tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera January 19, 2019 12:00am-1:01am +03
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the republican nomination however he later admitted this wasn't true and negotiations over the project had continued until much later and now this new report suggests that cohen lied to congress at the explicit direction of president trump in his own confirmation hearings just a few days ago trump's nominee for attorney general said a situation like that could amount to obstruction of justice you wrote on page one that a president persuading a person to commit perjury would be obstruction is that right. yes ok o. ne ne well that you know any person who pretend it's another it's ok you answer said that a president or any person convincing a witness to change testimony would be obstruction is that right. yes ok so that's what was said a few days ago let's bring in kimberly halakhah she's joining us live from the white house if this is true kimberly then this could be a bombshell for the trump presidency. a bombshell
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a game changer historic all of those adjectives would work certainly this is not good for the white house and we've actually had the president already reacting. tweeting in just the last half hour words of the fox news reporter who's just to my right where in fact they're trying to downplay this as something that is essentially coming from a convicted felon donald trump tweeting don't forget michael cohen has already been convicted of perjury and fraud quoting the fox news reporter here at the white house but the fact of the matter is if this is true we should point out that this is according to unnamed law enforcement officials from one publication however if it is true that donald trump directed his attorney to break the law to lie under oath to congress that is perjury that is certainly something that the president could be convicted of and further it would be an impeachable offense the house of
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representatives controlled by democrats a certainly been interested in impeachment proceedings up to this point there would be no question if they can hold hearings to determine this to be true that that is the way they would proceed the question would then become whether the republican controlled senate would then move to remove would proceed to remove the president from office but it would be very difficult for republicans to defend very clear cut evidence of the president intentionally breaking the law and kimberly i guess it is worth revisiting at this point what the position has been off the trump trower project from trump himself up until this point well there's been flat of denials but this reporting seems to indicate again. quoting two law enforcement officials that have knowledge of the investigation and probe that in fact not only has donald trump had business deals with russia something he's flatly denied but not only has he directed his longtime attorney michael cohen allegedly to lie to
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congress but they also supported a plan to continue these negotiations to potentially visit russia directed his longtime attorney to reach out to vladimir putin to jumpstart the negotiations for the trump tower project there is apparently evidence of this according to these law enforcement officials that is in the form of tax as well as e-mails and further we understand from this reporting that donald trump jr and donald trump's daughter ivanka trump were also kept abreast of these negotiations something that evocate trump has also released a statement saying and denying ok kimberly how thank you for that update from the white house let's take this on with eric ham he's a political analyst he's also the author of the g.o.p. civil war he's joining us from our washington d.c. bureau thanks for speaking to us so does this then if these reports are proven to be true does this take the prospect of impeachment to a new level some comparisons are being made to richard nixon here. absolutely and
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this is actually what brought richard nixon down so yes this is a direct parallel to that and those impeachment proceedings that took place under the nixon administration and i do believe that if this is in fact true we could begin to see at least the house judiciary committee under gerry now began laying the groundwork for potential impeachment proceedings now we have her from nancy pelosi that she wants to wait until all the effort in from information evidence is in from the mother probe and i do believe that dim house democrats will be prudent to do that but clearly if this is true i think the president needs to begin not only lawyer loitering up but he needs to start beefing up the white house counsel immediately hey here's the thing donald trump has just tweeted about thirteen minutes ago not surprisingly i guess he's basically saying that cohen is lying to reduce his jail time at this point it is cohen's word against trump words
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because this report by buzz feed's cites two under federal law enforcement officials so there is still a lot of information that needs to come out. well that's true and again we simply do not know how much information and what information specifically the mother probe does have right now now if you look at some of the comments that have been made from president trump's lawyer former mayor judy giuliani on this issue it does appear that they're attempting to move the goal post and one reason for that could be because of information that has been recently obtained and so they may be trying to get ahead of it this information that was just released overnight could be what we see giuliani attempting to get in front of because if in fact bob muller does have evidence hard evidence that suggests that that that trump. pushed cohen to lie not only is that an impeachable offense but then again that
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could begin to actually moves fragile senate republicans to also seek to remove the president and i think that would involve and that could lead to more legal jeopardy for this president here's the thing a lot of our viewers watching right now the news grid want to know why trump hasn't gotten impeached saying if it had been another president the process would have probably started long ago do you agree with that. well i think the this president has been very adept at making this a political issue and so what he has done is he has attacked the mall the probe he has and he has attacked the department of justice he has attacked the f.b.i. agencies that have there's always been a war that has divided the white house from the department of justice while president trump has if this raid at that wall and now you have many americans who
