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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 25, 2018 12:00am-1:00am +03

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if he said before the court directly trees or god means that he was innocent then the court asked him there to provide the money trail saw he was unable to present the record the money trail saw their provision of money too before the court made him more suspicious saw did a big number of other prime ministers in pakistan's history word been out there to reach so definitely our would not say that he's innocent whatever has been before the court of law a very thing was everything was properly examined that have been documented evidence is documentary evidence is from that action accountability bureau which was pursuing that particular case before the court of law and in the other case in which he has been acquitted the national contributor to court is also going to jenin that acquitted before the court of law that why he has been acquitted because he. got the ability to go to believes there were also sufficient evidence against
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him in flagship reference case also so be punished in that one so i want to get our legal team yes and our last word and yes i would i do want to ask you something we just got a comment from a viewer a viewer sabir who says pakistan's corrupt have nowhere to run now it's the new face of pakistan do you agree with that. yes i think this is the new face of august on the office to come to but if you drive that mean and die you could have since i've had been started and knowledge no but off fog sunny's do support that and i think this should continue and if the number of political leaders ex prime minister the president's auditor stood under that particular that this going to put it to drive outcome bin then it doesn't mean that democracy would be endangered democracy would be out there more strengthened if this accountability diabete so that strengthened started going saudi dated
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against the cup that happens only by doing that bob song could be made definity of any good going to solve good governance in terms of corruption free country so i think so that the congo going to die in the days to come should be made bold stuff by the court but at the department ok mr mccain hater thank you very much appreciate your time so we want you to get in touch with us we would like to hear your thoughts on our story since her comments to a neighbor online platforms twitter the hash tag is a.j. news great our handle is a.j. english for us on facebook facebook dot com slash al-jazeera send us a message on whatsapp or a telegram less nine seven four five zero one triple one four nine the trade unions in sudan are calling for a general strike hoping to pile pressure on to president omar al bashir it is the latest development and almost a week of protests which has spread across the country police fired tear gas to
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disperse hundreds of demonstrators in the capital khartoum on sunday night they gathered in the city center after a football match chanting demands for additional freedom and calling for the president to go the protests began over price rises for bread and fuel. i take off at all is a spokesman for the opposition sudanese congress party joins us now from khartoum we appreciate your time very much are you surprised the protests have continued to last and in fact seem to be gaining momentum. i think with the news i mean doing politics. we quite expect and. they do say chavez and the protest actions and undertaken by the people of the sudan they have been supporting quite a lot especially in the past three years. with the different government
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is installed by the national congress party which. are making the poor pay for the expenditures and marriages and the war in the different parts of the country so what is happening here is that the resources of the media resources or the majority of the people of this is done either being blown away and they spent i don't only governmental. centers or in the security and i mean not who are going to found and no do not know what what would you like to see happen in the coming days are you afraid that this could spiral out of control or do you think this could actually lead to to a tipping point in a good way for the protestors what do you think. i think there will be
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a continuation and intensification of the process actions what is going on in the sudan now to be understood with the context that it is not a capital movement or it is not even as it is a city movement it is. a national movement covering the whole country with the cities all the towns and in that sense it is a protest not only for improving life but it is a protest against the system and the regime that oppresses the people and it refers itself to. the the present or you have been in power for the past thirty years it had never given a penny to expand the set in has education or energy or the services it has privatized everything in the contesting they have the best that can save by
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the i.m.f. and the world bank as the best government one of the best government that of very very orders the result of the rule even today that in the past three or four days we have voted but i this is in the norse. also in the last two people but about one people one passion died in the east about thirteen. over one hundred eighteen. people. the list of detainees is something like a hundred eighteen margaret of those detained are students still living. here the whole country i think is boiling. when you say that is a case of government direction so when you say that you are saying that it's not just about the particular issues that you that you just laid out you are saying that they will not be happy until the government leadership changes are you saying
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that omar bashir needs to go. you know what you are saying in the opposition generally and the opposition here i'm not talking about one party but nearly all the parties who are. disagreeing with a president or a game and writing the major parties in the country that there are many and they are united in one says the symptoms of the crisis is reflected in the rising prices in better order and bread i mean this type of things but the essence of the crisis is the game itself was very humid. there's not opposition opposition but it is there unicef which is speaking about corruption for example and they give itself is speaking about economic difficulties before there was written about. the blockade of the americans. this and that but today with that in very good terms
