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tv   Martin Fayulu  Al Jazeera  January 4, 2019 8:32am-9:01am +03

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airport hundreds of people have been taken to government shelters brazil's new president jalal narrow has held his first full cabinet meeting since getting sworn in two days ago is chief of staff announced a purge of government contractors seen as sympathetic to previous left wing administrations also naral has already unveiled plans to step up privatizations toughen prison sentencing and hand control over it and didn't get a slammed claims to the powerful agriculture ministry shares in apple have closed down ten percent in u.s. trading in its worst session since two thousand and thirteen it comes after c.e.o. tim cook surprised investors announcing that revenue was being slashed by up to nine billion dollars those are the headlines next. the week began with a ninety day truce in the us china trade. the world's largest supplier of liquefied natural gas is leaving the biggest. we bring you the stories that are shaping the
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economic world we live in counting the cost on al-jazeera. i'm catherine. a year ago marking for you was barely know the democratic republic of congo up until. today as a presidential candidate. with security forces using live ammunition to disrupt. him from accessing some parts of the country. that he's the biggest threat to president joseph kabila and the. candidate. but can he win the election for you. thank you for talking to. what. you
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did challenge the organization the question was is. comparable to. the elections so many. do willingness to organize. and. elections. and we. do but extend to organize the. transparent election conclusion and the now we are asking the senate to finish the process that means to give us the result which should be it. coming from the ballot but help credible attendance. and we saw that during fourteen there's
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a lot of disorganization many people were not able to vote including their own supporters from parts of the country yeah but i agree completely agree it was deliberately the organizer but the willingness of the congolese to have the change to change think in this country to go for prosperity was very very high sort of people committed themselves to have something and then we had people responded the massively they went to the ball and they've voted and we are waiting for the result and that is the result. as you can see. you know explicitly if. the ruling party candidate. is declared winner what are you going to do the people of
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congo are asking for the truth and the justice they're asking dads out. there made you know shrewd be reflected to the desired result should reflect what they did on the sunday did. that's what we're asking. the president of. is a christian. you know. for the christian you know the love. and depart don't do two values and that think for each believe not only christian we need love but if a man is declared the winner what are you going to do are you going to qualify.
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him to the constitutional court the problem i cannot see how mrs shand that he can win you know if you. have witnessed what congolese. what they have done and how they want to deport how they were exaggerating excited and i doubt if somebody can have a courage to proclaim the winner but. what we are saying we want the result to come out and the result to be in accordance with the truth and the justice in accordance with what. people did on sunday december thirty but you yourself have said and other people have said as well that
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there are fears that this election could be rigged in favor of this ruling party candidate so if i ask again he is declared the winner are you what steps are you going to make plans on the way i am saying i cannot mention that showed that he be declared the winner it will be provoke ition and at. i want those guys to sydney too if self. getting comalies no more provocation please what they have to do. they tied. any orders strategies they have a spare and the country money the country was last time. to develop itself and today we are ready this is the new era we have to start the new era of dignity of days and the era of
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prosperity of can will eat you say it will be a profit. what does it do you think that possibly the people violently reacting to that announcement you no doubt decide dick commission for the election came here and told us that the we have to sign a commitment we said yes and no we mention that the power cut the city should commit itself by not. behaving or have it be a vote that will lead to violence that we continue to insist sunni. to give us the correct figured correct result because he will be responsible if you provoke people but we. will we are ready who are very to sign that paper saying that we also we have to respect the law we have to
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reframe ourself by. you know letting people or profiting people but the senate didn't want to sign that document finally nobody is under documents and that's why we are telling everybody in this ward we are telling the same in particularly that siniora has to be firm and. to provoke people and he has to announce. mr monger gnome's that is good which. should be should reflect the we of congolese what does your own tally say you know from across the country what does it say about who's in the lead so far my tally is seeing what you witnessed clearly it's. you know it just takes someone to still get we want you this is what
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is saying but we'll be firm ourselves to give the critics you do we have a lot of them and now we are getting some of this and to time we'll give you. our statistic saying but i hope that the warlords. the internet you have been described as a reformer a man of integrity you've been constant in your criticism against president joseph kabila and his government against corruption that is endemic in this country yet you're being backed by two individuals two prominent politicians who are very wealthy let's start with more who has been accused of mega corruption he is a former governor of the mineral rich katanga in the southwest and then they son
