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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 8, 2019 1:00pm-2:00pm +03

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and that is it you know you know that. eighty percent of your budget is going towards protecting your and the government eighty percent of the good of the budget is not going to education or health care or anything it is literally going into creating more militias to protect the region because your new does there will come you have you always knew this day will come here i see you not in go ahead tell us what's behind the country what do you really want and we've heard repeatedly wouldn't there be any of that have you it's one day you have two thousand up to two sons a living the government i mean that's run before the second of the sorrows so that is a country to see a lot of exposure to us from different countries in africa different. including syria. even when i'm with you. and other consist and before the secession of the south there was no problem but i think that you have to certainly living under a lot of the movie or the throat so that i started to suffer from this. troublesome
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thing or to lesser. extent to the sanctions that imposed that in the sudan says no no we will probably not of course when i don't know sanctions and so i'm actually not going to get there ever a chance or actually join in the conversations i had to go ahead of me and i thought of it actions have been lifted in twenty seventeen and we've seen economy instead getting worse i've been covering sudan before the sanctions and after the sanctions and we can see that things have not been improving things are getting worse and people are saying that despite the crisis going away it seems to i mean back repeatedly so it would be a month of bread of billable fuel available but then it comes back again and there will be long lines of of of people waiting for to get bread long lines of people going to try to get fuel and people are we see people lining every single day trying to get access to some more cash so you can think that people are just going to be able to. be the problem will be solved today and that people should be happy because. they're saying that it's not about the economy policy it's about the fact
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that the government is not able to handle its budget just like that eighty percent is going to where the military spending and the security spending and not going into health care not going into education or going into development mr abbott can i put this to you this comes from life and you change the conversation that's happening right now as we're watching the stream why has the government blocked off the internet for a direct question yes actually i don't think that the go up. no i am using internet and this is very clear that no skype is we have now or are seeing. also hearing my voice i don't think that maybe is a bit blocked i miss a couple that we can go please with that and you know interruption interruption is not good about some of the either to let me i'm only i'm interrupting i'm talking we also our lives and i'm good when i'm out in the comments or not it is not it is
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not actually being been because i own view of it and i sometimes know any interest around me is not wrong and to understand everything someone says so if i don't think about it every time that we start or the other just people are also did not want to speak to complete what that there are they want to say but actually this is you have to give me up for just completing and finishing then mr imus or i'll give up also to start to what they want to comment about or what they want to give a little nuts and then the internet is not blocked on that. the internet is very blocked social media specifically if there is a procedure they blocked facebook twitter and instagram. social media really you cannot access them without yes you can you can use skype and you can you can use google you to do but there's no way to use what's up or facebook or twitter without
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of the. mystery of the other not to send a message or what's up without the you would not be able to move on someone here is a pharmacist let me share this bit of her back story here and she's been participating in the protest organized by the sudanese professionals association and she's been involved in various forms of protest performed on the streets and on the media and in the media she says this. these pictures here from public protest it's a partial shutdown of pharmacies performed today on monday by pharmacies in a web madani in support of demands of the sudanese people here i'm just wondering if these protests are now being organized and attended by the middle class of sudan by professionals of sudan does that give this protest more power. well yes i mean let's realize that at this point it's seems to be every level of sudanese communities we're looking at people who have been facing economic crisis lower
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class lower income people who are also looking at people from middle class people who are well off there are protesting because it's going from the economy and our people are protesting the government itself that it's not just about the fact that the country is facing high prices and inflation they think it's the way the country is governed the fact that they can't express themselves freely you know journalists are being people can't come out and just express we've seen teachers yesterday just holding banners and being detained and beaten and arrested just because of that so it's not just about the fact that things are expensive in the market but there is no fuel and has quickly escalated from the economy to now the government and the fact that there's so many restraints that the government is imposing so many restrictions that it's about living in sudan generally not just the economy let me bring in the voice of man had madame was tweeting to us at the stream and said i think it's about time that you look at the protest in sudan and she also sent us this fadia comment to help us with the conversation have a look have
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a listen we are going through this scene in just this little russian. dollar shoe mismanagement of our sources just looking oh into this so this is a little weak health first religious so the issues have been going through and tough times recently climate is high social instability are on the rise our used to lose you hold the line and did huge it so when people of the right go into the street simply to give us hope that we could write our own future deadly disease. maybe i'm wondering if this is a very strong new opposition that is asking for their government to be different for their government to be changed. actually i kind of accept also the opinions about. this. political system in any country and.