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with the u.s. administration and there is no there is no reason for any kind of economic difficulties except the wrong economic policy all followed by the regime and this is also being implemented the where there was very heavy handed. and very oppressive methods all right. thank you very much for joining us from khartoum with the city's congolese party thank you so many observers say that the protests in sudan that they were inevitable on our website you'll find analysis from earlier this year laying out their concerns predicting exactly what we're seeing now so search today and elections on our web site al jazeera dot com and you will find it. the pentagon has signed off on the withdrawal of u.s. troops from northern syria comes after turkish president want to shore donald trump he will radical whatever is left of beisel from syria but there is concern
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a turkish offensive in northern syria could result in a major conflict with the kurdish y p h e y p j's and join us backing that is considered by turkey to be a terrorist organization sunni are there thought up voting to bend the rules why are we in syria to restore freedom to our arab brothers kurds and turks not just her to keep the terrorist organizations and to leave syria arabs in the grip of eisel we will not leave the arabs of syria under the injustice of the units of protection of the kurdish people and the p.k. case and we will not leave our arab brothers at the mercy of these terrorist organizations to do is pull out as evidence of changing alliances in syria how to fix the situation on the ground will be closely watched around the world as a knowhow to reports from the turkey syria border it's thirty percent of syria's territory that can tip the balance of power the north east was america's zone of influence in this divided country it will soon pull out its forces about getting
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longtime allies to wipe the syrian kurdish are group. truck decision is arctic force. not clear to see if. there's. a closer version should the crusher. under the syrian government that's why p.g. dominated syrian democratic forces is reaching out to the syrian government and russia the main power broker in syria to prevent a possible turkish military offensive or takeover of territory the u.s. has said it is going to coordinate its pull out with turkey a signal that turkish troops or its local allies will move in there is a new relationship between the nato allies after years of disagreement over syria
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but the warming of ties is testing russian turkish cooperation u.s. withdrawal from from syria and that puts at risk relations between russia and turkey because if that states and turkey managed to reach the deal on syrian kurds in some way or another that puts at risk. russia turkey. agreements on it or russia's plans on friday was also. it's not clear how turkey will further behave itself in asked in a forum what. russia turkey and iran have been closely working together on syria within what is known as the last in a format over the years the u.s. has repeatedly tried to pull away from that alliance. if the u.s. hands over the air to turkey it will not be good for iran so now turkey will be on a collision course with iran. the u.s.
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decision to withdraw could result in shifting partnerships and a cease fire deal in syria's opposition controlled northwestern province of idlib could be and jeopardy that deal was the result of russian turkish cooperation despite opposition from the syrian government turkey wanted to prevent a military action that could destabilize its security and create a massive refugee crisis now russian diplomats tell us it will be hard to constrain syrian president bashar assad from launching an offensive if turkey takes territory in the north east. the bargaining has begun zeneca their. southern turkey sector defense madness resigned after donald trump made his troop withdrawal announcement and now the president is pushing maddest out two months earlier than expected tweeted that patrick shanahan will become acting defense secretary on january first it signals an acrimonious and to trump the mattresses relationship
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especially u.s. envoy to the anti eisel coalition brett mcgurk also resigned in protest against bringing the troops home. so the turmoil in the white house and fears about parts of the u.s. government being shut down are weighing on the world stock markets and fact the dow jones industrial has lost another true percent after opening on wall street not long ago several u.s. departments don't have any many top rate because of a deadlock in the senate over funding president trump's mexico border wall he's demanding more money be released to build it little rivals in the democratic party refusing to allow that the shutdown is likely to drag on until early january so the u.s. treasury secretary has been on the phone with the bosses of america's six largest banks checking that all of them have enough cash to see out a period of market turmoil they told him they do stephen is also bringing together a working group known as the plunge protection team that was set up after the market crash in one thousand nine hundred eighty seven and last met during the financial crisis in two thousand and nine that includes the chairman of the federal
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reserve powell who trump has reportedly been thinking about firing choices to secretary minucci and has denied this but it still added to the market's woes sheraton ceasefire with me from washington d.c. so she had this step that steve maneuver has taken some would say that simply taking that stirred up the worries even more how is this been received. i think his phone call from his beach resort holiday in mexico in cabo san lucas is what really has concerned a lot of investors because he was addressing a problem that investors hadn't actually really considered the idea of some sort of banking credit crunch so when you should how's this conversation with the c.e.o.'s of the six largest banks in the u.s. then releases a statement which says they all the shorts him of the ample liquidity available for the thing to consumers business markets and other market operations there is no
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clear and so margin issues markets continue to function properly and then investors will wait a second we didn't think there was any problem with the quiddity in the banks so that's what's got people very very worried it was it was almost it was discussing a problem that many hadn't actually even considered an interesting lee we're seeing a sell off again will streets of the dow now down one point five four percent but many of the banks that he spoke to goldman sachs bank of america j.p. morgan chase that some of the stocks of the dropping rather precipitously right now so if this was meant to reassure the markets it's actually had completely the opposite effect and the markets are continuing the plan so at this point is it. is it built into the market that donald trump president tunnel trump will all tweet something that's kind of al fair or does the market still respond to the things that he tweets because he has been tweeting things like you know disparaging that
