tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera January 11, 2019 1:00am-1:34am +03
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the metric conversion quickly and then hop over some razor wire and that's a pretty low level fence so our young healthy athletic person who's determined could certainly cross and in fact that's what makes mccallum texas the busiest place for illegal border crossings in the united states this is an example of something that donald trump says needs to change in other words he believes that many sections of the united states border are penetrable and so this is what he wants and is arguing that is a reason to continue to as democrats accuse him of cold in the government hostage funding it this partial government shutdown that the united states is in until there is the five point six billion that he's looking for for a border wall that cannot be scaled cannot be penetrated in any way so we've got the president coming down he is you saw there he's left the white house he's in flight he's heading here to macallan texas will be meeting with local mayors border security officials but essentially what this is is a massive photo op to make the case that there needs to be
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a border and regulation in order to ensure that the amount of illegal immigration into the united states is cut down now we should point out the president has characterized this as a crisis certainly that has been challenged by his critics who argue that well there are still illegal crossings some four hundred thousand as of last year it's not the peak that we saw in two thousand when almost one point seven million were crossing into the united states for a much better economic opportunity so the president is certainly trying to sell this to the american public even as talks to reopen the government have broken down you talked about what happened on thursday at the white house the president most recently denying reports that he pounded his fist when he was told that he would not get the five point seven million billion that he is looking for the president flatly denying that saying that he calmly said ok then the discussions are over and walked out of the room and. his words by now what hasn't been ruled out in the
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president also saying this is he left the white house is whether or not he will declare a national emergency in order to get the funding he's maintaining for now he still wants to try and get the deal through congress but he says he has the absolute right to declare a national emergency at the border certainly that would face some significant court challenges especially since the number of illegal crossings are so if it significantly down from their peak in the year two thousand committee how could thank you very much indeed which al-jazeera still ahead. in the semi finals on. a drone attack on a yemeni military parade threatens to derail the peace efforts by the u.n. . and when it's when it's president nicolas maduro is sworn in for another term as thousands for me a devastating economic crisis. hello
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again and welcome back we're here across china we have seen plenty of rain as well as snow over the last few days and that's going to continue in some locations but i want to take you over here towards the man province ensure the video that came out here on wednesday we had a lot of traffic problems because of the snow across much of the province and a lot of the delays will cause because of the snow in many areas where they couldn't really prepare for it i want to show you what we can expect to see over the next two days because things are going to get better here on the forecast map up towards the north the rain in the snow have stopped we're still going to be seeing some rain here across parts of shanghai with the tempter there of ninety degrees a little bit more towards the west though it is going to be the snow by the time we get to saturday things are going to be improving across much of the country and we are going to see those temperatures moderate down towards hong kong it is going to be a nice day if you with a temperature of about twenty five degrees well here across india and really not looking too bad across much of the country down towards sri lanka we are going to
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be seeing some rain showers over the next few days attempts in colombo with some rain in your forecast maybe thirty degrees there on friday the rain continues on saturday when the temps are there of about twenty nine degrees and then very quickly over here across the gulf we are looking at some windy conditions here in doha attempt to there of twenty two degrees and as we go towards saturday we do expect to see more clouds in the forecast with a temperature of twenty two. short films. and inspiration. those stories of three young women challenging the world around them. algerian senate acts.
