tv newsgrid Al Jazeera February 23, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm +03
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fascinating stories one on one east. this is al jazeera. on live from studio fourteen here at the headquarters in doha. welcome to the news grid battle at the border venezuelan soldiers fired tear gas at protesters as opposition supporters marched to collect aid with president nicolas maduro shutting the border to free neighboring countries will that be enough to block foreign supplies from getting in. an uneasy calm in sudan after president bashir declares a yearlong state of emergency will dissolve in the government and appointing loyal ministers start weeks of nationwide rallies. nigerians finally make their vote
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counts in the presidential election after last week's delayed millions head to the polls to cast their ballots undeterred by attacks in the northeast and warnings by the. to disrupt the front and we talked to some in the community about the main issues of concern in the president of the accent i'm here to mohammad. the hash tag . you at the news grid live on air and streaming online through you tube facebook live and dot com good to have you with us on this saturday it is a showdown that's been building for days on venezuela's border with colombia and may now be reaching a critical stage on one side opposition activists and supporters led by one determined to get emergency aid into venezuela from colombia on the other
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venezuelan troops ready to stop them on president nicolas maduro. now the opposition say they're prepared for whatever resistance they meet testing the loyalty of venezuela's military in the venezuelan border town of dania soldiers fired tear gas while protesters threw rocks and burnt tires crippling food and medical shortages of lead many venezuelans to join go i don't know in helping trucks carrying usaid across several border bridges in colombia asunder and yet he is in kuta on the colombian side of the border let's get the latest from him now so alessandro what is happening there. well the tension is palpable here on the border with venezuela we're right in front of the boliver bridge one of four different bridges that the volunteers and the supporters
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of the venezuelan position are hoping to use to form a human chain and cross this inside the country we also know that fourteen trucks have been loaded with. food and medical supplies sent by the united states and the chillis so far that has been stored here for for many days at the border has been loaded on these trucks and we expect these trucks to reach these four different bridges in the coming hours people are gathering here at the entrance on the colombian side many of them dressed in white these are all the people who are volunteering to work together with the opposition the leader of the opposition is at the warehouse in a meeting a last minute meeting with the president. and the president. peña they are there. working out the last details before the beginning of this
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operation another important element is that earlier on sunday four members of the venezuelan national guard defected to colombia they surrender to the colombian police we spoke to one of them and he said that many more are thinking of doing so we're going to have to see what happens in coming hours and. regional leaders from from chile inquired why wanting to help why don't get the aid over how significant is that. well it is significant in the sense that there is a growing correlation international coalition supporting. of course we talk a lot about the united states because for president donald trump was the first one to recognize the leader of the venezuelan opposition as the illegitimate interim leader of the country after he proclaimed himself president exactly one month ago
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in january twenty third but since then a number of countries more forty actually have decided to recognize the way though as they leave their famous well and are forming part of this large international coalition that is supporting the action to move the aid in of course everybody agrees here that the a this very needed it's a much needed the inside the country giving the shortages of food and medicine in particular but this is as much an issue of politics and this is a way this operation is a way for white though to show that he can bring change into the country that he can. bring forward an act of defiance against the door and this will be very important for them in their hopes of. bringing regime change in the country all right for the moment. live in cuckoo talk on the colombian side of the border
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let's go to lucien newman our latin america editor in san antonio on the venezuelan side so we're hearing reports of tear gas being fired earlier what more are you seeing and hearing there yes. has said yes there have been running battles who is that between supporters of the opposition leader and the national guard at a bridge calderwood any abridge a priest who is leading the charge he's been tear gassed as well attempts of course by these opposition members to try to cross the bridge to where this food and medicine presumably is being gathered because the opposition made it clear that they were going to try to bring it over here through four different bridges i'm three blocks from the main bridge they seem all but even bridge and just a minute ago some five hundred six hundred i couldn't count them all members of the opposition led by opposition deputies denseness a lot of sellers so i know and also the governor all of that he does state who
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belongs to the opposition they are marching right now towards the bridge and they are going to try to cross it they are hoping and i was told this by them that the national guard will at some point just open the doors and allow them to do it in fact they were accompanied by a sergeant which they say who they say rather has just affected and everybody began cheering and yelling very very enthusiastic because this is this is the bet that one guy dog has that the that the armed forces when they see this amount of people they will switch sides there's no way to tell whether that's going to happen or not but what we've seen has and is that at the border it is heavily fortified by very very well equipped well armed national guardsmen as well as and we can't say how many but we saw at least fifty members of the quality the evils these are armed groups that support the government dressed in civilian clothes and that they are
