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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 5, 2019 9:00pm-10:01pm +03

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washington bush appears eager to move on to another war i stand by those words afghanistan is still just a beginning if anybody harbors terrorists or terrorist if they find a terrorist or terrorist if they have terrorist or terrorist i mean i can't make it any more clearly to other nations around the world if they develop weapons of mass destruction that will be used to terrorize nations they will be held accountable. after this speech secretary of defense rumsfeld meets with general tommy franks at central command in tampa florida. franks controls a massive area from africa to asia and leads the war in afghanistan but rumsfeld has something else in mind iraq. he orders general franks to prepare a plan of attack. since his invasion of kuwait in the gulf war in one nine hundred ninety one large parts of iraq had been under an international no fly zone. despite iraq's defeat
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and the terrible sanctions that were decimating his people saddam remained in power . in one thousand nine hundred ninety eight he drove u.n. inspectors sent to disarm him saddam was a dangerous man dangerous first to his own citizens and dangerous to the rest of the world. joe wilson knows iraq well in one thousand nine hundred ninety one in baghdad he was the last american diplomat to meet with saddam hussein saddam was hemmed in. he was not a threat he had been turned from a major regional power into a third rate dictator. just over one hundred days after the attacks of nine eleven still fighting in afghanistan america looks for another war richard perle.
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publishes what is essentially a declaration of war. the same day franks visits bush at his ranch in texas in front of journalists the two men speak of the successes against the taliban in afghanistan where taliban got the country secure the country stable we will destroy the al qaeda terrorist network inside afghanistan it will take as long as it takes thank you all. but in private bush confirms to franks the order to attack iraq. this change in priority worries the general who on february nineteenth two thousand and two confides in bob graham of florida senator and chairman of the senate intelligence committee. after a briefing which was quite upbeat with the progress that was being made the general asked me to meet privately in his office and the first thing he said was we're no
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longer fighting a war in afghanistan i was stunned by that and i asked him what the mean and he said that some of the important personnel such is special operations units were being moved from afghanistan to get ready for a war in iraq. bush's decision is fraught with consequences the fight against terrorism is put on the back burner in favor of a conventional war in the middle east not the most predictable region in the world . in early two thousand and two the military machine is set in motion all the trimmings is to convince the public of the need to go to war with a country that seems far removed from the tragedy that struck america. under base of each former army colonel and professor of military history. having
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made that decision to go toward the political necessity was to sell the war to the american people that they had prepared a significant profit and operation to sell the war at a time when the press was very receptive to whatever the administration might be saying in its efforts to defend the united states against yet another attack and weapons of mass destruction seemed to people on the inside to offer the best mechanism to complete the selling job. w m d s weapons of mass destruction chemical biological nuclear for months this deadly arsenal will be at the heart of the iraqi deception the stakes are high in a power struggle between the proponents of war and those who oppose it i was listening to briefings detailed top secret briefings from the cia the defense
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intelligence agency and other intelligence organizations and they all believed. believed very strongly that saddam had multiple programs to develop weapons of mass destruction in reality there is no consensus on the existence of w m d's for years american intelligence has been monitoring iraq and has found nothing we spend billions literally billions of dollars a year with what we call national technical means which everyone knows are satellites and they not only take images but they have all kinds of other sensor data on that thing ok and guess what. not one w m d's site was found any rock since one thousand nine hundred ninety one the specialists of alex running espionage the n.s.a. the national security agency cannot find anything. william binney former technical
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director of the n.s.a. was among those scrutinizing iraq there was no information collected by n.s.a. that that indicated that he continued his weapons of mass destruction program or even that he had weapons of mass destruction. this was no surprise saddam hussein's arsenal had been destroyed after the gulf war. before nine eleven american senior officials had publicly stated otherwise is not about what any significant capability would respect or weapons or abstraction is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors were. we are able to arm bomb him not one not. one saddam hussein's fate is decided the official tone changes and washington portrays him as
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an immediate threat. this is a regime that has something to hide from the civilized world. states like these and their terrorist allies constitute an axis of evil and bad but no terrorist state poses a greater or more immediate threat to the security of our people in the stability of the world than the regime of saddam hussein in iraq simply stated. there is no doubt that saddam hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. the existence of w m d's will have to be proven to help them the bush administration turns to i'm a child. in one thousand nine hundred ninety two together with other opponents of saddam hussein in exile he formed the i n c the iraqi national congress. all of them had a common interest in being ex exiles in that they wanted to take over the
