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tv   Taliban Oil  Al Jazeera  February 9, 2019 4:00am-5:01am +03

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own jews in your. will and free you. only your existence help you to understand the very different way where there. is and you don't believe . hello i'm mr hall with the top stories on al-jazeera the deadline has now passed for u.s. president donald trump to tell congress of sanctions will be imposed on riyadh over the matter of saudi jon lester. under legislation called the magnitsky act the president must outline what action if any he intends to take both sides of congress triggered the act one hundred twenty days ago saudi arabia has denied reports that crown prince mohammed bin salmond authorized the killing of john this jamal khashoggi the kingdom's minister of state for foreign affairs a says it was
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a huge mistake and insists no order was given to conduct the operation talks held in washington he the u.s. congress to step back from imposing sanctions over what he called a rogue mission according to an emory newspaper the national also declined to give the names of those standing trial in saudi over the killing but he did confirm that a former aide to the crown prince saud alcatel any has been dismissed in the article the minister also said he doesn't know the whereabouts of another ex aide mohammed tred adding he was unsure if he's alive or not it comes as a new york times report says mohamed bin salmond threatened to use a bullet against jamal khashoggi in twenty seventeen if he didn't return home and end his criticism of the kingdom. well saudi's minister of state for foreign affairs has also denied the kingdom was involved in leaking intimate photos of the world's richest man it comes as amazon c.e.o.
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jeff bezos accuses a us tabloid publisher with ties to saudi extortion and blackmail the threatening to release the photos in a blog post bezel suggested his ownership of the washington post newspaper which is reported extensively on the killing of the journalist by saudi agents made him a target venezuela's president nicolas maduro has warned of catastrophic consequences if all of the country's oil shipments are blocked by u.s. sanctions he's also called for u.s. aid stockpiled at the venezuelan border to be distributed to colombians his troops are under orders not to let it through. a canadian man who shot and killed six members of a quebec city mosque and twenty seventeen has been sentenced to life in prison alexandra bissonnette pled guilty last year to six counts of fest agree murder and six counts of attempted murder for the attack one of canada's rare mass shootings isn't it could be eligible for parole after serving thirty five years in prison the
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united states is hoping afghanistan can strike a peace agreement involving the taliban before elections jeweled for july u.s. special envoy zalmay khalilzad speaking at the institute of peace in washington d.c. expressed cautious optimism about the prospect of the deal held meetings with taliban officials here in doha to discuss an ongoing push for a political settlement to the seventeen year old conflict the afghans must sit cross the table with each other. and come to an agreement about the future of their country all size tell me that i have talked to that there are lessons from the past that previous governments that were that it was the taliban government or others dominated afghanistan and imposed its you unique vision by force on others have been a failure so that i must come they say for an inclusive dialogue leading to an
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inclusive peace now that will not be easy and we have offered to do what we can to be helpful if i had help is needed but it's for the afghans to decide thailand's king says it's inappropriate and unconstitutional for his sister to stand as a candidate for prime minister prime minister in next month's elections morocco has suspended its participation in the saudi u.a.e. coalition's battle against truthy rebels in yemen the moroccan government has also recall that some bastard to saudi arabia a bridge that partially collapsed in the italian city of genoa six months ago killing forty three people is being dismantled a partial demolition of the marandi bridge took place in december but now the entire structure is being taken down those are the headlines next stop taliban oil .
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we started this thing i mean he knew who the taliban were and i didn't know how radical they were just what they were about. one of the things of the talabani is is they didn't have
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a clue about oil and gas business the idea was was to bring him over and establish credibility with it with the taliban that we were a real company. mahdi militia secretly invited a group of taliban leaders to unit cows headquarters in sugar land texas. no press covered the event. i have some the statues that i got in indonesia and their figures and the people carved out of ironwood and the people are naked. and i had one of these professors islamic professors check my house out when he saw these things he said i don't think that's going to work with the taliban. so why would this for you guys and black trash bags in the alleys and put workers on the spot that's what they did
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with the burkas on the statue. marty miller was a vice president of oil company unocal. they wanted to build a huge oil and gas pipeline through taliban controlled areas of afghanistan. but how did these negotiations influence u.s. foreign policy towards the taliban. and. i am. lucky. enough can capital of kabul is preparing for
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a new iraq foreign forces mostly was drawn into afghan soldiers and police will now be responsible for security in the country. but in twenty fourteen five thousand of them were killed in battles against the taliban. but the taliban hasn't always been an enemy of the west today their former foreign secretary lives in a heavily guarded house in one of couple's bettors suburbs. during the ninety's he was involved in discussions with the american oil company unocal. the i will take my advice you the war comes in a. blow the world out of me just for one hundred. in one of the one jewish.
