tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera February 19, 2019 5:00am-6:01am +03
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this is al jazeera. hello i'm still robin you're watching the al-jazeera news our lives my headquarters here in doha coming up in the next sixty minutes led by california sixteen u.s. states say they'll challenge donald trump's national emergency declaration over his demands for a border war also we're here to for klein. a few days coming america was supporting venezuelan opposition leader one donald trump issues a warning to venezuela's military. also more violence in the disputed kashmir
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region as tensions between india and pakistan. and critics say a new government dam project to stave off a water crisis in the northern philippines will also threaten the indigenous populations sacred grounds. we begin this news are in the u.s. where sixteen states including california and new york are challenging donald trump's national emergency declaration they filed a lawsuit against trump who made the decision to help secure additional funding for his us mexico border wall now on friday that u.s. president vowed to spend billions of dollars more on the wall than congress granted the lawsuit against trump argues he doesn't have the power to divert the funds because congress is in charge of spending the coalition of states says it's taking
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legal action to protect its pheasants natural resources and economic interests. john hendren is our correspondent to with the very latest from washington d.c. john let's begin with what the lawsuit involves and how it's actually going to be presented to the courts. so how this is the challenge that has the best chance of d. railing the president's emergency powers plan there are also private lawsuits that have gone against him congress could conceivably act but congress is divided right now so this is a suit and which sixteen states many of them border states but also many of them not border states have filed saying that they're going to be hurt because the funds would be taken away from law enforcement military drug interdiction military construction and many of those states and they say that means they would be harmed that's one of the points they're raising second of all they are challenging the president's ability to decide where the money is spent and that's because the u.s.
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constitution gives the power to spend money to the congress the problem there is that congress delegated some of that authority to the president in the one nine hundred seventy one nine hundred seventy six national emergencies act so that those are the two primary issues there and it's been filed in court in california and the ninth circuit court that's interesting because that's a court that is often overturned trump on such things as immigration but what ever happens there it is almost certain to end up in the u.s. supreme court and one of the things they're going to use against the president are his own words where he said i didn't need to do this i just wanted to do it faster they say that is part of the proof that this is not a national emergency vehicles you know you told us through in terms of how it could a skill a to the supreme court but at this moment i mean could a suit like this actually stolt. plans if it did succeed and cool to me wouldn't
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stop it dead whole are we looking at years and years of legal argument as it goes towards a supreme cools. for the short answer to that is maybe and that is because as the the sixteen states have asked for the judge to stop any action by the trumpet ministration moving forward that means no money spent no wall built on the border until there is a decision however because this involves a national emergency at least one declared by the president it is very possible that it would move swiftly through the courts and to the u.s. supreme court which might well decide that this is a major priority that would mean this would likely be treated much more quickly than the private lawsuits that have been filed against it. they have the positive for the president is that the u.s. constitution gives him great authority and the courts have traditionally given the
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president great deference when it comes to national security issues and of course he's decided that this is on national security grounds that he's going to make this declaration so it could go speedily it could take a while the initial court could decide that and has often challenge the president so it could decide that he's not allowed to do anything on this but it could be a matter of weeks or months but it could be substantially longer than that so but also we should keep in mind that even if this case is dealt with there are the private cases and there are still a lawsuit to come from the american civil liberties union and a separate group called protect democracies to hail over the maybe about us to when we come back to when the situation develops for the moment thank you. let's come around and join bill schneider a political analyst and public policy professor at george mason university joins me also from washington d.c. good to have you with us again bill on the program the issue of whether the
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president can declare a national emergency for a border wall culls to choose the definition of a national emergency is possibly the question here. yes it is and there's no real agreement on that the president claims that there are caravans of the border there infiltrating the united states the word he used was invading the united states but the evidence suggests that most of the people who come to the border are asylum seekers they're not seeking to invade the united states they're seeking refuge in the united states because when they do get agree if they do get across the border the first thing they do is go up to a border agent and say i'm here i'm in the united states i'm seeking asylum that's not quite an invasion so the definition of the emergency is going to be a very difficult problem for the courts to work out and of course to put this in context and reading around the subject the last time such a national emergency was declared was jarring nine eleven and one has to ask what he does this compare well i think most americans would say no it
