tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera March 12, 2019 10:00pm-10:34pm +03
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boy the stories that. have a lot. of it is not enough. we're at the worst of the rajneesh camp for palestinian right of free syria fluent in world news. and tender nandan in the next few moments u.k. politicians are due to hold an historic vote on the terms of britain's departure from the european union. this is the scene in the house of commons now. but i believe. it was the speaker that trashing decay of the nowadays a prime minister to reason may had hoped that legally binding changes agreed with the e.u. would swing the vote her way but attorney general geoffrey cox said despite the
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changes the legal risk of the u.k. running not to me used customs union is the same many m.p.'s have indicated they will again bench against the deal which is also rejected by a huge majority in the commons in january. let's bring in meetings that lie for us in westminster sonar in certain situations looking bad for treason may. well you know yes he says she lost the last time for the votes but two hundred thirty and so to overturn that one hundred sixteen m. these would have to vote the other way at the moment so only twenty or so have said that they're going to change their mind based on this tying the concession that she got in strasburg said based on that should lose by certainly well over one hundred seems to be the projection and possibly in the other two hundred and the european union has said there is nothing else on the table that states so the question is
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going to be on the assumption she does lose and we'll know it about ten to twelve minutes what does she do that donors and this is with us from british influence could could can she can see eva billy go back to the european the old stand up in parliament heard what you've said again i want to go back and see if they can find anything else that they can offer us instead what i mean i wouldn't put anything both series of bases to fight a reality enough times for now but if she does it really is cut ins because there is no credibility left as she said wasted to me chances are totally loyce failed too many times so the e.u. is not interested by the concessions they've gone as far as they possibly kids on the island to simply not going. without anything that would enable you to watch a like say for the boss of the k. that you are supposed to be disposable to this another vote on wednesday night to rule out no deal in the further will and thursday sauced your opinion for a delay because there are rumors going around the what she might do is to try to preempt all of that by just standing up after she loses and say ok fine i'm going
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to just going to go now and ask the european union for a delay presumably the advantage for her in that would be she could look as if she's still in charge. is the only thoughts to the case that would involve the right thing up i must say i'm not civil rights law and that we would leave them tied so i can march there she stopped i religiously was late she religiously i said i was not involved but it was the other how do we save her from having to decide whether she was going to vote for an ideal story ourselves that she would nails we not wait or. what sort of extension do you think the european union might be prepared to offer people keep talking about just before the european elections in in late may other people say why you have a technical delay just say to the british if you're going to do this do it properly it's going to be a year old twenty one months so some sort of thing like that would not fly and you think of course parliament will i suppose the e.u. is keen to avoid a scenario where it will face a couple of months every toy the u.k. government is still to lead you didn't think he'd get that finished within the you
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see months and then keeps on talking about it and also if extensions any problem that we have is that the that or the european elections in may and dot's has not been endorsed by any party any main party in the comments that we should start in congress and the selections so what we have to you know stand by. the will genuinely waiting for the for the main event is what to resume a says in about a nine minutes from now she's got to look like she said in charge of the process even though it doesn't look like she is stay with us. thank you very much indeed. european union safety agency as foreign several aviation organization. around the world in banning the boeing seven three seven max eight for its air space it follows sunday's crash in ethiopia that killed one hundred fifty seven people when most forty percent of more than three hundred seventy jets in service globally have now been grounded several european governments of also banned the planes from their air space along with malaysia australia and singapore and operates as across the
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world from europe to asia and south america have grounded their seven three seven max eight fleets as a precaution but in the u.s. aviation officials say they're still standing behind the safety of boeing's best selling aircraft john hendren has more from boeing headquarters in chicago. as investigators began the first full day of their probe into the cause of a second deadly crash more and more of boeing seven thirty seven max aircraft are being grounded u.s. aviation officials insist the aircraft is safe but a growing list of countries say that until they get the assurances they need over the safety of the seven thirty seven max it is banned from their airspace u.s. airline passengers and an american flight attendants union share their concern u.s. senators are joining growing calls for the plane to be grounded well i think out of an abundance of caution and frankly common sense it makes sense to ground aircraft that's been involved in two very tragic accidents and all the six months the seven
