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tv   Back to Kinshasa  Al Jazeera  December 12, 2018 11:00pm-12:01am +03

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al-jazeera. where ever you. change of leadership in the conservative party will put our country's future at risk and create uncertainty but we can beast afford it britain's prime minister defiant as politicians from a own party vote on whether she still has that confidence a result is expected soon. nor in china this is al jazeera live from london also coming up. president trump's former lawyer michael cohen is sentenced to three years in prison over hush money payments and lying to congress. french prosecutors named the suspect in the
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strasburg christmas market shooting a twenty nine year old shakeout. and calls grow for me in march a release to watch as journalists arrested exactly a year ago one investigating reports of a massacre. and i will begin here in the u.k. where one question dominates the political landscape does to reason may have enough support from within her own party to continue as prime minister or will her handling of bricks it see her removed from power on additions from her really conservative party have just finished casting their ballot in a confidence vote with the results expected within the coming hour on norm's lee is live for us outside the houses of parliament so we expect that result very soon and we have some clues from what m.p.'s have been saying throughout the day. well yes it depends if you take them at face value or not but if you do and certainly the
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local british media has been trying to add things up it does look as if to resume a should have won i will just tell you this isn't entirely unconfirmed and a bit speculative one british newspaper the telegraph has just said a second or two ago with the votes just having finished that eighty six m.p.'s voted against a reason may and that probably if it turns out to be accurate and again we don't know it's unconfirmed would be quite a good result i would say. but certainly there has been this rump of puritanical sitters have been trying to overthrow her as conservative party leader and prime minister of the u.k. and northern ireland of course if that projection is wrong and she is ousted the entire brecht's it projects is put into absolute disarray and then again if she still won things are necessarily that much more clear because under simmons.
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to reason may finally facing a vote of confidence not imposed by her parliamentary opposition but from her own party and she intends to fight i will contest that vote with everything i've got a change of leadership in the conservative party now will put our country's future at risk and create uncertainty when we can least afford it. right she immediately counseled a capital meeting and called off a trip to dublin where she was meant to have last ditch the talks with the irish prime minister instead she was doing battle. and if you want some meaningful data i'll give a one twenty ninth of march two thousand and nineteen let me leave here at the end . here i mean. totally and absolutely unacceptable the prime minister not government have already been found to be in contempt of parliament her behavior today is just contemptuous of this parliament most of the opposition is about made
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calling off of bricks and votes on monday because she didn't have any chance of winning when is she going to start listening to people that want actually to find a constructive solution to this rather than denying parliament the right to debate it and vote on her deal that's what we see on the other side of the chamber no plan no two no brakes. this is an extraordinary time in british politics most would say for all the wrong reasons prime minister may whose election campaign slogan was strong and stable back in twenty seventeen now stands accused of being weak and anything but stable except that there's a minority of us in parliament who want to own a decision made by the people in the twenty sixteen referendum and we obviously need a leader of a government is going to make sure that we can stay all that much as the basic anxiety that sitting here this isn't the time to be talking about changing leader
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we're in the middle of a very complex and delicate negotiation with our european partners we're executing something which is of vital importance to the country and i stand ready to finish the job. the question is will she get that opportunity. so will she get that opportunity let's talk of the list from the think tank her british influence and if it turns out that she wins but say something getting on for one hundred of her own employees say they have no confidence in her do you think that actually constitutes success for what is extraordinary isn't it i mean we are living in normal times right now if you were to ask in any other time in the british politics since second world war if you're a mouse thirty percent to up to forty percent of the prime minister's m.p.'s wanted the prime minister to leave it would be catastrophic but now so if yesterday six hundred m.p.'s at search success so treason a base he does have she has no authority credibility left this is just about
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shoring up her power for the next year so her job has not been made any easier really she still has a large rump of opponents behind her she still has no deal that she can get through there's still promises she's still a very very weak leader so just supposing she does win and as you say the deal that she's got still doesn't have majority support or anything like it in parliament what do you think she should do in the meantime before the meaningful vote on her deal whenever it is to try to. get that parliamentary majority for it is it the deal as it stands or is something else entirely to think she has to admit defeat there is simply no way that he can change the backstop and appease both parliament and the irish government and the e.u. as well so that is how the ballots are works if it so you either it's acceptable to the e.u. in which case it's not acceptable to parliament or is acceptable to parliament in which case it isn't acceptable to the e.u. so there's nothing she can do on the deal to make it palatable so she has to admit defeat and go to plan b.