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does not compare the president claims it is a threat to our national security but most americans would not agree with that they don't see it as a genuine crisis i'd say that most americans see the issues on the border as a problem but not quite a crisis the president says it's an emergency he has the power to do that the courts are going to have to decide whether this is really a national emergency or not but the president does have that power of course the states that are bringing this lawsuit are hoping to stop the president in the courts but often as we've seen with other court cases that have gone as far as the supreme court the president on the whole seems to get his way because the supreme court is sort of bent in his favor. well he has made a couple of appointments to the court and it does appear friendlier than it has been in recent years but the court is ultimately deferential to the constitution and there are many members of the court appointed by republican presidents who may
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well say the constitution says that congress is the only. government that can allocate money for public purposes congress specifically did not fund the wall at the level the president requested so of congress refused to fund it the president by declaring an emergency claims the right to spend that money the court may therefore say we are not in deference to the president here we are in deference to congress because it's an equal branch of government bill finally how much of an issue now is the border wall in context of the election issue as we as we head towards the twenty twenty presidential election the president seems intent on making this an election issue mainly because he thinks that the immigration issue is what got him elected in two thousand and sixteen now that is a debatable matter for the president believes he did once before with immigration he's going to do it again so he intends to pursue this and in fact all of his
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rallies now say finish the wall as if this construction is really underway and actually isn't it hasn't started yet and the court can enjoy and that is banned the president from even beginning the construction of the wall but he's adopted it as his theme for two thousand and twenty finish the wall that will rally his base the only question is is his base large enough to carry the election it's probably about thirty thirty three percent of americans but they're angry and they're likely to vote in large numbers over see what happens of the moment bill schneider thanks so much for joining us from washington d.c. . now trump is continuing to ramp up the pressure on embattled venezuelan president nicolas maduro in a speech to the venezuelan community in florida he called on the country's military to throw its weight behind the opposition leader one quite zero and gallica reports now from miami. the crowd at florida international university was invite only and most were venezuelans eager for a change in a country many have fled in
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a wide ranging speech president trump said venezuela's path to democracy was irreversible and he had a simple message for the country's military leaders the eyes of the entire world are upon you. today. every day and every day in the future you cannot hide from the choice that now confronts you you can choose to accept president riders' jenner's or for amnesty to live your life in peace with your families or your countrymen president ride-a does not seek retribution against you and neither do we outside students gathered to watch the show their support or protests what some see as a necessary interference but for those who have a close affiliation with venezuela trumps message resonate today there's no food there's people eating dogs and there's even cases where like people go to the zoo and like eat animals from there is all so they need to be something done especially
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since the recent elections this the potential of people decided that they don't want to mean they want change it's a lot of countries around the world are saying hey this is an elf it's a dictatorship there's nothing democratic about what happened in venezuela and the past twenty years and it should be called out as so instrumental in trying to push to remove nicolas maduro is florida senate's a ball co rubio he just returned from a trip to the colombian border where humanitarian aid is being blocked by the venezuelan authorities what is happening here today what is happening in venezuela is a manmade crisis of epic proportions not caused by a natural disaster but by a manmade one a criminal regime that is willing to starve and kill its own people before it gets the power. it's clear that the trumpet ministration is ramping up pressure on nicolas maduro but the president also railed against an ideology he sees as an evil force across the americas socialism by its very nature does not respect borders it does not respect boundaries or the sovereign rights of its
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or its neighbors the president's speech here is being seen in two distinct ways for example venezuelans desperate for change it's a genuine effort to end what many see as a brutal dictatorship for others this was trump on the campaign trail keen to win over florida's latin voters and label his democratic opponents as socialists by the way there's a lot at stake for the people of venezuela and gallacher al-jazeera miami florida who just after president coltrane spoke in miami president nicolas maduro hit back accusing trouble of trying to give orders to a foreign nation's military or you don't run the lot of them hard they want to enslave us that's the truth today trump was giving orders attention generals listen to trump is giving orders again to our armed forces who does he think he is the commander in chief. away from the political sphere aspects of venezuela state functions are suffering the school system is struggling to support both teachers
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and students and many are now empty strikes take place across the country in america to tell you see a new report from caracas. venezuela and teachers chants their new mantra no no we don't want to leave we want to dignified salary so that we can live. a physical education teacher genia about al is one of hundreds who are on a go slow strike for sign reads three university titles fourteen years of service and an empty refrigerator. out children a rake in the teacher's passout and costs from hunger not to mention the messages that teachers have left our country our education system is in a state of emergency. we want to see for ourselves in this working class neighborhood school for seventeen hundred students was empty because striking teachers are working only ten days
