tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera December 26, 2018 4:00pm-5:01pm +03
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when the amati but for the glimpse of what if this in not of the sonata. and almost in will not selena you had the gift and not the. only i'm a saudi and what if some leave me and my models. and s.m.s. and the fella that i know i am selling me in and demos you wolfie had he a modest salary and the home front of the doing and ness and i thought this in action even him on the telly nine years old. a hot. dog can the governor of damascus received modood gratefully after his victory at assen mumble. but his gratitude mosque jealousy and suspicion. was going to know kind of all the comfy office as the
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moon and the. other hand. modood left his camp for friday prayers with took. but an assassin belonging to her she asked secret order known as a botany was waiting for him. and when you see it and. to hear the din the talk in the hall at that they did much . and then shut up in the mold would. had involved in the in the i know what i'm a cannot mean if the l.e.d. saw him. at the close of the eleventh century. but she. began a campaign of killings against jews figures. this secret order. was known in arabic as
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a hotshoe. this arabic name lives on to this day in the word for a political killing. assassination. lizzie . scheana has it scheana can a woman has ever gone to botany where obama botany how all good don't. kind of hot on computer and didn't get done slimey you was a cup of solid and not a muslim in yellow going to be saluting him nashat a solid b. and what of that absolute all men cabal of botany. this if i'm not such a perfect model neck and neck at the internet a writer to have me a one on. it and then buy to display any attention at that even
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a day when that on that list is a leaf a. dead a kidney is in the moment is the dilemma when i'm really shaky and i mean i'll just . mostly mean well if it did then and good he didn't. make him a hottie i mean why would a will to hold him in the muslims had lost a hero. but there was another on the rise. in the years to come the wind would change direction. and the muslim revival would start to gain momentum. i made the dean's english would lead the muslims to achieve their first major victory. against the crusade.
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capturing a moment in time. snapshots of the lives. other stories . providing a glimpse into someone else's wild. inspiring documentaries from impassioned filmmakers. witness documentaries to open your eyes on al-jazeera. this is a really fabulous news for one of the best i've ever worked in there is a unique sense of bonding where everybody teams in that something i feel every time i get on the chair every time i interview someone we're often working around the clock to make sure that we bring events as i currently as possible to the viewer
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that's what people expect of us and that's what i think we really do well. they wanted forty three billion pounds worth of weaponry that was six billion pounds intermission. there's no and they more because there's always a small bowl of people for really really good ministers. in essence we in the united states have privatized the ultimate public function your shadow on al-jazeera. i'm sam is a damn window how they look at the headlines here now does iran now doctors have started a strike in sudan and are urging others to join them in protest against the president
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of the sheriff says protesters demanding his resignation and traitors riot police opened fire as marchers headed for the presidential palace and called to him choose their. brushes ministry of defense says israeli airstrikes against syria threaten to civilian flights on tuesday syrian air defenses near the mask would fall on one state media corps and then the targets blaming israel for an air raid they quote military sources saying several missiles were down before they hit their targets and arms depot was damaged and three soldiers were injured meanwhile the israeli military says it's over their defense system intercepted and anti-aircraft missile . the head of u.n. monitoring team in the yemeni port of data is reported to be meeting both sides for the first time patrick camera already met who three representatives in the besieged port on monday both the who these in the yemeni government forces agreed to the c.f.r. during talks in sweden earlier this month who these are accusing coalition forces
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of violating the cease fire with both ground attacks and at least twenty eight airstrikes in towns near a day during the last twenty four hours u.s. border protection has ordered medical checks on every child in its custody after another guatemalan child died under its care the eight year old boy lost his life after receiving medical treatment at a hospital in new mexico guatemala and foreign ministry is calling for an investigation a long awaited presidential election in the democratic republic of congo this weekend has been delayed again in some parts of the country the electoral commission says the vote will be held in march in ben abell tembo and you may be that's months after the final results are scheduled to be announced on january the fifteenth. thanks. in indonesia to ensure rain and the possibility of more big waves are bringing
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further anxiety to victims of saturday's tsunami villages in some but jaya sort of higher ground on tuesday at least four hundred thirty people were killed when the waves struck the coastline it's back to the crusades an arab perspective now. i've had this conviction that everyone has a deep reservoir of time the ability and if you can give them the opportunity wonderful things start to happen sometimes the simplest seditions author missed and packed for that it has not been proven yet they say. the main things that sets out zero apart from other news organizations is that a lot of our reporting is about real people but about ideas or politicians and what they may want to do but how policy and how events affect real people it's ok it's ok it's ok to. leave the mark complicated don't put it off and if this is not an act of creation i'm going to mark the walk. down like my family's status and
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wealth has benefited from their choice to enslave. some of us so stahl risky to speak out as a surprise that. this job isn't just about what's on a script or a piece of paper it's about what is happening right now. the year eleven twenty seven. amended teams indeed. becomes governor of mosul in northern iraq. it's former governor modood. and stood up to the crusaders during their otherwise unstoppable expansion be nice.