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thirty seven max. eight should be grounded immediately. there is no reason for american flyers to be less safe than. china ethiopia argentina mexico and now apparently the united kingdom but boeing insists the plane remains safe saying it has full confidence in the safety of the seven thirty seven max the biggest users of the aircraft american airlines and southwest continue to fly the plane as do several foreign carriers and at the moment based on our safety assessment there is no requirement to take any action aircraft is safe to fly speculation into the cause of the two separate crashes has centered on flight control software the u.s. federal aviation administration plans to require a software enhanced meant that boeing says will be deployed on the next fleet in the coming weeks boeing says the update to maneuvering flight control and pilot
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display software would make quote an already safe aircraft even safer passengers might be confused but investors have reacted decisively they have hammered boeing stock costing the company billions of dollars in market value boeing had hoped to use the. plane to overtake airbus in market share but now the company is just rumbling survive there is precedent for a global ban in two thousand and thirteen boeing to kids massive new dreamliner out of service to resolve a problem with battery fires now once again boeing is struggling to hold steady through the turbulence john hendren al-jazeera chicago u.s. backed syrian democratic forces say between fifteen hundred and two thousand people have left i souls lost enclave in the village of by guus in eastern syria surrendering included both are still fighters and their family members the kurdish led force say they have also killed thirty eight members of the armed group the
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booze offensive which has lasted for a number of weeks resumed on sunday following a brief pause to allow our civilians to leave or dr hamid has more from gaziantep on the turkey syria border this is the third night running the above who is coming under intense shelling and airstrikes there had been a lull last week allowing fighters to surrender and civilians to be evacuated but earlier in the day spokesperson for the syrian democratic forces that's the kurdish forces on the ground leading this battle have said that the battle for bubbles is coming and and that's probably why we see this intensification of strikes and shelling now if the air strikes also stream important simply because on the ground the kurdish forces have been advancing very slowly they're trying to minimize their loss which could a cure because of the fire or indeed the land mines and booby traps left behind by
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the eyes of. that's a return to the events in the house of commons where m.p.'s have been voting on the withdrawal agreement and the various three documents have been added to the original deal aimed at providing further assurances that the u.k. won't be trapped in the same backstop as bring in. who's watching events for us in westminster so it took us through the year what she was hoping to achieve but there is extra sure and since. well i mean she was trying to reassure the hard core of her own party that the u.k. would be able to leave these sorts of customs union albeit with the european union when it felt like it or not get trapped in it forever on the grounds that that's not really bricks if you can do free trade deals with other countries because you're locked into doing them with the european union but the european union recently to its own sense says there has to be a backstop because you can't leave and put a border up across the island of ireland because it would imperil the peace process
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and that was the hurdle a date they couldn't get across the m.p.'s of course who have been voting no will know themselves what the result is because they go into two separate divisions the always those in favor of to resume a deal go to one of the nose who are against to go to the other so they're all fighting back in the knowledge that they did that they know which way the vote has gone that there's a lot of talk now though the general election might have to happen if this deal can be resuscitated jonathan is just explain why that he's awaiting for the vote result if parliament is deadlocks and theresa may doesn't want to go back to the people for a referendum which in fact he doesn't and there's only one reads take which is to go to to get your manifesto used to people and have a general election now that see stories are made for a couple of reasons. allows her to see to secret deals that people will be ignored in a referendum and more importantly the house allows her to flush out the independents and peace and the have defected from her own party and the labor party and labor
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wants it too of course so that could have twice the work. house the problem is that . being the tory not to say because if the tory party doesn't want this deal how could he possibly stand on it and say that could also be an ultimatum to say we have a general election are you going to be behind this or against the north on historical interest and presumably in the meantime with the european union come back and say you can have an extension subjects it but it's going to be a year then that then that could be a whole raft of resignations from the different policy that comes to the conclusion that it is going to happen at all so then she would even have a majority in parliament which i mean that could in a way be tighter interest if the demands a long extension because then you toss an idea of these wanting still ape to wanting to vote for do with the realtor is about to come back and lauren will go ahead and actually if the standing. just. the procedural aspect of things and talk us through what has to happen next in terms of the the teles and how the does the cut the pageantry of it. the m.p.c.
