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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 15, 2019 1:00pm-2:00pm +03

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two mosques in the city on the southern island police saying that at least nine people have been killed but some reports unconfirmed talk of at least twenty seven people killed in the shootings two shootings one suspect is in custody and the prime minister talking about this being the dhaka stays on news events history she is now heading to a briefing in wellington with the security intelligence that is there earlier we also spoke to another journalist who is based in christchurch and who told us as we've heard from the prime minister and others that the situation is still unfolding to the minute since you don't focus on the mine most can tell good news still knowing about the little tech we do know the most that the gunman the police haven't had that gunman in custody so we do believe that it's still an active. we haven't had the video out of the way that we have from the might mosque
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in the streets or of town so that one is still very much helping the other one seems to have come down the list will now be a tech of a single most especially in the conditions that have been described perhaps with an automatic weapon that sort of thing was unprecedented in new zealand so if you understand police taking maximum precautions here and want people to stay away from mosques around the country we don't know what is what has triggered this attack and we don't know just how the coordination goes and what else could be following so that would be the reason why police a lot of the most around the country. this is the mosque where the first shooting happened earlier at about one forty pm local time during friday prayers this is a google street view of the mosque the nor mosque which was built in one thousand nine hundred five and was the first mosque in in fact in christchurch to be built
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in christchurch one witness telling us earlier that hundreds of people were inside this mosque when a gunman entered it and started shooting at the worshippers who were gathered there for friday prayers the suspect the gunman appears to have live streamed video of the attack online and he also left a lengthy racist manifesto where he outlined a white supremacist motivation for the attack and described the victims the people he shot as invaded is the man is said to be an australian a man who was born in australia twenty eight year old white man as we've heard from some of the journalists that we've spoken to earlier one of the suspects said to be a twenty eight year old white man who was born in australia the victims of this first shooting at the un nor mosque were taken to the nearby hospital in christchurch by ambulance we don't know how many people have been treated but
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police saying that at least nine people have been killed some of the reports talking of at least twenty seven dead there's panic in christchurch in fact panic across new zealand as police have told people. not to go to mosques this friday across new zealand not just in christchurch here's new zealand police commissioner mike bush speaking earlier. we have period police resources that we can reason to respond to this. so we will. come i wasn't here for a national police resource. but i also want to. those of here in the place. and i want to anyone that was saying you're going to come off anywhere in new zealand to the north to closure. from us here we will be providing. very very early incentives in this situation for sources
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before it continues to evolve we want to make sure you have all the information you need to be hearing from the screws so for me or mine straight for you we heard from many in the very near future an evolving situation in christchurch new zealand this friday morning after at least two shootings at two mosques in the city on the sun the nine and reports of at least nine people killed once again if you're joining us but some others talking of at least twenty seven dead after a gunman entered a car and to a mosque in christchurch earlier during friday prayers and started shooting at worshipers residents in the city as you heard from the police commissioner there have been asked to remain inside they were climate change ronnie's that were taking place across christchurch and they had to be evacuated the suspect one suspect has been taken into custody by police believe that many others may be on the loose
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other offenders on the loose and that is why the city is on lockdown this friday because they're still dealing with what seems to be an active shooter situation in christchurch new zealand he is another witness that we heard from earlier. you've been hearing he was whiting at the cordon on things evan you. heard this stage i don't know where my wife is she was in the ladies' room. after the shooting i tried to go in there to see where there was no ladies in there. i don't know whether ladies were short on not. the police. to quickly get out of the premises so i did so were you inside the mosque at the time of the shooting where were you the south and i was inside the mosque. i was in the side room. and. started the salmon.