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also right next to the entrance of the bridge so we're going to try to go there very shortly now and see what unfolds yeah up to now. venezuela's military have have stood by the president with with some exceptions as you mentioned there. to what extent does this come down to what the military does and how long they remain loyal to the government. i think that is one of the biggest and most important elements of this conflict it is the day as the opposition calls it put it like they're really hoping is that this is going to be the turning point that tilting point if the armed forces dessert president nicholas my little it's pretty much agree that that's going to be it's a him he is counting on them to continue to back his government and if we see that what happens today we that support we can completely or partially that is going to be a huge blow to the government right now though the military is blocking all of the
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access roads here to the border area from the capital sankey style and from other nearby towns so that people can't get here and join the ranks of the opposition that are trying going to clearly tried to rush that bridge and three others in this area you see human in san antonio venezuela thanks very much well let's talk more about this now with poor dobson in venezuela he is a journalist at venezuela and now assists dot com thanks very much for being with us so i just want to ask you first of all what do you make of the situation right now in the declaration by venezuela's opposition that this this is d.-day in venezuela. well i think the provocation which the opposition have called on the venezuelan colombian border it to some extent responsible if there is any explosion of violence or loss of life in the board up by confronting
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a damsel although i am not one hundred of all venezuelan opposition activists we have a lot of forces. very much be in the hands of find where though and donald trump who promote this is a tent and we would we're led to believe in venezuela military. remain loyal to nicolas mother and and of course there are a number hundreds and thousands of both pro-government and anti-government supporters on the border which is of course a cocktail for any sort of violent outbreak in that region how is this a provocation if you have people on one side who are trying to get in aid into the country which by all accounts is deaf are deaf desperately needed and on the other side you have people with guns it's worth pointing out on the fence one of the side of the border there also thousands of civilian support in the government who are attending a concert yesterday and that border has been closed by the government here at it as a sovereign decision by the venezuelan state to close that border and for
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a number of days they haven't specified how many days yet and so of course any end tend to enter the country without permission and can be considered a provocation the issue at hand here is not really about humanitarian aid as you all correspond sidled pointed out the issue is hand here is a political game to try to undermine the authority of the current government and installed and the fact that government of the coup mongers often quite low. let's just take take a step back a moment look at the current situation in venezuela and how things got. to this point because we're looking at a country that. is in a huge economic dire straits inflation well over two thousand percent by by some estimates people's wages of collapsed as a result of that the currency has collapsed there are chronic shortages in the country of food and basic medicine hospitals chronically short of
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of basic resources when three million people have left the country. i mean how can you blame venezuelans for all of the venezuelans that they're opposed to at this point for resorting to to what they're doing now without a doubt the at the economic problems of the country undeniable however the two main questions when we look at this are following will this humanitarian aid currently amassed on the clomid climbing border actually help the economic situation will ten day supply of lentils and rice actually solve the deep rooted productive economic problems in the country or not and secondly is this really no way to go or should if the venezuelans want a change of government or change of direction of their country should it not be done through peaceful democratic constitutional measures for example last year there had to two chances to vote in a national and a local election and the venezuelan people made their voice heard it so many people
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who were on our positions like razan question the manner in that vote in which that vote was done and said it was completely undemocratic. well of course they did because that party boycotted it they had no one representing them and that i'm pretty sure if they had parties representing the supporters of the vote they would have achieved a very significant chunk of the event the fact that their leaders decided not to vote after the pressure from the u.s. embassy in caracas to withdraw from the race doesn't mean that the election itself was fraud and the international observers of the elections have come to the opposite perspective and have completed the election was in fact free fat and transparent and all right to appreciate your perspective on this good to have you with us paul dobson joining us there from many different us while. least two people were killed on friday off the venezuelan security forces opened fire on people trying to cross the border to presume some of those injured in the shooting were
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taken to brazil for treatment venezuelans are increasingly finding ways to cross over the border looking for help and hoping for relief june has more from the brazilian border town of pocket aima. an open display of resilience on a border meant to be closed. the venezuelans exhausted by their long journey to brazil but not too tired to gather lowering their country's flag as a sign of mourning singing their country's anthem as a symbol of hope from another group of recent arrivals though expressions that range from anger to fear first calling for the ouster of venezuelan president nicolas maduro when i'm allude owen. fired off one hour out of a job but also says his group was driving through the venezuelan town of santa elena when they noticed a commotion. at the hospital i saw one person was dead i also saw lots of people
