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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 15, 2019 12:00am-1:00am +03

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arabia he met the crown prince mohammed bin salman and agreed to continue a deescalation of the fight in yemen it was to discuss human rights issues within the kingdom did have to cancel the final stop of his trip in kuwait to return to the u.s. for a family funeral so off we go to muscat oman the capital robots rob matheson is there for us amman just first of all rob it's an interesting one the sort of quiet to diplomatic play of the gulf but strategically important just by geography exactly that's absolutely right just from where i'm standing just a few kilometers to the east there is the straits of hormuz and down the state the center of the strait of hormuz shares a maritime border with iran to the west again just a few kilometers away its western border is shared with the united arab emirates with saudi arabia and with the yemen that's meant that oman over the last few decades has had to maintain
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a very delicate balance between these very significant players in the middle east not only from a security point of view but from a trades point of view as well in oman does business with iran oman does business with saudi arabia yemen and with the u.a.e. and other countries on the western side of the gulf and among them all does not want to upset that balance but this whole message that the secretary of state has been putting forward in his trip through u.s. arab allies that to try and reinforce the fact that the americans are still going to be part of the fight against eisel this are going to be fight against the fighting against extremism and also that they want to cohesion again all of the gulf cooperation council which of course is suffering at the moment there's a split there because of the blockade of qatar. that this is very time at which. the man is playing a key role in all those negotiations but the man as you rightly say is usually very
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low key when it comes to this kind of thing a man either carries on its own negotiations and acts as a mediator on part on behalf of an order of government perhaps doesn't want to talk to another government but all more importantly perhaps it acts as a conduit for information and messages that can be passed between governments that don't necessarily publicly want to be seen to be talking to each other so the way that the u.s. secretary of state is regarding the perceived threat from iran is going to be very significant and very closely watched here in amman because they do not want to upset that very careful balance that they have pulled together over the years thank you to rob matheson in muscat in oman and with us in studio again our senior political analyst mo and bashar to wrap up i guess this very. brief but intense to which my pompei was done of the of the gulf countries what do you think was
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achieved in the end you know i was just reading one of your twitter feeds by one of your order viewers and it's basically summarizes a bit of the overall if you were the negative aspect of it so now what we have is that washington wants to devastate turkey anomaly if it doesn't do this and that and it gets restarted the conflict with iran and the american president and sick of state have to sneak sneak into iraq for meeting or for being present in iraq after hundreds of thousand deaths and a trillion dollar war palestine of course has disappeared from the american diplomacy although the situation in palestine to continue to deteriorate the gulf crisis continues as it is among the gulf parties here in the region of course we know what's happening in human rights in terms of egypt thems of syria and so on so forth so there's a bit of well known as negative there's a bit of
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a negative sum up if you will now on the positive side. i mean engagement by washington is welcomed by a number of its allies who have missed washington if you will whether they are in riyadh or whether they are in i would have been even in doha and in jordan in cairo because a lot of live the leaders especially the leaders in the region not to tell you that people feel the need for an organizer in chief someone that they can all depend on . a superman of sort a patron of sorts a superpower of sort right and i think bumpier is being hit after at the confusion from washington about what is or is not america's policy in the region was refreshing for many of they this to hear from the secretary of state what it is that american policy apparently succeeded least in us what has. you know the last forty at twenty four hours in telling the saudis that that america won some kind of
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some sort of accountability on the question was about hi judy and they wanted to deescalate the war in yemen and they want an end to the gulf yes can i pick up on the point of yemen because you raise that yesterday when we were discussing this and the fact that we were focused on the gulf crisis cut short you know all these things and yemen was the thing which you said was actually maybe the most important thing to be discussed it's especially the most important because it's the united nations says it's the worst human tragedy that is today in the region and globally so it's a it's a year that's almost going to be forty years come march and there's no end in sight there has been some attempts in stockholm and i think the secular state in for size that the problem with the war in yemen for washington is that it's not just an observer it's complicit and the war because it supports saudi arabia the united arab emirates minute and now look at this i mean it's actually quite impressive i mean the treasure the of syria continues whether americans forces are there or not hundreds of thousands displaced and so on and so forth iraq we know continues to
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bleed afghanistan which not many people pay attention and we haven't now although the united states is still trying to work out some sort of mediation with the taliban whether it's in riyadh out of the how we don't know but last year. forty thousand people were killed in afghanistan because of the war forty thousand people i bet you anything you want there's probably if there is any i would count them five the number of american t.v. correspondents in afghanistan covering that war and so again it's a forgotten thing we won't even discuss it so there are tragedies with yemen features big because there's just absolutely no reason why this war needs to continue it needs to end and i think there's a bit of an african but there are excellent the talking the moment thank you so much. let's move on to venezuela where president nicolas maduro is expected to lay out his plans to turn around the oil rich nations struggling economy is giving a speech in caracas on thursday maduro was sworn in for
