tv newsgrid Al Jazeera January 15, 2019 6:00pm-7:01pm +03
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luck. live from studio. headquarters in doha. welcome to the newsgroup it all comes down to a vote in the british parliament on. the future of tourism great city right now it seems to be a case of not. in london brussels and belfast will take you through the magnitude of the. flights also on the grid the migrant caravan caravan actually is leaving. but there is
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a difference this time because the united states isn't necessarily their final destination and the french president. opens up a dialogue with the nation he's giving a speech in normandy but how does he address the concerns of the protest movement and hold firm on the policies which brought him to power. and it's day two of protests in zimbabwe and many online accuse the government of blocking the internet to monitor all the developments. in the hash tag. with the news. streaming online through facebook live on al-jazeera dot com all those stories to come but first an update on some breaking news out of kenya two explosions followed by gunfire they were heard in an upscale neighborhood in the capital nairobi at least one person has been killed details still emerging on this
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one some of the first pictures we've gotten from there but the somali based group. has said it carried out the attack. let's have a listen we did manage to speak to an eyewitness on the ground little earlier. funding my colleagues. manning if you ever do is it just the beginning of it. so i went through. all the way up and i didn't call these revolutions i did myself in the street you. know when you didn't reach that was doing. nothing new here but you know i didn't see nothing but activity i saw i don't bust through the window. and in nairobi for us now our producer joy smith on edge of going to using his skype fare outside joyce can you hear me all right first of all and tell us
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what you're saying. joyce it's come out here in doha can you hear me. yes go ahead joyce tell us what you're saying the. that's not the kind of about you seem to be asked to school time you told the octuplets. and did somebody like you're going. west philly to folks like you except the one that cracked seated president. expands on that so. you. want to split the state that. you. want to. take to. get. there. so he
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expects but. i can't quite. get by. well. ok joyce i'm not going to interrupt you if you can hear me i'm sorry the line is really no great i know that communications are difficult there thank you for that what i did catch from the start of what joyce you saying that it was great to have a hangar and i believe this thread and now we're getting these quite dramatic pictures cars on fire being attended to by fire off the fire department there you saw forces assuring people away as quickly as possible pretty dramatic scene out of nairobi in the last hour and a half i think this happened we will be keeping a close eye on that any social media reaction if you are in kenya one and you can in touch with us whatsapp us directly plus nine seven four five zero one triple one
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four nine send us a video report or any photos that you can. we'll move on now because the big story of the day of course is briggs it's make or break time for theresa may and her government in a little over four hours the british parliament will vote on hope. and from leaving the european union and most indicators are that the deal will be defeated it will mean only more uncertainty chaos really for the whole briggs it process and probably for prime minister my self so let's bring in the live wall and show you who is where for us you see lawrence lee he's in the thick of it there in westminster right outside the houses of parliament in london will be with him shortly we've also got david chaytor in the box next to him in brussels they are adamant they are of course that it's this deal or nothing we're also hoping to go to belfast a little bit later and need baka but let's start with lawrence lee in westminster all those people out there behind you all the media crowded around for well the big countdown i guess. and yeah here we go eventually it's a completely frenzied atmosphere here westminster hundreds of protesters from both
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sides leave and remain alongside associated crazy people all making as much noise as they possibly can and inside parliament m.p.'s are having to search their souls and their consciences because in the end they're having a vote this evening on wants is a decision about the future shape and direction of the united kingdom and clearly it's enormously divisive every single projection over the last twenty four hours from british media organizations as puts the compromise deal is to resume a would have it's losing by somewhere between one hundred and two hundred thirty votes which is enormous and if she loses by more than two hundred they would be the biggest loss in parliamentary history so she's in a great deal of trouble and of course the question that everybody is asking assuming that she's going to lose is what on earth happens then there are four amendments to have zero that have been sables before people actually vote on old
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sewer from opposition parties one calling for the draw agreements to be suspended and one calling for it to be scrapped entirely and then two from city types arguing that the u.k. should be able. to leave the leave your opinion without the european union having any say over it they're likely to be defeated as well and so it will put all the focus on own stories in may but it looks like at the moment when she loses the best she's going to be able to say if she can say this it's all is ok i've heard what you said and i'm going to have go back and try to negotiate something else it could be slightly anticlimactic in the end. but we've got weeks of this to come ok lawrence we'll leave you there for now because goodness knows you've got a long afternoon and evening ahead of you thank you here's david chaytor in brussels next david am i right in saying basically that theresa may and europe as a whole europe the european union are on the same page here it's this deal or nothing well that's interesting point because
