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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 7, 2019 9:00pm-10:01pm +03

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bringing basic things like the dignity call it senator. there i'm not there we're trying to bring in chuck loads of winter clothes regular clothes we also going to talk to people to find out they tend to relocate to their places back home because most of them would like to be out of these dreadful situation that they're stranded in right now plenty more had the news hour including tell you why this picture is causing outrage in the u.s. state of virginia. and a warning about climate change after scientists report of the warmest years on record. on pole recent stockholm where the government's refusal to fund a winter games bid could put the city of the forefront of a new cheaper olympic movement. the president of the european commission has told britain's prime minister that the brics until she negotiated with the e.u.
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cannot be renegotiated younger and theresa may have agreed to meet again this month or testers greeted me as she arrived and brussels of course britain is due to leave the european union on the twenty ninth of march the border between northern ireland and the republic of ireland that is the main sticking point so what is backstop that we've heard so much about and how does it affect the irish border so at the moment both northern ireland which is part of the u.k. and the republic of ireland are part of the e.u. single market and customs union so that means goods and services are traded with very few restrictions that there is after brics that a hard border will be formed to separate the two irelands enforced by physical checks and facilities they want to avoid this so they've come up with the safety net in the form of a backstop which is really a temporary arrangement which will keep the border open and free of restrictions in the event of a note. crucially it will also protect. the good friday agreement which ended
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decades of conflict in northern ireland known as the troubles in barker's and brussels for snouts so. the e.u. has been very clear that they're not going to change anything yet theresa may is there any way to why. well she's here because very she's been given no choice whatsoever withdrawal agreement was resoundingly defeated in the british parliament in the middle of january that was followed by lots of amendments being drawn up by different m.p.'s in parliament one of them stuck and that amendment has the backing of parliament has basically forced to resume aid to come back here to brussels to try and find alternative arrangements to the backstop that you talked about there why is that backstop very unpopular amongst m.p.'s well it doesn't have any unilateral way in which the u.k. can exit it it's got no time limit on it no sunset clause also it would mean at the
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end of a two year transition period if no trade agreement with the e.u. is in place that the whole of the u.k. would automatically continue to be under e.u. policy you know if you are a brick city and you fought to leave the european union the last thing you want to do is see a continuation in any way of e.u. regulation particularly when it comes to trade but as you mentioned there also there's a complicated history in northern ireland a legacy of violence thirty years of terry and conflict nobody wants to see the clock turn back which is why the e.u. says first and foremost that it is a peace project is not in any way prepared to give the u.k. an inch when it comes to opening the withdraw treaty and renegotiating the backstop we have seen though is possibly a bit of a lifeline merkel the german chancellor speaking of slovakia has talked about the possibility of moving forward without reopening the withdrawal agreement but what
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exactly that looks like right now we don't simply know all right need barker live for us in brussels thank you need. rescue teams in turkey have pulled out thirteen survivors from the rubble of a building that collapsed and istanbul apartment watch came down on wednesday evening and at least three people are confirmed dead it's believed others are still trapped stephanie decker has more from istanbul. rescue workers have been working meticulously sifting through the rubble to this heavy machinery here that is if you've been lifting pieces of war we've seen pieces lifted out there with one thing that we still need to be a kitchen sink attached to it there needs to be around fourteen apartments in this building they did manage to pull out a four year old girl from the rubble a lawyer earlier on thursday but there are people still missing there are relatives here waiting for news of their loved ones and this is what one gentleman had to
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tell us. you know we already have seen so shoes in the second floor building. this is the kitchen section. this was an eight story building in officials are saying that three of those stories were built. of this building coming down on wednesday. that was actually poor to own the c.t.v. footage and you can see the building imploding and you can see the parts of the line here scuffling away with officials are saying that there is now an investigation into what exactly went wrong here this is a densely populated area is down below that it highlights the concern about the health and safety of the structural soundness of these buildings. x. been a turbulent few days in the u.s. state of virginia the three top elected officials are scandals involving race and
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sexual violence and senior politicians are pressuring the governor to resign name has more. even with protesters outside his mansion the loss of allies within his party and presidential candidates attacking him virginia governor ralph northam is refusing to resign the embattled democrat is hoping the political storm will pass and he can continue to lead i cannot in good conscience choose the path that would be easier for me in an effort to duck my responsibility to reconcile. i took an oath to uphold this office and serve the people of this commonwealth to the best of my ability the scandal began with this leak medical school photo in northam see your book from one nine hundred eighty four two men one in black face and the other wearing a clue klux klan robe and hood neither recognizable initially northam admitted he