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even you know a position we have a position but this opposition if we look to get through it we can see that this opposition is absolutely no way no option that we have and this is actually very clear from the results of the last election that working. but we think that. the free. to express your opinion is allowed. and that was according to the law that should be tested by. twenty. five people who incidentally appears to be to be to be absolutely. to be clear for the people not accept the call. for a fifth of people they come in by the right to the property of
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the property or the government and this is would not be allowed because actually we have. ruled out of things you. know before the or. whenever that is the hard for people actually when. it is that. this when it says yes. you could if he said it to be instead of being in such cases that's why. the police came and the government that. i want i want i got i don't. know that means about the most. violent or. legal or illegal force due to. so you think that this is that we want to manage this is extensive or really in between the opposition and the government and we are not working out so i.
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hope that we live here which will be. so that the people will see that the government that will rule the country and also say look the opposition ok we are here we wouldn't because you still for peaceful extinct or poor or between different i'm going to follow the us so maybe a little bit are going to make you go faster and i don't have a defense because she was trying to actually interject i mean and then you come second go ahead and give them each well is that i mean first of all let's remember that the elections that you were talking about in twenty fifteen a lot of the opposition boycotted it's weekends it was inclusive you can say it represents all the parties that were in sudan and when you talk about express freedom of expression people have been arrested simply for going out and protesting and you are accusing protesters of basically destroying properties and of looting properties i've been in one of those protests and actually others as well and i've we've been observing those protests and i've seen that these forces have been
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largely peaceful and they have not been very violent as the as the government is saying what happens is the police are firing tear gas the police are on level munitions we've seen people injured needing so you can see that these protesters are violating any law and you're organizing the government is the ruling party is organizing protests and they've been granted security the security forces are going to be standing with these people where pro-government but those people who are trying to express their opinion and say that they don't want this government and they want syria gene change they've been they've been met with live ammunition and tear gas and i don't think that's fair to be honest i'm at. yes before the elections the minister of interior today confirmed that nineteen people died in the protest two of them police officers of course the number is a lot higher than that. i don't four thousand but let's stick to the government number one thousand people were killed two of them police officers according to diminish the what are the steps your government is going to take. towards that
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before you talk about elections let's just discuss the people who died protesting this government now yes i think that. people to. protest should be a subject for a fist against. the. killing of you know protesters here will actually be are subject to be punished according to the law and according to the criminal and also the cries that. we shoot from because. this is also a subject for its original form if you have to remove all these reasons. that the people the people who are people and i think. a lot of where where. a lot of government of national congress party.