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the fed chief your own power etc etc so do you think that this could all still continue to go up and down based on what the president of the united states may be tweets in the next few hours. well that's an interesting point too because i think the markets are wired because he hasn't tweeted doldrum hasn't tweeted specifically about jerome powell it was left to treasury secretary minute to tweet over the weekend the trump didn't feel that he had the authority to fire droom pow and then there were other members of the administration who who backed that up but in simply doing so they did confirm that this has been a discussion at the white house that trump is wondering aloud whether he can jerome and that's added to the uncertainty it's a bit of a legal gray area to whether trump the federal reserve chief is i've been tested before so that the fact that trump didn't point blank say himself that he didn't want to added added to the volatility in the end that we should be clear the stock market and the reason why there's so much focus on the stock market volatility is in part because trump himself takes it as
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a great indicator about the health of the u.s. economy and many economists would disagree with that but it's something that sort of because donald trump goes on and on about the stock market as an indicator of how brilliant his economic stewardship is that's why it's become becoming such an issue and that there is some speculation that newton's call on sunday was simply a way to show his boss that he was doing something about the stock market and if that's the case and it's has rather horrible on the market even without the last couple of days the market is down in general from last year all right sharon times you live in washington thank you. so as you mention president donald trump is at war with congress over funding for his order wall but cash is being offered from somewhere else take it away under thanks for show well many of you have probably heard of the website go fund me it's generally used to get startups and personal projects off the ground and now possibly a wall on america's southern border now that this project in particular has already raised more than sixteen million dollars in just over
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a week and you might be able to see there it's largely been achieved through small donations of less than one hundred dollars each the project's creator brian cole fudge says if the sixty three million people who voted for trump each pledge eighty dollars we can build the wall that's roughly five billion dollars even if we get half that's half the will we can do this now that five billion dollars figure is what trump thinks it will cost but the u.s. department of homeland security estimates that it will be closer to twenty billion dollars and critics like me here he's a musician argue that at this rate the wall will be fully funded somewhere around the year twenty eighty six but cold is an army veteran says that the cause is worth it. we need security we're a law a nation of laws we need to force these laws we can't have people coming across our border who are unchecked that we don't know who they are and we could have another terrorist attack tomorrow it doesn't take many people to the stage an attack we
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need to know who's coming across that border and we need to keep it in check now the brookings institution published a report saying all of that that he touched on is a bit exaggerated senior fellow vanda brown writes that the wall won't significantly reduce homicides or violent crime in the united states because most of them are actually committed by people who were born in america it also won't prevent drug smuggling which is often done through tunnels or more recently using drones the wall doesn't block either of those methods and it won't necessarily bring jobs back to america as trump has claimed research has shown that undocumented immigrants tend to they tend to do the jobs that americans shy away from the brown also hosted a panel about a year ago where she said the wall brings societal costs with it as well the wall as the president embraces it with his attacks on muslims and other communities with
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his resentment toward not it's not simply about creating a physical structure but could he think bad youth and divisions in one's mind and promoting politics of exclusion and bigotry the very opposite of the american pretty. now that's a point that many of trump's critics have raised this political cartoonist making the rounds now it likens the walls design to the hoods worn by the white supremacist group the k.k.k. and there are also more coordinated efforts against the wall going back to some fund raising projects here there's a competing go fund me page which is a bit cheeky raising money for ladders to get over trump's wall now that's just a joke but the money will be sent to rice says and organization that helps refugees and immigrants but you might be able to see there that they've they've raised one hundred forty one thousand dollars so far it's pretty good but it is still significantly less than the page for the wall so let us know what you think about american citizens taking government funding into their own hands you can you can
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get in touch with us on twitter using the hash tag news group and remember mexico was supposed to pay for that wall after watching on face that the chinese designer who will make you question everything think you know about high fashion and later in the program clinging to a one seat majority and fighting corruption allegations israel's prime minister in a coalition government call for early elections. there's plenty of dry weather across the middle east at the moment the eastern parts of our map is all looking for an unsettled is further west or a bit more cloud that is drifting its way towards the caspian sea that's breaking up there and it's not really giving us a great deal of wet weather is the next system we've got to watch and here it is on tuesday making its way into the northern parts of turkey and that will be giving us
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a very wet and windy weather that will be telling increasingly wintery as well as we head into wednesday so wednesday's looking very snowy for some of us here and then that ray will be trickling its way further south so we could see a fair amount of rain in parts of lebanon as well during the day to the south of all of that and here in doha it's fairly breezy and it is fairly to cool for us at the moment temperatures around twenty three degrees but the winds should be easing as we head through wednesday and that will allow the temperatures to just climb a little bit higher so we should get to around twenty four down towards the southern parts of africa plenty of rain here particularly in the northern parts of our map stretching from angola all the way across into the northern parts of madagascar and this is the region where it we're expecting the worst of the weather as we head through the next few days as well as a very heavy downpours out of this rain belt to the south of that there is more dry weather but still the risk of just seeing one or two showers at times during the day.