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who were injured we were in the car and we stopped to see what happened. he was told venezuelan soldiers had opened fire on members of an indigenous community supporting the country's opposition after ambulances transported some of the wounded to brazil for treatment amateur videos purporting to show the injured began posting on line a line of venezuelan security personnel attempted to enforcement to those decision to close the border with brazil no small task considering just how porous this frontier area is so right behind us that's even is way low we are on the brazilian side of the border the plan is for aid comprised of medical supplies and food stuffs to be delivered to this point on the border crossing at some point in the next twelve hours how exactly that aid will then get into venezuela well that's still a bit of an open question brazil's army says medical supplies and food will be made
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available for pick up from here beginning on saturday nov almost jim i met a woman we're going to respect the sovereignty of the venezuelan territory work is inside brazilian territory we will allow the trucks to enter brazil take the humanitarian aid and go back to their country this is our goal here. at a shelter run by the army and supported by the united nations refugee agency some venezuelans are relieved but others are terrified francey arctic worked as a paramedic in venezuela she says that even while earning that salary she still couldn't afford food but if it were me coming back at last my family isn't at all just high and my idea of coming here was to try and make their lives better i don't see. it with us but i don't know what will happen. to a sentiment echoed here again and again from members of a population whose only certainty is just how uncertain things continue to be
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mohammed. in fact i'm up on brazil's border with venezuela. a venezuela's foreign minister has been holding talks at the u.n. to try and end the standoff hold harry as a met u.n. secretary general antonio good terrorist who's pushing for negotiations he has also met with them diplomats from countries supporting madieu rose government including russia and north korea foreign minister says the u.s. is using the aid effort to stay on rest. by system passes think the country is peaceful and calm but there are those directly from the united states who want to force situations such as the one of the border with colombia and generate violence in the country violating our sovereignty in such a way that the u.n. secretary general is worried as we all are about whether violence will occur. now or he'll has. how social media been been looking at this in terms of pushing along this movement well a lot of people a panel of people talking about this has
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a man many people are using the hash tag avalanche humanitarian aid many are showing videos of themselves and others pledging allegiance to venezuela and the man they're calling their presidents. it's. next thanks. joe. this way that maybe as a venezuelan volunteer i swear to protect and stand by my fellow viewers while i'm brothers and those in most need of the boys. organizers of the humanitarian avalanche movement are calling on volunteers to remain peaceful this notice is circulating asking people to shop wearing white and also carrying banners with messages for members of the army now networks at all is also an interesting sites
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they have meant that one guy joe has been trying to make headlines around the world and it's not been easy for the opposition needs a leader to spread his message at home and adjourn that aid live concert in venezuela some google services each of streaming platform and also microsoft's search engine being were blocked by the state internet provider well send us your thoughts on the story to use the hash tag eighteen is good and we want to hear from you on these stories you can send us your comments to any of our online platforms on twitter just use the hash tag a.j. news grid our handle is a.j. english and we're also on facebook or you can send us a message on whatsapp or telegram a plus nine seven four five zero one one four nine now protesters in sudan's capital have denounced the president's state of emergency amara bashir said he was dissolving the government but just hours later appointed six new ministers it's part of a series of measures to deal with weeks of protests against the government also job
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body has more. they are calling for an end to their president's will. and announcing his latest move only hours after omar al bashir made an announcement that reflects how much these protests have shaken the government. but in any order they are to clear the following to impose a state of emergency for one year to dissolve the national unity government to dissolve the provincial governments and we will continue to take measures to implement what i have resolved our country requires us to stand together it demands of to remain united patient and tolerant i am certain we will be an example to follow. for over two months people in sudan have been taking to the streets their anger ignited by an economic crisis they've demanded that omar al bashir step down according to sit downs constitution
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a state of emergency would allow security forces to arrest those deemed as a threat to the country and its political and economic stability. and you government will be formed which the president says will work on fixing the economy as he called for dialogue some say his announcements are far from what those who've been demonstrating want to see happen i think that the demonstrations are likely to continue to finance a mistaken vacancy for two reasons they cannot make situation is not going to improve and the demonstrations are basically based on economic hardships so it's not just for him to say calm down it's how dire when the. economy has not been addressed. the most patients are likely to continue regardless of their status from agency. al bashir has ruled for nearly three decades he came to power in a bloodless military coup in one thousand nine hundred nine overthrowing a democratically elected government. since two thousand and twelve anti-government
