tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera February 18, 2019 1:00pm-2:01pm +03
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koster mean you're on trial for dozens and dozens of corruption charges brazil river of mud zero zero. zero. zero this is the news hour live from our headquarters in doha coming up in the next sixty minutes new fighting in the disputed kashmir region adds to soaring tensions between india and pakistan. venezuelans fleeing to brazil tell of how unbearable their lives have been even before the latest crisis also this hour a spanish warship is accused of ordering commercial vessels to leave waters near braga before being challenged by the british navy and israel implement
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a new law that will withhold millions of dollars in palestinian funds i'm going to get rough go with the sport tonight paid for manchester united saudi arabia denies and take care of our attempt of the english premier league club. thank you for joining as we begin with the escalating tensions between india and pakistan after a suicide bombing in indian administered kashmir last week at least forty one indian security personnel were killed both countries have called their ambassadors home after india accused pakistan of having a hand in phases attack pakistan denies that meanwhile there's been more fighting in the troubled himalayan region for indian soldiers have been killed as well as to rebels and civilians on top of all of this sea international court of justice is hearing a case about a former aide. india navy command has been sentenced to death in pakistan what
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covering developments from both countries in a moment will be speaking to come out. as we go to says john mayer in new delhi faces tensions ratcheting up and more violence in indian administered kashmir bring us up to speed for us with what's been happening. fawley it began actually late on sunday when security forces began a gun battle with two gunmen who were holed up in a house in that incident four soldiers were killed as well as a civilian who was the owner of the house but the gunman got away and then early on monday security forces engaged in another battle with the gunman and the two gunmen were killed and it's just as you mention the latest in the attacks that have plagued the region now it's adding to the security tension in the area tensions already high this curfew in place and security forces say they're still on alert because they expect there could be more attacks at any time to add to the tensions
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fayez india and pakistan are facing off of the international court of justice was that case about and what are we expecting. well the timing of this has been completely coincidental this was decided by the i.c.j. in december to hear the course now and this this case revolves around bush on job and out who he is depends on whom you believe india says he's a former naval officer who was a businessman in iran who was kidnapped into pakistan and then arrested there baucus on those says he was an indian agent who snuck into the country and was arrested before being convicted by a pakistani military court and sentenced to death now ever since the death sentence india took the case to the i.c.j. and right now opening statements are being heard from the indian side which will then be followed by pakistan side and then rebuttals this will go on each side will
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give their case and then on thursday the judges will begin deliberating but we're not expecting a verdict on that until the summer ok thank you for that phase john men live for us in new delhi as. correspondents come on haida these tensions between india and pakistan coming as pakistan is hosting a very high profile visit a saudi arabia's crown friends who will also be traveling to india all the saudis weighing in. the crown prince of gold story and bloggers on timer and tensions are running high bid renewed neighborhood. i've been simmering for decades a new record in the nuclear flashpoint an old door india wants to buy and that that foreign minister. had to say
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this we're going to do with the disputes between the. two of us to try to deescalate tensions between the two countries continues to see flows through to the scope of those differences peacefully. you know it really be interesting to see where the indians riddick. any and defend the war because there have been thing all along that if. we were to do have influence over india india. before india in. some leverage there but it would be interesting to hear how india receives the. drive. thank you very much for speaking to us live in islamabad let's not bring in rizvi
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who is a human rights activist at the justice project in pakistan it's a non-governmental organization that provides free legal advice and works to challenge laws. and just sank you very much for speaking to us so the the visit by the crown prince of saudi arabia is very it's the country she's chosen certainly to visit on this asia trip an interesting thing a country saudi arabia with a very poor track record when it comes to human right but pakistan's track record on human rights is also questionable what do you make first of all of the red carpet being rolled out for the saudi crown prince in islam about. look saudi and pakistan have had a close relationship spending over seventy years they've signed various friendship treaties they've supported each other in times of economic and military hope and i think this is something that wasn't really. people assume that something like this or grand gesture like this would happen they're bringing in an investment it's
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worth over twenty billion dollars but it's on really needs this economic support right now but coming from a human rights perspective the thing that you know we were really pushing our efforts for was that the issue of these prisoners gets raised and yesterday we saw the prime minister. brought this up completely unexpectedly and we were really happy that the crown prince of large and said you know we will do whatever we can and today comes out this statement that he will be releasing two thousand one hundred seven prisoners ok what about the case and the fate of pakistani migrants working in saudi arabia how do you make sure as a human rights activist that this visit is not just about money and signing deal but also about you know the conditions that some of your compatriots are working in . so currently parks there are two point seven million migrant parks any migrants in saudi arabia over three thousand of them are in their jails i think that this immediate release has been great but we
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called the pakistani government to codify the and sign a prisoner transfer agreement with the government of saudi arabia the minister of foreign affairs in pakistan sent a draft. to the saudi government and you know if they want to release commit to this and commit to a better and friendship on this issue we would hope that they signed this p.t.a. it's not just. the amnesty international and human rights march have said that enforces appearances becoming widespread in pakistan itself and that the government is increasingly cracking down on its critics what are you doing as a human rights activist to improve the situation there. look i think you know these issues of press freedom are you know you few see them everywhere we see them in pakistan in saudi even places you know in the west as a. crackdown on c.n.n.