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now some m.p.'s are talking about the so-called norway option for plan b. which is the new way past actually which is to keep us in the economic instruments of the e.u. the single market and the customs union but not having a vote or a veto on how those instruments work which would be economically for. politically democratic very damaging because it takes away control it doesn't give us control but but but would that get through parliament do you think because it has the the the apparently logos freedom of movement the so many people want want to stop using the be a majority for those it's very hard to say the moment to reason maze incredibly opposed to the idea of norway for that very reason because he hates freedom to people so a lot of people there consensus has been linked to emerge that a people straight a second referendum might actually better than norway because if you're going to have economic instruments why not also keep to cease the table and the argument is beginning to have more cut through it later and he's and also tory m.p.'s can you
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foresee a situation in the end where where where they where the business you something that they say is true to the idea of brics it's in the referendum results because that's supposed to be democratic but they simply can't eventually make it work and almost have to admit defeat and either abandon the entire project or just say you know what we're going to shelve it for a bit and so we can figure out something else to do well i mean what series amaze try steve two years is just that she has her red lines which are her red lines they were mandated by anyone in the referendum she decided that breaks a man leaving the customs union having hour and trade deals and the three mean to people and this is the deal that comes from the us but this deal that deal is not acceptable because of the irish backstop so really that's the only breakfast on the table unless we go through the noise option so it might well be that we have to have a referendum on may steel versus maybe exit just a final thought for the time being how do you think the the the rest of europe and other countries are looking at this because the u.k. is after all a country which historically has gone around the world telling other countries how
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to do democracy and some people say a bit preachy sometimes does it look very authentic as a sort of democracy to you britain is basket case in your eyes the world right now it's a total shambles people see us and they can't believe this is the britain that was once respected how to respect civil service we were known for our practices and our good sense and now no one can understand what's happening i mean i work for an organization called british influence christian friends in europe right now britain has no influence and that is going to take many many years to repair if ever we can . donovan thank you more from jonathan and from us a little while hopefully we'll get a result in the not too distant future but. thank you very much indeed. or frustrations are growing among some people who voted to leave the european union in the twenty sixteen referendum need baka has visited the county of kent the closest part of the u.k. to mainland europe and a region that voted resoundingly to leave. it is
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a time of great up he will for britain the people of came to in southeast england voted overwhelmingly to leave the e.u. many here hope brags it would be the dawn of a new era but they remain in limbo everyone's just disgusted with the government at the moment so i think that's the biggest there because there's no answers yet of a lot of people to vote for. wouldn't if i knew it was going to break this fast it's turning into a bit of a circus for your message for the promise of. it too and you've had your time say a great behind the scenes the local council is preparing for the worst it's produced this document a contingency plan to avoid being potentially crippled by the effects of brecht's it in the event of a no deal there's likely to be major disruptions to border and customs arrangements causing huge disruptions across kent and beyond. eighty percent ninety percent of
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all the roll on roll off ferries and trains come out of kent so if there is disruption the impact on the current economy is really severe with the roads getting blocked unplugged by having to hold and park twelve thousand lorries at any one time in two thousand and fifteen a strike by french ferry workers lead to kilometers of congestion the report warns that breaks it could lead to an even worse situation affecting not just the delivery of goods but also the collection of rubbish children going to school the registration of births and deaths and even the transfer of bodies to mortuaries some of the plans on paper are already being realised the government spent seven million dollars keeping this disused airport available as a potential lorry park for thousands of stranded drivers. this is the nearby port of ramsgate serving mainly pleasure craft and the occasional freighter it's been earmarked to supposable over spill for the major cross-channel ferry port of dover
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in order to keep the county and the country moving these plans need to be watertight historically the county of canes made its fortune by trading with europe and the rest of the world by keeping its doors open in more recent years the county boards an even deeper time with the european union through the euro tunnel trade and travel depends of course upon stream and e-mails regs that are absolutely no guarantees of poor about what could be on the horizon next need out as era ramsgate can ask us now to dominic a news in brussels sentiment if tourism a wins the vote on the e.u. are prepared to give her any of the assurances she needs to get her deal through parliament. well on the face of it lauren remember that the words of president the president of the european commission were pretty clear when
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he spoke to the members of the european parliament in strasbourg this week he said no room for renegotiation what so ever but he then added kaviak to that saying however with intelligent use of clarification and interpretation maybe we'll get somewhere down the line question is what might that entail what's codes of the european union leaders the presidents of the two institutions based in this city actually give to theresa may that might modify that might placate or over those people in their own party in their own cabinets and indeed those outside it in the d.p. the democratic unionist that this this hatred backstop in northern ireland will will not be a permanent thing because that's what this is all about effectively if you take it face value what the e.u. leaders have been saying that there's no room for renegotiation and then it would suggest that actually well she's not going to get what she wants and is there any
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concern within the e.u. the potential damage if there were to be a no deal if the deal doesn't get through it all. well on that note the to shock in ireland the prime minister of ireland mr leo varadkar has had a conversation with senior european commission officials about what might happen to his country if there is if the u.k. crashes out of the e.u. on the sort of the sort of w t o model the world trade organization modeled on w t o trading rules because it matters to the public a violin of course because they're the one e.u. state with a land border with the u.k. across the northern irish border and mr barker was talking about emergency state aid what might be available from the e.u. to his country because of the damage it might cause to his economy so it's clearly something that does exercise people's minds in the bill. behind me the european commission they are obviously very concerned about this prospect and given the fact
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that march the twenty ninth now looms increasingly large in people's minds it's easy to see why they want they steal to stick and they don't want to find themselves having to renegotiate which they say they won't do and they also obviously are avidly watching as onlookers what's happening in london tonight because clearly there is an e.u. summit that's going to take place tomorrow and on friday and clearly there's an invitation to all the unique is including to reason may as british prime minister to be at that meeting but clearly if she loses tonight's vote then she will not be attending and therefore no one from the u.k. you know head of government from the u.k. will be there so from their perspective they're watching avidly to see what will happen and what interpretation their own as to whether her position is actually in any way if she should she does win do they see it as a strengthening her position and meaning that they've actually got to come up with some concessions or some changes that would placate the parliament to the u.k.
