tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera December 10, 2018 5:00pm-5:34pm +03
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false have to go back to brussels in order to try to renegotiate a different kind of day and yes i think you know she's spent the last week two weeks really doing everything she can and the party party whips and number ten downing street putting all the force of government behind a huge effort to try and change opinion but opinion has not apparently changed in fact it slid if anything ever more in the opposite direction more than one hundred m.p.'s in her own party opposed her deal this deal that she has staked so much of her self upon and that's to say nothing of the opposition parties as well i think the concern now is no longer the fact of defeat but the scale of defeat because if she were to news this vote on tuesday by a triple figure margin well there are many who think that that might be the end of her premiership but she could no longer stand at the thought of authority would simply be shot but if she can somehow try and close that gap and lose by
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a smaller margin well then there may be an argument to go back to brussels and look for some sort of concession or series of tweaks that might win people over in a second vote meanwhile of course that vote is still on there is pressure upon her perhaps to pull the vote all together although she is said to be resisting that personally the final day of debate takes place in parliament today it's all northern ireland that's a place of course that knows only too well the painful effects of division without compromise and that's something i'm sure that the northern more than and secretary kerry and bradley will be reminding the house of commons of during the course of the day. thank you very much jen how that live at westminster. now the french president is due to address the nation after meeting unions and protest groups to try to ease this a vest movement emanuel mccraw has been largely silent during the four weeks of protests across the country the demonstrations were initially over taxes on feel
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that they have now broadened to include many aspects of life in france today many are calling for president mackerel to resign and the finance minister he has said that the protests have been catastrophic for the economy has been speaking to some of the workers affected. that the only businesses that have seen profits go up because of the yellow vest protests along with more than seventy percent of french people the owner of this window pitting company is sympathetic to the protesters motives to citizenship their anger is legitimate it would be nice if mr merkel could enable employers to give bonuses free of tax to their employees so that everyone is better off at the end of the month but i also understand the government's position seeing the siege it's not easy to deal with they have to find solutions that you've got the more this restaurant in central paris stayed open on saturday but takings were down ninety percent. would be really bad if the situation
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persisted and got worse however it is nothing compared to the wave of terror attacks from three years ago when tourists asserted paris yesterday there were futurists but it will be a lot of considerations no matter what patel's will be the most impacted but restaurants like mine will suffer as well because in fact they're working. with the power turned off in the city of light in the shops boarded up the cost of the economy is estimated to have been at least one and a half billion dollars. well the protesters who took the place of christmas shoppers in central paris have succeeded in forcing the government of president emanuel mccrum to agree to their main demand and abandon a hike in fuel taxes we must now urgently work together to find a path to dialogue to provide answers to all of those french people overwhelmed by the level of taxes and even through their work and can manage to get by but this can only be done in peace in dialogue and certainly not with violence scrapping the
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tax rises blows a five billion dollars hole in the government's budget but the protesters want tax cuts they want better pensions benefits and they want a higher minimum wage demands president is going to find difficult to meet and there's little money to pay for bernard smith al-jazeera powers. that's want to come here and out there including turnaround in tanzania but at what cost critics expressed concern at tactics the president is using the media. from cool brisk noise and fuel it's. to the warm tranquil waters of southeast asia. hello there it certainly has been quite stormy in europe recently corsica and saudia have seen the worst of the winds and now finally they are easing
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elsewhere though we're seeing some heavy rain work its way down towards the southeast also a fair amount of snow mixed in with that so as we head through the next twenty four hours we'll see the main system here making its way across parts of greece that and into turkey we've also got more snow over parts of the outs as well towards the west is very different is largely fine and dry for us here madrid getting to around fourteen or fifteen degrees as a maximum temperature over the next few days the next system as we head through cheese say that will be working its way in from the atlantic so for some of us particularly in ireland and just in the northwestern parts of france we're going to see the cloud increase and the winds will pick up again too across the other side of the mediterranean we've seen a few showers just make their way on to the north coast of libya and into egypt nothing too heavy at the moment the heavier rain is further north and it will continue to be further north as we head through the next few days say for monday then some wet weather along the eastern coast of the mediterranean and the next system pushing its way into the western parts of techie then all of that sweeps
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eastwards as we head through tuesday still want to showers perhaps for the northeastern parts of the west largely fine and dry. the weather sponsored by qatar . the lights are on. and there's nowhere to hide isn't the easiest way to solve this to allow u.n. observers who you invited into the country earlier this year to finish their job i haven't said it's a right wing conspiracy or anybody's conspiracy. do you think we're going to see some kind of sea change in the u.s. relationship with saudi arabia we have an obligation there is a journalistic integrity and then so in this case it was betrayed totally upfront own al-jazeera.