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. the minister for the minister of human rights i'm sorry has said that they will be pushing legislation to community i can realize in force and we hope that any real look forward to that bill coming about ok thank you for speaking to us thank you very much for joining us there from. a human rights activist thank you. in other world news venezuela's government has blocked members of the european parliament from entering the country the group had been invited by opposition leader one to meet the national assembly is also trying to enlist a million volunteers to head to the border on saturday to receive foreign aid being stored in neighboring countries and is the number. we're being expelled from venezuela our passports have been withheld we've not been informed of the reason nor do we have any document that justifies it because they have just thrown us out we came to venezuela with an official invitation from the national assembly a body that is recognized internationally and even recognized by the venezuelan
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president we are the first international delegation that was visiting the interim president one guy do when in a country a dictator closes the windows and turns off the lights that is when he goes from words to actions long live a free venezuela. as a standoff continues between guy joe and president nicolas maduro venezuelans continue to leave the country in droves a crumbling economy has already forced more than three million to seek a new life abroad al-jazeera is mohamed john jones spoke to some of them in the brazilian border town of parker reimer where hundreds a crossing every day. on brazil's border with venezuela the migrants continue to arrive many of them relieved at least for the moment to have seemingly put their desperation behind them back home jackson maria just twenty three years old had quit school to work in a bakery on a little organising awesome with young people like us can't achieve our goals and
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hit as well i had to stop by a couldn't make studies because it became a choice between studying and eating. but even that choice difficult as it may have been didn't make things much easier. the money i made from one week was only enough to buy me one kilo of rice. his friend i modified also twenty three tells me things were unbearable well before the current political crisis and can't help but laugh when describing the dark absurdity of the past few weeks you. say maybe. people are now saying we have two presidents one issues in order the other refuses it one last for eight the other says the eight won't pass it's public disorder in politics and neither of them is looking out for the welfare of the people. but at this processing center in the town of pocket i'ma run by brazil's federal government and supported by the united nations refugee agency exhaustion is
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also palpable officials tell us that today alone over six hundred venezuelans cross from venezuela into brazil and many of those migrants will be applying for asylum and many of them will be seeking medical care so now we see more people arriving in very bad conditions arriving in urgent need of medical attention so a lot of people who are right here in a kind of you need to be immediately transported aboard these different can some people arrive if we actually do nothing but they will still be wearing stefania decided to leave when she realized it would be too expensive to have another baby in venezuela analytics and to get them medicine but a surveillance on my sister said she couldn't believe i was leaving i said yes i'm going i took my child and left time i got here by getting rides and travelling for two days and. like many others here she's happy for a brief respite in this very temporary setting where children play with soldiers
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and things do albeit fleetingly seem a little bit better. and pocket i'ma on brazil's border with venezuela. plenty more ahead on this news hour including how nigeria's election uncertainty is hurting businesses and keeping some people out of work bus will tell you why migrants are being ordered to leave anytime in town that was once a model of integration and coming up in sports the best basketball players in the world show off their skills in the n.b.a. all-star game chill have the best of the action coming up meet. first a spanish warship has been accused of ordering commercial vessels to leave disputed waters near. before being challenged by the british navy the government of the british overseas territory says a spanish ship sailed away after the brief confrontation the status of gibran tired
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tiny piece of land jutting out of spain southern coast has long been disputed between spain and the u.k. that speaks to our correspondent in london rory challenge story first what more do we know about this incident what happened. well what we hear from the government of gibraltar is the only sunday a spanish warship basically tried to force commercial vessels that were anchored in and around the port of gibraltar believe what this spanish vessel called spanish vessel spanish waters. as a result of this gibraltar and say the british royal navy vessels were sent to the scene and after this the spanish war ship sailed up the coast of gibraltar very slowly with its guns man and and uncovered it has to be said that the only
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source for this story at the moment is the gibraltar and governments we have reached out to the british foreign office and the british ministry of defense in the moments they haven't come back to us with any further info the spanish aren't saying anything either but they have released some order of. shipping channels and we can listen to a bit of that now. all forty four to our current site spanish territorial waters and i think additional you know state budgets i suggest thank you tourist for starting it all yourself. but i think you are here. as we said really in the status of gibraltar gibraltar