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parliament. well again we're here in the area not so much as speculation as we have certainty don't we that if we take as i say at face value what has been said by the presidents of the institutions not just by them law and let's be clear anglo-american one of the leading influencers in european politics for many years use still in office right now is german chancellor meant to resume a yesterday and today has made it very clear that she does not see any changes to the deal after the summit is over well again if that is to be believed then it suggests that it's unlikely that concessions will emerge but then let's consider what might those concessions be what can the e.u. do to concede to a country that wants to leave it knowing that it doesn't want to harm its remaining member states and clearly it will feel that it has
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a responsibility to states that remain inside the e.u. more so perhaps than to states that want to leave it which is why as i explained their conversation with me over africa with the two shock of islands because as i say they will feel a responsibility to the states that remain so it does demonstrate this box lever as it were forced themselves into all being forced into over bragg's it and why well when we see the if to resume a wins when she's at the summit tomorrow donald tusk has invited her he had a two hour conversation with her yesterday and they didn't appear to make that much progress which shows why that there's such concern here about what exactly is happening in london john mccain thank you very much indeed do stay with us here we continue our coverage of the confidence vote in the british prime minister expect to have the results of that soon. plus a member of africa's top football governing body has been arrested in france
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accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity. i want to spain why cuba's fledgling private sector has just been served up a surprise by the government. trump's former lawyer michael cohen has been sentenced to three years in prison for paying off two women over their alleged affairs with the u.s. president of a jail sentence was also for lying to congress about a possible business deal in russia during the twenty sixteen presidential election campaign the fifty two year old pleaded guilty to both charges cohen told the court he carried out his actions artifice blind loyalty to donald trump christine salumi has the latest from new york. michael cohen fought back tears as he apologized to his family in the courtroom for the pain he had caused them he also apologized to the american people for misleading them and said that it had been blind loyalty to
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donald trump that had led him to cover up dirty deeds rather than listen to his inner voice telling him to do the right thing in the end he was sentenced to thirty six months three years behind bars that sentence will start in march after the holidays but cohen said for the first time he is truly free from what he described as the mental incarceration that he was under while working for a man he once admired outside of the courthouse michael i have an audience lawyer for one of the women who received hush money from michael cohen stormy daniels an adult film star who allegedly had an affair with the president had this to say. michael cohen is no hero he is no patriot his choice time and time again was to degrade my client seek to intimidate her call her
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liars and seek to degrade the office of the presidency of the united states by seeking to buy effectively an election michael cohen's attorney had argued for no jail time saying that his client had provided information against the most powerful man in the country not knowing whether or not the special counsel's investigation would even continue he also said that michael cohen had been willing and was still willing to cooperate with prosecutors the judge however decided on a sentence that was only slightly lower than the federal guidelines based on his cooperation and what he described as the serious and high profile nature of the case he said it was necessary to issue a sentence that would serve as a deterrent for others who might be considering similar crimes two hundred is live from the white house or jordan this sentence for cohen what does it mean for president. well it's got political and legal implications for president trump we've
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just heard in a statement from the lawyer of michael cohen lanny davis said that until he actually goes to prison in march michael cohen is going to spend his time talking about everything he knows about the trump organization that presumably means to the public but also to robert muller who said that cohen was very cooperative in this investigation it is possible that that means that the miller investigation could get even more information out of cohen it cohen is clearly hoping for an adjustment of his sentence so it would be a little lower meanwhile the president is going to have to deal with public perception that's going to affect his approval rating in vats facts his ability to get things done in congress and he's already going to have to contend with a democratic congress in january once the democrats take over the house of representatives he still has his party has control of the senate but president
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trump right now probably would not be indicted and the reason for that is the justice department has concluded that it is not proper to indict a sitting president that the proper procedure for that would be an impeachment hearing in the congress and congress has not decided at this point to go forward with that however as with president clinton there is always the possibility that the president could be prosecuted afterwards president clinton cut a deal at the end of his term so that that didn't happen to him but in president trump's case there is still the legal jeopardy out there after all old timidly what was decided in the court was that donald trump ordered michael cohen to pay off these women that was a violation of campaign finance laws so although trump is not himself blamed for breaking the law at least not deliberately here it is implicit in this sentence so he's got a lot of trouble coming out of this and jonas i mean any reaction from president trump on this. no his twitter campaign twitter account has been
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silent so far in. pasties said that michael cohen is a weak man his press secretary sara sanders is nothing has come out in any of these disclosures or hearings it's anything new but president trump has got to be concerned about what happened today it is possible that he may be listening to his lawyers for a change and not saying anything in response to this to avoid the legal repercussions but we'll keep watching that twitter account and let you know if that changes thanks so much indeed john hendren now the two warring sides in yemen considering four draft agreements with the united nations as peace negotiations in sweden near their end the u.n. document detail options for a political framework the reopening of some thought the status of the port city of her data and yemen's economic situation the two parties the saudi supported government and the iran backed rebels are expected to give their responses to the u.n. agreements on thursday your inspector general antonio terror's is planning to address