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buttons it is a little cutting it up as unto the whole foot alluded to before political committed as the he was the it but the lady of etiquette i took as long as i was at it he out of it by the homes but us and with us here out of a place like you in the village if i there was that they think it will last. since the soviet invasion of afghanistan in one nine hundred seventy nine the country has been in a state of constant warfare. during the afghan insurgency the mujahedeen received extensive weapon support from the united states and britain in their struggle against the russians. and. the soviet occupation ended in one thousand nine hundred eighty nine. two years
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later the soviet union pulls some collapsed. you know cows c.e.o. john saw an opportunity in the full of the i am curtain. at the time the soviet union broke up and china opened up which shop and more last sametime read a very senior guy. kind of cruising the former soviet union to look for opportunities. where you realize that turkmenistan had a huge world's last gas reserves which were produced by the shoah union but after breaking up they were not produced any longer because russia had his own gas supplies to bring to market from siberia so mr john was stock was reserves and no market. unocal wanted to build two pipelines one for
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oil and one for gas the pipelines would go from many stunned through afghanistan pakistan and india a distance of well over seventeen hundred kilometers construction costs would be close to ten billion dollars. of john is done could earn four hundred million dollars per year in transportation costs which would more than double the afghan government's income at that time the whole area is just in turmoil you know the pakistanis don't like the afghans afghans don't like the fact that stan is the turkmen are skeptical of both of them and then you've got india and pakistan all is just a mess in their. midst. if he gets stuck there was a power vacuum off to the withdrawal of soviet forces and local rules foot of the territory in
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a for trusted civil war i. realize it isn't because only. in the north people gathered around the northern alliance and its leader ahmed shah massoud the so-called lion of publishers. in the south and east another movement began to assert itself in ethnic past tune areas. they called themselves the taliban and was supported militarily by pakistan then in conflict with india. the pakistanis were trying to impose their will on the future of afghanistan and they wanted to ensure that afghanistan was not going to be a strong viable nation state that could in any way reconnect as they had in the past was india. taliban leader mullah mohammad omar was
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a war hero from the use of insurgency against the soviet union. pakistan decided it was going to assist all of all how it all bar in this group which had no name and what they provided was money on that front or a. training ammunition trucks tactical advice and then eventually they provided they call obsessed the students religious students afghans and pakistanis getting what he came to being thirteen thousand bhadra saw us within the northwestern frontier province are joining going in the fight. before becoming an attorney julie soon as worked as an intelligence analyst at the
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pentagon sources in afghanistan warned against you know cows close relationship with the taliban. worldwide there is a very broad perception that unocal was wrecking with the u.s. government to promote the taliban as the most likely source or as a stable single group in trolling afghanistan. and there was safe i think and after all. or hopefulness on the part of sound that if this pipeline could be put through it could be a source of stability or development for afghanistan and i personally don't like the idea that that stability would mean that the taliban would be in charge. with the civil war raging marty miller went on his first journey into afghanistan.
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at the time there were six or seven warlords that were feuding with each other and it was you know if afghanistan was not a real safe place to be. the first thing i notice is the devastation. you counter reminded me of the pictures i'd seen of. germany post world war two. the taliban headquarters it was it was a house that was still all intact but there was a stick of furniture in the house and all the we we slept on the floor and i and i had a it was kind a little traveling road show sort of thing course you don't have slide projector yankers there were named electricity in the building but i had some diagrams and charts in shoreham some things and some just basically to describe the project and and to tell them what the benefits would be and then they were very interested.