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a month. and there's only one bathroom for seven hundred children the lights are broken there is no water and the school meals are no longer being served in the y. o. meter the children have no food at home and they come here to at least get one meal but we haven't had food for a year because the kitchen is broke and the children faint during physical education classes because their stomachs are empty. absenteeism is soaring because many parents can't afford bus fare to send their children to school especially if they receive insufficient food once they get there. at this school children say there was no breakfast the catholic relief organization that he does says malnutrition in the last three years has risen to critical levels and that the most vulnerable are killed in under five or i look at a little demo they are at high risk of suffering for. what we call chronic malnutrition which means that the damage to their growth their physical and
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intellectual abilities is irreversible this is a problem for the child the family and society as a whole. another school and the parents of kindergarten and primary school children say their complaints fall on deaf ears. let the direct to defend the physical integrity of our children the school is falling apart. they become more and more agitated these parents are here protesting and demanding the director to go inside so that we can see the deplorable conditions that they say their children are having to study or. were practically pushed inside to see their principal complaint a gaping hole in the school playground wall that offers no protection from a steep ravine. but it's not nearly as steep as venezuela's economic slide the vast social welfare state that was the whole block of deceased president who will childless no longer able to offer the same protection to those on whom the future
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of the nist depends on human got access the hundreds of people in support of president mr outside the u.s. embassy in argentina. is calling on washington to stay out of venezuela's. demonstration was home shortly after trump speech to the venezuelan community in florida. high ranking u.s. officials remind us every day with arrogance and audacity that when he comes to venezuela all options are on the table including military people will judge any new imperio list military intervention in the region and the complicity of those who irresponsibly go along with. now the u.s. has confirmed that american citizens were amongst eight people arrested for protesting in haiti local media say please stand the group heavily armed with rifles pistols and satellite phones there's been more than a week of violent anti-government protests in haiti hundreds of thousands of people have rallied demanding president driven out of what is
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a step down at least seven people have died. until we had him on the al jazeera news hour including kurdish forces in syria warn of a time bomb us prisons overflow with captured fighters. coming up in school the best basketball players the world skills up to and they all stand a piece of all of the details like to. hold as high commissioner to tally as tensions rise of last week's suicide bombing in the indian administered kashmir a gun battle broke. on monday as government forces search for those involved in the blast for indian soldiers three suspected members of an armed group and a civilian were killed in the latest violence india blames pakistan for last week's a time which killed more than forty indian troops. from new delhi. in the
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past few hours is even more fighting in indian administered kashmir several soldiers as well as a deputy inspector general of the kashmir police have been injured at the police officer has been taken to hospital with a bullet injury to his leg and this is from the battle that began late on sunday where security forces at corner two gunmen holed up in a house there in that incident four soldiers and a civilian the man who owned the house were killed the gunmen fled were later pursued and found another battle ensued and those two gunmen were killed now this comes just days after that massive suicide bombing on thursday killed at least forty one's paramilitary troopers is really rage tensions in the area as well as between india and pakistan. hard was monitoring developments from pakistan's capital. tensions between india and pakistan are running high after a recent attack in d.n.a.
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administered kashmir. the indian then quickly putting the blame of responsibility on pakistan by get done saying that they should have been a proper investigation and that this was the need to reaction pakistan also saying that there were tens of thousands of people killed in this country and deadly bomb attack but despite the fact that that patients that are the neighborly country where in war they did not they didn't anyone pakistan wanted to improve its relations with india something that the pakistani prime minute had said again and again it is also important to note that there is a feeling emerging head in pakistan that the indian prime minister narendra modi is trying to capitalize on that and keep august on. her. way from what is happening inside indian administered kashmir and forded that. the upcoming indian election day war. between
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india and pakistan by the foreign minister i think that saudi arabia were tried would be the crisis between new delhi and it. and that also coming at a time when the. new delhi so it will be important to see where the saudi arabia would be able to play a role in trying to diffuse tension between the two nuclear nation. two police officers have been killed in a suicide bombing in the egyptian capital cairo trying to arrest a suspect wanted in connection with an attempted bombing. but he himself blast injured at least three of the people. two bomb blasts in syria's northwestern city of idlib have killed at least twenty seven twenty four people me the bombs that went off in the neighborhood join russia live has seen several bombings in recent months which of wounded and killed scores of people the city is controlled by the
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higher that we the sharm armed group. the commander of the years back syrian democratic forces has called for as many as fifteen hundred international troops to remain to help stamp out the remnants of eisel the kurdish led s.t.'s commander in chief and as long ago barney made the remarks during a visit by general joseph vocal the head of the u.s. central command kabbani also expressed hope that america would halt its plans for a total troop withdrawal but that all said the pullout is going ahead. meanwhile kurds say they won't release the eight hundred four when i saw fighters held in prisons insisting it's up to individual countries to take responsibility for their citizens they've warned to there aren't enough jails for the fighters that have been captured and worrying about what could happen if they escape in one car has wolf on the turkey syria border. a member of the foreign relations committee for the syrian democratic forces a kurdish group has been speaking he says he's very concerned about the eight