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got into to the whole division lobbies depend on whether they vote in favor of maize deal they they they walk into one covered all or no against into the other one and then and then and then they simply acts in a bit of box and then and then they will file back in and the tellers basically they're the people who add up the votes a month that i did that and they were all up they won't back in from behind where the speaker is sitting at the back of parliaments and then he brings them in and he says the eyes this number of votes in the know this number of votes and that's results and immediately once that happens trees amaze the prime minister will have to stand up and say what she's going to do next and that's and that's how it worked in arms as she spoke and jeremy colvin as the leader of the opposition gets gets gets his response and what do you make us earlier on we we heard from michel
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barnier who saying that he tweeted to say his name to the debate has come as they seem to be dangerous and usually u.k. can benefit from a transition in the absence of the withdrawal agreement let me be clear the any legal basis for the transition is that with or agreement no withdrawal agreement means nations mission is that was that designed to be a kind of hardening of the position and here to talk to warn people essentially that then you can go back and renegotiate this and this is the last chance of it on it. no no it is one of the massive frustrations for michele banja and the people in the european union. is that is that concession piece here who wants a hard bricks it don't understands what happens if you leave the european union without a deal because they've repeatedly said over the course of months or we can just leave and then we'll organize a deal in the transition period but you only have a transition period if you leave with the deal there is no transition period if there is no deal and these m.p.'s keep saying this over and over again and you know people like me. the british channel keeps saying no that's not rights but they just
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keep saying it and it is just an abject lack of understanding of what the whole thing is supposed to be about and this is one of the major complaints of the european union has is that people who support a hot bricks states seem to be deaf and blind to the way in which the deal is supposed to be hammered out and would operates that there is no transition without a deal in the first place if there's no deal the u.k. leaves and reverts to what world trade organization terms and there's nothing else that and the other not that we have a shell but to go on they when i say what you say held bonnie ace still saying that they don't understand it just shows that over the course the last two years these m.p. seem to have learned nothing it's all about the process. and on the actual scene the potential for extending out or getting a sort of delay on on breaks it and that again is not and is not a done deal either they would need to get to the european union to agree to it. yet
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and it's got to have the consent of all twenty seven countries for how long these tension would be if treason make calls other tonight or on thursday for an extension they would have to be you have to go to the e.u. summit next week in brussels and then they decide how long it would before it had been assumed that they don't want to the extension up to the european elections in may so that the british wouldn't take part in those elections but everyone now assumes that that wouldn't be long enough for treason made to find any other sort of deal anyway and so there is growing signs that the european union might actually say you can have an extension but it's got to be a year or long enough for you to figure out some entirely new course of action so we don't keep having this sort of recurring rolling nightmare that you keep coming to us and saying sorry we can't get it through parliament give us something else sort of talk it is a problem and give us something else they've got so many other things to worry about that for just as we were in its original writings and seeing the prime
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minister squeezing through the groups of m.p.'s who are waiting to hear from the result when the prime minister self is going to squeeze her way back into the house of commons there she is she's going that bright red jacket that she was wearing earlier on so she's now sitting down we saw the opposition leader sitting down as well jeremy corbyn and it does seem to be filling up quite nicely has been the suspense is building to find out quite how the vote has gone what the figures are and there's one figure floating around it's been quoted. that it could be around a defeat to one hundred fifty votes if that were the case would that be how would the government interpret that. well i mean it's not as bad as two hundred thirty but it would still be one of the worst defeats in british parliamentary history if not the second worst behind the last defeat that reason may had but but the main thing to understand this is what john clarke younker and the european union said last night there's no there's nothing else the pockets are empty the there's
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nowhere the deal that we're prepared to give you if you can't get this through you've got to think of something else that you're going to do in states you know and that maybe it's reason may just simply standing up and saying all to the extension i'm going to go to the european you ask for rates or maybe they should stand up and say we're going to wait until the e.u. summit next week and then try and bring the vote back again but they say that they're just out of options you know that's really the problem they say the european union has got nothing else to give them and this deal just doesn't have enough support because there are too many hardliners in their own party in the democratic eunice in northern ireland who say it doesn't guarantee our right to leave the backstop and therefore we cannot vote for it even if that risks having no bricks it's all prepared to run that race because there are children purists and they just they just can't bring themselves to vote for a deal that they would regard as being flawed and would leave the u.k. so the stuck in these all the surround the european union with no unilateral exit
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from it. and it was interesting listening hearing their new tony general saying that teens still willing to say legal advice from previously applied in other words and the risks didn't change but at the same time he was advocating that the house should vote in favor of the deal they had to make a political decision according to him. well no it isn't it was it isn't it because the thing is if you even if you were god may's deal is being floored if he's still a source of bricks it's this that this is the argument she keeps using as well to reason may not like much detail but if you don't vote for her it's if you remain a purist no deal and if you're a hardliner who looks no deal you risk not leaving the european union and so she'd been trying to play both sides off against each other and trying to squeeze them into her position saying it's basically the best we can do it's not a bit of remain and the base of leaving it's and it's a compromise in the fog but this is the best i can offer but it simply hasn't