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we have heard from america's centeno who is the head of the euro zone finance ministers today and he said that if trees are made does face a massive defeat in the house of commons tonight that essentially both sides the e.u. and the u.k. should adopt a new subject or e. that should be opened again and decisions taken informed decisions taken in a calm manner because he said essentially anything would be better than a no deal bricks it now that is interesting straw in the wind perhaps it's not come from any senior official or representative of the european union but nevertheless he has come out with this statement it does show that talks are expected plan b. of course will be talks with the european union again but the german foreign minister heiko amasses made it quite clear that there will be no new solutions on
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the table and the court in them talks not negotiations the negotiations on being reopened. but treason may will clearly be looking for stronger reassurances that she got then she got in the last joint venture from the head of the european council and the european parliament and that means essentially that it won't be enough it won't have legal standing giving more assurances about the backstop position on the northern irish border with the republic will not be enough in legal terms for the skeptics and for the brics it is so it doesn't look good here many of the m.v.p.'s who are meeting strasburg at the moment are saying look we've had more than two years to try and swear these diplomatic circles it hasn't worked so far we don't see that reason may returning here on have plan b. mission will change that so it's perhaps that small opening that we heard from the head of the euro group finance ministers but most of the politicians are saying it
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doesn't look good for any plan ok thank you david chaytor in brussels for us thank you david now david mentioned the issue of the irish backstop as they call it and we've got move back a hearing is in belfast northern ireland not expecting you to get right into the weeds of the backstop for us navy but maybe take us through what you've seen and heard there from people as they await the vote. whoa we have to be reminded of course that whatever happens over there in west and best minister will have massive implications on the whole of the island of ireland i think it's fair to say when people are considering which way to vote in the referendum in twenty sixteen few really considered deeply the security implications here in northern ireland given its legacy of violence few really considered what the potential for a turn to a hard border between northern ireland a part of the u.k. and the republic of ireland and e.u. member would actually mean in practice and given all the immense uncertainty what
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we're seeing here is the police considering now their options given all if they some certainty. northern ireland's police service the p.s.n. eyes preparing for a worst case break six an oreo the return of a hard border with the member island it could soon ask for hundreds of specially trained reinforcements from the rest of the u.k. what we would be very cautious of is as hard infrastructure going on the border that actually would mean that potentially our officers would be on protracted protectable points for a long time. terrorist remains to to be able to plan an orchestra it attacks on our officers that is something we don't want to see so if that were to happen then it would have to be very very properly resourced and i think would have to be heavily resourced during thirty years of sectarian violence the streets were patrolled by the forerunners of the police service of northern ireland the royal ulster constabulary they are you see it was
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a conflict between nationalists mainly catholics who identify as irish and unionists mostly protestants who want this province to remain a part of the u.k. for many nationalists the r.u.c. was seen as an oppressive colonial force backed by the british army paramilitary groups including the irish republican army they are a sort to expel them would force a delicate peace has lasted for twenty years but a legacy of hatred remains. last year londonderry sore spike in violence police were set upon in a nationalist neighborhood and there was several nights of rioting hooliganism and poverty both have a part to play in the armrest but police also say the new ira a combination of republican paramilitary groups fuels the violence. is a member of syria a new hard left anti british political party it glorifies the ira but insists it's
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peaceful the party intends to exploit breaks in to the fore not out of any desire to stain europe but simply to destabilize. the u.k. . has caused difficulty for anyone. so difficult as i was there and again it's an opportunity for ireland the reality as ireland's partition which six countries are compiled stolberg redish the mere mention of pressure to bring on the border situation in the people's minds and there has been at times before compared to camp ranks it is created a dangerous new context for bitter old rivalries putting the question of identity and loyalty back at the center of anglo-irish politics but the vast majority of people here in northern northern ireland know that keeping that delicate piece relies very heavily on keeping the border open as well the past twenty years since the signing of the good friday agreement communities on both
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sides of the border have benefited from that stability both politically and economically as well as you mentioned also there is the other divisive issue of the backstop the e.u. plan to make sure that there will not be a border here on the island of ireland or down the middle of the irish sea after the two year transition period the whole of the u.k. is being encouraged very much to remain within some sort of customs arrangement with the european union but it's incredibly divisive firstly because britain can't unilaterally exits it and secondly nobody knows how long it will last or break the tears just believe it is a continuation of remaining in the european union whatever happens as i said in westminster as being incredibly closely watched here in belfast the whole of northern arms the future hangs on what happens to that today there in the capital thank you. belfast northern ireland rounding out our live coverage from across the u.k. now what about plan b. now publicly theresa may doesn't really talk about one duster she can't really if