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hundred foreign fighters isis fighters that they have in their custody he also says that there are about fifteen hundred women and children in camps who are married to myself i says that this is becoming a problem for them they simply don't have enough prison space to be able to hold them all and that dozens more myself fighters are being arrested all surrendering every single day he's also the international community to step up to the fronts of germany and britain however we don't know exactly how many of those eisel fighters belong to france germany or britain is likely to be a lot more fighters that come from say countries like pakistan or iraq or attention was focused on now as all of this is happened the germans have been speaking as well the german interior ministry had a press conference and they said it was a fundamental right for every german citizen to be able to return back to germany but they didn't give any details about how that might happen the germans hadn't
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said that they're going to send. the offices to those prisons in s.t.'s held areas to be able to provide consular services and to be able to bring them back britain has been a little bit more resistant it's ruled out the idea that it will send any of its consular staff to prison saying instead if i still fight as well i say wives and children can get to embassies within iraq or turkey they will be offered consular services so there's a real concern from the syrian democratic forces that their prisons vulnerable because they vulnerable they're worried that they might be subject to an outside attack all free those eisel fighters and there's also fighters we have to regroup amount attacks within territory. about three hundred i still find as a defending the final pocket of terror training. in syria and now are said to be blocking civilians from escaping at least thirty thousand of those who fled the fighting in recent weeks have arrived in
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a whole camp the aid group international rescue committee says most of them are women and children under the age of five and at least sixty two people have died along the journey or soon after arriving at the camp from exhaustion or malnutrition full donoghue is a senior media officer for middle east at the international rescue committee he says it's a race against time to prevent any more people from dying. distain of their after they've arrived was quite shocking they've arrived exhausted hungry dehydrated i haven't had medical care for many weeks and months and because of that we've seen unfortunately many young children dying from either on the journey to the camp will soon after arriving and the number now is at sixty two deaths and two thirds of them are very young children under the age of one which they know by from iraq and syria what happens is as the front line finally starts to regain territory isis controlled areas that's when people decide to make
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a run for an answer very dangerous moments they have to try and avoid the fighting and what we're also seeing of the people who are arriving to a whole camp is that many of them unfortunately have. traumatic injuries. and such a rescue committee health team had to deal with one ten year old boy who lost both legs on that journey after stepping on a mine. the conditions as i said of these new arrivals this is pretty terrible many right there for. feet and the clothing in tatters and we just try it's like a race against the clock to try to reach people as soon as they arrive to try and identify the most urgent medical cases to prevent any but as. still ahead here all the news with the chair is presidential election perspire the country's politicians begin the blame game. normally units those for the golf sledging but in the u.k.
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they've come up with a very different tactic peter story in sport later. hello the weather remains rather unsettled across central and southern parts of china memel lots of cloud showing up on the satellite picture unusually wet weather it will gradually make its way out of the way so fear not we'll see a clearer skies coming back in behind across those central areas to some really heavy rain pushing them towards the south china hong kong could still see some rather wet weather as you go on through choose day that rain pushing up towards shanghai just edging a little further north was for wednesday's the hong kong present sunshine twenty six degrees celsius but the winds starting to push the cloud and the right back out
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of the way fun and dry meanwhile across much of in that shot of fog and dry to into the philippines some of the sunshine here northern parts of borneo set there as well the usual scattering of seasonal showers there for malaysia a good part of indonesia some lovely downpours here in the heat of the day but we'll get spells of sunshine has to be said in between could get one or two showers around k.l. around singapore further north thailand looks fine and dry was pleasant sunshine lots of sunshine to into india a little cloud courses northern parts of just a few spots of rain here just around the foothills of the ima last more chance of seeing some wet weather temps just picking up in new delhi twenty five. the weather sponsored by cattle ranch. at the time it was the worst environmental disaster in brazil's history but it was also a tragic for taste of what was to follow. people in power investigates claims of warnings ignored. and the disturbing ties between lawmakers and the mining industry
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that led to catastrophe you know on trial for dozens and dozens of corruption charges brazil river of mud on a jersey. when the news breaks a few minutes ago we were able to hear a huge explosion fifty people are still missing when people who need to be heard and the story needs to be told we need to invest in development and best in making sure the people are not left behind al jazeera has teams on the ground join us for this historic shift in american politics to bring you more room mood when documentaries and life moves on and on line.
