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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  January 30, 2019 8:00am-8:34am +03

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we can chase idealism once in a different sort of. book lovers running for president has to accept that. maybe in the next election cycle it requires work over three four five election cycles before they are strong enough. to see any realistic chance you know the interesting part of this election this yes the similarity between the two major candidates. both i know the nurse was in the military. but not all are for nigerian policies as you're saying is we have actually caught both of these candidates so let's put them side by side as you're saying that there are so many similarities so we stopped at one of the other similar i just said to make you laugh about. them or their i also wouldn't. notice but you know i'm not too far from them so i was just really having a good country and that we have the. split in the votes right now regionally both
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of them i know that's like i said one is from the north was there from the know this part of the country and both of them i for one and all of that i mean that's what we really we talk if we're talking regionally in the northern part of nigeria it is it can be any if you want anyway but when you split it among nigerians generally you know yes it's almost reported there perhaps because he's the incumbent president but this is the next election that can go either way. talked about the experience of the candidates al you describe it as the same thing . they experience a candidate seniority of the cabinet but there are young people also in contention that some usual and i join election correct. yes well i think frankly in a multi-party democracy you would expect lots of people to ask and to want to
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govern at some point but so young people that we've also seen trying to get into the office of the president for this election as saying that we have seen what the all the people are doing and we realize that we are more even more competent that's the argument than what we think they have gone too far so fairly it's i it's a conversation between competence for a generation of the all that the all the. lead or the all the political elites as well and the younger people that some of them think they've been able to manage businesses and they've been able to manage young people at different ages and yet in their careers and that feel they have the complete sense to govern this country much better than. the president. i think people on line at least in our stream audience agree with you michael says
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for the first time in our history as a country we're having so many young aspirants failing to become president it's a new wave they're all capable and able hands with incredible record so. there might be skepticism on that from some other people and how incredible those records are but young people is a talking point also female candidates i want to direct your attention to this. was in the race and she's a prominent candidate who was backing the bring back our girls campaign she dropped out not too long ago and our audience is talking about. one person says this is a good decision to have a formidable opposition to unseat the though it does weak and betray the position of women in terms of leadership you know me i want to give this one to you and this person is tweeting about that because one of the reasons that she dropped out is because she said she wanted to create a strong and viable coalition to defeat the incumbent would you make about. before
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we talk about the possibility of a coalition you know just a touch on the part of the tweet saying if we can see the sort of the many are some some people seem to draw or or it's fair that you know obviously dropping out is a blow to women in politics but to be honest you know if we men but it's their standards. we haven't you know politicians that. possibility is concerned you surely feel that it's a little too late elections only three weeks ago they really a.b.c.'s of. coalition two thousand and thirteen but that question happened a full two years before the last elections even what if that happens right now. and it could likely be for them as to having only three weeks for the election right and very little time to live to organize to mobilize and it's on it's pretty much areas so let's put that stat one more time because i know that you spoke to
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the president of nigeria last year. what challenges. caricature on the women part first before we go to that when clearly into whatever you want you know three things that militate against women candidates in nigeria when is lack of resources to is lack of good fathers and third which is the biggest one is. that if they have something that i also got for the reason you have to have a big gunfight a big guy behind you to have lots of money would empower but the most important ingredient that is militating against women is a lack of mutual support for each other women don't seem to support women in nigeria political culture but all around you need to give us an example where every day every every time you see a big politician or a rally most of the people behind the guy would be women but if there is a woman candidate moving around with the people behind the men you know easy but to
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the issue of. ok but i think you want to say that. i don't agree that i don't agree with. this. process in nigeria in fanning the political elites have fallen away to appropriate the question of justice them to women and i said this because when you look at the major political parties they have a position called a women leader what does that mean why don't they have a men and you're looking at positions about nine percent eleven twelve positions one is a sense of just one woman and the qualities a woman leader and i always try to x. myself what does that mean if we're going to ensure our some level of equality but you did see for both men and women that it was tough with the political parties let's look at your money money first to let's look at the. open offices why should a political party with about nineteen to eighteen offices not sign its credit