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she's to convince m.p.'s about plan a being the right thing in the first place here is not in barbara now looking at the possibilities if the briggs deal is rejected. if the reason mays withdrawal agreement is defeated what happens next depends partly on how big the defeat is the opposition labor party's promising to bring a vote of no confidence in the government soon afterwards it's hoping to trigger a snap general election but vats likely to fail because to resume a's northern irish allies the d u piece say they'll back her in that scenario one thing we know is to reason may will only have until next monday to outline her plan b. to parliament if the defeats not as heavy as expected she might seek changes to withdraw agreement before then that means telling her e.u. counterpart she could get a deal passed if they offer concessions notably on the back stop solution for the irish border recent trips to brussels though suggest she wouldn't get very far there's growing speculation about cross party attempts to agree
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a different brics that deal for example permanently staying in a customs union with the u. if that doesn't happen one alternative would be throwing the question back to the public through a new referendum recent polls suggest the idea is backed by a majority of the population but nobody's sure what options this so-called people's vote would include and to reason may's consistently ruled it out now she could actually try to break the deadlock by going for that's not general election herself but she'd need two thirds of the commons to vote for it and few conservative m.p.'s would want to put their jobs on the line so in theory it's still possible the u.k. will leave the with no divorce deal with all the uncertainties about food supplies medicines and travel that entails but the use reportedly prepared to push back brakes it day until july and even further if the u.k. decides to hold a fresh referendum or general election how yanomami talk of a topic of a fresh election hand is just written into us on facebook ly facebook dot com just
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a slash al-jazeera if you want to watch and saying neither david cameron or theresa may ever imagine how that would complicate the issues later on i think that's what a lot of people feel that there wasn't enough. forward looking there see how the vote goes expect an a but maybe this is the right moment for a second well informed referendum and that's why a lot of people wonder if they can vote because they said it just wasn't enough clear information about the implications when people went to the polls all right we're hillary's here now what we've asked readers to do is take us through bridget by the numbers the online numbers and you know not so much what's in the discussion we know what's in there but how it's all played out i guess and social media you know yes qual well brags that continues to be a hot topic online over one hundred thousand people are talking about it just today from the u.k. the u.s. germany france spain arland and also in canada now according to twits if it is more than two hundred million tweets have arrests have reference brags that since the results of the referendum and that was announced on the twenty third of june twenty
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sixth in and around two thirds of those tweets came from the u.k. and the largest spike was all the conversation was actually between june twenty third and june twenty eighth of twenty sixteen they also highlighted some of the most mentioned individuals and unsurprisingly tourism a was at the top of that list followed by germany corben from the opposition labor party and also being discussed was the former foreign secretary boris johnson who campaigned for the leave side now of all of this is that little bit too much for you to has published a list of tips for users who may want to mute words linked to brags that ahead of parliament's vote on tories in may's deal other words like article fifty single market no deal and also a backstop uses an end to words phrases and hashtags by going to settings and select the metered words option. i also ran a poll on our twitter page at a.j. news grid asking people what they thought was the most likely scenario for the u.k.
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well over five thousand people voted and the results suggest that sixty percent believe that there will be no brags that at all twenty four percent think britain will we negotiate with the european union and sixteen percent think the e.u. will extend the deadline for article fifty come all we're here to thank you and if you are still unsure about what's happening today head to al-jazeera dot com search for meaningful votes you will find as everything you need to know about the meaningful vote why it's important what's actually being voted on indeed why is it so meaningful keep it handy because the vote will be happening after nine hundred g.m.t. which was as we say is around four hours from now. shake of course is a genuine good don't mute that one keep in touch with us if you like to tweet us at a.j. english and remits our producer today looking for your comments in the thread there also facebook dot com slash al-jazeera as i said we're getting comments in there already and you can common amongst yourselves of course if you want. or message
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just directly i gave this number up before for people in kenya especially plus one seven four five or one triple one four nine if there's anything you can add to our coverage particularly of that breaking news out of kenya. let's move on to some of the news for now hundreds of migrants from honduras have joined a caravan a new caravan that is heading for the us mexico border now they started from the city of san pedro sula on monday and now the second batch to leave and do it us now in three months families fleeing poverty and violence make up a large number of this caravan but this time many of them actually intend on staying in mexico this is very different they want to work on things like rail and reforestation projects it's not necessarily about that sort of holy grail if you like of crossing the u.s. border so let's just have a quick look at the google map and we know so we know where we're talking about one hundred a central honduras we're going to a town called the air and memo to apollo is our correspondent there man well.