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everybody was such. a very peaceful calm and quiet. as usually is in. talking everyone is quiet and it is a pin drop silence but then suddenly the shortest shooting started so it started in the main room. the shooter must have come through the hallway and i was in the side room so i did not see who was shooting but. he saw that some people were running out through my. through my room where i was in and also ice of some people had blood on the body in some people who were limping a dead woman you know i realised that it was really serious and you know a couple of people say to me that you were on who she could to get out so i tried
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to get out and. push myself the big where my car was parked in i was behind the car and then from there i was hearing the shooting of the shooting of the shooting it went on ever. six minutes or more in. i could hear screaming and the crying and. saw some people you know or drop dead. some people were running away i was in the room. could not go in also i didn't want to because i was afraid what was going to happen to the ladies what was going to be going to a wife so i stayed there were like really short he did his i'm a circle inside the mosque in he didn't come in the wake of the ways he could have got me. that is an absolutely terrifying account i'm so sorry for everything that
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you've gone through this afternoon thank you so much for. for your sympathy so what have police been telling you here on the court and about your family that inside the mosque are you getting any information about what's happening must be terrifying about what happened you know when some stayed in after about ten minutes i was still in the back in the when i thought that probably the shorter has left then i pushed myself to get inside the mosque in it was unbelievable i saw in the main the room on the right inside there were plenty plus people some of them were dead some of them were screaming on the left hand side. ten plus people some of them were dead in some of them were screaming in there asking me is there any ambulance in the way i said you know be patient in ice so on the flu the bullet
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shells so many hundreds hundreds of in then. you know on one day or maybe a guy was trying to. run out and he was shot he was there there. you know from the whole. to the room i was in a guy was trying to come in that room and he was shot from the break he was there the. guy who was you know probably trying to get into the ladies room is dead wood is there. anything in the big also. couple of people were dropped dead in their. police came and told me. to get out in. the graded me to come. in and. so while all this was happening you were whiting in a back room in
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a wheelchair is terrible sounds and things. being so frightening. i was not in the back room i was you know. most in the in the car just behind make my car was parked in. here it was. frightening were. you know my feeling was there weren't you know what would have been would happen i was not frightened were really worried about what was happening to other people thank you so much for your account i really appreciate everything that you're told a city. or formation. and witness there in a wheelchair describing the frightening experience he went through this friday after a shooting at a mosque where he was for friday prayers there were two incidents this friday at
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least two that we know of anyway in christchurch new zealand a heavily armed gunmen clad in military stand gear opened fire at two mosques want the first mosque was the main mosque in christ church the hour nor mosque and then there was a second incident and another mosque multiple people have been killed. nine according to police but that number could be much much higher the authorities in new zealand in christchurch have said they have one person in custody but they're not sure if additional individuals could have been involved and they say they're still dealing with an active situation the police commissioner of new zealand my bush is due to speak to the media in about ten minutes or so at five thirty pm local time four thirty am g.m.t. will bring that to you live of course he has already made a statement telling. residents in christchurch which is the largest city on the soft island of new zealand to stay in dorset stay off the street and he also made
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a nationwide appeal to people across new zealand to stay away from mosques as a prime minister said new zealand dealing with an unprecedented violence an unprecedented situation with multiple people killed in two incidents in to attack on mosques in the country we spoke earlier to ana burns francis a reporter with television new zealand and she told us more about the situation including the reaction of the community that was targeted. the assassin and it is still an unfolding situation but there are developments coming through every few minutes we now have a confirmed death toll of nine people across two shootings at two different mosques in the city this afternoon there are still dozens of people injured in those attacks and the city is still trying to respond to what is none folding situation
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as you see it we have one person taken into custody but police have told us that there are a number of participants a number of offenders believed to be involved in this coordinated attack and there are fears that that means one more gunman at least still on the loose the city is in lockdown it's just coming up to five o'clock in the evening here and all schools across the city are still on lockdown children are being held at school that's two hours after it would normally end public buildings and government departments are shut down as well none of those staff can leave either public areas have been cleared and that means as the prime minister said this will be a worrying time for families as they try to connect with their loved ones but at this stage it's a holding pattern nobody in the city is going anywhere until police find out just what is going on to mosques have been targeted from what we know and. what can you tell us about the area is where these mosques on the and the communities that have been targeted. well the first attack at the el nor mosque is in the so we're very
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close to the central city it's quite close to headley park a big beautiful park in the middle of christchurch city and that's not too far away only a short drive about four minutes or so from the main hospital where the victims of this a tech are being treated a second incident at the lynwood mosque is another short drive away perhaps ten fifteen minutes away linwood in new zealand has traditionally been a poor a suburb a list economically wealthy suburb and it is not uncommon for mosques across the city christchurch residents would be well used to seeing a muslim population gathering for the. day like today which is friday prayers here in new zealand and that's added to the concern about this being a coordinated attack the fact that this was a day that the muslim population in question which was gathering and as we've heard from the prime minister himself this doesn't happen in new zealand this is unprecedented for new zealand how have people been reacting that's right prime