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time for to take a look at the top stories here at outages here it's been seventy days since t.j. jen just last saw her fiance the saudi journalist jamal khashoggi alive outside his country's consulate in istanbul in an exclusive interview with al jazeera fiance says she'll fight to ensure everyone who's responsible for his death is brought to justice. europe's top court has ruled the britain's parliament can cancel bret's it without asking the other members of the european union parliament is set to vote on choose a own prime minister trees amaze planned to leave the block. the french president stooge address the nation after meeting unions and protest groups to try to ease the so-called yellow vests movement the demonstrations were initially overtop his own feel but they've now broadened to include many aspects of life in france today and many
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a calling for president mackerel to resign. the world leaders are gathering in morocco to sign a u.n. deal which aims at improving cooperation on migration but the consensus around the pact is far from solid a number of countries are refusing to support it including australia and the united states and in europe in particular supporters crumbling nowhere is that more evident than in austria paul brennan has more from the capital vienna. in vienna and across central europe the traditional christmas markets are well underway the symbolic of a christian heritage and a sense of european cultural identity twenty sixteen the european nations led the campaign for a global solution to the migration crisis but a string of populist election victories since then means the u. n. compact which emerged from that crisis is being disowned by its architects first to go was hungary. we see that coming into the field of national
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sovereignty certainly trying to make migration a human right which if you take a closer look is opening pandora's box that's a perspective though that the united nations insists is just plain wrong the un says that the compact is not legally binding and does not create any new human rights furthermore it says national sovereignty or migration is a specific protected in the document so long as it complies with international law it's caviar just like that which have been pounced upon by europe's new nationalists with austria leading the way. research has pointed to a new generation of politicians across europe who understand that migration can sway elections it seems that migration is one of the on the remaining topics where somehow nation states are seeing how they can make
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a point of this this is the region of control and sovereignty and certainly it's also related to more and more polarized public. after austria followed hungary more fell like dominoes slovakia italy bug area czech republic poland and switzerland of all either withdrawn or suspended their participation why because according to one academic by starting from a pro migration stance the un compact underestimated and ignored the concerns of individual citizens there are no kind of conditions with the limit of migration right there is no credit it completely ignores the potential cultural aspects which i think are interesting important for most europeans and i think what we see. in most countries is right it's not about the economic side the people of course about migration i think it's kind of the fear of loss of cultural identity the numbers of refugees entering europe has dropped sharply since the height of the migrant crisis in twenty fifteen but the challenge of how to address future crises remains n.g.o.s
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a warning that nationalism cannot solve global problems not only include conflict means not but this is bleeding into solution being not barred in the solution of the google tell and and want to. challenge seriously then they have to be part of the global community christmas is a season of goodwill where families gather and exchange gifts in europe's increasingly nationalistic political landscape their charity begins and ends at home. i'll just vienna. i will go live now to that conference taking place america correspondent there is a whole bar and hashem one wonders what's the point of this big u.n. event when so many countries so many important countries the australia the united states and european countries are refusing to engage.
