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tv   Gold At Any Cost  Al Jazeera  January 26, 2019 5:33pm-6:01pm +03

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and that's exactly what we've seen. we'll have more on egypt in the second half of the show right now though we're looking at other media stories that are on our radar this week with one of our producers matt celebes are marcella the elections in israel are coming up in three months time and it would appear that prime minister netanyahu is look who'd party wants to make media coverage an election issue what kind of signs are we seeing modest signs billboards as well as online campaigns here's a billboard that's near his party put up and tell of eve it says for leading israeli journalists and that hebrew slogan reads they will not decide the reporters from different outlets print and broadcast how does the t.v. news channel thirteen and the newspaper mary they've all been covering the corruption investigations against netanyahu including allegations of bribery fraud and breach of trust now those cases have been going on for
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a while now and on some of them involve other israeli media outlets you know they do one involves a newspaper are not netanyahu is accused of offering to change some of his government's media policies and the owner's favor in exchange for positive news coverage and the other case involves an israeli telecoms for. netanyahu is alleged to have intervened with regulators on behalf again in return for glowing coverage on one of its news sites. netanyahu denies any wrongdoing in the cases he says the attorney general indicting him is colluding with the left and of course the media we don't see much of nicaragua in international news feeds however president daniel ortega his government is facing political unrest there how was that affected journalists trying to cover this story well it's getting harder for them to reporter many of had to flee the country the latest to go into exile is one of nicaragua's best known journalists gun laws for another time or
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a he's the editor of an independent website of convenience and hosts a number of t.v. . news shows last month his news room was raided by police model said he and many other journalists have been facing extreme threats and there's a historical irony to this story tomorrow's father was also an outspoken journalist in the one nine hundred seventy s. assassinated for his work during the samosa dictatorship so when i was toppled in one thousand nine hundred seventy nine in a revolution led by the data and the left wing sundanese the rebels forty years later junior is holed up in costa rica on the run he says from the other day our government ok thanks for some. back to egypt now and the talking heads egyptians call emperors every night millions tune in to televised talk shows that focus more on politics than entertainment the hosts of the programs lecture opine argue rant sometimes even cry their way through hours of air time talk show hosts form
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a key filter through which egyptians have come to view their politics and they have an outsized influence on the masses under. the sea talk show hosts are expected to legitimize his presidency and vilify his critics when they do not they have a habit of disappearing from the airwaves just like that television may be dwindling in importance in many countries but in egypt where literacy rates are low it remains the medium of the masses and few institutions are more influential than the evening talk shows or listening posts tarik naafa now in the highly politicized world of t.v. talk shows in each. to say that talk shows are the most important phenomenon in the way that government communicates with the public will be an undersea one demo i used until my baby was shot a few dinora many even most of it's consistent it's entertaining. you get the
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feeling as though you're sitting at a cafe with them. and don't mistake it for a moment this is not about bringing information to the people this is about bringing in the government this or into your homes instead of the. that. master of destruction merchants of the absurd i get. the joke i did my shed saw. making it high i know. that is a. bill in kenya. in a country where more than a quarter of the population is a literate the spoken word has an outsized influence by the public consciousness well known a lot of the networks start up you know i think of course. the egyptian love affair
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with talk shows began in the final years of the old regime of hosni mubarak loosened his grip on the media. the hosts of these shows were colorful opinionated everything that monochrome counterparts on state t.v. when not. after the revolution a state restriction is temporarily fell away talk shows became a platform for lively popular debate everybody the talk shows were always political now they're deeply politicized with hosts delivering a nightly diatribe that goes on and on and on the monologue can be up to a half hour in some cases forty five minutes where you have a host not only talking but working himself or herself up emotionally. mary or sometimes you would have some video theatrical props. and the other thing is the interaction not only with the in studio guests but also with viewers at home