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minister just under a day and has described the says an unprecedented act of extreme violence this is something new zealanders would just have never have seen many germs have ever experienced or seen in their lifetime we have reasonably strict gun control in new zealand you don't see anyone carrying open carrying arms around the city or around the countryside and this for an attack like this to have a could has certainly put obviously the population of crash into a deep state of shock and as well the rest of the country. are taking no risks here they've put police to put every mosque on lockdown across the entire country seem to patrol cars to every mosque around new zealand to make sure that they are safe the sophs known telling mosques to shut their doors until they've resolved this incident and one last question before we let you go because i know this is a very busy day for you what do we know about the suspect he was reported to the
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wearing a helmet and live streaming the first shooting the first attack inside the normal. so we have reports from the first shooting that they would to offenders evolved in their attack that they were both wearing military style uniforms with wearing helmets black helmets and carrying what appeared to be machine gun like. we know that they carried out that attack in one use a spoken to a witness who says they saw one gunman the second seen at the lynwood mosque carry out an attack there before taking off in his car within understand from police that they have found a car that measures that description with a car bomb inside at the soft unknown they're now investigating that as another incident in association with this wider at tech and we're not sure if that is the same person who has since been arrested. and we want to bring up now the twitter page of new zealand police have been updating that page constantly and in this
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particular tweet police are saying that they are aware that there is extremely distressing footage relating to the incident the first shooting in christchurch which is circulating online and they are calling in strongly urging that the link to the shooting not be shed and that they're working to have any footage that is out there on this shooting removed the gunman appears to have a live streamed video of the attack online the attack nor mosque he was reportedly wearing a helmet which had a camera on it and a live stream the whole incident here is a mike bush the chief commissioner c.n.n. police have those. locations locked down we have four people in custody. we judge we are not aware of other people but we cannot
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assume there are not those that live which we have a number of schools and look down we're currently making sure we have enough staff to saturate the area with enough equipment to ensure that when we release that lockdown people can get home sites where we are in the process of that it will happen very shortly we are pouring resources into that area every available canterbury and. staff member and people nearby other emergency services also. set try to measure area with visibility to ensure that everyone who needs to get home can get so siphoned. off we are told so sitting out a facility as we must because this is absolutely tragic it will be so many people. fictive so that people can get more information they will be worried about their loved ones we don't have the identities of those people who have died as yet
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because those locations are still on lockdown but we want to make sure we set up a facility where people can phone in and get the information they need that is an absolute priority people are doing that at the moment as you are going to manage and this is requiring every police and emergency resource that we have available we have defense foresee a craft here in wellington ready to fly more resources into the area will do that from other locations nearby as well so i want to assure the public we are doing everything we can to make sure there is no more harm to the community. as i said i will be back to speak to you more disabling with more detail i will open up for some questions but it's quite possible i might be able to help you out with more detail and i do have to return to work to brief us.
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now not at this stage four are in custody three are men and one a woman one is a woman as i understand it. that's moving quite quickly so i need to frame that in that way that that's what we believe at this moment we are in the balance right. not conclusively we're working our way through that as well and. we are still looking at the circumstances that surround that. it is doesn't get any more serious in this country. absolutely where i have seen social media footage it's very disturbing it shouldn't be in the public domain and we're doing everything we can to remove it how did you get. there was the the attackers were apprehended by local police stuff there's been some salute acts of bribery on hugely proud of their police stuff the way they responded
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to this. but let's not for zoom that the danger has gone up so we want to make sure that we are right across that community where is visible and equipped as we need to be to make that happen you know how. i can tell you that there were a number of days attached to vehicles that we also stopped they've been my saif by the defense force but that does go to the seriousness of the situation like. you're what. that person has been made so if we're still working through that that we believe there was a climb but there person is absolutely. no i can't confirm that i can confirm that we have staff haver is to four people i want to assume they're out others but i don't have information to that effect of
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the. when i know. i can't go into that detail later that detail will unfold in the next few days that's all i can say this judge but i'm absolutely conscious that the public needs to be informed keep the formless we have to my left a host of communication staff who will make that happen but as you can imagine we have so many operational staff that absolutely committed to this operation is police going to be out and being instructed to be armed and if we are lucky. of course that stuff will have access and media access to the equipment they need to keep themselves in the community safe our office is a construct. is we're not assuming that this is contained across church we have no other information to suggest it is but at this point in time we should never make assumptions like that thank you. so police commission that was the
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police commissioner of new zealand mike bush making a statement to reporters or half. two very serious incidents in christchurch this friday two mosques attack still under attack as the commissioner was saying there four people he said are in custody but they could be other people. on the run the four people in custody the commission has said were three men and one woman the long down he says continues but could be lifted very soon and he added that we could not assume that this incident was contained to christchurch that other locations across new zealand could also be targeted my bush saying that police is doing everything they can to make sure that there's no harm done to the communities in christchurch if you're just joining us on al-jazeera breaking news again that we've been covering for the past two hours here of some serious shooting