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the closing session. the director of the cia has briefed leading politicians in the u.s. house of representatives on u.s. saudi relations u.s. senate is a set to vote on a new resolution that would bring an end to american a just tickle and intelligence support for the saudi led coalition in yemen at the briefing jeanne has also outlined the cia's findings in the murder of saudi journalist jamal khashoggi. french prosecutors have identified the man they suspect shot dead at least two people at a christmas market in the french city of strasburg places searching for a twenty nine year old named shaikh at has a long history of gun crime he was injured while fleeing the scene on tuesday night but a space has the support from strasburg. preparing for christmas and a heavily armed guard strasbourg on wednesday morning noticeably quieter as police continue to hunt a gunman who opened fire on police and shoppers the night before as victims lie on
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the street other sorts safety in narrow alleyways as the sound of gunfire echoed around the city center. first i heard several shots and i thought maybe it's firecrackers or they're attacking a store i saw a lot of people running scared crying kids and all and i was very very scared because it was really quite a lot of shooting there was a moment of panic so everyone was running around there were police officers saying to leave to hide so that's what we did the gunman named by police as twenty nine year old sharif should cat opened fire on a police patrol just as christmas market stalls were closing panicked shoppers ran for cover into shops and restaurants while the wounded gunman escaped in the confusion. of the assailant the town center just a little off on a cat that dropped him off in the new whole neighborhood the cab driver said the suspect asked to be dropped off without giving a pacific address telling the driver he would guide the cab driver has
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a tape but then realized he was carrying a gun and was wounded he told the cab driver he had opened fire on soldiers and killed ten people. strasbourg is near the border with germany where security has been increased because the gunman may have crossed the open front syria the police say the suspected attacker a served several prison sentences in france and germany his home was raided hours before the market shooting in connection with a robbery in the summer which a cat wasn't there more than six hundred french security personnel as well as border guards are involved in the hunt for the gunman and the french government has raised its terrorism alert level to the highest possible sharif's account is one of twenty six thousand names on a government watch list of people suspected opposing a security risk vernon smith al-jazeera strasbourg. a member of africa's top football governing body has been arrested in france accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity at least into an aggressor now is also
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a former militia leader and political coordinator of armed groups in central african republic in this controversial elected to the board of african football in february international criminal court had recently filed a warrant for his arrest and i should butler has the latest from paris. well padres eduardo so you know was arrested by french authorities in france on a warrant issued by the international criminal court he was wanted for crimes against humanity including murder and torture and now what the i.c.c. say is the guy so you know was a senior leader a senior figure in the anti by laugher militia a predominately christian led militia that carried out atrocities against muslims in the civil war after twenty thirteen now there were a muslim led militia and christian led militia both carried out various forms of brutality against each other say the i.c.c.
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now i so know will be extradited to the international criminal court to the hague and when we spoke to the i.c.c. they could not tell us why in fact he was in france and where exactly in france he was arrested. so without his ear as we continue our coverage of the confidence vote in the british prime minister about being counted and we expect to have the results soon also ahead the desperate measures taken by some palestinian refugees in lebanon or tell you why a troubling a vile latin america to try to get to europe. and we explain why coral reefs like this one in kenya a crucial to our understanding of climate change. as britain prepares to exit the new people in power investigates disturbing allegations about the tactics used by the winning leave campaign we know that the
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law was broken and we know that campaigns over spent we know that russia tried to build a relationship with one of the key campaigns who paid. people in power on al-jazeera. the latest news as a plain text yellow for rebellion will continue not on in flight but in the next week with details coverage classical criticism of capitalist economics to a fifty six billion dollar i.m.f. for all to argentina from around the world these are the victims of one of the world's most forgotten conflicts and without urgent help they could become a lost generation. xenophobia violent and beating the drum for an ethnic civil war in the heart of europe. al-jazeera infiltrates one of the continent's past describing far right
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organizations and exposes links to members of the european parliament and marine the pen's national party generation the hate. part of a special two part investigation on al jazeera fresh perspectives new possibilities fearless journalism. debates and discussions global terror attacks told by a fifth i'm fatalities from those attacks fell by a quarter that's a good news story out his ear is award winning programs take you on a journey around the globe because we see. only on al-jazeera. an investigation into the real powers that control the world health organization their obligation to their shareholders completely overwhelms any consideration of public health can they be trusted with building
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a healthier future if their loyalty becomes questionable these are the people that are part of the h one n one porsche is it getting what if it were you know that every which oh yes there's trust yourself down here in terms of trust that you trust who on al-jazeera. and one of the top stories here on our. ballots are being counted in london as part of a confidence vote in the leadership of british prime minister to resign may she fought back. to fight the challenge which was from her own m.p.'s but she offered to step down before the next election as she made a last minute appeal for support. u.s.
