian footballer vincent kompany says he hopes the museum will provide a better understanding of african history. this is a fantastic sign of the potential in the creativity that exists in africa i hope
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that the african museum will ensure a better understanding of the birth country of my father congo. meanwhile critics say colonialism remains until stolen artifacts are returned to the congolese people the reopening of the museum has triggered calls for the democratic republic of congo for many of its historical items to be returned president joseph kabila says he's seeking to bring back arts and documents so they can be held in a new congolese national museum which is being funded by the south korean government meanwhile senegal has opened one of africa's largest and most exciting museums in the capital dhaka are those behind this project hope to bring back some of those hundreds of thousands of artifacts that are still in european museums and this one hundred eight thousand square foot venue houses exhibits from ancient black civilizations as well as modern art work including paintings that tell the stories of slaves who were taken to the americas centuries ago president macky sall
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officially opened the museum and had this to say. that of us still keeping all cultures is what has saved african people from attempts made to make them soldiers people with knowledge of history and of culture a dozen people to give this it also stimulates progress this is why africa's trying so hard to give value to the recovery of its cultural heritage. now there's certainly a lot of excitement for this project which you can read more about on our website al jazeera dot com patricia is one viewer who shared that article and she's the hash tag own your story and said that the current mood of return of historical and cultural artifacts from africa's past senegal is on its now three some poor as an architecture student from the king of faso who checked out the museum and had this to say the issue of safety of course but is really emotional to be here because we have always been made to believe that there is no such thing as an african civilization and that civilization came here from abroad from other countries but
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here we can see it was not the case. but there are some lingering issues here before i go this museum in senegal was built with chinese help and as a man let thomas johnson reporter for al jazeera dot com she says that the jury is still out on whether this chinese partnership represents a form of neo colonialism so something for you to think about there we'd love to hear your thoughts on this if you're watching on facebook live do get out your fingers and type send us your questions and comments and your thank you now for more on this topic and let's bring in greer valley in cape town she's a researcher at the university of cape town who examines the exhibition practices of european museums and their treatment of cloning all narratives we appreciate your time very much like do you think that some museums still get this wrong. so i think there's a trend in in europe at the moment when you see ems are producing programs
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refurbishing old museums. and also producing exhibitions a deal was. passed. but this this kendis trembling because it fails to address the real legacies a concern has also sometimes. fails to include critical graces from scanners. activists ottens curators from the continent that are producing knowledge and scholarship some pick so often these conversations happen without without without africans thinking that in there. if there were more diverse voices at the table you think that that this would be going better yet. so also a lot of museums with within there's a there's the secrecy is the norm there's not a lot of has doesn't have to be a lot of explanation for where things came from eccentric cetera what role do you
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think that that plays in sometimes they see as getting their hands on things that they shouldn't have and i don't want to speak in broad generalities i'm not saying all museums do this but but there is a lot of secrecy in how some of these artifacts are obtained. yeah so i mean the fact is that many of our african objects that are however colonial objects in general that are house by european museums. have been have been stolen and i think we need to ask questions about you know who the objects rightfully belong to how they were acquired and where they are how than how and how they are displayed and have been displayed and to work. so there's differences that secrecy around that and so that is addressed. these projects have little value for africans. that are looking for thought to ajay's can only.
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you know to to see the objects returned to their rightful owners is said that decolonization is about more than rearranging objects in a museum what do you mean by that. african objects in in european museums and cultural and failure to african people over there also hold the history is colonial knowledge systems that where raised during colonial rule so so the only way to really. to really you know. address the histories and to resurface not legit and is to is to return the objects to to to preclude to the to the former to the former colonies and i mean we all know that knowledge was this place and purposefully hidden to save a particular colonial gender and presented africans as pre-historical or once of
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allies prevent its edges so so i think that's that's very important indeed it is valid thank you so much for your insight on this we appreciate it. and the history of how museums attain a a to antiquities it is often secret if you go to our web site al jazeera dot com you'll find more about why secrecy is the norm and how that allows for smuggling in some cases to thrive just search western museums to see this story for our viewers on facebook will have a bonus feature about sarah leone's time and the women's world cup draws just hours away we'll take a look at that paul will also tell you about how this eight year old girl kicked a goal for gender equality on the pitch.