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government and understood that the way they were going to do that was by following a us army which was dispensing with the current government and with saddam hussein. overlooked by bill clinton be allied himself with the president's political opponents the i.o.c. . managed to develop a clear and significant strategic relations with people in among the neocons and in that a public bought it. and it with some democrats also to get support for america to do something about saddam. in january two thousand and one up or to a tee presented itself for the iraqi exiles so one president bush came to power all those people who were advocating supporting us came to power with. after nine
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eleven the collusion between iraqi exiles and the bush administration becomes cooperation. that american administration. so that specifically asked us to see if we can introduce them to people. oh can provide information on w l d's. china be complies enthusiastically he introduces the americans to iraqi defectors endless sources of revelations about saddam hussein's deadly arsenal. the people in child his group wanted to get rid of saddam that so they were looking and searching in trying to come up with things that would help justify to us what our people wanted to hear that is we wanted to hear something would be weapons of mass destruction so we could justify it's going to work with them. a shrewd politician and strategist chalo be also introduces his defectors to the press and through their provocative
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headlines the journalists lend credibility to all the allegations against baghdad opinion in washington is divided and it was clear from the very beginning that major institutions in the united states such as the cia and a large part of the state department what opposed. to this they had no confidence in us they kept that criticizing us they kept calling us exaggerated liars despite everything the pentagon refuses to question the revelations made by the exiles the idea that chalo be had information that he knew to be false and he presented it knowing it to be false is has never been established in any of the inquiries and there have been many official inquiries into the activities of the intelligence activities before the war. but the skeptics must be countered and to give credence
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to the iraqi exiles the hawks at the pentagon create our own service the office of special plans an initiative by paul wolfowitz and douglas feith. the office of special plans this was quite a lot of us once tri-city they were set up as an alternative cia. the cia gathers information from a multitude of sources in general its analysts check them before submitting their conclusions to the politicians but the office of special plans short circuits this process a first in the history of american intelligence in the end bush cheney and rumsfeld obtain the answers they need and. george tenet director of the cia grudgingly supports the information before congress. i have one of those hearings the director of the cia george tenet brought with him three
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white folders where materials about the some five hundred fifty sites in iraq where allegedly there were weapons of mass destruction i asked tenet where did we get all this information and the answer is we got it from . the exiles who did we the united states of america have on the ground to see if in fact what was said in these exile provided information packets was accurate and the answer was zero. the exiles and the pentagon collaborate and transforming mere allegations into official policy. the collective effort by all those groups involved became a fabrication that became the policy of the united states and it was used to
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justify a war. further information was provided by friendly nations. in rome a dossier from the italian military secret service sees me arrives at the american embassy. it eludes to a secret sale of uranium to iraq by may share. the german secret service offers its support as well. it's provides the americans with revelations made by an iraqi defector code name curveball he claims baghdad is making biological weapons in its mobile aboard its risks. ship date as. the war to liberate iraq went for bush a crucial barrier remains to be overcome before he can go to war congress the american president must ask congress for the green light before launching the country into
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a war. in august and september the drumbeats of war in iraq started get louder and louder and there were some indications that the president would soon be calling on congress for an authorization of war against iraq. a mere formality as bush holds the majority but bob graham will try to stall. this race too. and one of the questions was we'd like to review the national intelligence estimate on possible war with iraq and the answer was there isn't a national intelligence estimate. what graham is asking for is a top secret document an estimate of what every intelligence agency knows about a particular threat. to be told that here we are about to go to war and
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no national intelligence estimate has been done was astounding and we asked that it be done what happened was they kept their heads way down you know they didn't want to do an estimate on weapons of mass destruction in iraq because that honest honest answer was there any. in london player comes to the aid of his friend bush's and publishes a dossier on the iraqi weapons. intelligence picture they want to keep they can be deployed within forty five minutes and iraq is seeking uranium from africa to develop an atomic bomb but in congress graham is not convinced he presses on he wants proof the agency particularly the cia the central intelligence agency was very reluctant and said we don't have time to do this i said we don't have time to know everything we need to know before we commit u.s.