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president's former lawyer has been sentenced to three years in prison michael cohen pleaded guilty to paying hush money to two women over there and edged affairs with trump he also lied to congress about a possible drug business deal in russia. yemen's two worrying sides are considering four u.n. draft agreements as peace talks in sweden near the end of documents cover options for a political framework the reopening of sour airport the status of the port city of her data and yemen's economic situation. well they've been scenes of chaos in hungary's parliament after some m.p.'s tried to block an amendment to labor laws which critics have described as slave labor confetti was released into the chamber and opposition politicians sang the national anthem in attempt to halt the vote but parliament managed to approve the government backed and then mint and toys to ask for up to four hundred hours of overtime a year it was a triples the length of time it can take to settle overtime payments from one year
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to three calls are growing louder for the release of two reuters journalists arrested in me and maher exactly a year ago while known and who had been investigating reports of a written jim massacre they were convicted for obtaining secret state documents and sentenced to seven years in prison for injury reports. to win is bringing up her three year old daughter without her husband journalist charles so one of two reuters reporters imprisoned in myanmar having met all cleared up our daughter started to ask why doesn't that he love us why isn't he living with us so i tell her he loved the thorough much that's why he's working at the prison chaucer who's quali wallowing is also in jail and missed his wife giving birth to their child. i miss him there are just a lot of things i miss about him all the time and everywhere both reporters were arrested last december they were sentenced in september to seven years for
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possessing secret state documents the journalists were investigating reports of a massacre of revenge of alleges by security forces in northern. while owen and torso who say they were set up by the police who handed the documents to them moments before their arrest caused an international outcry on the first anniversary of their jailing colleagues are intensifying calls for their release the fact that they remain in prison for a crime they did not commit calls into question meanwhile as commitment to democracy freedom of expression and rule of law every day they continue to be behind bars is a missed opportunity for miramar to stand up for justice social media users have post itself with the thumbs up sign that was the signature pose of the reporters each time they appeared in court but the hash tag free wallow in charge. human rights advocates say a free press is more important now than ever the alternative to not speaking out
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doubt they're not recognizing the value of breath white. silence and white. at the moment untenable if we are to are told press freedom. the reporters were arrested months after the military launched a crackdown in rakhine state that caused around three quarters of a million rejects to seek safety in neighboring bangladesh a u.n. fact finding mission concluded that the soldiers had acted with what was described as genocidal intent against the rich committing mass killings and gang rape and the un has called for the prosecution of army commanders florence louis. some breaking news for you coming from the u.s. senate in defiance of trump u.s. senate has advanced a resolution to end u.s. military support for the saudi led coalition in the yemen war we'll bring you more on that story just as soon as we get it but some movement there on the year from
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the u.s. senate on the war in yemen and america's role in supporting the saudi led coalition there. returning to our top story now the vote of confidence in the british prime minister to resign may so what happens now well all three hundred seventeen conservative party members have been taking part in the vote may need to secure a simple majority to keep her job that's one hundred fifty nine votes if she wins may will remain in office and cannot be challenged again for another twelve months if she loses she'll be forced to resign and can't join the following leadership race if there are more than two candidates to replace search secret ballots will be held among tory m.p.'s until there are just two left and they would then face of postal ballots of all conservative party members and whoever wins becomes the next prime minister well that person then has a tough job of uniting m.p.'s behind a brick sit deal which must go before the u.k. parliament but by january twenty first next year well honestly is live for us
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outside the houses of parliament lawrence one of the things that reason may apparently did when in this meeting with the backbench m.p.'s was to say to them that she wouldn't stand again in another general election the ones from technically settle for twenty twenty two how much difference would that saying she wouldn't stand again make to some of those m.p.'s. well i mean clearly it was it was a bonding chip on her part speaker's she wishes she wanted them to know that she would make way for somebody else and partly on the grounds that she had an election last year and didn't win it's it looks as though she's probably going to get through this evening but then again it isn't at all clear if that makes the things things that much more straightforward because after all the vote that she was trying to get through the commons already she had to pursue a spode on the grounds that it was never going to pass we were being told just a minute or two ago that there's going to be an announcement at exactly none of the locals on this in just over twenty minutes from now so that's when we know whether she whether she will survives or not in the meantime it's pizza problematics from
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the institute for the government in think tank thanks very much indeed for perfect organ to us. even if she wins then and no deal bricks it's. defeats the no deal breaks it says this evening potentially but doesn't mean that it won't happen does it no it doesn't it's still possible that time could run out that we end up with a new deal breaks it in some form or next hurdle is the one that she had just before all this blew up about the leadership and that is her to get some kind of deal the deal that she's structured in the e.u. get back through parliament now she could go back to the e.u. in fact that's going to be her next step i think if she wins and say look i'm going to have small concessions and we know that the e.u. is not very much in the mood to do that at all but there might be some scraps that they will throw her so they just go back to parliament and say are you going to back this but parliament then has an awful lot of choices and you've got m.p.'s who might want to push for a second referendum at that point. so you've got