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incidents in christchurch new zealand with at least nine people confirmed dead that number could be much higher unconfirmed reports of at least twenty seven people killed after a gunman entered two mosques in christchurch and shot worshipers who were there for friday prayers new zealand's prime minister just into our day is now heading to a briefing in wellington with the security intelligence service have a news conference and described this as one of the country's darkest days. presently the police do have one suspect in custody however the could be others involved. all sorry there are multiple sings involved in this incident as well police will be giving more details as they can is the situation unfolds whilst i cannot give any confirmation at this stage around fatalities in casual tease what i can say is that it is clear that this is one of new
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zealand's darkest days. clearly what has happened here is an extraordinary and unprecedented ect of violence many of those who will have been directly affected by this shooting may be migrants to new zealand they may even be refuted here they have chosen to make new zealand their home and it is their home they are us the person who has good pitch why did this violence against us is not they have no place in new zealand it is no place in new zealand for such acts of extreme and unprecedented violence which is it is clear towards for now my thoughts and i'm sure the thoughts of all new zealanders with those who have being affected and also with the families my thoughts also to those in christchurch
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who are still dealing with an unfolding situation the advice from police continues to be that people remain indoors i knowledge that they may mean that some families are separated but please continue to listen out for information as it comes to light that's been directly provided by the new zealand place with food information but as i say they remain in lockdown we are potentially still dealing with an evolving situation and again as i say across multiple. sites please be assured though the police actively managing the situation christchurch hospital is dedicated to treating those who are arriving at the hospital as we speak as well as soon as i leave here i will be returning directly on my kidney a flight to wellington i didn't caesar or any convening in wellington i'll be looking to meet with them as soon as i land it's my expectation that once i arrive
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and have been briefed i intend to speak again publicly after that point that was new zealand's prime minister speaking earlier making her first statement giving her first reaction after the attack scene at christchurch they speak not to provin manana who's the bureau chief for lloyds has a new zealand he's heading to the scene now but he can speak to us from wellington on the phone thank you so much for being with us we heard from the police commissioner of police commissioner just a short while ago mike bush talking about four people being in custody what more can you tell us well but bunch more at this point it's still a very developing situation and you seen the comments from commissioner say that there were a lot of the explosive devices attached to a coat which is which is you know the chips raises the bar on this this particular incident so really talked we didn't see on on whether this was a group of rebels operating together or individual lone wolf attacks it's not clear
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at this point but what is clear is this is this is a this was a big attack and something like this is very unprecedented for new zealanders to do reeling this shock or something that is unimaginable for them to have happened in this country as you say this is unprecedented something we never report on such incidents in new zealand but were there any warnings were there any threats before this incident. well it's developed any threats and then the police in new zealand don't even carry arms you know and they don't carry their own on the most of the time new zealand has had a very low crime rate this is totally unexpected for this country and that's what is that's that's the shock that the that the country is dealing with right now. in terms of signs of something like this happening sure there were discussions you know and debates about the rising crime and other incidents but this i would say is
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come out of the blue for for the for the country. the incidents happened during friday prayers of course and they would have been a lot of people inside those mosques in christchurch in the first mosque nor mosque which is the main mosque of the city there reportedly hundreds of people of a how how is the muslim community reacting today. the most. coming together you know up there it's getting images of prayers happening in christ which a lot of people are restricted to their homes at this point because there's been a major lockdown but it's people you see people talking about this not being the culture in new zealand and then feeling very safe until today in new zealand. but country together will have to rethink a lot of things i believe that this incident whether it's whether the government or
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the minority community or the rich who cheats who will come into this country. one of the suspects is said to be an australian man why don't stray and we have any more information on that. i'm afraid we don't have that information the police commissioner was aust about it but he refused to comment on this. believe there is that the prime minister will be speaking again shortly here hoping to get more than just finally providing before we let you go i know you have to leave us very so and what about the death toll the casualties been various numbers out there what is the official death toll right now. so there is no official confirmation what a lot of fear reporting and what everyone is reporting is that you know it could be anywhere between nine to twenty seven people according to media reports who are
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sourcing it to on very far it looks people sources so it's not it's not certain yet again i hope or there's more clarity on that from the prime minister speak clear evening thank you very much for taking the time to speak to us praveen manana is the reuters bureau chief in new zealand joining us there on the phone he's on his way to the scene of the attacks this friday in christchurch as we watch these latest pictures that are coming to us from new zealand is as you can see a lot of distress people in panic as a city remains on lockdown after two shootings that at least two mosques. an attack that targeted the muslim community in christchurch reports of at least nine people killed some other reports of twenty seven dead if you're joining us on al-jazeera it is coming up to almost five forty five pm in new zealand four forty five pm g.m.t. here's what we know has happened in christchurch police say four people have been
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arrested three men and one woman after shootings in two mosques multiple casualties with unconfirmed reports as we've said of up to thirty people killed witnesses have described one man one suspect dressed in black entering the nor mosques the main mosque in central christchurch during friday prayers dozens of shots were heard and people ran out in tara as understood at least one of the shooters live streamed his attack police are urging people not to copy or not to share that link online new zealand's prime minister just into ardern said that this was an unprecedented. act of extreme violence and one of our country's. day. one survivor of the attack describe to us what happened. given.