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one of top stories here on. state might pompei or has vowed to expel the iranians from syria he was speaking at the american university in cairo and also took aim at former president barack obama and he blamed the rise of eisold. post-election violence has killed four people in the democratic republic of congo opposition candidate. has been declared winner but many others are disputing the outcome. and u.s. president all trump is visiting the border with mexico to drum up support his proposed border wall. more than five billion dollars to start construction but is
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not in a standoff with u.s. democrats who refused to fund it. at least five people are dead after a drone strike hit yemeni government forces at a military parade it tack in large province is threatening a u.n. led peace efforts to end the four year war millions of yemenis are on the verge of famine. reports. that issue one hundred fifty b.s. you will get a win in his army about. a deadly drone attack on a military parade outside the southern port city of eight. zero zero. zero the fighters targeting troops as well as commanders from the saudi led coalition are the only chaos in the minutes following the attack then the casualties can be seen as people scramble for cover oh. it comes as a blow to yemen peace efforts after cease fire was signed for the key port city of
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haditha last month. it also comes just a day after united nations envoy martin griffiths told the security council that the greenland had brought a considerable deescalation to the conflict the airstrike was carried out by a cost of two drone targeting the air base in the southern province of la hache. this attack will likely raise new questions about iran's alleged role in arming to do things with drones and of a stick missile technology yemen plunged into civil war in two thousand and fourteen but hopes were raised last month that the country was moving towards peace after the two main protagonists agreed to a cease fire in her data to allow humanitarian aid into the country. for now this latest attack will only put further strain on an already fragile peace process door such a pari al-jazeera. but israel in president nicolas maduro has just been sworn in
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for a second six year term in a ceremony in the capital caracas he was reelected in a disputed poll in may last year the u.s. e.u. and thirteen countries in the americas say they will not recognize maduro's presidency dozens of countries have boycotted the inauguration dura has overseen major shortages and soaring inflation that's called latin america's worst ever migration crisis terms of course i people employed by one of the largest battery goes in latin america are desperate to sell anything to make ends meet but it's all about go to those who are left here other survivors because everybody's leaving we're not we're starving and trying to survive in any way we can. street vendors say the government is trying to stop them from making a living the government says the vendors charge too much and that it should be able to control their prices this is it and i meant that over the years this is difficult the government wants to ruin us all he wants to control the country and
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make it cheaper and the police are taking everything away from us but how do we eat how do we live i do we sustain our families shortages of food and medicines and hyperinflation have forced over three million people out of what was once considered latin america's richest nation nicolette motor begins his second term in office with an ongoing economic crisis and mounting international pressure his critics say that he has ruled it illegitimate because the elections last year were filled with irregularities and fraud human rights groups are also questioning the government's methods of clinging to power human rights watch released a report documented cases of at least thirty two people with ties to the military who have been detained and tortured. brother is a surgeon who has been imprisoned for seven months he was in a relationship with a retired navy captain and was accused of treason get
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a mortal my brother was beaten so many times his hands that he uses to heal people were broken he still has no feeling in some of his fingers he has done nothing wrong his only mistake was to date a navy captain who the government says was in a plot. i was in a surgery in colombia when the government said he was buying equipment for the opposition on wednesday. lashed out at the u.s. and then a group of other latin american countries who say he's really action was flawed and he's new time in office is illegitimate. a coup ordered by washington and the lima group is underway against the legitimate and constitutional government over which i preside the bowl of aryan revolution has been getting prepared to confront and thwart any traitors who intend violence against venezuela but on the streets most people are more worried about surviving every day in
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a major economic crisis that analysts say will only get worse. one hundred days ago jamal khashoggi was murdered in the saudi consulate in istanbul everything gathering outside the mission to remember the journalists and vowing not to give up the fight for justice three months on many questions still remain on also by who gave the order for his killing and why to monitor i am reports. video just a few seconds long yes it's helped uncover a murder prompts hatched by one of the world's richest governments one hundred days have passed and security cameras recorded jamal khashoggi entering the saudi consulate in istanbul never to be seen again after continually lying about what happened to the journalists saudi authorities eventually admitted he was murdered
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inside the consulate however tall now no one has been punished for the crime turkish investigators identified one thousand suspects went to the country as part of a so-called hit squad it's included former diplomats and close aides to crown prince mohammed bin sandman and although intelligence agencies such as the cia have said they're fairly confident inside man was behind the murder of the journalist the kingdom has always denied his involvement instead claiming the crown prince's advisor saddam funny and general ahmed. the saudis say justice will be delivered but it'll be in their own way. that's way seems is through having secret court hearings that are closed to the media and international human rights groups where the accused on to name him to death penalties are sought seemingly arbitrarily it is one of the reasons why the turkish government sees the culprits should face trial in istanbul and valves they will be tried in absentia even if