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worked because ritchie many hardliners who want to leave with no deal and soon many who want either a very soft deal or who don't want to leave it all and she's found the self stuck in the middle of them unable to get any sort of majority the trucks enough people from by the sides. to get yourself a majority and meanwhile the clock ticking down and in europe ends and you cast as the net preparing for the new deal and that that is still something that might happen depending on what happens after this page. if possible but i think everybody regards it as being the least likely option on the grounds that there is no majority in the house of parliament and the deal everyone's petrified about the economic damage in that and the chaos at the borders the european union doesn't want no deal either mostly for the same reasons though i think there's a few people think well so be it if there's no deal is better than this and this nightmare that we're going through but they think they do want to deal it's just
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that you know when they're trying to give the british a deal it's just the british can't get it through their own parliaments and that's that's why they're stuck and it does lend to the arguments that's a much longer extension or a general election or a second referendum or something else completely might have to be the thing that breaks the entire deadlock because they can't keep coming back. with exactly the same suggestion when it keeps losing so heavily. and in meantime she had this some confusion as well as to whether the vote as you say will have to hear what she says after the way this current day but there was originally the promise that there would be a vote on wednesday and then of eight on thursday talks to the choreography of that and why why she wouldn't decide to do that maybe. well i mean i think that the she had states that if she loses this one then there would be a vote to rule out no deal on wednesday which would absolutely pass and then on the assumption that policy is ruling out new deal then that would have to be
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a vote on thursday so was the european union for an extension because there isn't any other option of turning. on the assumption that he didn't get anywhere near them i think. so that was a request there from that a speaker to investigate the delay in the in the way in the counting that. search or interrupting that would be you. know so so so yes that that's a post with a choreographer this week. interesting last night since transport not only did she make don't feel younger than the european commission she also went on to new to johnny who's the president of the european parliament and eva of steps who's a leading european parliamentarians from from the sort of sense a left lot she had to be seen with them as well not only so we can just say that's looking at the ten tell us lining up in front of us because our guys are just listening.
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on a point of order mr speaker i profound respect the decision that this house has taken to it i continue to believe that by far the best outcome is the united kingdom leaves the european union an orderly fashion with a deal here and that the deal we've negotiated is the best and indeed the only deal of yeah that is to speak i would like to sit out briefly how the government means to proceed to weeks ago i made a series of commitments in this dispatch box regarding the steps we would take in the event this house rejected the deal on a i stand by those commitments in full therefore tonight we would table a motion for debate tomorrow to test whether the house supports leaving the european union without a deal on the twenty ninth of march the age of the house will shortly make an emergency business statement confirming the change to tomorrow as business. this is an issue of grave borden's for the future of our country just like the referendum
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there is strongly held and equally legitimate views on both sides for that reason i can confirm that this will be a free vote on this side of the. i. and i have personally struggled with this choice as i'm sure many other room board members will i'm passionate about delivering the result of the referendum but i equally passionately believe that the best way to do that is to leave in an orderly way with a deal and i still believe that there is a majority in the house for that course of action and i'm conscious also. and i'm conscious also of my duties as prime minister of the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland and to the potential damage to the union that leaving without city who could do when one part of our country is without devolved governments i can therefore confirm that the motion will wreak that this has
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declines to approve leaving the european union without a withdrawal agreement and a framework on the future relationship on the twenty ninth of march two thousand and nineteen and notes that leaving without a tickle remains the default in u.k. and e.u. law unless this house and the e.u. ratify an agreement i will return to the house to open the debate tomorrow. and stake interventions multiple members and to ensure the house is fully informed and making this historic decision the government will tomorrow publish information on essential policy is which would need to be put in place if we were to leave it out to these will cover our approach to tariffs and the northern ireland border among other matters if the house votes to leave without a deal on the twenty ninth of march it will be the policy of the government to implement that decision. if the house declines to approve leaving without a deal on the twenty ninth of march the government will following that fate bring
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forward to vote on thursday on whether parliament wants to seek an extension to article fifty if the house votes when extension the government will seek to agree that extension with the e.u. and bring forward the necessary legislation to change the exit date commensurate with that extension but let me be clear so saying against leaving without a deal and for an extension does not solve the problems we face. the e.u. will want to know what use we need to make such an extension and this house would have to answer that question does it wish to revoke article fifty does it want to hold a second referendum. or does it want does it want to leave with a deal but not this to these are an enviable choices that thanks to the decision
