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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  March 20, 2019 10:00am-10:34am +03

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two mosques that killed fifty people thirty bodies have been released to the families for burials for new zealand's prime minister just announced that two minutes of silence will be observed on friday for the victims of the attacks the islamic call to prayer will also be televised nationwide it interview with al-jazeera and said nations must take a stand against the ideology of hate what i am absolutely acknowledges even though this terrorist act was committed by someone who was not and you see and we cannot ignore at that as many nations today that there are those in new zealand albeit small who will share the ideology of this attack a and we must root that out i've been very clear on this the un is describing cycling is one of the worst weather disasters ever to hit the southern hemisphere hundreds of confirmed dead many more missing and millions of people have been
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affected across mozambique zimbabwe and blowing up the use chief breaks a negotiator says britain will only be allowed to do less departure from the block if it increases chances of getting the breaks a deal through parliament the deal has already been rejected twice by british m.p.'s the united states transportation department says it will examine how the country's aviation regulator that is the f a a certified the boeing seven three seven max eight aircraft follows two fatal crashes in less than six months because it stands president has abruptly announced his resignation after twenty nine years in the job the sultan those are by have led the central asian countries since its independence from the soviet union in one thousand nine hundred ninety one in a televised address the seventy eight year old explained that he had made it difficult decision but didn't say why. u.s. president trump says he is strongly considering nato membership for brazil he made
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the comments during his visit to the u.s. its first trip abroad since taking office in january you know today that alliance got more news right after the listening post the ultranationalist marks connected with one of the world's worst humanitarian crises we don't have any maigret joining with the military to impose a deadly political agenda they have to protect our nation what has happened to their opinion that's one of the biggest stains on the country as a whole. this is not religion this is a politics. an unholy alliance on al-jazeera. you know we take the street having to decide to leave everything from there because you think he can play a. good. part.
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and that is he. will not be seeking. hello i'm richard yes but if you're at the listening post here are some of the media stories we're covering this week down but not quite out the question algerians are asking is when will they see the end of their longtime presence a mass shooting in new zealand and the ethics of graphic imagery what should and should not be shown online and on air my beauty my purpose is advertising those feel good that is designed to make you feel good about buying something and i'll be living with one. of. the bricks that britain is burning and the politician who set it alight is profiting at a safe distance three weeks in damascus little protests algeria's president of the lizzie's a beautifully to has given in withdrawing his bid for a fifth term in office the announcement did not come from beautifully himself the eighty two year old has hardly been seen in public since a stroke six years ago left him paralyzed for now algeria is invisible ruler
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remains in office his indefinite postponement of next month's elections suggests he might not be going anytime soon algeria social media space has been occupied by protesters driving the street movement providing their own coverage of citizens have learned not to count on media aligned with the government especially broadcasters they've long been controlled by the state criticism of the ailing ruler had been scarce there were other things are changing marginalized voices many of them banned from the airwaves are being heard once again reporters at state backed outlets have been criticizing the journalism of their own channels could this really be the beginning of the end for a president. has been in power for nearly twenty years our starting point this week is. sunday march fourth the evening newscast on canal. a french language channel that
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stayed on. for the algerian media it would be a telling moment for the woman who had spent fifteen years in the anchor chair the last straw the m a dossier reads a letter from president to flee word for word addressing the unrest on the streets of. words and. then she turned to news of an opposition figure a voice of dissent announcing his intention to run for beautifully because job two was reading going through her newscast and was going to read an item about one of the other candidates and she was clearly told in her ear piece don't read that. at least if you did he should concede that people don't. like practices straight out of the soviet union looking at her body language she was really in a very weird position and he expressed that so much and just after the t.v.
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show c he resigned from that position and said enough is enough it was another in line or that you don't live in a free country you are under the song of a regime that controls what your visual cortex sees. and that is an outrageous thing for someone to feel in the twenty first century in the border less world of the internet where ideas are moving across. the demonstrations began a month ago in northern algeria far from the capital they were set off by the news that president beautifully would seek an unprecedented and unconstitutional fifth term in office. within a week the protests had reached algiers organized on and driven by social media the armrest quickly grew to a level the country has not seen in decades initially the state on channels can now read and e n t v both buried their heads in the sand ignoring the story.