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a second six year term under his leadership venezuela's economy has struggled with well the basics public infrastructure things like hospitals are suffering from a lack of funding and resources you also have the so-called lima group of latin countries which you might have heard of includes brazil argentina canada as well interestingly and they urged to step down now there's a lot of politics going on but we also want to look at well everything else how bad things are in venezuela or a few ways of looking at it so i'm going to use this info graphic from al jazeera dot com to go through that's very good actually first of all where have venezuelans gone we are talking about one point six million of them leaving according to the united states the vast majority and eight hundred nearly nine hundred thousand have gone to columbia and then plenty through to other places in central and latin america so that's the people leaving you've also got and this i mean it's
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a strange thing to almost say a change in diet but look at that detail their eleven k. g.'s is the average weight loss by venezuelans who was serving twenty something that just isn't enough food sixty one percent of venezuelan said they went to bed hungry in twenty seventeen so you're looking at that and then of course the thing which drives the economy their oil and since well that graph starts at about two thousand and thirteen it has just gone down and down and down less oil production means less money to raise a boat in caracas is with us today tell us more about what you're seeing today and what nicolas maduro is expected to actually say. well we're a block away from the constituent assembly nicolas motors expected to begin speaking shortly until just a few minutes ago when there was a small demonstration by workers not from the opposition but of workers who are basically asking the government increase their salaries to kilometer what is
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expected to present a six year plan on how he's going to get this country out of the crisis its called an economic recovery plan many are expecting for example more salary increases more price controls among other things as you were just saying it is what it is right now going through an economic crisis but in the past fifteen months we have seen hyperinflation some economists say that last year when it's really had a one million percent hyper inflation and some say that inflation hyper inflation this year could be up to twenty three million percent most of the people you talk to say that with their minimum wage they're able to buy two or three packs of rice for example and that in order to get it at lower prices they have to line up for hours in order to get some of those basic goods the government is saying that most of the situation here has been sparked because of an economic war that's based on
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the united states sanctions imposed on this country also on money that's being held on foreign bank accounts month i've been held by banks because venezuela has not paid many of the bonds it has issued among other things so what we're going to hear today are the government plans or on how to get out of the current situation that many of the vast majority of an assailant are going through today so is there any hope do you think among spend as well as you said that nicolas maduro is talking about a six year plan which is all well and good but i mean people need relief now. well that's not a lot of hope when you talk to people and you were just saying that venezuela has one of the largest if not the largest underground oil reserves in the world until years ago venezuela used to round up pump three point five million barrels of oil a day now it's a third of the price of oil has dropped venezuela short of cash and that's
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why we're seeing many of the problems we're seeing here in venezuela today people say that the government continues to announce a temporary measures that of course the government is reluctant to announce the measures that could improve people's lives because they would be unpopular popularity right now is around twenty percent and he could not afford to lose any more of that popularity the situation in the country is already sensitive it's becoming more and more isolated with sanctions from the united states from members of the group for example in the region that are countries in the region like argentina brazil and colombia that are saying that they want to recognize the precedent and also the opposition that you had been we can see the protests we saw back in two thousand and seventeen that but that is gaining strength once again because they're calling for big protests here later this month thank you. very pleased to welcome now to the news group he's in boston former venezuelan
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diplomat who actually left his post at the u.n. over what he considered grave human rights violations committed by nicholas motos government so looking forward to getting your perspective what do you think about well as you've just heard nicolas maduro is going to lay out apparently a six year plan today to help in this way that you think he really understands the level of feeling against him how bad it is and that venezuela just can't carry on like this because it's been going on for so long. thank you thank you for having me and i think it's as such an important question because we have to look at the context that it is a induced humanitarian apocalypse he has weaponized starvation and medicines car city to remain in control through an apartheid socialist card so who doesn't have this card and he plays by the government's rules they are ousted from any assistance not only that it is
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a self inflicted economic meltdown through grand corruption and bad governance as you see they have bled the treasury which has led to this economic meltdown and even the treasurer the treasurer of motherhood oh and chavez before him has confessed to take in more than one billion dollars in a us trial by the dudas bought a man green so i don't think he's going to make any changes that matter to the people there should be more sanctions and as you have noticed through the group declaration spear headed by the new brazilian president or not oh who has been influenced by the nontraditional opposition of the resistance movement of the room at that they have declare very strong military diplomatic and economic sanctions even i one this is the first time that the lima group i wonder as