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a policy imposed decades ago pregnant woman part that she would selectively goods and where many boards changing demographics across asia with far reaching consequences are creating a pool of socially disadvantaged young men so you have the system where people at every level will be get being given money money to agree to start as a ship of money to get other people to be the star of social out there examines the politics of population control fresh perspectives new possibilities fearless journalism. debates and discussions of global terror attacks told by a fifth i'm so talented from those attacks followed by a cool to that's a good news story out his ear is award winning programs take you on a journey around the globe because we choose. only on al-jazeera.
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man. like here are some of the stories that have caught your attention on our watch.
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al-jazeera calm of course many are paying attention to the aftermath about horrible tsunami in indonesia unfortunately the death toll right now is three seventy three and that number continues to change and may or may not have seen video of the moment that tsunami came crashing onto the beach and as a rock concert was happening so we also have that on our web site and story number five we've been talking about the u.s. withdrawal from syria and what it means for the regions and to get a moment that our web site al-jazeera dot com. israelis will vote in early elections next april seven months before they were due coalition party leaders and prime minister benjamin netanyahu government issued the statement earlier they had been struggling with internal disagreements and just a one seat majority in israel's parliament the knesset. stephanie decker who's live in bethlehem in the occupied west bank so stephanie what prompted this.
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wall with their say is that it is because they have such a slim majority in the knesset it is really part of a one seat that it's very difficult to get and use of the bullets they should push through a referral to key to build the ultra-orthodox that they want to see serving in the army was at the moment they're not forced to do the bigger picture is this richelle that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is one to divert it elections for quite some time this has been openly discussed in israeli media even before the resignation of his defense minister in november i was in the middle of that is that tim with the slim majority of people who will tell you is that the prime minister is under a lot of pressure to do the three cases watson by brit food and occasions against it and the attorney general has said whether to indict him along in the next couple of months so many people will tell you that yahoo is a very savvy political a courageous i mean if this has been decided. so that it distracts from
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all the other pressures that he's under at the moment does he continue to serve as a prime minister and broaden even if it is important you know these early elections don't always go away people want the people who call for them is there any indication how this might actually turn out. well all the polls suggest that likud his party remains number one that if you are four are going to go to elections whether it's tomorrow or whether it's for five months time is ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu will be retaining that position at the moment he holds the post of defense ministry of the post foreign minister he holds the post right ministry holds another couple of posts so other people will tell you that it is time to reshuffle things as it were but i don't think we'll be seeing many changes certain it comes to the post of the prime ministry many every what action you speak to him through the media pollsters will tell you that he is widely expected to win
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to get really a ghost's definitely we can't not mention that you are and bethlehem it is christmas eve and there is a gorgeous sane behind you. that's right well this news came out just off way through the day so we switched to reporting but i'll get to some me just to show you a little bit of the of this scene here you have the christmas tree behind that that's the church of nativity and we'll expecting added palestinian president mahmoud abbas to come here as well to attend midnight mass later on we're just looking to various people here so a lot of palestinian christians have been coming from parts across the west bank also in israel one girl came from what i'm on now which is seen as the seat of power here are saying you know referring again to israel's occupation that it took a long time to get here that many checkpoints and also speaking to a french couple who were tourists here not even on a religious pilgrimage and i was also seeing the well you know how did you find it and they thought that the had was beautiful and that was the first time that the
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stool the wall of course the separation wall that israel built after the second intifada and they said it as at that point because there's a mosque right behind where we are right now or shall and then you of course you have the church of nativity the call to prayer was going and she said well you know you can hear the mosque and you see the church of nativity and i don't and. and why israel is building a wall across this whole so it is a discussion here certain people haven't been before when they see the realities on the ground but i think you know just linking it in with politics we are hearing now from israeli media that that trump peace deal the deed of the century that is supposed to be addressing these issues is longstanding issues that aren't even close to being resolved may now be delayed even further because of these early elections and perhaps only be talked about again in the summer and it's pick up on something you said stephanie is it fairly common that that people often get their thinking one thing and once they really see the things like you said seeing the
