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tv   East End Undertakers  Al Jazeera  March 20, 2019 6:32am-7:01am +03

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outside of afghanistan my role models the justin bieber and selena gomez. i dream to be a professional one popular singer in the future and i hope i can sing in different languages for all different people like an english. language and. i want to make very nice. and patriotic. but let's have a quick check of the headlines here on al-jazeera and the un is describing that cycling is one of the worst weather disasters ever to hit the southern hemisphere hundreds are confirmed dead many more missing millions of people have been affected across mozambique zimbabwe i'm allowing the first funerals have taken place in christ church in new zealand for victims of friday's shooting at two mosques that
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killed fifty people thirty bodies have been released to the families for burials or new zealand's prime minister just into who's visiting christ church minutes of silence will be observed on friday for the victims of the attacks the islamic call to prayer will also be televised nationwide she said it was particularly tragic that refugees were among the victims of the attack. one of the things that was shared with me was that the family fictive were syrian refugees and i cannot tell you how getting it is to knowledge that the family came here for safety and for refuge. and they should have been safe here and you will see that you know under some social media one of the. one of the images any company would say it has spread the most has been that this was the home and they should have been sent here. the chief brags it negotiator says that britain will only be allowed to delay its departure from the blog if it increases chances of getting the deal through
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parliament the deal has already been rejected twice by british m.p.'s. the u.s. transportation department says it will examine how the country's aviation regulator the f.a.a. certified the boeing seven three seven max eight aircraft several countries have grounded the planes in the wake of two fatal crashes in less than six months. the international is accusing the u.s. military of killing civilians in somalia contradicting claims by the u.s. government satellite imagery from five out of more than one hundred air strikes and found that at least fourteen civilians were killed the u.s. government acknowledges that strikes under the trumpet ministration have tripled and that hundreds of fighters have been killed but it insists that there have been zero civilian casualties. today with headlines the news continues right here on al-jazeera after this is europe. africa's most populous nation a blah just economy has
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a youth unemployment problem and a bit to control the internet of the future out some sad kind of digital i am told today is folding we bring you the stories that are shaping the economic world we live in. counting the cost on al-jazeera. what about the gentleman who died in north london this week is with us she sent us the better this is a peek at when we're going to be able to oh please so you listen when you stretch
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we bury him to more thirty five or so weeks of work and still working here is the twenty four hour a day seven days a week job to do with the amount of stress that we experience sometimes is immense i can still hope you maybe get on these boards. and. looking for work. i'm good i'm a muslim funeral director here in london. i've now part time and i'm letting the young people take over. so what will happen now is we have take and it's fun and in front of the most place this is present in his coffin and we have another funeral happening today so after the play is finished move will take the deceased down to the money and sometimes twenty percent of the total one full building that. but you must own i don't want journals over
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will take you down to the money i'm some time and one of the rooms will do a great if you look at this as soon as you're ready to take it to the us ok. the latest as to who passed away was mostly in the. nephew and the people that came through it all feel that they're christian. i believe that a bit vague in terms of what happens in the muslim if you know as in a sonic muslim as a basic and simple in that sense but floor macof to the men explain what's happening.
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right now my grandson in college so i know he's coming in the last six months and we hope that we can train him to take over for me to carry on to do sure and to carry on the service for the people here you know under his. own mind and it's going to. be i will. be judged on my dad and. mom i do know. that you know. others. will be about. as you said it was this will give it all.
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my whole family member who is with him and his so i've been overwhelmed. the idea of death and death is an everyday thing. that's. carried on my family's legacy. mom to walk up to three knowing. my mom dad she went into the company was my great grandfather wonder a little bit help so sure for we can then he turned the years and she just carried on i think she decided she wanted to go back teaching. was quite surprised you wanted to do this and i didn't know whether it was just because it was an easy option because you. just. really want to do it to.
