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tv   newsgrid  Al Jazeera  January 22, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm +03

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to investigate independence of the iraqi kurds on al jazeera. this is. live from studio fourteen here at al-jazeera headquarters in doha. to the new script. on the streets of sudan the protesters who. have gone from opposing a rise in the price of bread to a demand their president step down now he. visits leaving a country simmering with unrest an angry over the deaths of forty seven people. afghanistan reeling from another huge bomb attack which killed at least sixty five . days of fear but at the same time peace talks with u.s.
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officials happening here which isn't talking or fighting. for the same time and the nominees are strewn with ten categories the films of the favorite which will lead the pack at this year's oscar there is a distinct musical flavor in twenty nineteen from queen. and i will tell you what's up with whatsapp as the message. what it calls. i'm here to mohammad. tag. you with the news. streaming online through you tube facebook. dot com protesters are back on the streets in sudan as anger grows over the government's crackdown on dissent and they're out there protesting while their president. is in qatar on an official visit. in the cap. little khartoum they are demanding his resignation but
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the deaths of a doctor and student protesters on thursday of also galvanized those demonstrators creating even more widespread unrest the opposition now says forty seven people have been killed since those protests began last month when as we said the government raised the price of bread also an anti government activist in sudan has gone missing sources have told al-jazeera that good one was arrested by security agents it was last seen on whedon's day when he went shopping in khartoum the latest now with him morgan here she is. take us up to bring us up to date with how things have gone today. what. happened is of students from the university of what to me are here in front of them came out early this morning and protested against the president on one of the shia who as you said is not currently in the country but they were very keen and very determined to continue protesting if not for the response to by the probe by the security forces tear gas was once
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again fired at the students inside the university campus and they were complaining about difficulty breathing something we've heard from protesters who have been demonstrating over the past four weeks people have been saying that security forces were responding using excessive brutal forest now we've seen live on the initial and tear gas being fired at protesters to try to disperse them people have been injured opposition groups say forty seven have been killed but activists who have been tracking this say at least fifty people have been killed since the protests started now the government is this beating that figure they say only twenty seven have been killed and that the figures that the activists are giving is not true but there are also people who have been arrested and the government said they've arrested eight hundred sixteen sixteen people but activists again want to get to say that at least one thousand people have been arrested including an american sidney's american activist who was arrested who went missing as you said on wednesday now we spoke to his family al-jazeera spoke to his family and they say people who were arrested with him and later released have reported that he has been severely beaten and in desperate need of medical attention here correct me if i'm
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wrong but these protests have gone on for a month and they've been happening pretty much every day that in itself seems something quite interesting to me the longevity and the strength from the way the protests have only grown. yes people seem very determined they say that they're not going to stop until president omnibus your steps down now he said he's not going to do that he says he's going to try to make economic reforms he's also accused people protesting of being traitors he said they were infiltrated by darfur rebel group members and that they have had an agenda is trying to destabilize the country in his words now he's also said that his security forces the police and and the national security in the military have not fired at protesters that they have nothing to do with the people who have been injured and who people who have been killed in the protest but there has been questions asked not just by protesters but by political activist as well as to who exactly is killing the protesters ok thanks for that update morgan there in khartoum as we discussed there
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a month of protests in sudan is significant in and of itself and so the inside story team recently looked at whether they can actually succeed richelle carey led that discussion the panel look also whether international pressure could make a difference inside story as ever is in the show's section at al-jazeera dot com. maybe you would like to get in touch with us he says moving down on the rundown here's the contact details for you has to gauge a newsgroup as ever at a.j. english are on twitter remains our producer on duty tonight looking for your replies to our thread there with that hash tag also having a look at facebook dot com zero which we keep an eye on for the live stream for your comments coming amongst yourselves as well as you usually do and that number plus one seven four five zero one triple one four nine what's that message and we've got an interesting development actually to do with what's that reveal is going to have that for you later to zimbabwe now a country going through its worst economic crisis since well its last one about
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a decade ago it was low in cash reserves and fuel then and now it's happening again and this time human rights commission is accusing police of brutality during anti-government protests president emerson is calling for a national dialogue to address the rising living costs twelve people were killed in protests. some of them while trying to get away. sorry trying to get foreign investment. right. for the president to go where actually he also used a four tweet threat on twitter to appeal to all sides he said i was aware that these measures many may not be popular and that this was not a decision we took lightly also that everyone has a right to protest but this was not a peaceful protest he said he went on to talk about wanton violence destruction looting stealing police guns and uniforms however the security forces themselves weren't let off my guard was said violence or misconduct from them is unacceptable