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we're currently in the outskirts of san pedro sula this road that you see behind me is actually the only highway that leads outside of the city toward western honduras toward the order when water malo there's it's unclear it's difficult to know exactly how many people are traveling as part of this new caravan but they did start coming together yesterday evening and mobilizing in the early hours of this morning just before sunrise take a look. sitting in waiting near the side of the bus station hundreds of hundred nationals are preparing to leave the country by foot. is traveling with his two young children. and she has to hydro says he understands the risks but says there's nothing left for him in his hometown. i have been told to these isn't easy but i have to take the risk what else can i do if i stay here my children cool stuff to death. under is one of the poorest countries in latin
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america with more than sixty percent of the population living below the poverty line apart from dire economic conditions many of the thousands of hondurans who have fled the country in recent months cite gang violence as the reason for leaving . us in the first fifteen days of the year violence has increased drastically so have the number of violent deaths and poverty and people coming into the city in search of opportunities are also rising now choosing to emigrate to get away from the violence. not that they hissing in response to increased pressure from the united states the hundred government has launched a media campaign aimed at dissuading would be migrants from crossing illegally into the u.s. these t.v. ads however don't appear to be convincing anyone to make you feel it. says he was part of the first micro caravan in two thousand and eighteen he wasn't able to enter the u.s.
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and admits the trip wasn't easy but he's eager to give it another go. i made it all the way to tijuana but now i'm back here because i didn't live in the u.s. now thanks to god i'm going to try again god has a solution for all of the us. finding safety in numbers many hundreds have answered a call in social media for the formation of a new caravan of asylum seekers we are at the main bus terminal and. this is the starting point for the next migrant caravan there's a. expectation that thousands more honduran citizens will be joining this group along the months long journey outside of central america across mexico and ultimately the southern border of the united states. the trip from central america to the united states is fraught with dangers and only a fraction of asylum applications are ever accepted but extreme poverty or threat to their lives at home they don't see they have any other choice.
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now at the moment members of this new caravan have split up into smaller groups many of the men have been hitching rides from vehicles from passing drugs the goal today is to reach that border with water. ok thank you for that. one hundred us there for us now we've got to go back to the map actually let's have a look at the map i want to show you where we're going to head next sunday the rosello was where john was or at least not far from there we're going to head further north pretty much as the crow flies actually to atlanta georgia and we're going to talk to john holdren our correspondent there who's been catching up. with a family who he met a time if you remember the story actually. this was. in october i think it was when john was actually down at the mexico guatemala border he'd been following the original caravan i would she remember that promoted so much fear
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about an invasion as donald trump likes to put it on the met a family there. who have a wife was pregnant they were trying trying to cover these forty kilometers a day and john's managed to catch up with them again john heilemann in atlanta here we go. john can you hear me. yes i can hear you we're here now as he say in atlanta following up on this family they of course as you said they were traveling throughout mexico forty kilometers a day on the route sleeping really in town squares whenever they could the mother early was eight months pregnant they finally arrived in t one or on the border there with the united states that's where the first caravan ended up now for the people who actually get to see one of they've got
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a couple of options they can even try and sign up for asylum at the port of entry and u.s. officials are seeing those people very very slowly all they can jump the fence and then either trying disappear or ask for asylum they're allowed there was for asylum from moore nor an order enforcement officials there and that's exactly what the raise a lawyer family did they got put into the tension center then and then they've ended up in atlanta you could probably see the sort of stereotypical u.s. city skyline behind us that's maybe what they thought they were going to come through but it turned out quite different as you'll see in our report. this is the promised land then a trailer on the outskirts of atlanta the re is a lie a family have crossed three countries to get here in october they started out from honduras in a caravan trying to reach the u.s. on the way they slept on pavements was sprayed with tear gas to trust the kindness
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of strangers and they even had a baby now they finally got to the united states in winter where. it's very strange for me because one hundred you can walk and run in the street here you have to stay inside because of the cold but i'm happy and i wouldn't want to go back after a month stuck into one or they jumped the border fence on christmas day and asked for asylum they were held in a detention center for six days eleven junior got sick. he went purple and couldn't breathe so they asked for the ambulance and we went to the hospital there and they did all of the tests but he was ok i think he was just got some plan to get us out of there. then did up in atlanta two weeks ago where alvin has friends they've helped him to get a room in a shared trailer and some working construction the family desperately need the
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money they're already in there and food is scarce this is sunday dinner but there's no going back alvin had always told us that was because of the poverty at home now he gives us what he says is the rest of the story i don't want to hear they killed a policeman in front of our house we heard the shots and went outside and then the man who did it saw us then we got a note under our door saying if we said anything they'd kill us. i ask him why didn't tell us this before on the caravan in mexico. you just can't throw that out there on the road because you put your life in danger now the family feel safe. their own their fur sure their right to church early believes their faith got them through the long journey may or may also need i see i think about how god gave me the strength to go on with that great valley with that sand the cold in the night sleeping on the floor with just