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this is this is definitely martin casting shadow here about about the future of the global compact or for migration of the many people concerned about the states of america in particular pulling out from the deal many countries now are saying there's absolutely no way there will. sign the agreement because they consider to be inconsistent in a way or another with their national sovereignty and they're also voicing concern saying that we cannot let this happen we cannot suddenly see ourselves grappling with a new influx of millions of refugees in places like europe and the united states of america but however i have to see that the man term which has been building up since to thousand and sixteen about the need to give refugees the right to resettle the right to go access to basic education health but most importantly the right to live in safety because we're talking about people by the way martin whose decision
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to move was not there talking about seventy million people according to that in nations as soon as they were forced out of their homes twenty four million refugees all over the world half of those of that number is below the age of eighteen we're talking about catastrophes in places like me and mar we're talking about wars in places like syria which has forced millions of syrians art of their homes and then many countries are looking forward to see the united nations sign the agreement. here i think. in two thousand and sixteen with the not a new york declaration of human rights has been for migrants has been signed with obama as president without a sense of america the feeling was flying a link which countries are willing to build build bridges but with the rise of far white governments and populism in europe and the united states of america it seems that countries are willing to build bridges to give you just some idea charles
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michel who's the prime minister of belgium attendant today the confidence in his suffering a political crisis at home because one of the key components of the governing coalition builder decided to pull out from the fall of the coalition just because charles michel is here indorsing the global compact for migration this is creating problems for many countries and i think many of the countries which are going to sign the deal today will definitely in the coming years if the far west comes to power will have to pull out for this is creating loads of uncertainty here in america. live at that un conference on migration in america thank you. now it's a landslide victory for armenia is acting prime minister following parliamentary elections nicol passion yan led the so-called velvet revolution into power after a week of protests toppling the government of almost twenty years his party has now
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won more than seventy percent of the vote with almost ninety percent counted now at least twenty policemen have been killed in fighting between security forces and members of the taliban in western afghanistan five others were injured in the violence across far and fiery provinces. the saudi u.a.e. coalition fighting in yemen says it's issued seventeen permits for ships with food and fuel to enter ports their aid is desperately needed in a country which the un has described as facing the world's worst humanitarian crisis and for the first time in two years government delegates and who the representatives have met face to face during those u.n. led peace will taking place in sweden the warring parties talked about a planned prisoner swap one of several confidence building measures aimed at ending the three and a half year conflict. now turns in the as president has rolled radical change to
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the country since he came to power three years ago john the mega fully as introduced ways to save money is waged a war on corruption and got rid of so-called government goes workers but to come down in other areas excuse me from politics to media and even sexual morality is gaining him critics catherine story of course from the main city dar es salaam. massoud keep expresses his art through caricature his political messages as subtle but provocative he has drone through three governments but it's this one of president john mark foley that he says worries him the most the platform is more that. we are being followed. because. sometimes when you sound like a clone. of the editor who tells openly about you know my food we have to be careful we cannot publish this model fully has been in power for three years in
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tanzania some call him the bulldozer coming up now and your voice has been credited for his fight against corruption which has been a problem here for years he has carried on on civil service expenditure and is overseeing major projects like the construction of this that will link different cities the stories we've. focused to make sure that turns on the uncertain the development we want but it is a story is also to change some of the mistakes of that part of the past but critics of the president say he's a dictator last stifle the political space and curtailed freedom of expression and media if he decided on something he does it and go with it all the way but at the same time very autocratic. so you have a way that you don't have a feedback mechanism improve the decisions that are that have been taken and that's
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why you have a situation when the country everybody is in fear however he does enjoy popularity amongst some president john mcgrath fully has been described as a populist he often says what ordinary people in tanzania want to hear and mostly take this fish market for example it was on your evening walk in october stop here talk to the traders about the problems and give the money to build an office cooking area and trading. market trader a miriama shows us where the office is being built. i have been here for about two years but i have never seen a president. of the poorer than before he started with us on a wooden benches i'm release and many people in tanzania say the president has proved himself a symbol off decisiveness and integrity but some also say he's autocratic style of leadership could only have tanzania's democracy catherine saw al-jazeera.