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but modood have been assassinated in eleven thirteen. imagine thousands thank you kind of people day to mold was shot a complete shit clinton of elected letting her to go behind. and would look ahead to could be a west pick mill look at how i can be a candidate alcoholically cannot i will on solving them. and then ask any and layout of the how and of enough for right handedness you had a lot of a lot how does something being. put on sub think you to know what the and who were bad and the bad of the son really failed there for the elements several how well doesn't it work. and. when he hasn't the. healing we have new who feel most in the unlucky in the hold the ones who has he they own can and the fia when will a wooden demeaning being that matter what it was his help. a year after taking up
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the post as governor in mosul i made the dean's ng the model his army towards aleppo. and brought it on there is control. to have the loss of. his man and. juiciest. they know a little skit where they know. if that. down and in six feet but webb says see it the definition me what the web at all bore the. day. to get out the main in modern day and. when but utterly when has it. may not amount to topless woman look at britain we're in knew how to get the opinions battlefield. of a tanker or would a member solid be in she why get him. being kind of not
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to me don't either. and that's what dom one mark in the month a couple more for the year before that awful bugger. what with teddy what got that began to hate a woman yes. but the get go but you know the most. of the rest when i've had one not on this hobby of the most. is and i hope. that the good or the ma . was among the gods. allied in this way to the crusaders damascus did not join the muslim unification project. its ruler maureen indeed even sent the renowned muslim historian. because as an ambassador to the kingdom of jerusalem. some even one kid is one of the great writers of twelfth century syria in the
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course of his his long and complicated existence one part of which he was a diplomat and he spent a lot of time talking with the franks in jerusalem and he visited the city on several occasions. had the sollie been she deaf in blood shed. she has a. lot of art as some of the most. feel yet alive mara and the son of. sam. said it will. be all that matter. and ok for the stock be to. feel the if you. have the room yet and therefore a lot of the appeal is let me. i'm not. going to falsely vain you know no more going to live in the mommy and daddy fear
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that hell it can feel the had to be. good in some way be listening get his i'm home some. noise. throttled the mill fair min min normal father will wife if for me i had of course i was a fish a tumbler when you should talk with the hope. it's only been mel hash and illustrate the new hope how to go how did you arrive. in the summer tells us that the westerners who come over from europe much more zealous so much more aggressive than those who live with the muslims in the near east if you use the west moses was great warriors that very bold a very strong but a bit like beasts capable of bearing a heavy burden perhaps not so much more sophisticated. so good footy quad.
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is still the corsets nope it gives the exact to my insurance. a city poke fun unfair i make out to see your own the all in one yes you're right this is your own making no. the guy could you know he looks. with damascus still protected by its truce with the kingdom of jerusalem. i'm adding single now begun to prepare for what would be his greatest military achievement. in reading his into bed in the hospital the thought of him of to. live as a mother and there was the initial me. and i do that in a shed and i did take it had the men bagged. the
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crime so much in the same bin laden yanna some had got his most. and. they were meth and no cellar they did it to the yeah and if you could the three of us us on. your team would give you all a fee along. well well. yes that. was the whole. sinkage. and with hindsight this is seen as a breakthrough but the real start the revival of the church caught in the muslim erased is the first big defeat for the crusaders and it shows that they can actually be be defeated on the muslim revival can begin to gather some face.
