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tv   Women of Krusha  Al Jazeera  March 20, 2019 3:00pm-3:58pm +03

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two disparate. hill human rights groups say it's because mass phase the protests could get larger and pose a threat to it even to be announced for the. thirty's or the police force in gaza cracking down on those even who initiated the call on social media so this means that the from day one they have gotten any kind of peaceful protest. on the subject of economic or. any other issue but they have been a position not to allow these demonstrations. anyway according to the world bank gaza has seventy percent unemployment among young people and it is young people who've been protesting over. demonstrations but the root causes still exist the israeli egyptian laid siege has been going on for more than a decade now regular israel and
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a myriad of other issues the gaza's economic situation is rapidly deteriorating. al-jazeera. thousands of students are in the bangladeshi capital calling for yours to be performed the protests following the death of a student head by boss in the capital dhaka on tuesday hundred chaldee has more. thousands of students gathered there in the area of the capital city that blocking the main part of fair which are not part of the city to the central part of the city let's say what anybody actually talk about this i got some stories here see what their demands are not that we are protesting well one of our fellow brothers had died yeah well the first agent is going to be. you have going to see the group killings that's the last one we want peace and we didn't thirty eight hours. like an hour and a half. yet you look then claim stand back i see you
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larry it's in all times so we need to do the read on all the buses there i should mention a similar protest took place last year in the end of july and lasted about a week with thousands of story took to the street in the capital city and other parts of the country will eventually took a political turn now that still has been continuously demanding that their old safety rules be enforced by the government it is a major problem in buying up that in two thousand and seventeen deployed the world health organization said that over twenty thousand people are killed on an average in bangladesh and about forty thousand people are in a serious concern there are rules and regulation but it's hardly enforced by the government hopefully this time the government will listen to what the student have to say and crack down on the road safety in bangladesh now finally this bulletin on usually wet weather on the west coast of the us has turned some hillsides into a blanket of wildfire flower as the super bloom has attracted huge crowds to one
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city in california bought that it's also of course something of a headache from reynolds reports on the rare phenomenon of southern california's hillside to put on their most gorgeous garment a brilliant robe composed of countless golden poppies it's a rare sight in this usually brown and dusty land heavy winter rains brought forth the blossoms in such abundance that the super bloom as it is known is attracting huge crowds to gaze in all it nature's splendor it's amazing it's like we're in heaven most people are chained to a desk and they don't have a chance to see anything like this and you can't even get this on your widescreen t.v.'s. i don't think you got to see it up front you got to see it you guys you actually have to see it with your own eyes a few days ago so many people flocked to walker canyon near the town of lake elsinore that mayor steve monoliths had to temporarily close the area we just
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didn't have the crowd control necessary to deal with the enormity of this which. we thought twenty thousand people maybe and we got one hundred and so disneyland usually gets forty four thousand on any given day so you can figure that you can do the numbers now things are under control with extra parking and more shuttle buses provided we're asking everyone to be kind of mind the trails don't pick the poppies don't own the poppies the kind of nature of the california poppy or s shoulder california is the official flower of the golden state much of its original habitat has been lost to development and invasive plants species some people make a pilgrimage to the wild flowers whenever they appear like a curious sato whose late mother brought him when he was his own son lucas's age the poppy is the sign of remembrance so you know looking at poppies is
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a good way to remember your loved ones who have passed the poppies hay day will be brief a week or two at most in the fourteenth century the persian poet hoffa's said spring and all its flowers now joyously break their vowell of silence it is time for celebration. soon the sun will dry the verdant hills and the poppies will return to the earth as all things mortal must. but it is a time for celebration robert oulds al-jazeera lake elsinore california. and i get all the news of a problem and how about the headlines on al-jazeera the first funerals for the victims of these ilands mosque attacks have taken place a father and son who fled the war in syria were buried in christ church where fifty people were shot dead at two mosques during friday prayers thirty bodies have now
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been released to families and police hope to return more by the end of wednesday when hey isn't christ church the first of the people to be. symmetry in christ church was a father and son and that was. and his son. arrived in new zealand they were refugees from syria they arrived just last year. there was another brother of homs is was also at the mosque was shot in. the funeral. and there's a diplomatic rift between a stray and turkey after president of the one link to the christ church shootings straight is involvement in turkey during the first world war of the one accused astray and new zealand of being anti muslim when their troops took part in the glibly campaign more than one hundred years ago astray as prime minister scott morrison has summoned turkey's ambassador. the number of people killed in
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a powerful cyclone in mozambique has risen above two hundred and is expected to rise further the u.n. says it could be one of the worst weather disasters to hit the southern hemisphere amnesty international is accusing the u.s. military of killing civilians in somalia the aid group analyzed satellite images from five out of one hundred air strikes and found that at least fourteen civilians were killed the u.s. military acknowledges that the number of strikes has tripled on the trumpet ministration and says hundreds of fighters have been killed but it maintains that they have been no civilian casualties. the u.s. department of transportation says it will examine how the country's aviation regulator the f.a.a. a certified at the boeing seven three seven max eight aircraft it follows two facial pressures in five months. well those are the headlines on al-jazeera the stream that's coming up next on march twenty fourth thailand will
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hold its first general election since the two thousand and fourteen military coup most thais are hoping for political stability but after years of military rule this election year join us for live coverage as thailand vote on zero zero. i am for me ok and i really could be here in the stream today people power in algeria we will ask how popular movement for political reform is changing the country are you in algeria what changes do you want to see us now live via twitter or in our you tube channel. option either i'm a reporter i'm a little civil and you are in the stream. protesters in algeria are saying enough is enough for weeks young algerians have been leading a movement against president abdelaziz bouteflika who has ruled the country for