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and don't forget the al-jazeera website where you can keep brought up to date with all the day's developing stories there's a lot of background lot of analysis as well you can also find links to any of the programs that you might have missed as inside story counting the cost etc al-jazeera dot com. traverses take a look at the top stories here of al-jazeera the field say of a saudi journalist jamal khashoggi is demanding his body be returned to his family in an exclusive interview with al-jazeera has a j gen jess also said she'll fight to ensure everyone who's responsible for his death is brought to justice because she was killed in october in the saudi culture that in istanbul gentlefolks of the sword i want to expose the details of the surete a crime identify the perpetrators and put those who carried out the killing on
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a fee trial including those who ordered the hit so they get the punishment they deserve on behalf of jamal's relatives and loved ones and i say this isn't one of them we need to know the whereabouts of his body this is a basic human rights. europe's top causes ruled that britain can cancel the bracks it process without referring to other members of the european union parliament is due to vote on tuesday on prime minister to resume a's plan to leave the e.u. this is may's under increasing pressure from some m.p.'s to renegotiate or even scrap the agreement the french president is due to address the nation after meeting unions and protest groups to try to ease the so-called yellow vests movement the demonstrations were initially over taxes on fuel that now broadened to include many aspects of life in france today and many are calling for president michel to resign world leaders are gathering in morocco to sign a u.n.
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deal aimed at improving global corporation on like gratian but the consensus around the pact is far from solid a number of countries in europe are refusing to support it as well as australia and the united states. i mean is leader has promised an economic revolution after an election that consolidated his power nicole passion young led mass protests in april which forced out the party that i drove for nearly twenty years. the gulf cooperation council summit has ended in saudi arabia with no firm agreement on how to resolve simmering disagreements between member states kuwait samir used his speech to call for an end to the disputes and the deepening hostility through media campaigns all right this is the latest headlines from us here it out to sara coming up next up front. in countries like mine people have been killed. we have the united states have privatized the old public interest. this was
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a deal with saudi arabia things were done differently saudis. would be cool to help the afghans do you know you will rumsfeld this meeting saddam is an interesting. shadow coming soon. the u.s. government says china is detaining more than two million winters ethnic kazakhs and other muslim minorities is this the world's biggest most ignored human rights crisis our law school we go activist also on the show the u.k. is trying to quit the european union because the original brics that referendum tainted that's our debate. according to the u.s. state department more than two million members of muslim ethnic minorities are
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being held by the chinese government in so-called reeducation camps against their will including eight hundred thousand wingers activists say it's part of a long running government campaign to suppress torture and humiliate the weak is the chinese government say they're fighting terrorism even as they send communist party officials to live inside of we've got homes but is the world even paying attention joining me to discuss this human rights crisis haasan week the activist who was forced to leave china it was shot. thanks for joining me up front thank you for having me you're a weaker activist who fled china in two thousand and three how bad has the situation become in providence the historic we got homeland in more recent months and years do you recognize these horrific numbers from the u.s. state department eight hundred thousand we get in reeducation camps more than two million members of muslim minorities detained in total that number sound almost unbelievable. yes actually after the force of december
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the tuesday state department of. testimony in capitol hill and a lot of news media pick up to eight hundred paul then we were actually it's more than two million because we were is a major population over there. because yes what are you hearing from your friends and family back home and enjoying about what's going on inside those camps because the chinese government say there have been violent attacks by we get separatists so they're just the radicalizing the terrorists there they say the chinese foreign ministry says these policies are about improving livelihoods and preserving stability what do you say in response. to that we have a lot of. witness testimony and also we have the first hand information from the chinese government so that their information and i will ask them what president you know we're cd was
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a medical university president and a customer university's president they needed from this work ational education kept there in the counseling out there in the electorate as well and how can they become a terrorist if you can promoted to this union university as president reach means it's a provincial level party member also must be a communist. party member which means the communist party members become terrorist now needed to go to what's happening there are we talking about when we talk about the testimony of torture yes. by the state department of land less indoctrination and the harsh conditions inside and here's a little person's testimony they are in for seeing. their hunger not giving them enough food and not enough water and sometimes forcing them to take