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a towel and now i see my son that god has given me there were many girls who lost their baby son the way and i think god my son is ok for the moment there are no in the first steps of an uncertain asylum process but at least it's a beginning. a president trump says there's a crisis on the u.s. border with mexico actually in terms of numbers they've been declining the numbers of migration in the last two decades but what there is is a recording freeze in the numbers of families like the razor lawyers that are trying to get into the united states and i think advocates i'm president trump would agree in saying that there is a sort of humanitarian crisis now now what's the answer to this these people like the wrestlers are probably going to have their cases attend to very slowly because there's less than four hundred immigration judges nationwide in the united states
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so cases can take years to be heard and meanwhile people like this family will be making a life for themselves in the united states in the end in two thousand and eighteen for example only a quarter or less than a quarter of an asylum requests actually got granted so those people got sent sent back so other could say that really the answer to this is to make that system more efficient once these people are in the united states president trump is obviously going a different way with the wall to stop them or try and stop them getting in in the first place john heilemann in atlanta thank you for that report really interesting stuff nice to catch up with that family again. on the way with kimberly how could in washington d.c. our white house correspondent hi kimberly it just been little bit of a political view from your i guess john is talking about the wall they have a theory behind it what donald trump wants to do with it i mean where are we with that at the moment because all the wall seems to really be doing is keeping the government closed at the moment. you're absolutely right and differences about the
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wall are what is keeping this government partially shut down and in historic territory i think you have to pull back and look at some of the comments made by the president just the last twenty four hours he was speaking in louisiana talking about the broken immigration system in the united states and the really is no dispute between democrats and republicans surprisingly that immigration needs to be reformed in fact that's one of the few things they have been able to agree on in the last twenty years the problem is is they don't agree on the solution for it and for example you see this government shutdown over the latest attempts by a republican president this time to try and resolve or act in the absence of u.s. congress that essentially is the one responsible for making the laws of the united states donald trump certainly has polarized the debate over immigration in the united states and he continued to do so on monday calling the immigration laws in the united states currently sick demented and certainly putting his views out there
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that he doesn't believe that the current system which is essentially a lottery system also allows for chain migration or what democrats call family reunification as the sort of the primary driver of immigration in the united states right now what this president has been advocating for something that we see predominantly use worldwide in countries like germany the u.k. new zealand australia japan the list goes on and on but essentially a merit based system that is what this president is pushing for discussions in that regard are a long way off as you point out right now what has become a symbol for this debate is the border wall donald trump continues to advocate that he needs five point seven billion dollars to stop illegal immigration into the united states and right now democrats are refusing to budge saying that this is a moral and this is what has resulted in this historic government shutdown. alcott in washington d.c.
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thank you just quickly before we take a break josephine has written on the brags that issue regardless of the of the result will the british economy suffer well that's not for me to say whether it will or not but i did have a quick look at this from the london school of economics if we can have a quick look at my i pad here and scroll down a little bit and look at it go i think that says it all down if you can read it there but international organizations such as the i.m.f. and the o.e.c.d. of warn that the balance of risks for the u.s. economy is negative and will have lasting effects and also adverse consequences for a huge part the country so if the i.m.f. and the o.e.c.d. is saying that in a report from the london school of economics then that's probably something with listening to your comments your questions hash tag a.j. news great if you're with us on facebook live about a story for you now from a j. boss looking at how maybe a president should be dealing with issues of xenophobia and then later the shop contrasts find out how the me too movement has given raise a company gillette a brand new image.
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hello there for some of us in turkey it's pretty wet at the moment we look at the satellite picture we can see the cloud that's making its way across us that's giving some of us a very heavy rain and also a lot of snow as well and that's some strong winds mixed in with that so we all seem blizzard conditions at times the whole system is working its way eastwards we're still seeing a lot of snow over turkey there for wednesday and then it's gradually going to make its way of a further south on wednesday too so across lebanon there's likely to be some more heavy rain could be around fifty millimeters in places that could give us a bit more of a problem with flooding meanwhile for the east largely fine and dry for many of us here but if you look through parts of iraq and into iran there's more in the way of rain here and then the system works its way eastwards but it's still bringing plenty more in the way of snow behind it the south has some of that system it's
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just dragging its feet i reports of saudi arabia and so we are likely to see a fair amount of cloud here that swings its way southwards as we had three thursday and it's behind that that the weather in doha will change so it's fairly mild up to thursday but then on friday the winds will pick up and it will feel quite cold particularly at night the temperatures are likely to drop down to around thirteen degrees but it's all the buzz of africa plenty of white weather across us at the moment and they'll be more over the next few days.
