tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera January 20, 2019 12:00am-1:00am +03
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regime is true that the government doesn't see that but it can happen that can happen through a new political party taking over the ruling party sidestepping the shia and bringing someone else in his place but one thing we can be sure of is that saddam before the nineteenth of december is not the same saddam post nineteen december when the protests started. bashir has promised economic reforms but as protests continue into a second month some sudanese say they're ready to sacrifice their lives to see change changes which president bashir doesn't appear ready to me well we're going to hear now from. activists and members of a free for which is a nonviolent resistance movement which is helping to organize the protests in sudan and he says people want change so the number of protesters is growing despite the violence. this is a decentralized movement that's happening and there's always different groups and they're all uniting on one cause which is like you need to go and a lot of the organization is happening through
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a coalition through the professional sudanese association and there's called for protests and when the call comes out you need professional position another one organizing on the ground all these different groups work in the decentralized way to get people to work so people from different cities from different neighborhoods will come together and they're organizing small cells and everybody comes together because they know the call is coming so it's this is definitely a movement that people will want a lot of people within the national congress party the ruling party are actually turning and thinking that they need change too so there's we've been hearing more and more voices from within the party that think this is over we need to move on and we need to reach a real democracy we need to have so those voices are coming out so i think there's a main street in consciousness in the city in the society because for years we haven't been talking about it in the mainstream and now people are talking about this and i even have my own family groups what sappy loops and social media groups
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that are they used to always talk about as you go kes and whatnot and now they're actually talking about this so there is this mainstream consciousness and people are talking about it and now with more marches was sittin and all these calls for a strike there's more and more talk about people wanting to change and imagining the change so this is happening right now and i think is being we need strong and if it wasn't for the strong violence that people are faced with the borders would have been way way bigger and now there's still growing every single part as being bigger than the one before. well for more on this seemingly developing situation in sudan check out this episode of inside stories hosted by my colleague mohammed jump june examines the background to the protests and where this could be leading al jazeera dot com. now when the protests in sudan began last month one of the measures taken by the government to try to quell them was to shut down the internet
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it is an increasingly common tactic that we're seeing in many parts of the world and has more in that region thanks nic well according to rights group access now internet shutdowns are becoming fall coming in with three hundred seventy one documented cases over the last two years and we were just talking about sudan and that's just a typical example as demonstrations over the price of bread became anti government protests president omar al bashir blocked access to social media platforms like twitter and whatsapp and also facebook that were then being used by the organizes and they've also been shut down as this week in zimbabwe as this activist told us the online space is the free space for expression in zimbabwe so by shutting down the internet the state stopped our handle open pylea and many other alternative media sources in zimbabwe from giving rolling coverage of the protests and the repression that subsequently happened the internet is now back but only partially
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and facebook you tube and twitter blocked so that's making us use alternative platforms to keep getting alternative information out there using platforms such as telegram. and one of the longest known shutdowns more than forty weeks in twenty seventeen and eighteen so place in cameroon as a protest movement gained strength in the countries in the speaking regions according to facebook's twenty eighteen transparency report and turning to asia china has long been known for its tight internet security freedom house says beijing was the worst abuse of instant freedom in twenty eighteen and the chinese model of censorship and surveillance seems to be expanding to other parts of the world meanwhile every shutdown has economic implications that all created this tool that estimates the impact of internet disruption mobile data blackouts and also restrictions and those can be huge for example zimbabwe
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a country already plagued by a weak economy and political uncertainty would lose one point four million dollars in one day compare that to the united states where a single day without the internet could have an impact of over one point five billion dollars and then there's cuba it has virtually no broadband internet access and only a limited mobile network so the impact there would be zero well do you know of any other internet shutdown taking place around the world let us know is the hash tag eighteen is great nick very very very much indeed really just mentioned that right now with the who's director of the world they focus on digital rights cyber security and governance joins us now from istanbul brings the story this is new because it's the social media is a powerful tool not only for protesters but over for any regime when it pulls the plug in to shut it down. well that's right i mean what we've seen in africa in the last few weeks is really a groundswell