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has always been a source of dispute between the u.k. and spain what's going to be the status of the territory in a need up to breck st. well the status of gibraltar is that it is a british overseas territory the spanish ceded it's the united kingdom in seventeen seen in perpetuity so basically the british say it's our land and it will be forever the spanish have always wanted to get it back in some way and of course with bricks it looming gibraltar it's isolates its position basically on the tip of spain at the mouth of the mediterranean sea is strategically important for spain is strategically important for the united kingdom and it's a complicating factor in the whole process it. gibraltar could be very easily cut off by the spanish and the british feel that spain is going to try to use to her as
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a pressure points in the whole breaks its process and in establishing the u.k.'s relationship with the union with the e.u. in the aftermath of bret's it so it's a i think you know along with northern line and basically it's it's another example of britain's complicated territorial legacy left over from its colonial history coming back so make problems for it in the here and now as it tries to leave the european union rowing thinking or some of nigeria's leading presidential candidates have condemned the decision to postpone elections by a week many have blamed each other for the d.n.a. announced by the election commission just hours before the polls were detailed then there's also growing concern about the economic impact as amity treats reports now from the northeastern city of my degree. these days the only thing that would work
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at a moment those is sitting with the children. he wants to work but no one is hiring because of the uncertainty yet on the elections. to add to these problems is all the children have been sent back from boarding school until the vote has taken place. the struggle to feed the families tough enough for someone who depends on daily it's been made had now because no one is sure of what will happen the disruption doesn't stop with people like you. prayed in borno state had been picking up over the last two years following attacks by boko haram fighters and the security clampdown to stop the violence centuries old trade routes between neighboring countries had reopened but few want to do business during election season this is the major free money market it's what progress from cameroon chad is here to public and we don't come to find out but in the past few days not much
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transactions after you can place here you know as we talk to say most of the buyers from across the border i keep him waiting until after the elections. most of us has seen his weekly earnings grow from eight thousand to a few hundred dollars. will just be done. a lot being about the hope now is far quicker and peaceful conclusion of the vote. when. they can lament that abuse you're not going to and as a result. i think it will impact on the house the election commission as richard will national elections for saturday with state elections coming two weeks later the cost of the delay and the insight or so she added with it is difficult to estimate but business is expect to be hit hard and any recovery will depend on who gets elected. nigeria.
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israel has implemented a new law that will take away millions of dollars of tax revenue from the palestinian authority the move penalizes the authority for supporting their families of jails and prisons as harry foster has more from western. benjamin netanyahu began his weekly cabinet meeting insisting that he would follow through on the course he said we could go to start with holding money from the palestinian authority you've usual today i will submit to the cabinet for approval the deduction of the salaries of terrorists from the palestinian authority money the cabinet will hear a detailed report regarding the money from security officials this is important legislation that we've advanced and today we're going to implement it as i promised the money in question is taxes raised by israel on behalf of the palestinians and sent to them every month for years netanyahu and his allies have attacked with palestinian policy of paying prisoners families calling it incitement to terror
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pointing to the fact that the longer the sentence the more serious the conviction the higher the payment last july those criticisms were translated into israeli legislation now in the midst of an election campaign in which the right wing vote could prove crucial netanyahu is implementing law withholding one hundred thirty eight million dollars in palestinian taxes in the face of widely reported warnings from his own security establishment suggesting such a move could in fact increase instability and violence. the palestinian prisoners club says about ten percent of the nearly six thousand inmates in israeli jails have been involved in deadly attacks the rest jailed for lesser offenses their families all deserving of support its president says the israeli move won't change the necessary policy. that the aid money that we give to the palestinian families is not for the prisoner or for the martyr who is did we give the money to the family israel wants to practice collective punishment for most palestinians the