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wall and things like that they realize it's a lot more complicated than maybe what they thought oh. yes i think people don't know what to expect when they come here and it's exactly that because for example when you cross that when you cross from jerusalem into bethlehem it's about a ten minute drive there are checkpoints there's a massive will need to close checkpoints so i think people have varied jarred by the reality of seeing it as it is i mean air invent them of course you don't see israeli soldiers there be entrance but it's all is very much controlled for example i was people here have to have permission to go to jerusalem they need to be permission by israel to leave the occupied west bank so freedom of movement is an issue and you know if we're talking about christmas in bethlehem also the christian population has been dwindling people have been leaving and people have been leaving because of these things job opportunities the occupation the lack of freedom of movement the using of lands with the increase of settlements all these issues that remain on the table and they want to see address and that are not any closer to
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being a result in fact most people we've been speaking to across the west bank we looked into this last week will tell you that they seem to feel that they're moving further and further away of having anything tangible in terms of finally getting some form of sovereign palestinian state rights loaded and loaded issue. stephanie thank you very much. and speaking of christmas it's an important season for retailers we know that in all the shopping but charities also use the season to try to appeal to our hearts and sometimes that can be controversial andrew weil. well we see some powerful ads this time every year calling on people to care for those around them the international committee for the red cross for example released this ad about the one gift that santa can't deliver it highlights the organization's efforts to reunite families torn apart by conflicts migration and natural disaster the british charity christian aid meanwhile commissioned a building high mural in central london for their holiday message you might be able
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to see it shows a young yemeni boy receiving a gift bag full of guns a christmas present from the united kingdom the organization says it wants the u.k. government to stop playing a role in yemen's war as one point eight million children are pushed to the edge of famine nearly half of britain's arms sales go to one country and that's saudi arabia but that ad wasn't nearly as controversial as another ad from a british supermarket chain it was deemed too political for television iceland foods had their ad banned before the holiday season even began so the company says that it's the first major british supermarket chain to pledge to remove palm oil from its own brand foods because habitat loss in countries such as malaysia which is a global major producer of palm oil that's contributed to the iran getting now being classified as critically endangered clear cast which vets t.v. ads in the u.k. said this ad made in partnership with greenpeace violates the two thousand and
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three communications act which bars political ads. but i must say of all the christmas ads in the world that play a role in changing people's lives spain probably deserves the crown here this year's ad for the christmas lottery was an emotional one showing a grumpy stingy man who learns the hard way that the best way to find joy during the christmas season is to share his good fortune with others. how much of a fortune you may ask. more than two point four billion dollars was given out in this year's national lottery to winners in nearly every province in spain el gordo or the fat one is the biggest lottery in the world in terms of total prize money with drawings held every year since eight hundred twelve this lottery is so big that more than seventy percent of spain's residents participate each year hoping to take home
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a prize that organizers say is of course best when share now in two thousand and twelve everyone in one small farming town won the lottery and shared nine hundred fifty million dollars all except i should say one man a greek resident who wasn't included in the draw but he says he still ended up benefiting from the win because he was easily able to sell some of the land he wanted to get rid of so maybe there's a happy ending still there now if you've seen any clever campaigns this year calling on people to share the love get in touch with us on twitter using the hash tag it is good so a u.n. monitoring team has arrived in the many city of who data they're there to monitor a shaky cease fire which this agreed to to the surprise of many by the government and who the rebels two weeks ago the team is led by a retired dutch general patrick convey there been sporadic fighting in the area in recent days but it's hoped the truce will say more aid passing through who data support to alleviate yemen's dire humanitarian situation amina joe has been
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covering the conflict in yemen extensively he says her data can set a precedent for setting up cease fires in other cities. basically the would. ease off the united nations and the rest of the international community because international pressure is what is needed most to make this is first succeed but also the purchase. off with drawing troops from the city of course the that is a key plank in the conflict in yemen the most important issue with it is because most of the. goods of us in from the ports. in the it's vital for the survival of millions of yemen is and if this is fire on the troop withdrawal from the city succeeds then that can be extended to places like for example where there's been years wolf. some of the places where for things to which is all
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so let's talk a little bit more about this what was finally the tipping point that led to talks and yemen they met when defining point but the bombing of a bus load of children in august was certainly a moment that trigger worldwide condemnation we take a look back at that tragic moment on our web site al jazeera dot com and we like to get in touch with us and i know what you think about these stories so you can send your comments to any of our online platforms you can tweet us is the hash tag a.j. news great our handle is at a.j. english also on facebook facebook dot com slash al-jazeera or send us a message on whatsapp or telegram at plus nine seven four five zero one trip or one four nine saddam will be here very soon to say what's trending in sports as a lot fans in south america finally get to celebrate their new champions first that
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would check the world weather.