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simply don't know whom to believe and as a result of that we see the president i think being very successful and tying muller and many law enforcement officials to. break partisanship and so as a result of that trump has been a do able to survive because of not only the strength of his hardcore base but also the the simple questions that many americans have and simply are not willing to move on this issue remember when bill clinton got impeached his numbers actually sort after that and so i think democrats are being very careful not to repeat those same stakes ok eric ham we thank you for joining us on al-jazeera well in this latest episode of the listening post the team takes an in-depth look at how u.s. networks have been covering the trump presidency and the stories so they speak to a former n.b.c. reporter who criticized criticizes mainstream media outlets are being held hostage by trump by incessantly he says covering his presidency listening post weekly
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program examines and dissect the world's media and how they operate and the stories they cover watch this episode online or every saturday at eight thirty g.m.t. . now european union chemicals experts are proposing banning micro plastics to combat pollution so the tiny bits of plastic end up in waterways oceans and in animals last year scientists found the first evidence of micro plastics in people but there is no research yet about the impact on our bodies so micro plastics are found in things like cosmetics and detergents but the largest user is the agriculture industry fertilizers are wrapped in tiny plastic shells that emit them slowly into the soil but the pastika is left behind the european commission estimates that up to two hundred thousand tonnes of micro plastics enter the environment every year and that the ban could cut that by thirty
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thousand tonnes the u.s. and u.k. already have partial bans in forests and the e.u. hopes its proposal could set a standard for industries around the world but the tiny particles are also created by the breakdown of bigger items like bottles or plastic bags and the ban won't change that critics are use such measures aren't enough to deal with a problem that's reached epic proportions let's speak to a year when davos sees the head of programmes at the plastic soup foundation he's joining us via skype from amsterdam thanks for speaking to us so this proposal by the e.u. is targeting what it says intentional micro plastics can you first explain what intentional my career plastics are. headed like the plastics are actually plastics are there with the invention of the perfect and so. you do it on purpose that's actually the basic learning of events he edits and to give you an example you're going to have the plastics to do scripts for example or you you don't do any more
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descriptive to use actually particles like. ok but some people are saying well this really isn't enough to deal with a problem that has now reached epic proportions because there's a large quantity of micro plastics that's not intentional it's released to the environments from other products like village vehicle tires for example you know through it you have a lot of degradation of materials micro plastics are going else or for example from clothes that textile isn't a big source of micro plastic michael quietus every time you wash your clothes in a washing machine or never twice it's nine million by bush for example so that's enormous there's my critics are found everywhere in that the bush trenches in the ocean but also on the tops of the himalaya in the north pole in the south pole so you can basically say plastic is everywhere and in the air like the right is wildlife as well as human health and as we're saying the environment yes that's
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actually there the interesting thing with the european battle now and then she added michael plastics that you are being chemical agents he is now investigating is that a risk for human health or the employment that we board that this at this months and that's very interesting because that's actually the first step in regulating will issue a host michael plastics in the environment which would be a very good and very necessary case goes yet there's so much press that around we need to regulate and take steps so what are the steps then needed to regulate plastics and how do you effectively stop plastic pollution at its source. yeah i think that it would eventually had like the plastics to burn it's like cosmetics or detergents of fertilizers as and you can actually say that's a design merit just get rid of it that it's there that's actually the easy part and it's similar to the cut about steaks or straws what's going on right now and a global scale there to go they should most of plastics from textiles or guard dogs
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or all kind of pressed materials you know our daily lives that's more clearly lies one of our viewers on you tube is asking you this in fact what can the everyday person the average person do to help avoid this kind of pollution and is the best thing to do is actually reset and you don't want to let it die you can visit the website bless the. coalition dot org and you can get there what can you actually do in making your daily at the stations and buying foods in. all kind of human products because you do have different options and that is a big difference and inequality and sometimes you really don't need to plastic as well but in other cases you can better buy a better quality and that's that makes a big difference ok we thank you very much for speaking to us from amsterdam you're welcome now if you had to al-jazeera dot com and you click on shows and select earthrise will come to this page it's al-jazeera as award winning environmental so