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and i just saw the way your home field of business from. teddy senate and for me out of all of a minute i. thought that. but of a. country that hanukkah together does that mean what i meant it isn't it how would you know but. then all haka holy man solomon islands to me. has an illness who. slimmy and must at least let me again. well of a letty. afraid nest and homage and say you know sort of to gene and get ahead that you can be. in has that our goal. let's say if the house was struck by land bareback with the ox.
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i made the dean's victory and it does so lifted the muslims moros and enthusiasm for the fight. but two years later. i met a dinging the was killed by his slaves. his death could have put an end to his mission. but he was followed by his son who had. a son who would excel his father. but us at that had them out of illinois was a good medical and it was sad that we wouldn't get had the son of he only did not want any exene any of them along. with. a well it's janitor's a little while all this that day and you will not solve bunch should you then.
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it's going to. send a step till you kind of find that i'm editing thank you. and now you read. it it gets been nest. dean kendall caught him just saw. recently do you need a look of there's a bit. to seventy and out on bail and i can't. deal with a man. with the amount. going to give me one let me up you feel me i need to feel sick maybe it will once don't if you don't get it met me at last when we knew that you would want meant get them
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again then a month ill about how long it would only seem that a bit of luck this but the communion and wondered what else would want it out in a neat little saloon. when sandy captured the sun eleven forty four this was the first time that muslims were unified against the crusader king known to slim and this was the first time that one of the crusaders states the county of adesa was captured since the first crusade this costs a devastating reaction in europe. both among the people and among the religious leaders. a chicken and of a boy are after going to see him how to keep dollars from at the sun. and i'm a kind of well and i get that by using an and phenomena some of it then yeah the i
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could make my d.n.a. one hundred one has a magma dot in the bubble of. the met view obama you don't know how melissa libya did with zed fi the right over wrong in the more time of them having a salary. pope eugene's preaching was highly effective. the second crusade would be led by two european kings. louis the seventh of france. and conrad the third of germany. in the summer of eleven forty seven. the armies set off towards the holding up. after almost a year the german and french forces finally arrived to do so little. but
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instead of trying to recapture a desa from losing games. they launched another attack which would end in disaster . the army's of the second crusade to reach the holy land joined with the forces of the kingdom of jerusalem and besieged damascus great city of the muslim near east in the summer below forty act. but. what if you have done us a lot good it is a bit on the dumb us to keep the two of you have a clue while i'm busy it was out in the cold when he took a. last visit interesting choice there very keen that the new ruler of the old. serious neurology in the sun does not get. to ask so they have time to mask was. a mad woman did the. disillusion hellion. now. with
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a third. of those should prove how ill million was to me was in the game and. at the wheel in a saloon in madelene all my let me. give. you. had a good. wrestler has a geisha lens early on. is always a command from western europe they've been led by kings their expectations are very high they would be treated there wasn't a great battle they were defeated in some epic struggle they just slink away and that's a real blow to the morale of the crusaders in the west. the tragic crave year of the second crusade. was by no means the last disaster to be for the christians. six years later nor did the finally
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manage to onyx the mosque is the very city they had failed to capture. or they know that i wouldn't give mahmoud enough to have. names. so for the first time the franks have got somebody with aleppo damascus under the same rule that's the first time that are taken place since there are. arrival in the new year it's. a ten year long to compute an interest then me feel a large debt to last a solid b. c. . this will buy tillmans. will look she is thought man
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you ought to wash that it must be mean and i am ahead if you had a dead. body dem one can up a. well i had a friend at all months and then home. and had a bit and but on our old female it must be the soil mccaffery. and there is in most of the snaps you and i made the house so you drive as its us out to say in a suburb of member you know. every year. there you have it and in reality there. bitten most of this with him as a house member. oh i was so much for your i dunno man to get. them anonymous wow that's a lot of alamy of the animals in the machine. and now they're. mostly.