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years ago during the christmas break for u.s. astronaut school around the moon it was considered to be nasa a listen perhaps most dangerous undertaking that first voyage by humans to another world set the stage for still grander apollo eleven moon landing seven months later . planes why the scientific sturrock and weighs more than one.
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apollo eight the u.s. is bid to make history launch astronauts bill and here's jim lovell and frank borman into space have them orbit the moon ten times bring them back to earth a lot while the remarkable things about nasa at that time people that were there all or willing to subordinate every factor in their life their families their health everything to the success of the mission we three of us for a very fortunate to a system work and that kind of an environment i believe that this nation should commit. refuting the goal for the good out of landing a man in the moon and returning him safely to your john kennedy had set the country this challenge in one thousand nine hundred sixty one but despite several preliminary missions and a fatal fire time was running out what's more the soviet union was ahead of the
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u.s. in the so-called space race washington was desperate to catch up nasa got its chance in august one thousand nine hundred sixty eight. had intelligence information i think that robert mentioned the that the russians were going to put a man or a man seven navigate the moon not orbit the moon which has gotten certain navigating comeback sixteen weeks later time to board a saturn five rocket and leave the russians behind it was four days before christmas. examiner. along the plight of apollo eight animals yes the mission was newsworthy but the apollo eight mission also happened at the end of a very rough year in the united states. both dr martin luther king jr and bobby kennedy had been assassinated and people were writing because of racism and because
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of the vietnam war and the failure of vietnam had forced the u.s. president to quit running for reelection it seemed everyone needed some good news maybe not since the civil war we so torn apart so divided so many people distrustful of so many others and it seemed nothing could bring us together again so with the chaos in the streets and the highest of stresses at work finally the reason for the voyage seen through a window suddenly here was this beautiful fragile looking. planet our own home planet coming up in particularly is out emphasized over the stark lunar eyes and. i've. often. thought of. a christmas eve message from these adventurers
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perhaps even more heartfelt than they could have ever imagined roslyn jordan al-jazeera washington arts a football fans and argentina have finally been able to celebrate the copilot but to doris wins on us here with that thank you very much to resell why it's exactly a month since one of the ugliest it chaps says of south american football took place the crotch of all the full sea called by the best and oldest file to be moved ten thousand kilometers from when osiris to madrid is still fresh in our minds well but on sunday fans of a play to gave the win as a proper welcome home for the play it has stayed overseas off to beating book a genius in the final to play in the feast at club world cup and u.a.e. but they finally returned to hero's welcome as fans lined the route to their morning mental stadium. once inside the packed home ground the party really
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took off with fireworks and flares that but no sign of trouble as a team paraded around in an open top bus to fast just really happy to be part of the celebrations again it's a lot more a minute it's the greatest love that we have it unites us and excited to see in a way that we can't explain you feel that closeness with the club and you want to participate in everything they do. to live the rivers party it's a sensation of adrenaline to be in the stadium and it will forever be in my memory while the n.f.l. playoffs are also dominating social media for team secured post season on sunday the seattle seahawks that returned to the playoffs off to a year out they beat the kansas city chiefs the houston texans that needed some help off the losing to the philadelphia eagles but luckily for them pittsburgh also lost and that made sure houston would make it into the playoffs but the n.f.c.
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east bill is all wrapped up at the dallas cowboys taking that promise with the when the tampa bay buccaneers five time super bowl champions the new england patriots made it ten a.f.c. east titles they clinched it with a win over the buffalo bills i'd certainly don't take for granted and i think i know hard it is and. i just had a great two appreciation for my teammates and coaches that work stream hard to put us in a position to do a great job and i'm going to have a lot of perspective and like i certainly do i realize that. you know it's incredibly difficult thing to do and i'm just very grateful. so it's christmas eve a new assault would share with you this video from english premier league club liverpool three of their players mohamed salah serves in the security and the robots and went to surprise children at a local school and the results are a gift that keeps on giving i want to. work for my.