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the message was always if you guys will quit fighting with each other and form a government to get you in recognition that allows us to attract the world back to me to be financial. then we may have a deal. but the time to buy and we're on the offensive i drove the northern alliance concept of the cities of my zone in shanty farms go boom. they don't control most of the country. mohammad's not too long president during the soviet occupation had been spared by the northern alliance but the taleban showed no mercy not below was first tortured cuss treated and then harmed alongside his brother. the execution was
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a clear sign of what kind of regime had seized power in kabul. julie serves traveled in secrecy took a bill in one nine hundred ninety seven in order to learn more about the new regime . i had gone into kabul when i was held by the taleban secretly they dressed as as an afghan woman in a burka. they seemed very foreign to me certainly many asked answer conservative muslims but even among them they generally do not support the sort of extremism that the taliban stands for i see the taliban really is an alien force. their attitude toward women or
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a number of human rights issues i found disturbing but i think it was that larger political issue of them being back i had pakistanis that was most disturbing to me . not. when the tide went to me and called out did you kill your own go down but the need to have a good experience with going to. the toilet my man said bitterly just today it's. still being learning insanities and the mother says they couldn't did it was not cuba to truth that it was a twelve day to national community that was the problem mark.
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america's concern about afghanistan had been minimal before the unocal pipeline project but on him and just negotiations spock's the clinton administration's interest in the country. i'd probably go to washington d c o once every six state weeks and i would typically meet with the state department the n.s.a. and cia. the cia was was very very well for you know they have this shadowy image i guess you call of that i found very straightforward and very professional and i think the clinton administration was really committed to helping you know american business and be successful. we enjoyed and really strong support from the. unit wasn't the only oil company that wanted to build. pipeline in afghanistan
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auction time company breen dose was also trying to do a deal with the taliban. all but he does win this fight and the meal was over a little bit of news of the hands of. the news of the know is that this is a little head to the level of causation of a cute little cogs that can deal with the results of that as. the taliban delegation arrived at unocal is headquarters in december ninety ninety seven. martin came home one day and said would you thank about having a group of taliban and delegation come to our home for dinner. didn't know what to say at the time i had to thank it trail and i was pretty naive maybe they come in and say how americans home and realize that we are. average regular people
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maybe it would you know be good for them to to do this and agree to do it. on a multi million did the most to avoid offending the taliban visitors and removed all the religious pictures and figures. but they did not remove the christmas trees the air that the taliban came to our house there was a charity fundraiser thing and we had seven christmas trees in our house and the talabani just blew their mind they couldn't figure out what that was all about and i think they were trying to. and then make a connection between a christmas tree and the birth of jesus christ and you know that new job trying to make a religious connection with what's his christmas tree all about. they never did understand
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that thing. as a whole there was free because it is too different from. eastern culture but the phone to their nests is over the what is called wrists society and the progress toward me. new arrival and custom that. dressed in their newly acquired jackets the afghans visited one of you know cows offshore platforms. and fresh and i got as they were amazed they were stunned to see these platforms in the gulf of mexico over seven and live three hundred feet of water i think just the magnitude in the complexity of things and they were very well blown away by. the next leg of their journey to the visitors to omaha nebraska where they met one
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of america's foremost experts on afghanistan petroleum resources. the united states are trying their best to talk to the taliban who are obviously beginning to take over the whole of afghanistan the state department asked me to talk to the taliban's and they brought them in here. and so this room instead of having guys in suits and ties like they always had before these were talabani and you know skullcaps and turbans and long beards and i really had with their afghans no problem and so i told him i showed him all this neat whiz bang satellite imagery and stuff and if you're looking at our country we're looking at your country where you is and you can do this to show you how to do this all you need to do is come over here and get educated in this stuff.