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troops to combat tenet goes back to the white house and he says. it looks like the jig is up i will go have to do it estimate and the white house says ok mr tenet two things number one you have to do it in one and a half weeks usually an estimate takes three or four months and number two it's got to come out exactly as vice president dick cheney said it was. tenet will once again due to the president's orders. bob kerrey is a u.s. senator and former navy seal. well i think it's a fair accusation to say that both president bush and vice president cheney put pressure on the intelligence community to reach a conclusion that they had already reached vice president cheney at one time went down and sat in cia did sat down at it in the chair next to the analysts looking at the data saying what do you have on weapons of mass destruction will it kind of puts the pressure on the intelligence agencies to come up with something.
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in a four part series a russian filmmaker travels across his homeland to discover what life is like under putin many russians bukit timah somebody with a difficult job rather than an authoritarian leader with imperial ambitions and many critics of putting an equally critical of the west meeting with russians from across the political spectrum under a necklace or discovers a complex attitude towards that country's leader and his policies in search of putin's russia and now jazeera the latest news as it breaks in a poll just out sixty five percent of people said that they think it will do a great or a good job with details coverage is the second time to see a doctor has walked out on strike the government is funded by issuing suspension. from around the world the increased warning level calms a blow to the thousands of people displaced by the tsunami of wanting to return
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home. when a french soldier was murdered in a so-called terrorist attack. his mother retaliate used with. speaking out against intolerance and alienation she travels the world with the resolve of a grieving mother who lost a son but adopted a generation. of fighting. a witnessed documentary on zero zero. hello i'm daryn jordan in doha with the headlines here on al-jazeera u.s. president donald trump says give him his wall or he's appeared to keep more than eight hundred thousand public employees off work for
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a year the president's also threatening to use emergency powers to get it built to go working through the weekend try and break the deadlock members of the minority community are pleading with the u.s. not to withdraw troops from northern syria a report by the free years e.d. foundation is warning that if washington leaves syria before i suppose defeated the armed group will make a comeback the u.s. says it doesn't believe saudi arabia's version of the murder of the journalist and we'll continue to push for answers a state department official says the kingdom is investigation and handling of the killing lacks credibility and accountability the u.s. secretary of state will continue to pressure the saudis for answers when he visits riyadh next week players eight day visit to the middle east to include the united arab emirates egypt and qatar thailand's first tropical storm in thirty years left one person dead and another missing as rain wind and surging seawater back to the country's southern coast it's now weakened to
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a tropical depression. has been following developments from the island of coast. we're seeing a loss of lives at a minimum and really it appears to be the worst of the storm has passed and by the time that department that this storm has moved into the sea it has already been downgraded to a tropical depression it's still bringing rain and winds but nowhere near as strong as when it first made landfall on friday off and here as well we're seeing services resumed and sun has just come out it was raining this morning but it really appears that this storm has this is the worst of the storm is over hundreds of yellow vest protests on the streets of paris. demonstrations first began in november proposed fuel tax hike which was later abandoned by president emanuel. the protests of often turn violent at least ten people are dying. ukraine's new orthodox church has been granted independence by the global orthodox church leaders based in turkey
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ukrainian president petro poroshenko attended a ceremony marking the occasion in stumble a centrist ukrainian church is open on the authority of the russian orthodox church those are the headlines the news continues here on al-jazeera after iraq a deadly deception station thanks for watching. colleague must much hussein has now been held in pretrial detention for two years what is his crime. why hasn't he been tried yet why hasn't justice been applied in this case is he detained because he said china lust as journalism become a crime have moles become a tool to silence weiss's of truth we will continue i news coverage with professionalism and impartiality our work will remain credible and accurate but journalism is not a crime incarcerating journalists is not acceptable we demand the immediate release of our colleague mahmoud to same and all journalist attained in
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a gyptian jails free mahmoud's and all his colleagues we stand for press freedom. in early october two thousand and two in the u.s. congress a resolution authorizing the war is put to the vote the cia finally presents its estimate on iraq classified as top secret it is not until twenty fifteen that the estimate is made available to the public it is in a state or text ninety five pages long the dissect saddam hussein's weapons of mass destruction program most notably however the estimate is exceedingly cautious citing doubts and conflicting opinions coming from the core of the intelligence community. to keep these drugs from being taken into account the white house symbol
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taney asli publishes a shortened version of the estimate on iraq twenty five pages embellished with color photographs and maps. they had a very clever sanitized version of the estimate which. if a sentence said we think it possible that saddam hussein had this then the take out the possible this version makes official the allegations that have been circulating for months baghdad has chemical and biological weapons as well as missiles saddam could get his hands on a nuclear weapon within a year the sales campaign that took place i would characterize as aggressive deception there's no question that the headlines leave a different impression of what's in the document itself the october two thousand and two and i e is not conclusive. it is the headlines that will sway congress bob graham