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welcome back you're watching al-jazeera with makes the whole robin a reminder of all stories on the news our california is leading a coalition of sixteen states to challenge donald trump's national emergency declaration which he called to help fund the border war with xico states argue the president doesn't have the power to divert funding. pakistan has recalled its high commissioner from new delhi as tensions rise in indian administered kashmir at least four soldiers and two suspected rebels were killed in a gun battle in the region on monday. and us president trump pan's issued a warning to the venezuelan military and a rally in miami to obsess there will be no way out if the military continues to support president bush at all options are on the table. as with is the vice president of the council of the americas a full white house official he says the political stalemate will continue unless
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the venezuelan military switch sides in the military and the security forces remain the arbiter really of the direction the venezuelan is going to take if they turn on the other regime then there is an opportunity really for why though to to really install himself not just as interim president but then to go forward with the elections that are clearly necessary to get beyond the crisis and then the swell up if the military and security forces remain loyal to my doro a lot of what we're hearing really is just going to remain at the rhetorical stage because really you can't force president maduro to leave so there's a lot of effort underway right now in terms of trying to get the military to shift loyalties. from a lot of different places the united states why the himself the international community clearly so this is something that i think is very much on their way having said that look the u.s. president has raised the stakes here he's put the prestige of his presidency behind
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transition in venezuela he said very clearly this is an irreversible path and yet it depends in some ways on something that's completely out of his control and that's the venezuelan military so this is a risky in some ways maneuver and we'll have to see how it does in the days ahead. now hundreds of others violence continue to cross into brazil each day as the standoff between the president and the opposition leader intensifies. spoke to some of them in the border town of pack of amer who are hoping to get asylum. on brazil's border with venezuela the migrants continue to arrive many of them relieved at least for the moment to have seemingly put their desperation behind them back home jackson maria just twenty three years old had quit school to work in a bakery. or anything else and we young people like us can't achieve our goals and hit as well i had to stop my academic studies because it really came
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a choice between studying and eating. but even that choice difficult as it may have been didn't make things much easier they left i know that the money i made from one week zero four was only enough to buy me one kilo price. his friend i modify also twenty three tells me things were unbearable well before the current political crisis and can't help but laugh when describing the dark absurdity of the past few weeks ok even the so in the same name though so he said no ok so people are now saying we have two presidents one issues in order the other refuses it one off the eight the other says the eight one pos it's public disorder in politics and neither of them is looking out for the welfare of the people but at this processing center in the town of pocket i'ma run by brazil's federal government and supported by the united nations refugee agency exhaustion is also palpable officials tell us that today alone over six hundred venezuelans cross from venezuela into brazil and many
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of those migrants will be applying for asylum and many of them will be seeking medical care so now we see more people arriving in very bad conditions arriving with the urgent need for medical attention so a lot of people who are right here because you need to immediately transport to board these different care some people arrive if we actually do nothing but they will still wearing stefania decided to leave when she realized it would be too expensive to have another baby in venezuela the only difference because her medicine but a surveillance on my sister said she couldn't believe i was leaving i said yes i'm going i took my child and left time i got here by getting rides and travelling for two days and. like many others here she's happy for a brief respite in this very temporary setting where children play with soldiers and things do albeit fleetingly seem
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a little bit better. and parker dima on brazil's border with venezuela. gerry's electoral commission says political campaigning can resume after its controversial decision to delay the general election by one week president muhammadu buhari is calling for an investigation into why the vote was put off his ruling party has held an emergency meeting in a bitter bihari wants the reasons behind the delay to be made public but only after polling takes place on saturday definitely very. well i said you know competence many of his son. has to be explained to the nation after the election we have to know exactly what happened and. i know why it's our efforts to. make sure that this is still we willing to accept. is that making progress what do you do you
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accept in confidence well some of nigeria's leading presidential candidates have condemned the decision to perspire the election and they have blamed each other for the delay announced by the election commissioners just before the polls are supposed to open there's also been going concern about the economic impact as ever there's reports now from the northeastern city of made a go. these days the only thing that would work or mohamed does is sit at home or the children will he wants to work but no one is hiring because of the uncertainty around the elections grad to his problems is all the children have been sent back from boarding school until the vote is taken place. just tagal to feed the families tough enough for someone who depends on daily it's been made had now because no one is sure of what will happen the disruption doesn't stop with people
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like you trade in borno state had been picking up over the last two years following attacks by book fighters and the security clampdown to stop the violence. centuries old trade routes between neighboring countries had reopened but if you want to do business during election season this is the major free money market it's what traders from cameroon chad is here to public and beyond come to find bargains but in the past few days not much transactions after you can place here you know as we talk to say most of the buyers from across the border i keep him waiting until after the elections. most of us has seen his weekly earnings grow from eight thousand to a few hundred dollars. a lot less being about the hope now is for quick and peaceful conclusion of the vote when income is. a limit and it distributes your no income it's going to be just as