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one of the really special things about working for al-jazeera is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else would be what it is you know it's very challenging there but it's got to give because you have a lot of people that are divided on political issues we are we the people believe that tell the real story so i'll just mandate is to deliver in-depth journalism we don't hear in people a good audience across the globe. right
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that's what folks are talking about in the sports world richelle thank you very much and just over an hour's time in paris it's the drop for the women's world cup france twenty nineteen will be the eighth edition of the tournament and prize money has reflected some of the growth of the women's game by doubling from four years ago in canada to about thirty million dollars now when they were a man get we should mention well unlike the first ever world cup in one nine hundred ninety one this one has a hash tag death to shine some of the stars of the game featured in this promotional video from fifa none of the french women have made the cut though they're ranked fourth in the world but have never won a trophy that would be hoping to put an end to that record and then relate the
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frenchman of nine hundred ninety eight by winning on home soil at the final which won't be in paris but in lille one of the senses of european women's football well there are twenty four teams in the draw but here are just a few of the to look out for jamaica the first caribbean same ever to qualify they've brown sparked from having their funding cuts by the national football federation eight years ago when they won three. is without playing any matches well no world cup is complete without brazil and brazil wouldn't be brazil without smarter the six time player of the year has scored more goals than anyone else in world cup history but has never lifted the trophy events job has mainly fall into the usa who will be hot favorites to repeat their wins in ninety one ninety five on twenty fifteen when the tournament kicks off at the park they promise in paris on june the seventh well as the reigning champions the usa women's team all keen to intimidate any potential opponent with this clip they've posted along side
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a message reminding of the teams that the u.s. w n t will begin its world cup year of twenty nineteen as the top ranked team in the world well norway posted this jeff to their twitter account highlighting the fact the team with the first european side to lift the women's world cup in ninety five come they won it again twenty four years later scotland's national team are getting excited about finding out who they'll face they secured a spot at the tournament for the first time in their history this year well at this level the players are expecting to face a stern test when they get to france in june england's lionesses have been preparing but could one of their star players lucie bronze possibly a six french test posed by midfield at least on a fourth take a look well i'm going to give you the wicket and you can translate that back to me during some way. i love playing the england.
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i can't wait to feel welcome in front. of you i can tell. paula cook the mail on for. that oh yeah. and it's coming at a committal and. i don't know how you in terms of complaint. tell me alarmism i mean. here it just says server untrue. yeah they're returning home now and i. think that this is the great. oak if you be. here. well women's football continues to earn new fans and break down barriers and it's thanks to many the grass roots like eight year old come the lawyer cabrera we reported her story
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in september when she was told she couldn't play outside a local youth football club in argentina with the boys because mixed gender teams weren't allowed in her area anymore she started a campaign with women players from argentina's national team and on thursday the sixteen clubs in the santa fe province reversed that decision and also agreed to start a girls' league from next year or you can tweet me any stories which are happening in your region i'm pilot reese patriot will be back in the eight hundred news hour but for now i'll hand you back to rachelle our thank you very much a life in the east of iraq's second largest city is beginning to return to normal year after ice or was defeated but for those from the west of mosul it is a completely different story from matheson reports. to hear music drifting across a public square in mosul would have been unthinkable just over
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a year ago when i saw fighters roam the city streets and being outside after nightfall could mean a beating or even death. this is a message of peace that eisen is no longer here in mosul the society should live in peace and harmony after these dark days. this is the eastern side of the tigris river here people are trying to reclaim the night while knowing a short distance away lies stark remind us of battles. in the west side of mosul is still in darkness most of the people there. is alive but the west side is dead there is total destruction there it is like to hear regime a bomb dropped daylight reveals the devastation on the western banks of the tigris people who used to live in houses of bricks and cement in western mosul and now sheltering in tents in camps like this one thousands have lost everything parts of eastern warsaw may look like they're returning to normal but people from the west