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knows this he votes against the resolution to go to war. by taking that action according to our own intelligence reports i will tell you friends and i would encourage you to. read the classified intelligence reports which are much sharper than what is available in the classified form we are going to be increased the threat level against the people of the united states i found the document to be a very unpersuasive and it was a significant part of my ultimate decision to vote against the war in iraq. october tenth two thousand and two that. congress approves the war right roll touring the course of history four out of jackson. the deception is successful. american officials bear the responsibility of having allowed questionable evidence to dictate their decision and this for political ends this vote was going to be
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taken in october of two thousand and two just a month before the november election so there were a lot of people who felt that from a political standpoint. they didn't really want to know too much because they wanted to be able to tell their constituents this is what the president said was the right thing i accepted his judgment the vote by congress is a resulting victory for the bush administration. and the iraqi exiles and it leaves the antiwar proponents with a bitter taste of defeat. really. with the vote of congress secured it is no time to rally public support to do so they have a dossier on hand. remember that dossier from rove the one that conveniently emerged from the archives from the italian military secret service sees me. and so bianco former minister of the interior has closely followed the
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extraordinary story of this dossier chad on document the wall of it with the you will see it called on a limb introduced the polish women mean it left brazen enough at that it. but they will tease out. that food soldier is rocco martino a longtime sees me agent informer to french british and american secret services he is the one who circulated the seemingly explosive dossier among his so-called clients. this is it it contains official looking documents that allude to a sale by nice to iraq of concentrated you rhenium or yellowcake. the yellowcake dosey he finally lands on the desk of vice president cheney in february two thousand and two. when dick cheney saw this report from the defense intelligence agency about yellowcake iraqis seeking yellowcake in darkest africa and
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asia where. he asked the cia briefer or you think about this this year briefer said well i'll check it out and to verify it the cia summons joe wilson on february the nineteenth two thousand and two wilson is familiar with the fourth largest uranium producer in the world he was posted there earlier in his career when i got there the first person i went to see was a u.s. ambassador. and she said to me we have already looked at this. and we have determined that there is nothing there wilson returns to the united states and gives his report to the cia the amount of uranium that was being talked about represented about a twenty five percent increase in annual protection levels and any such increase would have had to been approved through the consortium that ran the mine you could not hide that. wilson's conclusions are related to cheney who ignores the
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vice president is sticking to his dossier from italy. and yet the italians gave the americans fair. warning the documents in the sherry and yellow cake are false. enzo bianco has been demanding a commission of inquiry for years. if i took it to seal it in opposed to d.n.a. that up but then ended the visit v.t. cases come to that then that it cases can be. a question for what should it not at all not cause and effect say negative at. the event that you get the one the. family the anything in it will david's out that the costs read it they'd be better at them in that file save for the maturity to not respond on an island that is said . to be in that case ducts suspicions that the program or camp will
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ignore for them the yellowcake dossier is a godsend it fuels a fundamental fear that of a nuclear apocalypse the only weapon of mass destruction that truly. is a weapon of mass destruction is a nuclear with chemical weapons and biological weapons are battlefield weapons but a nuclear weapon and as a society altering weapon. fear of the iraqi people reaches its pinnacle in september two thousand and two the new york times publishes a headline about the threat from baghdad it eludes to aluminum tube was seized by the americans that were to be used in the production of centrifuges to enrich uranium from africa and finally to make an atomic bomb it all adds up. at the end of two thousand and two the media campaign in the united states works like
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a charm according to the polls almost eighty percent of americans believe saddam has an atomic bomb or is close to having them in the end the yellowcake dossier will have a remarkable fate president bush himself will get behind it the british government has learned that saddam hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from africa pronounced by the most powerful man in the world this little sentence is an unequivocal condemnation and yet bush had been warned when the president when the state of the union address was being fair the cia told the white house you cannot use this code. laim that saddam attempted to purchase uranium from. there. to proceed to despite of the cia's reluctance the white house attributes these revelations to the british who spoke of yellowcake in their september report . with respect to iraq's attempts to acquire nuclear material in the