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it is not too difficult to get them i think it will impact on the house the election commission as richard will national elections for saturday with state elections coming two weeks later the cost of the delay and the insight or so she added with it is difficult to estimate but businesses expect to be hit hard and any recovery will depend on who gets elected. nigeria. well staying on the continent passive spectators that's how an international aid agency has described u.n. peacekeepers deployed during days of violence last year in central african republic doctors without borders falls not protect civilians in the city of but. which at least fifteen people were killed priyanka gupta reports. of these homes and bought and good food were meant to shelter people displaced by conflict in central
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african republic but now these houses stand as a reminder of six days of murder arson and looting that began last october. there was six days that brought what the un described as an unacceptable humanitarian tragedy it began as isolated attacks by the mainly christian group and mostly muslim fighters they'd stash aid agency doctors without borders says the four were celica fighters soon at least a wave of violence civilians at eight workers caught the middle it says you had peacekeepers deployed to protect civilians at the time didn't do much. you can work in the society since if the un battalion which is supposed to protect the civilians has been inefficient when confronted with this violence we as humanitarian workers have to open the gate of our hospitals or the population could take shelter because they found no other shelter. allegation group petered by the city's mayor and
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witnesses a lot over a year. so we were watching these elements were at the gate and they were just filming and they were smiling it's not serious. the blue helmets were in their vehicle and they were following the accel like a fighters they were on the roads and they were watching the rebels burning down the i.d.p.'s site. the un peacekeeping operation in central africa public has had more than twelve thousand members from several nations says twenty fourteen it's aimed at protecting civilians were armed groups control eighty percent of the area earlier this month the government side peace deal with fourteen rebel groups after holding direct talks for the first time it's the eighth attempt to revive end to the six year conflict. now the u.n. secretary general deputy spokesman scott says the report can help peacekeepers take
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action on the humanitarian crisis the appreciate receiving this new information from medicines and frontier any sort of information that can help us do our work better is to be lauded actually and we will be studying these findings to see whether there is any truth to what can be improved if we fix but deficiencies with any particular contingent will try to respond accordingly but right now where the stage is simply of studying what these new findings are. a new round of trade talks between the united states and china take place in washington on choose day it follows last week's round of negotiations in beijing which ended without any deal but negotiators say they some progress has been made at resolving the ongoing trade war between the two countries. plans to construct a dam in the mountains of the northern philippines are being physically opposed by
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the tribes people who live there they say the reservoir which the chinese government is helping to pay for will wash away their homes and destroy nature has to rely on digging reports from the sierra madre mountains in tiny result tribal leaders are appealing for help in the last ditch effort to save their way of life. that will forest is deep in legend and with the arrival of tourists and modern living the good people struggle to be heard which is why they insist on practicing their age old customs no matter how out of place they may seem. the color you are river is sacred for the dumaguete they have been praying here for centuries a new government project is threatening to take it away. this ecosystem is our life our livelihood this is our home and we would like to fight for it the people are
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coming together to speak up so that everyone will know that this land belongs to us we inherited this from our ancestors. the philippine government wants to build a seventy meter high water reservoir here this placing not only that the market people but also endangered species in the forests that run threatens to obliterate the way of life here that is centuries old the multimillion dollar project partially funded by the chinese government is expected to ensure water security for the capital manila by damming the colley wherever. experts say you water sources are needed millions of filipinos don't have access to clean safe and reliable water supply is the asian development bank among others is warning the philippines it is likely to face a water crisis within the next few years threatening not only drinking water shortages in towns and cities but in heavily dependent agricultural communities to
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. progress. in their work for more than forty years we have been. with people in but even in the. week we see the the whole field of the people except that there are certain things that. despite the assurances opposition remains because of the destruction of the fragile ecosystem. i think it's not worth it because we have other means to supply water to metro manila there are several in them expenses. and in mention that can only be seen in the philippines so the first effect of the watershed is the death of those species it is a tough balance and as government looks for solutions there may be lessons that can be learned from indigenous tribes for centuries they were able to survive and live
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in harmony with nature without destroying it. to melinda again al-jazeera tonight northern philippines. dismissed actions by a spanish naval ship as a childish attempt to bully the territory the crew of a spanish warship had been accused of ordering commercial vessels to leave disputed waters. before being challenged by the british navy is the latest in a string of diplomatic disputes over the tiny mediterranean peninsula chalons has more from london. so the government of gibraltar says that a spanish warship radioed commercial vessels anchored at gibraltar and told them to leave spanish waters now according to the governments of gibraltar these are foolish games only of nuisance value played by those who don't accept unimpeachable british sovereignty over the waters around her brother as recognized by the whole
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world in the united nations convention on the law of the sea now gibraltar is a british overseas territory and it was ceded by the spanish to the united kingdom in seven hundred thirteen in perpetuity so the british say it's ours now and it will be forever more but of course with the u.k. trying to leave the european union at the moment with spain are important and gibraltar becomes a pressure point essentially that the british fear the spanish are going to use because they've always wanted gibraltar back against the u.k. in its negotiations with the european union essentially what it becomes is another example like northern ireland of britain's complicated colonial history and its territorial legacy coming back to bite it basically in the here and now and making things very complicated as brics it unfolds and the u.k.