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for example we've seen relatives of some of the victims of the terrorist bombings where an audience member calls begins crying on the air. and the host begins crying as well i have got that. for you and as a result the host becomes this emotional link this connection that brings people in their homes together i can see at least eighty percent of journalists i interviewed in egypt told me. to be first citizens and on the second professional journalists. say that there is a strong code for subjectivity. and that is take a community set for c.s. the issue of the idea of objective journalism as trees and the importance of the personalities at play are beyond crucial without them the shows would crumble two of them happen to be the power couple of middle eastern talkers is the
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first and he is very likely the most handsomely paid. he has a natural instinct of intelligence and the intelligence agencies recognise that his wife is the incident she is a study in upper middle class the core and delivers her message. not as opinion but as fact how do. they plot to walk. the third person that comes to mind is the most grotesque figure of explicit propaganda from others i had to show what i love while also not to frighten it all that much. is loud fascist non-apologetic all what are you. i am going to i don't know what but he excels at hyperbolic
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nationalistic form of diatribe that appeals to the lowest common denominator. over the years the former to survives but the mission has changed president to for the one thing three took power in two thousand and fourteen on a wave of nationalist fervor vowing to return stability to egypt staking his legitimacy on combating terror. talk show hosts prevented the former general of the national savior who would stand between egypt and the chaos that was consuming the rest of the middle east and much . credit you can't have. that you have a thought on that one item hyping a shared sense of purpose panic and victimhood one of the key aspects of the stock shows is the way they whip up
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a sense of national emergency. shaaban most thought about but what about that me about that ok are you not only support the government if you bend over backwards so to speak so dissidents political prisoners are typically vilified they are portrayed as enemies of the nation is. it i do wish i had would i do when the what. and if you portray anybody as an enemy of the nation in a time of emergency what you're saying it's ok to jail them it's ok to beat them up and in some cases it's ok to kill talk shows i very prominent political tool or political platform for messaging you need to support that he she because said he she is facing unprecedented dentures coming from cell time but also and mainly from inside said it's a conspiracy coming from. so it will surprise a hoot oh miller to have wife yani home the only other little bit of
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a i got mad when i was despotic they are under few scratch. every critical voice can be linked to. the roster of the bad guys real imagined and otherwise is constantly evolving to suit the needs of the state. qatar is now public enemy number one turkey is public enemy number two and iran is public enemy number three. talked. about a. no larry it had me. and i think. and of course the ruler is featured prominently one way or another. there has always been a consistent awareness where the red lines are precise and right now there are more
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outlines than there were ever been censorship is ubiquitous in egypt and takes many forms the government dictates the narrative and increasingly the intelligence services are getting in on the act over the past year they secretly acquired almost all of egypt's privately owned t.v. networks having dispensed with media owners whose cooperation was never in doubt it was only a matter of time before attention turned to the big personalities fronts in egypt's talk shows this summer some of the country's best known hosts have played a pivotal role reinforcing president wrote a paradoxical disappeared from t.v. screens when you're going through. a liberal government story gets who went on vacation in august and never came back the regime in egypt has emasculated all of position it has controlled the media to a level of ninety eight or ninety nine percent they have muzzled civil society
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completely and so you wonder what is the remaining threat well i think the reason these talk show hosts do present a threat is because the government is at a stage where it does not tolerate even indirect influence it wants to have direct and immediate control over everything and you have to keep in mind that it all comes down to information who has it and doesn't how it's delivered hats off to the c.c. regime for understanding the link between lack of education ease of the summation obstruction of information the government has created an environment where disbursement of the nation. unless it is tightly controlled by government it's all but impossible. and finally a geography lesson delivered over twitter by none other than the israeli military this past week israel launched air strikes on iranian forces stationed in syria then the israeli government tweeted out
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a message to tehran you seem to be lost it said along with a map with one set of arrows pointing to the islamic republic where iran belongs that said and another arrow pointing to syria saying where iran is that kicked off i mean war and like many conflicts in the middle east power is on the outside were drawn in the us russia and turkey among them check it out we'll see you next time there are listening.