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protests grew over rising costs the. security forces responded each time using tear gas and live ammunition hundreds die. the protests that started in december last year have become the long this wave of anti-government demonstrations since the country's independence with a state of emergency declared protests may be harder to sustain. and bashir may have found a way to end the biggest challenge to his presidency. dorsetshire pari al jazeera. or let's take a closer look at what sudan's state of emergency actually involves the give security forces including the military the right to raid houses and buildings without warrants and puts institutions under surveillance land property or financial assets can be seized if it's decided they were used in illegal activities and all groups can be banned all regulated with their transport and communications
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controlled or he's mohamed is director of justice africa a non-governmental organization he says a state of emergency is not the answer to sudan's christ's. i don't think it's going to make any difference i think if you if you are asking people for the europe you cannot declare a state of emergency because there is a period for the other you have to allow free speech and free organization and if you are if you are actually stating it's hysterical militancy that means you know you are this is our emergency laws and people are more free to speak are not free to carry their normal fifty's and i don't think it's clear that these young. men and women the spawn going to his statement immediately by coming out on the street defiant his decision to deploy resettlement that's.
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not going to satisfy our demand even according to the security they're not allowed to do that because they don't happen missions they're coming out of the final all the schools and even the hand that was used there were for the rest of activists positions that never stopped the people i think people are there they have the man are very clearly and i think what they what they are expecting is a response to the demand is not for him to try and decrease to the emergency or because the government have done that many times and nothing happens that is not going to evoke the problems other have had to wait a week but today millions of voters across nigeria are finally got to cast their ballots in the presidential elections muhammadu buhari is hoping to secure a second term as president of africa's most populous country his main challenger a businessman and former vice president i think you are back at attacks in the northeast blamed on the armed group aka harmed or threatened to disrupt early
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voting the media treats reports. early morning confusion of this polling station and way to greet voters are angry at officials for failing to start the poll one hour after two and. the voting machines and reading fingerprints. the problem was eventually resolved. was to fibro him was able to vote but he needed assistance at the polling station he wants an improvement in facilities for people with disabilities. who would be exposed to danger if the person helping us has party preferences privacy should be protected better the early morning turnout in many areas of the city was good despite reports of attacks sixty five year old want to keep a walk up to the sounds of explosions in my degree but was determined to vote for battle we've seen and heard words from around the cannot stop us from voting only
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die once you can see how eager the people are always after the explosions the police say the city is safe and the civilians were not targeted but in the neighboring your base state hundreds of residents and potential voters fled the town of go down after suspected broke or on fighters attempted to infiltrate the city the army which acknowledged that attack say calm has been restored. six hundred kilometers from here president obama body votes in his hometown in. the seventy five year old who seeming to avoid the feat but be fearless producer good luck jonathan. one elected term in office he sounded upbeat and it was of course a very hopeful indeed but you know if you do that you know if you feel like when you accept defeat. that we. are eventually. going to be there were enough. one of the hardest clues rivals a to quote a worker also cast his ballot hoping to return to the corridors of power he left
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twelve years ago. although delays were reported in many parts of nigeria election officials are hopeful of a good turnout what is not clear is if the postponement of the vote last week will affect the final numbers or test their ballots or decrease i would use either way to go to niger. let's go over to nigeria's capital live now where john how therefore so. obviously it's a week later there were a lot of problems last week over all sorts of things surrounding the voting or how are things gone this time around now that nigerians finally got the chance to cast their ballots. well on the whole hashim it seems to have gone pretty well they've been individual problems in parts of the country of course they've been issues with delays akhmed noted there in his report delayed opening of polling stations they've been allowed to stay open later to
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allow people who've gathered there to complete the voting process they've been issues with the electronic process of voting the card readers that verify the identities and registration details of individual voters some of them have broken down there's been these sorts of things going on but on the whole it does seem to have gone relatively smoothly certainly it has here in abuja where we have been right from the registration process to balloting and now counting which is going on behind me it's a pretty animated process the count which of course everyone is focusing on now election officials literally handing out holding up individual ballots to the crowd announcing the party that that is on the ballot the ballot then handed to the election agent for that particular party the count is done manually it's done vocally verbal the fights break out arguments break out when election officials deem a particular ballot to perhaps be invalid the crowd itself erupts everybody fighting
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to ensure that every single vote counts and the focus now will be as this happens in one hundred twenty thousand odd polling stations around the country country the focus will be on the way that these numbers in it to be individual stations are transmitted to the collation center for the final tally and that's what monitoring groups will be looking at extremely closely to be sure that number four number district for district constituency for constituency the same numbers that are counted here are tallied there it's an enormous process in fact it's the biggest election ever to take place on the african continent. all right for the moment journo live for us there in the capital of abuja let's cross over to her room with tasa who is in the commercial capital in the south of the country lagos to how things been going there. vote counting is underway it seems like there's a relatively smooth pro to proceed. with the what we've seen throughout the last