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a change of the pace of things we've seen various forms of internet disruptions we've seen total blackouts we've seen partial but very extensive blackouts for example sudan where we saw this huge uprising not only because of the protest itself but because the internet was down so we see this both as a form of control of populations but also as a form of expression really the only the last remaining form that people can use to express themselves and that is now being shut off systematically in something that appears to be a contagion spreading through the continent i'm just wondering about that how does it actually work how do you set about how does a government set about just closing down social media in the internet where there's a bit of a cat and mouse game so this technology that implements this kind of destruction you could call it censorship or you could call it mass blocking and this is always developing much of this technology has actually been sold by western vendors to the global south and these tools are essentially a kill switch it's
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a way that government authorities can use to switch off vast parts of the internet at very short notice and we've seen these technologies developing fortunately the technology to detect these has also improved we now have a window of some fifteen minutes where we can catch these incidents in real time and before you had no idea that it was happening because by its very definition when a government switches off its internet the people can't let the world know or you get a silence and all you hear from the one or two percent who still remain online who say everything's fine so really there's been developments in how or thirty's do it but also in the way that the global community is able to track this right is a kind of nuclear weapon of of online censorship isn't it really is what's the response is really kind of that whole tonnage of infrastructure that you can employ to stop governments doing that. so unfortunately what we have if we have a partial shutdown for example what we saw in sudan or what we saw in zimbabwe over
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the last few days for some period of time it's possible to use we peons virtual private networks which allow you to then circumvent censorship to access these services and it's possible to get these cheap or free nowadays unfortunately authorities are resorting to more extreme forms of blocking in response to the increasing use of the parents and we find now the total blackouts not only of internet but even of entire telecoms infrastructures this is it knocks out the whole ecosystem you find businesses collapsing they can't access they can't trade but also people can access health care services so they've been meshed technologies for example people can build community networks unfortunately he's a very difficult to do and also illegal in some countries where building your own alternative infrastructure is really not something that authorities look on fondly but this question remains how can we let people access knowledge access communications and also say stay for during these emergencies the. comment you made about the economic effects it was that there's an estimate flying around that the
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three day shutdown in zimbabwe cost seventeen million dollars how and in what way does it cost an economy money. well this is been a big question i think since around the time of india shut down in two thousand and ten in china people have been asking that's what happens when you shut down an economic powerhouse a developing economy and we've developed a methodology to try to assess this economic impact we've been working with the internet society to formulate economic models that can actually assess this these figures have been used as the reference reference point quite a lot recently because they show the direct and indirect economic impact so for example ok you have the amount that a trader can sell on one day but you also have the loss of investor confidence i'm not going to invest in a country where my startups risk of just being shut down just like that's beyond that you also have informal informal economy so where is formal is perhaps
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something where you have a ledger where you have sales you have in africa especially you have informal economies you have people selling livestock selling selling their good selling their handmade whereas using say whatsapp we're using instant messaging to sell these goods and those economies collapse you can never get them back once once this is been suffocated for for a few days i'll talk to thanks very much we were talking a fascinating story appreciate your time your perspective thanks. all right this is a news grid and if you're with us on facebook why we got a bonus story for you about it chef's way of showing solidarity with those affected by the government shutdown in the united states at that from our friends that a.j. plus a later why this picture could derail this year's women's march in washington d.c. the controversy that has some organizations dropping out.
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hello there should be a significant amount of snow in afghanistan next day or so all this same assistance wrapped around and i was just west of turkmenistan is producing a fair amount of snow as it drags in a bit of warmth from the relatively speaking mild the caspian sea was all gone east was fairly quickly messy a picture for sunday worthwhile dying for time poor i think after all it's been dry conditions in afghanistan for the whole year there's a big gap all the way to the west before the next system throws least cloud across the levant across iraq to be there all monday tao it probably would be nothing more than picking up what dust there is around doesn't be much in the way of rain or snow upon that system sas equally things have cotton down but it's still on the cold side compared with the average for bahrain eastern side in qatar in the u.a.e.