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was in the photo though never specified which man he was he apologized then the next day he changed his story and said he wasn't in the photo but it was too late many in the state were angry and began looking at who would succeed northam if he stepped down as the spotlight shifted to lieutenant governor justin fairfax the highest ranking african-american politician in virginia days later a woman came forward saying fairfax sexually assaulted her in two thousand and four this is one of the most blatant to be. seen as something that's completely operating system for reason it's an operating system. on wednesday the third ranking elected official in the state attorney general mark herring released a statement saying he wore black face at a college party in less than a week's time all three constitutional officers of one state have been implicated
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in three separate scandals so i think that that is and that they both head on. touchstones in american society so both dealing with racism and with sexual assault and violence against women all three of the politicians are democrats if the men were to resign next in line would be the virginia speaker of the house of delegates a republican natasha to name. the right time for weather stuff and we're staying in the states for shela because that we've got a lot of weather bearing a lot of it's dangerous let's take a look at what's happening near denver at the moment lots of very wintery weather and some very strong winds meaning visibility really is very poor in some places this is a thing snow system that's already brought us a few flurries of wintery weather over parts of san francisco something that only happens about once every eight years now here's the system there working its way eastwards and as it works its way across the rockies it's going to pull itself
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together at once more and it's hot on the heels of this other system as you can see that's moving up from the south so what it's doing is it's dragging up a load of war meso really it's quite mild ahead of it washington d.c. new york by seeing the temperatures well above freezing and a bit further north force in new hampshire we got a lot of snow on the ground here and that could well melt as this system pushes its way northward bringing the mild air with it and also bringing a fair amount of rain so there's that wet weather pushing its way north woods during the day and to the north as you can see plenty of wintery weather and some very very strong winds as well so there's blizzard conditions working their way across the great lakes region and with some of this in ontario it could be around thirty centimeters of new snow from this one system alone so that's pushing its way through that and even behind it is still quite important look at that thirteen degrees there in new york a very mild there indeed almost t. shirt weather show. at least two people have been killed in brazil during heavy rains and strong winds the storm hit rio de janeiro where
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a landslide triggered by the deluge caused the deaths local leaders have told people to stay indoors until the extreme weather passes and more rain is expected in the region over the coming week. scientists are warning of rising sea levels more drought and more destructive hurricanes researchers from two u.s. government agencies found that two thousand and eighteen was the fourth warmest year on record i did jocasta reports. twenty eighteen was marked by natural disasters that ravaged the us from coast to coast in california the deadliest and most destructive wildfire in state history killed more than eighty people in the carolinas hurricane florence shattered rainfall and flood records and now scientists point to hard evidence that how the disaster is intensified the earth's surface more md the average global temperature last year was fourteen point six nine degrees celsius that's point seven one degrees above the average for the
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twentieth century since the eighteen eighties the global temperature has increased by one degree celsius with scientists blaming increased emissions of greenhouse gases caused by human activity it is alarming it's not surprising because we've been predicting this for thirty years and finally it's actually happening but it is alarming because the things that are driving this the increases in greenhouse gases we're still increasing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere year on year a un climate change panel has warned the world has only twelve years to rein in global warming before hundreds of millions of people across the planet will suffer from extreme heat and poverty you're seeing very direct impacts in waves more intense rainfall events coastal flooding because of increased sea level rise we're seeing melting ice in the arctic in greenland and in antarctica melting glaciers all
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around the world and that's having effects on our water resources we're seeing increased drying in the summers that's impacting droughts it's impacting forest fires it's impacting ecosystems. the most ambitious goal of the paris climate accord limits global warming to one point five degree celsius by the centuries and but even then more than a third of himalayan glaciers will have melted scientists say still much more should be done to move away from fossil fuels and minimize humans carbon footprint . castro al-jazeera. still ahead on al-jazeera by senegal's currency has become a device that's divisive topic in the presidential campaign and a body is recovered from the wreckage of the plane carrying footballer. that story in just a bit. take
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the worst possible material eurabia ground into dust comparable to flour and make up. and put it into place where people live there is a cause of gravity as well and so many people are thinking this is the silent heat . but does it make you feel nice you feel like a murderer we have created an enormous and little mental disaster. and investigation south africa toxic city on al-jazeera right out of. examining the headline we began with the fractious issue of palestine and israel in the u.s. news and setting the discussions what makes them different as far as you can see sharing personal stories with a global audience nobody feels safe explore an abundance of world class programming designed to inform motivate and inspire. the world is watching
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on al-jazeera. you're watching al-jazeera let's recap the top stories this hour president nicolas maduro says he supports dialogue in the political and humanitarian crisis comes ahead of a meeting in europe wide by a newly formed international group that's working to resolve the situation. in the us president is predicting victory over eisel early as next week donald trump says the coalition is close to reclaiming all the territory previously held by the armed groups in syria and iraq. and britain's prime minister theresa may has once again been told that the brics a deal negotiated between her government and the e.u.