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share the. the british intelligence official the head of british intelligence at the time to this day insists that that information was correct and no one can say with certainty that it isn't it isn't true in fact the british white paper was simply circular reporting it was our story that ended up in a british document it was the same story. the french government which essentially controls the exploitation of the eurabia mines looked into the yellowcake affair and concluded it was fraudulent. dilla sub was the diplomatic advisor to french president jacques chirac at the time said i felt a little kid you wanted a cool extra morning he's expected to see you. that you feel much
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oily do you know that. i don't fully understand us you want us to show each to pretty under to some of our a commander extra. when early two thousand and three the american government decides to present its case to world leaders. colin powell stands before the u.n. to deliver a scathing indictment of saddam hussein he repeats the accusations already presented during debates before congress he stresses the existence of mobile laboratories for producing biological weapons these are the revelations made by curveball the iraqi defector who spoke to german intelligence. finally he accuses saddam of wanting to get his hands on an atomic bomb and he speaks of the r.u. minium tubes that for months have been presented as a refutable proof. we watched colin powell and we said whoa this is
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really theatrical well done and we gave him an a for presentation and a c. minus for content which would. be. just on the last day or more policeman the vile that. general powell put. nations with the head of the cia behind him was acquired from a man which they named curveball. curveball whose real name was rough feed comment was a knobby would later admit that he made it all up so he could stay in germany. richard powell who had superficially defended the idea of going to war has no problem admitting that many of powers allegations were unfounded the mobile laboratories that were described in that intelligence report that turned out to be
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completely false there were no mobile laboratories the aluminum tubes which could have been part of centrifuges. turned out to be aluminum tubes for launching small small rockets colin powell now is lying yeah he did. why didn't he do it because the president told him as though it taking their case to the un the american seek to justify their actions in front of the international community weapons inspectors return to iraq but have yet to find w m d but washington applies an indisputable logic saddam hussein indicates that he has weapons of mass destruction that he is violating united nations resolutions then we will know that saddam hussein again to see of the world if he says he doesn't have any and i think that we will find out whether or not saddam hussein is saying some of the we believe will be verifiably false. fronts wages one last diplomatic battle
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. on february the fourteenth at the u.n. domenic to fill pan states the french position preserved in a fox news. united don't achieve it again and on march seventh director general of the international atomic energy agency mohamed el baradei denounces bush's claims about the yellowcake from africa. analysis you have to conclude with the concurrence of outside experts that means documents which formed the basis for the reports of recent you're in a theater in your plans action between iraq and these areas are in fact not i think . we have therefore conclude that the least the civic allegations are unfounded. well we know it's a forgery now and we know that our country suffered the indignity of the. director. saying before the un security council it took us
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a day there have our experts but we looked and internet and really looked elsewhere we hired experts and we found out. that zs documents were not authentic. in paris. announces that he will veto any resolution in favor of war. related i get it was all appeal to solution the americans will ignore the advice of right the conclusions of battle die and the opinion of the un. the night of march nineteenth the war begins three weeks later columns of american tanks roll into baghdad saddam hussein flees. from the outset of the operation in iraq american soldiers search for saddam hussein's arsenal they find nothing but politicians blame it on the intelligence
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community you know intelligence agencies frequently make mistakes intelligence organizations by their very nature are working with imperfect information with conflicting accounts with things that it's impossible to to interpret with a high degree of of certainty the cia which had been so suspicious of the collaboration between the exiles and the pentagon will be forced to take the blame notably for the most blatant lies that little sentence sixteen words in all spoken by bush about the african yellowcake and the documents that inspired it no one knew at the time in articles maybe someone knew down in the bow for the agency but no one in our circles knew that there were doubts and suspicions that this might be a forgery this insistence on defending the official lie finally gets the better of joe wilson's discretion. it was at that time that i fully understood that the
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government was not going to get their it that it lied to the american people and therefore i had to write the story myself. in the new york times he publishes the truth about his mission tunisia and the fact of the white house was well aware of his conclusions. given the structure of the consortium that operated the mine it would be exceedingly difficult for niger to transfer uranium to iraq. the cia must once again shoulder responsibility and george tenet releases a statement. the sixteen words should have never been included in the text written for the president this was a mistake a small price to pay for a very lethal lie at the white house the issue becomes a subject of humor official inquiries will denounce the incompetence of the intelligence community for the erroneous information about saddam hussein's weapons
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of mass destruction this was fraud and i can't say that often enough no mistake fraud. the man who was complicit in this deception refuses to be held soley responsible. have to believe that an exile organization with limited means can fool a major superpower the only superpower in the world of a dime. with with bill tens of billions of dollars on sophisticated intelligence gathering into war against saddam. this is fiction. it will be three years before bush admits that saddam did not have w m d's. the main reason we went into iraq at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction turns out he didn't but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass but also talked about the human suffering or at. bush brushes aside the stated