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now. this government government of. we are now where. actually just know that. i can hear you now that he was doing none of you agree with mr amin i understand that let me just bring in the voice of president al bashir and he was talking on time enough about the way his government was handling the process have a lot. we do not kill people we are here to provide protection and a life of dignity and luxury however and then only the righteous will prevail what message. is a policeman hey this is. in the end for obliged to use weapons in order to strengthen our security and we must use them with the least force and damage
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possible. so as we've been speaking and dress sent us this tweet this is the biggest challenge faced by al bashir in twenty nine years it's no longer about the bread but spot the dignity of the sudanese people and then we go from ok this is how the protest but where will they end up where she is regime says armani has been and continues to be detrimental to sudan and its people every single level we will require decades of strenuous effort to recover from thirty years of damage no reform will think this is not fit to be president he never was hipper there were so many calls lal for the president to stand down not the first time but many more cause this time what do you think might happen. well unless term of the elections are coming in twenty percent the odds are this is going to be the situation if the protesters and the opposition can come together and try to form a solid stance and negotiate with the government and for the government or some
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kind of compromise and this is what's going to happen and so elections coming twenty twenty but then the government says that it's not going to step down there is no common ground right now there is no middle ground for the two sides to come together to attainable and try to work things out so it's very hard to see how this would put a very determined and the opposition is now giving them their support and say that they have legitimate reasons to be out on the street so this is going to be going going on for a long while and let the opposition and the process come together and form a solid hand and the president able where he says ok this is my plan i'm going to be governing and so i had over time and time government or an interim council as they once was easy and i'd let me put this tweet from a jesus he describes you as a protester as cannon fodder protest me to get smarter unfocused range plans out faster than jet fuel and me jeezy predicts it will not go well well i. focused focused trade is very focused towards the
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lies that serbia and his government have been spewing but us in the past days and the past weeks they tried everything to downplay these protests whether it's arresting andersen people and trying to rationalize that matters by by saying that stories rebel groups are organizing the process or by saying that we are right we burn and we destroy we much of the fact is we protest peacefully going to the end of the regime calling for all of the and to get rid of dissident jim we are met with blood bullets every day on the streets. let me let me share this review from the un war. and he's really concerned about where sudan is right now and he urges the sudanese to think wisely before protesting one individual mistake should not destroy their lovely nation refer to what happened to your broadly arab nations
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after the arab spring syria tunisia and the like let the mind work brothers robbie what do you make of that there's concern from outside of the country that maybe this is not a good direction for the country to go the way the protests have been treated and the way the administration is treating the protesters. you know actually. what the artistic about that should ought to get the government the national congress party and are killers it is a government of one accord the national unity we should look together to establish if you because we should not have it right to say that this party is to be isolated or and is part each should govern the country but we should work together to solve it for the problem of the country we should work together to stablish political system for useful exchange of power between. all political parties and also should we have together so that this country we this was.
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before so there is people but actually some people to lose the blue state this is not actually their method to topple or ought to make. too much about has a huge to step down the orderly legal we now or toppling of the government in the election transparent election that elections be monitored by the international. union institutions that specialize in monitoring elections and after that you will see the people who are supporting n.c.p. or any other. or what is the mystery the number of the people who are supporting the opposition and babies we i think that we will avoid this situation that. we're in the final minute of his shout of illusions of his
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playing as you say iran find in many of these discussions ok we would have to yes then actually what the government proposed now to fix the problems the economic problems that we are facing on hop on my own so that. when they have an hour. probably what all of us not know them by the. know look this. is the worst baby. mr ravenel can have to leave it there let me go make a living up to remember not having to leave you again with the idea of what you also write about and we will keep up to date we want to know how bell next. rattle . by the time is going very fast thank you so much we will continue this discussion online and offline online even if the piano feel in ciudad natural ahmed says what we are seeing on the ground indicates that this regime is at its end. that in
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future episodes of the strangeness of the time we have been so watching everybody see you next. on counting the cost it was the worst performing stock market of twenty eighteen find out where china is headed in twenty nineteen brazil's new president has an economic challenge plus taxing times for technology giants and france at a profit warning from. counting the cost on al-jazeera. if you want to. look like very soon hundred. of the predicament the whole world is going through. see this mass immigration story we had. clashes between the cultures and the problems that the culture of that