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the taliban teams journey ended in washington d.c. where they met leading officials of the state department. the state department was still hopeful that this was going to be a part of the international combined effort that would be profitable for unocal profitable for the afghans commercially and financially profitable for the afghans in terms of development and education profitable for the region. the taliban were interest in the project they were keen on making it happen they never did sign a cooperation agreement or anything like that because they were afraid to sign anything without knowing specifically the mullah omar was was behind it. there are hardly any pictures of the mysterious taliban leader. in these rare footage of him. tries to hide behind
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a blanket. and . i was in khandahar the first time he was there and they kept saying that they were going to go talk i basked if i could go seen and they said no no no. you're not seeing shots of to see them all over your. mind you know khalid was in dialogue with the taliban about the pipelines another actor began to assert himself in afghanistan will sum up bin laden. this son of a saudi construction millionaire was a local hero because he participated in the insurgency against the soviet union. in return to afghanistan in nine hundred ninety six after having be forced to leave
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the sudan. now he was preparing for a new wall global jihad. wayne started on. the good hot in consequence a concept called deletions and six he found it was sometimes not anybody's colleagues eager to sue the taleban moved in to condemn not to be protected. as a rival back in afghanistan coincided with my own to work with the un. never met the salad a lot and i saw him once in the bazaar then as convoy car passing by but i never you know we didn't labor anything we didn't know each other were looking at the other so. that first year that he was in the area was the time when he's
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solidified his relationship with mullah mohammad omar. natoma under the. sure there is a lot of work on those i don't know where the nature of the moon shot up i want to say jeff gordon with a job to do but when i'm going to must do more when the interview took on a whole almost sort of. in afghanistan marty miller and you know col how did the cia did the training of local workers who would to be employed on the so-called peace pipeline. we'd like our locally so we had employment opportunities for the afghans in fact one of the things we did in khandahar as we established a training center we found an old abandoned warehouse that we outfitted then we brought some equipment any a welding equipment. tools that were needed for the training. without being aware
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of it to me that had established his training center in the same street as a sawmill bin laden's house. and i'd never heard of the guy before i didn't know who it was looking back on it. kind of gives me the creeps think about his act most of that guy. was somewhat bin ladin was also busy building training facilities. in the next episode of techno the team looks into the environmental impact of waste management trash is a big business than unfortunate the smelly business to the complexities of recycling when these different plastics are blended together then recycling becomes
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difficult to impossible and the science that office solution is it's very easy for us to have a hundred percent recycled material techno on al-jazeera. in a world where journalism as an industry is changing we have fortunate to be able to continue to expand to continue to have that passion and drive and present the story in a way that is important to our viewers. everyone has a story worth hearing. we cover those that are often ignored we don't weigh our coverage towards one particular region or continent that's why i joined al-jazeera . soon and the family members and. the wall. some. people in power i mean it's the women heading an eighteen militia. and dispensing justice with an unforgiving hand.
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and eye for an eye. in iraq on al-jazeera. hello i'm the stasi a tale in doha with the top stories on al-jazeera the deadline has now passed for u.s. president donald trump to tell congress if sanctions will be imposed on riyadh over the matter of saudi journalist jamal khashoggi under legislation called the magnitsky act the president must outline what action if any he intends to take both sides of congress triggered the act one hundred twenty days ago saudi arabia has denied reports that crown prince mohammed bin salah authorized the killing of. saudi arabia has also denied the kingdom was involved in leaking intimate photos of
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the world's richest man it comes as amazon c.e.o. jeff bezos accuses a u.s. tabloid publisher with ties to saudi a big store and blackmail for threatening to release the photos in a blog post bezos suggested his ownership of the washington post newspaper which has reported extensively on the killing of by saudi agents made him a target venezuela's president nicolas maduro has warned of catastrophic consequences if all of the country's oil shipments are blocked by u.s. sanctions he's also called for u.s. aid stockpiled at the venezuelan border to be distributed to colombians his troops are under orders not to let it through. a canadian man who shot and killed six members of a quebec city mosque in twenty seventeen has been sentenced to life in prison alexandra bissonnette pled guilty last year to six counts of first degree murder and six counts of attempted murder for the attack one of canada's red mass
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shootings bissonnette could be eligible for parole after serving if that he five years in prison the united states is hoping afghanistan can strike a peace agreement involving the taliban before elections for july u.s. special envoy zalmay khalilzad speaking at the institute of peace in washington d.c. expressed cautious optimism about the prospect of a deal. held meetings with taliban officials here in doha to discuss an ongoing push for a political settlement to the seventeen year old conflict thailand's king says it's inappropriate and unconstitutional for his sister to stand as a candidate for prime minister in next month's elections still be up against the current prime minister who led a military coup in twenty fourteen well those are the headlines now back to taliban oil.
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osama bin ladin was busy building training facilities. bin laden eventually became responsible for organizing the flow of foreign fighters between chechnya bosnia and the arab world for the taliban and these soldiers were useful reinforcements in the fight against the northern alliance this enabled been logging to strengthen his alliance with the taliban and to recruit soldiers for his holy war on the western world. was this your first book that idea that is this early yet but what i think you know i think that there are. enough safeguards that are left out of government no doubt most proud that while they're going very well and their value and they know it you better be careful over focusing on this and. yet.