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will not be renegotiated and brussels to urge leaders to accept changes to the agreement. m.p.'s in sudan have condemned the killing of protesters by police they called on security forces to release all detained demonstrators and stop the use of excessive force police have used tear gas and live bullets to disperse the protesters human rights activists say at least forty five people have been killed since demonstrations began in december after a rise in the price of bread the protesters are demanding the resignation of president omar al bashir involved joins us live now from khartoum so what is the latest there the protesters have been consistent. that's right even though during the last two weeks so we have seen them subsiding a little bit but today thursday usually thursday of every week is that they when they when they do more protests and we have seen some of that happening particularly in the center of khartoum just an hour ago they've been dispersed
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again and again by the police the government again and i mean and they were dispersed to gas was used in these areas inside cotton but i mention we are expecting more formation and more videos to shirt to be sent out so by activists from other parts of the country because it's a general call for protests everything as the. president omar bashir overnight met with the chief editors of the local press institutions and he talked about dialogue and he once again said that the state the government and the opposition and all parties involved need to do more to bring about a solution to the crisis that the country is facing listen to what he had to say for i never would. have rather missed all but the most really any citizen in this country any single person let alone. each has a right we need to reach it down in order to take the country from
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a deep rooted political crises. so once again i want bashir talking about dialogue but dialogue has been going on for a long time at least a form of dialogue today he's meeting with their representatives of a high commission for coordination of dialogue that has been a deal of that has been launched for a long time by several parties that are coalesced with the government in within the same government so this isn't is say they have heard this word dialogue from one bashir they have had also many other promises and they are waiting for the government to deliver on anything that the president says ok mohamed well i press encourage him thank you. striking teachers in zimbabwe say they're being intimidated by security forces their new leaders say two thirds of teachers have stayed home in protest at that government agents are monitoring their the striker repair comes after a violent crackdown on protests against price and fuel prices just
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a month ago hossa reports from harare. blessing my parts i didn't go to work today. neither did some of the primus called teachers colleagues because they aren't strike public school teachers one better working conditions and to be paid in u.s. dollars instead of local bonds knots which constantly. is so painful you know i'm in a classroom. teaching children and i cannot afford to have my child in that classroom it's also that it's absurd it's painful you cannot live with that you cannot come to terms with it so this is where we are saying it's better that i stay at home because i'm not saying that isn't why i'm going to war. that means some children aren't learning teachers say they earn about six hundred a month roughly one hundred fifty dollars other teachers on
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a go slow they come to work but do very little union leaders say after a security crackdown on demonstrators last month some teachers believe staying at home makes them government targets is some indication that some teachers are not were feeling for security since the visit of the us it was just when they did look normal what we intended to do with the information of. the. they'll be picking up the moves and to model the different. government leaders deny the allegations and say teachers are being offered more pay. how many times is government put all of us on the table and we have put all of us on the tables on the table we have given. the question in allowances we have negotiated a very good phrase we have put in a lot of other packages for teachers teachers say government interventions on to help him when the price of fuel more than doubled last month prices of basic goods
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increased but not teaches diaries blissing apostasies he's tired of being constantly in debt and always borrowing money to cover the cost of living staying at home is his way of protesting. had it. france has denounced a meeting between italy's deputy prime minister and the so-called yellow vest protesters and retaliated by recalling its ambassador to rome france's foreign ministry says to mayo's meeting with the anti-government group on tuesday was an acceptable mayo who heads the anti establishment five star movement has also accused man government of fueling the migrant and europe france's call for a return to a more friendly relationship senegal's currency has become a topic of debate ahead of its presidential elections at the end of this month is here for c.f.a. frank was introduced by france in one thousand nine hundred five and is used by fourteen west african nations some senegalese are opposed to it saying it's a legacy of colonialism reports from dakar just enough