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a sorry to interrupt you know we've got a satellite delay here i just wonder what that sort of pressure from the lima group countries can really to nicolas maduro is an insular guy he will put up the barriers and i wonder if he would even really care if people are going to put sanctions or further barriers against him. certainly i understand he doesn't care but what is important is the international cook community has expressed and this is the first time in this lima group declaration and also they oas took a vote of nine hundred countries against six to not recognize his new second period but what's important to look out here is that the lima group has condemned him and they already label him as a threat to peace and security in the region and as you know the u.s. has been identifying him as a risk to his national security so everything is leading to
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a very difficult situation where he has been outcasted and most probably different measures should be taken into account to help protect the civilian population this is a pleasure talking to you thank you for your time and for your perspective today things are getting worse in zimbabwe with police firing live bullets at protesters who are angry about high fuel prices two people reportedly shot in the town. demonstrators barricaded roads and set tires on fire after the cost of petrol and diesel more than doubled on sunday the government is dealing with shortages that have seen motorists even resorting to sleeping in their cars in line to get fuel well newsgroup producer modest somebody is from zimbabwe and i had a little chat with him earlier in the newsroom about what his own family in zimbabwe second city you pull away what you don't really hear that much about what i've been telling him how to listen. my cousin just natural he was telling me he
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lives in the city center of blow as he's saying there's a lot of looting going on it's never happened in blood before like to see these violence of magnitude way through kwartin. the shops it has happened before and had like you said ten years ago but then they quickly sent in the army to stop the violence but then i think a lot of zimbabweans it's been high unemployment rate and the economy crisis so i think it has reached a boiling point where you feel like enough is enough even when mandela came came in and made a lot of promises but till today nothing has happened so people feel like ok this is no longer a new dispensation like this or this guy that if been saying all along still the same old people but different faces so we feel like nothing has been done so we have to go our attention that we're not happy with the economy and we're not here for the state of affairs in the country. but a perspective there from one of the produces a do want to also give you a bit of background on the way in which some economy has collapsed in the last
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decade it was forced to abandon its currency because of hyperinflation in two thousand and nine like what we're talking about in venezuela or actually which basically left every citizen as a a poor billionaire if you like the u.s. dollar was then adopted as a principal means of exchange and twenty sixteen there were these these government green bond notes which were introduced and they were pegged one to one with the u.s. dollar but continue economic uncertainty led people to stash u.s. dollars outside the country so then you have a shortage insights of bubble and then late last year or two percent taxes increased introduced i'm sorry a money transfers fuel imports dropped many businesses stopped accepting the bond notes and retailer it just got worse and worse and worse doesn't it as right call and it actually looks like many in zimbabwe have hated the coals by the trade unions and protesters to strike for these three days some online are using the hash tag is then shut down and they're sharing the videos from two of the main cities the capital harare and also below way oh now this is second a road leading into her car is
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a central business district it has some of the city's largest townships and as you can see here hardly a car in sight even kmita on the buses also known as calm beings have been parked refusing to carry passengers. and others have also been protesting on the streets there saying no to the massive fuel price hikes no to the failed bomb note no to two percent tax and also no to corruption in some cases the protests have also turned violent with reports of looting police have used take ass and water cannon to disperse the demonstrators. now according to the fuel provider raid the price hike is because of what it calls a massive tax increase on fuel this comes in the wake of another huge tax hike because of the two percent tariff on electronic money transfers and that's what's making zimbabweans angry. in fact zimbabweans have been lining up for fuel for weeks some queues are as long as two kilometers and some have lost patience fights
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of also broken out of many of these petrol stations and they're accusing the president and most of one goggle of not focusing on domestic issues as he travels to moscow and then to switzerland for the world economic forum next week well people in zimbabwe have also been sharing their concerns with us here's some of them it is dishonest in that the president maintains that the motives one is to one against the u.s. this despite giving us two different prices a us dollar price and price the other dishonesties that he is saying they're going to offer a rebate to manufacture is so that prices don't go up by they don't say what kind of freebie that is and then the last thing is that they have increased the price of fuel by two hundred fifty percent but they only offering a salary incremental civil servants of ten percent this is extremely and the burden has just been increased and a lot of despair a lot of frustration and there's a lot of frustration on the faces of men and women in the streets there's
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a lot of frustration that i'm seeing on the faces of men who are in these fuel queues and everyone is just disgruntled and disappointed by the lack of clear policy structures and the lack of clear money to the policy. well we have been hearing from many of you online already but keep us that's just coming in is the hash tag aging is good thank you we're here between raylan amar real very well placed reporting on zimbabwe here this is the newsgroup if you with us on facebook live in it's a story for you now from our friends a town that's here online about why cambodian farmers are tending to break factories to pay off the debts and then later a symbol of transition fewer homemakers turning out as the u.s. china trade war looms over this year's auto show in detroit. hello we've got another storm system that's making its way towards turkey we look