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simply good numbers six nine ten eleven and i'm sure that women are also actively participating in that process rather than just saying oh well we have one position for you guys it's called women leaders and did it come things that bring women to just come and stand and that segues the left over us and get to work so i feel like it has to be a point short and a deliberate effort that he's led and driven by this petition to go practice with ideology we got understanding that women and men can actually help to move this democracy from one point to another rather than. oh well where manager you guys when you want what we can offer you and that i should be. ok i think that what i let me come back to the question i was about buying his men mission of the movement to sneak into the three basic compare gender that he had back in twenty fifteen fighting boko haram fighting corruption and the economy but he still has challenges
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and also three of them. has been you understand about what i do and you know in your in your interview with him and he was actually quite upbeat about how much progress has been made let's have a little listen to. how much. we're reaching in for four to five for at least seven or you to look at it go months in the northeast and know you can check for people in the northeast that the book is not holding in the field who can go month. so that. welcome has a less of a halt than it had before i present high was in power absolutely and that is true if you were to the north this had been committed what he. was wondering how tonight is going to be some part of nigeria and that's in the border town between you had
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a knee jerk cameron and a country that had devastated by the what in his i can see. life as a return to normal basically but they still managed to you know run around and attack especially military installations and things like that so and like the president said using young girls to just they just i think suicide bombings and things like that so that part is. the economy now has refused to but it still remains at one dollar three hundred sixty nine which it was it was less when you first got into office so and with corruption is where you have he's having his toughest fighting that we got three we got three. cardinal and corruption right count right. if i may jump in yeah yeah me go ahead and then i'll come after you because those are exactly the three things that everyone online is saying focus on me right i mean does it have three main issues they haven't changed it was the same in twenty fifteen however the dynamic changed. a majority of the people in twenty
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fifth possibly worried a lot more about insecurity and corruption more than they did the economy well right now that dynamic has changed a lot of people are worried about the economy because. still make great reading for example niger is not the province of copies of the world unemployment has more than doubled on the descent ministration and it's not to say that people aren't worried about the security of course it's a big worry and the dynamics of it have also changed because i'm of the big threat in twenty fifteen now the threats have actually changed much so i just got a big. you got a story conflicts in the middle of the country and those have been sent. so it's what you regard as a for free response from the government so i do agree that this is the three main issues but in terms of what people care about the most also the economy is definitely an insecurity has also changed that's why and i like lee said carson is a problem and that's the president's big tagline i'm to corruption the fact that he
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hasn't scored a runaway success in that field that's that's telling me so i want to share this just one second i want to share this because we just got this live on you tube peter says i think i'll go back i will defeat bihari on february sixteenth because bill harley has woefully failed to fulfill the yawning aspirations of nigerians and one of those some community members are saying as we've all heard already is about the economy so i want to play this video comment we thought from simon a table he's the publisher of today's news africa space here in d.c. and here's what he said in less than two weeks nigerians go to the polls to elect a new president and to me one of the key issues you see unemployment more than twenty two percent of nigerian unemployed them exceed more than twenty million and yet who cannot find work and there's an astronomical number been exposed and we
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have to fix unemployment both at the economy and and then show that corruption is really for. so mercy it we saw on that fact card earlier about the opposition member former vice president of a backer he's also an entrepreneur he's a businessman and so worries about the economy do you think that those will be reasons that some may vote for him. i think between the economy. include gerry and put this to an issue the major candidates have been putting that agenda forward but more importantly this election is about the first time voters from one thousand nine hundred ninety six new young people are going from young people are going to be voting for the first day and of this number we have about forty three million young people in the in the in the registered. ballots according to the independent national electoral commission and of this