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headlines from al-jazeera dot com and what's trending you can get the latest on those explosions in the kenyan capital nairobi we had a little bit earlier reports of one person being killed. fires in the streets as well so do stay with the website and at a.j. english on twitter for the latest updates on that we'll have a look at what's trending as well some of the stories making headlines this tuesday . the president's nominee for attorney general william barr has begun testifying in
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his confirmation hearing so far has stated that he does not believe robert muller's investigation is a witch hunt as donald trump has continuously labeled it mellows looking into course alleged links between the trump campaign and russia a bar himself has actually done this job before under president george h.w. bush in the early ninety's but some democrats are concerned about him taking control of the motor inquiry they want and disqualified last year bar wrote to the justice department questioning the legal basis for the investigation here's patty calhoun she's on capitol hill for us watching developments up there hi patty just talk us through what actually happens in this hearing how long goes for and is it just a rubber stamping or is is there more concerns to go through. no it's not a rubber stamp he goes two days basically now it seems like he likely will be confirmed because the republicans really expanded their lead here in the senate during the last elections he only needs fifty one so barring an absolute meltdown or
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a huge mistake at the hearing likely is going to be confirmed so far it shows that he's a pro he's been here before as you mentioned he was the attorney general under george h.w. bush he knows how to take on these questions but the democrats do have concerns as you mentioned it's all about this memo he wrote to rod rosenstein it's twenty pages it's very lengthy basically question whether or not the president should be investigated for potential obstruction of justice now remember this is what we know we know that u.s. president donald trump told the f.b.i. director james comey to go easy on michael flynn at the time the national security adviser told me then says he basically didn't dollars that he would and then he was later fired him so muller is looking at the possibility that trump fired komi in order to obstruct justice barr is basically saying that the law that they're looking at isn't necessarily the right one or being applied correctly but he is also saying that he just said again on the committee that he thinks that the
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president could face obstruction of justice stars as it just depends on the statute . ok patty cohen thank you for that update from capitol hill the french president in my new micron has launched the great national debate this is aimed at finding ways to calm social unrest in france a debate that will focus on four themes taxes green energy institutional reform and citizenship discussions will be held online and in town holds over a period of two months you'll remember for nine weeks already france has witnessed violent protests from the yellow vests to movements as it's known so let's go to. the town of call and oh let's try and save this boat to who i think in normandy high midtown police presence behind you to tell us what's been going on. yes that's right mark all the french president here in this small town in normandy to meet hundreds of men as you've come from different parts of the country to
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discuss this grand national citizens debate which is launching officially today what this debate is all about is these mayors up and down the country will be able to organize a meetings of the public can join in they can also join in on line that we have to talk about things like taxes social services citizenship and what a man or marco is hoping as that in some way this debate is going to respond to one of the demands of the yellow vest protesters those protests we've seen across the country of the last two months over the cost of living here in france one of their demands is that they don't have enough say in the way the country is run and that's why this debate is being launched but if emanuel michael's hoping will. start to this debate he wins of goldman because behind me as you say a heavy police presence not just for the security the pres the president but as he arrived in this town the police fired tear gas to push away some of the residents away from where michael was money many of them were rather shocked and upset by
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that and just beyond me up the road there is a protest of yellow vests demonstrators thank you for that update natasha in normandy and on skype now from paris france was a man who is a professor at the paris institute of political studies you know i wonder. about this whole idea of a national debate and there was the open letter to the nation which was printed as well as a couple of days ago that. risks coming across maybe a little condescending almost speaking down to the people saying ok it's ok well let's talk about these things when actually there is so much anger out there. you know agree there is definitely a risk in this endeavor i think it is likely that many people will but if you bred but i doubt that the yellow vest will buddy bit into debate many of them see this as that three to try and counter movement and at the moment the relationship between michael and the yellow vest is completely broken and they have a personality issue with
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a name they just want to go on and it's not the grand national. movement ok so is there a way then for this to well i guess how does how does a man your icon play it how does he listen to people and give them some of what they want but also he says he wants to hold on to the policies which brought into power and he wants to stay strong and that's can he do both of those things yet well i would say there is generally issued to first issue is an issue of inequality and indeed ready to grant debate get bring something with you get real equality and then just to gun issues a better lady sure on michael be as i was very arrogant and disconnected from the people and obviously to grant you but it can also be a way for him to appear as more open and more listening to his people from what german thank you for your time do appreciate those thoughts on the grand national debate in france and if you search for yellow vests movement explained about as