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system is a consequence of life under occupation abandoning it under israeli pressure is poor . medically all but unthinkable the palestinian authority has condemned the israeli decision as piracy saying it's part of an effort to increase the pressure on the head of the publication of the trumpet ministrations peace plan expected some time after israel's april election ari force that al-jazeera western reserve and israeli security forces have evicted a palestinian family from a home in jos mens' old city they had lived there since the one nine hundred fifty s. but israel supreme court told a jewish family that fled the home during the one nine hundred forty eight hour of israeli war was entitled to reclaim it the assad family say they were forced to leave their belongings behind when they were evicted fast that after this experience he beat me and my children they broke my belongings and they kicked us out by force the settlers were laughing on the roof and i'm here and there they are in my house. iran's foreign minister says there's a growing risk of war between his country and is ram mohammed job ads are eve made
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the comments on the final day of the annual munich security conference he called the u.s. a destabilizing force which could increase the chances of a new conflict in the middle east to monitor china has more from munich on the third and final day of the munich security conference it was iran's turn to talk about the challenges facing peace and stability around the world its foreign minister david zarif telling leaders it was american and israeli policies that threatened international security and not those of his government at the recent meeting of let me just call it the underbidding. and you open the coerced in war so the u.s. vice president. and the secretary of state both blasted europe on european soil. for even attempting albeit without much success to abide by its obligations under the j c p o a n on the security council
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resolution twenty two thirty one yesterday right here in munich. mr pence repeated discourse then he added again to be demanded that europe must join the united states in undermining its own security and breaking its obligations one of the main discussions at the conference was about the two thousand and fifteen iran nuclear deal and even though the us on the president donald trump has withdrawn from its senior american politicians continue to stand by the agreement as when you as a strong supporter of the. nuclear agreement with iran and have we want to stick with supporting them to their rainy and foreign minister however fail to address to her policies in syria and its support for president bashar assad both are accused of killing hundreds of thousands of civilians and now that's iran and said seem to have won the war it seems that syria is being welcomed back into the international
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fold but not everyone is happy about that we are seeing countries are running back to normalize with the syrian regime inviting the sierra jim to come back to the arab league and we raise the question what of. what the syrian regime has done in order to be rewarded by normalization rewarded by coming back to the legal fight of cis another edition of the munich security conference has concluded yet many of the reasons for insecurity are on the wall remain critics say those include some of the leaders who themselves were present at this conference now mutual interest were also discussed such as cyber security but it is new solutions to old problems that many are looking to rob lee does for. you nick. rob is here with the weather in just a moment and still ahead on this news on a foreign government is blamed for a sophisticated cyber attack on australia's major political parties plus eight
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years on people in libya celebrate the revolution that toppled feet and riding out the storm we had to baghdad to hear how a small group of iraqis are keeping equestrian sports alive again psy-ops. this is the coldest place in the world at the moment just the top of your screen in siberia man is forty three volume hours forty five fifty five binah told the north pole cold the antarctic and about eight degrees below even its average it being a cold inhabited place on a lot contrasts with. in mongolia and in beijing both of these levels are a bit warmer than you might expect at this time of the year so we get impression
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all the cold been taken to siberia because most other places in the world are actually on the warm side the moment even middle of china where we've had some unusual weather recently we've got plus two by a miles from binah but has managed to produce because it be precipitating a beautiful environment which is just gathering people to watch it as a mixture of glaze artists and writing which is sort of frost forms when they wind blows and it's subzero and you end up with this i mean it can be quite nasty can begin that christie was for example but this must agree is quite a pretty sight and it's certainly drawing visitors to it that here's the unusual weather there is more of last sort of thing to come in this part of china not much of mistily a more unusually is the rain it's as far south as hong kong at this time here it's raining now as it happens and it probably shouldn't be. the weather sponsored by cat out anyway. rewind returns
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a care bring your people back to life with brand new updates on the best of al-jazeera documentaries in libya oppose the bill if it looks. like and the other student rewind continues with spirit we do stories that impact i testify in the court of law to make sure that the bad guys behind bars so many people have gone to jail as a result of my work we want on al-jazeera whether it's canton totally in australia wild and ferocious in bangladesh earthrise redresses the balance between endangered wildlife and the noisy neighbors. in the forest right there and there's nothing between how you how would that i'm a human how to learning to live together. how many people here have seen a tiger but you can go really.