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on the seventh of august nine hundred ninety eight a bomb exploded at the u.s. embassy in nairobi. similar tenuously a bomb detonated in neighboring towns and in two hundred twenty four people died in these terrorist attacks and building four thousand were injured. the i'll call you to trademark was established serial attacks triggered by suicide bombers. i don't think i was terribly surprised when i heard about what had happened because in laden was there he was able to do it and man in a standing he was being attempted by the taliban. the young spy wanted to learn more about bin ladin and visited his enemies the northern alliance it was a perilous journey on horseback. along by roads.
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my interest in what was going on in the n.t. taleban areas because that was the area where we did not have a lot of them from asian in my sense from back in washington is that a lot of officials and policy makers were just writing off the resistance to that's how bond. she met northern alliance leader ahmad shah masood who asked for support from the west in the fight against the taliban and al qaida. during her visit serves both a unique insight into what was to come. northern alliance prisons were full of foreign fighters from several countries their goal was to participate in the global jihad. she was especially shocked by what the prisoners told her about the close
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relationship between pakistan the taliban and al qaida. most rude urgent he wanted to alert the west he wanted more people to know about the taliban and how they were interacting with bin ladin in to emphasize that if we were opposing bin laden that we should really realize that he and the taliban were sharing the same goals and resources in funding. but judy says report was not well received by her bosses at the pentagon. the state department was even more annoyed people were saying they were very upset about my trip and i was told i simply wasn't going to be able to stay and they weren't going to give me my security clearance back so essentially they fired me. the clinton administration continued into efforts to influence the taliban regime.
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and we were in the middle of trying to. get them to modify their behavior and i'm a believer and you talk to your friends and your enemies talking is not acceptance of those practices. from day one the clinton administration was trying to push back in first you know control and then pressure the taliban regime into change and of course that escalated once bin ladin left sudan and went to afghanistan in one thousand nine hundred six the bombings of ninety eight were conducted from there so it was very much on the forefront. the problem of osama bin laden stood in the way you have any agreement about future or of the pipelines. he had declared war on america and this on the bombings of our embassies and kenya really put us on a war footing with sound and then from that point on we were actually trying to
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kill him. on the twentieth of august nineteenth ninety seven president clinton ordered the launch of cruise missiles against several bases and understand. four of the bases were destroyed you know twenty five. were killed but bin laden himself escaped i remember when president clinton sent cruise missiles and afghanistan. i just that's when i told. my. lawson the board of directors it was time that this this one got to go anywhere any time soon. at that point unocal withdrew from the pipeline project but the french intelligence analyst joins show but he saw it argues that the idea of an oil and gas pipeline
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lived on. in the states where it was thinking they were pressuring the taliban to release bin laden. by negotiating about the pipeline of the same sign the taliban were thinking they were calling united states is not in by discussing the end of the pipeline. a mile mark the five line issue was the leverage in preserving his country from u.s. strikes and avoiding to take a decision on one minute and. osama bin ladin was also interested in continued pipeline negotiations. a strategy memo from bin laden's close aide mohammed ought to have was found to join the investigation of the nine hundred ninety eight east africa embassy attacks this memo written by mohammed atta as it states clearly that as far as the taliban werman taining relationship in some way was with american
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businesses over his project or u.s. diplomats. there's security inside us your body is guaranteed. in the in. the in. the terror attacks against east african embassies tasted the relationship between the taliban and the al qaida leader. his presence in afghanistan. became a big part of the trip. in there in the early shift between a kind of sign and then from our stomachs to.
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a lot of. if she does that would be part of those she was a victim of thirty six or so you know sort of blood because you know sid no baseline near zero but you try and you oh and your way to those shooter was on thursday. the deer counted out as you know. and just sort of figured it was just as you would understand the saudis have been there many of. them and found the joneses all the for you from a hunger strike in front of them though. for the. news that he. did that is. towards the end of the ninety's the pipelines were no longer on the agenda or in talks between the u.s. and the taliban. the u.s. asked thirty times for osama bin laden to be handed over but the taliban gave no
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clear answer the tox went essentially nowhere in the taliban the more we would close and the more they push back the more we push them on al-qaeda expelling us out of bin ladin the more they would fish back. they just got more decided. to keep. not follow and to go to hugh told the no man no or the honey you. tell your bottle. for them that you know that nobody. does a fish will reach one hundred not to do but do away nor does any one of the dogs come. when george w. bush came to power in two thousand and one here in new times to get bin ladin extradited and get started with the construction of the oil pipeline.
