tv Mo Me Al Jazeera January 27, 2019 12:32pm-1:01pm +03
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dictated to how things need today. james supplies the bricks and boxes. he's traditionally done business with aid agencies dealing in disaster relief in recent weeks he's seen a big uptick in sales inside the u.k. a year's supply for a family costs more than twenty thousand dollars if we're going to know their scenario which is possibly going to cause a hiccup in in in the customs system at the moment nobody knows what to get ready for life in the customs guys so the company plans put into place properly and so there is always going to be a disruption for the least the first three to four weeks for us to try and sort out what to do and possibly longer if they need to have further infrastructure the inexorable logic of a no deal bricks its means fresh food which would normally come from places like the dutch port of rotterdam getting stuck and rotting in lorries before it can reach supermarkets several have already said they too are stockpiling or nonperishable foods that acknowledge they could run out in little over
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a week empty shelves and panic buying seem inevitable it's become common for politicians who support hard bret's it to say well so what if we can't have bananas and tomatoes for a while the country's been through much worse what for some seems entirely pointless exercise a source of self-imposed blockade is for many others a small price to pay for getting rid of the malign influence of the european union yorkshire voted leaving the bricks at referendum by a small margin this part of the country is known for its grit and determination if no deal is as bad as many fear if medicines do start to run outs they may very well need it's all right still to come on counting the cost how building a boat clad in flip flops is raising awareness of a serious issue. for first a week of term or venezuela some world leaders are saying they'll recognize one.
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the head of the national assembly as the interim president opposition efforts to replace nicolas maduro with a transitional government have been having an impact on the bond market nearly all of venezuela sixty billion dollars worth of international bonds are in default but this week venezuelan government and state oil company p.d. vs abrams posted their biggest gains in a year investors are betting a change of government will help fix the world's worst performing economy but any new government will want to review deals made by its predecessor with russia and china will be looking at that next week in our special focus on venezuela who are its biggest creditors and what does the future hold for people there and here in the middle east qatar is buying up five hundred million dollars worth of lebanese government bonds qatar which remains under a saudi arabian led land sea and air blockade sees it as
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a good investment which will help stabilize the economy lebanon has the third highest debt to g.d.p. in the world and eight months on from an election politicians there still can't agree to form a government moody's lowered lebanon's credit score further below investment grade on monday the ratings agency cited risks the government may default on repayments and the first foldable five g. smartphone the chinese telecoms giant hallway said it is launching it next month using its very own technology weiwei is facing restrictions in several western countries of the concerns its products could be used for spying the company's chief financial officer main one joe continues to fight extradition to the u.s. she denies accusations the company illegally broke u.s. sanctions against iran. a france slapped a fifty seven million dollar fine on google this week it is the first major penalty
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brought against the us technology company since new e.u. privacy rules came into force regulators said the search engine giant failed to fully disclose to users how their personal information is used now from unpaid coast guard members to absent airport screeners more americans are feeling the pain of the longest government shutdown in u.s. history but president trump and the democrats appear no closer to ending the political deadlock over the funding for a proposed wall along the border with mexico rob reynolds reports. a month of shutdown gridlock and political posturing a month of misery for eight hundred thousand government employees going without pay in a sign of just how bad things are now kraft foods corporation opened a grocery pop up store in washington giving away cheese macaroni mayonnaise and so on to cash strapped federal workers. the pain spreads across the country on coast
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guard bases and research laboratories along the borders and in airports the partial government shutdown is hurting families and disrupting vital government functions for example the transportation security agency reported that about ten percent of its airport security screeners have been unable to report to work due to financial hardships we have to have been evidenced based conversation president donald trump and democratic house speaker nancy pelosi are no closer to an agreement i am here today to break the logjam on saturday offered temporary protection to about one million undocumented immigrants in exchange for funding his wall the plan includes five point seven billion dollars for a strategic deployment of physical barriers or a wall. democrats said no way saying trump must agree to end the
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shutdown before they'll talk about border security both sides have resorted to jab jobs and juvenile antics speaker pelosi suggested trump dump plans for a televised state of the union speech during the shutdown in retaliation trump snatched away military aircraft. palosi planned to use for a trip to afghanistan that kind of pettiness and does nothing for the american people and has reached a high water mark in my experience and i've been here all. last fifteen years polls show americans are weary of the dysfunction in d.c. about sixty percent in a recent poll disapprove of trump's handling of the shutdown. the economic damage is mounting according to the financial services company standard poor's the u.s. gross domestic product loses one point two billion dollars each week the government is closed or about one thousand nine hundred eighty four dollars