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one forty two. and. i don't know actually i haven't seen him because i just lie down on the bench and i'm thinking that. if i get out i'll get just keeping my fingers crossed so i could be alive but you know i was allowed to come out of the most of the shooting stopped . and the mayor of christchurch has also been speaking about the situation. but this is same shock a shock to a city our state has same story so much already and it's it is. it's just it's just you know i'm shocked beyond where it's a it's i cannot think of the right words to say that i do want to offer paypal's some reassurance which is the police are doing absolutely everything that i can on
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absolutely confident about their age and seeking to get them a shot on the controls and as soon as they are in a position to decide as i have got the matter on to control them we will be i would say in the lockdown of officer the state and the buildings on the scene for city this is come as a complete fall from the blue united if you'd see today are behaving a conversation about the. you know the sort of them shouldn't and christchurch at some stage you know any time i would say that is it would be unbelievable and that actually i'd say the same for the whole of new zealand just sits it's just it feels like it's just not knowledge what would have sons in a place like new zealand and. the flyers been such a shock to so many paypal's well i haven't fantasized on in these white supremacist groups. it all. ends and the entire time that are saying the mayor of christchurch
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and i would have stored there if the place had aids consumes and there were gas scenes i would have learned about it's a mime and we are responsible obviously for our own facilities and and like everyone else following the instructions of the place this is the police and children's and i asked and charged and we just doing everything that we can to provide you know support in responding to. requirements to fire. that was the mayor of christchurch new zealand leon dalziell speaking earlier about these two attacks at mosques in her city new zealand in shock after these two incidents at least nine people reported killed perhaps more perhaps at least twenty seven dead we've heard from the mayor of christchurch there we've heard from new
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zealand's prime minister as well and the police commissioner who has told reporters just a few minutes ago that four people are in custody three men and one woman after these two shootings at least two shootings at two mosques in christchurch new zealand but they're still dealing with an active situation and urging people to stay indoors and also to stay away from mosques across new zealand we also spoke to will trafford of the new zealand herald who said in new zealand is a panicked area in shock after these shootings. at this point two locations all attacks the elmore mosque in the city's central area is way below them which majid mosque we have for port said at this point unconfirmed reports of up to twenty seven people might have been checked died in this incident and it is continue to be classified as an ongoing situation with the city and lockdown now obviously what you could before as well was the church was one of the shootist was
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in custody however they continue to cause an ongoing situation as they attempt as we've heard from a number of witnesses to track down all the potential commons so one shooter and custody and possibly others on the new sign magine people are panicked in the city . people and their economics as you said before this is not something that happens in new zealand this is not something that is a regular thing but you might sort of understand an album called the world so new zealanders i think are quite shocked by this the police are obviously telling people if you're in the city center and question day in those three don't go outside but at the same token obviously a lot of people were outside on the streets when we had one report of one of the gunmen leaving the mosque and actually actively pursuing people down the road and putting a child that was among that. we've we have reports this child has gone on the
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asli it was an active shooting situation within mosques and and even out on to the streets. well that was a journalist who we were speaking to earlier and who at the time was telling us that one person was in custody but since then we've heard from the police commissioner my bush who says four people four suspects are in custody now after the shooting the attacks in christchurch three men and one woman several people killed after gunmen entered two mosques in christchurch and started shooting at worshipers who were gathered there for friday prayers the city in shock the whole country in fact in shock because this is really. unprecedented event to happen in new zealand interesting me the police commissioner joining his news conference was asked whether he would describe this says the terrorists attack and he did not call it
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a terrorist attack but we will see how that evolves in the coming hours we also spoke to sam clark who is a journalist based in church in christchurch and he told us about the unfolding situation. so the minute since you don't focus on the mine most can tell me. who is still knowing about the look of the tech doing over the months and that the gunman the police haven't confirmed they had that come in in custody so we do believe that it's still an active scene that we haven't had the video out of the in the same way that we have the might must in the future of town so that one is still very much helping the other one seems to have come down at least for now the attack of a single most especially in the conditions that have been described perhaps with an automatic weapon that sort of thing was unprecedented in new zealand so i can understand police taking maximum precautions he did and want people to stay away from mosques around the country we don't know what is what has triggered this