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twenty years ballet into the pressure of protestors last week because of reversed his decision to run for a fifth term in office despite his promise to stand down protests have continued on tuesday thousands of students professors and health workers demonstrated in algiers to demand immediate change many criticize the government for being out of touch with every day algerians. this system is due and today the people united around a single free change the regime and we tell them go away go away you will last algeria has man skills as it is what you just. made i am here to tell the system enough it's over twenty years you ruined us you suck just dry we aren't afraid to leave us sons of traders are governing us they took the cow with its grass and its milk and everything enough let our children live let our children
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live and let our children. was due to hold elections in april but on monday a president with a fleet once again insisted the vote should only be held after a new constitution is approved through a national dialogue we're here to tell us more about the movement for reform in algeria and istanbul and yes i mean i lose a researcher and writer who focuses on north africa and that i am a resident scholar at the carnegie middle east center and in algiers i'm a sociologist welcome everyone to this stream i want to start with some pictures to give our audience a sense of the scale of these protests so take a look at my screen here this posted by red and has been shared several times on twitter he writes impressive drone footage showing the extent of the largest popular protests in algeria's history against the president's plan to cling to power and you can just see the scale of it there people looking tiny like this this
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is how it looks from a bird's eye view move over to this tweet here and this is been shown this and have a listen to what those protests actually sound like. and then today we got this one. a member of our community malia here says i'm marching with students in algiers today incredibly emotional and powerful students united will never be defeated and she posts a picture of herself from the tuesday march nineteenth protest you can see her there she sent that to us right before airtime got to get you have been among these protesters what is it like being out there in the streets. yes in the the in march with the student on february twenty sixth him back no one and then i marched with what was came to be called the one million march. that took place in march first
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and i have to say that was very powerful very emotional as you know political scientists it was amazing to observe the protests but as a national citizen of algeria it was very emotional for me i think we are leaving a very unique sequence of events that we haven't seen in since the ninety's you know when my mother used to drug me at protests saying no to terrorism so it was you know the scale of the protests were amazing the behavior and the peaceful nature of these protests also is something that really was impressive the organization as well you know each time for instance we would reach a polish very protester would you know ways their arms and h. and start chanting still me us in media which means peaceful peaceful they also
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chanted. sharp color which means military and police are brothers and it was very you know emotional people were giving us food they were giving us bottles of water i think this is the first time in a while that we haven't seen algerian that you need ok. you tweeted out nineteenth of march and you made a connecting a connection between the sixty's and what's happening today have a look here yes minister sixty two she talks about ninety from us twenty nine team of protesters students are doctors and other sectors and cities in algeria going out how would you describe what is happening in algeria right now. so based off the comparison of particular significant dates that we're seeing today
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of the nineteenth of march where you're seeing was a recommendation of the national history of algeria that for many yes has been manipulated by the ruling elites of generals who have used best status to legitimize their power hold and you're having this young generation now who are refused to see the governments of these world generals of based on the historic. what they've gained in the history of the country and read what the damage they've done in the waltz in governance and you're seeing seen a seventy percent of the population under the age of thirty that fed up frustrated having a president that is clearly unable to who has been unable to rule the size of the country since suffering a stroke in two thousand and thirteen who has not addressed the country in the last six years and there are those just a general consensus amongst the unions amongst various sectors in society in the
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public is enough. enough is enough that's represented here i want to show a series of tweets. put online by see that this headline this is and also to read that the that he shares some of the pictures that people are sharing online this algeria deep cleaning is referring to rampant corruption and graf symbolized by algeria's ruling clan scroll down a little bit more and these are sold visual south africa got madiba we got mostly a bob or a disaster and that is referring to the president they are sharing a cartoon and this last one i want to show. he writes this is an office term not an underwear brief for you to stretch and it's quoting a picture of someone who was there referring to bits of cancelling the elections and stretching his fourth term so clearly some creativity out in these protests but i mean how significant do you see these protests. i think the our
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manager and i think that all it's a little larry we didn't end. to one of the regime and towards the. ruling elite who have been hijacking the state and its resources since nine hundred sixty two it's really a little saying well you know we are going to do our own thing we don't want to negotiate with you no thank you we don't want you have anything to do with you and we do not know your. and what are the meeting but the fact that arjun are balanced that we can't agree with each other that are to destroy then your largest if you were you know that in the ninety's in our carry out there has been a struggle to have an approach first in ninety ninety two when and accurately to react years and it's party and it has been then a struggle between islamic groups and the army and security forces so people are really trying to get independence from all dad all that will argue that it's bad
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losing its needs its audacity its courts to use demands of shared just super. power and that's how we should dance this catalans and this week you were and this joy to be together with not having their his an interfering in our genes for to explore our much the thirteenth reuters took this picture on my laptop of a student protest and she says hey you wanted five that's a fifth term for the president here are five and he lists the reasons why people are on the streets he doesn't want to tell me extension they were fooling people or no more corrupt government and i'm all manipulation no to foreign intervention dahlia does that succinctly sum up why it is that you keep going back to algeria to protest is there a vision from the protesters about exactly why they're protesting what they want.