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at the satellite picture we can see the cloud nudging its way in at the moment that's going to give some of us some rain and then we'll see that turn increasingly heavy as we head through the day on tuesday so some very strong winds as well as some heavy rain and they could well be some blizzards as round as well a system will gradually track its way a bit further south which as we head through tuesday and into wednesday making its way down towards eleven and two for the east we've got this whole area of cloud that's making its way up towards the northeast so fallacy will see a fair amount of wintry weather that shouldn't stick around too long it looks like it should be dry up by wednesday before the day was the south them is also back out over the arabian peninsula stretching across many parts of saudi arabia and over into iran so in the north that we're seeing the wet weather that should eventually begin to break up as we head through the day on wednesday but still lots of cloud writes to cross us and that could just be the old spots of rain perhaps down towards the southern parts of africa the certainly been a lot of wet weather here particularly in the northeastern parts of madagascar this
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area of cloud here gave some of us over one hundred millimeters of rain more weather is expected here as we head through the day on tuesday the showers in the northeast though breaking up instead we've got wetter weather stretching its way through parts of symbolic way. culturally i believe the muslims had a far greater affects all europe that europe the middle east. the grocer those fault for old christmas because they failed to recognize the moment to leave. enough it was in the the list campaign of colonization that exploded religion in the name of the cross of the crusades an arab perspective the final episode liberation of this time on the. when the news breaks and the story that's when people who need to be heard and the story needs to be
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told. with exclusive interviews and in-depth reports. al-jazeera has teens on the ground to bring you more award winning documentaries. and life needs on ash and online.
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headlines from al jazeera dot com and what's trending as well more on that sentencing on the us a highly unreliable to anchor as a turkish fish over the confusion of are we talking about. well between turkey in the wash and washington of the series really developing something. china might on peo war about turkey zimbabwe which was telling us about a lot of variety there for years want to check out something new that's what's trending this monday down to zero dot com. british prime in-situ reason is about to give a speech in the house of commons where she is expected to make a last ditch effort to sell her brags that deal to m.p.'s in fact here's the live shot coming from westminster speeches going on at the moment the bench is slowly filling up as well as we wait to hear most importantly from the prime minister her battle to build support it has taken a hit in the last few hours tories most conservative party with johnson has
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resigned saying the prime minister's deal would be detrimental to the u.k.'s interests i was john bercow the speaker there now this is earlier today prime minister may spoke to factory workers in stoke on trent she warned if her divorce plan from the e.u. a year isn't approved then there was a risk of bragg's it not happening at all to resign i also said a no deal exit from the e.u. would cause significant disruption parliament scheduled to vote on may's deal on tuesday lawrence lady with the job of bringing all this together for us from westminster. i don't even know where to start actually lawrence the debate tonight it's just it almost seems like series may a last ditch effort in something which she knows she is likely to lose. well yeah i know that i mean the only conversation being had here is whether she loses tomorrow by a sufficiently small margin that would allow her to say well ok if i go back to the european union and try yes again to get something off and then when i come back and
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hold a vote all over again or if she loses by two hundred votes then nobody knows what's going to happen after that she has got to sell things are complete piccolo already said today because she went to these factions stoke on trent to try to say that the your opinion really doesn't want to stay in this trading relationship forever and we will be able to leave at some point but she tried in an overarching sorts a way to say the u.k. has never held a referendum in the past that hasn't abided by the result of and to that end tried to say in nearly twenty years ago there was a referendum in wales about having its own little government the welsh assembly as it's called and it's great through and there you go and everybody abided by the result except that everybody then pointed out that after the referendum a group of conservatives including to reason may try to sell the second referendum instead because of the result of the first one and so she had some poll that entire bits out of her speech because it just smells of complete hypocrisy so you know at
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this point she really is flailing around and as i keep saying there are no fewer than five different groups of opinion inside parliament ranging from really hard to want to fall out with the deal those who support those who want to stay in the customs union the trade deal for ever that's jeremy cole been in is lot in. people who want what's called a norway option which involves freedom movements and a much softer brecht's it's people who don't want to leave it all of those groupings has has has a majority and if you think of i mean i think of total of the circular firing squad before they rule everything else out so what you're left with these staying in you know the other way of looking at it is the shell combs argument which is you know when he said if you are. all out every single option whatever's remaining even though not entirely implausible must end up being the truth in it but it ends up in the same position which is that if they can't agree on any way of leaving then the
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only thing they got left with is staying and it's all very well saying it will betray the will of the people but they had to know half years to get this straight and they just can't find a way of doing it ok lawrence will come back to you later on as we hopefully hear from prime minister cerise in may she was due to speak about ten minutes ago but we'll bring that to you when it happens that's john bercow there as i said before speaker of the commons typically animated as he is usually giving m.p.'s a dressing down they were hello let's bring you in so much of the online brigs that chatter it's pretty nasty or at the very least it's divisive and people get argumentative have you noticed anything in particular that people have been focusing on welcome all people are responding to want to tour is amazing most recent posts shared a video that talks about how the brags that agreement will benefit the british economy as part of their campaign back the braggs a deal but many are concerned about the issue of poverty and they worry that leaving the e.u. will make things worse now according to the joseph rountree foundation which works