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it was a betrayal of the new zimbabwe and heads would roll if required he concluded though by inviting political religious and civil leaders to set aside their differences come together and he said let's begin a national dialogue we have got to alex my guests are with us now a writer on zimbabwean politics former advisor actually to one time zimbabwean prime minister the late morgan chang that i said thank you alex for your time as well. in those tweets and his actions in coming back from davos is extending a hand in saying let's talk about this is anyone in a mood to talk to you think. well it's very difficult for someone who is coming into a country that is in a serious crises where people are in mourning but i know how you doing a lot of people as to incarcerated and the little people have to run away from their own lives to talk about having dandled it difficult to have that kind of
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conversation i think the most important for the president to do is to check immediate quality measures to demonstrate sincerity to the people of zimbabwe to ensure that those who are carrying out these acts are top from doing so and they're held accountable and it needs that issue there be comforting and consoling the families live lost their mother on something that he has and jan instead what we are seeing now excuse use in justifications and it's a nation that's what happened over the last week so i wonder then if my god is really the man to fix all of this or actually as someone with suggesting to me earlier today that he is really just there as the figurehead and really it's the military which is still controlling things and zimbabwe. well you know even the man in charge the president and therefore the backstop to him is to clearly the responsibility it's important that whatever differences he has with that those that
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he's working with if there are any differences in all i don't know he is the one who is supposed to resolve them i think what is important for the people of zimbabwe is that they need to ensure that their security is guaranteed but only it didn't physically and also justly and economically they need to make sure that the government delivers and so far the conditions are good suggest that the government is willing to give those guarantees it's only a few days ago that these folks present for the president was issuing threats that's what and that's what that would have been was just the beginning of more to come and that scares people alex the root of all these problems is exactly what it was a decade ago. i know it was a really big hole for zimbabwe to dig itself out of last time but as nothing been learned do you think about how to control these issues and therefore not give rise to the sorts of unrest you know old cliche or that we
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learn from history that we learn nothing and this is precisely what the zimbabwean government has demonstrated that you know what these are people who are part of the system for thirty seven years and granted these are the same people who are providing that this is jim they were actually insisting that lets in probably to that crisis ten years ago and unfortunately they did not lend any lessons they had a lot of goodwill when they came into power in twenty seventeen and many people were willing them to do well and it's regrettable that hundred years of maturity and to triangulate zimbabwe out of ras. we thank you for your time and your thoughts today very well. a bit of news coming out of syria in the last hour or so a car bomb has exploded in latakia and there are reports of casualties there we're seeing footage from state t.v. showing the extent of the damage an attack actually only
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a few days after another explosion hit damascus apparently targeting high profile security officials so let's ask about this our correspondent in beirut following events from there two attacks in government controlled territory in a pretty short space of time what's your read on that. well yes like you mentioned two attacks in government controlled territories. and damascus and it is quite where for attacks to happen in government controlled territories especially now especially after the government has managed to consolidate control over the areas it controls that has pushed the rebels back the rebels surrendered their territories around the capital the first attack on sunday that you're mentioning there were reports that a security personality was the target of that bombing it is not clear whether or not that person was wounded or killed it's very difficult to get information out of damascus so this really raises a lot of questions if indeed this was the opposition if indeed this was the work of
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eisold and is it easy to operate behind enemy lines then that would really say a lot about the security situation in government controlled territories but if you watch syrian state television just moments after the blast was reported in here they had analysts on air warning of a new phase in the in the conflict already predicting more attacks in government controlled areas saying that they expect the situation the security situation to destabilize even further now many of the opposition will say this is the way the government tries to keep people on their side to make up for their inability to provide for fuel improve the living conditions because public resentment discontent is growing in government controlled areas yes they control sixty percent of the syria but about sixty percent of syria people are still struggling and the government is struggling to get recognition from outside for sanctions to be lifted
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in order for it to reconstruct and in order for the economy to improve so now the sit to security situation destabilizing within the government controlled territories it's interesting just to go back to a point you say about syrian government control i think you said sixty percent of the country that would suit me to me felt like the narrative the way we sold the map changing we saw all of those areas forming under government control one after the other and it gave off this feeling that well you know the war is quote unquote over the government has won a race back in control you're painting a different picture there. well sixty percent of syria is under government control and now many players syria iran turkey they're all thirty percent of syria's territory in the north east which is under the control of the y p g after the united states you know announced that they were going to pull out their troops and the race begun for this area tomorrow there's going to be a critical meeting in moscow all eyes in moscow the turkish president the russian president are going to be sitting down to discuss what are they going to do with