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a second jamie dimon who runs j.p. morgan chase the biggest bank in the u.s. says if the shutdown persists it will reduce growth to zero. maybe everybody should start stocking up on that mac and she says well joining me now from london is ross mold investment director at stockbrokers a.j. bell thanks for being with us so we've heard so many stories about unpaid government employees having to sell their possessions and going going on gum to go fund me pages and missing their payments and so on talk us through the effect that this is having on the us economically the longer this goes on or one of the ironies is at the moment it's quite hard for us to tell because of the government shutdown we aren't getting the normal regular monthly economic data that we would expect some of the releases that we could use to judge the u.s. economy aren't available the one that we have seen an independent survey on american consumer confidence from the university of michigan that's just reached
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its lowest level german the trump presidency so it does seem to be starting to have some effect and a negative effect one of the things that that is affecting of at the moment is this this government agency the small business administration com process in new loans that that's having a really bad effect on small businesses isn't it you would certainly expect so i mean credit is the lifeblood of many economies so if small companies can't get access to it they probably have limited resources of their own it is a potential negative it'll be interesting to see again if they start to show up in some of the smaller companies sentiment service that the american government publishes as and when it gets around to publishing them which at the moment unfortunately it isn't and there's no doubt that this shutdown is bad for the economy but there's varying estimates at the moment on just how bad some say if it last so we ended january could knock a half a percentage point off of economic growth what's your view on this and could this lead to recessions well well that's a really good question because lots of economics we're worrying about a recession last year anywhere though those fears of yet have been proven unfounded
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but the the what our white house economic advisory council member kevin hassett he actually gave some numbers out on wednesday saying he thought that the. each week that the shutdown continued would knock around an eighth of a percentage point off u.s. g.d.p. growth now there are many forecasts out for the first quarter the moment the new york federal reserve is forecasting two point two percent growth so if you take mr hassett number literally multiply that by all thirteen weeks the first quarter you're certain looking at u.s. g.d.p. growth the celebrating to no more than one percent in the first quarter if those an earlier estimates are correct so that would be the worst number since late twenty fifteen and what effect is this having on investor sentiment in the u.s. obviously it was a rough year twenty eighteen many people took some took some big losses there how nervous are investors about the effect that this is going to have on the overall health of the economy at the moment they seem remarkably calm the s. and p.
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five hundred index one of america's major stock market benchmarks is actually up by five percent this year now as you said that's a big rally after the hammering that a lot of stocks took in the fourth quarter last year but there seems to be still some confidence that this is a short term problem now admittedly speaker pelosi in the house of representatives a democrat has raised the temperature again by forbidding president trump from giving the state of the union speech on the twenty ninth of january so that's the next step maybe she will be hoping that provokes some form of compromise for the president and in the in the present himself seems to be equating the success of his term with how the u.s. stock market goes so you would expect him to to want to start to find some sort of solution and some surge but at the moment share market investors got lots of other things to worry about oddly enough it doesn't seem to be the shutdown do you think this will set a precedent though for the future if and when this is resolved that mechanisms will then be put in place in the u.s. governing system to prevent anything like this happening again that if there's any
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any sort of political deadlock you can't use that the u.s. budget is as a weapon any more. well in theory congress could present on a president on with a bill and ask him to take it all leave it so that there are things that congress can do this is the balancing mechanism that america house through its its bi cameral system the president says there are multiple of the overseas which mean that one power can become too dominant over all the others so i think the checks and balances are there the current unfortunate situation is we have a very very combative situation in washington where the two political parties are probably filed in the bin for a very very long time i think the system seems to work pretty well at the moment the people operating it well perhaps using its best effects rossmo good to speak with you thanks very much thank you and finally it washes up on beaches and creates giant floating waste patches in the sea the u.n. estimates the by two thousand and fifty they'll be more plastic than fish and less the industry cleans up its act mohamed atta reports now from lima kenya on an
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unusual project aimed at raising awareness. this is the bullet at the heart of what is being hailed as a plus to clear pollution flipflop as it's called is the world's first doll and highly over cycle ocean plastic recovered from the beaches of canoeist coastal towns. the boot was built here in lumber a home of traditional small heated dull building and it's all seen by this man alyssa kunda and his team of craftsman our big dream was to have a big dowel going up to capetown around the world but then according to the challenger limited. we had this prototype to experience our sat down to prove ourselves that we can do it. for a long time this tiny kingdom island was untouched by the outside world. is now at the receiving and the world global tide of plastic pollution. a community of a few thousand people dealing with the problem of washed up waste which begins its