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to end poverty in the u.k. fourteen million brits are currently struggling to make ends meet we heard from the deputy director helen bombard we're seeing a rising tide of positive cross the u.k. families with children a looked in by high housing costs low paid job some weakening social security we don't know what impact it will have on poverty we have a chance to think again as a country about what kind of economy we want that will work for everyone. but there are risks that the uncertainty will distract from taking action on some of these really big issues and that the cost of living could rise particularly in the short term and that would hit low income families already struggling to cover the essentials one step the u.k. government must take is to make sure benefits and tax credits keep up with inflation so that low income families are protected from any of the economic impacts of the uncertainty that we're seeing well others also sharing their
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personal experiences online this person from blackpool says that they worry that the break the deal will economically harm their city where there's a large e.u. migrant workforce there eric says the british government has abandoned those who are homeless as well as children who are going hungry and dozens of people are also reach waiting this user who calls out the conservative party he highlights increasing homelessness and also food banks that have been pretty busy in stoke on trent where tourism a delivered her brags that speech well let us know what you think of the story as well kemal back to you i was going to start mining there and seeing if i can match up with what you're saying thank you we're here while we're talking poverty in the u.k. this is really worth checking out a reporter's notebook and a video report from lawrence that you who we just saw he was in the van we're in a town called j work which is east of london once thriving now isolated but recently visited by the un's poverty reporter who went there and listen to people's
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concerns for his town you can see all this for yourselves very interesting. or genuinely to find that out lawrence lee if you look up those words reporter's notebooks in the more menu at al-jazeera dot com. but of other news to take you through from around the world now and the french president emanuel micron has launched a two month nationwide debate aimed at tackling the so-called yellow vest protests in an open letter published in french newspapers mccrone said he was open to ideas but warned he would not back down from his promises in the twenty seven election francis' in more than two months of demonstrations which began over a proposed fuel tax hike the latter touches on a variety of issues taxation citizenship and democracy breaking news from ghana stand to bring you now truck bomb explosion near the green village compound east of kabul this is an area which houses foreign n.g.o.s and expatriates what we're hearing at this point forty people have been injured so we'll keep an eye on that
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one now the trade speed between china and the united states is taking its toll on the world's largest economy china's exports have fallen to their lowest point in two years and imports are down to the two countries are midway through their ninety day truths as they try to find a solution to the trade war between e.u. reports now from beijing the world's largest trading country has been trading a little less according to chinese customs administration exports fell by four point four percent in december while imports were at their lowest levels in twenty six. concerns for the year ahead were underlined at a news conference in beijing early in two thousand nine hundred. ninety four enjoy is to the complex and grim external environment uncertain and unstable factors a stew numerous protectionism and unilateralism from certain countries are raring their heads. a slowdown in global demand and the continuing trade dispute with the
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united states are being blamed for the current predicament china finds itself in china and the us are midway through a ninety day truce in the tit for tat trade bill which started last april a delegation from washington was in beijing last week to continue negotiations but very few details from the meeting have so far been released with just over forty days left of the trade truce seems to be still no solution in sight analysts say china's shrinking trade figures could be used by washington to increase pressure on beijing i think beijing clearly has the pressure there on the grocery store. the best to get their leadership and to restore. confidence such as. nationally so i think a.j. clearly does that and i think the u.s. . where here they will put pressure because despite the lower figures china posted
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a record surplus in its trade with the united states last year with more than three hundred twenty billion dollars the largest in more than a decade that's a sore point for the u.s. and according to the trumpet ministration a major justification for its trade with china but the apparent good news there's little to distract from china's cooling economy december's low trade figures follow a disappointing november when consumer spending also fell contributing to a gloomy economic start to twenty nineteen. al-jazeera. well a trade war between china and washington has made its way to the city of detroit auto show major automakers actually skipping the event and we're talking big names we're talking out a b.m.w. mercedes not there it's expected to tackle the industry's biggest changes there in recent years the show that is the future of electric cars and a move to eliminate smaller vehicles dominating this event. john hendren is there for us in motor city well when you take those names out of the equation john that
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that really accounts that will points to a very tough year for comic shows. yeah there's a definite different feel here this year the north american auto show there are auto shows all over the us there in l.a. they're in chicago but this is the big one in north america and the absence of some automakers like that does make a big difference it's been a mixed year for the auto industry and part of it has been due to that china market china's had a rough year as you were just hearing in the previous story that trade war with the united states is not helping at all and so most automakers saw sales go down in china toyota saw a slight uptick because people were buying the lexus but other than that ford lost thirty seven percent in the past year and the forecast for next year are not particularly good and that's after boom years from two thousand and ten to twenty sixteen so things have really changed here the enthusiasm is still here at the show