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northern syria if turkey takes that territory it would control fifty percent of syria so president argonne would be just as powerful as president assad how much will russia compromise and russia will need to compromise if it keeps if it wants to keep turkey on its side and it needs to keep turkey on its side so will some sort of a deal be struck that would involve it live that's in the northwest of syria so a lot of hard bargaining ahead the guns may have fallen silent but then many players involved in this conflict are vying for more territory because it will give them more say in the future of syria excellent stuff from zana holder in beirut there on syria in fact really watching on facebook as asked about syria why isn't this more in the spotlight i think you see right there it is it will always be on al-jazeera we have correspondents who really do know what is going on even from outside of the country that's going to start now the afghan taliban holding their latest round of talks with the u.s. special envoy for afghanistan that's happening here in qatar the objective of the
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talks is to end violence and to restore stability among other things but of course both sides continue to attack each other monday afghan taliban fighters launched their assault on a military training base near kabul and at least sixty five members of afghanistan's security forces were killed and that number is expected to become much higher when i talk more about. the. just did they have. to shift the. two first two u.e. and then. he was interested to whore and at that meeting in pakistan but the taliban refused to meet him. so because when the taliban last week issued a statement in the steadman that threatened to stop these all negotiation with the you is because and in the same statement they mention the office two
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times so that was to hear khan what he was referring to there that was the location of the talks which have happened as we said they're happening in here in qatar however locations have been moved in the palace and he said that has not been good for the whole process in fact if you want to go back even further remembering that it has been seventeen years since the taliban was removed from power when the us invaded following the nine eleven attacks but just look at this who controls what map from al jazeera dot com right now anything that's colored blue is in one way or another taliban territory be at the darker blue areas which it controlled the lighter blue areas which i contested areas short story it is well over half the country so there is no doubt that the taliban is a part of afghan life hence these ongoing talks we have got security analyst. with us now from kabul i asked the question at the start of this show which is it is it
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attacks or is it talks the fact that these talks are going on but then you see you know seventy members of the afghan security forces being killed in kabul yesterday is it that the taliban just operate separately almost like that. you know the problem is the problem with negotiation is. when we have a negotiation it's not only limited to afghanistan it's immaterial we should not expect reduction in violence. possibility for increase in the islands even if we have. one side to try to increase the leverage and there do su by increasing while and. we should not expect. action in. afghanistan it does not mean that talks should not continue so it happens parallel on one side we will have a negotiation and on that side we will have fighting going on let's talk about the
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talks then do you hold much hope for those as i pointed out it's been a very very long process they've been trying to have talks for a long time that broken down on me occasions do you have hope that something will that we're in a period now which can be any different. i personally believe that any sort of negotiation. problem is a welcome news for afghans. the government of afghanistan should be a part of any negotiations happening any of it in that that in fact. government is not to i believe that it will not do you any pause if you reason to say what about what's happening in kabul as i mentioned before this attack that happened yesterday what does it say to you about the strength of the taliban at the moment for so many years we talk about a resurgent taliban i mean how strong would you describe it at the moment if
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seventy odd security personnel can be killed in one attack. the best there to us yes this money belongs to india it was not in kabul it was outside of kabul and was twenty five kilometers away from kabul city. the best was not a permanent base it was acting for the best and it was a complex attic. as i said adding yet. the government and the taliban will try to have offensive offenses and defenses so in a situation like that ri can expect any sort of attack right just one final question for you learned comes from one of our viewers watching on facebook get issue is asked who else could play a critical role to bring permanent peace in the country you've got the taliban talking to the united states who else is important here. i believe
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that afghan government is a strong party too should be a strategy to any sort of negotiation. resolving that kind conflict besides that. i believe that regional countries. also have a role to play in negotiating in negotiation. about the issue of afghanistan but finally it comes to afghan people and it should be the afghan people and it is people who has the potential to resolve the problems international community u.s. and other states. can play a role of mediation but they are not the actual people to resolve the problem so it should be that got people taliban and i'm going to go to should come together and they should talk to each other to resolve the problem and that are to all in kabul
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it's been a pleasure talking to you very interesting thank you. now you have probably noticed if you use whatsapp and a lot of you do that a forwarded message is now labeled as such your fictive leaving notifies just about the message if someone has forwarded an existing message to you rather than writing a new one of it is a reason for this it started in india over six months ago and revealed those changes are about to go global that's right kemal or whatsapp has just announced it is limiting the number of people or groups who can forward messages from twenty eight to five and the messaging service which is owned by facebook has been getting a lot of criticism over its handling of mis information over the past two years now with one point five billion users worldwide many are concerned that the app is being used to spread fake news manipulated photos and also share videos or audio without context with no real way of monitoring where they came from or the impact that they might have now what subset is that it will continue to listen to use of