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welcome back our top story our top stories on this news hour pakistan has called its ambassador home from india marrying a move by india's government as tensions escalate across the indian administered kashmir at least for indian soldiers have been killed in fighting between suspected separatists gunmen and security forces in the disputed region after a suicide bombing on thursday. members of the european parliament have been refused entry to venezuela by the government they were invited by the national assembly and opposition leader one was declared himself interim president and a spanish warship has been accused of ordering commercial vessels to leave disputed
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waters near gibraltar before being challenged by the british navy the government of the british overseas territories says the spanish ships sailed away after the british confrontation. more on our top story any tensions in indian administered kashmir joining us now is s.k. sood who is a former additional director general of the border security force he is live from new delhi thank you so much for your time this latest attack last week has come at a very sensitive and potentially volatile time for india just months ahead of national elections and prime minister modi has been under a great deal of pressure to punish pakistan but how far do you think he can go without provoking a significant pakistani response what is options. are not privy to what is going to happen against pakistan but. there's a lot of anger amongst the population here amongst the politicians here amongst
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everyone here and. you you rightly said that we have to own the probability television from pakistan and this will really. deeply overreactions before we take any step. that if they. do expect or daily if we take any action if it has to be deeply toward those boxes i read an article an interesting article you wrote way you say you know if any action needs it to be taken it has to be taken in india explain to our viewers how seoul and you talked about also failures at india's level what fairly is precisely led to this attack in kashmir. you see firstly i want to say that there's no doubt that there's the pakistan hand
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in this there is no doubt that just a moment which has claimed responsibility it is based in pakistan on its leader it is there in pakistan and if they have providing him physical and modern support having said that there are several lapses on part of the indian security forces and also in the indian administration you see. it taking it separately each of them technically days firstly an operation if india as device we were not even to detect that i.e.d. lead didn't they couldn't on time why the bees that you're deployed did richard responsible for sanitising the roads they can detect it and they can isolate dect so that in one operation in finland that test taken place secondly there had been a message of intelligence failure see if. three hundred fifty lead
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in. explosive laden vehicle is dead in the vicinity it would have taken some logistical efforts to assemble the explosives to bring it to the sport for the explosion and also they must have a lot of communications between the suicide bomber and his endless right richard had been should have been the intelligence agencies should have been able to detect that right and take action on that so you see the intelligence of any operational family and in that field yet what about of the government's level of the policy not how could the government handle the situation in kashmir differently . yes. at. the government level my view is that it is not. the military which is going to solve the problem military ville on the security forces will
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bring situation under control while unst being bring bring down the violence to level with the political process can take place so. the political is level at the government level he must initiate the political dialogue with the people concerned with the identified leadership of separate disarm the local population so that that is a must in order to bring the kashmir situation and they're doing thank you so much for sharing your views with us s.k. so joining us from new delhi thank you for your time we appreciate it yemen's government on who the rebels have struck a deal in over the with child of truce from who data the warring sides have agreed on the first phase of a pullout from the city it comes after two days of u.n. talks aimed at ending the four year conflicts represents to some both sides have not given a date for the redeployment. have been celebrations across libya to mark the eighth
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anniversary of the revolution that al said leader moammar gadhafi in twenty levon libya remains codd by violence and divided by conflict but many are still glad to see in the end of qaddafi and his forty two years of autocratic rule. has more from tripoli. libya is free for that the people have paid a heavy price. broadcast in the language on public radio on the eighth anniversary of this of in thousands of february revolution i'm a z as were among the minorities persecuted on their good death is rejean. i'm trying to convey my feelings to my fellow citizens as a reminder of the sacrifice a martyr is given to this revolution it's also a warning against foreign intervention which has contributed to the current division in the country. patriotic