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people it's political machine plays music it's a problem. you have is really going on don't you keep talking about kids you can talk to your surprise yeah ok my dad says she actually was you lose. the you know. from knowing. her for her favorite players will sell out and she. knows running down the way so. the ajay shirke a. little. misty was aboard. the combine with. me. ok with their
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reactions just priceless you can tweet me at santa age of the school sport pizza will be back with more at eighteen jim t. but for now i'll hand you back to a shelf that was fired all right they're all there for news great keep in touch on all of our social media sites we will see you through your fourteen fifteen g.m.t. on tuesday and yes. thanks love to make amends to sufferings because behind the suffering a millions of taxpayers because those taxpayers never go away is
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a new one bone every single day and ninety it is an urgent national necessity and he put it we officially request rationing of the support mechanism we created together because i happen to live in greece somehow i'm a sinner i'm a bad person. that's machine on al-jazeera. as this year child of the president comes to an end. we examine what the top stories might be a good judge could be very interested in results. in the new year. joining us. as we take a look ahead to twenty nine seen. on al-jazeera. they wanted forty three billion dollars with the weaponry that was six billion pounds in commission. there is no hope of any more because there's always
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a small kabul vehicle for really really good business. in essence we in the united states have privatized the ultimate public function war shadow on al-jazeera. well you know. some of the. searching for survivors finding more bodies three hundred seventy three people now confirmed killed by indonesia's tsunami. out of their own felicity barney watching al-jazeera live from london also coming
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up pakistan's former prime minister nawa sharif is sentenced to a further prison term for corruption. all eyes on the performance of u.s. stocks there pulling again despite treasury efforts to reassure the markets. and blue planets we look back at the moment u.s. astronauts saw the earth rise for the first time. although experts say more deadly tsunamis could hit indonesia in the coming days at least three hundred seventy three people died and thousands more were injured when a huge wave struck without warning on saturday told us is in ponce a climbing province which was worst hit by the tsunami. listen carefully over the noise of the waves
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a regular allowed boobs. that's not wind hidden in the gloom forty seven kilometers out to sea and krakatoa volcano is still erupting it has been for months but on sunday the eruptions triggered an underwater landslide that caused the tsunami that led to this hotel's line to the sea front here some workers in guests saw the wave coming and ran and then a book about it was not like a usual beav it was a huge leave before one thought and it was just rolling and rolling after. at this hotel two children swept out of their ground floor rooms as they slept one of their bodies was found in the swimming pool after the tsunami it retreated across the road and yet i showed us her damaged house she support meters above normal see that all here yet the water powered into her home and into her shop next door of the mob or. after that no money the shops gone to so i've got no income i
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don't know what i'm going to do. the main road through two hundred grand has been cleared of debris but what remains of the stephanie villa hotel has not twenty nine people are known to have died here seven more a missing the water did a pretty good demolition job here but what it left behind those men are now clearing completely bearing and in some ways hoping they find some of the bodies of the missing inside people are nervous along this coast watching the sea for signs that another wave could come not knowing which rumble means they should run andrew thomas al jazeera handle an intern easy. or is the clean up begins questions being asked about how such a large tsunami could happen without. yes any warning the indonesian president joko widodo has visited the affected area to see the devastation for himself he's
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promised the country will be better equipped for a future natural disaster as well but dr reports now from the new districts on the west coast of java. indonesian president djoko we don't go visiting the tsunami affected area prone to earthquakes his country deals on a regular basis with their disastrous consequences using detection equipment to warn of tsunamis ahead of time on this occasion the president appeared to admit something went wrong. i think in the new budget year of twenty nineteen early january a lot of the replacement of broken equipment or old ones which could no longer be used. the landslide of the undersea volcano made it harder to detect than a regular earthquake and happening at night many people had no idea the wave was on its way to strike them. this couple only realized it when water started surging
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through the small food stall they operate near the beach that had a theme there was no warning at all even a tsunami warning when it suddenly happened in husband believes the government should invest in better monitoring equipment but i hope the government can use new technology because you're afraid there's going to be a voice in the future. living in such close proximity to a rumbling giant people here want that solution to come sooner rather than later and the experts seem to agree it's highly likely that there will be more tsunami generated by submarine landslides in the question is when is that going to happen we don't know are they going to be bigger ones we don't know what warning do you have well it's an active volcano and that's the essentially the warning. longer after the dead brief from this an army has been cleared away the fears of people