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however four days into the protests in the capital on february twenty sixth journalists held one of their own over the orders that they were getting from above preventing them from doing their job. so it was a pretty significant moment. in this is not acceptable and were able to act on that was previously you know thoughts that maybe wouldn't have been taken and the extent to which civil society really was mobilizing in support of the movement kind of course it was the most god and that was just trying to ignore the news simply wasn't going to floyd since the beginning of the protestant on february twenty second that journalists and media had had very informal you know guidelines not to cover the protest and they didn't want the beginning of june t.v. where having you know several t.v. shows coast to ones that and documentaries and there was no coverage on what so
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ever about what was going gone and the street then when i marched with the students in the university of the next nominee not do that on february twenty sixth one of the slogans somewhere yes a half a week until better which means that. you media where did you go it was very significant only even in the flick oh it. too is the main national t.v. channel for this very unusual for much of an open debate between a couple of major. figures on the political crisis given the kind. to be able. to openly you know the question of the question of transition it was taken by a lot of sign that things were moving. before when they'd been try not to talk about the protests at all. every war results in casualties and the battle for truth
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in algeria has produced a few. us spent twelve years hosting a program on a state owned radio channel ai his show was cancelled this past week because he did not choose his words carefully enough and luna's did not even speak directly on the protests or the politics his crime was speaking philosophically allegorically that it. had been the subject of the set piece that was the theory of social contract the philosopher jacques rousseau says that people are the source of power and that a nation cannot be built without its people i concentrated on this philosophical pulling the director of the channel thought i was talking about the current movement even though i didn't directly refer to it or take any particular political stance certain people in public media do not understand the transformation happening in nigeria society today and still behave with a controlling mentality. that is outdated the people in the demonstrations have
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proven that this mentality belongs in the past just and we don't want. our interview with blueness was conducted over skype because al-jazeera has effectively been banned from algeria since two thousand and four the beautifully good government is very selective about which international news outlets it will allow in limiting song to visits by foreign leaders or other stories the authorities want to cover and the underground absence of global news organizations may have contributed to some of the misconceptions swirling around the story starting with the lazy labeling of the protests as. jury is a version of the arab spring given that they're describing a population that rose up against one party rule in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight more than two decades before their neighbors to. look we respect what happened in other countries but we are in another concept we start with our
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revolution in one thousand eight hundred eight we had our first free election in one thousand nine hundred one when the our borders are really in a totally different situation algeria had a free press a vibrant democracy free speech a renaissance in the bubbling of creativity is in the arts in the culture of all of that and when the elections got canceled and when the islamist won and the bloody civil war that that ensued after so now people don't even like the term spring they just say this is our liberation movement which is continuing with all due respect to what happened in other kinds. of judea was a precursor in the arab spring and this is why do not like the analogy because of what happened after the arab spring in the region terrorism jihad isn't that. terrible socio economic situation and they don't want to that for that country i feel that they paid a hefty price after that do you speak in one nine hundred eighty eight and what
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followed. having been through such an uprising before having then watched their neighbors do the same algerians have fewer illusions than most they know what has not changed that president putin's leak while out of sight is still in the picture that the powers that be known as looking to have backed the president for so long are still there algerians also know that their news media which are showing signs of life could revert to old habits at any time. where discussing other media so. is that our on our radar this week with one of our producers matt cella. marcello the mass murders that took place at those two mosques in new zealand it was clear that the perpetrators wanted to attract attention and that they relied on live streaming technology to get it that's right richard because there was seventeen minutes of video live streamed on facebook and
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then repos sit on three of the major platforms the suspect also published his white supremacists manifesto on an american website where users can create their own story boards this week by washington post reporter drew holland who specializes in artificial intelligence sums up the problem the new zealand massacre was life streamed on facebook announced on a channel replace it on you tube comments it said about reddit and marriage around the world before the companies could even reacts. those platforms then scrambled to take material down but eight hours later the full video was still up on you tube and as all of this is unfolding online there are news organizations around the world with some editorial decisions to make various media outlets brokaw's some of the footage or imbedded it on their websites and posts including several in australia and al-jazeera arabic in most cases they didn't show the actual shootings or any victims they limited their videos to the moment the government entered the