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few hours and people will watch the election official. because the delay some people have come out if they don't trust the electoral commission and that they are sure that there won't be any voting so this was their way of trying to make sure that no stealing without actually happened and it is where a lot of them live it's not one of the more neighborhoods in l.a. but people here have issues with unemployment they have issues with infrastructure they have issues with the fact that a lot of them are young and they can't get work and i'm kind of do able when they help that has been done by me to the economy would you be in a recession to twenty six now in terms of insecurity we've been hearing that they are painfully try to destroy. earth out in the river with the oil is that a criminal gang try to use violence to stop people from voting and we've been told they are of course the five people weren't able to vote today they may be allowed
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to vote. in lagos lagos force now ahead of my dearest presidential election many of been vocal online about their experts. as more on that really all thanks has a nigerians have turned out in big numbers to vote following last week's delay like this man who will himself five kilometers to search to reach that polling station and on twitter many also using the hash tag nigeria to size sharing photos like these ones of themselves with i.d. cards and also costing the ballots and al-jazeera has launched a project called nigeria speaks a space where we give a voice nigerians who might not otherwise be heard in mainstream media here's what some of them had to say. twenty nine hundred of the very critical critical for young people critical for the whole of nigeria it might interest you to know which one percent of the people there is separate in two thousand elections are going to be looking over thirty five and what i mean is that the youth will determine who
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wins so it's of complaining too to talk about things we need to do something for the right people who the people who bring your dreams to fruition with the people that reduce unemployment people have a plan to create jobs and to create wealth from across the board i'm going to see where they come from a. vote or vote peacefully respect each other's choices. peacefully is not fight the blood of and it's not. for anybody that's why i'm back now to our top story vent surrounding venezuela we have the colombian president right now speaking in the colombian border town of near the venezuelan border let's listen in which is about peaceful and humanitarian nature. regarding the results of this presser process the power grabbers. to will be held responsible for any
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act of violence that may arise we call on him on the armed forces of venezuela to come to the right side of yesteryear and welcome their brothers and sisters who bring humanitarian aid to. the people of venezuela thank you very much. yes good morning. to all of our brothers and sisters of colombia and international brands of others the secretary general of the way we are here with time in your. humanitarian aid. some. in south alaina there's been murders and our fear. is that there's facilitation
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of this but what we have are tons of aid in way they are trying to stand in our way to block our way in we're doing it with violence and we're doing it peacefully and i'm and president knows that this is peaceful and this is humanitarian aid and it isn't multilateral operation it's peaceful and we are attempting with a view to saving lives that is at this time so right now we are rallying throughout the national territory people it's been peaceful but very steadfast said all times that this humanitarian aid must get into venezuela where were peaceful but we are steadfast and firm and we have the absolute responsibility is held as can be pinned on a usurping power usurping. government welcome to the right side of history. welcome members of the military who are on the proper side of this
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institution and those who and all the soldiers in general. division general is a tender that there be and misty and guarantees that are equal across the board for anybody who is any of them who are willing to help defend israel and people and to to uphold our constitution so issue an appeal to the. people the people who want to know who are rallying at the bridges we call on you as well at this time this is doric. a landmark point in our history to allow the humanitarian aid to get in and to allow there to be proud prosperity and to help these piri and for the humanitarian come in and to respect the human rights of the venezuelan people and the generals in all the countries that are formed this coalition the united states and the aid that's been sent by your europe it's our
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turn only we are turned only grateful to you we're we're here at this friendship bridge and this is where all of our people have come together to help finish whether this in short this humanitarian aid is going individual aims peacefully to save lives at this time in venezuela thank you very much thank you very much for all i say just been hearing there from the venezuelan opposition leader and self declared president quantock why don't the furnace wait on the colombian border town of kuta near the border with venezuela it was introduced a little bit earlier by iran. given to k. marquez the colombian president there talking once again about the need to get all of this emergency aid that is sitting on the on the colombian side of that border into venezuela he repeated his offer of amnesty to members of the venezuelan
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military who up to now have for the most part. for the most part he's me stood by the venezuelan president nicolas maduro these are live pictures you're looking at right now. these are several of the trucks packed with emergency aid waiting to get in across the border into venezuela alexander run p.s. he is there for us as well with more on this now in he's on the phone for us alexandra. yes the president of colombia lucas spoke first once again saying that there is from their point of view a humanitarian and peaceful operation and that if there's going to be any violence the fall will fall on the government under an interim government.