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living here will linger many of the people who used to live down here at sea level are now in temporary accommodation on higher ground whether they'll return here depends in part whether they'll be able to confidently predict what that sea will do next bridal just and your district indonesia. former pakistani prime minister has been given a seven year jail sentence all for being found guilty of corruption he's also been fined twenty five million dollars denies the allegations and says he's being targeted by the country's security establishment it still says reports three time prime minister nawaz sharif known as the tiger of pakistan is back in prison the anti-corruption court in islamabad imposed
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a seven year jail term for having investments beyond his the cleric assets. he was unable to prove the source of income for the ownership of a steel mill in saudi arabia a dog family a supreme and the courts are supreme for us we will abide by their judgments our leader in the washer resubmitted himself to the legal process but all these proceedings are one sided sharif who denied on doing had been sentenced to ten years in prison in july by the same court on different charges they were related to the purchase of property in london he had been freed on bail pending an appeal sharif's party lost general elections in july of while he was in jail. the history of barbara starr has been that no ruler in pakistan has had ever been actually sent as you know prior to him the pakistani politicians have always been going scot free
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they have always believed they would not be sentenced in any case it is not possible they can exert influence but this time i think we are living in a different dimes people of pakistan they are going for you know accountability people are tired of corruption. the security around the court was tight for monday's verdict which shines on uncomfortable light on corruption at the highest levels of government in pakistan or such a party al jazeera a suicide bomber has decimated his car bomb outside a government building in the afghan capital kabul gunmen then stormed the building which houses the department of public works to the gunmen were killed in the attack and at least four other people were injured when two hundred employees trapped in the building have been removed to safety and there are reports of gunfire continuing well he met the security analyst in kabul he was at the scene when the attack happened and described what he saw. i passed by the media just after the
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attack a few minutes after the attack took place. it is reported to be two car but car bomb. blasts taking place near the ministry of public works and blasts took place just before. stuff getting out of your offices and going our way from or saw yes a lot of smoke coming out of the idea was that the office was the fire had broken out in the building where the ministry spaced. to have some local apartments who were trying to residential and it's semi there's additional area israel will hold an early general election in april next year at the announcement follows a deadlock over a controversial military conscription bill the election had been shed july fourth november twenty nine thousand if i missed a binyamin netanyahu is returned to office he'd be on course to become israel's
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longest serving leader than yahoo says his coalition unanimously agreed to despite the government. this is perfectly sensible to do much is not the complete agreement by. the partners in britain image and a great partnership reason. now u.s. stocks have opened low up the day after the treasury took unusual steps to ease investor nerves following a week of heavy losses. treasury secretary steven each and called a meeting with the c.e.o.'s of six of the us his biggest banks late on sunday when each and says they assured him the banks would survive the current climate let's go live to there she has potential he's been following the markets some what's happening on them in washington d.c. show you so she had bring us up to date with the latest how the markets looking right now. well right now that drop is still continuing the. one point three eight percent down over three hundred points as a p.
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five hundred. as well it's it's almost comical because i mean this all stems i mean obviously they've been problems in the markets for some time now because of because of the trade war with china fears of a global economic slowdown and so on now we have the government shutdown but it's always a steve couldn't have acted in a worse manner than he actually did he he had that conference school with the c.e.o.'s of the six largest banks steve newton by the way was in lucas on a beach holiday in mexico when he made this cool which also adds to that kind of the optics of panic and he gets these reassurances from the banks so there isn't any kind of liquidity crunch but the problem is no one thought there was a liquidity crunch before that so people are trying to figure out well why did he do this why did he have this school is it because he simply wanted to show donald trump that he was doing something he was on the case even though he was on the beach in mexico he's been under a lot of pressure from goal of trying to do something or is there the potential for
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some systemic banking crisis which people haven't even been considering as they were looking at the stock selloff they just thought there was a stock market selloff they didn't think it was connected necessarily to the problems in the banking sector but he's raised this question at this time when all sorts of other factors are involved too with the stock market selloff and it's how these are all the disastrous consequences at least in the short term obviously the president's not going to be happy with the law says how is he was felt it was funny though he did just tweet he said the following the only problem our economy has is the fed they don't have a feel for the market they don't understand necessary trade wars or strong dollars or even democrat shop downs over borders the fed is like a powerful goal for who called school because he has no touch he comes pumped.


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