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pierre bemba who was recently acquitted by the international criminal court for crimes against humanity but human rights organizations also saying that he's believed really carried out these atrocities in central african republic so how do you reconcile yourself with that first of all let's start with music to me which couldn't be as a businessman everybody knows that he made his money through business. and if there is some in the wrong. people have to ask and check for me i don't have anything to say that just is no he business money is no nt bad or is seen to be rich if you got your money properly ok but i don't have too good one of the extent for me what i know he's
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a businessman he said so many times he has this had this connections with government that he used in the mining industry in qatar forming mining companies and things like that and you as i mentioned has has been very constant in a criticism against the government and all that the government stands for but moyes has been in bed with the government for all these years until they fell out with the present and he used those connections to build his wealth. ok now if you use your connection to build the world i didn't. but you are saying probably i can just go ahead and say corruption if i don't have evidence when i'm talking about cabul and camilla's family but the we have a purpose i don't know if you saw the names independent i propose i didn't see it ok but i'm talking about what i've seen what i know but
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i'm not talking about remorse. we have to be on to talk about a fact for example bimbo i know. very very well ok since we were young irish. shall be a whim. he went to school and he had is a father was a businessman and he says he's a farmer he's a businessman he's everything but know if you go and you talk about international courts yeah but they have delivered him this is all wild today i've accused him. i'm not too what do you want me to say more that's what i mean you're also talking about corruption him i don't know i've never
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got something like that he's a free now disguise of kabila they didn't want him to contest to run and he's there is backing me two of them they're backing me and the we want all new people to come for all of us to build the new call as i said this is new era. involved all congolese. so what agreement did you make into never when you were being nominated. you know the argument was the content constantly we will is the purpose. in what is behind the content what you promised what the two individuals who are backing for example. the paper is that you read the d. geneva agreement the geneva agreement is about to be change to change the
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system the ruling party i was to go because a. party. fade. and then we have to change things in the congo that's about to do. is everything is written and we said we want power for the congolese for the congolese to live a better life tomorrow did you know we rant on want the power to. be for calm will to be a country we will respect the law and then we should be the rule should be destroyed of law did you agree that you're going to call for another if you are elected as president you're going to call for another election in two years to allow for the two to run in
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a credible election. we had greed that this election. that we had it was something that we call in force and it didn't in crude oil companies. nor do i think it time for us to see to put everything in the place so we can call for a really. and transparent elections in two years. we said two years three years why not and the deal we have an agreement we will. disagreement is there and we respect our agreement and they bankrolling your kind. and they once were paying for your campaign you know. we. are warm if together including money including time including you know our intelligence yeah i paid for the
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campaign everybody contributed everybody contributed because all of us we have come to did for delicious lity for the look on this lady. and the nationality that's why we put the money but if the election is what election is ok my friend i'm campaigning do you have one combo if was in nigeria do you have one dollar do you have this and then i had friends and who contributed and myself i put. my hand in the pocket and give something to me did the same bimbo did the same and all the friends did deceive. and if you are elected as president will you go after individuals that are corrupt individuals in government
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cronies. if i'm elected there will be revenge not even church but. the country will have. the that rule zero tolerance for corruption. ok if you do you have the country money you have the country property you better give back to the. country that's the rule be that. and i will let me let's just go back to the election a little bit you have to force it on being. credible and only that election is going to be credible so why then do you participate is it is this not legit in my eyes in what you've already called a bad process you know you can do whatever you want if you are of
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a football game you have additionally. if your team is very strong we are very poor team but you know that you win but what you will try you go to the dinner and then you start because you know that you you know we. knew that the f.c.c. to camilla side will provoke us they wanted as to boycott the election they put all bottlenecks in front of us but we said as we move that people want to change then we what we have to do to minimise the risk ok you know if you are a business you have to think or you maximize your profit or you minimize your expenses but we did we say that we have you know to really minimize the risk and maximize our change what is that is good to
