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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  March 6, 2019 12:00pm-12:34pm +03

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through a success of one company was a failure of another so he had left his youthful craziness behind it. i think is one of the greatest turnarounds in the history of any industry in any country anywhere to have a man come back to a company that was really going down very rapidly. in very bad shape and then pull off that success that he did something happened it backs that did change things and what i believe it was was that for the first time it was his money next it was his money he was losing at apple it was arthur rock's money you know it was the it was the public's money it was wall street's money it wasn't real money. after his return to apple's steve jobs back in two mind develops a new plan of action an occasion to make an amazing announcement to his adoring
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public. and i'd like to announce one of our first partnerships today a very very meaningful one and that is one with microsoft. the discussions actually began because there was some. patent disputes and rather than know are i know. rather than know repeating history i'm extremely proud of both companies that they have resolved these differences in a very very professional way and i happen to have a special guest with me today via satellite downlink and if we could get him up on the stage right now but i thought. that i'd done my career below lose genuinely happy when steve came by i think he
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recognized and felt. that losing apples as a successful company wouldn't be good for the industry and so and i think that was. that was when the relationship became closer and the relationship stayed close bill didn't do a favor for the city what bill did was microsoft had a successful business selling macintosh applications they were making a profit selling macintosh applications if apple went out of business the macsoftware business at microsoft would go out of business too so he had a franchise to protect. now the fact that steve jobs was sort of crawling you know made it better bill gates has another motive for coming to steve jobs eight the antitrust lawsuit pending against microsoft over its ten year windows monopoly. i'm
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here to share my story and answer questions about microsoft and the p.c. industry. i hope that my testimony helps the court to resolve the issues in this case that would be bill especially after the trust battle. really the day to day part of the company was really. getting to be very hard on him and that microsoft was so big and so successful that it was a time that he could move on and go on to something else. as gates steps a selling job as clients to new heights he adopts a new concept the ad campaign think different i return to his original idea of simplicity.
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the pain i most respect about apple is they have found a way to make complex things something. that was the thing different campaign thing different really got you the perk but then when you went to really explored. it was there for. a brilliant marketing idea for the i mock the new home computer that gives its users the feeling of being special set apart from the standardised world of the p.c. . then he said ok i could build macintosh this forever but that would be boring so we're going to create the digital hub strategy and we're going to create the i pod in the i phone and the touch pad and everything and they're going to connect through computers but the computer is only about. if we're going to carry their computers around and that's the strategy for ninety seven
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ninety eight ninety nine when they came up with that so then he could do what he did best which was designed brand new products so that steve jobs is that it's like i am an alchemist i am a magician. i am going to make this rabbit disappear i'm not just going to make a rabbit i made disappear i want to make the buttons move around they like things that are matched. with the world steve jobs makes a new and unique contribution to our way of life a new digital wound with a single brand name that means innovation design and user friendly ness not always true of microsoft products. the big change would is the i pod. steve song or use an impi three player do
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a lot of them around for two years for the oddball. but they were reserved for techies and so apple created that a better music player that was better because of the ease of use and then they had to fly the way to feed it. and in doing so of course. they are. took the record companies that claim it was you know they they they say they stole the music business from the record companies because a record company saw it now this is kind of interesting but it's not going to mean anything it's nothing you know this is no big deal apple told the record companies . that their goal in the first year was to sell a million music downloads. they sold a music a million music downloads in the first week. they sold one hundred million the in the first year. they sold a billion in the first two years and the music business has changed forever and the
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record companies say what is that what where did that come from. an i pod. a phone. and an internet communicator. an i pod. the iphone defining steve jobs as a modern visionary able to satisfy every consumer need and desire. confronted with counsel perhaps he realizes his days a number no time to lose to make his mark in history apple is going to reinvent the phone he was out running a company that had gone off and done some really amazing things and was no longer in this sort of i'm in the shadow of a bill gates about the shadow of microsoft apple's become this enormously successful company apple's those more business when i really have all those more
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business and i phones and microsoft those in total business and then the most valuable company in the in the world now steve jobs didn't change the world steve jobs capitalized on a lot of things bill changed the world bill made software what it is today if bill had created the standards you know him or stop us windows and was very dogmatic at making sure those standards took hold we wouldn't have the technology we have today and i'm talking globally i'm not talking of the united states globally he impacted the world in terms of what he did with software. he decided to do the same framing for him for free. this is my last you know. and it's the middle of this year in july that i moved from being a full time employee microsoft to working full time at the foundation be the first
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time since i was seventeen that i'd have my full time microsoft job far from the realm of high tech rivalry bill gates known chooses to help alleviate suffering in the world the foundation he heads with his wife melinda makes this billionaire the most generous philanthropist in history he keeps a vigilant tie on microsoft but today the dreams he no choose on linked to humanitarian causes is going to go down in history as the world's greatest lance was no doubt about no one come closer and so i think for anybody else whether of steve jobs or whoever your view of bill changed a little bit when you saw what a good job he was doing i mean it wasn't like some guys screwing around with rock stars and occasionally showing up at a charity workers or is it really focused you know like achievable goals you know why about malaria no big deal you know things are just amazing right.