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feedback about their experience and over time look for new ways of addressing viral content that's put things into context up to two hundred fifty uses can be part of one whatsapp group so a single user can now only forward a message to about one thousand two hundred other people rather than five thousand and there's no nothing to really actually stop those on the receiving end of each message from forwarding this on to others and the measure has reportedly reduced forwarding by twenty five percent globally and more than that in india which has had the highest affording rates in the world now this was initially part of a six month trial in india last july which has two hundred million whatsapp uses the application was accused of not doing enough to cut rumors and also fake messages which led to several killings and attacks we heard from jane from social media hoax slayer aside the deep bunks fake stories he says the move has been
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effective in india. this reduction of for number of forwards to five phone what has been a very good step i have observed when getting the server forward for the people who actually do it intentionally but the people who are spending this week here than this information they would find many of the like computers to the good they're using calculators from the little earlier forwarding only the messages soak up the sticks an extra for which i believe they won't do and it's also important to note that preventing the spread of these stories is actually much harder to do on whatsapp because there is this end to ending corruption for all messages and that means that content can't be read by whatsapp or any government agency or what you think the story is the right move by whatsapp twitter is the hash tag thanks for he will be very very interested to get your views on the store and of course you can direct whatsapp us plus one seven four five one triple one four nine i think we were discussing this in our meeting earlier today that you almost now have to view
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the likes of what's up and telegram and signal and viber and all these other things as there are news services if you can send a message out to or for the message on to twelve hundred people at once that's like a twitter account with twelve hundred followers isn't it you are using it to push information out because as we know it's encrypted and a wind that cannot be seen by whatsapp or by any government so i think it's just a really interesting story and i do hope you'll get in touch with us or you can tweet me directly if you want to direct message at kemal i j e now the world economic forum is sunday in davos switzerland we're going to be there in a few moments with our correspondent big economic storm clouds on the horizon this year of course there is the partial government shutdown in the u.s. which is now the longest in history it has hit the thirty one day mark airport workers and coast guard agents are among those going unpaid rob reynolds has some of their stories. a month of shutdown gridlock and political posturing a month of misery for eight hundred thousand government employees going without pay
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in a sign of just how bad things are now kraft foods corporation opened a grocery pop up store in washington giving away cheese macaroni mayonnaise and so on to cash strapped federal workers. the pain spreads across the country on coast guard bases and research laboratories along the borders and in airports the partial government shutdown is hurting families and disrupting vital government functions for example the transportation security agency reported that about ten percent of its airport security screeners have been unable to report to work due to financial hardship we have to have an evidence taste conversation president donald trump and democratic house speaker nancy pelosi are no closer to an agreement i am here today to break the logjam on saturday offered temporary protection to about one million
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undocumented immigrants in exchange for funding his wall the plan includes five point seven billion dollars for a strategic deployment of physical barriers or a wall. democrats said no way saying trump must agree to end the shutdown before they'll talk about border security both sides have resorted to jab jobs and juvenile antics speaker pelosi suggested trump dump plans for a televised state of the union speech during the shutdown in retaliation trump snatched away military aircraft. palosi planned to use for a trip to afghanistan that kind of pettiness and does nothing for the american people and has reached a high water mark in my experience and i've been here almost fifty years. polls show americans are weary of the dysfunction in d.c. about sixty percent in
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a recent poll disapprove of trump's handling of the shutdown. the economic damage is mounting according to the financial services company standard and poor's the u.s. gross domestic product loses one point two billion dollars each week the government is closed or about one thousand nine hundred eighty four dollars a second jamie diamond who runs j.p. morgan chase the biggest bank in the u.s. says if the shutdown persists it will reduce growth to zero maybe everybody should start stocking up on that mac and cheese rob reynolds al-jazeera washington. now we've got a shutdown timeline at al-jazeera dot com which you can have a look at for yourself of course it's just interesting to look at the very first entry there if we scroll down donald trump saying he would be proud to shut down the government in the name of border security but very quickly he pivoted to calling it the schumer shutdown that is chuck schumer of course is in picture there
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and since say it's only the democrats who can end this by simply funding the wall. with us now u.s. economics editor for the economist in washington d.c. a real pleasure to have you with us as we now i think i said thirty one days certainly over a month into this shutdown here i want to talk to you about the economic cost of it can we quantify how much this is costing and how much this is costing. we can try. checking that beneficials from that chunk of ministration who have estimated that for every week this shutdown goes on the hit to g.d.p. growth is about zero point one to three percentage points now that doesn't sound like a big number but obviously over time it adds up. the point to make though is that that's actually a fairly narrow estimate of the costs of this shutdown what that number is is it values the government services that are now not being provided because those
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government workers are not going into what it doesn't include all the spillover effect of all the other activity all the other people who might be changing their decisions not being able to do what they want to do because these government services aren't being provided turns out the government does stuff that's fairly useful and that impacts the rest of the economy that stuff is not included in those numbers. so it's funny because when we talk about who's affected there's been a lot of stories about say the t.s.a. workers or people who work in the national parks or the museums and all that but i'm also wondering about people who deal with maybe at the at the tax department and you know who would usually work in banking or employ approving loans i think i'm just worried about that sort of knock on effect which you almost can't quantify . yes and that's precisely the kind of activity that we worry about being affected if this thing goes on and on right so that was this example of be