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and with the leader of the venezuelan opposition. called on the venezuelan military to defect to lead. to rebel against president nicolas maduro saying that this is the only story coper to need for them to do the right thing to be on the part of. people and not the region who they consider responsible for a very deep crisis in the country. alexandra thanks very much alexandra for the moment. live for us there in venezuela i want to share with you some of the messages we're getting from our viewers are now on facebook because i'm encouraging you of course to to get involved in share your views with us this from jaime in venezuela on facebook saying don't make venezuela another syria shane says the u.s. needs to remind needs to mind its own business and stay out of venezuela mamadou
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are on facebook saying venezuela is in a dire situation people are going hungry and health care is shattered. says dictator moscow this one from nor it is going to be another syria civil war and nobody wins venezuela don't let other nations tell you what to do this is your country solve it in turn only is so variety of views there from people message us on facebook to keep those coming in for now taking a look at some of the other stories making news around the world a top catholic cardinal has admitted that church files on priests who sexually abused children were destroyed or never even created a german cardinal reinhard marx was speaking at a meeting in vatican city and they've been calls for a new culture of accountability in the catholic church which led pope francis to call this four day conference is expected to speak on the last day on sunday
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the sexual abuse of children and youth is in no small measure due to the abuse of power in the area of administration in this regard administration has not contributed to fulfilling the mission of the church but of the country has obscured discredited and made it impossible for those that could have document the terrible deeds and maimed those responsible were destroyed or not even created. instead of the perpetrators the victims were regulated and silence imposed on them the stipulated procedures and processes for the pro prosecution of offenses were deliberately not complied with but instead cancelled overridden on the streets of rome some of those abused by clergymen including some death victims
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marched towards vatican city they were demanding justice. or a challenge has more on this now from vatican city. each of the days of this meeting has its own theme we have had responsibility we have had accountability and saturdays the is transparency and so that was why we had the german cardinal reinhold marks in the vatican talking about how over the years the catholic church has destroyed or not even created files relating to abusive priests he also said that victims have been silence and they have been a disregard for church procedures which had worsened the crisis and driven the faithful away these are serious admissions but in many cases they're nothing new we knew that the church being covering up sex abusing priests for some
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time now many of these scandals have involved such allegations what the pope is trying to do we did this meeting is to basically move forward from all this draw up a new code of action for the catholic church to make sure that nothing like this happens again or if it does it is properly exposed and properly dealt with survivors have been saying here what they want is a new policy of zero tolerance and zero tolerance for those that abuse children and zero tolerance for those that cover it up that people such as this should be thrown out of the priesthood. the saudi crown prince says china has the right to fight against extremists and to protect its own national security man by their mosque string a visit to beijing it's seen as a reference to china's crackdown against the we go muslim minority rights group say china has detained around one million we has in what it's calling re-education
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camps. and women in senegal could decide the country's next president when voters head to the polls there on sunday a majority of eligible voters are female and candidates have made women's issues part of their campaign platforms but for the first time in twenty six years there's no female candidate running nicolas hawke reports from dakar. it's the final stretch in the campaign trail for candidate mikey cell running for a second term in office with one rallying cry. together sharing a common hope. slogan to attract women because there are more women are eligible to vote than men. electrical technician is too busy working to attend political rallies but she says promising hope is not enough change is what women want. i wasn't happy times have changed we are
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a work force like any other and i expect our new president to give us the same rights as men. and. women are not just paid less than men they're also taxed more inheritance and family laws favor men over women and more deserving. and although a law was introduced in two thousand and ten women to have a bigger role in politics there are big gaps between the sexes senegal has yet to adopt a gender discrimination law stated because there we have a since two thousand and ten and we have we have one of the few countries in africa as it has it and even in the world we have a national assembly that is made of forty to be persona for men but that doesn't translate into what you see patients are going to get back to patient or woman. for the first time since one thousand nine hundred ninety three there are no women running for the presidency and so the male candidates are making promises to women political newcomer song says if he is elected he will increase maternity leave and