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tries to leave the european union. members of britain's opposition labor party have resigned in protest against jeremy coleman's leadership the politicians say is failures in relation to brics it and the semitism and the culture of bullying left them with no choice the group has voted into an independent group but turns no plans to for a new party coburn says he's disappointed by their decision. choosing to stand by while our constituents lives and future opportunities are hurt by bricks it is a fundamental violation of labour's traditional values but our differences go far deeper than bricks at the past three years have confirmed how irresponsible it would be to allow this leader of the opposition to take the office of prime minister of the united kingdom it is time we dumped this country's old fashioned politics and created an alternative that does justice to who we are today and give
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this country a politics fit for the here and now the twenty first century not the last one now israel's plans to host a summit of east european countries known as the visit grant has been cancelled poland a member of the bloc pulled out of israel's acting foreign minister said many poles had collaborated with the nazis in the second world war crime ridden official assume diplomacy we always try to ensure people don't get offended but nobody will change the historical truth for anything of this sort of rarity for that the poles collaborated with. holes collaborated with certainly they collaborate with the nazis who are trying to share your cubicle and you will see our festival on monday to honor the five hundred and the verse three of havana and the launch of new premium cigars the event is bringing buyers and distributors from more than sixty countries to sample wares and make deals cigars are one of the tonic sports for the cuban economy is to by growing demand from china sales of cuban cigars reached
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reported to be worth one hundred three million dollars. but this could jeopardize a potential rematch with the on two wilder or a fight with anthony joshua well they're already has a long term t.v. deal with e.s.p.n.'s rival showtime and joshua is signed up with the streaming service deserve in theory and while there have been in the goshi ation since they first fight ended in a draw back in december well joshua said to make his us debut against general miller at madison square garden in june here's more from boxing reports again with a davies. if you go back in history mike tyson and lennox lewis had separate t.v. deals with rival broadcasters they made it happen floyd mayweather and manny pacquiao exactly the same we don't want to wait as long as it took five years to make mayweather and pacquiao in the end they will way past their best fight sports are at their best when the best meet the best when that at their best so i do hope
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that sense prevails and the three different broadcasters and promotional groups align to to simulcast if you like and get these guys all three undefeated heavyweights tyson fury called the lineal champion anthony joshua with three belts do you want a world with the other principal belts that they do meet within the next eighteen months and i think that's what the fans are going to have to wait for if they may well all have as we say me just sure miller interim battles if you like against people who aren't really on their level but we do need to find out who the number one in the division in this errors chelsea's does not run a form is continued with a two no f.a. cup fourth round defeat at home to manchester united and their and paul pogba with the goals for the away side are going to sort of men back to winning ways after their champions league defeat to paris st germain last week but a fourth defeat in six for chelsea meanwhile saudi arabia says it's not planning
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a bed it's a buy manchester united the english premier league club has been at the same to over room and takeover over the last few days britain's sun newspaper reported that a four point nine billion dollars offer was expected from saudi arabia's crown prince mohammed bin solomon of the country's information minister has called the report's completely false ticky al shaab on our tweeted that the kingdom sovereign wealth fund did hold sponsorship talks with the team but they couldn't come to a deal. olympic eight hundred metre champion caster semenya is attempting to overturn a rule which would force her to take drugs to lower her testosterone levels if she wants to defend her olympic title the south african is challenging athletics governing body the idea for the court of arbitration for sport in switzerland last year the introduced rules stipulating female athletes with a naturally high testosterone levels would have to race against men change events or take medication to reduce it a decision is expected at the end of march. to question raise goes far beyond mere
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judicial considerations but i think that everybody knows that the very nature of this. rule raises ethical and for difficult questions this may not be considered straight away during witnesses or expert hearings but it will certainly be part of the discussions had during the deliberations the head of the. fight their side of the case here's what he had to say. the core value for the idea of a layoff is the empowerment of girls and women through athletics the regulations that we are introducing are there to protect the sanctity of fair and open competition and that's really what we're here to defend. colin kaepernick slowey is predicting he'll return to the n.f.l. soon and named two teams who might sign him up attorney mark garagos believes he'd fit well there super bowl champions the new england patriots or the carolina panthers a thirty one year old quarterback settled a long running dispute with the n.f.l.