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a brew is who need to have the labels on their beer is approved by the federal regulator and their base just sitting there because they can't get these labels approved in terms of where this is most concentrated obviously there are a lot of government workers in washington d.c. and so you know if you look at a map of where the the worst affected places are then washington d.c. will will show up but as this goes on it becomes harder and harder for places all around the country to cope with this and so we're going to start seeing costs show up elsewhere as well ok so let's say that the shutdown ends tomorrow i mean it could happen any time let's say ends tomorrow you've got effectively a month of backlog there months of people who didn't get paid how long does it take to get i don't if you can quantify this but how long does it take for things to become quote unquote normal again and who pays for all of that. imposture shutdowns what has happened is that the federal government has paid out back pay so
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the workers who aren't being paid now you know those federal employees should be compensated anyway. and so what we'll see is we'll see this bump to to g.d.p. growth when things get back to normal other things will clearly take a bit longer to get back to normal there's one area which is government statistics there are lots of statistics that just haven't been published because the officials at the commerce department have been been furloughed and then it will take a little bit longer last time there was a shutdown it took a few weeks it took a little while for the statistics releases to go back to normal and obviously those numbers are very important for people in the federal reserve policymakers trying to make decisions you know those there are lots of clouds in their vision at the moment because they don't have access to these numbers so making is really interesting talking to you thank you for explaining all of that in the normal english it's really helpful for all of us thank you. back to dallas and there's
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a notable face missing from the world economic forum this year donald trump who canceled his visit to focus and focus focus on the issues at home like of course the government shutdown james takes a look now at what a big difference one year can make. one year ago when president trump arrived in davos the business world was already aware of the unpredictable nature of the u.s. is most unusual more than president most of the well read intellectually focused and strategically minded business leaders who attend this annual gathering could not be more different from donald trump a man who once ran casinos and arguably sometimes ran his empire as if he was in a casino yet when he came here he walked around the holes on a victory lap he was proud of a strong economy united states is doing fantastically well and he stated here as he did many times elsewhere that he was most happy to be judged by one metric the
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stock market is smashing one record after another and has added more than seven trillion dollars in new wealth since my election it didn't stay that way increased volatility at the end of the year meant two thousand and eighteen ended up the worst year on the us stock market for a decade so would trump receive a similar reception if he was coming to davos this year i asked a leading economist i know it's quite different from last year he had just passed the big tax cut and they were about to increase spending for the economy in the short run was very positive and so there was a sort of a legitimate optimism about the u.s. economy a year ago what's become clear is that that was a short term boost not a long term boost and i think one has to look at the way financial markets have behaved of the last several months as at least creating circumstances where
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a recession is probably more likely. than it would have been otherwise. and just quickly u.s. secretary of state might pompei or he didn't go to that but he did address the forum viral video link and he just had well here's some of what he had to say no international body can stand up for people as well as their own leaders can strong borders are key to strong nations the so we keep our people safe and protect our sovereignty sturdy alliances built on key principles are key to shared security we need all nations to contribute to security imperatives president also knows that economic security is national security robust defenses aren't possible without healthy economies to undergird them ok here's james space he's in davos first hi james i mean that slightly surreal situation of a very important player sort of skype being in almost you know it's
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a little more technical than that what did you make of what he has to say and of the sort of smaller u.s. presence and us. yeah the u.s. secretary of state as you say by video link just finished moments ago and you do wonder what money was actually saved by not coming here to divorce because they booked their hotel rooms they arranged all the all the transport and whatever for a large u.s. delegation so i assume they're still spending quite a lot of money for a visit that was canceled but they're making the point i think it's symbolic with the struck down going on they didn't want cabinet ministers of the u.s. all president trump to be seen here in a ski resort in the alps the u.s. still making its presence known though by that video link address from secretary of state pompei o making it clear he said that the winds of change were taking place around the world being felt around the world and that those winds of change were in the place what were in the form of new leaders particularly president trump he said
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that disruption was a good thing and he said economically it was the unleashing of animal instinct and he said that was the way through ror capitalism to beat the possibility of a downturn he's acknowledging that potentially there is a downturn coming but he says president trump has that in hand and has a way to get through that it's worth noting that wall circuitry pompei i was speaking by video link president trump himself was making himself known he was tweeting at the same time he's tweeting that the u.s. again around the world stays canonically number one so president trump certainly made his presence felt in davos of course a year ago he completely dominated this gathering no one was talking about anything else other than him and so in his absence we look for other speakers other major players and the name i think is interesting jay are both unary the new person in