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number about twenty two million i don't people first time put that so it's going to be an election where young people are saying to themselves we had fifty three million extremely poor people. who gets out the economy issues for and why does the white of the economy matter you know what i demand from another point of view that there is well if we don't fight corruption corruption will graham nigeria there and that is where the incumbent president is that he is fighting corruption and he wants to come back and keep fighting and. i can say that this economy needs to be fixed and you have to be fixed now to be dependent on it pretty much looks depends on who you want to keep talking to one night and if you are. there inside again in the northern part of nigeria with the interim president are there and you invite your me rightly pointed out that i'm
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a fighter of change and there's been an upsurge back in there not so it's ok i mean i'm going to push on let's i'm going to push on because because we actually have three more programs two more programs we're going to talk about the elections i want to push on so i really think it's important to get and nigeria's chief justice has been suspended this is what the nigerian bar association had to say about that have a listen never had a time like this. have we experienced you know this kind of assault on the fundamental law of this country and because students of law and i refer to lawyers in this case must be the ones to me and then determine who will forward and i'm in this particular case to the best of my knowledge the m.b. is requesting that there be outright of the suspension of the justice of nigeria because it's valid the fundamental law of the land it destroys the very foundation of always nigeria is built and it is worth some of trouble song for us at this
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moment. so in an election where it would be contended all might be contended that chief justice is the person who would decide who overseen what happens next so there is concern that that chief justice is no longer in a job right now so many what is our community saying about this being a free and fair election there they're giving it aside this isn't a con on twitter who says this is french and of the chief justice is a bad move it's another hypocritical decision it makes us doubt if the government can allow credible elections a lot of people online are talking about wanting free and fair elections it's something you often hear when it comes to countries are in the west you never hear that about the west but is it valid in this case especially because we know in twenty fifteen largely what observers say is that they were free and fair elections i think is the timing that matters in this election i think the timing of the system action by the president of the c.g. and is what is triggering this this nor is this political to liberal all over the
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place and their two recent appointment that but i remember the triggering this kind of controversy when it if you just says that the police chief and both of them have a lot to do with the outcome of the elections when you're supposed to oversee the legality of the election the security aspect of the election and so when you make changes to these positions let's not a month to the election you should expect a lot of reactions like this right now the country is divided along the agree disagree you know with the with many but everybody is politicizing this of course is he in the airwaves with you know criticizing behavior over this and by it is trying to say this guy has not declared he said so that's why he has to work blah blah blah but no matter what reason the government advances for the suspension of the troop just says this is going to be controversial obviously. yeah we don't have to that yet so i agree with a view of the timing definitely might as well more than
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a time in the process as well you know is incredibly cordial so likely you said the chief justice who has now been suspended is supposedly an investigation for a four i said to collaboration scandal in quotes. the government has said that his trial has been delayed by technicalities but then again for a government that blames that delay on technicalities it looks as though it is itself taking advantage of a technicality so to suspend him it's essentially not a question of whether you know he may have done what he did or he may not have done what he did it's a question of due process and to. to take this step only three weeks before the election given the time it is bound to risk questions so i do agree the timing might says but do you process of removing all or appointing a new chief justice absentee trumps everything else due process of respect that's what we're country of laws right message just a couple little sitting right there. playing with her actual very possible
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atmosphere right now is what. i think young people are excited about it and i hope that you know the process is you know i speak as full as we wanted to be ok. and it's you know tension here and there but you know there is there is this excitement for the younger generation especially those that would be what the what the press time i mean they have been concept that they've been. program. excitement all right so thank you thank you thank you community thank you before we go to things to tell you about so i colleagues and i will team are running an initiative court. action approaches it is a close facebook group right here so if you want to join it you can just look at the nigerian facebook special program. special programs we are planning here at the
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stream we're going to air one hour election specials february thirteenth and fourteenth each show will be on t.v. with an hour on line for you there. every week. breaking stories and of course there's the truck. that's right out of the script that calls for the annihilation of israel that is not what that phrase. as we turn the cameras on the media focused on how they were on the stories that matter the most embarrassing.


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