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until next month. i would john is calling her younger brother and jack to thank him for the money he sent he's down in france having left his life in the car for a better one in europe he tells her it's not what he expected but he's still able to send a few hundred years every month to his sister to look after the family. it's not easy but without him we couldn't make ends meet there's no work for him here we need him there he's doing this for the money. in january italy's deputy prime minister luigi accused france of fueling the migrant crisis by controlling the economies of former african colonies through the local currency the c.f.a. france is one of those countries that by printing money for fourteen african states prevents the economic development and contributes to the fact that the refugees leave and then die in the sea or arrive on the coasts i didn't like the comment
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from then foreign minister i found it very patronizing africa the need any foreign minister that i want to speak on behalf i the comment came days before the start of the presidential campaign in senegal and the c.f.a. is now part of the debate with each candidate taking positions on the matter some are arguing for it others against it like it who asks why should white people in paris take decisions on their currency. the central african franc or the c.f.a. has a fixed exchange rate with the euro so europeans can bring to africa easily swap them for the c.f.a. but state regulators make it difficult for africans to take out of their country and swap them into europe was under an arrangement dating back more than seventy years france's central bank controlled the treasury of all fourteen countries leaving these nations with a limited supply of liquidity. this here and he's
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a certain level of stability. and see allowing i were enjoying to shop at her favorite friend's supermarket because french companies profit from this arrangement that allows them easy access to a growing market of over a hundred million people but there's also growing resentment towards this currency not just here in senegal but throughout francophone west africa france get out the graffiti found in various avenues of the capital sun is behind the messaging. move we want to common currency but for wished african countries only with out fraunces involvement we have our own currency like morocco and algeria they are doing much better than us. france is so far yet so close well money travels more freely than people europe continues to attract young african men
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for john's family the journey is worth the risk because hawk al-jazeera deckard the palestinian authority has stopped paying salaries to thousands of employees in the gaza strip effects employees loyal to hamas islamic jihad and those close to former fatah leader mohammed dahlan the decision also impacts families of prisoners and wounded palestinians ages have become a symbol of a bitter power struggle between hamas and gaza and the palestinian authority in ramallah. could become israel's long a sitting prime minister at the upcoming parliamentary elections but he's facing increasing challenges from within his own party and legal troubles that include three corruption cases against him as arafat's at a port celestron there is a new political contender so google may do. the real benjamin netanyahu toes the media magnate i just want real coverage of the israeli prime minister's public
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battle with the media he says a peddling fake news and cheerleading a witch hunt has led here to the launch of likud t.v. a campaign tool of his political party dressed up as a news channel nine yos relationship with the media is at the heart of two of the three corruption cases dogging his election campaign allegations he traded illicit favors for better coverage the third surrounds expensive gifts from wealthy friends he denies the charges but an indictment decision is expected this month we're going to blockbuster decision from the attorney general is going to going to be announcement of an intention to indictment and yahoo that's not a final indictment which could come six to twelve months later but it basically says that's where he's going in the meantime the campaign and the primaries for netanyahu party are being conducted in what's become the mainstream of israeli politics the right the night before likud members cast their votes a series of senior party figures including intelligence public security and culture
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ministers all signed on to a charter promoting a radical expansion of illegal settlements it calls for the adoption of a plan to settle two million jews in the occupied west bank signing up to it cements a politician's right wing credentials and also allows the party to define itself more clearly against a new arrival on the political scene a loyalist could voters benjamin netanyahu as legal troubles have done little to diminish either his power or his popularity here there is though a substantial anti netanyahu constituency among jewish israelis and fears they've been looking for a viable alternative to invest their hopes. and israel's former army chief benny gantz looking to occupy the role of centrist he's talked of strengthening settlements but also says lessons should be learned from the way israel removed settlers from gaza in the face of being called a weak leftist he's also released a campaign video claiming credit for the killing of one thousand three hundred sixty four palestinians calling them terrorists in the twenty fourteen gaza war in