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mosque the british paper the daily mail took it further now bear in mind the site is driven by advertising and for a time allowed viewers to watch the video in full as these events prime minister just in their ads and put it we should not be perpetuating sharing giving any oxygen to this act of violence and the message that is sitting behind it on the venezuela now the political power struggle there the ongoing propaganda war and one piece of video that made news and then made news again yes video emerged a few weeks back showing trucks carrying humanitarian aid ablaze and it was aired by news networks around the world as evidence that president models forces were setting it on fire problem is the video was doctored this week the new york times took a forensic look at those images and showed how the trucks have been in fact set alight not by my little forces but by protester who threw a molotov cocktail that hit one of the vehicles you launch is one mollett off but
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the second one separates and we as the times then traces how there's a video spread like wildfire us politicians took to twitter with a news networks regurgitated without checking its legitimacy so then this then becomes a story about some good fact checking on the part of the new york times it does but by the time that times piece was published the misinformation it had plenty of time to spread that could have easily been avoided because there were in fact many journalists on the ground on day one you question the video and their doubts failed to make the news costs taken two weeks for the times to set the record story ok thanks melissa. turning now to an advertising trend and a social media story that probably came up on your news feeds recently that gillette ad that landed the company in some hot water jumping on the need to hash tag and subsequent movement to protect women from sexual harassment in the workplace gillette tweaked its long time sales slogan the best
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a man can get turning it into the best that men can be and then the company got beat up online for appropriating a social movement for the sake of its profits that advertising technique has a name it's called purpose marketing it's a socio political kind of brand of messaging that adopts a purpose in order to sell a product in the twenty first century marketplace traditional product focused campaigns no longer get the clicks the likes the shares that advertisers crave so more and more of them are latching on to causes and gillette's not the only brand to have an ad of this kind backfire the listening posts johannah who's now on a marketing trend and the challenge of striking a balance between purpose and profit. believe in something. even if it means sacrificing everything racial equality my beauty my beauty my be any my female empowerment this is what
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happens when ice cream is just two degrees warmer than it should be the realities of climate change bullying to me too are you against actually being smashed you live for big brands just selling a product is no longer enough. is this the best a man can get advertising it doesn't work like it used to getting people's attention is really difficult companies can't just talk about what they make it work because we've seen it before and we're not. so what so many brands are doing this show up with conversations that we want to be part of and if they can go out for the ride that's the best food available to them where experience in shift in generational values that's leading to a younger people in particular buy from companies that are more conscientious into the bigger picture what young people can see is rising inequality increased political polarization and because of this there is
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a need for businesses to consider more than just profit not something they've ever been particularly good ads that you say i said no way which begs the question is social political causes companies pick the stances they take to the amount to anything more than on screen publicity stunts strategically a doctor to do all the clicks the likes of the shares their businesses rely on. in the case of perhaps the answers seems to be no. in two thousand and seventeen the company put out an ad appropriating the black lives matter movement to sell its product but it backfired and i since been held up as a prime example of how not to do purpose marketing because pepsi attempted to challenge decades of police brutality and racial inequality with a can of soda and a supermodel a white one so we have a serious issue here that's meaningful to people and they'd be little bit by using
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one of the most. wealthy women in the world as their spokes model. makes it seem trite and certainly opportunistic it didn't seem authentic it seemed like just climbing onto a cause and it really rang false for people who care about those issues at no point i guess pepsi ever intimate through that rock that ties in unlocked in that they're aligned with the book by as much movement and because of that the out with same as reductive and making a pop culture moment of. protest against police brutality we've seen one after another disastrous outcome of brands that try to you know use fake purpose opportunistically to connect with consumers and it back.


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