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impose tougher penalties against sexual violence mike he sells says he has made health care free for mothers and their children. he wants to include more women in his cabinet in the civil service and is promising more jobs for young female graduates senegalese the women are expected to come out and vote him out on sunday because among the many times gave the demographic in this election the challenge for placing a monkey's out is to be the candidate of diluting and change. among them is voted just still undecided who to vote for she's unfazed by political promises or slogans but determined to make her vote count nicholas hawke al-jazeera the car a trade negotiations between the world's two largest economies have been extended through the weekend they've been trying to end a seven month long trade war between the u.s. and china president donald trump has said
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a march first deadline to resolve the dispute could be extended donald trump says he will nominate kelly knight craft as the next u.s. ambassador to the united nations the sixty six fifty six year old has been the ambassador to canada since october two thousand and seventeen when he made the announcement on twitter the president said she's done an outstanding job croft must formally be nominated and approved by the u.s. senate before she can take up the role left by nikki haley u.s. singer r. kelly has been arrested on sexual abuse charges in the state of illinois the fifty two year old whose real name is robert sylvester kelley turned himself into police on friday he's faced accusations of sexual misconduct against women for decades kelly has never been convicted and denies the accusations. as the ninety first academy awards ceremony on sunday and this year's foreign language films are getting a lot of attention one of them roma is also nominated in the best picture in the
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main best picture category and considered a front runner digital streaming platforms are giving them a bigger potential audience around the world rob reynolds has a preview. in capernaum lebanese director needs focus is on twelve year old zane who stands as a representative for the hundreds of millions of children worldwide war neglected abused and exploited zayn is a tough foul mouthed beirut kid played by zane all rafidah he flees his uncaring family to wander through the slums you finds a makeshift family with an undocumented ethiopian immigrant and her baby the film is a harrowing journey into the depths and yet at the very end like some impossible flower blooming amid the filth there is a brilliant flash of hope that isn't bad unless a different kind of family lives in director hirokazu korea does shoplifters
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multiple generations cram into a ramshackle tokyo house we soon learned this is a family born from necessity none of the members are actually related but they've banded together to survive. so that's. what i do when a crisis explodes the family the consequences are dire for all but cory ada shows how tenacious are the bonds of kindness and love obsessive tortured love is the theme of polish director pawel pawlikowski film cold war about an affair spanning decades on both sides of the iron curtain in post-war poland a team of artists transforms full culture into full throated stalinist propaganda jazz pianist victor played by thomas kot falls hopelessly in love with teenage singer zula the luminous joanna cooley gk he plots their escape to the west but she
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ditched him in east berlin decades later they meet again in paris and the spark is rekindled but their love is infected with a kind of bitterness and only mutual destruction can. unite them forever. by mexico's alfonzo koran is a dreamily paced semi autograph it story of a fracturing family and the young domestic servant cleo who holds everyone together while fighting her own tragedies shot in black and white roma is a film whose images linger in the memory rounding out the category of florian henkel fun donors marks never look away a three hour long epic exploring art love and politics an artist played by tom shilling experiences nazi tyranny the total destruction of war and the suffocating grip of east germany's communist dictatorship cold war roma and shoplifters can all be seen on digital streaming platforms never look away and capernaum are not
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currently available online robert oulds al-jazeera or i would take you live back now to events in venezuela and latin america at its newman joins us live again we understand things started getting chaotic again there to see economy . yes i can have and that more of this is much more than chaotic this is the biggest challenge yet the opposition to the government i am about a hundred and fifty meters from the colombian brought your right to the entrance of the bridge the customs office and i am six hundred protesters then by members of the opposition national assembly there are about thirty to forty deputies leading the charge there is tear gas every layer of words are being fired these opposition members are trying to break through they already broke down the first barriers the
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initial set of barriers the national front running protection now they're behind another barrier closer to the customs office i think perhaps they're there already and practically encyclopedia there's only the river and the bridge that separates the river from between venezuela and colombia they're playing cat and mouse he is these opposition members are refusing to back down despite as i say all the tear gas and the rubber bullets that are being fired so we're just waiting now to see i'm now at a higher position just next to the protesters so i can see the i have a full view of what's going on and i actually cannot see large numbers of national guards and they seem to have all gathered behind the last barrier they are not trying to get them off the street which is very significant and just just. so our viewers a clear on this your of course on the venezuelan side of the border. give us an