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order for him to get really the votes you know to really challenge it and you know he's got to get some of those votes from the right so he comes as a leftist dressed in rightists clothing ok a liberal israeli dressed as a conservative hard core pro settlements israeli. polling just behind netanyahu is preferred prime minister but his path to victory is narrow given the numerical advantage of netanyahu existing coalition of right wing parties netanyahu continues to fight on multiple fronts knowing that even if he wins power once more in this election he'll have to battle on in the media and potentially in the courts to hold onto it harry force it out west jerusalem. arayans evolutionary guard was established in the wake of the islamic revolution forty years ago to protect its ideals sense than its role has expanded making it a powerful institution the u.s. designates it as a terrorist organization and has a knowhow to reports in tehran its influence extends beyond the country's borders
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giving iran a place and middle east political affairs. they call them the guardians of iran what began as a voluntary force is now an organized military institution with influence in the corridors of power the revolutionary guard was founded to protect the islamic revolution. fourteen years later it is not just a more than one hundred thousand strong land sea and air force this commander acknowledges a role in politics and the economy but says it is not driven by interests. that those who joined the revolutionary guards did so to provide security they should be politically better but that doesn't mean they should join any party they are also involved in the economy not to make profit in times of peace they should help the poor who are facing tough conditions. others see their role differently
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they say the guards empowered by the supreme leader have interfered in iranian politics the voluntary unit was used to crush protests in two thousand and nine former guards have entered political life fielding candidates in elections as well as occupying top positions like the presidency guard commanders have also spoken out against president hassan rouhani for negotiating the two thousand and fifty nuclear deal with world powers including the united states the guards is also an economic player it was heavily involved in reconstruction at the end of the war with iraq decades ago now it runs construction companies and other businesses. the revolutionary guards is not just a powerful institution in iran it exported the revolution and expanded iran's influence beyond its borders states armed actors in lebanon syria iraq and gaza received arms and training it was one of the reasons why the us doesn't
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they did the guards a terrorist organization. could force is the branch that operates abroad it's commander us and so many is portrayed as a national hero here his forces helped ensure syrian president bashar assad survival and hezbollah's dominance in lebanon's parliament has given iran's influence through legitimate channels. it's no longer a secret that has. gone on was on that of the all spaces and support of the revolutionary guard training. in syria and then live on hezbollah was one of the greatest accomplishment back home the guards often display their military might it oversees the controversial ballistic missile weapons program which the west wants curbed iran's position has been one of defiance a position echoed by guard commanders who have made their political stance clear there will be no negotiations they say in a message that could be directed not just to their enemies abroad.
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as president i'll trump is accusing the democrats of harassment just a day after the democrat controlled house intelligence committee voted to hand over confidential testimonies to the wall or probe and a tweet from claimed that every aspect of his life will be scrutinized even though the investigation is so far found no russian collusion we don't know that they have not found russian coalition yet robert muller is still looking into alleged russian meddling and two thousand and sixteen u.s. presidential election.
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a thank you so much rachelle the newly reelected head of european football a sense out a warning to face the boss john in france a no eggs on the sufferance says he won't be a yes man as infancy and pushes his plans to create new competitions where suffering was reelected unopposed that you wife is on your congress in rome mr vane says his intention is to reshape european tolerance and separating the twenty thirty world cup to his confidence it puts him on a collision course with unfun say no it was a former secretary general of the wife national associations we were eager to slee defend your interest so that you can continue playing the same number of matches every year europe's clubs will go to sleep defend your interests so that the
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calendar meets high level requirements. and we will be grossly defend the interests of players who are many times forgotten in these those discussions well in front senior house's own reform plan and much of it would involve the cooperation of european clubs and countries he wants to start an expanded club world cup which could include up to twelve european same's at the moment just want arts in france and also hopes to launch a global nations legal worldwide version of you life is our nation's lee he does not have a strong power base he set to be reelected unopposed it faces annual congress in june food is global and food deserves to be developed globally and this can be done only if we work all together if we exchange if we speak if we discuss if we debate this is the way i see us all together moving forward. spanish cup holders barcelona are all square with rome injured
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after the first leg of the semifinal side they will messi started on the bench for boss and he's recovering from a minor injury it was ryle's. open the scoring messy stand in malcolm school the equaliser just before messi joined the action one more in the final school the return leg is at the end of this month he would also dry.


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