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really enjoy doing. so my dad's a big character and it's really difficult because for twenty years over twenty years we struck we saw a stopping father and daughter and became business partners which challenge to stomach lee how i was dealing with him and talking to him and there's this very much disrespect thing. and we deal with things very very differently i was in partnership with my dad only up until recently. who know was here for twenty years and she decided to achieve would stand back for a while because maybe she wanted to direct her to trust him to nose and i was standing in her way we have women come here their husbands have died and they can relate to a woman better than they can a man especially with asian women so we need
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a woman's touch here and i think he will be coming back. we have about thirty thousand plus muslim population here in the white chapel east london area and this is always been the kind of melting pot of southern england. you know them love you play polo visit the mosque every now and name not only did i go. to the extent the mosque to cause trouble that bit of a channel but islands. lovely little towns and causing quite a lot of. they came here that day was. consoled by the i think it was the it was the. temperature leading to for what brits first was privileged to be in london i was speech she might arrive in belfast is someone that isn't always here it's because the kids and it's. working quite straight was closed off because at the pyne gould he started me saying i'm sure it was developed
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by now friend. and you know i don't live in the area. the moment a lot though it's a pretty you know they're an issue we work together we go on to give a what. i want to from some even the many well what we all respect one another's views yeah to a point of we disagree sometimes but we don't ram have used them people shrug. the way i do you can't be fearful just in case you as you know that. when the downy i'm not ok and think we're going to happen is it going to happen yeah especially when you got the case. what i could. to get the original yes you have to give them the original green
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certificate last year which is slowing this country you have to have the greens and difficult original ok i do problems give me a ring but i think you're going by. you only bury somebody once and people remember things when they go wrong weddings and funerals and if you do it right there where my dad used to do it then that's good and if you do it wrong those people will never forget you and will always curse you. too. this is the picture of dad and me. yeah when i was about five years of age because my father it wasn't very happy about having photographs taken when mothers in the sari and i'm sure this was about nineteen fifty six this was taken. around about the mid sixty's when there was an influx of muslim people arriving here in east london mainly bangladeshis or at that time it was east pakistan.
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the need for a funeral service grew so my father purchased a black ambulance man and started to do the funerals here in london. tasneem army was only seventeen is anyone he deputized this far his father was away on pilgrimage to mecca i grew up here in this area and we had this phenomena called bashing we had right wing groups coming along looking for asians to beat up just for the sake of it. my father was beaten up and. it wasn't what wasn't a good time in east end of london. my mum was welsh she converted to islam too in the second world war with my father she was a coal miner's daughter can you imagine the stigma of a white lady marrying a dark person but she didn't care but i'm also proud to be
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a bangladeshi as well. oh yeah that's my dad that's my dad roughly. four weeks before he died and is smile when he graduated. and muna when she graduated she sees the world in a different way because being younger than me she can maybe project forward where i don't that's why i think politicians shouldn't be allowed to be politicians after sixty five that some young blood for us away because they got better ideas and see things better than we do we're always thinking in the past and they're thinking in the future and it's important. so i do miss her yes.
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today we have the you know gratian all the strong room for the first british muslim archives and guests who want different books of life have come to join us in the celebrations of this kind of pivotal moment. hygene setup the country's first and indeed it was europe's first muslim burial service we're hopefully going to see and to family members coming in. we're starting at five thirty so fingers crossed the ocean for make it on time just go fifteen
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minutes. that's a very good move you should call. i can have just missed a whole can of this finished safely timing not us. ok so where is this that gary this is going to guy in the marriage and point is before you go down to destruction it's a riot how many can see it if you want to hang it in a guide to pray to hell that play. dirty funny because i didn't realize and i think the only bitingly apply it is that your point that we're all maybe you can take a photo and i can send it to dad. we know i. to say that i was expecting it to give him some idea of what went on. a bit of excitement in the room for example
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come to say may. the mayor of london said the city called. quite sure. it was bam and stop explaining how my granddad became the caretaker a fellow a blob in the room for him so many people to i didn't actually know the knew of me or knew who i was came up to speak to me on this one here because my dad was at the meeting. and my grandad. after some heated discussion the bill was approved impulse the payment. and at the time miss attempted alley was requested not to do any burials on behalf of the fund before getting prior consent from the honorable church founded by graham.


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