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by van unit. it was out of the picture but others tried to revive the plans. w. bush in this direct connection with the oil industry and he was to try to be more pissed resist word that i. made a special documentary about the prelude to september the eleventh. american born adam gadahn is the film's narrator an attack on afghanistan had been planned for a long time the americans are boiling mad about a number of things the islamic emirates domination of strategic energy reserves as well as the route of the proposed gas pipeline from the caspian sea. and most of
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all its refusal to hand over osama. in berlin in july two thousand and one a final dramatic meeting about the taliban was arranged between representatives of the united states government and all the players in the region. to pongs during these talks there's a u.s. representatives that will make this ultimatum that will have entered the car because of holes in the carpet bomb. the americans and informed their allies during a meeting in germany of their plan to invade afghanistan in the autumn before the first snow fall which is what the eventually did so we knew it was coming the question was do we sit back and wait or do we surprised them
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was a preemptive strike. get my. eye . i was there in nine and they were in new york it has already begun to dent. their way tragic and. of the people of the united states innocent people was wiping. others not all of it is but when you. understand the above or the trying to get it that is that you want to be judged on zero or on budget. by the club this
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juice. bush mitchell was there to tell you about us or to speak to. us. the taliban offered to extradite osama bin laden to a third country but now the americans have decided to remove both him and fatah about the phone the seventh of october america and britain attacked. the northern alliance exploiting the resulting chaos and the taliban regime unraveled. on the twentieth of november two thousand and one the capital city of kabul failed. with u.s. backing comic-con saw it was inaugurated as president his brother had been working for unocal and because i was well acquainted with the pipeline plan it was. soon
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after nine eleven in a couple of moms suddenly we feared that state governments from the region got together and basically decided to revive the project. that means that even without knowing the fate of. journalists ability all these countries at come to the same conclusion they had reached before nine eleven the spy plane was crucial that. the interests. after years of war there is still no pipeline the taliban is back in strength and reluctant to negotiate about peace. they call off the kind of on government brought to a new going to meet another title of democracy in the himalayas meant dave did not bring peace to afghanistan the insurgency against people have been installed by the
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international community is to going. to. the war against the taliban has made the building of the pipeline impossible. the afghan north also house some oil after the pipeline was shelved john i will who had left unocal considered investing in an oil and gas project in mazar e sharif. look at afghanistan the political risk is amazingly high. but the reward is also moderate. together as.
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opportunity for. the rich to argue that the country's petroleum. previously known. as the geology in that part of the world for both mineral resources and hydrocarbons that's pretty spectacular. who are. those resources first. and then the past thirty years of war nobody has been able to do much. one afghan who tried to develop the country's oil resources and an early stage was king mohammed zahir shah. after thirty years in exile he returned a lot of afghanistan's history has been. came king when he was only nineteen years old nine hundred thirty seven he gave the u.s. firm inland exploration company exclusive rights to oil extraction in the northern
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areas of the country. they were also given the rights to build a sixteen hundred kilometer pipeline. but the second world put a stop to these plans. older afghans. a time of peace economic progress the introduction of democracy and education. they need many nanny. made new attempts to restart oil and gas production in the fifty's and sixty's a series of test wells were drilled and. geologist mapped the country's resources. afghanistan at the end of the seventy's as part of the atlas afghanistan project. he got a unique insight into the maps of mineral resources. there was
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one american geologist me and two hundred fifty soviet russian geologist. so when i left afghanistan in late seventy eight i was actually in de ported by the communists who had taken over the government i left having sent my maps out of the country and the diplomatic pouch came back to the united states and i worked on the mineral resources in afghanistan ever since. west of mazower other remains of a canister finally from the soviet era. the plant is still in operation but no longer produces as much as when the russians were there. mouthing about on the fall yeah i don't understand to sign up that hold only shasta million goes down as it passes on ethanol it's past flour johnny surely and saddam saldana mission that. could be quite sure that in asia.
