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tv   Lenin Moreno  Al Jazeera  January 7, 2019 5:32pm-6:00pm +03

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thus the withdrawal of u.s. troops from syria. john bolton was in israel on a two day visit where he said the pulled out was conditional on turkey not taking any military action against syrian kurdish fighters the us military has been backing them in the fight against isis government representatives in the u.s. and china met in beijing for trade talks on a ninety day truce and imposing new terrace expires in march unless a deal can be made if the european commission has again said there'd be no renegotiation of the braggs that deal that was agreed with britain's government just twelve weeks to go until the u.k. leaves the e.u. commission and president. says negotiations are over british prime minister to resign may's expected to put the deal to avert in parliament next week she had put off a december vote after facing opposition of the many m.p.'s in our own party but those were the headlines the news continues here on al-jazeera after a talk to others there are tensions and so much in buffalo.
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you stand the differences. and the similarities of cultures across. al-jazeera what. ecuador like other latin american countries faces many challenges including poverty migration and corruption ecuadorians trusted lenin merino to be the man who would meet those challenges and make their country a better place he became president in twenty seventeen after rafael correa had governed for ten years korea along with chavez in venezuela and abel morales in bolivia was a self declared revolutionary aiming to spread a populist rhetoric in the continent and beyond but he was accused of authoritarianism media censorship and corruption and eventually ecuadorians did
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vote for change lenin marino promised more centrist policies giving the right hand to all honest businessman he said willing to help boost the country's economy and the left hand to the people who need better social welfare with almost a quarter of all ecuadorians classified as poor and almost one in ten living in extreme poverty on less than fifty dollars a month his merino managing to make a difference will find out more as president merino discusses his hopes for ecuador and the region we'll also discuss the controversial case of julian us on the wiki leaks founder who spent the past five years living inside the ecuadorian embassy in london is he a criminal or a hero lenin merino president of ecuador talks to al-jazeera. mr president welcome to talk to al-jazeera are you taking your country from the
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left politically to the right not so set in your piercy. history ever morsi was enough to. deceive the even the sushi oh yes there was a little. bookie if you live here for. the money. you could get to meet the people see from the one of the richer beautiful people of the skew because you will hear the will she must equal theories but but the people with by this see those of us will be others it is a place shaping ideology is all well and good but that sounds like a very long term prospect the reality is just according to the word but world bank twenty five percent of ecuadorians are classified as being poor ten percent of your countrymen according to the united nations live off forty seven dollars a month that's a staggering figure. trickledown the consequences of what you're trying to
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do not being felt yet. is even if. the illiterate but the with blue shield deep blue sea and obediently lives because most of the social stumbles on the. little pursuit of i mean. over the easter recess we could all meet at the pool. if you assume the. run the place between well. he. will be further. up at the. same place as beer. you know. other. than the he. made about lee. evy a case of physical discipline the killers in police think it was possible. it's possible
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you haven't been pursued with. it was over it was purposeful than the one what about the discipline of people who seemed a little bit. you know completely p.b.'s from. what does employment responsibility really mean for the people that voted you into office you've got a six billion dollars deficit your four billion dollars in debt your country is out of pocket the chuen of ten billion dollars it's got a history of claims of corruption how do you turn that broad concept into real jobs for real people. you know if it was a political look at the other party's use of if you. could. if you don't believe in the book he gave. the only
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for me. or with the liberals. with. your predecessor wanted to fast track development he borrowed billions and billions of dollars from the chinese those debts are coming g.-u. so your overdraft at the big bank is going to get worse you haven't got the money coming in to service your debts how do you get out of that debt trap with people. with. a revealing into lazy. with the. image. to. put up with it. he leaves.
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he will see in the existence of the one can't have a conversation with yourself with. you sit down permanently you're in a wheelchair does that has it colored who you are as a politician you've been nominated for a nobel prize you've got four hundred thousand people registered as being less well able or disabled in your country has that changed you as a politician has it made you a better politician. he. didn't think when he. gave he. knew that the middle east which was forgive us if you. will for the fitting to sit up us let the. evil spaces prevail if he even does illicit. would if it were. reaches us
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a little bit each of us perceive us. as we look at the people of. the us was this is he goes. to be. and that is. if it's believed to to be good deeds because believe us through the book that he was going to be the breach of the early work it was the gods let's move onto another area for which a country is known if anyone says the name ecuador through a european lens through an american lens a north american lens an australasian lens they probably come up with another name julian us on he's been in your embassy for almost six years now do you want him gone most useful. to the church to say you have a sense. a live little. ritual you see of us as for the victim in the.