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what individual in the history of money has devoted twenty billion dollars to anything. no one would give bill gates so he's you know plays to win a place to win. steve never got their state never give a penny to church i once had a conversation with steve much later after bill gates retired from microsoft and he was doing what i thought was great stuff that trying to eradicate diseases in third world and stuff and i said well you know even though bill gates on a wrecked the technology industry for a decade or two you got to be proud of what he's doing now and steve look at me and said what do you mean distributing is ill gotten gains you know us and he wasn't ready to give him all that much credit for that. steve jobs never missed a chance to insult his old enemies like these awful commercials that made p.c. users and critics say something positive for the p.c. ok easy p.c.
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you are a wizard with numbers and you dress like a gentleman you see well. i guess you are a little better creative stuff thank you even though it's my own which. maybe i missed twice. in two thousand and seven the two giants come face to face for the last media event pasta confrontation has at last given way to peaceful rivalry first i called jobs because i thought he'd be the hardest to get and he said bill does it i will do it but we have to keep it i want to keep it on a high level i don't want to just be a fight with the greatest misunderstand which in your in your relationship and about eat each other what would you say would be we've kept our marriage secret for over a decade now and i want to competitors in certain ways we watch the american way
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right the commercials and you get annoyed at each other from there i know i have to confess i like p.c. guy but yeah he's great i know you know that i want our to those you know the art of those commercials is not to be me but it's actually for the guys to like each other. on their. p.c. guys p.c. guys great i like a lot of the law. on his mother loves this mother not just you know i have the bills still viewed. as kind of a freak and he's fascinated by you know that people say why should you let. steve treat you that way and build an even though he was being treated a certain way he was just. watching this and saying who is this guy how does this work i have is there an algorithm here i don't because i don't get it.
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with steve jobs health deteriorating bill gates paid a last visit to his longtime rival and friend it would be a bittersweet and the last chapter in a legendary june. after a lifetime of innovation steve jobs died on october the fifth two thousand and eleven. bill gates and steve jobs high tech giants who revolutionized the way we live work and play. al-jazeera explores prominent figures of the twentieth century and how life will resume influence the course of history who was the human revolution covering this away feel castro is a fee to lease the not a communist i'm just you're going to this country che wants an international revolution became a point when the relationship came to an end the icons of revolution who changed the course of latin american politics. and fidel castro face to face on al-jazeera
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. and i bet we'll be watching the showers trundle their way across the mediterranean towards us you can see that on the satellite picture the speckled areas of cloud stretching from egypt all the way up into syria and turkey but all of that is breaking up so this should be dry a brighter weather force as we head into wednesday instead on wednesday there's more wet weather making its way into the northern parts of turkey and that will stretch southwards also affecting us in georgia and seventy three wintery as it hits the high ground as well but the east will be seeing a few bits and pieces of cloud and maybe one or two showers here but nothing too significant i mean for the south and here in doha the winds will be coming in from the east on wednesday that will bring a fair amount of cloud is at the outside risk of a shower but then on thursday they'll swing round again and they'll be working down from the north so it will feel a lot fresher and those winds will be pretty strong as well as
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a quarter blustery day here in doha on thursday i mean further towards the south and we've been watching a roll the animated area of cloud to this being in the mozambique channel that's working its way towards the west you can see the dark blue colors here indicating that we're expecting some pretty heavy rain as we head through wednesday and thursday says in very wet weather is expected here away from that there's generally lots of dry weather to be found for jo'burg which should be up at twenty eight the cape town will will be at twenty one.
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point. al jazeera is a very important force of information for many people around the world when all the cameras have gone i'm still here go into areas that nobody else is going to talk to people that nobody else is talking to and bringing that story to the forefront. a nation where corruption is endemic embroiled in a battle to hold the powerful to account. how has this radical transformation occur. i mean if you know about it i mean if you want to know shedding light on the romanians pressing for change and the unconventional methods to eliminate corruption remain the people on al-jazeera.
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after donald trump and kim jong un's nuclear summit ended with no agreement reports emerged that north korea is rebuilding a rocket launch site. and i'm a saudi a tape and this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up venezuela's president says he'll cross what he calls the crazed minority trying to force him out his rival warns the pressure is just beginning also. algeria's army chief sends out a message as protests against the president showed few signs of ending. and nigeria prepares to bring home twenty thousand sex trafficking victims from mali but some are unwilling or unable to return.
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north korea is said to be restoring facilities as a long range rocket launch site that is dismantled as part of disarmament steps last year the reports in south korean media follow the failure of last week's summits between donald trump and kim jong un in singapore in vietnam i'm sorry a website specializing in north korea studies called thirty eight north says it has satellite imagery showing efforts to rebuild some structures of the launch site started sometime between february sixteenth and march second for more let's speak to rob bryant who joins us live from south korea's capital seoul rob what do we know about these restorations and when they began. that's right the stars of these reports are now emerging it stems from a briefing that was given by the national intelligence service south korea's spy agency to lawmakers here in seoul choose day details of that briefing are now
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emerging getting into the media here and being reported and they center on satellite images taken at the top chang ri launch site as you mentioned there it's a site that's normally used for satellite launches but it has been used for the testing of engines for ballistic missiles so it is potentially significant to north korea's missile development weapons program the. satellite images seem to show that some restoration work has taken place doors replaced on a section of roofing were placed on one of the buildings at the site there as you mentioned there were verbal commitments from the north koreans to dismantle this.


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