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reason for a war that has destroyed an entire country. in iraq the invasion turns into a bloody occupation. the downward spiral. started with the occupation the coalition specially the americans lost the moral high ground and they became the jailers of that if people the bedlam the chaos the violence in iraq now it's a natural consequence of what bush and cheney did in invading iraq. iraq is quickly torn to shreds ripped apart by religious and ethnic violence. i think the most convincing argument was that in order to enhance israel's position in the middle east and its security the nation surrounding it
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that formed an anti israeli bloc had to be broken up into smaller confessional a homo genius nation states so in the case of iraq a kurdistan a shia sanin a sunni stan. this objective was openly declared as early as nine hundred ninety six in this document. signed by richard perle and douglas feith a text that accuses iraq of posing a threat to israel. today the chaos in iraq has spread into syria entire provinces are beyond the control of baghdad and damascus. and the west has a new enemy the islamic state of iraq and the levant isis also known as dice the
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united states bears considerable responsibility for the fact that the islamic state exists. but not because the united states intended to create the islamic state rather that the islamic state came into existence as an unintended consequence of this immensely foolish war the americans and the british had they not occupy the country have had they cut of corruption when it started we would not have that the violence has claimed hundreds of thousands of victims day to many and it's up rooted million innocent iraqis in the seventy's you have hundreds of thousands of refugees leaving the area and nobody asks nobody asked what caused this what caused this terrible human catastrophe it was an earthquake and was a typhoon it was an invasion of a country that was reasonably intact when we invaded it. the iraqi deception has
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cost americans almost two trillion dollars according to some estimates. much of this public money has been directed to the defense industry. he says bad for business war tension is always very good for business so money of course was a major factor so the united states finds itself today essentially engaged in permanent war. and it's a permanent ward that that benefits some people there are some people and some entities that are making a lot of money. in from this endless war. profits rarely mentioned relegated to silence as all the americans who have died in iraq like the son of andrew bass of age killed may thirteenth two thousand and seven i think one of the saddest aspects of our iraq war is how quickly americans have chosen to forget it. there seems to be an unwillingness on the part of the american people to
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acknowledge and to confront this enormous failure we aggressive deception is totally incompatible with the fundamental principle of democracy a failure the result of a manipulation that has shaken the confidence of americans in their own institutions. the man who wanted to see the end of saddam hussein did not want to see the end of iraq and he was sidelined an emissary of president bush told me if you oppose the policies of president bush we will bring to the full weight of the united states to bet against you i know that the americans are going to target me. well there was a there is a finding of the national security council signed by president bush in april of two thousand and four and titled marginalise challenge.
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ten hours after this interview he was found dead in his bed. and autopsy concluded it was a heart attack. saddam hussein arrested and judged is hung december thirtieth two thousand and six george bush is reelected in november two thousand and four richard cheney remains vice president colin powell leaves office in january two thousand and five conda lisa rice replaces him at the state department george tenet resigns in july two thousand and four citing personal reasons douglas pfeiffer resigns from the pentagon in january two thousand and five paul wolfowitz is appointed president of the world bank in june two thousand and five donald rumsfeld leaves the pentagon in november two thousand and six. richard perle divides his time between washington and the south of
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france. from the waves of the self. to the contours of the east. get a welcome back to the national weather for. cas well we are looking at summertime here in the southern hemisphere and that means in certain locations we are talking wildfires because of very dry and hot conditions in some locations i want to take you specifically down here towards chile santiago just to the west of sun tiago
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this is what it is looking like now because of the very hot dry conditions we're talking about dozens of wildfires that have broken out here on thursday and we have also lost about sixty homes because of those wildfires by friday we're still dealing with ten of those as most of the other ones were contained but unfortunately because of the nature of the weather it is still going to be quite hot and dry across most of that area today thirty four degrees on sunday ago but by tomorrow things to improve just to the north we do start to see a few rain shows here and temperatures do drop down to about twenty nine who is there well here across the northern part of caribbean we are watching a flight of thunderstorms pushing through notice those clouds right there coming in off the gulf of mexico while those lines under storm will bring some rain here to parts of havana on saturday as we go towards now so you'll see some rain showers as well and even cozumel will see some rain showers by the time we get to sunday though that slides down towards a cell in havana you'll get better weather conditions with a cooler temperature of twenty four. there with sponsored by the time piece.