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yes indeed actually when the protestant the demand was very clear and focused and it was one demand it was no two the fifth term of our business is good for what has been in power for twenty years and fortunately the incapacity of the region to respond and to answer quickly to the demand made the protest go bigger and the demand extend so we went from no to the fifty to no to the entire region no to the entire system and to a slogan such as a shabby redo is cut them a dam which means the people want the region to fall so this is the incapacity of the region to answer and to dispense what it used to do you know during the ninety's but also during the arab spring that didn't happen in fact in algeria why because we were in front of the region who had a cup a city to answer quickly what the regime used to do is to dispense political and
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economic reforms or in terms you know in forms of packages in two thousand and twelve for instance in answer to the arab spring by dispensing political reforms that by allowing for instance twenty one in new a political parties to register and it has also a very important economic resources so it was capable to buy social peace today the region doesn't have the mean to buy social peace any more so on the economic front it is incapable of buying social peace and on the political front to the region seems adamant about keeping beautifully but again the question is why they are so adamant this is almost a ridiculous situation i would say iran is ridiculous why why why because this has to be. found sorry within the nature of the region the algerian region is a very complex and rich. it is you know composed by different strategies and
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circles of power and decision circles you know you have the f.l.n. apache you have the bureaucracy you have the military that are very powerful in the mid it to me are not governing but they are ruling and all and of course you have the business tycoons and all of these different circles and have you know are cemented the by deep economic and political interests so moving all this with take a lot of time and a lot of lot of efforts so this is why do we g.m. is so deeply rooted that it is very hard to move it then again judeans are realistic about what they can change and what they cannot change and what one think they change already is that they destroyed the wool of fear that has been there since the end of the war in one nine hundred ninety nine and i heard what you were
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saying about the circles that are propping up the system of government there and i here on twitter says something similar the shadow government should reveal themselves to the algerian people referring in a way to those circles but at the head of that is this person and it's written in this week here for heaven sake eighty two years old and you can't walk why not retire and rest what is it that still makes you desire to be president go home to your family and rest of course they are referring to are the levees but the flick of the president just to mean a talk to us about this sentiment are you hearing this rather people not understanding why this president still wants to be at the helm. well all of the secrecy that's surrounding at the moment means that for many algerians doubts whether. what the status exactly of his health is and there is even more sinister rumors that he may not even be alive. there's also a contradiction in the how the same as the he's released so for example in the
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third of march he's come the decision was submitted to the constitutional council via his campaign manager but a few. weeks later his statements on the eleventh of march. the chains that he had no intention of running for a fifth mandates and that his age and health were factors that particular decision which obviously contradicts contradicts the fact that a medical certificate was produced in order for him to to be. to file his candidacy and to. to continue with a fifth term so we're seeing these questions of who exactly are releasing these statements who are pulling the strings behind the current decisions and for how long we will see him ahead the current governments are overlooking as a caretaker president the current transition democratic transition and calls for
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national dialogue and conference within the next year ladies i want to show our audience what it may need to as some. magic show is what it actually means to have a president who is let's say incapacitated or are not seen speaking in public for at least six years so at official events like this one you can see it on my laptop here his portrait presides over official a fence and a figure few more of these pictures and sometimes it's a very indifferent age is present beautifully and you see him here. this is bizarre and going back to the fish off vent where the president is on an easel and then finally at a rally and leading a parade right there the front looking somewhat younger this is very strange a male. who is actually running. jiri
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a right now obviously it can't be a poor trait that is brought out during these official events so who is running out gerri. well you know for sure elg the physical absence of the fear had added she just loves him being an elite it's the wonder why it's only algerians where singing we all of that the whole weird is is making air because this is trading on lee the president there's a popular song in our general has been. getting a quote out of that say we don't have a president we are we have a picture and that's in this feeling call small's deep inside and very late into the object but i believe that now it's really young. the international coverage has been focusing a lot on good fear perhaps not but it can be the young people you are asking me who inflating algy happy people who are also bad on every object people look at and of