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a lot of options in place various e.u. countries have said that their thought is that we implicate the ones closest to the u.k. so they're starting to step up then they do preparations is it your sense of the institute for government that the u.k. is adequately prepared for no deal in the in the logistical or political consequences of that no it isn't and it can't be i think even if it had made that more a more central part of its policy to say that we're really going to take no deal seriously from the beginning it would be very hard to be prepared because there is an awful lot that would have to be done. and it really depends you know there's all kinds of preparations that the u.k. can make but what it can't anticipate is how the rest of europe would react and so the u.k. could decide to have no barriers it could decide to have let people in without checks to speed up things that could decide all kinds of things it isn't and what's going to happen on the other side and so what the reception for british goods and soul would be going and british people going the other way so it's very very hard to prepare but you do need a lot of time and even so you need a degree of understanding with the european union and so those things that bracks
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to some time to smith has what they call project fear things that people to the. medicines not being able to come through or clean drinking water in great big queues of lorries at the borders do you think do you think they are a realistic problem to the u.k. could face in the events of the day they are realistic problems you could face those perhaps some of them could be smaller than some people are fairing but the fact is there is an awful lot of them and the shit administrative difficulty of moving from one system that's existed for decades have been very very close to the north in regulations and everything to one where we're you know we were part of the e.u. and then we wouldn't be having to. work out what happens to regulations or think that really is a project of many many years you see all these stories in the and uncommon pieces in some of the european papers in particular saying what on earth has happened to the u.k. we thought you were sort of stable sensible country and yet governments and parliament seems of the senate in some sort of chaos stupid you think there is
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a sense of reputational damage that's being done through all this lack of direction through to the institution of government yes i think this is not good for the u.k.'s place in the world for its reputation at let alone for its ability to attract investment and persuade other countries to trade deals and so on something will get resolved in the end and it really depends what you know how that is done but i think the problem is that this this represents a really deep division in the country is different regions who feel you know very very differently but you hear many stories of families being split in marriages being a husband and wife or partner's paranoia and i said older than very different sides of this this this thing and i think that sense of differences of people on all sides feeling let down by whatever the outcome is that is going to be quite enduring from honestly thank you very much the for all and certainly whatever happens and whether she survives and also get some sort of deal through parliament in the fullness of time one of the things that everybody starting to talk about
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already is how on earth are going to start cement in these divisions inside british society because it is very very deeply split from us so shortly when hopefully when we have results or nursing thank you very much indeed. sure lanka's sacked prime minister has won a vote of confidence in parliament and the art of nation has been locked in political turmoil since running away from a singer was dismissed by president miter palliser center in october and replaced by former president the head of edge of pak said since then parliament has voted twice to sack rajapaksa but he's refused to resign. the philippine congress has approved a twelve month extension of martial law in the southern mindanao region it was requested by president reagan to tatted he says it means tough security measures will stay in place to stop muslim fighters from regrouping he placed the region under martial law in twenty seventeen after a large scale attack by our soul linked fighters palestinian refugees in lebanon
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are resorting to increasingly desperate measures in an attempt to reach europe many are now paying people smugglers to travel through latin america in the hopes of getting to spain so i had a report from beirut. mohamed wanted a better life for his family but their attempt to reach failed palestinian refugees in lebanon are ready to sell everything and borrow money when a smuggler offers a way out even if the route to europe south america. we flew to ethiopia on october twenty ninth brazil where we stayed in a hotel for a night before traveling to bolivia we tried to travel to spain but we were detained for about forty eight hours before being sent back to lebanon we trusted this broker because many people including my wife's cousins managed to reach europe . spanish police believe at least one thousand two hundred palestinians from. madrid viable libya since the beginning of this year the criminals being suspected
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of smuggling them through fraudulent asylum claims has since been caught but the network in lebanon is still very much operational. the so-called very well known in this refugee camp his name is. and he has reportedly helped a few thousand palestinians to europe and elsewhere and it seems lebanese authorities turn a blind eye to his activities because. courage palestinians to stay in recent years tens of thousands of palestinians left the country legally or illegally affected by the dire economic conditions here and government regulations that deny them basic rights four hundred fifty thousand used to be registered with the un earlier this year the first ever government census showed the number dropped to one hundred seventy five thousand we hear very frequently from palestinians particularly the youth. they are very keen. to try.