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the big breaking news story can be chaotic and frantic behind the scenes. people shouting instructions and you're trying to find the best most curious up to date information as quickly as you can. it's when he come off on things seem to realize he witnessed history in the making. this is al jazeera. hello i'm daryn jordan to stay on as they were news hour live from doha coming up
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in the next sixty minutes. you can call it the schumer or the palosi or the trump shutdown doesn't make any difference to me just words president trump says he's ready to keep the u.s. government closed for years as the deadlock over his border wall enters a third week. the u.s. secretary of state's expected to push saudi arabia to come clean on jamal khashoggi killing during his upcoming visit to the middle east. are members of the minority community say they fear for their safety if the u.s. withdraw its troops from northern syria. and japan and so-called sushi tycoon nets a giant bluefin tuna for a record breaking three million dollars at auction. for the united arab emirates is accused of the strict press freedom ahead of asia's biggest football tournaments as the host prepare to kick off the asian cup in.
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welcome to the program the u.s. president is threatening to impose a national emergency as a partial government shutdown and has a third week a meeting with senior democrats failed to resolve the deadlock of a donald trump's demands to fund a border war with mexico negotiations will continue through the weekend in washington as the latest. the two sides emerged from both sides of the white house with very different impressions of how their meeting went and we had a very very productive meeting a lengthy and sometimes contentious conversation with the president. with democrats now in charge of one chamber of congress they came to the white house to try and find a compromise to reopen the government. the president says he won't sign a bill that doesn't spend five billion dollars on a wall the democrats say they simply will not spend a penny to build it they only seem to agree on one thing in fact he said he'd keep the government closed for
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a very long period of time months or even years absolutely i said that i don't think it will but i am prepared and i think i can speak for republicans in the house and republicans in the senate they feel very strongly about having a safe country but that is the key question can he keep senate republicans on his side if enough vote to fund the government it could override any potential veto reopening the government without a wall without that it could go on it for much longer both sides refusing to budge the president threatened to declare a national emergency to build his wall on his own but it seems unlikely he actually has the power to do that under the constitution political scientist eric campbell doesn't think the new house speaker nancy pelosi will cave i think the question becomes next week when they are when they are government employees who are not getting paychecks i think that's when we really get a sense of how dug in and people are on both sides of an open question about who
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will win the political fight while hundreds of thousands of government workers and contractors are not being paid and for many not paying their bills for them it is a question of how much more they'll have to lose before this political fight is over particle hane al-jazeera washington. joins us live now from washington d.c. gabe so there seems to be mixed signals coming from washington so when could this and then will they be negotiating over the weekend. yes nobody knows when this is going to end there and that's just the bottom line here because we are getting a lot of mixed signals listen there have been twenty one partial or full government shutdowns of the federal government in u.s. history so they are they have happened before but this one is different and primarily it's different because both sides seem so dug in and there seems to be no sense of when this could possibly end and that's what makes this so different we
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are hearing mixed signals in one side we're hearing from donald trump that hey this could in faster than anyone could maybe imagine but in the he also saying that it could go on for months or even years now most people think that that would you know going on for years is probably not going to happen but nevertheless you're just getting these why views of how long this could go on and that's primarily because nobody knows and both sides are so dug in and both sides have little reason to really give up any of their negotiating positions now we did hear from donald trump about half an hour ago about seven thirty this morning local time he tweeted and he tweeted about this he said great support coming from all sides for border security including the wall on our very dangerous southern border teams negotiating this weekend is what part of trump's tweet about half an hour ago was so it's a top of his mind he is right teams will be negotiating here saturday in washington but at least staff members from the white house and also some staff from congress
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people as well so a little pessimism that it will lead to anywhere but bottom line is the principles of this nancy pelosi donald trump unclear if they'll be personally negotiating this weekend but clearly this is a partial government shutdown that could go on a while yeah gave meanwhile hundreds of thousands of government employees a courts up in the south how is this affect how is the shutdown affecting them. not very well it's badly affecting them to put it simply there's two issues here dear number one is you have about eight hundred thousand government employees that are being affected they'd either are not being paid or have been sent home these are working class americans that do a wide range of jobs that are essential to keeping the government running i mean just to give you a small sample we're talking about national park service park rangers we're talking about t.s.a. employees the people that screen you and airports in the u.s.