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to resort is one of nigeria's top tourist destinations but in the shadow of the mountain some nigerians continue an ancient tradition with child protection workers say condemns young girls to a life of slavery and sexual exploitation five year old miracle was buried for money just a few weeks ago you don't leave so some missionaries who say she's proved many marriages happen i couldn't reach it is a missionary who rescues girls their man goes to buy it get outrightly a no call and. one big truck to get the. forty is. the brother the. money wife. rewind returns i can bring your people back to life i'm sorry with brand new updates on the best of documentaries
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live i was the global for. like and the other student rewind continues with most me going into a war zone he said the first thing i look for is the exit it's on how to get in it's all to get out that nobody sees your pictures there's no point going to these places rewind on al-jazeera. you stand the differences. and the similarities of cultures across the world. al-jazeera. at least nine people killed and hundreds more missing some brazil sending a torrent of sludge through a mine and. eleven
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o'clock this is. also coming up. we really have no choice. but to build a powerful wall. for his mexico border wall for now agreeing to temporarily and the u.s. government shutdown. venezuela self-proclaimed pressure on president rejecting an offer of talks. and how kenya is trying to repair its reputation and once again from its beaches. so at least nine people have been killed and hundreds of missing after a burst at a mine in southeastern brazil for a job on mine near the town improvement you know in minutes guy state was in the
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process of being decommissioned when the dam collapsed on friday in two thousand and fifteen there was another dam disaster and money on or about one hundred thirty kilometers away involving the same mining company. reports now from neighboring argentina on a wave of reddish orange sludge with sense spewing into the countryside when a series of three dams collapsed the failed structures unnoticed tailings dans filled with residue from iron ore mining a risky operation is underway to evacuate people from vulnerable areas in and around the nearest community below four tickle neither town the prevent the needle efforts are also being made amid fears of widespread pollution to prevent contaminated mud and sludge reaching a refutal by your hydroelectric plant with the national water company said could happen in two days president cardoso noddle said he was sending cabinet ministers to the region to oversee the operation are my ability. to morrow morning along with
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the defense minister will go to bellow desire to there the governor of meanest state will join us to fly over the region to evaluate the damage and take all the necessary measures to lessen the suffering of relatives of possible victims as well as the environment and. the chorizo the fish while iron ore mine is owned by the brazilian mining company vale they were part owners with the a straight b.h.p. billiton of the mine near mariana also in the state of mena should rice rip down burst its banks in two thousand and fifteen nineteen people were killed and the whole community is submerged by mud that has called brazil's worst environmental disaster they are officials have said they are very saddened by what's happened. we miss. you it's with great regret that i confirm the collapse of the dam i have no words to describe how disappointed and sad i am about what just happened it's beyond anything i could possibly expect i want to tell you that vall will do
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everything possible to help those affected. however environmentalist say the company and the country have failed to learn the lessons of the mariana disaster. which is zero or colors rattle is the secretary of the brazilian ngo climate observatory and says this will have a big and probably long lasting environmental impact. bilious speaking about the air it is cool to reach opera two hundred twenty kilometers far from the dam and that have been a fact that could have been affecting the couple of days. from the leakage of the of the of. the substance that we're dairy in to them and you're speaking about several cities along this the reverse this reverse might being affected by the pollution the soil might be affected by the pollution and well.