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say there's nothing normal for them to return to. so i don't mohammed has been living in this tent with his family since their home in west mosul was bombed said whom lost both arms in the attacks and. we can return to mosul right now security is still fragile our houses are level to the ground there is no life for us there anymore it is better to stay in the camp for the time being despite the harsh living conditions people in mosul see the wreckage west of the tigris as a memorial to the city's dark past. but that the bustling parts of the east are the signs of a brighter future rob matheson al-jazeera the kurdish region of northern iraq. and as we close out the news from day one to know we're going to keep an eye to what is happening and paris these are live pictures of the protests that have continued this is the fourth weekend of protests still several thousand people out
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on the streets as you can see there has been violence police and try to contain this so that people cannot climb to the top of the arc as they did in the last few days will keep you posted keep it here on al jazeera for the news spread more. stories generate thousands of headlines with different angles from different perspectives a caravan is a fact helpful e-mail and highly dangerous one of the major issues before voters is the institution president from cannot stop talking about the news media to separate
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the spin from the facts the misinformation from the journalism the shock rise of the b.b.c.'s reporter try to leave the listening post on outages here. with bureaus spawning six continents across the globe. to. al-jazeera has correspondents live in green the stories they tell. me are fluent in world news. is the real wild follows the struggles of an iraqi painter. a syrian screenwriter and a palestinian filmmaker as they come to terms with their lives as displaced artists in lebanon. art is always the first to go and the last to the
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radio. did the new homeland in my imagination building beirut's refugee artists on al-jazeera. hundreds of people are arrested as paris is once again swarmed by yellow vest protesters this time demanding emanuel my resignation. blow i'm maryam namazie in london you're with al-jazeera was so coming on the president under pressure court documents link him directly to financial crimes
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during his campaign for the white house. china warns there will be strong consequences over the arrest of huawei executive main one joe on fraud charges and why the key to solving south korea's winter pollution problem could lie across the sea in china. or we begin in france where riot police have fired tear gas at yellow vests protesters in the center of paris it's the fourth weekend of demonstrations against high fuel and living costs which have shaken present authority more than six hundred people have already been arrested and tens of thousands of others are rallying cross the country you barker reports. the avenues of side streets of paris have become a front line between protesters and police. firing tear gas has been
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fide liberally to disperse the crowds for the. congress to look back at police logs. oh yeah the arc de triomphe armored vehicles rarely seen on the streets of france plowed through flaming every. this is the full weekend of on rest police have stepped up their efforts deploying thousands of extra officers and arresting hundreds. not all protests have been violent. demonstrators offered riot police flowers but often national monuments were to face last week major landmarks including the eiffel tower closed. meeting with security forces early on saturday france's interior minister said police are ready to intervene quickly to see if we assume the british isles they have actually be more injuries on the side of the security forces than on the side of the protesters
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because the idea is to contain things but that tactic has its limits particularly when we're faced with people who want to behave like. that. began as a social media movement called the. or yellow vests named after the high visibility jackets french motorists carry in their cars a backlash against tax increases on petrol and diesel but even after president to scrap the price hikes the protests have continued over other issues. if you. wish it up we're all exasperated with what's going on and we drain the people asking for israel to make a living from their work that's all they want to get some help and all that but we're not asking for anything just to be out of make a living from our work. demonstrators believe the president's package of economic reforms favor the rich many want higher wages others pension reforms some easier university requirements mccombs popularity has been falling in recent months
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he can't afford to see it slide any further but it's not clear if he can play the course of voices calling for him to resign. the al-jazeera. or government's reversal on its plans to hike fuel taxes hasn't stopped the demonstrations the protests to say they want more they've listed forty seven demands which include the redistribution of wealth to bridge the gap between rich and pole movement is calling for an increase of salaries with the minimum wage set at around four hundred dollars a month but the biggest demand now is for the president emanuel macron to step down they use him of making policy decisions that favor of big corporations and rich individuals so that speak burnet smith who is in paris for some but on a day it would appear that another weekend of protests have turned violent what's happening there where you are now. moment just.