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exploring the most significant threats to our planet by highlighting eco friendly solutions from around the world and in this episode earthrise travel to canada to meet people dedicated to clear plastic waste from our oceans the team also goes to france where a movement is underway to rid the country of oil based plastic. if you're watching us on facebook live coming up next is a story for you about why and how navajo you are keeping your language alive and later on the news grid as thousands of people flee poverty and violence in venezuela we look at the impact it's having on the children who've been left behind . the caspian sea is showing its usefulness as a warm body of water see this mess of clarity that seems have a current that is going to develop into a proper winter storm it'll throw snow back into northern iran up through
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turkmenistan and uzbekistan look at the circulation temp job particularly low here but of course the ground isn't often enough code in the for it to be snow and it will stop or spread east would be on sunday and into sunday generating some useful falls as far as afghanistan leaving fine weather behind all this time i've ignored an event completely the weather's been relatively speaking benign and that's true in turkey as well the wind is dying a cloud is disappearing and the sky is blue and that's true for the sas as sun this dust is settling out of yesterday's dust storm twenty one there on seventy riyad where it should be if a little on the cold side still a northerly breeze blowing your notes but probably a less dusty one has been the case in the last couple days now as a drop sas to strong active weather in something my eyes mozambique and if you look at this cloudy you get the idea of us of a patch for a secular nation for me it's not going to be anything more than
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a tropical low but even that brings the potential of significant flooding for southern mozambique. in search of a safer neighborhood it was a huge will make a mouse into being a man who can't put my family in the hole they discerned that's a problem for me struggling to secure a home really really quite of our military in the long run though we don't we could potentially lose the house and living paycheck to paycheck there's nobody to blame and live with the consequences every day of the choices that have been hard. on al-jazeera. rewind returns can bring your people back to life i'm sorry with brian you updates on the best of al-jazeera documentaries in liberal i was the global for us and the like and the others through the rewind continues with children of conflict we'd love so peace in this world especially.
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this is a must read articles right now on our website al jazeera dot com and the top spot and a more normal great white shark believed to be one of the biggest on record has been spotted off the coast of hawaii by divers it was a surprise appearance by the six meter female shark you can read more about that story on al-jazeera dot com. the democratic republic of congo is rejecting the african union's attempt to intervene in the disputed presidential election so the a us calling for the announcement of the final result to be postponed because of election fraud concerns provisional results with declared the opposition leader felix just the winner are now being challenged in court by his rival martin you lose accusing sick idea of plotting to raise the going president joseph kabila. has more from the capital kinshasa. government officials in kinshasa have told the africa that this country. can tell the.
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elections they also say they can fees because they get. from african leaders we know the african isn't happy with. the southern african develop. community issued a statement saying that the people of the d r c should be able to resolve the crisis foreign country should not interfere and people especially. wait for an outcome from the courts we know that aid constitutional judges are meant to make an announcement on the way forward they could either say the. which means he will be sworn in as president in a few days time they could order a recount or they could say the whole process was a mess be held again which could take months maybe even years and that means it could be the remains of president until those elections are held. the opposition leader the catholic church has won the election by sixty one percent if he's not happy with the outcome from the court. to go on to the streets and protest is no
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guarantee. on friday it could be over the weekend or sometime next week. what he describes as a chaotic situation without outside interference. place is a political management and now we are told the skeleton process of election now we're out with very poor results being contested by everyone and all students from all of africa and all over the world the media were doing even more on the table today when a cultic situation i think we need to turn away and leave things to try to find a solution because the risk is very very ard to go in a very serious scale in the congo we don't want to leave again in congo don't want something similar i think we need to try and see what the to persuade to get out of this situation which is strictly cultic when you take ten minutes from these adult
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state separately and when you see them by little groups and when you see them and you say it's shows that the reasonable vision it's all at that level of the african management of the conflict and i think we should try and leave these two candidates hands and let them find solutions and solution is an issue and power the process to be negotiated in congo. a u.s. policeman set to be sentenced for a murder what sparked protests and demands for police reform seventeen year old the quantock donald was shot sixteen times while carrying a knife in chicago five years ago jason van dyke is the first sick aagot officer in fifty years to be convicted of shooting on duty covering the story for us john hendren is joining us from just outside the courthouse and chicago so it's quite unprecedented john what do we expect a sentencing to be. willfully as you put it this