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songs associated with the revolution are played to mark at the end of four decades of dictatorship. but for so idle the struggle for freedom goes on our son was killed three years ago and she was forced out from her home in benghazi evict him of the struggle for power which has continued since good death his death and. despite all the agony pain blood and tears we have lost over our loved ones we will continue marking the every year at the heart of this revolution when the main square in the capital tripoli where people have come out the celebrate and marking the anniversary despite years of conflict and divisions many libyans here that they hope will for a peaceful future but better than you would friend these days some of those who do that again a phenomenally good eighty years ago are now opposing the war lords. no
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military rule farewell to tyranny they chant former rebels from all parts of libya gather in tripoli to form a coalition against what they say is the military and authoritarian rule of have to in the east of the country their aim is to prevent huffed his forces moving any further west we. have to our sources have gained more territories during the last year at recently in the south of the country we are worried that through half their foreign powers can abuse libya's resources in the south. have to is supported by egypt the united arab emirates france and russia. eight years of instability have resulted in multiple political rivalries economic decline and lawlessness
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tripoli is home to the one government which is backed by the united nations but even there the threat of conflict between. evil factions remains shukri relegate does not regret taking part in the uprising against a good feed does not stop him lamenting the full moon more peaceful time. tripoli iran has unveiled a new submarine which it says is capable of firing cruise missiles as it has done rouhani introduce a latest addition to its naval fleet in the port city of bandar abbas dubbed the conqueror and even the media say the country's first semi heavy submarine mounted marandi isn't even in affairs analyst and a professor at the university of tehran he says developments in iran defense systems will deter the u.s. from taking any military action. i think the iranians feel that it would be silly and foolish if they did not have
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a robust defense capability and the iranians believe that it is because of it defense capabilities and its defense industry and its high tech capabilities that the united states has refrained from any aggressive aggressive act towards iran well one of the things that the iranians have done is that they've developed a very. capable missile defense capability and both surface to surface surface to see surface to air and sea to sea and therefore it's made it much more difficult many of iran's defense in sedations are deep underground this is the experience of the two thousand and six war between the israeli regime and hezbollah when the israelis invaded southern lebanon and were soundly defeated i think that experience really is part of iran's defense strategy in other words taking all of your sense of it installations underground so that the potential enemy cannot strike them and would not know exactly where your
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facilities are so you run has extensive underground facilities and of course a submarine would be a part of that. australia's government says political parties have been targeted in this cyber attack carried out by a foreign state the breach of the parliament network was detected on feb eighth prime minister scott morrison says the attack was sophisticated but investigators have found no evidence of interference in the upcoming federal elections andrew thomas has more from said. the prime minister scott morrison didn't name any particular country when he talked about a sophisticated state actor being behind this cyber attack but most people think the security service is most suspect china although russia is another possibility as indeed the united states or even israel now this all started ten days ago when the prime minister said the security services detected
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a cyber attack on the parliamentary computer system including the e-mail accounts of some m.p.'s and it's been doing investigation into that cyber attack ten days ago that has revealed political parties computer systems of also be attacked non-significant because the major political parties here hold huge amounts of personal information about voters they use that of course when it comes to targeting votes is in the run up to elections and there's a national election here jew probably in may now the prime minister said there's no evidence yet that there's been any electoral interference by states but the concern of course is that that could come. i was once a model of integration in italy but the small town of react cheik came under attack last year when it's least far right interior minister my tail salvini ordered hundreds of refugees to be moved out the suspended mayor is now waiting child for aiding illegal immigration many residents say the area had been revived by the
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arrival of the migrants from right to h. a sunny day ago reports. these quiet streets were once bustling with activity people and purpose but reaction has become a shadow of its former self raffia has been living here for four years she came from pakistan her family made this place their home and they are one of the few migrant families that remain here because before the project is everything's good. you just everything's to help us know the moves finish the project is finished crumbling buildings were turned into shops restaurants and homes now lie empty again the occupants left after pressure from the old thirties those that live here say riyadh she had once been full of optimism now no more.