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leader is. the. he is a euro cents for the leave the illegal stuff. only got in this area a lot of this will be the illegal. it up with us who can see to it has no political persona. the leader. he must. have seen it already put on to it until it. went to us as a seal concealing his police work a move to see me into a. particular conceiving. of the. little correspond the committee looking into the me personally thirty serial must completely bottles. you've received assurances from somebody in the british
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government could you share with me who that might be when the really the most. because people tend to caylee killed. it's the. it was not as. if the little it could be the solution a single one which would be and we've assumed because. of his usual sense in your mind what is it about julian assange because his supporters in london when one talks to them as i don't often they pitch him as if he's being held against his will he's never been held against his will he's always been free to walk out of the building whenever he felt like it in the past six years so for you what is it about him that keeps him in your embassy with the t.v. equal of the c.e.o. you've got it up with if you use the tools available to speak with you he she goes
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with. the subtle was it written for. it with lucy it will be with people who will is from the police your listeners could be going to be. it will be. sally is producer couldn't little to remove. the percent that. it. would you be prepared or would you have been prepared to do some sort of deal with poll man a fort. he is as we know who he is was very very close to donald trump and that there's no question of donald trump having been in the loop on this you're smiling so you know where i'm going with this question you had two meetings with pullman affords and apparently poor man a fourth said to you he could facilitate a situation where julian our song leaves the embassy in london gets
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a soft landing in the united states and you were reportedly allegedly heading towards some sort of situation to deal with debt relief. he was on the mickey the mickey was for movie or book for the live loses in less is that believe this is it a c is the for. sure this. has personas he said our facility office is a little crazy pursuing these purposes but little pastry to use your mother for food the visuals. the. release that she was supposed to mean to. play it complete with the relief because. you know sort of human history the case with little c shoot with the un in the midst. of this big issue of perceived secrecy or let's say you're.
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it would have been nice if the viewer is the weather is p.c. interest and we're it will give us who is with us here. to this day many perceive a must see to put the most us. history of on a for a. people of music and because you political is illegal can technically you being there are you prepared to force him out. he raised his kids are you a sense in. the sea that a candle is also you have a candle the political the places the seeds and so. he will keep well clear of it. he just said. given the would be there would be police units at us as well as foetuses because you see you have a sense as he will be given to both of you give us a. millionth of believe because it was places that they have been several recent
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opinion polls done by reputable publications in the states that seem to say you are under pressure to do something about the issue and this pressure coming at you as well from the state department in washington. because. of the. legalisms as. she believed to be the lead political you. must. feel a sense he. can do is move us can lead people to the reach of humans gives. us what's the future direction of travel for your country with. in the top job you share land borders with peru colombia venezuela is up there as well that's very very difficult particular problems it occurs to me that countries in your region there is
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a perception that they they lurch almost in a cyclical way from the right to the left from the right to the left and you seem to be setting yourself on a course of plotting a very difficult path i guess a european governments or a north american government might call itself a liberal democracy how would you describe that pathway that you seem to be trying to adopt. up a little here a little produce the people. you believe the group is this is if we. could sit in the mentally ill. but your critics would say that you are sometimes playing fast and loose with the truth in one regard in particular with one regard say your critics say you took two and a half billion u.s.