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attack and we don't know just how far the coordination goes and what else could be following so that would be the reason why police have lockdown of the mosque around the country if you're joining us on al-jazeera at four fifty am g.m.t. five fifty pm friday. in new zealand if you're joining us the latest on the unfolding situation in christchurch on the south and i and police saying that four people have been a rest said three men and one woman after shootings in two mosques in christchurch say on multiple casualties with unconfirmed reports that have to thirty people being killed when is have described one man dressed in black and touring the nor mosque in central christchurch during friday prayers dozens of shots were heard and people ran out in terror as under said that at least one of the shoot as nice streamed is attacked police are asking people not to share that video speaking
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a short while ago the police commissioner said they've also found bombs attached to several cars which have been now disable so clearly a very very confusing and evolving situation in new zealand the police chief mike bush spoke a short while ago he is some of the details that he gave. foreign custody in. a man and one a woman one is a woman as i understand it. it's it's moving quite quickly so i need to frame that i'm a way that that's what we believe at this moment we know anything. but i will. not conclusively we're working our way through that as well as a crisis that you're. still working at the circumstances that surround it. that is doesn't get any more serious in this country and it is that we are. going to
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have certainly will have same social media footage it's very disturbing but it shouldn't be in the public domain and we're doing everything we can to remove it out to you after he takes us there was. the attackers were apprehended by local police has been some absolute acts of bravery on the hugely proud to call the police staff the way. i responded to this. but let's not presume that the danger is gone so we want to make sure that we are right across the community where is visible and equipped as we need to be to make that happen you know or want to travel can tell us yes i can tell you that there were a number of days attached to vehicles that we also stopped by even my saif by the defense force but that does go to the seriousness of the situation that while it is interesting here most of. that person has been made saif we're still working
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through that we have the laves there was a climb but there person is absolutely so i fit in the patient you. know i can't confirm that i can confirm that we have to have a risk to people i want to assume there are others but i don't have information to that effect the people who have been there. with i know. i can't go into their detail that detail will unfold in the next few days that's all i can cite of this stage but i'm absolutely conscious that the public need to be informed keep to fall into this we have to my left a host of communications staff who will make that happen but as you can imagine we have so many operational staff that have absolutely committed to this operation these police are going to be out as being instructed to be out within reach out we while what can he say now of course he will have a media access to the equipment they need to keep themselves in the community saif
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al pieces inside of christ you believe it's going to yes we're not assuming that this is contained across church we have no other information to suggest it is but at this point in time we should never make assumptions. that was new zealand sweeney's commissioner mike bush speaking to reporters earlier let's get the needs is now and bring up burns francis once again cheesy t.v. and said reporter anna bring is the latest i understand the knock down in christchurch has been lifted. that's correct we've just received in the last couple of minutes a notification from police that the lockdown across all schools all schools in the canterbury region has now been left to that means children who have been kept in school for quite a long time more than they used to three hours overdue from when schools would normally finish they can now go home much to the relief of the parents obviously
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families of those children will have spent a worrying few hours hoping that all the children will be safe in those schools so police say that means there is still a large police presence across the city but that those children can now go home for the evening what about the mosques the situation at the mosques. well their situation remains unchanged obviously the these two mosques that were the scenes of these horrific acts are now crime scenes but of course there are a number of mosques across the rest of the country is the muslim population is not big at sony about forty six thousand people at the last count but there are mosques around all of the main seem to new zealand and in much smaller towns as well with these communities will congregate so police have said that as a precaution and a precaution only they don't believe there's any active three eight to those mosques but as a precaution they have sent patrol cars to every mosque around the country that