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is really the trial of a half century here in chicago much anticipated in everybody's watching what's happening with this sentence in particular because of what happened just one day earlier three other officers were acquitted of conspiracy in trying to cover up the shooting and you may recall that shooting was not revealed to the public until the video was brought out a year after the fact so a lot of anticipation going on here at the cook county courthouse in chicago that the defendant jayson vandyke faces an incredibly wide range of potential sentence his defense team is asking for probation but he could get if all of those if he is convicted on all of those charges and they may run them concurrently he could get up to ninety six years in prison and the prosecution hasn't made a specific recommendation but among the motions they have filed one of them said perhaps eighteen years would be appropriate but activists insist they want the full ninety six year term in order to send
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a message to other police officers here in chicago so a much anticipated case very high stakes and of course this all came out because of a police video a dash cam video that shows look on macdonald high on p.c.p. walking away from police officers and refusing commands to drop the knife in his hand then jason vandyke shot him sixteen times. and there were plenty of other officers there but only van dyke fired many of those shots were in the back and that has what people that's what has people in this community upset of course with one mcdonnell he's an african-american man and jason van dyke is white and so that has brought the racial tone to this story where people are concerned about what they call a blue code of silence for officers are able to shoot african-american men and then cover it up to what extent john was this incident at the time one of the case says that really spurred a broader conversation about policing and black communities. this
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was certainly the key chase in chicago fully but also there been many across the nation this one really captured everybody's attention because a year after the shooting that dash cam video came out and wall looked on macdonald was holding a knife he was clearly walking away from officers at the time and sixteen shots a lot of people feel was just far too much even if he was going to shoot look on mcdonald so the officer jason van dyke has been charged with one count of aggravated battery for each of the sixteen bullets he fired activists in this community are prepared they are they are prepared to run in the streets to protest this action they have already shut down two major highways during the course of that trial and messages have been sent out that they should show up in force to be prepared to respond to what happens today there's been talk of shutting down the city of chicago if the sentence isn't satisfactory so there's some very high stakes
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here and this is really the most closely watched police trial here in decades so there's a lot of reaction expected john while i have you with us let me just finally ask you then when should be we we be looking out for the decision the sentencing. well it could be a matter of hours probably. that's because their victim impact statements the family of look for macdonald is not really spoken publicly about this but they are likely to speak through the prosecutors to offer their version of this story and talk about why this was an aggravated circumstance it deserves a heavy penalty jason vandyke probably will speak in his own defense about mitigating factors his wife and daughter are likely to speak we don't know who else but that can take a very long time so i think it will be hours before we really have a result here and of course it's probably strategic that they did this on
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a friday when people will have the weekend to sort of do just what happens here but the response probably could be in the ok of john hendren thank you and tweet john any comments or questions he's on twitter at john hendren and realize i imagine this topic is being discussed widely online and really a star in the conviction of a chicago police officer for a murder in the line of duty is huge news but online a lot of attention is focused on a related case the acquittal of three other officers accused of covering up the quanah donald's killing a comma donald and sixteen shots a trending across the u.s. and also in canada now reverend jesse jackson says they were guilty of lying obstructing justice they reduce the credibility and moral authority of the police justice to lade is justice denied they said in annoying ads that this represents a larger problem with chicago pace and also accountability and black lives matzoh says the system has proven that it is unwilling and incapable of delivering true
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justice throughout the entire system while bishop thomas grant says it makes no sense that these three offices were not found guilty in the macdonald case and he said this clip on twitter. yeah ok. well. here is. the power. of just. but the fraternal order of police which represents rank and file offices of the chicago police department praised the rulings saying the judge should be applauded for her courage while community activists are calling for protests at the sentencing of jason van dyke later on friday and you will continue to monitor the story and also update you with more details in the meantime tweet us is the hash
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tag his get real or thank you while also making news around the world are these stories and the latest last remaining rebel group in colombia is being the blame for the government by the government that is for thursday's bombing of a police academy twenty one people were killed and dozens injured in bogota president yvonne took a suspended peace talks started by his predecessor with an or national liberation army he's ordered security forces to find and prosecute the perpetrators families in venezuela struggling to cope with the economic crisis are not only abandoning the country but also their children who they can no longer provide for there are now a growing number of children living on the streets and orphanages are running out of space to house them terrorise a bow reports. is. going to holly's eleven years old he's mother left him in this orphanage two years ago she went to colombia to escape the