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related to share their history of the show. without you going to their net their says any. way earth you don't agree and get seen. again i'm in the middle man i get letters that get. in a game as a starter that are done to this. one but at. insead message slimmy has his son he have a job you could liken it and especially be sick. in jerusalem in the winter of eleven sixty three. a new king so seated to the throne. a magic the first. i'd like it because this is. the most if he had
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a comedy and many comedy. southsea. if you could how you would tell. us but i'm like you get a fit and get a box up or what have you to get done as you call what. fairview had noted. i can let would mean a lot of thought is clean and what i thought i mean that the game let you in and that's him in a way most. miserably that you have he. adopted there are lots of often enough. of them you know. there's a competition basically between the crusaders and nurit dean to take control of
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egypt egypt is shia it's ruled by the fatima din a city and it's in a state of decline. egypt is also immensely rich and there's been effectively a competition as to who can get hold of this rich elite power the fertility of the nile the trade routes to come through it if you could control egypt you will have the wealth and the resources to defeat your opponent. will most yanni can it get is a cobra you have will be well as physical over a good then lets you get at the our rules are as hard the salt unfairly. or some confuse so dobbin you need the missiles are why this we showed why this would be wrong how the home side. one of the early. enough muscle movement at the cliff to usually lead to. a few.
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washout was sending the level of a movie a lyric was. this. a human up to a kid say thank gosh. that's such a could have yet osa can have a seat. at us all day and a sad hour most of the cleland. and hysteria had half of the. something being behaves yes we will have been well missed. a show must. be men. together the stanley can. watch him i'll go off you. know to dinner who would make. the house i'm going to meet that is simple
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nudity our. most. lurid dean centers forces towards egypt. under the command of one of his men. a kurdish general should. he took with him a reluctant young man who would write his name through the history of the crusades . some law had deemed known in the west a solid. fee. he had the surat. yusuf. on the business. you. shed been. the it was i have said the dean should go away to gain. more and.
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the fight would last another five years. before sure cool would succeed in expelling the crusaders from the nile valley. what has that all. that many may not know to what medic. one thought this i thought it. was out of it all that any effort i. mean someone by the has a. solid. on succeeding as uncle as physio. dean had reached
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a turning point in his life. he was about to embark upon. the change the history of the crusades. i. eat. a lot of solid being in control don't know but it's tremendous from the potential so how can a determined to conclude use of them at that point for sword to avenge its people. look at eight hundred eighty is he smashes the frankish off it captures the king of tourists that he sees is the true cross and this is the great military victory the
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crusades an arab perspective of a soldier three unification of this time on the jersey of a. nice pink sky by the time hot. or as the sun sets in the city of angels. hello again welcome back to your international weather forecast for here across brazil still a lot of rain showers particular down here towards the south affecting not only weird pollo as well for sencion it is looking quite hot we expect to see thirty five degrees in your forecast today as well as into tomorrow and what is that as well your temperatures are going up as well with attempt to there of thirty and
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mostly cloudy conditions well also rain across much of the yucatan over the next several days will be seeing those clouds really start to bring those showers into effect for parts cozumel as well as ken kuhn here those rain showers here on wednesday not seen too much of a change as we go towards thursday but down here towards the south a much better scenario down here across parts of costa rica as well as panama where we are seeing partly cloudy conditions and temperatures into the low thirty's there and then here across united states what one system is coming out of the rockies and this system is really going to be tense fighting today as well over as over the next several days a lot of moisture being pulled in off the gulf of mexico so heavy rain down here towards the south as well as snow towards the north and this is really going to affect those major hubs such a chicago as well as it to minneapolis over here towards new york it is going to be a partly cloudy day and the temperature a few of about five degrees there. the weather sponsored by cat time meese.
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up to joining the greenpeace income painting to protect the weddell sea in antarctica we're now in australia for the outcome with the first generation to realize the gravity of this crisis. but we may be the last to be able to do something about in another thread special find out if the effort to create the largest sentry on earth has succeeded thrice on.
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