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dollars from your social services budget and you spent it on other things because the other things that you want to spend money on the money wasn't in the relevant accounts to spend the money in the first place what do you say to those critics and how do you get your economy to the stage where you don't have to implement austerity because that's something else the world bank says about you the world bank says you have no austerity plan b. and that's the only way forward with. the plan is that we. at the image we. show you these tools windows if you can see me to kill or to be. living closer to. he live he. believes that he. put up a little list as there were. people there to see that this was
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a. to simply cease to become v.s.e. to give us. the sequence is whether this is really the moment you've got so much poverty in your country poverty generally goes hand in hand with corruption i know that you are dealing with that people are literally now behind bars if you don't turn around the economy you're going to slow the battle against corruption your predecessor is outside the country what's his status for you right now what's the status is he a criminal who can never come back or should he be allowed to come back at some point in the future and maybe go back into politics with the lives. of the region they will reveal even this. gives
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a. little bit of a electoral that would have been the. he. was the. political blame the police shields the. east. sea and this is a euro it could we sort of see it in the pool with each other even there's a legal. case how do you stop the contagion of what's happening in a country like venezuela crossing borders and coming to your country because. can i suggest you with respect you're possibly still in a honeymoon period as president but the world bank in its in its most recent report last year saying you have policy weaknesses you have deep structural problems and
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you are heading perhaps for prolonged stagnation the economic fundamentals are not there yet they may be there but they're not there yet been the. is. hopelessly routine physical event. so. he believes that because if you will because the. suppose months perceives he is a says here to the us from paris exhibit he will complete the mental with the one sip his focus will have in him but he'll feel that each of the little kersey he'll be progressive before they. say he was prescient is for the truly he seemed if he doesn't think when the rules we'll see we'll live in fantasy she can put the
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beatles in front of. leukemia facility is political so to speak. with priscilla presley for the fifth discussable classes. that have you all to. hear. if you believe the country was for years but a case to. occur for fifty. years with the police associate. but the possibility for the city to be as years to be honest as the process. the place of bio is particular. to the rich but if you leave some political hero. as he to sue the poor over with the other three and see if some of the supreme assume equal suppose the police will divulge that this bill is a prisoner's muscled that he is police of the rules the belief is this with
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people will employ. people to beat that kill you the eight of those who have this as is within the person to the. best of your company or a key calorie scale persist with the three most businesses to resume the ritual to go. rather it is the us who is with the visitors the of those of us who is most it is not because as a police officer they will question. cyrix you on this. he needn't is with. due issue he's on as a person has to. deal with the meals in his little piece of. he used to consider. as. little as that which was that it was with people that.
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he. would have peace you know the river from over well even give them ok it's intriguing to me. that you use the phrase the refreshing democracy in venezuela obviously that's what you're trying to do in your own country but you can't do it yet because you're debt is running at something like five point nine percent of g.d.p. a cynic might say how much are you going to give to the china he's. do you start and how do you start servicing that debt because that's kind of the definition of your presidency so far but mostly for them to be. able to raise it to.
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the most. of. these but it'll. be a little because he's was if you know of a political logical. he would give the. he of the top of the of the eve. of the victim's opals which removes. it was a little. soon over the past few days to some of the seal so it was the most mild country with. the telling to the in the us you don't get the. do you have another problem around the corner though and it's related to that that because some observers make this claim and it's this that those capital investment projects funded by chinese money the build quality literally the bricks and mortar the build quality of what they've been built is not good enough and that will have to be redone and you're talking
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about multi million dollar projects c.s.c. is. the best and the with with and because you're not simply so over as it was at the speeches. to the efforts of intel big it is. keeping as a business it to us over us and with us from the fields into the stomach of the places that needs. it was a police achievement whether. he is. the us used to these us given that this is really so depleted proposing to leave. the. people. because as a sickle if you go in with. you know the
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supreme us you let me be very. out of this is he goes in front of us with a lot of simple. at what point in the future does president lennon say job done i've done everything i wanted to do i've been a successful president but with bigger issues. and with people proceed if you don't hear them as noise i mean. it ok you lose at home. because if you can see. at the helix he took his have a muslim. president of ecuador it's been a pleasure sir thank you for talking to al-jazeera with the we have you know serious he could give all of these he.
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every year. it's very difficult as a chef or restaurant tour to buy shrimp with the confidence that what you're serving is going to be good seafood by nature is
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a high risk sometimes trip was raised using production drugs. that are not approved for use in the us the f.d.a. simply isn't testing enough on be imported market to really find all of these violent president take note on al-jazeera. which is saying it's now being held in pretrial detention full to use what is his crime. why hasn't he been tried yet why hasn't justice been applied in this case is he detained because he's a journalist journalism become a crime have moles become a tool to silence voices of truth we will continue our news coverage with professionalism and impartiality our work will remain credible and accurate but journalism is not a crime incarcerating journalists is not acceptable in the immediate release of all colleague mom.


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