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ongoing crisis in venezuela a minister in the end we were received here with open arms we are taught many things and i don't want to leave my dreams behind. this is the mingle view orphanage a place that provides a home to at least fourteen children and gives an education to dozens of others. they were little is in charge he says that what's been happening here is yet another consequence of the crisis i mean. we receive children from other places that we try to keep because there is a process for abandoned children one woman came with a three month old baby that she couldn't feed we were going to the level of undernourishment has increased among children because families colonel feed them but the situation is not easy for the managers of the. finding resources to support the kids is becoming more challenging every day both handling this orphanage are struggling to make ends meet they have to feed the children and you can see right
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behind me and educate them these are the latest donations then they have received you can see all of this bill and with all of the money they can barely bag one pack of bags the other problem are the medicines johnny ace is fifteen and has a neurological problem we're told he needs all these medicines to control the condition they're almost impossible to find and when they're located they're expensive president model has announced new measures to end the economic crisis in venezuela but most economists say that they're unlikely to improve the situation anytime soon hyperinflation makes life here extremely difficult for most people. daughter was one of those who left she left her five year old son santiago in her mother's care but in this case it's difficult i miss my daughter very much i really need her the situation here is harder and harder every day prices go up and up you
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work and work and it's not enough for anything there is no official data on how many children were left behind and in which conditions in the past years almost three million venezuelans have left the country it is an issue that war is lawyers like a lot bonnie a move to what we are seeing now is a new phenomenon of children that are left behind some are cared for by their families and others are not so there is no control over who is responsible for that child legally whether they are studying or living on the street family thing venezuela are struggling to deal with the impact of the country's crisis leaving their country and children behind is for some parents the only option they see to survive the several paragraphs he was secretary of state my pompei i will meet with his north korean counterpart in washington later on friday kerry on troll arrived on thursday he's been leading denuclearization talks with washington earlier presidents from described as an extraordinary threat as he revealed the new missile
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defense strategy florence lou is following the developments from the south korean capital seoul. the expected meeting between u.s. secretary of state might pump aoe and north korean official kim yong chill is expected to restart momentum that was lost on denuclearization talks between north korea and the u.s. it also comes amid all the positive signals that we've been seeing in the region recently south korean president had urged north korea to take bold practical action towards nuclear disarmament now he had also urged the u.s. to consider declaring a formal end to the korean war to encourage north korea to take more steps towards giving up its nuclear program and we've also seen north korean leader kim jong il visit beijing to meet with chinese president xi jinping possibly to strategize over a possible upcoming meeting between u.s. president donald trump and kim jong il and now progress since that first meeting
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took place in singapore in june last year has stalled we've had very little concrete evidence that north korea is getting rid of its nuclear arsenal it has yet to announce a timetable it's still operating its missile bases and it's thought to be continuing to improve its missile capabilities in fact a recently released report by the u.s. missile defense review concluded that north korea remains a significant threat now essentially north korea and the u.s. consulate gree on what denuclearization should look like the u.s. wants complete and verifiable denuclearization north korea argues that that would put it in a defenseless position and it wants its actions to be met by corresponding actions by the u.s. either in the form of removing some sanctions or removing its strategic military assets from south korea so that's a huge chasm between the two countries but talks on denuclearization between the
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u.s. and north korea are still seen as a possible new avenue to peace the arab economic summit is being seen as a failure. even before it begins on sunday arab league foreign and finance ministers have been meeting in beirut though most heads of state have pulled out the countries involved disagree over relations with damascus on efforts to contain iran syria's membership was suspended in twenty twelve because of the war over lebanon's foreign minister is pushing for it to be restored the rebels have rejected the role of an expanded u.n. group of monitors to oversee the ceasefire in the yemen a u.n. team supervising the truce came under fire in the city of her data on thursday they were leaving a meeting with a yemeni government delegation when shots were fired no one was harmed on wednesday the u.n. security council approved seventy five new on our monitors to yemen britain's prime minister is set to meet her top ministers to discuss the next steps on brics it a spokeswoman says to reason may also have
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a constructive call with the german chancellor and we'll talk with other e.u. leaders this weekend labor leader jeremy corbin is refusing to join cross party discussions until a no deal breck's it is ruled out may has already met other rival party leaders seeking a breakthrough after her agreement to leave the e.u. was overwhelmingly rejected by parliament and the european union has imposed tariffs on rice exports from cambodia and me and maher the bloc says its previous policy allowing cambodia to export most goods duty free is damaging european producers cambodia's special trading status is also under threats that's after the e.u. put it on notice over its human rights record when haye has more from tom paine. for the past decade cambodia has had one of the best performing economies in the world thanks largely to the biggest buyer of its goods europe but the european union isn't happy and is taking action it's impose tariffs on rice from cambodia