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this playground used to be full of children now nothing no one's left here. last year the mayor the when he was arrested for allegedly encouraging illegal immigration the main accusation that he arranged a marriage between a talian man and a nigerian woman who had been forced into prostitution so that she could remain in the country the action is integration model breathed new life into this village but it became a target immigration politicians including the deputy prime minister. who frequently has voiced his antagonism towards this project so now once again the actual lies practically deserted and all the effort that went into rejuvenating this place is now wasted. well the mayor was praised for pioneering a model of integration that benefited the area matteo salvini led a campaign to stop the movement of humanitarian rescue ships out of italy's ports
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and revelled on social media what mr mcconnell was arrested. no longer allowed to set foot in riyadh mr lucado is awaiting trial and says he is being used as an example for those who do not meet the new immigration policies. the message that came from here was that for once it was possible to create a diverse multi-ethnic society and that wasn't allowed. instead they created political success from propaganda which turned the least people against each other the quietness here a reflection of the new normal immigration is no longer an issue of assistance but of control those who remain say it is a sad place hope of new life has been abandoned and the welcome it once promised no longer allowed sunday diag al-jazeera southern italy. hundreds of environmentalists have brands roads around london fashion week events san
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protesting against what they say is industries in action on climate change spoke to some of the activists. london fashion week is one of the most important events in the fashion calendar anywhere in the world a chance to showcase new talent and design but it's also a chance to hold the fashion industry to account when it comes to its record on the protect the environment and sustainability which is what this is all about by direct action group called extinction rebellion that believes very much the fashion industry is a part of the problem as opposed to the sure i think at the moment we're in a situation where we're heading towards must extinctions worldwide climate change is kicking in and everyone is still continuing as if it's business as usual politicians are failing us the supply chains and things with the fashion world i know it's incredibly complex but we all have to reappraise the way we're living on this planet link here but his london fashion week is just behind him we want to
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disrupt we want the cultural industries to recognise that they could use them police right now in this movement to to start a revolution to turn people on to make it so against them it's a business. for sale the side of the street fashionistas are getting ready for another day of shows at this london venue the industry generates thirty five billion dollars for the u.k. economy that employs seven hundred eighty thousand people that's almost as big as the financial sector which is why the campaign is what this enormous sprawling global industry the pound they have the same carbon footprint as the russian federation to do more to tackle climate change. the british fashion council says sustainable also called positive fashion has dominated discussions at this year's event more more designers are now talking about going green but it could be some time before these future trends reach the rest of us. coming up.
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thank. you thank. them for sports has joe thank you saudi arabia says it's not planning a base to buy manchester united the english premier league club has been at the center of a rumored takeover of the last few days britain's sun newspaper reported that a four point nine billion dollars offer was expected from saudi arabia's crown prince mohammed bin cell mun but the country's information minister has called the
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reports completely false. tweeted that the kingdom sovereign wealth fund day to hold sponsorship talks with the team but didn't come to a deal united has been owned by the glazer family since two thousand and five the family also owns the n.f.l. tampa bay buccaneers calling cap an explorer is predicting he'll return to the n.f.l. soon and named two teams who might sign him up attorney mark geragos believes he'd fit well super bowl champions the new england patriots all the carolina panthers thirty one year old quarterback settled a long running dispute with the n.f.l. on friday details of which a confidential he and teammate eric reid claimed they'd been excluded from the sports needling joining the national anthem to protest against social injustice in the united states reid's just signed a three year deal with the panthers but kappa nick hasn't played since leaving the san francisco forty nine ers in two thousand and sixteen according to his lawyer he's in good shape and wants to play. olympic eight hundred metre champion caster
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semenya is at the court of arbitration for sport in switzerland she's attempting to overturn a rule which would force her to take drugs to lower testosterone levels if she wants to defend her olympic title the south african is challenging athletics governing body the i.w. if you want to restrict levels of the hormone in female middle distance runners under rules brought in last year female athletes with naturally high testosterone levels like so many are would have to race against men change events or take medication to reduce it so many has called the ruling unfair and a country sports minister says it's a gross violation of human rights it's a citizen is expected at the end of march. now get ready for some spectacular basketball action from the n.b.a. all star game le bron james his team produced a stunning second home fight back to get the better of his rival captain younis as it's a combo david starts has the story. the stage was set for the n.b.a. all stars in charlotte north carolina t.v. abroad against t.v.