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president who has made such waves there's quite an quite trump of the tropics and he's spoken today. he's spoken today i was surprised by the fact that it was a pretty short speech and then a pretty for short question and answer session afterwards and he was pretty. non-controversial given some of the controversial things we've heard from him remember his dad force is focused one of the main themes on climate change and war is about climate change worries about what the trump an illustration is done pulling out of the paris climate deal and he's also said that that is something that he is minded to do oversee a country that's home to the amazon and great concern to environmentalists well he really didn't talk about that much in an address here to force i think he was avoiding controversy as i say a relatively small short contribution to the events here but i think still keeping
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the new nationalist theme of some of the leaders around the world having representation of that here in davos in the absent of dollars trump or at james thank you get yourself inside their. thick incredibly cold isn't it now also a dab us media freedom is a big topic of discussion and we've heard from marty baron who's the executive editor of the washington post speaking about the murder of his colleague jamal khashoggi during one of the panels at davos he says the world is simply not putting enough pressure on saudi arabia. we're disappointed with what the saudi government did first of all this was. a walk into a diplomatic mission to obtain documents for is. imminent and marriage and he was brutally murdered murdered he was dismembered his body still hasn't been found the saudi government said from the beginning that he walked out freely that they did
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nothing and we learned later that in fact he was he was murdered and so and today we feel that there hasn't been full accountability for that for that murder and we don't feel that the u.s. government has brought enough pressure on the saudis we don't feel that other governments of brought enough pressure on the saudis because of this and i think that you know we have to take a look at well why was he murdered he was murdered for expressing an opinion and opinion that at times was contrary to the official opinion of the of the saudi government and we also have to look at well how do we know what actually happened there because the saudi government officials and mislead the lied about what happened what occurred there and the reason that we know about that is because of a free press a press that investigated this that which which was persistent that tried to on earth the facts and did on earth the facts and then ultimately the saudi government needed to acknowledge that in fact
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a team of individuals went from saudi arabia to turkey to istanbul with the express purpose of murdering murdering him and that's why we need a free press is to is to dig deeply and to hold people accountable and so we're dissatisfied along the way obviously dissatisfied with a brutal murder and horrified by beautiful brutal murder of one of our colleagues dissatisfied that the world. is not bringing enough pressure on a government that engages that can be those kinds of activities and plenty more to come from that us during this week now. well we'll tell you that ended of course more than seven decades ago but on paper some countries are still at war like japan and russia but today by inviting me putin met in moscow trying to conclude the details of a finalized peace treaty most of it revolves around who has sovereignty over the could real islands north of japan which russia occupied at the end of the war as
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you can see a whole archipelago really which flies zoom out a little bit you can see falls between mainland parts of russia and japan let's talk to rory chalons in moscow about this one i believe the leaders have just spoken what if they said. well you know this is the twenty fifth meeting between chins are. in and discussion over this peace treaty over the curial islands has formed a large chunk of these meetings we are still waiting for a breakthrough it was obvious listening to the today it is talking just a short while ago that there hasn't been one yet i mean basically what the clue to why not could be found in something the dimia putin said which was that you know the economic. trade deals and.
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the kind of cooperation between these two countries yes it's improving he said but we haven't seen a qualitative shift and it could be double the thoughts to some thirty billion dollars so essentially what he's saying is he has not seen enough cash yet from the japanese to persuade the russians to give up territory that they have controlled since the second world war and i think territory that they are perfectly happy to keep on controlling forever and ever is it some sort of impetus now rory given that we are talking about an unresolved treaty of more than sixty years. well i think you know this is this is basically our baby's baby he would like to get this peace treaty signed and he would like to get control back over
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at least some of these islands inside russia obviously surrendering territory to japan is not a particularly popular thing with the population at large and adds to that the fact that these islands the archipelago kind of seals off the sea which russia would like to basically keep as a status quo it doesn't want any more of those islands falling into the western sphere of orbit so basically this is a status quo that russia is quite happy with it doesn't necessarily mind that much about a peace treaty because let's face it the absence of a peace treaty has not stopped russia and japan doing business with each other diplomatically economically etc and so for a domestic audience this matters much more i think to sions our bay he would like
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to get this signed off for russia vladimir putin there will have to be a lot more money a lot more trade on the table to persuade them that it's a good thing to do next not really challenge live in moscow thank you. an update now on the story of nathan phillips the native american man you might remember who had a heated encounter with a group of boys from covington catholic high school revealing his government they don't this is a story that has continued to get a lot of attention definitely come all the group has been criticized for seeming to sneer at phillips but now nick soundman the covington catholic high school student who was seen in that video that went viral has released a statement he says he had no intention of offending phillips and claims that he received threats online well the series is shared what seems to be a response to the student from nathan phillips himself it says the student statement was not an apology and contained intentional falsehoods and a new video has surfaced from a different angle showing a longer version of what happened.