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and me and mom for three years following a complaint from italy the italians want to protect their rice industry from falling prices caused by imports from the two countries that surged eighty percent in the past five seasons until now cambodia and me and maher enjoyed tariff free access to european markets under a program designed to help developing countries despite being planned for some time the announcement from the e.u. seemed to catch the cambodian government off guard. the ministry just received the official statement which is sixty four pages long from the a few minutes ago so we will discuss the details internally first i apologize we have to delay the press conference. the news gets worse with the e.u. signaling it will also place tariffs on all other goods from cambodia as punishment for what it says is a deterioration in democracy and human rights ahead of last july's election the government launched a crackdown on dissent which resulted in the largest opposition party being
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disbanded prime minister who has remained publicly defiant in the face of increased pressure and scrutiny from the west which has come amid a surge of investment and trade with china privately his attitude may be different though given that cambodian businesses osip to become less competitive in their biggest markets europe. the first step initiated by the e.u. in october will see cambodia under investigation for six months after which the formal process of imposing tariffs will begin the move would be particularly hard on the garment which employs around eight hundred thousand people activists say the action by europe provides an opportunity for the government to clean up its act it's very important for the government to make sure that you know they have the capacity enough to maintain the in west and also to build the trade in wire months and strengthen the link when we can isms reduce corruption in europe buys more than
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forty percent of cambodia's exports but right now the old saying that the customer is always right doesn't seem to be holding true wayne hay al jazeera phnom penh it's day twenty eight's of the longest partial government shutdown in u.s. history analysts say if a solution is not found it could push the economy towards recession but the human cost is mounting demand from food banks across the country is growing that says hundreds of thousands of federal workers go without pay and gallagher reports from florida. for almost thirty years farm shows mission has been a simple one take supplies food and feed the hungry soup kitchens churches and homeless shelters are the biggest customers in the last few weeks that's changed where interest on learning and learning alt they live these vehicles are headed to locations across florida where they're dealing with a new demand we are receiving more and more cost of hungry people throughout the state on because of the government shutdown says yes we are really responding to
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those individuals as we do any other and that's a lot rob just one paycheck to paycheck so away from being hungry stuff to say the situation is unprecedented under normal circumstances this part of the white house would normally be empty but as you can see there are boxes of things like spaghetti with label saying disaster assistance on the side and the demand is increased so much over the last few weeks the staff here now are working seven days a week just to keep up to the minute free time when we might be among those working without pay or air traffic controllers many say their commitment to keeping the flying public safe is being tested i can say as time goes on the system beacons to be less safe it's definitely less safe than it was just a couple of weeks ago and now we're getting to a point now where it's it's a big distraction and people are worried those responsible for airport security are
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also working without pay with no prospect of a resolution there's growing anger among federal workers. on florida's space coast nassar employees are calling for an end to the shutdown even as many face financial hardships food banks charities and churches continue to support those hit by the longest government shutdown in u.s. history but as the weeks stretch on the choices the many get harder and gallacher al-jazeera miami florida.
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a much what national pride was perhaps more important than the actual results of qatar came out on top jonica reports. they say politics and sports shouldn't mix but this much was a political football the nineteen month long blockade of cattle led by saudi arabia and the united arab emirates continues to divide the region with funds wondered whether the diplomatic dispute would spill on to the pitch in the u.a.e. capital would happy in the first half caste cut through the tension and the saudi defense only for our lawyers alley to be brought down in the box in fees that minnesota once thought that assault their captain has done i'll have to say hesitated and the penalty was saved by saudi keep a yes i say them. but into first half stoppage time cast the break through a more as alley again found a gap to school now thanks to the outsider who never had his celebration was
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ignored by the crowd it's against the law in the u.a.e. to show support for cats are they castries almost scored a second midway through the second half but alloys alys goal was disallowed for a foul. ultimately though his persistence was rewarded in the eightieth minutes ahead in cattle to a two nil victory although both sides had already qualified for the last sixty or so. would like to congratulate the qatari people for important win this one will give us a big motivation in our round of sixteen match and i think we are moving in the right direction sports channel be in sports flew in josie marino to comment on the match a cattery t.v. station is having its broadcast pirated in saudi arabia and is taking legal action to stop it in his first appearance since being sacked as manager of manchester united he had this to say on the game of qatar was the best to him so i i think i'm going that direction to call retrogrades the country to call red to lead the