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they're aware of and they're also asking that mosques keep their doors shut until they say the street is over. and you know i think for for our viewers it's very important to understand you know the situation in new zealand in what we're dealing here is an unprecedented event for the country police in new zealand not on these huge events these shootings don't happen in new zealand as the do in the united states for instance so what sort of response can we expect after this from the authorities and from the public. absolutely you are quite correct new zealand is just not used to seeing. at the moment of course they will be on high alert and they are all. responses have responded across the country focusing on what they can to the region the defense forces being brought on our highest tactical team the say is as involved as to is
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the eye is that's the high technical police unit they're both those teams and they will be for some time while this scene is still while the situation is unfolding and that will be reassuring to some people and the city but it will also be a new event new zealanders aren't used to seeing forces on the streets it's just not a scene we see here so it's two way street really i suppose for many people it will be reassuring for others it will be a reminder that this could still be a situation that develops and one that we are still uncertain of the most of all with this fully and interesting the during his news conference the police commissioner was asked whether he would describe this as a terrorist attack and he didn't see whether he would is that likely to change. what we know from the reports we have put out by the men purporting to be the gunmen before he went on the subject he certainly has described his actions or his
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planned actions at that time as being a tech because we are so unused to any situation like this in new zealand no doubt they are taking some precautions with the way in which they describe what has happened today and no doubt it will be a developing situation in which they look back and assess how this was handled what warnings they were that how that will these agencies responded and whether that would be considered a terror attack the prime minister was hitting back to wellington the softer tone she canceled the rest of her duties to meet with the response teams and try and work through just exactly what has happened and how they deal with this going forward you know as we speak and we're watching the latest pictures we have from outside of one of the mosque outside of. the scene of one of the attacks and the people gathered there trying to comfort each other as you said new zealand doesn't have a big muslim community you say about forty six thousand people you know tell us about the reactions and also had they been warnings is you know are hate crimes an issue
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in new zealand. well it's a tricky one to answer really because it wouldn't be fair to say that there is never a hate crime new zealand you know needs to own these sorts of situations there have been crimes and the past that could be described as hate crimes but certainly nothing on a scale like this this is unprecedented an attack on a community that had no reason to expect anything like this should ever happen to them they came to new zealand for safety for peace and security quite often many of our muslim population might have come from as refugees to this country expecting that this would be a fresh new start in the safe life that they wanted and certainly today would say that that was something they should have been able to expect and didn't get from our country and that they haven't been kips but certainly from the people we've spoken to that one uses talk to that mosque a deeply distressing afternoon what should have been
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a peaceful prayer time for them turned into horrific scenes and that will take them many months many days to process what has happened to them thank you so much for speaking to us on a burns francis reporter joining us there from oakland thank you very much for your time it is now five am g m t six pm in christchurch new zealand if you're just joining us the latest on the unfolding situation in new zealand in that city in new zealand christchurch as we've heard from. burns francis the reporter who we were just speaking to the naacp down in christchurch has been lifted on schools in the city but not on the mosques usually students would finish school about three in the afternoon but narcissa after six pm as we've said so they were in there for three hours but that knocked down has now been lifted police say that four people have been a rest said three men and one woman after the shootings in two mosques in christ church they are multiple casualties with unconfirmed reports about. to thirty
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people being killed what mrs have described one man dressed in black entering the nor mosque the main mosque in central christchurch was was built in one thousand nine hundred four the man entered the mosque during friday prayers when they were possibly hundreds gathered to pray and dozens of shots were heard and people ran out in terror it's also understood that at least one of the shooters live streamed his attack police telling people not to share that link on social media police also say they've found bombs attached to several cars which have now been disabled. dollars dale is the mayor of christchurch and she'll has also been speaking about the situation in her city. but this is pain shot a shot to a city state his same story so much already and it's it is.