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on friday details of which a confidential teammate eric reid claimed they'd been excluded from the sport for kneeling during the national anthem to protest against social injustice in the united states reid's just signed a three year deal with the panthers but kappa nick hasn't played since leaving the san francisco forty nine is in twenty sixth. get ready for some spectacular basketball action from the n.b.a. all star game the sports talk plays certainly did not disappoint david stucks has the story. the stage was set for the n.b.a. all stars in charlotte north carolina tina brown up against steve younis and it was yon issue. of the guy the twenty three year old leading from the front porch like such a kid to go with steph curry just one but choice here's goalies because. i cover a turning on the style in his hometown of the spectacular moves which is too much
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for the opposition to deal with. this were up by twenty points at hard time but then the advent of shifting back you should. be a broader review noted with his old pound weight began to fight back with the old teammate back to back sure he might be. the three hunters with dropping to her b. and it wasn't long before the schools will level. was. thirty one points because of a jew run him and be paid for the second time in an all star game and in the end team le bron ended up running away with it to win comfortably by forty points they did start al-jazeera tennis will number one soccer has opened up about sacking her longtime coach sasha byan since he became a coach she rose in the rankings to the top spot and won back to back grand slams she says the decision had nothing to do with money but more about spending time
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with people she is happy with i think my reading i knew i wouldn't put it that's all very much. like i think everyone was like you don't have like moment so i would never. and that's nice. and. and nothing that says that about. a person before. there's been another delay for the williams formula one team the new car was supposed to be ready for testing on monday but it's now been delayed until wednesday at the earliest one team that is ready is alfa romeo came here i can and then turning. the drivers for the team formerly known as celibate a car is already being tested in barcelona it's been nicknamed the great american race but for many competitors at the nascar season opening daytona five hundred it ended with ten laps to go after a huge crash. when our triggered
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a twenty one car accident that just kept going and going the failing daytona five hundred champion austin dillon was among those who were caught in the pileup it brought out a red flag that stopped the race for a clean up luckily no one was hurt in the rig just sixteen cars out of forty finish the race twenty sixteen champion denny hamlin clinching the win on a chaotic day normally you need a slow four dog sledding but in the u.k. they came up with a different tactic. seems that the british siberian husky dog share which are poor sporting on dry land mushing one of the fastest growing dogs sports in the world no they're not chasing mars apparently each team races with two to eight dogs with sleds that look like tri circles these championships in norfolk will in the march with a lot more rain on the course then. for the sport we have you for now more on the way again later. thanks peter. with me or news is up
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after the break to stay with us. whether it's cute and cuddly in australia wild and ferocious in bangladesh earthrise blue dress is the balance between endangered wildlife and then noisy neighbors. that in the forest right there and there's nothing between the tiger habitat and human habitat learning to live together on al-jazeera how many people here have seen a tiger but they've had to go really and her husband gavin worst leak when four teenagers broke down the back door the teenagers described as being of african appearance still on the run before all of this happened and i wasn't scared out of black people or people of color or. whatever the focus on african gang crime began
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in march twenty sixth jane when violence broke out at the moon the festival at federation square in the center of melbourne to gird so that african young people coming together and knowing there was a fart crowd gathered because of my role in all if your lot some of it was because the place because i'm involved in we started choice and they're just people there in that crowd all narrative in the media at the top of a lot of political person. these people commit crime and every single race whole human gets blamed for the actions of the few. people have to base sides i have to feel saif side there's a lot of perception issues i think that we need to deal with as well from sunrise to sunset across asia. and the pacific explore untold and fascinating stories one on one that's on al-jazeera.
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led by california sixteen u.s. states say they'll challenge donald trump's national emergency declaration over his demands for a border war. hello i missed the attain this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up. new day's coming. up. supporting venezuelan opposition leader. donald trump issues a warning to venezuela's military. more violence in the disputed.
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