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they were talking just a good background here on well as we say the past nine weeks really with a whole protest movement came from and what sort of impact it has had on french life and the economy as well. or monday we brought you the story of demonstrations in zimbabwe people venting their anger of a high fuel prices prosecutors doubled just like that they were burned out buildings that were closed businesses really showing the aftermath of violent demonstrations across zimbabwe as a petrol and diesel doubled overnight some day live skit an update from hilo on this one because this is sort of morphed a little bit today changed that's right well second day of the shutdown in zimbabwe we're not seeing much activity online as we did the day before but we are some we are seeing some pictures trickle in on twitter the streets have been quiet and it looks like many have decided to stay away with reports that schools nationwide are closed and public transport has stopped but many online are talking about limited
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internet access in the country al-jazeera has been informed that telecom networks have blocked internet access and this includes eco net zimbabwe's largest mobile operator and next one and that means that nearly sixty five percent of the population can't get online using the open observatory of network apps to check for any interference these results show that there has been some sort of network tampering but through virtual private network ing apps also known as v.p.n. some have been able to get around the ban however from what we can see there is a block on sites and platforms including twitter whatsapp and also facebook now according to net blocks or a site that once has a global internet disruption there is a net and there is an internet shutdown across several cities in zimbabwe and it sounded from below way o. and extended to the capital harare we heard from the science executive director.
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this means that there are major disruptions now ongoing which will not it was ability to communicate to share images videos and specifically since there are protests going on right now this is a major concern for media freedom of press freedom and the rights of individuals we're tracking these shut down if you look at the map through a number of techniques including intense weeks which track millions of ip addresses every minute and also through web presence which. disconnections and there are many ways of tracking session down switch so richard arnot. individuals can actually help out so they can scan and insert freedom using devices like these small probes that you can connect to a network so it's really important to try to figure out what's going on on the ground is right now people don't have a voice they're disconnected and the international community needs some together and really trying to figure out and piece together what's going on well meanwhile activists are calling on zimbabweans in the diaspora to take action anyone who has
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access to the internet to now raise awareness by sharing the hashtags keep it on the w. and switchback on the w. and those that have been able to speak are outraged kristen says that this is not the democracy that people of zimbabwe want forceful and she says the government is shutting down access to the outside world because of their fear of peaceful protests and this is a says that she can't make an online payment using hamas akad because of the instead shut down she adds who in the same mind would invest in zimbabwe with such risks and uncertainties around them money and investment while at the moment there is no word from the information ministry or the president about these latest developments that you can all thank you really live will be back with her here in a moment actually because the raise the company gillett's you know the one the best a man can get i say this created a bit of unexpected controversy it released a new ad quite a long ad actually which highlights the meat to movement where he will have the
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reaction on that in a moment first a quick look at some of the at. we can't hide from their children. it's been going on far too. what i actually think she's trying to say making the same old excuse it was a wee boy was born. of something fine. and sexual harassment but she says this isn't so the video asks is this the best a man can get in reference to toxic masculine behavior but many seem to have taken offense it's only been about forty eight hours since the video was uploaded and it's already got over two hundred and fourteen thousand dislikes compared to the thirty thousand likes by those who watch this on you tube now some are boycotting the company especially on twitter using the hash tag boycott to let this user says
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he and his father have been jeanette's customers for the past fifty years but don't plan on buying its products again in the future and this person calls the ad an absurd attack on jeanette's customer base and then asks the company to apologize now some are calling a jets move and odd to campaign and said this huge ship is reaction why is there nothing for women was nothing no worse than no call to talk for a living women are never told to do anything every single thing there. is something to to to. build them now so they need to be doing their own now need to be doing better no this is always something it is all passes through. for me we were all about those terrible were
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horrible. that says the majority of reactions we've seen came from men and we were curious to know what women thought about this that it addresses teemu to conversation but it doesn't address its own participation its own role in this problem. is a marketeer of incredibly gendered products that profits off paying tax like the price is. the prices for its women's products has really been made to address to me to conversation to really talk about tossing masculinity or is it is a way to sell more raises but criticism aside i've also seen some positive reactions this person actually calls out the critics saying those who feel threatened by the ad are probably doing masculinity wrong and people also are a tweeting this person who questions why there's been so many complaints over an ad that he says shows both the good and bad sides of masculinity or what do you think