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people always get excited to see these new cars come up and we see a new car john can you can you take a little walk and show something. i might just be able to help you with the buzz this year is over the car truck and utility of the year the truck of the year is the chrysler ram fifteen hundred big pickup truck but a lot of the talk is how the korean cars have really come into their own the hyundai kona was the utility of the year and this car right over here this is the genesis g seventy this is the car of the year and it competes with mercedes and entry level b.m.w. has it's got a heads up display it has the panoramic roof which i'll open in just a second runs for about thirty five thousand. fifty thousand dollars but this is
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a car company that is made by hyundai but it's only been in existence for about three years so it's a big deal in terms of sales when a company like that gets the car of the year award and you can see why this is this is a car that he's going to eat into the market of those european auto makers and of course this is happening at a time when u.s. companies are pulling out of the sedan market and pulling out of europe so come on this may be the shape of the future or at least another entrant into that market great job john i want to buy one myself now john hendren at the old i showed my to city detroit thanks john. my wife thank you. for what's coming up. some of the biggest names in. a happy retirement but we wonder is the. sport fair well we'll find out in
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a moment. i
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was here to talk sport andy murray is the is the not all those pictures tell a different story well question while we've got now it's been quite an opening day at the australian open in melbourne three time grand slam champion andy murray crashed out of the tournaments in what could turn out to be his final match the briton fell in five sets to spain's or better but a good thirty one year old's been struggling with persistent hip problems and missed most of last season he's still suffering from severe pain and revealed that he plans to retire after wimbledon in july however on side a murray admitted his
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exit could follow the australian open but here's what he said after his first round loss. i mean look of on the set of love playing here over the years it's an amazing place to play tennis if this was my last night it's like you say amazing was the two and. the other thing i. don't know maybe i'll see you. everything. i did everything possible to try. i would need to have it if i want to go again i don't need to of like a big operation which there's no guarantees that there was a comeback from any way but you know i'll give it my thank you thanks again. so murray very knox of firming whether he's played his last match or not and even suggesting help try to fight on but that didn't stop tournaments organizers playing
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him this video on court and also beaming it around the world on t.v. and social media. sometimes life is not by phenomena i just want to do to say thanks for all the things that you gave to the world sports i'm really going to miss you ones who are not only as a player but most important as a person you know is so fun to be around and. have to look man you had a hall of fame career enjoy your retirement but just know i'm a big fan thanks everybody thank you my friends all the best. ok i'll of people on social media feeling like that montage was a bit over the top here's what some of you said about it now tweeted this montage of tennis players talking about murray as if he's dead is so uncomfortable to watch he just said it this is my last match allen said it felt like an obit for someone who hasn't quite pass it yet at least let the men decide whether it was his last
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game or not before trotting out the emotional and career stuff all former australian cricketer michael vaughan tweeted good to see the rest of the tennis world has retired worry off before he announces it himself that was very very bizarre only welling's is here with more from london lee is here isn't he retiring what's the deal. i think he's got so big choices now he says so himself either he has another operation which he says could be absolutely the end and have some knock on problems or maybe that operation will allow him to continue probably not winning titles on the kind of form that we've seen over the last decade for him but actually to have some it was then bring a proper tennis career for a while longer or a second option would be to just take it as easy as possible for the next few months and then try and bow out wimbledon if he could make it on to the coinstar
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omonia it would actually be something that would seem fitting of the history he made by becoming the first british man to win there for seventy three years and i think that would always be the farewell that it warm it's just can he get that far without the operation the social media thing and mario i mean obviously that press conference last week people wanted it to be black and white definitive are you retiring or not but remember the tone of it he walked into the conference not with a piece of paper not with a statement to say i am retiring you never said he was retiring he was on certain questions honestly to say that he doesn't think he can go on his body is struggling but he's going to try every last drop we saw that on the court you can understand why a sportsman to his level would just want to extend it and try everything to make their career a bit longer to get out in court again with social media is not interested in that just once the prince of dances and opinions are come crashing in and we all run off
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in one direction or the other but sometimes it's best just to stand back and listen say ok well murray story of course is interesting to people around the world but particularly in england where he was once a vilified what's the story there. you know what he really wasn't learned by a lot of people when he started his career it was something around his demeanor he buys admission is a quote of our scotsman a proud scotsman who made some comments prince about the england football team english football fund like that but once he cried on court then he won wimbledon then it showed his dry sense of humor what a good guy well he's become was in the in the u.k. as a national treasure ok welling's thanks so much we'll talk to you a bit later or rafa nadal who is also battling his own injury concerns made it through his first round in melbourne the world number two he also had a bit of fun in his post match press conference at the expense of a veteran journalist having an unscheduled now. it's not interesting today.