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course there is a prison camp now as we have been growing and growing and growing these past years including these businessmen that outlives was munching but also a whole car to see and also see. a rich people who thought they may benefit from their their allergens to the fear card to get a house or to get a job at salon but you most importantly you have the army and that's the biggest kaberle in argentina actually and the next inside that things actually ending is that the tab war army is slowly fading away until recently people were only talking about that fear can delusion but not about yamit where already. it has been mentioned also and jewish and sheriff well tell us all the people and the army are brothers but the thing is that we have to differentiate between the characters military carried men and the whole and the duty to be absent
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of people who are part of the men of the need to be in algerian family had. i mean it's quite common that it was the you have to have religious and so on and these people started to i'm tired of the demonstration yes she said he started to say well we have. the regime as well. i mean that the most traditional the police have also sex homes the most you know this is a you shared technology actually after i was seeing so what did an audience. were taking you live now to create city where the u.s. secretary of state has arrived for his first stop on a middle east trip. of call with the model where it's an ideology twenty seven eighteen and twenty thirty this strategic dialogue between the united states and
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kuwait since its inception in twenty sixteen has been a great contribution to developing the bilateral little ations putting it within the right and the appropriate institutional framework. a living proof of is there more than twenty three different sectors in both countries fourteen from kuwait and from the united states have been engaged. in the event secondly ten documents ranging from agreements and memorandum of understanding today with those side today including letters of intentions a memorandum of understanding and contracts reaching today. eighteen more than fifty five ground work meeting since september twenty seventh
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change until march twenty ninth. all these figures status sticks and the chief means are a living proof of that is all boy love both countries to continue to march forward taking the bilateral relations to a higher level and at a steady pace ladies and gentlemen we highly commend that commitment of with the united states to the stability and security of kuwait and the region this shows us that when the united states in an able fashion led a global coalition that led to the liberation of kuwait in one thousand nine hundred one in a very historical. there and the united states sided with rights and rightfulness defending the principles of right.
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and sovereignty of states this will remain eternal in the memories and minds of the kuwaiti people and as we commend this firm stand we look forward. to exerting more effort to take our lateralization still higher levels which has taken a giant leap and there lay in line. at reflection of the magnitude of the partnership of both. the countries which came clears. in their. partnership when this came clear more clear when kuwait was named nato to strategic partners economic and political partnership. that is of great significance to this event as they provide job opportunity and chances for development in the total amount of investments united states have
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amounted to three hundred billion u.s. dollars in covering the. banks real estate and energy sectors in addition to a partnership with major blue chip companies want to. look forward to increasing the volume of investment simply because the united states market provide promising and secure opportunities. eight. but eight billion dollars was amount of trade volumes is a reflection of the comic trust reciprocated between both the country based on our conviction that both our respective countries possess. he. tapped and economic.
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trade opportunities we look forward that the joint commission will continue to exert more effort reinforcing the volume's deepening. of partnership and trade volume's we believe that both our countries are. to continue to introduce initiatives that will live up to these aspirations ladies and gentlemen. the united states of america. for more than seventy years has always been the number one destination to kuwait his scholars and the students seeking. higher education simply because the first education and infrastructure and highly advanced curricula over the past decades many nationals have been graduates from the united states and executions transferring knowledge
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and expertise in many sectors and now we take pride that more than twelve thousand seven hundred kuwaiti students and undergraduates and even post read this are continued it is studies and states this is. more than fifty percent of the total number of kuwaiti students of our seniors and in this context i take the opportunity to extend all thanks and appreciation to the united states for streamlining and fassel it taking that task to all our scholars and students we also commend that quickly sponsor us from your side. obstacles on their way the number of course eighty visitors to the united states beyond sixty five thousand to nationals per year ladies and gentlemen
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i would go for long. for days giving numbers of the domains and sectors of cooperation. however before i conclude. i would like to trade that the kuwaiti the state government and people. are delighted with the deep partnership and so it was relations bunting and both our countries and we look forward to continuing to take in them to high and never thank you. thank you mr deputy prime minister for the introduction and the kind words thanks too for hosting this third strategic dialogue between our two countries. as you know i was supposed to visit kuwait during my trip in january but
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a family emergency cut my trip short you and your team were most gracious and understanding about the matter and i want to personally.


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