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try again. alley is among those who wants his family to live in such desperate conditions even though he is better off than others so he has a job unemployment among the palestinian workforce is eighteen percent is now waiting to sell his house hoping to make enough money to pay. thirty five thousand dollars and he will help me and my family to travel to belgium hopefully god willing things will go as planned arrive safely palestinian activists and lebanese security sources say up to four thousand refugees made their way to europe this year mohamed atta and his family were not among them but he hasn't given up he says he's planning to make another attempt soon. well the u.s. senate has just voted to advance a resolution aimed at ending u.s. military support for the saudi led yemen. who's on capitol hill in washington d.c.
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talk us through the technicalities of this and how this is going to work. well it's called a motion to proceed and basically that means that they can now walk try to figure out how much time they can spend debating this resolution as well as what the terms of the debate will include whether amendments can be allowed what sorts of amendments those sorts of technical details the vote was sixty to thirty nine with some republicans agreeing with democrats to go ahead and start the process of trying to get this measure voted on the senate is coming to the end of its current session two year session we should say as well as approaching the upcoming christmas holiday so they are basically trying to beat the clock in two different forms while also trying to take advantage of the moment to express their displeasure with how the trumpet ministration has responded not just to the conduct
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of the saudi war against who these in yemen but also the trumpet ministrations reaction to the murder of the saudi journalist jamal khashoggi so what will the reaction be from that from the president to this i mean last time around he wasn't talking happy at the idea of of something like this again being discussed in the senate. well someone who doesn't normally cover the white house i couldn't begin to project their rebel be a reasonable oh wait and see on how the senate proceeds on this matter there are conflicting reports on whether they might be able to get to a final vote on this resolution co-sponsored by bernie sanders and mike lee before the end of wednesday but certainly given that the trumpet ministration has been saying in the past two months that it does not want to do anything that would up and its security relationship with saudi arabia it might be fair to assume that they would not be pleased should this resolution be passed however there has to be
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a similar measure passed out of the house there was a procedural matter buried in a tiny piece of legislation on the on that side in the last twenty four hours that would make it much more difficult for this resolution to have any real heft and probably would get vetoed much more quickly than in jordan thank you very much. the russian president has hosted a celebratory dinner in the kremlin to mark the twenty fifth anniversary of russia's constitution but critics say the state's fundamental principles have been used to allow that a mere putin to tighten his grip on power for a chance reports from moscow. so if the twenty fifth anniversary of russia's constitution was celebrated in the kremlin with the lavish splendor of a grand state event ministers senators parliamentarian this regional governors dignitaries and of course the president himself now against. the new
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constitution made a decisive contribution to overcoming the severe political crisis and civil confrontation of the early one thousand nine hundred as a document of direct application it made it possible to avoid the catastrophe of territorial disintegration and strengthen the statehood and sovereignty of our country it's fitting that bloody may putin should be celebrating this document because under russia's constitution the president has given on rivals political power. one nine hundred ninety three russia was a very different country in the chaotic aftermath of the soviet union's collapse president boris yeltsin faced off against rebellious politicians opposed to his radical reforms he ordered troops to crush them with force they fired tank shells of the parliament building after the assembly being dissolved and then yeltsin pushed through russia's new constitution by referendum but the mere risk of was a politician in the yeltsin's government he says the constitution combines both
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good and bad. if you take the first chapter of the constitution and second chapter of constitution it's the one of the best liberal constitutions in the world but second part of constitution which is technical which is about structures of power is this balanced and of course brizard and has huge power in russia seized in the era that followed putin used the full powers of the presidency to tame institutions supposedly guaranteed by the constitution is free from political control he brought much of the media under state control and used the course to prosecute dissidents in oligarchs who challenge his authority he also sidesteps presidential term limits with a constitutionally questionable job swap with prime minister de treatment of recently putin's crackdown on anti-government protesters opposition leader alexei
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no valley is barred from standing in presidential elections and with putin approaching another presidential term limits critics are asking what's next yet the most since you were just you know putting it to shame yet i think that putin doesn't have a solution to this problem he will hesitate between different options he says that he's not planning to stay in power for another term but the circumstances might make him. although the physical scars for nine hundred ninety three long gone russia is still living with a constitution born from that chaos it is much debated some say that putin shows little respect for the document some say that the constitution itself is inherently autoroute tarion and some like the liberal politician by the mere risk of say that actually the same constitution can result in many different political systems in this view ultimately it's russian society that has to choose the politics that it wants or retellings i was there a moscow. china has welcomed donald trump's suggestion that he's willing to
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intervene in the case against a top executive of chinese telecom giant huawei if it would help secure a trade deal with beijing buying one true has been freed on bail in canada eleven days after her arrest surrendered her passport and was when it tonic monitoring time nine faces extradition to the u.s. where she's wanted for violating sanctions on iran. group or any person especially a leader of the united states or a high level figure who's willing to make a positive effort to push the situation towards the right direction then of course deserves to be well received well one man one job being arrested was a mistake from the start we have already made our position clear to the united states and canada who should immediately correct their mistake and release one joe . small business owners in cuba chairing a u. turn by the communist run government which has backtracked on new restrictions on private enterprise and privately run restaurants has been growing but the