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while on line there have been yet more angry comments saying the new video seems to contradict the student's claims that he didn't intend to mock the native american man and we've also seen various reactions to this as well documentary filmmaker island parsa shared this thread that he did punk's the entire case from when it started and says i to identify him the teen in this clip just a shame him won't solve the root cause of the problem parse agis adds that people he wants people to shift their focus on phillips himself who he calls a hero fighting for justice. well it's also been confirmed that twitter has suspended the account that first shared the viral video which was viewed at least two point five million times and the site reported that the person behind this was actually based in brazil and what you think of the story too that a snow is the hash tag aging is greatly candor something estimate directly and the
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train thank you for that up to reveal and now the academy of motion picture arts and sciences has released the nominees for its annual awards which will be given out on for every twenty four in other words oscar nominations are out at the moment when we find out if that movie or actor which we really really liked is as good as we thought the event was live streamed this is the nominees ceremony at its peak there were thirty one thousand viewers online and in total well that's a pick up at six hundred forty thousand views now we just go down have a look at some of the. nominations there we go best picture there are well they can be up to ten and there are eight this year the big ones there green book my director ben is telling me that green book is amazing i haven't seen it black panther black klansmen bahamian rep steve the star a star is born and you start to see some of those names come together again in the actress for example lady gaga nominated for a star was born also going close and olivia colman there and in the leading actors
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rani malik who of course played. pretty mccree in behavior in rhapsody that's just some of the nominations we're going to talk to. kyle buchanan now who is from the new york times awards season is there columnist actually joining us from los angeles and it's great to have you with us and it's still probably quite early there when i look at this i look at this list and i must admit i'm not familiar with all of the films but i'm certainly not seeing a standout this year that one film for example like la la land a few years ago which just got so many nominations. yeah i would agree i think it's a wide open year as far as best picture goes you know it started or it was a gigantic hit obviously black panther was as well in fact this year it's interesting because we have a lot of movies that were gigantic hits bohemian rhapsody among them as well and yet i have to tell you i think the film that could go all the way is a movie that didn't report its box office grosses at all and that's roma black and
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white film out on the our own directed for netflix this is the very first best picture nomination for netflix and i could get got the stuff to win that point i want to pick up on the netflix film being nominated for oscar that tells us so much about the change in the way we we consume films now. it absolutely does i mean netflix has completely changed the way that we consume in attainment but one thing that has eluded that streaming service so far and that is best picture recognition and they've tried they launched a big campaign with the film mud down last year and they got a best supporting actress nomination for mary j. blige but they didn't get the best picture nomination this year they have not only best picture but a ton of nominations across the board and they are spending like crazy it's obviously a company with deep pockets but it remains to be seen i black and white foreign language film that's not the kind of movie that has won best picture before but
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people are really responding to this now. because i we when using the royal way there in the media love to look for a theme in anything like they is something last year i think the me too movement was very strong during the it was season can you see anything like this time i mean i was sort of looking for a diversity angle because that does seem to be a very big issue in such awards ceremonies well yeah i think that last year we saw so many extremely popular films that were directed by people of color that start people of color some of them are in the race this year we have black panther and black klansman directed by spike lee got his very first best director nomination although not all of those movies made it all the way through i didn't see crazy ridge agents there i know some people were hoping that might get in the best picture or that the show you know might be invested porting actress and we have a green book which is likely to win best supporting actor nominee or best supporting actor oscar for hershel ali was the star in
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a film of the good morton sent but is directed by a white man and has run into a little bit of controversy over that. i think i need to get to the movies and see some of these before what is it there are twenty four things in it can be kind of thanks so much for joining us do appreciate it. they did ok his and each talk sport really serious story coming out of the world of football yeah there is it's been confirmed that a premier league footballer was on board a plane has gone missing over the english channel just off the coast of france argentinian strike a million outsell assigned for cardiff city a club record deal from french team not on saturday the twenty eight year old was in a light aircraft to dissipate on his way from nonsuch cardiff on monday nights we've just received this in sydney from the welsh club you can see from the face that he is so so happy to be here and so ready to start. i mean what's cannot just describe. the look on his face very very.