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that doesn't change very much slow warming i suppose during monday and a dry picture everywhere the rain she's course correct for the season has showed itself quite substantially in madagascar recently and that massive cloud was thinking about develop into a cycle it won't do that but it will increase the rain again in southern madagascar trust the china cross in southern mozambique as well though the wind quite strong. taiwan. a sovereign island state or a renegade province of china that must soon return to mainland control. as the battle for taiwanese hearts and minds intensifies. people in power investigates the tactics of those to whom reunification is only a matter of time. taiwan spies lies and prostrate us on
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well let's see what's trending on al-jazeera dot com a different kind of story top of the pile on this this newsgroup spot general graham a white shark off the y. o. about a six meter female shark you made a surprise visit on tuesday joining other shots feasting on the carcass of a sperm whale apparently fifty years old a record not shark is new to say wide maybe pregnant but we do not want to tell you next couple stories ones we've been covering already more u.s. senate said lindsey graham's visit to turkey and saying that u.s. saudi ties cannot move until someone is dealt with and also of course protests against president omar al bashir of sudan please live rounds outside the food of
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slate right. now this weekend marks the second anniversary of donald trump's election as president of the united states at the halfway mark of his time has seen the u.s. go out of the global climate accord launch a trade war with china crack down on undocumented migrants and trigger the longest government shutdown in american history and diplomatic editor james bays now reports there are concerns over what trumps next move will be. on his very first stay in office president trump made his international agenda very clear his actions abroad would be guided by his view of the interests of the people at home in the u.s. from this day forward it's going to be only america first america first. this policy made him the
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disrupter in chief on the world stage freaking out the u.s. is closest friends are pending international treaties like the paris climate deal which the u.s. had signed and threatening to completely change the international rules based multilateral order that had existed for seventy years. after two years of trump u.s. allies are worried about what could come next there are nerved by his attitude to russia since world war two nato has been the u.s. is most important defense alliance but each year when trump has attended the annual summit he's questioned not only how much others a spending on defense but also the basic premise of the organization a mutual defense pact alliance leaders are so nervous they haven't even set a date for the c.s. summit. they're walking like eggshells right i mean it is. a bit
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like a borderline personality the central right leg you're always you're guarding yourself what is the thing that i might say or do that could set this person off that's not it you don't know how to manage a relationship like that and some of that he can't help himself and some of that is actual strategy it is actually who he is it's how he thinks he gets is successful the u.n. is also deeply worried trump pulled out of the cultural body unesco cut funding to the part of the u.n. that helps palestinians annorah and in a move that may have been bold in the world's dictators gave up the u.s. a seat on the un human rights council now the white house is turning its attention to the un's budget as the u.s. funds twenty two percent of the regular budget and almost a third of the cost of peacekeeping such cuts could be devastating in other parts of the world they fear a u.s. pullout to the government in afghanistan has been propped up by u.s.
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troops and cash for nearly eighty years and there's confusion over the u.s. involvement in the middle east trampled an immediate pullout of u.s. troops from syria but other senior officials have suggested the u.s. will make sure i sall is defeated first there are many questions for the next two years will this administration take further steps to confront iran will dialogue with north korea continue all or be a return to threats of nuclear conflict with this most unscripted of presidents there is only one certainty and that is that things will remain unpredictable james zira at the united nations. well let's take the zone joining us now from washington d.c. via skype is u.s. foreign policy expert john jones who is also a former national security advisor to the senate minority leader chuck schumer joins welcome to the program as james was just saying in that film that one defining trait of trumps ten years so far has been confusion fair to say
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to a degree there certainly has been a good deal of confusion in the president trump certainly has demonstrated at times a rather aggressive approach toward traditional u.s. allies who he's not in agreement with but i gather the hostility and the aggressive approach pretty much stops at the principle level has it become the. process for trumpet ministration officials to implement damage control and clean up in response to the confusion or in to the unexpected announcement whether it's been in the europe and europe or the middle east is outreach towards russia north korea notwithstanding his motivations have not brought forth any meaningful accomplishments outside of meetings and summit so what do i mean by that north korea's nuclear activity continues while russia still imposes its will on its
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neighbors and its involvement its continued involvement in foreign elections remains a concern we might have we might use it should we have the council not later we might see some movement on that lots of point with this forthcoming summit expected between trump and kim jong il in february. we're going to have to see the summit is always a step in the right the direction if this summit actually brings about real substantive policy changes as it pertains to north korea's nuclear program what about let's look at some success in his efforts getting other nations to contribute to nature for example what about trade deals he will say he always promised to put america first and apparently he is doing so definitely again this has been a more aggressive approach and one has to understand that what president trump is
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doing is what he promised his base he would do he assured his base that they would bring an end to wars or conflicts around the world that seem to not have a end date he told his base that he would end the war in afghanistan and he told his base that he would bring back our troops from syria he told his base that he would build a wall the question is methods of carrying out these policies which have been at hazard at time and which has been a cause of concern for policy makers traditional allies in those in international community as we look ahead and given what we've seen so far very hard to predict obviously what the next couple of years are going to bring but what still sense is there any way that he's going to join the dots on some of these policies. i think for the most part two things number one he's going to continue with
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a shock in all diplomatic policy going forward if you look at what he did right off the bat in moving the u.s. embassy in israel to jerusalem this was seen with a great deal of shocking concern by some of the region but at the same time it was celebrated in israel and pro israeli corders it can be argued that the concerns about that move were massively overblown many people aren't discussing the embassy moved to jerusalem right now so trump could look at that as an issue where he certainly did deliver he promised his base that he withdraw from the our rendezvous he did that was met with some concern a great deal of concern in international community but was celebrated in some quarters in the middle east and when you look down the line and what weight be expected these next two years will be really different because you will have a democratically controlled congress what they should strong will to conduct
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oversight when it comes to president trumps foreign policy especially as it pertains to north korea iran and other areas such as europe nato and the united nations john joins us thanks very much indeed for your perspective on this a great get it thanks a lot thank you. john jones that now controversy about jewish insults is threatening to every shot a mass munched by american women some have pulled out of the onion events in the u.s. capitol right reynolds reports now from washington. two years ago the first women's march spilled out across the heart of washington d.c. we came to protest sexism racism environmental degradation and president donald trump's behavior toward women similar women's marches were held in hundreds of cities around the u.s. the ones marching twenty seventeen was a huge deal as the largest protests in u.s.