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to trim for no way around the artistry of that most of the afternoon protesters have been trying to get to the auditorium this is the only one that last week was targeted by the protesters amounted to climb with spray graffiti on it bundy lies and so this week the police tactic has been to contain major prison monuments white vans to stop the protesters getting to them so it's not the sort of running confrontations down some of the star side streets some of the protests try to find weak points to try and get to the auditor and they haven't done it so far because of this pretty serious and heavy police igniting. and so the police are trying to cordon these areas off to prevent the protesters from reaching certain parts tell us more about the tactics that they've been using and how they have tried to prevent further clashes and violence. what i
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think is just essentially such aeration the areas where there were a confrontations last week where the police when in fact protests were sort of allowed to get away with more they haven't done once this week the police and the police have been. proactive they've been charging groups where groups of trying to come through but i think one of the concerns is that as knights. the more extremist elements are sort of blended in with the peaceful yellow verse protesters may use the cover of night to behave more violently and i think that is a particular concern of the french of yours of course. thank you very much bernard smith just giving us a sense of the mood the atmosphere and what's happening there in the french capital paris thank you bernard well the yellow vest movement has also crossed the border to belgium where police have five water cannon hundreds of demonstrators there belgium hasn't proposed a hike in fuel tax but the protesters are not happy with the government of prime minister shells mashal and
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a calling for his resignation to seventy people have already been arrested while the area housing european parliament and commission buildings have been sealed off . the u.s. president donald trump is under more pressure following the release of court documents on friday which directly link him to financial crimes allegedly committed during his twenty sixteen white house campaign the documents claim trump directed his personal lawyer to make illegal hush payments to two women ahead of the election additionally documents relating to the special counsel investigation into alleged russian meddling in the election also detailed a previously unknown attempt by russian to help the trunk campaign chancy explains . shortly after the release of some of the prosecution documents the u.s. president expressed his lack of concern totally clears the president he wrote thank you it's not clear exactly what he was referring to but some believe the contents
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of the latest memos should provide some cause for concern for donald trump michael cohen was trump's long time lawyer and fix up he's pled guilty to tax evasion and campaign finance violations and it's this latter charge that now directly implicates the president in its filing prosecutors in new york say code made to hush money payments to women in contravention of campaign finance law that filing says as cohen has now admitted with respect to both payments he acted in coordination with and at the direction of individual one individual one is assumed to be donald trump so prosecutors are directly implicating the president in the crime the special counsel's moment about co and confirmed what was already in the public domain about failed attempts to build a trump tower in moscow that continued even as trump was on the campaign trail expounding about his proposed russian foreign policy however there are two new areas which might be of concern to trump firstly miller writes cohen provided the special counsel's office with useful information concerning certain discrete rusher
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related matters core to its investigation that he obtained by virtue of his regular contact with company executives during the campaign and cohen provided relevant and useful information concerning his contacts with persons connected to the white house during the twenty seventeen twenty eighteen time period. it's unclear what information miller is referring to during the campaign but it's striking cohen is also discussing trump's first year in office with the special prosecutor. miller has also submitted a document about former trump campaign manager paul manifold he was convicted of illegal lobbying for the ukrainian government as well as financial fraud the special prosecutor says manifold broke a plea agreement reached to provide information in return for would like to sentence this involves a redacted name miller says while negotiating the agreement for provided information about reduction that was pertinent to an investigation in another district however after signing the plea agreement amount of four told the government a different and exculpatory version of the events in addition miller says mount
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a fortnight about context he had with the trumpet ministration after he had reached that plea agreement the former director of the f.b.i. happened to be in capitol hill for a closed door questioning on friday he praised the special counsel's investigation but gave a reminder that a lot of questions remain the most important occasion of that is you don't know anything about it except twenty five something court and that's what makes it so don't trump has now been implicated directly in campaign finance violations but it's not clear what these latest findings have to do with the russian collusion investigation if anything however taken in conjunction with this heavily redacted document that was filed earlier this week in conjunction with the investigation into a former security advisor michael flynn there's plenty of speculation. washington or bring up to speed on developments around yemen now the his the rebels are saying the main port city of data should be declared a neutral zone speaking on the sideline of talks in sweden aimed at ending the
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nearly four year war in iran backed rebels also suggested the united nations could play a role in the running of sunna at port. reports now from run by a sweetener. talks hit a stumbling block just at the time when hopes of progress were growing. yemen's rival factions are entrenched warning if their demands are not met the talks will fail and as the negotiations continue the whole thing is a controlled sun and the northern parts of the country say they are willing to join a national unity government if president obama so hardy steps down so. the political solution from our point of view should be a new transitional period that has a time frame and must have consensual executive power including the presidency and the government and must work on certain pillars like security and military
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operations in sharing food control over the yemeni state and solving unsolved problems. the proposal was swiftly dismissed by the government had the loyalists say the healthy rebels seized power in a coup in two thousand and fourteen and therefore that surround is a prerequisite for any future deal if you know what i can. hardly goes do you think that would solve the problem the problem is cool how he was elected and it elections that will decide his fate but if he resigns now that will be dangerous there will be a power struggle there is a third party that is not involved in the talks but whose influence has been on the rise in yemen seized a thousand and eleven. these are the secessionists of the it movement that wants to break away from the north they are protesting against what they describe as a society.
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