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in two thousand and seven an experienced oil geologist rediscovered this area. he'd previously worked for unocal but he now worked as head of the norwegian aid project oil for development he wanted to help afghanistan with a new oil will. it too long to his dissuaded from traveling to the north but with an armed escort he went anyway. at one gas plant he discovered a brick don't room where documentation of soviet oil and gas production had been hidden. behind the secret wool lay old maps and seismic sylvie's that showed afghanistan's oil and gas resources was significantly greater
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than the outside world was aware of and made his decision though there was so much all the time that all this is ultimately existed. on the message in that i was built all shitsville fourteen years of thirtieth in all of them did in the midst of a legal slow deal with. the administration offices but oil and gas in mazar i'll show reef allocated in old soviet buildings. chief engineer mohammed to john attardi has made it his life's work to preserve the dusty archives. several times he saved maps and documents from destruction. lapointe inaccurate critical can i get on the ground and get back on my will model knew what i was going not if he got it on my wall or younger ones stuff on my third
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cousin there i was young good our time i'm going to he didn't even yeah the world didn't shut down after about us you can do it you know how i don't know how he ended she asked me how much the way you might be in the night when the last guy who you know that would make me look on their guy a moment as he fist american not let a young girl letter he called her the knowledge your mommy if you don't have any girl muslim mother that's a woman i don't know oh you don't know how. i felt i don't know i'm not on the whole didn't already know me and. despite too little money and poor health i toddy has systemized to finals and preserve the valuable data for the future i don't know one of the red least i want to talk of the job of are they not wanted or india could make about what it is
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a moment ago. that i buy the time but i reckon you i mean there's just not a need at all i know or don't know or don't offer. you may have to hold off on the way mad mad cow but he'll be a good question for him or he will get those coming up he could come forth a little everything that. the united states once hoped the peace pipeline would unite the warring parties in afghanistan they still do amazingly enough they still want to build it. america's arch enemy iran also wants to build an oil and gas pipeline to india to draw on is in a hurry the aim is that a new peace pipeline should be completed in twenty seventeen. but again it has to go through taliban controlled areas peace with the taliban is more important than
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ever. was at risk of deja vu all over again it's not impossible that the taliban would come back to power they are an element they're not going away and in order to have. i would say peace not necessarily had prosperity in afghanistan they're going to have to be a part of that fabric of society the more you can bring them into the tent and encourage moderate elements to emerge the more stable afghanistan will be. looking back i have to say i was terribly naive. henry kissinger's that this project is or triumph of hope over experience that hit me right between the eyes and through borders a lot of content and that getting a little common and i found it proved to be true.
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hello there for some of us in north america we've had some pretty icy conditions recently here the pictures from missouri showing that the ice that we've seen there freezing rain has caused a big accumulation of ice around trees and power lines and that has caused quite a few problems the system responsible well it's a huge area of cloud here of course is in the north where we've seen the icy and snowy conditions those run their way towards the north and dragging its feet have been a whole lot of wet weather we've even seen some tornadoes out of this area of cloud here all of that his clearing away there by saturday it should be a lot quieter will be cooler than it has been for some of us there in new york as
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a maximum just getting to freezing during the day the next system well that's already piling in from the pacific making its way across the rockies it's what it disintegrates across the rockies and then it will pull itself together once more as we head through sunday a monday for the more wintry weather to the north and in the south will see another area of rain form here for the central america's plenty of sunshine here at the moment not a great deal of wet weather at all we're seeing a few showers perhaps over parts of mexico stretching down into parts of nicaragua and i think that's where we'll see the majority of the showers on sunday elsewhere largely dry down towards south america still lots of showers in the rio area and still very hot for us in ascension thirty nine on saturday. millions of dollars have been stolen from malaysia meet the whistleblower who exposed big deals and criminal cover ups one on one east investigates the world's biggest heist. on out here. it's
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a daunting climb to one of the holiest sites in bhutan tigers nest ball astri seems to defy gravity every few cities is expected to complete the pilgrimage to ensure peace and happiness when it became a democracy in two thousand and eight bhutan put happiness at the center of all political policy inspiring the un to pass a resolution urging other nations to follow betimes example but how do you measure it many brittany's happiness is what we insure it if it is quantifiable but by simply turning its pursuit into policy bhutan has done what no other country has. on the streets of greece anti immigrant violence is on the rise you have to go. and increasingly migrant farm workers of victims a vicious beating. is helping the pakistani community to find
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a voice the stories we don't often hear told by the people who live them undocumented and under attack this is zero on al-jazeera. this is al-jazeera. and i missed and this is the news hour live from coming up in the next sixteen. the deadline passes for donald trump to tell congress by the hill thanks to the saudi arabia over the killing of jamal khashoggi. the venezuelan president warns of catastrophic consequences if the u.s. bit upset.


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