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government still owns most of the hotels on the island all at america to see a new man reports. that the owner of this have an apartment rents rooms to tourists just when new and highly unpopular restrictions on cuba's fledgling private sector were about to go into effect last week authorities surprised everyone. but out of the you had to have been families from having more than one license but now they've lifted the limit so that for example we can also sell handicrafts or food. in another unusual response to public pressure plans to limit private restaurants to only fifty chairs also scrapped. thirteen percent of the workforce has moved over to the private sector many of them professionals have abandoned their jobs in state run into prizes like mechanical engineering. a lot of you know what i would have preferred to haul for a quarter of what's high on here is just to stay in my profession which i love but
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i couldn't even a fraction of that but support my family working for the state. the dominant state sector is struggling to keep employees which may help explain attempts to limit small privately run businesses the very good i got there what is pacific got there what is in which people who start their own business mean that are you going to do or you're going to the side of reasons in every area in any area of the economy mary said to. new demands and restrictions have been placed even on private taxis despite the acute shortage of public transportation unlike vietnam and china the communist party here still use the private sector with suspicion for many reasons including ideological social and geo political cuban government leaders are afraid of growing an increasingly sophisticated private sector where hope and that's the us government and the communist agenda here in fact both president barack obama and
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now president donald trump have repeatedly said that they want to help and encourage the private sector because they view it as an engine or political change here but the decision to backtrack on plans to reduce the private sector even further seems to be recognition that like it or not to the struggling economy needs it you're seeing human al-jazeera having. material and ourselves of our news this hour waiting for the result of that ballot that the prime minister the u.k. prime minister has faced a vote of confidence organized by forty eight people asking for a vote of confidence in the prime minister so it will her parliamentary colleagues in the conservative party have voted in this committee room and we expect the result within a few minutes now she told the conservative m.p.'s that she would not be fighting for the next election in twenty twenty two and this is perhaps one of the things
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that may persuade them to back her let's bring in our correspondents lee who's been for. invents for us outside the houses of parliament so. if she does win this how does it change or will it change it all the minute the arithmetic in parliament if she does try to bring back over to on the brakes a deal. well you know i think at least to some degree it depends what the people who launched all these letters of no confidence in her and her supposedly coalition partners in the democratic unity as possible under what what they decide to do her message all the time since she came back but this deal from the european union has been so these people look you can have every last thing about bricks that you might see one state and on some level or another you're going to have to find a way of compromising because there's no majority inside parliament for the no deal breck's it that these people who want to bring it down are actually after and
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indeed many involvement don't really want to leave the european union at all as do almost half the british public and so she's trying to stay true to the referendum results by leaving the european union but he's also trying to ensure that the u.k. maintains at least an economic relationship in the short term with the european union well stopping things like immigration which is one of the absolute key issues in in the referendum and so i think if she does win tonight and by the way a microphone opposed about it in place outside downing street and we're expecting it to say something particularly some of the she wins her message will most assuredly be you've got to now rely on me to try to get out of the european union potentially get any more clarification on what this supposed backstop or deal with on the irish border actually means but wait until we get to the votes and see if we can actually get something that we can all agree on with a view to keeping the country together and will know when about three minutes but
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it is one where she's lost the timing arms thank you very much i discussed it dominic cain in brussels say it this is being keenly watched that to watch their expectation and the how much difference this will make. caney watched indeed larn because they want to know whether there are actually whether to reason they will actually be here tomorrow to take part in. e.u. summit where brags it is the first thing on the agenda so clearly they wanted to be here or at least they want a prime minister to be here because they want to know about the deal that they negotiated with her with her government still stands pointis they're not prepared to be flexible they say about renegotiating it they believe that's it would point which is also it's not palatable it's not acceptable in the united kingdom parliament so there is an impasse so they're watching on very keenly to see what the result will be but clearly some of the countries of the e.u. are even more keenly interested we know that the irish republic is concerned enough
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about its possibility of a no deal breaks that you can crushing out that it's asked about this commission behind me are has been asking about state aid because of the effect it would have on their economy if the u.k. crushes out so clearly as you say a keen interest here will to reason may win this vote will she stay in power dominic sorry to interrupt and so we're going to go back to parliament now. let's go back to parliament and listen in we expect the result now any second now. just a few. words from. the . suspense being held in that committee when might we expect the result of that vote of confidence in the u.k. prime minister koizumi he's got his nights out so i'll try and shut up now. good evening colleagues but i'd like to thank the office of the magistrates to committee
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for help especially. errol guillen and charles walker the results of the ballot. deceive me is that the parliamentary party does her. calling for them to get thank you thank you
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always have come here for their god as leader of the conservative party of the. cast in favor of all of having confidence and to remain.


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