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journey thousands of kilometers away and according to the latest scientific studies the scale of the problem is much bigger than alioth fault plastic pollution is still just limited to the east african coast it's a global problem with huge budgets of sea covered by plastic that is poisoning and strangling wildlife the united nations is now warning that there would be more plastic than fish in the sea by twenty fifty of drastic action is taken. those behind the flip through people who say they're doing their part to raise awareness on the growing crisis of plastic pollution we basically want to showcase to the world what you can do if you have if you use plastic sensibly that you can get plastic a second life and more importantly that if it does not make sense to have anything called single use it's just it simply does not make sense in this time and era to
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use something once and throw it away the boat symbolizes that the boat is now on its maiden trip to the island of zanzibar five hundred kilometers away the team will be stopping at a very village and town on their way to tell people of the dangers of plastic waste in the oceans. or. the ceremony to flog it off its market with the beach soak a competition and a race between plastic waste boats built by some of lumbers children with the knowledge that plastic waste come to town into something useful the team which has now partnered with the us clean seas program says they're planning to build a much bigger which can sail for the field and help in highlighting the potential of recycled plastic. and that is our show for this week remember you can get in touch with us by tweeting me at. and do use the hash tag j.c.t. see when you do or drop us an e-mail counting the cost at al-jazeera dot net is our
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address there's more for you online at al-jazeera dot com slash c.t.c. that will take you straight to our page which has individual ports links and entire episodes for you to catch up. so that is it for this edition of counting the cost and has a secret from the whole team here thanks for joining us the news on the edges there is next.
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getting help. distraught relatives of hundreds of people missing after a. break in. trying to make a difference in what's traditionally been. so we start with the brakes. news out of the southern philippines at least fifteen people have been killed in two explosions the blast happened in front of a catholic church just off the mass in jolo that's about a thousand kilometers south of manila all reports of a number of injuries let's go straightaway to jim ireland going to joins us on the phone from manila what more do we know at this point. well nick what we know basically is the death toll is going up and in those there will. be some of those. two bombs exploded one inside the church at the mass one was ongoing
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in sight where security is usually rotated there's no claim of responsibility at this point but you have to understand that the island of willow is one of the most militarized and basically a difficult area in the southern philippines this is where armed groups are based out of there is a more islamic liberation front more national liberation front and of course been for years. now despite no claim of responsibility makes at this point that the timing is suspicious because last week there has been a referendum in the island of willow both that to not be part of this new autonomous government that's being created is part of the peace process with the biggest armed groups the more people we should fund so at this point according to state forces we may expect. that death to go up there was blacked out the communication lines they are back on and communications and information starting to trickle in as we speak. live there for the moment thanks very much
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indeed more as we get to this from the philippines. venezuela's president and his supporters have denounced moves to topple him by influential european nations spain germany france and britain have set a deadline for nicolas maduro to call new elections if he doesn't they say they'll recognize the opposition leader one go to the interim president. you don't have what i don't know the european union say they've given us eight days to call for the election was held venezuelans don't take orders from anybody well madeira has received the backing of russia china turkey and mexico my kind of has more from an emergency session of the un security council. a highly unusual weekend session and at the outset russia made very clear its opposition to the proceeding arguing that any u.n. involvement in venezuela constituted a violation of that country's sovereignty particularly when you're still who rules
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we don't see any external threats coming from what is taking place in venice well or venezuela does not represent a threat to peace and security if anything does represent a threat to peace it is a shameless and aggressive actions of the united states and their allies aimed at the ouster of the legitimately elected president of venezuela russia demanded a procedural vote to continue the requisite mine members voted to do so but the four votes against a signal that yet again the security council would not be speaking with a unified voice now it's time for every other nation to pick a side no more delays no more games if you stand with the forces of freedom or you're in league with merger and his mayhem that's a sentiment echoed by u.s. allies the united kingdom making a clear ultimatum we believe that one why don't you is the right man to take venezuela forward and we will recognize him as constitutional interim president
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if new elections are not announced within eight days the venezuelan foreign minister was allowed to put his country's point of view and seize the opportunity for a show and tell of what he called illegitimate u.s. intervention in latin america the united states is withdrawing forces from syria well they are going to try to start a new war now in latin america venezuela we're not going to give them that satisfaction peace stability and understanding will prevail in venezuela in spite of all the efforts of the countries present here who are trying to trigger a war the us secretary of state was not there to listen holding a brief news conference before walking away and leaving the council still in session behind mike hanna al-jazeera united nations. when venezuela's president is claiming a diplomatic victory at that meeting you or your market hollow today at the same time our foreign minister was speaking at the united nations security council to