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working group and of course there must be. in the right in the right direction as the political blockade shows no sign of ending this same goes for catalyst progress at the asian cup joining al-jazeera. now the blockade on qatar means that they don't have a travelling support at the asian cup but fortunately for the team they did have funds from other countries to celebrate with south korean mary lease not deceit this time she sported a lovely maroon and white silk dress he had made her outfits have made her popular on social media but also got in trouble security officials apparently asked her to change before the tournament opener between the u.a.e. and bahrain but she has now been given special permission to wear her out fits only cattles games now remember also posted this video of fans singing and cheering as the qatar team danced after the final whistle in abu dhabi it
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prompted replies on twitter from catteries thanking oman and omanis saying qatar was their second country but there was in fact plenty of love between the qatar and saudi players as well mohammed from kuwait tweeted this despite all they are brothers and loved ones he said not quite as nice by saudi sports journalist abdel aziz e our marie sole who said we congratulate the un league for winning the game referencing that some of the cuts our players are foreign born he was criticized for that on both sides of the border a fellow saudi abu sultan saying it's a bad thing to lose a game and with that our manners to well tweet me your thoughts on that game or any of the stories you think we should be covering in your region i'm at reese he told me but with more at eighteen hundred g.m.t. for now it's back to during. thank you very much for that update and thanks for
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watching the news grid this evening that will do it for the show remember to keep in touch with us on social media you can use the hash tag a.j. news grads and you can connect with us on twitter on facebook and on whatsapp as well we will see you back here in studio fourteen fifteen hundred g.m.t. on saturday thanks for watching but by. portraying someone of the. sixty's seen through the eyes of those who know it best
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see. have to say to the few. al-jazeera world goes on the road with palestinian taxi drivers living and working at the heart of one of the most hotly contested locations on the. jerusalem's a palestinian cabbies. the latest news as it breaks the difference is that google's bottle's awesome flight is that authentic in the ritz with the this time both with truth is through. with details coverage has already said that he's ready to take over as interim president and calls for you elections. from around the world volunteers are doing what they can that's not the point behind the government's decision to criminalize homelessness it hundred. you know that corruption has reached a level like that before in our country. count side.
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to president of the united states. the power was in the data we will honor the american people with the truth and nothing else discovered. for winning the white house unfair game on al jazeera. mourners turn on sudanese police off to offices open fire at the funeral of a man killed during the latest anti-government protests. hello i'm maryam namazie in london you're with al-jazeera also coming up on the
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program fresh allegations emerged claiming president trump ordered his attorney to lie to congress over his business links with russia. a colombian armed group is buying for a car bombing that killed twenty one people at a police academy in bogota. i'm stephanie decker in bethlehem in the occupied west bank will be showing you what impact israel's restrictions and checkpoints have on the lives of palestinians. we begin the program in sudan where the funeral of a protest has become the latest flashpoint of anti-government on rest demonstrators blocked roads hold rocks and attacked a police vehicle security forces responded with tear gas and live ammunition activists say at least fifty people have died since protests against price rises
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and the president began last month so secure bari has mall or you got it. right the anger of these protesters was clear at the funeral of one of the latest victims who was killed on thursday at the hands of security forces i still owe. according to reports he was six years old and was shot for offering refuge to protesters. who. are you hours alone is not the only victim a doctor and a child were also killed at the hands of security forces on thursday in the capital hard to. and at the doctor's funeral on friday further protests broke out. chanting freedom at an impromptu sit in outside a hospital in khartoum was these protesters were initially on their way to the presidential palace to demand president omar bashir to end his nearly three decades
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in office. but the latest victims bodies were brought here so they changed their path. of. freedom peace. justice is their slogan and these people are not showing any signs of going away on thursday demonstrators clashed with police yet again in the capital hard to know the. activists say at least fifty people have been killed since the protests began on december nineteenth that's when the government decided to raise the price of bread but the authorities say that number is twenty eight but believe me here still more either lower our demands or the demands of everyone and god willing we will continue in the group be successful our protest today is large and we are going in the right direction. soaring inflation and high unemployment have led to these protests that are fast becoming the most sustained challenge to the rule of omar bashir in three decades.