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history it turned out people not just in washington d.c. in the streets of washington d.c. i think the estimation was around seven hundred fifty thousand people participated but in cities and towns across the united states and actually around the world this year the washington march has been caught up in controversy one of the organizers to make a mallory attended a rally with reverend louis farrakhan of the nation of islam who has a long history of making anti semitic remarks mallory tweeted praise of farrakhan prompting intense criticism in washington media malory then awkwardly tried some damage control on a popular t.v. talk show i don't agree with many of minister farrakhan statement says simply about jewish people as i said i don't agree with many of minister farrakhan statement i condemn not me i don't agree with the statement at the end of the day while kind of the not to be very clear it's not my language it's not the way that i speak some
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organizations and individuals have dropped out of the march as a result of the controversy. the twenty seventeen march was a catalyst for political activism among women on the left last november a democratic party wave of diverse female candidates won seats in congress flipping it from republican control and establishing a powerful check on trump sociologist dana fisher has correlated participation in the march with political activism one of the things i found this really interesting is the degree to which people marched in the streets or what i call them as they resist in the streets last initially and then they started resisting in their congressional districts i found that people. who participated in the resistance were very involved in the midterm elections. attendance has fallen since the original women's march this year only ten to fifteen thousand people are expected to gather in washington the weather forecast of sleet and snow no doubt play
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a part in that but the ne will event is now it seems a feature of the american political landscape rob reynolds al-jazeera washington and much as goes not just taking place in the united states taking place all the way around the world most people have been telling us about how they can be joining it says some in sydney australia are in berlin and the united states as well has been looking at how this story is develops online retailer what you have for well make online the march is the women's wave and it's washing across twits and also on and on instagram not just in the u.s. the women and men across the globe have been getting involved over the past twenty four hours from indonesia kenya germany and even brazil we've seen posts in support of the movement as well as information and videos about different rallies at different places. now despite the controversies around the march as robin has mentioned in his report leaders of the women's march incorporated as
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a nonprofit is called trying to steer attention towards what they call the women's agenda the fish website details a federal policy platform laying out their priorities for the next two years it's includes proposals on combating violence against women reproductive rights as well as racial and economic fairness of the movement is encouraging young people to be part of the said gender and also and to share reasons for marching using the hash tag i march for. and i'm marching for a. right to racial justice the indigenous community disability rights job equality for keeping families together for civil rights equal rights women's rights equal work you. reproductive freedom gun control gender just sort of just a climate justice future general economic justice inclusive maybe. but the controversy has caused some damage many are expecting the crowds to be
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smaller than previous years with reports of infighting in the movement new york will hold separate events chicago is not hosting a march this year and in some places california organizers have opted out and debbie wasserman schultz a democratic congresswoman from florida once seen as the face of the movement has decided to drop out because of what she calls the leadership's failure to renounce hate. well if you are currently in washington d.c. or taking part in a women's march somewhere else in the world let us know is the hash tag is great. really thanks very much today is all about the women's march right here's if you want to know more go to women's march dot org it began of course of the largest single day protest in u.s. history since blossomed into a network one point two million strong women working together women's march dot org or let's take a look at some of the other news making mother stories making news around the world
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first up president macro announced a national consultation in response to the yellow vests movement so people can have their say on certain issues that meeting was held in palace or a suburb of paris from where they would change to has been gauging reaction. the big debate will see hundreds of meetings like this one all right across france its president emmanuel micron's attempt to break out of the metropolitan bubble of paris and listen to the real opinions of the people to dispel the arrogant image that he may have this one is taking place in the town of no less so which is about eighteen kilometers south so it's a good above average income and most people commute into paris for their jobs but i was asking a few of the members here before the debate began exactly what their opinions were both about president magnus attempts to dispel his image of arrogance and also what
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the yellow vests have been doing to stop because it got i hope the demands discussed in these meetings will be listened to by the government the elevates deserve the credit to have put on the table some topics that were in need to be discussed since long ago. both. this would have been a great debate if it taking place before the crisis now i'm not so sure. the yellow vests protests are of course still going on this is the tenth consecutive saturday which they are launching their protests not only here in paris but right across the country they have many shades of opinion but support for them still remains very high on the number of people who are putting on the ground is beginning to reduce and there are many complaints about the police tactics the violent police tactics being used against them. colombia's president is calling on