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younis and it was jani she caught the eye of the guy the twenty three year old leading the problem likely to go with steph curry just one but choice thank you. thank god curry turning on the starlet is hype town of the spectacular boobs which is too much for the opposition to deal with tb younis were up by twenty points at hard time but then the bed to shift. but. the broader review noted with his old pound weight began to fight back the old teammate back to back sure he might be. the three hunters with dropping to. be but it wasn't long before the school's well that'll be my thirty one points become a jew run him and repeat for the second time it is
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a star game and in the end abroad ended up running away with it when comfortably by forty points they would start out as ever. a regional football final in rio and turned violent on sunday fans turned up to watch vasco da gama face women and say in the going to borrow a cup at the met a come out only to find out a judge ordered the stadium to be closed because the two teams couldn't decide which end their fans would say it was fought to a huge brawl with place using take ass and rubber bullets injuring thirty spectators the game still went ahead and in the second off another judge overturned the decision allowing fans to enter the stadium just in time to watch vasco da gama when one. go for j.b. holmes is secured his spot at the mall says by winning the genesys open it was a mammoth final day of thirty four holes because ability of bad weather and it took its toll and needed just in thomas' his four shot lead to dissipate and home stepped up to claim his first victory in three years and that one important trip to
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augusta. it was you know it's it was the way it's what you want when you want to come down the end and be able to get shots in and make some key parts and yeah it was had to be exciting to watch. well perhaps no one was more fun to watch than tiger woods he found himself in also some trouble but somehow managed to fight his way out. of nothing wrong with his work around the greens but his passing let him down and he ended up tied for fifteenth place he plays again this week in mexico city. it was one of the worst weeks i've ever had on the greens you know six three parts as. other have ever done that and so to have that me three parts and you know still shoot six under par and take away those three points on twelve on a par and if i make a few more posts i'm right in the mix so i said to clean up my mess on the greens and. be ready for thursday now horses have been part of arab culture for thousands
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of years in iraq a small group is trying to keep equestrian sports alive despite years of war and political instability chel stratford reports from baghdad. it's called tend to taking an ancient horse riding skill believed to be practiced by armies around the world over two thousand years ago and some of these iraqi right is a rather good at it but some of the well he's a member of the iraqi equestrian team he writes an eight year old arabian far abroad called she has our old. weapon of all. this is the fall of saddam hussein in two thousand and three until now i have one around forty five medals and four of them were gold but the equestrian sports here are no longer taken seriously they suffer lack of government support and of private investment iraq's equestrian federation used to be a sporting institution that the country was proud of his club was
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a favorite hangout for saddam hussein's sons to show off their wealth both owned horses worth millions of dollars which they kept at the stables years of war the political instability means the club's facilities for the long haul of times iraq's a question federation was set up in one thousand nine hundred twenty two during the year is over all its short lived more to keep the six thousand forces here that saw him were raby and sorrow breeds the envy of a questions and breed is around the world now during the war that toppled saddam hussein all the horses here was stolen and even today the federation still struggles to survive but a few of iraq's elite who didn't flee the country still come to ride a secondary school student in schol assad harmeet writes an eleven year old horse called nivo in show low represented iraq could be used to limp pigs held in
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argentina last year she came twenty fourth out of thirty participants in the horse jumping event i feel comfortable i feel i am there i am going to heaven and when i am writing courses because it's my honest because it's a culture of our town because the horse is far and that for the killings it's it's my history. but strict international quarantine rules prevent iraq you're right is like in shallow taking their whole seas abroad to compete in events instead they have to write animals supplied by the host nation the world health organization says iraq lacks sufficient expertise to deal with infectious diseases that we cannot participate properly an international tournaments because of these quarantine laws cannot show our true potential this is the biggest challenge we face. the writers here say despite the ban they will continue to strive
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towards international success and recognition and preserve a cultural tradition so in taking over to iraq and the arab world strive it all just like that. it's been nicknamed the great american race for many compacts is that mascot season opened at the daytona five hundred ended with ten laps to go after a huge crash. the better dead of winter there in the outside wall and i'm sure got a twenty one car accident that just kept going and going defending daytona five hundred champion austin dillon was among those who were caught up in the pileup it brought out a red flag that stopped the race for a clean up luckily no one was hurt in the wreck just sixteen calls out of fourteen finish the race two thousand and sixteen champion denny hamlin clinched the win on a chaotic day and that is only a sport from now will have will feel like a folly and i thank you very much for that said for this news hour on al-jazeera from me fully back to the whole team thank you for watching it's with you next to
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stay with us. al-jazeera explores prominent figures of the twentieth century and how why will raise influenced the course of history beginning with the giants of the struggle for civil rights america. has just evolved over the. oppressed behavior of a look at me and continue to keep the negro to be defensive. about malcolm x. and martin luther king face to face on ohmss
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e of. with bureaus spawning six continents across the. city. al-jazeera has correspondents living green the stories they tell. you see are food in world news weather online. when to the answer for them we've got this or if you join us on the set all of us have been colonized in some form or some fashion this is a dialogue we are talking about illegal friend you have seen what it can do to somebody people are using multiple drugs including a funnel and some people are seeking it out everyone has a voice from the us your boss your twitter and you could be on the street join the global conversation on mt is iraq.
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new fighting in the disputed kashmir region to soaring tensions between india and pakistan. i know there are more of this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up venezuelans thing to brazil tell us how unbearable their lives have become even before the latest crisis. a spanish warship accused of ordering commercial vessels to leave rule says major brawl is challenged by the british navy. and forcing around look at.
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