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they're not being paid also the coast guard as well and not being paid this is just a small sample of a wide array of people that are directly affected by this again about eight hundred thousand government employees but then the second issue you have is tens of millions of americans who could also be affected by this indirectly primarily people that receive food stamps these are government assistance checks every month to help them buy groceries and things such as that these are low income americans and this program could not be funded because of the government shutdown and it could affect again tens of millions of americans that receive these benefits so you're seeing a whole wide range of ways that this is affecting people but it's again a government employees directly affected and their families as well again these are mostly working class americans middle class americans that are being affected by
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this government employees and it's only going to get worse it won't get better and till this impasse is resolved gabriel thank you. now the u.s. justice and homeland security departments admit they used a report that was both inaccurate and misleading to link immigration to so-called terrorism the report claims almost three quarters of those convicted of terrorism related charges were foreign born but failed to detail how many of the acts were committed abroad that the suspects were later taken to the u.s. well critics say it also leaves out statistics on homegrown fighters including white supremacists and far right groups with civil liberties groups have lodged lawsuits accusing the two government agencies of misusing their power to advance a political agenda what eric cantor as an author and political analyst he says the report has compromised the justice department. i think we've already seen a blurring of the lines between both the justice department and the white house since the president was inaugurated and i think that's one of the reasons why i
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think there's so much concern particularly among both political parties here in washington that you're seeing a president that is hat has his hands on the scales of justice which is one of the reasons why you're seeing rising cause that there is a constitutional crisis that's coursing through the u.s. government here right at this time this was big done at the time that the administration was trying to bolster its reasoning for a band of the muslim countries and one of the reasons that they were attempting to use that was to say that there was a security risk in of course and they were using this idea that they were this terrorism was linked to immigration but of course now we see that the justice department was was was was erroneous and that idea and so now we're seeing the justice department actually retract this report which is virtually unheard of here
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in the united states that you would have the justice department actually do something like that but unfortunately what we're not seeing from the justice department is the department actually going further than that and saying that this was in fact a political tool not a policy tool nor was it actually a legal tool as well now one of the first muslim female members of the u.s. congress is facing criticism for using an expletive against president trump and calling for his impeachment democratic congresswoman rushing to tell had made the comment just a holism to being sworn in the president has called how long was disgraceful but thomas standing by her remarks i'm getting reports of. newly sworn in but already courting controversy detroit congresswoman rashida to lead concluded to celebrate his speech on thursday with a comment the city. acted widespread attention bullies don't play and the baby did not because we're going to go in there really the mother. i believe is part of
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a new generation of democratic lawmakers many of them women coming to power for the first time most are seen as progressive and keen to hold president trump to account i don't like their language we use our language i don't get the stablish any language standards from my colleagues and i don't think it's anything worse than the president when the president said some in the democratic party are said to be angry to leave comments that it could be seen as playing politics rather than pursuing oversight we had a very very productive meeting his part the president claims impeachment is not on the democrats' agenda so i think it's very hard to impeach him but he has done a great job that's number one and. and we've been talked about that today i said why don't you use this for impeachment and then she said we're not looking to impeach you i said that's good that's good to leave comments so widely seen as premature but the new generation of lawmakers in the house may present the party's
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leadership with challenges huge number of new members who are quite bold if you will. have their own mark and may say we don't care what he says we got the vote we're not going along with what she says impeachment is a risky move for the democratic party and many are telling new members to be more cautious special counsel robert muller's probe is still underway and senior democrats are said to be more focused on the twenty twenty election either way most agree the language used by the congresswoman was not helpful to gallacher al-jazeera washington. more still to come here on the news hour including venezuela's leader gets the cold shoulder as he prepares to be sworn in for a second term. and how thailand avoided telemachus powerful tropical storm battered its southern coast and has more time convincing win the third round of the english f.a. cup sometimes hear that story of the plague.


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