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our people see them discuss them that what i've been doing for long going around the country discussing with people and telling them my vision what i want to do for this country that's why we say nobody caught and we didn't boycott you see. despite the fact that the disorganized but the people will fish you in the face them that the result is. let's talk about this electronic voting machines that you've been very much against but then you decided to go to the election anyway if they're going to be used as printing as just if the russians are going to be just as to print the ballot papers the electoral commission has come out to say there will be some transmission but the final result will really be determined by the physical count of the ballots do you believe this now no. because the
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president of the electoral commission said we will use only the counting from the ballot paper nothing else he said so we told him to commit himself he committed he committed very billy and we told him to put it in writing which he didn't want but won't accept the result that will be transferred electronically the ballot to. the contras be manually and the results should be transmitted manually that's why you hear some people of from c. saying that they are warm but we haven't seen in the many. polling station there is that the presenting where for use i had full from four of by far i don't know what they're seeing. we have again to come
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back and you know easy decision not to provoke anybody we have to use the counting the manual count since colonialism congolese people and their minerals happen exploited people have been left to poverty and only then benefited so how different are you from everybody else who have sought to. lead this country the difference is that i have a bug and have a knowledge of work i've experience i've delivered ok someone can promise and not deliver i promise i have a vision i have a program i'm telling the congolese people that i will deliver who will have prosperity in discount three we will have dignity in this country will be to hold we'll put money for education because our most valuable asset is the
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people and then we want to educate them so they can be strong and each individual will face their life to walk for the discount three how you promise that we will have the rule of law in this country and then we'll deliver i promise that we'll have integrity in this country your country money. be used for building the road building hospitals school and saw all who will have in this country. the business because we want and us three we want to invest in agriculture we want to give people food we want to give people jobs and we will do so i've seen some of your pledges for example you have promised five point one million jobs at least every year talked about security and to fix the
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economy as well. just think that maybe you're over promising and in a country that has so many challenges yes i'm not over promising i know how to said hi objective stand up i cannot be in the level ground i know and i know how to deliver i work for exxon mobil in the every time it's year i said i object to stand up and give them what i said one point five million jobs in this country is walkable you can deliver it let's see in the agricultural sector we promise to give two point four million jobs every year if you want to have farm everywhere have. kenya have seen everywhere you have farm see this country you live can just so you good to wonder you see divergent sound and we can you know grew miss and you know if we grow only maize in this country
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and you can grow may is every where in the congo we have eighty million acres of arable you know land we can do it in how much money you can get from that how many jobs you can eat or that you go to the. you know tourism sector we have to it's everywhere. we have. things to sure to do war everywhere in this country yet we are not doing anything we had four point five million. from tourism where some of the country trip billion ten billion and it's this is a joke we can have. you can have money.
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you know we have. today from everything that gave to discounts free to just put intelligence and give the added value and today we are just. primitive you go to the tree. you. know now we have to produce we have as i said we have. added value on what we have in what we have. thank you very much. thank you very much thank. cultural history some scribe layer upon layer at times erase
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others rejuvenating and reinvented. through the transformative power of public art an unlikely collision of hip hop culture under indigenous tradition forms a community building project led by the godfather of graffiti. on a. for. the for the for. the for. the for. the for
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for. the . al jazeera. every. water an essential resource for all humankind across europe pressure to recognise water as a human right and put its management back into public hands is increasing i think that the european commission would be very very glad to impose water privatization on anybody if they really killed. those people who see everything as something to
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invest a profit of the one dollar up to the last drop on al-jazeera. alone has. the top stories on the new u.s. house of representatives now controlled by the democrats has passed a package of bills to end the partial government shutdown but the republican majority senate is expected to block it earlier the new speaker nancy pelosi hailed a new era as her party officially took control of the house our nation is a stark moment two months ago the american people spoke and demanded a new dawn they called upon the beauty of our constitution our system of checks and balances that protects our democracy remembering that alleges.


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