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saudi arabia refuses to hand them over all of them one issue instead of a subdued yanni according to turkish war because saudi arabia has not cooperated the suspect can be tried in absentia but without issuing a final verdict it turkey can also defer the case to the united nations or other international bodies amnesty international is one of the groups calling on turkey to request an international independent inquiry into murder members of the human rights group held a vigil outside the consulate on thursday to mark one hundred days since his killing obviously the murder took place here in istanbul so it's right and it's important that the text that is keep up there calls for an independent u.n. investigation but really the in stash community as a whole needs to commit to this investigation to ensure that that's what happens and justice is done it was reported that crown prince mohammed bin sandman was told by president trump's advisor christian are not to worry about the fallout of the murder of course rocketry because it would die down within troops for three months
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one hundred days on and it seems that there is a risk that the international community will forget about the saudi journalist who entered this building to get married but summed it up being murdered and still no justice has been served. is stumble. one person's been killed and dozens injured in clashes between police and textile workers in bangladesh but he's used water cannon and tear gas to disperse thousands of workers who are protesting for better wages the strike action is now into the fifth day forcing dozens of factories to close the mitchell report. relatively peaceful here in may. zone where a lot of garment factories are located now there were protests here in the morning from eight till noon most of the workers left after a discussion with the owners about their heavy presence of security you can see behind me not twenty kilometers from here there's been violent clashes and sub out
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end zone this is the fifth consecutive day the garment workers have been demanding for higher wages at least one worker was killed on tuesday by police firing there's been also lots of injuries a journalist was bitten by the police while covering this garment very sensitive area for bangladesh eighty percent of the export. through the garment textile businesses now we spoke to. who is the president of the garment federation union and she told us to our to the war to go back to work and peacefully result the unions are planning to sit with the government and business stakeholders within the next few days and try to resolve this peacefully till then we'll have to see how the garment workers abide by this it has been a rough five days for the garment sector and bangladesh. one of the world's most famous comic book characters is celebrating his ninetieth birthday generations of
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young readers around the world to follow tintin's international escapades but some anti-racism campaign is saying the books are filled with offensive stereotypes about a report from belgian. with his distinctive hairstyle and fluffy dog tintin is one of the world's most recognizable comic book characters belgian artist l.j. created the intrepid young reporter whose adventures were first published in one nine hundred twenty nine ninety years on he continues to install fans and at the l.j. museum in belgium anniversary preparations are underway. tintin is an invisible link between children across the world the books have been translated into two hundred languages and two hundred million books have been sold this character continues to fascinate people tintin solves mysteries across the world from china to north america and even further afield. nineteen years after his creationism doubt the temptation is still very popular but in recent years some of
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the stories have become controversial with some readers saying they propagate racial stereotypes like this one tintin in congo when this was created congo was a belgian colony the story reflects a colonial vision of africa congolese people often sketched a savage is stupid or lazy tintin is portrayed as the intellectual and cultural superior this author says that l.j. wasn't racist but simply drew on the colonial materials available at the time he's published a book that puts tintin in congo in what he calls historical context. to judge what was created in one thousand nine hundred eighty s. with today's values is artificial of course there are things that we. cannot just throw it away in the dustbin of history. for more than a decade this activist has waged a legal battle in belgium to have the book banned he says it's offensive and could
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negatively influence the way children few africans i had the honor of this book was a tool to motivate belgians to go to congo it gave them a sense of superiority so how can a book serve to commit crimes be accepted in this way without any discussion of books like tintin in congo on acceptable and should be banned for children. congo gained independence from belgium in one nine hundred sixty for some campaign is the european nation has yet to face the brutal reality of its colonial past they say that reassessing the impact of tintin in congo would be a small but significant step the al-jazeera live on an earth belgium. and a good run you can catch up any time i check out our website the dress for that is . dot com. and one of the main headlines around is there yes actually
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a state might pompei or has vowed to expel the iranians from syria he was speaking at the american university in cairo and also took aim at former president barack obama and he blamed for the rise of eisel compare outlined to president trump's approach to the middle east we've rediscovered our boys we've rebuilt our relationships we've rejected fall for overtures from our enemies look at what we've accomplished look at what we've accomplished together under new leadership america has confronted the ugly reality of radical islam as. a president from some very first trip abroad to this region he called on muslim majority nations to quote meet history's greatest test to conquer extremism and vanquish the forces of terrorism. four people been killed in post-election violence in the democratic republic of congo opposition candidate felix she's acadia has been declared the winner but many others are disputing the outcome promises foreign minister says the results don't