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a madison unknown medicine and after that someone. from the woman's testimony there was a pregnancy. and the some kid who was died over there and if that is a family in one cell with. persons description they have more than sixty are on the people inside and some how do we stand at least their families are coming from people who've been released and come out yet in the laboratory of china now we have four make a good. girl and another one lady now he's in turkey so we have four so the numbers we're seeing the conditions that are getting harsher this is an escalating trend clearly but it's not new the repression of the we get is being going on for decades tell me about what happened to you you were we are activist in china in the eighty's and ninety's what happened to you years starting very early into the started to abolish that we've got
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a language teaching in the college university and they always have a very strong discrimination. for you sample i was teacher in college or work ational training college that's a real recreational and real only they were the police will visit me and bring me to the police station asking some questions. and when i give a class to the student of the world put some student more neuter me and. wise and beating me. up. this is the one and the day use the electric. bit in. the me twice in one in a relation with this roughly it was in to the then one at what happen to your family your family suffer as well
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a brother was killed by the chinese mob into the four after i left and my sister was get arrested because of my activism in poland fourteen and now i got lost who is whole my family members now i don't know if my mom she is still alive my sister is still alive my ex-wife lost contact my kid i got here after ten years in two thousand and thirteen in malaysia and my. because i stand him some money and. postal some clothes and his tools in two thousand and nine two son was get arrested and if you do you were beaten tortured and detained for without any charge just because i stand in money and send some possible to go talk to other we good living in exile this is a common experience and i want to hear the very heart of the experience what seems
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to be in recent weeks or some of the media reports from the associated press and other to be believed if this is going beyond discrimination it's something we've not seen pretty much anywhere else in the world there are reports that the chinese communist party has sent more than a million local government workers to live to literally live inside of we go home to watch the prey raise their kids to monitor them twenty four seven even in private it sounds not just crazy it sounds all william. yes. it was always morning. that was a common practice in the chinese government for the you good if you say no you are extremism and it will you and it can send you to a concentration camp or sentence you because just say you don't like them and they will leave you twenty four hours and one time they go at least have to live in their home for two weeks and a lot of the family the hard bended son demand was all yours in. concentrating
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can only laugh to war men and their daughters and the small kids and if they are taking this and wanted it i heard some of them raping the woman. but from what you're hearing it was a secondhand report from things you're hearing from other activists other exiles is just increasing in number there more people go into more homes though yes. when it started two years ago it was just some family seeing it. targeted in the day needed to mourn in term more closely now. it was all your family and it two years ago first time what i heard it is before the senate a courageous story goes klaus in the. quest we are all villagers you cannot lock your door inside when you are sleep at night you'll have to open it and
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there's a police can any time come into your heart in me the night ask all your family to go outside to wait in the courtyard they will search your home what are they looking for. any seeing. rags or or any. books so what do you want the u.s. government giora to countries which have been very silent about all this the international community the u.n. what do you want them to do to help we get in how do you put pressure on a country as powerful as china as economically dominant in the global economy as china. currently for example the u.s. government. true to war is the china and if it's combined who is acumen rides include it we were to bet you i am pretty sure that you are u.s. government to stand on the high ground also morality and you can mobilize all the
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western countries to do some sanction to the chinese government who is responsible for this atrocity you say that go the other way couldn't it be that donald trump and president xi do a deal on trade which involves the. looking the other way on what's going on and should. yes i'm saying that that strand very. optimistic news is calculating what. action and we already talked about sanctions three months early and until now we didn't see any action and i know if u.s. sanctions some of which all the rest of the wall there will follow and the u.n. can stand firm in their commitment to the human rights who shot her son would have to leave it there thank you so much for joining me on outfront thank you so much for having. french president emanuel
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across government is on the defensive following violent protests against a proposed fuel tax credit was supposed to be a hopeful alternative to europe's right wing populists but in this week's reality check out from producer ryan cole examines whether the french president really is a hero of the global resistance in the age of donald trump in rising authoritarianism many have failed french president emmanuel mccall as the savior of the liberal order even declared himself the main opponent of europe's nationalist populist but isn't really well since assuming power merkel has passed a massive an unpopular reconfiguration of france's labor laws by decree critics say this weakens collective bargaining rights and decreases worker security simply dismiss the naysayers as slackers his contempt for some of the inconveniences of french markets the extend beyond the workplace in the aftermath of the horrific twenty fifteen terror attack in paris strick state of emergency laws were implemented.
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