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that the house has made this evening they are choices that must now be faced yeah. for a new autumn is generally called in. thank you mr speaker the government has been defeated again by an enormous majority and they must now accept their deal their proposal the one the prime minister's port is clearly dead and does not have the support of this house. and quite clearly no deal must be taken off the table we've said that before i will say that again but it does mean the house has got to come together with a proposal that could be negotiated the labor party has put that proposal and we will put that in we will put that proposal again because the dangers the dangers of what the prime minister proposing a basically that we. she carries on threatening us all with the danger of no deal the danger of that knowing full well the damage that will do to the british economy
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this party will put forward our proposals again which are about a negotiated customs union access to the market and protection of rights those are ones will put forward we believe there may well be there may well be a majority for them but there will also be the potential of negotiating and the prime minister's run down the clock on the caucus rain run out on maybe it's time instead we have a general election and the people get things through their government should be. point point more or. point of order mystery in black furred here thank you mr speaker this is the humiliating defeat of the government that was treason may reacting to the vote that went against so this is how the politicians voted two hundred forty two for the deal three hundred ninety one against so that means the prime minister trees may as lost by one hundred forty nine votes in january the
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time the last time this deal was put to a vote she lost by two hundred thirty vote let's bring in lawrence lee live from westminster so the defeat not as big as last time but still a defeat and she spelt out that she would go through those votes that had been promised. yes i mean it's still a catastrophic defeat she's she's nowhere near. being able to form an argument that said ok well this now it's this so closely model to bring the deal back in a few weeks time that would have to be a lot fewer than the hundreds that she's lost by so she got no choice now but second seat of the process that she had promised before the war that the intriguing thing that she said was that the votes is not going to happen tomorrow wednesday. where the government will call on parliament to rule out no deal is not is going to be a free folks. that means that the conservative party will not try to demand his own m.p.'s vote in a certain direction and they'll leave it to their own discretion to decide
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how they feel they want to do it journalists have a rich influence just explain the significance of the free vote first. the free vote is one of the most extraordinary things. when you're basically saying is the conservative government the party that said how you see how the best interest a hard place to look off the security of a nation is allowing its m.p.'s to vote for medicine and food shortages and potentially martial law in the words of some of the rain and peace the health secretary says he can guarantee the people willing die the pound will collapse thousand will be major place in our system the short term and the long time will mean to the long term economic decline of this country but that isn't the reason why she's doing it because she can't whip will force hardliners in her own party to go against no deal because it'll say no we're not going to do it so so she got no choice but to save three votes otherwise the conservative party might just fall apart in front of her own to downing indictment of the tory party and the
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government that is either they can't even say we're not going to have no deal and save all this does is force tories to make a decision or you are she going to calm down your constituency economic devastation or are you going for the national interests sort of front and for her and do you think it makes any difference as to whether parliament as a whole the six hundred fifty or so in peace will vote against no deal did you do it would will it change the dynamic of the vote you think will oh i think that there are very very few m.p.'s who are very familiar deal under any circumstances that she does is really did the most difficult thing is school maze of how units because they won't see present themselves as being so treated really breaks tes the tory membership which is they are well mainly probably break seventy five per you know you deal but because they are they have a you know a shred of integrity and they know you well know you deal means they can't achieve in themselves the value for it so that will be quite interesting watching their breakfast. one piece here what's called the black sea very tight having to carry through with the labor party in the ante now you see
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a lot beats him or the other thing that she said swear when she was winding up which which struck me as very interesting was if there's an extension and by the extent of the extension you lot still don't support my ideal that you're going to have to consider other revoking article fifty or a second referendum now she's always said that under her watch she would never revoke article fifty and yet she's now raised it is something the parliament might consider so you think based on that she's now starting to understand that parliament is taking control of the process away from her to some extent and she's losing sort of grip on the other the whole thing what i mean if you are if you lose your first day by two hundred thirty a large space full time and then he leaves the second one off you've gone through this whole rigmarole of changing the deal to make it more palatable he's out one by hundred forty noise which is in itself the very worst to beat six thousand nine hundred twenty four and that's the cost toil and saw in the you've lost control of this process anyway and so cool there's a point pretending that you're in control anymore because parliament has explicitly
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taken back control from you and so it's a reason he has no alternative but to down go the prospects of having a second referendum or viking article fifty and in doing that she is hoping once again to bring those sharia proxies are you to her site and saying we are literally going to talk about this now we are going to do they speak back from ideal a last throw of the dice to make them confront what they want to see how to deal with this room ok jonathan thank you very much for that if if the time being so where we are now given that this is now going as we as we assume through the course of the often that it would is that they now have to go through this process on wednesday of parliament as a block ruling out no deal which is jonathan was saying that everybody else has to use. it will and then based on that there's almost no choice on thursday but to vote for a delay because there aren't any other choices available to them and then after that the whole thing ship shifts over to brussels next week.
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