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without going to the will he remains the fire ant for now saying they are being organized by external agents and ordering his security forces to use tear gas and life and the mission against the crowds both the e.u. and the un have urged restraint it won't be we reaffirm that we care about the young and their concerns we call on the young to be positive and preserve their country and not listen to cause that they stabilized today and it's security oh. but it's not just the young on the streets they seem to be coming from all walks of life. and this period of discontent in sudan looks set to continue. dorsetshire bari al-jazeera. morgan has been out near the latest protest and sent us this update. i'm back to bristol with the leaders of the protesters and once again we see hundreds of people coming out to protest saying that the police
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used live ammunition and tear gas to approach to try to kill themselves and protest you know speak a little bit on the shop you know we see people saying that they've had enough of this the fact that they come up peace with the fact that they believe that and you feel that they're met with force it's very frustrating for them to say they're just trying to avoid their demands that president omar of the should step down that they want to very decent lives we've talked to before yesterday talk to people to get to this day that all they want is for their demands to be heard all they want is for him to step down and handle part of interim council now these words are going on for a month three people were killed yesterday two of them from the area where i am right now and people are saying that they want the police to be back to what they have done they want the police to be held accountable it's not clear how far this would go where this was and obviously this has been going on for months like i said i am a city national says at least forty people have been killed activists to flee safety with the government saying that the death toll is only twenty four now people are saying that it doesn't matter what the government was who the president said he's going to try to treat it seems the president said he's going to try to put the common situation but people are seeing different this promises over and
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over again and the only thing they want is willing to step down and see somebody else to control sudan have to cross through to the divine president with that he's not going to step down and between the people who say they will continue to protest until he does. to beating democrats in the united states are vowing to investigate claims that president trump instructed his former personal lawyer michael cohen to lie to congress buzz feed news website is reporting that cohen was told he to deny he'd been in any negotiations with russia to build a skyscraper in moscow the chairman of the house intelligence committee adam schiff and the head of the house judiciary committee jerrold nadler both say they will investigate can really help it is at the white house and joins us now so the president could be in a whole new type of trouble according to these reports what sets this allegation apart from those in the past. it's extremely serious
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because essentially what this claim is if this is proven to be true this is citing two unnamed law enforcement officials but what this does is is direct testimony that apparently is in the possession of the special counsel robert mueller who is best to getting the president in connection to russia what this does is sort of draws the direct line not only to russia but shows that the president intentionally broke the law this is very damaging this could be historic if proven because what this is is an impeachable offense not only is there the instruction to lie it's to lie under oath which is perjury a convict a bull offense for any american regardless of whether you hold the highest office in the united states so democrats as you pointed out have said the president if this is true to resign or he faces impeachment proceedings this is something that
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democrats have long sought to do but now in light of these new allegations this report they are stepping up those efforts in order to find out whether or not this is in fact a true allegation he can be erratic and unpredictable at the best of times how might trunk be handling this pressure. well he's already reacting on twitter not in a carefully worded statement you would expect would come from the white house but instead quoting a fox news reporter who has tried to discredit michael cohen the president's former lawyer who is making these claims that law enforcement says has testified to the special counsel saying don't forget that michael cohen has already been convicted of perjury and fraud this is all true but this testimony again citing these two law enforcement officials is pretty incriminating not only does it say that the president lied but also that he supported a pet plan to potentially visit russia in order to negotiate potentially with
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lattimer putin over these plans to construct this skyscraper in moscow it also says that there is evidence in fact of regular updates to not only yvonne the president's daughter but his son donald trump jr and as well they're also citing law enforcement officials there is evidence perhaps that the president during the election was continuing to downplay when these happen so these are all very incriminating things we should point out that evocative has denied thank you from the white house correspondent kimberly elke it with the latest on that story well now the colombian government has accused yelland rebels of carrying out thursday's car bombing it's a police academy in bogota twenty one people were killed and sixty eight others injured when a vehicle with explosives broke through checkpoints and blew up the group has about two thousand fighters its leaders and to peace talks with the former president one manual santos in two thousand and seventeen but they were put on hold by his
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successor even decay. up as he joins us live now from bogota what proof does the government have that the airline was behind this attack. well maryam the attorney general's office says that they have both the intelligence and records showing that the attacker has their. role as it was a an explosive expert to. land that he had lost his right hand in a previous attack an explosion for this group and that until recently he was running explosives training for lan rebels in camp on the border with venezuela in regions where the land operates and where they have their stronghold a second person has been arrested in relation to there is
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a attack and the attorney general's office says that he was caught on the phone talking about his role in the attack and that outreach to beef here know that he's part of an urban cell of the land here in the capital bogota now as you were saying if all of this is true or at least that the government believes that all of this is true they might decide to shut down once and for all be in the goshi ations a very difficult negotiation that the government has been trying to sustain with this rebel group for the last active rebel group in the country which while smaller than the feyerick the rebel group the larger rebel group they're signed a peace deal with the colombian government through two thousand and sixteen the land has so far proven more difficult to negotiate with than experts say that has to do with the fact that their chain of command is more diffuse their structures in
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different part of the country operate off and unilaterally without their leadership and knowing what they are doing we don't know if that was the case with this attack in bogota or if indeed they are behind. at attack there is a security meeting that is going on now as we speak and we're expecting president to do to come out at the end of that meeting and make a decision on the peace negotiations with the yelling that has been a reduction in violence in the country in recent years how people are reacting to this attack but of course there is a lot of anger here the last time that there was an attack of this size in the capital bogota for example was back in two thousand and three we're talking about sixteen years ago that's the last time that a car bomb exploded in the capital bogota we've seen that in a vigil is that for example the.
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