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in in addition we have hundreds of people who at that time might have been killed by the accident we haven't learned really the last of us from marianna and even right now we're discussing softening weakening the environmental legislation that are necessary to make things work out and if this is an eclectic accidents like this could happen more frequently in the future unfortunately in spite of them there of the measures emergency measures taken by the government think this is just an acceptable just days after declaring that he would not cave in donald trump is it greed to end the partial government shutdown without getting the money he wants to build the border will a deal with rival democratic party politicians will provide enough funding to operate the government for three weeks i'll official reports from washington on what could happen after that thank you very much my fellow americans it's over for
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no i am very proud to announce today that we have reached a deal to end the shutdown and reopen the federal government. after the longest shutdown in american history thirty five days steps of moving taken to get it hundred thousand federal stuff back to work but the funding deal is just for three weeks in that time republicans and democrats will discuss a long term plan here's the problem the president still wants his border wall the democrats don't want to agree to that from the white house a warning that if he doesn't get what he wants i will use the powers afforded to me under the laws and the constitution of the united states to address this emergency pressure had been building on the president to end the stalemate his approval rating was dropping senior republicans were leaking support and workers were warning of genuine security risks in the senate republican leader called on democrats to negotiate a longer funding deal that would include
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a significant investment in urgently needed border security measures and clothing physical barriers in his rose garden address the president insisted democrats know back the idea of a border wall that was disputed by their leader we don't agree on some of the specifics of border security democrats are against the wall but we agree on many things. such is the need for new technology and the need to strengthen security in our ports of entry a funding bill was agreed by the senate in december but attacked by right wing commentators donald trump blocked it because it had no money for a border wall his decision to reopen the government has led to new attacks from his own supporters but one former trumpet ministration official says he no gets to make a state of the union address to put his case to save the union as we all know is a prime time address not just to congress to brief congress but also to brief the american people and i think i expect that the president will use that time to try
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to address the american people and discuss the significant issue that he has before them in the sport of offering donald trump said he was willing to keep the government shutdown for months to get the money for a wall he promised on the campaign trail mexico would pay for thousands of federal workers will no go back to work after the president misjudge the situation the consequences and the result thank you very much allan fisher al-jazeera washington . the u.n. security council is set to meet later on saturday to discuss the power struggle gripping venezuela the united states is likely to push fellow members to bank the opposition leader and one guy to has declared himself as president but any such move will be blocked by russia which backs nicolas maduro inside venezuela the two men continue to rally supporters latin america at its embassy in yemen reports now from on the colombian venezuelan border samhain in caracas an almost surreal scene two venezuelans speaking in the same city at the same time each claiming to
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be the country's legitimate president. it's a high stakes bet by daughter who was proclaimed interim president by the opposition controlled national assembly on wednesday he's now calling on the military considered the deal breaker in this conflict to support regime change. why don't announce the approval of an amnesty law to benefit army members prepared to. abandon me last month a little while summoning venezuelans to take to the streets what about. those who think that we're backing down but the streets have have another thing coming the people are going to be on the streets for as long as the table. but at the presidential palace the embattled president responded by making it clear he's not going anywhere. we will defeat the coup d'etat that intends to intervene in the political life through venezuelan sovereignty aside and install a puppet regime for the interests of the united states and its allies in the
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western world on. friday the european union said it would join the us canada and most of central and south america and recognize an interim government unless immediate and internationally supervised elections take place this as non-essential u.s. embassy staff began leaving the country not top tier diplomats washington says it doesn't recognize my party to sever diplomatic ties or expel u.s. embassy personnel the u.s. secretary of state mike pump il has called an emergency un security council meeting for saturday. russia is now putting its full weight behind warning washington against intervention in minutes weyler while offering to barter negotiations to end the conflict. but the opposition says the time for talking is over. on the colombian side of the border than is whalen's returned home with supplies
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nervous about what lies ahead these venezuelans know that the crisis in their country is entering into unchartered waters a confrontation between president mahmoud abbas and his opponents between mughal and the united states and between the united states and russia and the only thing at this hour that they seem to be certain of is that there is total uncertainty about how all this will unfold. the u.n. high commissioner for human rights warns that the situation could quickly spiral out of control with catastrophic consequences c. and human al-jazeera. people living in a predominately muslim area of the southern philippines have voted to create a new autonomous region the electoral commission says eighty five percent of voters backed the plan it emerged from a deal in two thousand and fourteen between the government and sepsis to expand the pounds in an existing self administered area and the region is trying to come out of one of the longest running conflicts in asia reuters news agency is reporting
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the e.u. has added saudi arabia to a draw for lists of countries that pose a threat to the blog the list includes countries seen as having lax controls against terrorism financing and money laundering saudi arabia is already under international pressure over the murder of journalist america so gee other countries already on the list include iran iraq syria yemen and north korea georgia who is the chief executive of gulf state and six he says this will put more pressure on saudi arabia to change its ways. so of course important to keep in mind that this is merely a draft it's subject to change but of course the fact that we're even talking about this in the first place bodes poorly for riad let's keep in mind that in september the f.a. t.f. decided not to give saudi arabia full membership for many of the reasons which are obviously in play here.


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