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cuba to hand over ten rebel commanders suspected of involvement in the police academy attack at twenty one people died in the car bomb blast in bogota the president even has renewed arrest orders for the does colombia's last remaining rebel group has not claimed responsibility for the attack u.k. halted peace talks in cuba's capital have done with the left wing rebels and the mexican army is being mobilized to guard pipelines after an explosion killed and injured dozens of people at least sixty six were burned to death as they filled their containers with leaking fuel john homan has more now from mexico city. it looked like a village celebration dozens gathered under a fountain of gasoline it had erupted from what mexico's state oil company said was an illegally tapped pipeline. they took their fill the soldiers sent to guard the pipeline looks on seemingly powerless then this happened.
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dozens of people were taken to hospital with burns many less food were burnt to death the tragedy comes just as the government is trying to crack down on oil was the point that the most important thing now is to look after the injured to save lives that is the most important thing the fight against the illegal theft of fuel will be strengthened. gangs and corrupt officials have been siphoning off petrol from the country's pipelines few years in two thousand and eighteen the army found more than six thousand illegal taps vulnerable pipelines have been shut down while the secured it's left many communities with shortages. the government's trying to make up those pools by delivering petrol in heavily guarded tankers in the capital the system is beginning to work but elsewhere emits crew second city quite a lot harder and several states there are still queues operations costing serious money not just the tankers but the full thousand troops deployed to guard them
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pipelines and fuel death pose experts say it can't go on indefinitely the president essentially made this a game of chicken let's see who gets tired first she said those dealing the country's oil or his government with its mounting cost of pipeline security and. the polls have shown the majority of mit's can support the president stand. by people but if it's to fire people who are stealing the fuel it's good we just have to put up with it for a bit if it's to make the country better that's fine friday and. with another pipeline explosion in crete to this time with no casualties but the clocks running for the president to come up with a long term solution to fuel thirst and all that comes with it john homan out zita mexico city the indonesian cleric who was the ideological leader of the bali bombers has been granted early release from prison on humanitarian grounds
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a two year old i would talk about she was jailed for fifteen years for his links to camps where the bombers were trained and more than two hundred people were killed in the nightclub attack seventeen years ago his lawyers say that in the media as president relented on the requirement for him to renounce his radical beliefs before be given parole european council president donald whose kid is among thousands of mourners attending the funeral of the murdered polish man two of it's the fifty three year old died after he was stabbed on stage at a charity event in the northern city of good on. twenty seven year old arrested suspect reportedly had a grudge with a political party that wants the moment israeli forces have fired bullets and tear gas at palestinian protesters and ambulances on the gaza border at least thirty palestinians including three medics were injured on friday it was the forty third consecutive friday protest as part of the great march of return movement
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tester's demand the right of return for refugees worldwide and the end of israel in egypt decade long blockade of gaza. and staying in gaza four lion cubs have died at the zoo in the gaza strip of the bad weather damaged their cage zoo owners says the continuous blockade on the strip meant that necessary supplies which may have saved the animals were not available for jabari as more. it's a sad day at the only zoo in the gaza strip these children should be playing with these line cubs but instead they are here to bury them the cubs were born on wednesday but they survived less than twenty four hours severe winter weather affects not only gaza's two million people but also its few remaining zoo animals the cubs didn't stand much of a chance. i'm very sad because we lost four cubs today and i had to bury them in
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the same room because it's not only a financial it's emotional because they're important to children under two visitors . the zoos says it didn't have the necessary food supplements and medicines to save the cups the twelve year israeli egyptian blockade has made it difficult to get the necessary food and equipment to take care of animals these are african lions some of the few animals left in gaza sue most other animals in this private zoo in the southern gaza strip survived the storm including the lioness her mate and three of their older cubs but for the kids of gaza an abrupt end to their short lived excitement dorsetshire pari al-jazeera lifesaving vaccines could soon be delivered by drones tests are underway on a remote pacific island which could revolutionize health care for some of the world's poorest nations under thomas reports not from bernie watters not among them . delivering vaccines to people on air or mango on limbs used