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it's just it's just you know i'm shocked beyond where it's a it's i cannot think of the right words to say that i do want to offer paypal's some reassurance which is the police are doing absolutely everything that i can on absolutely confident about their age and seeking to get summation on the controls and as soon as they are in a position to decide as i have got the matter under control them will be i would say in the lock down of officer the state and the buildings on the scene for city this is come as a complete fall from the blue united if you'd see today are behaving a conversation about the. you know the sort of them shouldn't and christchurch at some stage you know any time i would say that is it would be unbelievable and that actually i'd say the same for the whole of new zealand just sits it's just it
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feels like it's just not knowledge what would have sons in a place like new zealand and. the flyers been such a shock to so many paypal's well i haven't fantasized on in these white supremacist groups. at all. and and the entire time that are saying the mayor of christchurch and i would have thought stage if the place had aids consumes and they were gassed scenes i would have learned about it it's a mime and we are responsible obviously for our own facilities and and like everyone else following the instructions of the place. police sent to them as and they asked and charged and we just doing everything that we can to provide you know support in responding to the requirements as far as the lockdown guards. that was the mayor of christchurch speaking about an hour or so ago before the
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lockdown on the schools in christchurch was lifted that has now happened but the mosques still an active crime scene we understand from the police commissioner who spoke a short while ago multiple fatalities again after shootings at two mosques in christchurch police say they have arrested four people three men and one woman who are in custody and they've also found a number of improvised explosives device strapped to vehicles which they have disabled now the gunman one of the gunmen appeared to have live streaming video of the attack on mine and he also left a very long racist manifesto where he outlined a white supremacist motivation for the attack and described the victims as invaders police are urging people not to share that deal and are trying to bring it down in fact from social media and the writer of that manifesto has identified himself in fact as a twenty eight year old white man who was born in australia these are the pictures
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from outside the main hospital in christchurch as you can see the victims being brought in after the shooting at the main mosque in the city we're hearing that at least nine people at the minimum have been killed that number could be as high as thirty one survivor of the attacks described to us earlier what happened it. shook rose given the sermon on friday prayers and it was one forty two the gun start. came in heard hauck i don't know really i haven't seen him because i just laid down on the bench and. get out of your troops just keeping my fingers crossed so i could be alive but you know i was a large guard to come out of the most of the shooting. a lucky escape for that man but not the case unfortunately for many others who were inside that main mosque in
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christchurch two mosques targeted the un nor mosque which was the main mosque in the center of the city which was built in one thousand nine hundred five and where hundreds of muslims go especially on friday for prayer is new zealand's felice chief mike bush made a short short statement while ago and here's what he said on the situation the latest police have been telling the public. dealing with an unprecedented situation in new zealand. very serious. we have dealt with. active shooter situation we have multiple fatalities at this point i can't say how many but it is significant. mosques in christchurch one of the deans avenue and one of linn whatever new. help police have those. locations locked down we have full people in custody.
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we are not aware of the people we cannot assume there are not at the latch we have a number of schools and lockdown we currently making sure we have enough to saturate the area with enough equipment to ensure that when we release that a lot of people can get home safely we're in the crisis of that it will happen very shortly whoring resources into that area every available canterbury and. staff member and people unable i either emergency services also. said training metiria with visibility to ensure that everyone who needs to get home can get so siphoning. sitting up in a facility as we must because this is absolutely treasured it will be so many
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people affected so that people can get more information they will be worried about their loved ones if we don't have the identities of those people who have died as yet because i was like haitians are still in lockdown but we want to make sure we set up a facility where people can find and and get the information i need that is an absolute priority people are doing that at the moment as you can imagine this is requiring every police in. emergency resource that we have available we have a defense force aircraft here in wellington ready to fly more resources into the area. from other locations nearby as well. so i want to assure the public we are doing everything we can to make sure there is no more to the community. an unprecedented situation for new zealand after two attacks today at mosques in the city of christchurch this as a prime minister had to say as has said earlier is one of the docket stays in the country's history they hadn't been
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a shooting in new zealand since nineteen ninety when a man at the time killed thirteen people including two six year olds after a dispute with his neighbor at the time that was in one thousand nine hundred ninety and now this incident here which of course has shocks the country an international reaction is also starting to come in australia's foreign minister scott morrison tweeted this a short while ago saying i'm horrified by the reports some following the situation of a serious shooting in christchurch new zealand the situation is still unfolding but i thought send prayers on with kiwi cousins new zealand's prime minister just into our turn is now heading to a briefing in wellington with the security intelligence services she held a news conference and as i said she described this as one of her country's dock estates. police will be giving more details as they can is the situation unfolds whilst i cannot give any confirmation at this stage around fatalities in case your
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t. s. what i can say is that it is clear that this is one of new zealand's darkest days. clearly what has happened here is an extraordinary and unprecedented ect of violence many of those who will have been directly affected by this shooting may be migrants to new zealand they may even be refuted here they have chosen to make new sealing their home and it is their home they are us the person who has put picture i did this violence against us is not they have no place in new zealand it is not a place in new zealand for such acts of extreme.


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