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out there selects. north korea's leader makes his formal was that to china at the invitation of president xi jinping. welcome to al-jazeera live from my headquarters in doha with me and it's also ahead turkey's president tells the u.s. that the withdrawal of its troops from syria must be carefully planned and with the right partner the former chairman of nesat makes his first court appearance since
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his arrest for financial misconduct and denies any wrongdoing and the u.s. president refuses to back down from his demobbed for a controversial border war choosing to make his case before the nation. north korean leader kim jong un has arrived in beijing where his due to meet president xi jinping it is his fourth visit within a year which china is pyongyang's main ally and the trip comes as seeks to continue improving relations with south korea ahead of an expected visit to so let's go talk on a vehicle pollen she is following the story for us from hong kong as usual via here arrived in secrecy not announced until he was actually in china it is his fourth visit to china though in the past year so what can we expect from it right elizabeth i seem to have lost audio here but yes he has arrived in secrecy and that
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is not unusual for a very little is said about these trips the previous three trips were not enough. it's in any way what is on his i think there are is of course not going to be really revealed what we do know is that according to local state media and south korean state media north korean state media there triple and on thursday what's going to be talked about what's going to happen during that trip is anyone's guess but most likely it will be about these upcoming talks with the with the u.s. with north korea opening up its diplomacy even further meetings as you mentioned with south korea and more importantly the meeting with president trump which trump had said will be announced in very very soon in quotes. what's also interesting about. what's the surrounding situation this time is that north strine a state news
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agency had actually announced that kim jong un will be in beijing just before he arrived and that's very unusual so what this indicates is that she's implying once it known that north korea will be holding talks in china and this comes at a very important juncture for china there's a u.s. trade delegation in beijing at the moment wrapping up the u.s. trade talks it seems that beijing wants it to be known that they do have leverage still the north korea and ahead of those upcoming talks with the u.s. beijing most likely will want to play a part and kim jong un is now giving that consideration to china unlike previously were china felt it was left out in the hold in the previous summit in singapore it is also of course conjunctions birthday today and so it seems like once again another message being sent out that north korea's once once again trying to shore up its confidence with china and it follows that message from kim jong un on new
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year's day his new year's day address the via where he called for multi-party negotiations to address both denuclearization of the korean peninsula and the sort of missed between north and south korea. that's right it's worth putting this in a little bit of context because in the last few months. pyongyang overtures to regarding its nuclear program has been quite front and starting first of course after that summit in june saying that they will do need clear eyes and there are well on their way to doing that in that setting back and saying they want more action from the u.s. the u.s. meanwhile saying they want to see some kind of concrete action from north korea then a few weeks ago kim jong un announced that they were there thinking of bolstering their nuclear arms and then on january first once again and all the ground saying to the u.s. that they are willing to abandon their nuclear program if the u.s.
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responds in kind so once again a lot of back and forth but what this boils down to is the fact that they are setting up for a meeting yet another meeting with the united states and north korea's trying to make sure it has as much leverage as possible when it goes into that meeting and what that means right now is to have china's backing china's always been it's been biggest ally and benefactor and north korea having reassurances from china that they will have their confidence and backing and support will give north korea a much bigger stage to stand on when they meet the u.s. there thank you very much for that for now that the vehicle pollen with the latest live from hong kong thank you christopher hill is a former u.s. ambassador to south korea and he says this visit may be china's way of ensuring that it remains a player in any future developments with the u.s. . in the past the u.s. worked very closely with china on these issues so when we saw sides that the
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chinese were talking to the north koreans we considered it kind of good news that the chinese would give them a pep talk at dell the look this is a good offer you need to take advantage of it and cetera but in recent years with this trump administration the relationship with china has really gotten very sour and moreover as the as the trump of a stray should kind of ramped up its north korea contacts they did so without any effort really to bring china and china is a fairly substantial country with one point four billion people and i think they really don't want to be ignored so i think this is china's effort to try to be a part of this process and the key question of course is what is their message to the north koreans we hope it will be to be more reasonable but frankly there's not a lot of evidence for that these days very little has changed since the singapore summited in june north korea has not kind of worked with the americans terms of showing what their the list of their programs are in fact they're negotiating as