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to take hours or even days but now a drone can reach them in minutes soaring over the sea or rugged landscapes which don't have roads or parts until recently this a long rough boat ride was the only way anything got to the village of south river to get things to other places to go about and the trek of many hours for vaccines which need to be kept cool that's expensive and impractical boats need lots of fuel backpacks don't have for generation and in remote villages there isn't reliable power needed for fridges to store vaccines long term drones mean vaccines can be delivered on demand i've been with the minister of health under five years and this is the most innovative and ambitious and exciting project that i've been involved in two companies commissioned by that i want to use government and backed by australia unicef and the global fund are investigating the viability of new
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services across fun to watch these are. it takes twenty minutes for a drone to reach south river from air mangos main settlement at dillon's by but the battery on board can fly it for well over an hour the drone reaches one hundred ten kilometers an hour and can carry two point five kilograms on board this child is one of the lucky ones being vaccinated during the trial period otherwise it looks like and a lot longer we've had many conversations with with unicef at the global level and that definitely looking at what's happening in vanuatu other countries are interested to learn from what's having happening in vanuatu and to able to replicate but i want to use drones just minutes on the ground before making the return trip what are being tested hair about the practical technicalities of delivering vaccines by drugs and economics is it financially viable to deliver primary health care by driving. the company behind this says yes largely using
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parts made by three d. princes them a factoring cost is less than ten thousand dollars per drug and pulling the drones fly separate so tonelessly so there's no need for expertise locally the only marginal operating cost is electricity about four dollars a flight in by the water but even that cost is removed when solar energy is used it is might be robust and cost effective in a solution that we can we can talk to a country that can't afford one hundred thousand all of a coal but we can bring the sign level of technical competence with all of us sitting on this trial is a world first if successful it has a big implications the potential to fly out to primary health care on demand to remote spots worldwide and to thomas al-jazeera island vanuatu health care what a great story i once again if you're watching the facebook live stream you will see the story of dozens of women speaking out against years of sexual abuse from music celebrities and then paul is here with the sports there's money has to have what it
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takes to be age of forty the filipino boxer turned politician steps into the ring in las vegas on saturday that's right after weather check. portrays one of the world's oldest cities seen through the eyes of those who know it best they see that if they should get a few. al-jazeera world goes on the road with palestinian taxi drivers
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a i. r let's find out what people are talking about sin the world of sport is all about one of the greatest fight is a modern h. yeah nick manny pacquiao who is about to fight for the first time since he turned forty eight the philippines eight division champion has faced off with adrian broner before that w.p.a. well to white's high school bouts later in las vegas the two fighters weighed in with reigning champion packet tipping the scales at one hundred forty six pounds just half a pound lighter than his american opponent pacquiao has held the title since beating lucas matisse last july this will be his seventieth professional fight in a twenty four year career low age is nothing but a number for the philippine fight. years it's my legacy to to give a good fight and to accomplish all this and especially a deployed it is my first by that age of forty so i had to prove something that
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many bad guys still there in the bottom. we'll have a hell of a fight. and i just watch out a note you know i play a lot but. i'm going to be ready in a company and. a company get this victory for now some fans favor if pacquiao loses this could indeed be the last we see of him in the ring if he wins though promoter eddie hearn thinks it will mean a september rematch with that man on the left floyd mayweather jr in twenty fifteen they have the highest grossing fight in history thanks to pay per view broner though hasn't been happy with all the talk he says the focus should be on this fights well despite his annoyance over the matter of boxing journalist money a copy on told us that's a pack mayweather rematch is what fans want to see. we know that now you have your own meat whether free stuff and some what it was so our performance in two thousand
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and fifteen however it is very well lining up used to program for years to be fighting again a married man you have you know has his management and promotional p.c. which is one of the promotional better under which what me whether fights with out even so the business side of this is going to be a lot easier to accomplish showtime and in particular because a lot of auctions i was able should be have at the sites of reported incidents featuring bernard there's plenty of champions and top contenders in the hundred forty seven pound division but no one that takes the international appeal of me whether manny pacquiao obviously what you see in this fight ten years ago or even fifteen years ago would have this point i'm sure they still do have one robust aid
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a book or painting up the gloves now the new golf season is just getting into swing and as with most sports it needs to produce a good social media clip or two to capture the attention of fans the online ones at least well sick of being told what to do by their public relations team some european gulf has decided to come up with their own ideas so what do you think you know it was going to get the most use cats ok cats but the cats going to do it cats playing the piano exactly. it's pretty simple we're in the entertainment business everybody knows that and here at the european tour content is king sure bring your golf clubs but more importantly bring on a day you know most of the time it doesn't even have to be a good one mom these pythons colin montgomerie talks to you about some of the biggest snakes he's seen out and about on the european tour could even throw