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saying we're out so make a bit of history at the asian cup going into the final group game against jordan that same new a win would definitely see them reaching the knockout rounds for the first sign but it's only the second time palestine have reached asia's top football tournament and the first points in a draw against syria in their opening match now this guy has just finished in a nail nail draw jordan well they were already assured of their place in the last sixteen power stand with su points to finish third and that does still give them an outside chance of progressing as one of the best place teams in the solomons for the champions australia books their place in the next phase with a last minute win over syria a draw would have been enough to keep syria in contention but celtic's tom ridge killed off their hopes with an injury time winner three toots was straight syria all heading home or joining is now to make some sense of all that of that says asian football expert martin why martin great to have you on again palestine is
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quite nice things that sort of belatedly discovering mais worst of him with a chance of going through what sort of improvement have we seen from this team since since the last asian cup. i think the improvements been incredible really and i think it hones down to that first station co-parents palestine very similar to a couple of nations around asia where they rely heavily on that they are spread. that national team hailing from your so in alaska is there up in the couple of plays that kind of been the bedrock of the squad but the majority of a squad been kind of recruited within the last four years and you've seen a great improvement from that and you've been able to kind of and rely on home games rather than playing and know much status around the gulf region but you're also been able to kind of rely on the competitive football which they will qualify
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as a that and how they will kind of get out of this kind of position they're in so they've got to point to this as you go which of things incredible for them at this stage but they do rely on a couple of results going away for the rest of the tournament see if it progressed last sixteen i just wanted to ask you about that matson obviously that the tournament has expanded this time so some of those third place things do have a chance of of going three g. think it's been a success so far the expansion of the solomons all of the paint say many predictable gangs do you think. but in the first couple of rounds it felt quite predictable and it's very hard to swallow eat to see this kind of a shock for early sites go out so today that australia are a bit nerve wracking and in the end of that quote much against syria been a lost day they're going and it's going to be quite difficult to see them and or any of the kind of biggest sites and crush outs and we've seen that going into the final day most of the big sides of already through it does offer the opportunity
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for a small clips to taste that success and that's what we've seen from kind of palestine we've seen philippines cookstown so but you are allowing sites through that at the moment these teams up and want to match them in palestine would progress the last sixteen without scoring a goal which of often kind of that seems a bit odd for a tournament a knockout team tournament and you also want to kind of see and supergrass progression and not going forward and just quickly martin that the defending champions australia a lot of injuries and much change came from four years ago that they have a realistic chance of winning this this title. in the struggle with the injuries they received even before that on another couple of retirements tim cahill and millie out of the attack were out. since then it's going to be an injury after injury and we're going to have to injury this morning for much. who's missed out of
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the jordan much of the rest that's all and so it's going to be difficult to live a relatively easy draw for come in second in the group so we should make at least the quarter finals and then you know from that the hopes kind of like on the last. in one game situation with actually beat anybody but i think still iran the favorites to me iran the favorites you had in there from martin will come but she with us the sort of progress is more rounds of great games that's come over the next couple of days i'll be back with more sports in the eighteen hundred jamesy news out the finale let's get back to come and i will see you for that then in amongst all the brig's that news of course and the latest coming out of kenya that attack which we saw at the start of the news all the day's headlines coming up as well with the team from london in the meantime if want to catch up with us keep in touch with us so you can hash tag a.j. news quit twitter facebook whatsapp keep that number in your phone so you can message just directly and we'll see you back here in studio fourteen at al-jazeera
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at fifteen hundred hours g.m.t. tomorrow web site. if you were looking at this from the outside you would really wonder what was going on but what is this gross is a religion that they have an in-depth exploration of global capitalism and our obsession with economic drugs this is still the center of capitalism there is no limits i view myself as a capital artist we are trying to baker the world smaller and smaller we don't want to base that realistic in the world we would rather have
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a fantasy growing pains coming soon and fled on line i want to start here on my laptop with a tweet or if you join us on saturday there was a rush of adrenaline will be felt this is the moment that we have been waiting for this is a dialogue the government has coalface on a legal protest i will start to police students force to disperse the crowds everyone has a voice and for votes lots of different reasons what's different types of bricks join the global conversation on al-jazeera taiwan. a sovereign island state or a renegade province of china that must soon return to mainland control. as the battle for taiwanese hearts and minds intensifies. people in power investigates the tactics of those to whom reunification is only a matter of time. taiwan spies lies and crossed very
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nice on our josie. i don't feel really explosions and gunfire as a luxury hotel in nairobi al-shabaab kinds responsibility. hello i'm maryam namazie and on the new year with al jazeera also coming up on the program predictions of a heavy defeat for to reason day as the u.k. parliament prepares for its historic vote on the breaks it deal. the prosecutor has such as for a.
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