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fending venezuela i want you to applaud the foreign minister and the entire team at the u.n. made a great victory in the u.n. today a victory for venezuela a victory of truth a big victory at the united nations with the support of most of the countries in the u.n. security council to reflect victory marc pompei left the meeting. well millions of venezuelans have escaped the economic pain and political turmoil they've gone to neighboring countries to get away from the hardship a lot of america italy now reports from on colombia's border with venezuela whether they're now looking at returning home. and i did come from all over this way across the border into google dot columbia some months ago others just yesterday and they're all hungry. so when they get the signal they line up for the only plate of food most will eat today. the old and the ill go first then the rest each getting
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a rosary as they enter this catholic church parish for lunch. today it's rice with chicken and many are many have no mobile phones or access to television but they've heard the news about what is happening back home like biden but i feel good. i have faith that the situation room improved with a new president we can have hope again bevan israel will be the country it was before when we could walk and feed our children. but these two brothers who arrived two weeks ago with just what they could carry don't expect anything to change despite unprecedented u.s. led efforts to force president nicolas maduro out as a model hamas hamas people are on optimal never be able to throw out a government but to the teeth and protected by the military if we had weapons if we were the terrorists the madeira says he wouldn't be in the power still on this one as whalen's lined up for a plate of food across the border in second stall as in other towns and cities
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inside venezuela people are holding open air meetings to discuss the self-proclaimed president's offer of amnesty to members of the military who turn against president mahmoud the idea is to take away his main source of support by promising officers who have commanded troops that they will not suffer reprisals under a new government and found. the first to publicly accept the offer was venezuela's military attache in washington who announced he was recognizing as president mugabe is here from our government down. officers captains colonels with troops under their command don't forget that we cannot and should not attack our people we owe ourselves to them. whether others will swallow is uncertain as more and more of an israel and arriving quickly that some too late the soup kitchen is closed and won't open until monday so they might have to go hungry for another thirty eight
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hours you see in human. colombia rescue workers in brazil have briefly suspended the search for hundreds of people still missing after a dam burst thirty four bodies have been found but many more are feared dead under a sea of money west bengal swine the reports from the town of religion you know near the site of the disaster the heavy rain only makes an already fraught rescue operation much worse many have been saved in the being cared for at this center relieved distraught concerned about their missing loved ones. the feeling is that you're going to die that is the end of everything and you don't know which way to run the president. visited the disaster area but didn't stay long his ministers are overseeing the rescue and relief efforts to see that soon all the mud is being monitored by local and national institutions at this moment the heavy part is moving more slowly as we have several monitoring points along the river and we
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are tracking its movement. an investigation is underway into how the dam burst releasing millions of liters of waste from the iron ore mine the owners vale expressed their sorrow they've already been fined sixty six million dollars but they were also part owners of a miner a little over three years ago a similar downburst one thousand people were killed damage to the environment was immense we still don't know the scale of this tragedy on either the human or the environmental level what is known is that lessons were not learned from the last november two thousand and fifteen nobody was prosecuted nobody took responsibility for many already asking whether they'll be ignored again if it's there it's disheartening it's sad what carelessness where are the authorities spare the petition how long are people going to die for things like this how long we'll be crying for our loved ones. were sent to the morgue in search of
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a missing husband banjul he wasn't there and he doesn't know where he is she may never know and will join others wondering how another down they were told was safe this course such death and destruction of. roman guignol was ill. the united nations is again warning that rohingya refugees in bangladesh cannot be sent back to me in ma because it's not safe special rapporteur on human rights says that the crisis could have global consequences in a report now from dhaka. these rohingya experienced the evils of humanity in me and mark yet the lure of home is like a magnet and they long to return as citizens with equal rights the refugees reject any repatriation plan that can't guarantee that. if they did recently came here if seek justice. and. the un special rapporteur on human rights in me and maher young he least says can't return
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home for the foreseeable future and bangladesh must begin planning for hosting them long term around three quarters of a million refugees have streamed over the border since the me and our military crackdown began in august twenty seventh teen u.n. investigators call it a genocide against this predominantly muslim minority the refugee relief and repatriation commissioner says more people are arriving at a rate of about forty thousand a year. the camps in cox's bizarre have become the largest refugee settlement in the world there can just if they sit on an elephant migration route and the jungle is heavily forested the bangladeshi government says they can improve the situation by transferring about one hundred thousand roving does to a remote uninhabited island. this is boston shark or fl.
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