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a couple of cats in well let me know which of those ideas you think will work my vote is for monty python's peter it will be back with more at eight hundred yen taif and i'll hand you back over to nick all matter possibility wolf thanks very much i felt it this new great remember to keep in touch with us on social media has taken over is that a.j. news grid only other ways to contact us right to see you back here at studio four hundred fifty. rewind returns i can bring your people back to life i'm sorry we've run you want dates on the best of al-jazeera documentaries in liberal i was the global and no
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like and the other student rewind continues with children of conflict. we'd love some peace in the swimmer's especially. children have any rights here rewind on al-jazeera. driven by outrage and spanning generations the rohinton demonstrators gathered on the very day a widely criticised repatriation agreement between the governments of bangladesh and me and more was to begin the anger was all too apparent and the fear was palpable if you don't like was so afraid that if they send one of us back to myanmar today tomorrow they'll send back ten and the day after tomorrow they'll send back twenty thirty or if we were given citizenship in myanmar then there would be no need to take us back there we would go back on our own we must remember the rancho among the most persecuted minorities in the world russian filmmaker under
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a necker self continues his journey across his homeland to discover what life is like under putin during his travels he meets christians and muslims patriots and separatists i talk to the locals in the southeast world when i arrive i don't do something completely different some long to leave russia but for others the russian passport means hope and the challenge of happens in search of putin's russia on al-jazeera. we will. start sanctioning those involved with the killing of mr shogi speaking out on the killing a senior u.s. senator tells turkey saudi american relations can move on until the murder of a saudi journalist is dealt with.
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dante this is al jazeera live from london also coming up. supporters a fixture take a day declared winner of the democratic republic of congo's presidential election head to the constitutional court as it prepares to rule on whether the result is valid. a mexican oil pipeline explodes killing more than sixty people after being ruptured by suspected seems to us. under thomas in the pacific garden country of the web browser on the way to deliver lifesaving vaccines. by drug. and senator has criticized saudi crown prince mohammed bin solomon over the merger saudi journalist. speaking in ankara after meeting with turkish president
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republican senator lindsey graham said america's relationship with saudi arabia can't move forward until casualties murder is dealt with graham said congress will reintroduce sanctions against those involved in the killing also expressed hope that president will trump will slow the withdrawal of american troops from syria until i salute destroyed. we will. start sanctioning those involved with the killing the mr can show he will make a definitive statement that m.b.a.'s know about it and is responsible for it and come up with a series of sanctions to make sure that others understand this is not what you do if you're an ally of the united states. sullivan jeffrey deports a techie syria border. this is not the first time u.s. senator lindsey graham has voiced his opinion about how he feels the killing of journalist jamal to shuggie was carried out and who he thinks is responsible in the
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past he's called saudi crown prince mohammed bin salon a wrecking ball so it is not new for him to come out. and voices opinion about how he feels about the of what happened what is happening with the saudi government and the united states but his stance is not what the u.s. official policy is his president still thinks mohammed that is a key ally he said repeatedly that he does not believe that mom of inside man had a role in the killing off at the saudi consulate in istanbul despite the cia coming up with evidence and conclusions that there was some sort of involvement by the saudi leadership including muhammad been salmond so that is one of the issues which will further improve ties between the united states and turkey which was a mandate that lindsey graham came with this is the second visit by a high placed u.s. official to turkey after the announcement of the to produce oil from the turkish
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syrian border by the u.s. president and that was the other important issue that was discussed between us and between the u.s. senator and dish officials the troop withdrawal and what lindsey graham is hoping for is a phased withdrawal rather than a drop pullout where u.s. forces are in the syrian territory for enough time that icing is defeated his view is different again from the u.s. president who thinks that iceland has been defeated u.s. senator lindsey graham is important because he sits on three very influential committees including defense foreign affairs as well as appropriations so his opinion matters in the policy circles in the united states and he say assured the turks that he is. going to urge the u.s. president to try and make sure that it does not leave a void when its forces leave because the kurdish fighters in this border area have been going closer towards the syrian government an outcome which neither the united