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tally with what we've seen on the ground. u.s. president donald trump is visiting the border with mexico to drum up support for his proposed border war trump wants more than five billion dollars to start construction but it's not in a standoff with u.s. democrats who refused to fund it wednesday he stormed out of a meeting with democratic leaders at the white house calling it a waste of time turkey says it will go ahead with an offensive against kurdish controlled parts of syria even if u.s. troops don't withdraw cho so who says this so it isn't dependent on the u.s. pull out your so-called suggestions of a turkish massacre of kurds ridiculous ankara couldn't considers the y.p. g. which controls most of north east and syria an offshoot of the outdoor p k k which is fighting for an independent state in turkey but israeli president nicolas maduro has just been sworn in for a second term in office but dozens of countries have boycotted the inauguration
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all has led the way it. has in. michigan learned a mendaciously has a lead vocal a list go and. did that i was in levity overlarge. go ahead go ahead you could bear. to live their lives it's clear they. could not go get him katherine is one of no good can see it good to going to want to make a living. and
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then and as i can often do knock them out about where. to. do or in any. if you. look. it up. so what are some little homo nursemaid that are in him called bed but most of the control more was the only computer that they have in this country like gotten so good the third wheel because he always has. a little critter that. runs you know i'm a double. murder look at me. well and i
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have been. married we lived here i will be back with us from actually. it's a good day for us to chat and that's measuring that. about what i actually don't want to have she will definitely suit you. we looked over mr marshall half of what . you see them. look the world want to look how many. have you believed to be the. kind of knowledge will name them by the minute men and women and famous stop. them that.
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couldn't it could see the. this is a lot sometimes. i feel you have become close. and the move in sunny. tend to feel as bad then by a mob has you get a. that is going to do that because you know with friends if it does any good good health is going to. happen as a kid you would see one kid with toes and that's been the same as the i d m to the list could be surfing with a good idea to have a rousing there's an impending shoot was released and they had the two of them that
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it. is so difficult because you need to put it in milk and the sort of addiction bit that would keep as you well. could have been how those complicated finale feel that so to say that that is a look of. love and do it and it for them seemed to fit because you didn't but i could live in the lead. vocal of this era. observes you out of the limo and do it. on but on that let us out. because. then i'm a i'm not an adam and. not
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a minute could not be with the lives of the little plane that that is the best that i know. and in most of they would it will force yoga and this is so to move them and. it has a thought they. must go but in the city. so i mean i have. the . motive of the little kid the son of the. of the owner look at servite own. and it was a sort of what some of the demanding.
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no no. a lot of the elderly come there because they live in the golden age of in the planet yet as an illiterate about the bill of the last woman they are going to be the height of the little bit are they going to google it to be able to get it if you would get it put it up a little bit unfair identify. the build up of income tax but then you know about whether that would. at least. i don't i don't i don't have that and it was. fine if that's gotten out at it
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and he got anybody got it a lot of stuff to be. able to get out. and i had to put a value on it if it died. at the kind of an event that can happen at the get it running. oh. man ahmadinejad mattawa goal to yourself i look at the. best games take should have business with. all of the undead triggered by almost man did the man reload he has
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a just and a semi agree was there i was standing on my leg and saying i'm an iraqi army guys actually have gone down by assad among a lot of dollars and up till nothing else you see t.v. cowboy known as you my love i don't. think is our maid of honor but hi dad just as you ask those who don't use augmentation of reason become i will come out as i am of the on big time of the things of. the five coming up on my watch there was. this little thing that's coming to deal with them is a build up in the woods how about the end of my. life. down to the. bottom of the looked up with a son i got a lot to do a lot of how i semi own up without the love it goes out of the bed and i want to.
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if it's got that accordion i was going back to last them a taliban disco the. fuck up i love those pops up on the audience i would have to say it was like thank. you. guys got a young. man up. but the gang didn't need it it was going to have a gun but a good number did. get the ball in the game without a big. help. but. i looked over all the who's who lunches are unlucky by going to do a figure shouldn't do well because it's going under the will never die because up
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wasn't one of them to go get one of them to the moment you have been going to maloney is a killer one i bought a bonus i can move up. yet and i cannot. play it like that in front. of a high level for. example. let's. say ok ok so user is so yeah i'm not gascón want to go in no. way two hundred times worse to provide an ounce grab me bridges or. stud debra card to get.
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