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on german no. no no no no. no the u.s. focus on closing your eyes to be more focused on what i'm saying. such a nice guy as always let us know your thoughts you can tweet me directly at or as small we'll be back with more at eight hundred g.m.t. but for now i'll hand you back to claw thank you foreign poor lady mary there finally for you i've got a story about an egg and a lesson in how utterly pointless social media can sometimes be and i don't say that lightly because obviously we use social media heavily on the grid but the next time you are elusively searching for likes and shares and follows just remember this an instagram account that was set up it's called world record egg it has two
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point seven million followers and it posted just once this is what it did let's set a world record together it says alongside a picture of an egg and get the most liked post on instagram basing the current world record held by kylie jenner eighteen million we got this and you know the thing is they did nearly twenty six million likes when i took the screengrab about four hours ago so it's probably got a few million more by now and all for the picture of an egg so to all of you who helped set that very important world record bots and humans alike well done. you got this. to keep in touch with us so that you're a picture of this right hashtag a.j. newsgroup and we'll see you back here in studio fourteen tomorrow fifteen hundred hours to.
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russian filmmaker andrine travels across his homeland to discover what life is like on two putin the russian economy is in crisis tank and unstable oil prices fluctuating kurds off of the country struggles to make ends meet in soviet times doctors were in charge now economists called everything we don't want to think what will happen when the bank takes away our flags. in search of putin's russia on al-jazeera. an army of volunteers has come together to help with the influx of tens of thousands of evacuees. but their retreat to a church shelter has brought new challenges an outbreak of norovirus and other gastrointestinal problems. smoke from the massive wildfires now blankets much of
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northern california leading to some of the worst air quality in the world but with more than twelve thousand structures lost in the wildfires concerns remain about long term accommodations jobs and medical care. local officials say there isn't enough housing stock available. should trimmings of hope. and inspiration. personal stories of people keeping the spirit of freedom alive. by curry just three defending their rights to be. disciplined but we begin to. al-jazeera selects.
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mase way or no way the u.k. prime minister's stark warning ahead of the key brics it vote. on taters al-jazeera live from london also coming up turkey's foreign minister hits back at president trump for threatening economic devastation if it attacks kurdish fighters in syria. fury on the streets of zimbabwe after the government doubles the price of fuel over night. and schools in indonesia to include disaster drills in the education curriculum following last year's devastating earthquake. back my breaks a deal or risk staying in the european union that's u.k. prime minister to resign may's warning to parliament as m.p.'s prepared to vote on
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her deal for leaving the e.u. the final day of debate is now taking place ahead of tuesday's vote it was delayed from december because many thought she would lose but still the most likely outcome with many hardline m.p.'s in her own conservative party believing the deal makes too many concessions to the e.u. be here earlier in stoke a prime minister made a last ditch effort to change their minds i've argued that the consequences of parliament rejecting it would be grave uncertainty potentially leading to one of two outcomes either a no deal for exit that would cause turbulence for our economy create barriers to security cooperation and disrupt people's daily lives all the risk of no bricks at all for the first time in our history failing to implement the outcome of a statutory referendum and letting the british people down. on ars news following events for us in westminster norks how likely is it that may's final appeals will
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persuade m.p.'s tobacco. while it doesn't look very likely at all there's been one more resignation today from someone who's really supposed be quite important to one of the whips i want the m.p.'s whose job is to caroll other concession plays and bounce them in surviving in a certain direction he said he can't support it because it doesn't deliver rex it properly and it's not hard enough the democratic unionists the northern irish policy which is supposedly propping her up they've said that it's no good over the last few days there have been a few m.p.'s from both sides who said grudgingly that they will support it but overall it still seems to be the case that she's prepared to accept the she's going to lose but it depends by how much because if it's more than a hundred one hundred fifty or something then i think it's more or less inconceivable then that she could turn up and say well i'm not going to go back to the european union and try to get something else out of them because it's too much they would have to be
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a small enough margin for her to try to go back yet again and get something else then say we're going to have the votes all over again but it's looking like she's on pretty thin ice at the moment. thank you very much indeed. techie has dismissed a threat by president donald trump that the u.s. will devastate its economy if it attacks kurdish fighters in northern syria kurdish forces are for to long side the us in the fight against arsenal a techie considers them terrorists linked to kurdish separatists within its own borders turkish foreign minister who chose one who says his country won't be intimidated by trump's threat. if. we can see the difficult situation that mr trump is in now there is serious pressure on him and he took the decision of withdrawing however the security divisions are putting constant pressure to stop and we know that the latest tweet is