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fail to even meet with the american negotiator so all they seem to want to do is talk to president trump directly so the president is really the chinese going to encourage north korea to do more or is north korea going to continue a policy which is essentially involved not testing not testing any weapons during this time but hasn't really involved really much else has moved on to other news now until he's president of the on as pious donald trump's decision to when strong u.s. troops from syria bus and an opinion piece in the new york times at the wants of the pullout must be done carefully he says that only took a can provide the leadership innovation to create stability there are fans of the u.s. pullout who paved the way for a technician assault against american aligned kurdish fighters and the north hairy man levitch as a former u.s. diplomat and she says at the ons op ed is directed at has a math and counterparts. i think he's speaking to president donald trump and he
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needs to do so because the national security adviser john bolton who has been in israel is now going to turkey and we know that security advisor bolton has a very different view of turkey of syria of israel than then president urged on and even president trump so early on i think is trying to establish or continue to build on his direct channel to president trump through his phone calls through an op ed in the new york times newspaper that donald trump remains i think his his audience is the one and only president turn up i think what everyone is trying to do and i think with the help of some some very skillful advisors who understand the american policy dynamic and understand washington quite well i think what erdogan is trying to do is to present turkey as the credible partner for the united states in syria and more broadly in the middle east that the united states may have wanted
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to work more closely with russia when trump was first elected but the u.s. policy toward russia has all but collapsed under the weight of the domestic investigations here and that cannot work with with iran because he's boxed himself in so much with iran the other key player in syria and so really turkey is the only player in turkey i think under present president want is trying to present itself as credible as a player that the united states can work with as a major nato ally as an important country and a country that trump can work with. the former chairman of our company less than has appeared in court in tokyo where he's declared his innocence colors gone as accused of underreporting his salary millions of dollars over seventy s. what changed in and detention since his arrest in november from the five of us at the courthouse in tokyo. this long awaited court appearance by gore and gave him the first opportunity to answer personally these allegations he was expected to
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professed his innocence and indeed he did he said the allegations against him were groundless that he has always done business legally and fairly and denied any kind of suggestion that he had caused financial damage to miss san motors it's claimed he transferred personal losses that he made financially to the company that he further underreported his income from this and for several years amounting to tens of millions of dollars it's also been claimed that he misused company funds to finance homes that he kept in rio de janeiro and beirut he came before the court to say that he should no longer be kept in detention that he had given twenty years of his life to turning around the fortunes of nissan motor's it was a claim that was backed up by his lawyers but the same court here in tokyo has also
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been hearing that he is potentially a flight risk having nationalities in other countries and it's also being claimed that if released he could attempt to destroy potential evidence so for now at least his detention continues at this case has attracted a intense media speculation a lot of international interest given the gorn is the architect of the alliance between iran and this stand two companies that he helped to turn around his all. so raise the possibility that this have could have diplomatic implications for the relationship between japan and france given his stature in the world of the auto business his appearance in court he is said to have lost around ten kilograms in weight he was hung cuffed with a restraining rope around his waist his appearance does seem to have made his
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apparent downfall for from grace all the more dramatic. the u.s. president will visit the mexican border on thursday and attempt to pressure democratic opponents in congress to end the partial government shutdown but before heading south donald trump will address the nation to make his case for a controversial war he wants more than five billion dollars to build it but the democrats on to agreeing to that and the dispute over the funding has led to a partial government shutdown president johnson has more from washington d.c. neither the senate nor the house are in session on monday here in washington and so there are no negotiations on trying to end the seventeen day long government shutdown this is a situation where this senate minority leader chuck schumer says that people are not only starting to run out of the savings but they're also unable to pay their bills and he says this is all because of a fit of pique coming from the white house if every time president trump throws
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a tantrum and demands he get his way unless the government will be shutdown it will create disaster will courage his worst instincts which are bad enough now in march we've debt ceiling coming up people you know people go along with this you know nasty way of governing imagine what will happen when the debt ceiling occurs imagine what will happen when the march budget occurs. the government will only ravel further than it has there are other unintended consequences because of the shutdown the environmental protection agency and the army are postponing a necessary hearing on clean water practices because the e.p.a. doesn't have the money to be open and those who receive food stamps may find themselves looking at empty cupboards come mid february that's because the agriculture department doesn't have enough money to fully fund the program past the middle of february there's also real concern that the millions of american taxpayers who are counting on getting refunds on their tax returns as well as the
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millions of retailers waiting for them to spend that money are going to be out of luck the treasury department is also closed for business still ahead on business and preparing for another day on departure from the year of hand you can produce used airfield to.


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