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states or turkey wants on its border. now the democratic republic of congo's top court is about to give its verdict on the results of the disputed presidential election opposition leader felix cheese acadia was declared the shock winner but he's been accused of rigging the vote with outgoing president joseph kabila runner up martin for you to insists he actually won by a landslide and has filed a legal challenge will bring you more from the court in kinshasa a little later on in for to. the sudanese government has issued arrest warrants for thirty eight journalists and activists on charges of incitement and spreading false news it comes as more protests take place across the country in a just in a month of growing demands for the president to go villages in the northern region of mass chanted the end of president bashir as thirty year rule activists say at least fifty people have been killed and hundreds injured or arrested since the civil unrest began what started as
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a demonstration of the rising cost of bread and fuel has become the biggest challenge to omar bashir is thirty year rule to morgan reports in the capital khartoum. one hundred of the brothers left home in her tone ten days ago and never came back he joined anti-government protests in sudan second largest city on demand. we didn't realize he was shot while we were protesting security forces were coming at us and we ran for a bit and he said he couldn't he thought he twisted his arm then we learned he sustained a bullet wound we hid in a house and tried to give him first aid that's when we noticed that he was also shot in the back when we were able to get to the hospital he was weak and last away an hour later three protesters were killed fact a human rights activists say at least fifty have lost their lives in the month long protests demanding the resignation of president obama and bashir the government total is much lower protests started when the government announced a rise in the price of bread the outcry spread to other towns and cities nationwide
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and police have repeatedly fired bullets and tear gas to disperse crowds hospitals and doctors have been attacked by security forces for treating protesters. demands to end bush years thirty year rule can be heard in every protest march. it's been one month since people started protesting to demand change people have been expressing their frustration at the way president armorel bashir has been running the country for the past thirty years despite the use of live ammunition and tear gas the protest seems to be gathering strength and for weeks on the president remains defiant. that president bashir despite protest is streeter's influenced by foreign agents after criticism by the e.u. when the u.s. attacks on unarmed protesters sudan's government lawyer is promising to investigate the m i love with it that he got out of yeah we will be looking into the deaths that occurred during the protests and urged people who have information to come forward and presented to us so we can conclude what happened and how people have
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been killed we'll also look into those injured and those who had their property destroyed in the demonstrations but she remains wanted by the international criminal court for work rhymes and crimes against humanity in the western region of darfur some analysts say the biggest challenge he's yet faced at home has the potential to end his rule. this movement will be successful in changing the regime is true that the government doesn't see that but it can happen that can happen through a new political party taking over the ruling party assad tipping the shia and bringing someone else in his place but one thing we can be sure of is that saddam before the nineteenth of december is not the same saddam post not the december when the protests started. bashir has promised economic reforms but as protests continue into a second month some sudanese say they're ready to sacrifice their lives to see change changes which president bashir doesn't appear ready to many people morgan al-jazeera caught on. his return to
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a story about the elections if i'm to miller is outside the court in the capital kinshasa so what what are you expecting to happen court. over there and it will be in a number of days that the provisional result. announced and that taken to court by opposition leader martin of the eula contesting the visual results and the court now is expected to give its ruling on that challenge they have been in sight for a number of hours now and they are fast approaching a deadline as to when they're supposed to make that ruling a little also been a number of days since that expectation we can but they are a number of supporters of the u.d.p. as outside the court there's also a significant security presence and leadership political leadership of the interior has also arrived some time ago now so if that's any indication now we do expect the court to make a ruling any time now to decide whether or not that it will uphold the congressional
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election results or possibly a knowledge and call corporation elections but they still thought that the court is sympathetic to president joseph kabila and of course would possibly then not uphold those results many would say that this would be the best outcome of all the d r c and that analogy the result would bring even well that is a deal. and. use me which further destabilize the country and many have have described what's happening in the us is a political crisis just after those provisional results were announced and how do you mention the buildup of security there how tense sauce things in kinshasa. what is that if we can tell police presence around the court and also within it there are also a number of supporters of the u.d.p. is just down the road from the court the mood there many preparing to celebrate
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expecting that the court will rule in their favor but of course there is concern about what the reaction would be across the board with a it depending on what the court has to say given that. independent. around the election and the polls around that gave at least fifty nine percent of the vote little commission had that he had lost and in fact. there is concern about just want to might happen. times which looked at the documents following the election that. evidence of fraud and if that is the case and if they are of course nine percent support for. this certainly a significant portion of the population would be angry with the result.
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