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idea of the numbers of people there not the numbers of protesters compared to the national guard. all right was the numbers a national drop but it's hard to tell because many of them are being kept inside the barracks to run through the barracks earlier on we tried to get to the to the bridge itself and we were told we have to leave but i there they're being kept inside so people can see them also but there are many of them we understand there are at least several thousand of them already here in fact you know and the members of the opposition are around six hundred seven hundred that started marching from four rocks and where i am now towards this bridge and they are not planning to move in this is according to the lead deputy from the national assembly she told me this is really didn't give their all this is the make or break they believe that if they stay here long enough the national guard will turn on their officers and let them
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through we are we've been hearing from one goh i don't know on the other side. and he has been sending off trucks carrying aid from there to venice the venezuelan board across into venezuela we understand he says humanitarian aid is on its way there have you have you seen any indications of that from where you are at this point. we have we can't see anything that's happening on the colombian five because it's brock but what i'm told via the members of the opposition who are leading this charge is that they believe that it is actually on the other side of the bridge where i am right now where they're trying to break into and bring this aid by hand and a human chain they said they're not going to talk why didn't that this was a plan all along and they are inching their way closer and closer to carrying it out and you see i know you were telling us a little bit earlier that there were. three. members of
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the venezuelan security personnel personnel who did. defect as it were turn themselves over to the other side so it really a lot of this does depend on on how those venezuelan guardsmen react on the front lines of this exactly this absolutely that's what it is going to make that could be the tilting point in fact i think it was for national guardsmen one in the bridge three in this now. and two parties the fact ing and also there's a sergeant has just affected one of the others he was with the opposition. right now so that's very interesting that he's doing that on this side of the of the border and not on the other side where he would be safer and just taking
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a step step back here lou see. obviously this is all been building up over several months and even years give us a sense because you're in venezuela of course give us a sense of just how desperate the situation is there for so many people in venezuela in terms of the economic crisis of course have we been reporting. in. the situation here as. well is in hunger. the story tally all right unfortunately we're getting we're getting so. it's very difficult to hear because of the connection there but we do appreciate all of the on the ground reporting that she's doing from there describing the scene to us while we try to fix that we're going to go back across the colombian side where alexandra
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and brad m.p.'s he is being. so sundra bring us up to date there on what has been happening in the attempts by the opposition groups led by one why don't to try and get the aid across into venezuela. absolutely at some one why does the leader of the venezuelan opposition just again a joint statement gather with the president of colombia to give the president of the listener and the president the product why might you know together also with the secretary general of you're going to station the american they are to kids are asked that we are house where the eight cents by the united states think you day has been stored or a date why paul said that this is the beginning of a. pre-school but firm operation and extent that
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all that responsibility of any violence of that mike the cure will be. it is in the hands of the president the square law. might today will be also meet a call once again to use it in its will and military use to be on the right side of history and to open the bridges unless the a in any said that an amnesty is all right but on the other side we're going to have to leave it there thanks very much for that update lots more coming up in the next couple of minutes just to update you on the chaotic situation there happening on both sides of the border on the venezuelan side clashes between protesters and venezuelan guardsmen as they fired tear gas is there on the border front and we have lots more on this with our colleagues in london in a couple of minutes so stay with us for that. flying
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every food do is being analyzed it's being weighed and it's being measured and it was bliss life. and it's not just i phones that's almost life it's i mean most often se day at the moment we are in a state of the universe let's start and did something that was act i would rather take the risks of democracy than the risks of dictatorship digital dissidents on al-jazeera. you know what. i'm. hearing that. donald presence on donald trump jr was promised damaging information about hillary clinton allegation like to see ongoing investigation seductress did the trump campaign colluding with russia did you at any time birch the former f.b.i. director james comey in any way shape or form the closer to back down the
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investigation into michael flynn and also as you will know next question bottle field washington on al-jazeera. venezuelan soldiers fired tear gas on protesters and opposition politicians trying to get aid into the country several national guardsmen have the fed. alone barbara starr you're watching out as they are live from london also coming up . ok on.
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