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a domestic policy message these. are important we germans do we have said several times that we are not going to be afraid of any threats and will not bow down to it nothing can be achieved by threatening turkey economically. well tech is deployed troops tanks and heavy military equipment along its border a southern border with syria and a planned military offensive and on the other side of the turkish border in the syrian government has sent forces to support kurdish fighters in question to reports from istanbul. the first reaction came from presidential spokesperson and the director of communications and anchor and the first verbal reaction came from turkey's foreign minister made richard sure he criticized mr trump's a tweet especially about the language that he has used and he questioned why he preferred communicating through social media because he said we already have a proper relation ongoing between washington and contra parts he also mentioned
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that turkey would do well coming into the city interest stablish a safe zone or secure zone inside syria because it was first turkey who offered that more than one year ago president don had suggested that a safe so should be established inside syria nor fly zone so that the syrians who are inside turkey and other countries other second rate countries can go back to syria in that and the continue their lives in that safe sun however foreign minister also underlined that the kurdish issue and the white p.g.p. issue are totally different from each other and turkey has been trying to assure that they're not going to target searing kurds if they start this military offensive and we know that today president our john will be meeting his a team which is of the defense ministry foreign ministry military people and the intelligence to learn about the latest situation in syria the reinforcements are
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ongoing but because turkey is also suffering from decline in the turkish turkish lira turkish currency in the last couple of months due to some spat between washington and ankara they are being more careful and they're not willing to burn the bridges very quickly. yemen civil war and the murder of saudi genest have dominated the u.s. secretary of state's talks with saudi leaders my poem bears says crown prince mohammed bin salmond agreed to deescalate the fighting in yemen further and that agreements between the government and who the rebels must be held russia has more. u.s. secretary of state mike bump with saudi leader in riyadh a crucial stopover in his middle east toward that they have agreed on the need for a continued deescalation in yemen and the implementation of the recent agreements signed in sweden saudi arabia faces bounty and international pressure to and the
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nearly four year old war in yemen. another important issue hanging over the visit is the murder of saudi journalist. or expectations have been clear from early on. every single person who has responsibility for the murder of jamal khashoggi needs to be held accountable. and the crown prince i spoke about this with king someone as well they both acknowledged that the accountability needed to take place he was killed in a toll inside the kingdom's consulate in istanbul the findings of the saudi prosecutor what dismissed by the turkish government and world leaders as insufficient. on sunday pompei a was in qatar where he called on gulf countries to and that dispute the worst political crisis in decades for the gulf cooperation council america's top diplomat
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also visited jordan behind the u.a.e. egypt and our man after canceling a visit to kuwait to attend a family funeral coates' emir has played a crucial role in trying to mediate and to the blockade of qatar in june two thousand and seventeen saudi arabia u.a.e. bahrain and egypt cut off relations with doha accusing it of supporting armed groups a charge strongly denied the u.s. is due to host a conference in poland next month to discuss ways to curb iran's activities in the region you have arabian backed who these iranian backed hezbollah are a mean backed shia militias in iraq arabian backed forces in syria each case the root of the challenge stems from the revolutionary nature of the islamic regime and
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their efforts abroad but many u.s. allies fear a u.s. iran confrontation could lead to further instability in the region modify violence . police in zimbabwe have fired tear gas at protesters here and worry about high fuel prices the cost of petrol and diesel more than doubled on sunday as president innocent and god was government battles crippling shortages have seen motorists sleeping fuel queues for state frustration demonstrators barricaded roads and set times on fire privilege was one here is in harare is following the story for us so what's the latest on those protests how will they likely to go on for. at the moment it's not norton where the they will go tomorrow or wednesday but according to the information that had been put out by those about the congress of trade union unions which had called for this national strike they had called for
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this strike two for monday tuesday and wednesday but things are calm at the moment from what we had seen one from morning where protesters were clashing with the police and from their place where i where i witnessed clashes between police and protesters in a place called a ep within the eastern part ofa. there were clashes between the protesters who were trying to be see a police station throwing stones and they had reportedly been a poor poor dollon a police checkpoint and then ryo to had to come in unfortunately this seemed to have been use of live ammunition we saw a few people who had been short like one woman or lost here right leg. in the process she was just it possible she was not part of the protesters but she
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was caught in the crossfire so what is this other response do you expect from the government. so far the government has responded to the deploying. police to do with with the protesters but all source statements that are coming from government they have warned everyone we spoke to spitting in the protest that if they are caught the law will take its course and then the other thing is that we had had but these were not confirmed statements that our government was considering maybe declaring a state of the make sense if this was going to go on and also.


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