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ready he met us when we walked him around the grounds and. he was absolutely ready to give it a go in. and we knew we knew him then and we really feel sad to hear of this news because we've met such or such a great person well let's talk now while suppose correspondent leigh whiling series in london late at this stage what more can you tell us. interview that's coming out of cardiff city really reflects the sadness of this that even though there's been no confirmation of deaths that there was of course confirmation there were two people on the aircraft and one of them was a million no solace so obviously extremely grim situation some doubt really by the channel islands as chief officer his name is john fitzgerald lee said a few hours ago are not expecting anyone to be alive we just don't know how it
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disappeared there's been an extensive search today of course there was a search last night with life boats and helicopters that had to be stopped at two am the weather was quite bad at that stage that was stepped up again throughout the past few hours and a decision will be made about whether to go through the night again if they can or resume it at sunset but we're in a situation now where of course despite the hope that's been expressed by his family but also people in cardiff city annoyance that we're in a situation where good news is certainly not expected and lee is a footballer his his star seem to be rising fast. yes i'm twenty eight years old i've been born in argentina raised in argentina but my dad is a footballer really in france first with bordeaux really the impact he made was over the last few seasons with ninety's so popular there with the supporters who said they want to hold a vigil there is real grief replier that was leaving them to take that opportunity
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with cardiff city the big opportunity to play in the premier league but cardiff weren't the only carb they were interested in the middle east six other clubs were expressing an interest were sending scouts to watch salo and try and bring him over to the premier league score the goals that they needed had scored forty two in one hundred seventeen games fernand and was showing the wire he could be such an asset to a team of course this was his big dream and what was terrible of course on instagram him saying goodbye to he's not allowed to machar all the final goodbye of course those words are horribly prophetic with what seems to have happened over the english channel they willing sir john is there in london thanks for that finale well fans family and fellow players all expressing their concern on social media his father horatio know he's spoken to argentinian cv about his son's disappearance serious saying i had to tell our family about the incident they had no idea for him
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like for all of us his transfer to cardiff was a great step this from one of the many cardiff fans is posting on twitter a young man with the world at his feet about to embark on a new challenge in the premier league he may not have played a game yet but a million isola is one of us parts of the cardiff city family praying for a miracle himself last week just a couple of days ago this now very poignant photo that lee was referring to of him saying goodbye to his not teammates the club he'd been with and scored so many goals for since twenty fifteen. well football is going on at the asian cup in the united arab emirates the final two quarter finalist a being decided today south korean fans had a more nervous not than i would have been hoping for in their game against bahrain it was one one after ninety minutes before the two time champions dropped that winner in extra time. now right kick off against qatar in a few minutes time both teams unbeaten heading into the knockout rounds cats are
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won all three of the group games held by the efforts of that man there are more easily the tournament's top score with seven goals we're going to try to play our game and they do have a good performance we know that now all the teams were in the same position doesn't matter what we did in the first round stage it's about one game it's like a final for us sure we're going to try to all of us. well iraq fans it's all getting a repeats of the run the saw them win their title the title of asian champions for the first and only time in two thousand and seven our correspondent rob matheson is in baghdad where hopes are high. all over iraq football fans are going to be coming to school is a phrase like this already anywhere it's got a large screen t.v. that's going to be showing a good match between iraq and qatar in the sixty's running off an asian cup two thousand and nineteen but the date that's going to be on everybody's mind is
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criticizing a seventy one and only time that iraq managed to win in asia cup the managed to defeat sides in history of south korea even managed to different saudi arabia in the finals and let's not forget this was a time when iraq was struggling after the two thousand and three iraq war much of the country has been devastated the government didn't have enough money to invest in football and yet iraq is still able to pull off that effectively and let's scroll forward twelve years and actually the situation is pretty much the same only this time we had the conflict with i saw the country still need sleep building and the government still doesn't have enough money to invest in sports facilities and encouraging new players but despite that or perhaps because of football fans and their right to take a lot of pride in the success of their national team cause all those really strong needs want it through nicely so whatever rocks looking pretty good to each one
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tonight and drawn one. you think it's noisy now for a lot looks as though it's going away and this place is going to be deafening you can have more from rob throughout the day is that game unfolds now i'm going to show you some pitches of something it's been shot hundreds of thousands of times on social media take a look at this recovery from jockey michael sweeney at a race in ireland through all paid loss to the final fence there they tell a point. point us when he was seated from his host asked how the some how the pair managed to stay attached and here is what i recall really going on so when the right. ok most falls in the eight hundred g.m.t. news out of the now i will hunt you back to come up thanks andy just a quick final answer to a question i had on twitter who's going to host the oscars because kevin hart pulled out apparently off just google that no one's going to they have said there will be no host for this year's oscar awards a.j. newsgroup hash today jane you're going to keep in touch to see it back here again
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fifteen hundred hours g.m.t. on which. that corruption has reached a level like that before in our country. rock outsider. to president of the united states. the power was in the data we will honor the american people with the truth and nothing else discovered. for winning the white house unfair game on al jazeera. driven by outrage
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and spanning generations the real hinge of demonstrators gathered on the very day a widely criticised repatriation agreement between the governments of bangladesh and me and more was to begin the anger was all too apparent and the fear was palpable if you don't like we're so afraid that if they send one of us back to myanmar today tomorrow they'll send back ten and the day after tomorrow they'll send back twenty. if we were given citizenship in myanmar then there would be no need to take us back there we would go back on our own we must remember the rancho among the most persecuted minority in the world in the next episode of science in a golden age exploring the contributions made by scholars during the medieval islam and a period in the field of chemistry they transformed the superstition of alchemy into the science of chemistry. many of his chemical procedures are those which may still
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be used today. or while. science in a golden age with professor jim and lee on al-jazeera. a call for more demonstrations ensued on those anger grows over the police crackdown on protests. that i'm going to stay far and you're watching al-jazeera life from london also coming up zimbabwe's human rights commission accuses.


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